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3rd Chapter

Research Method

The research methodology use for this study is discussing in this chapter. Accordingly study area,
population, sample, sample selection, data collection and the procedure adopt in data collection
are discussed. Further the system of data analysis is also discussed in this chapter.

Study area

The divisional sectarian division Negombo in Gampaha district in western province was
selected as the study area of this study. Negombo is the largest city in the Gampaha district and
it is one of the main cities in the western province. It is one of the commercial town due to
Negombo lagoon, fisheries industry, sea beach, and the tourism industry based on it, Katunayaka
international airport, free trade zone and also located closed to the Katunayaka highway.
According to the Data published by the Department of statistics and senses in 2012 the
population of this Negombo town was 142,132 and consisted multi ethnic and multi religious
community. It also is having a valuable multi culture.

The main reason of selecting Negombo divisional sectarian division for this study was this multi
ethnic society. In such community mix culture is existed and it can study how infertility is
discussed under different cultures. Further as a hole Negombo is a major city it has different
areas of urban and semi urban areas. This situation also provides the opportunity to study how
infertility is discussed under different societies. Based on the above reasons Negombo divisional
sectarian division was selected for this study.


Infertile at least for a period of five years after their marriage and in the age group of 30-40
living in married women between the age of 30-40 Negombo divisional sectarian division was
selected as the population of this study. When selecting the sample race, religion, level of
income, occupation or educational standard was immaterial. The women who are never
conceived or faced for abortions continually was treated as infertile women.

Selection of the sample

It could be simply interpreted that the sample is the unit that is selected out of a large population.
That unit be correctly represented that entire large population. (May,1993:85) Samples are
divided in to two main sections. They are random sample and non random sample. In this study
non random sample was used to collect data. Further under this non random sampling system
purposive sampling system was utilized.

Sampling with the intention of achieving an objective is called purposive sample.

(Abaypala,2004:50) The infertile women living in the study area belong to varies race, religion,
educational standers, occupations and income levels. Hence it has to be identified whether the
situation they face for and basic attention was made for these on sampling system. Further young
women who face this subject matter treat it as a very personal and sensitive issue hence reluctant
to discuss about it. There for it cannot be expected the persons who are selected will be divulge
correct information. Under this situation the most easy and successful sample system that could
be adopted is purposive sampling system.


Considering the limited time and resources available and the nature of the research collecting
information from house to house of the entire population was not possible. As this study, is
carried out by following the narrative system to make it a success. Selecting a small sample is
required, hence 8 women were used as the sample.

Method of data collection and data collection

Collecting data for the study of the problem is mandatory in a social research. Accordingly two
type of basic data was considered in this study. They are primary data and secondary data.

Secondary Data

Using secondary data is an essential factor in any research. Specially to identify the nature of the
study the source of secondary data is important before collecting the data relating to the study.
There for in this study too source of secondary data was important to obtain basic knowledge and
to understand how infertility badly affects the married women. Further secondary data was

helpfull to understand the prevailing believes in the Sri Lankan society on infertility and gender
marginalization, medical and traditional treatments obtain for infertility and cultural values on
infertility. Hence secondary data was useful to interpret the research problem, to get an idea
about the information to be collected relevant to this research. For this purpose information
relating to the research problem was collected from the relevant books, journals and the previous
research done by varies persons on similar topics and the internet.

Primary Data

The fresh data collected by a researcher for the first time is identified as primary data. They are
identified as row data also. Further they are identified as the data collected by going to the
research filed. (Mctavish, Loether, 2008:115) Accordingly in this research few technical methods
were used to collect the primary data. Especially narrative method was used in this research
study. Narrative discussions were held with 8 infertile married women. In these narrative
discussions three in-depth interviews were held with each relevant woman and altogether 24 in-
depth interviews were held. The main tool use for this purpose was an interview schedule. And
also key Information Interviews were also done with mid wife and fertile doctors. These methods
can be described as follows.


Narrative analysis is mainly use in the field of qualitative research. Narrative research is a term
that subsumes a group of approaches that in turn rely on the written or spoken words or visual
representation of individuals. These approaches typically focus on the lives of individuals as told
through their own stories. Narrative methods can be considered real world measures that are
appropriate when real life problems are investigated. In a basic linear approach, they
encompass the study of the experiences of single individual embracing stories of the life and
exploring the learned significance of those individual experiences . This narrative approach
captures the emotion of the moment described, rendering the event active rather than passive,
infused with the latent meaning being communicated by the teller. It uses field texts, such as stories,
autobiography, journals, field notes, letters, conversations, interviews, family stories, photos (and other
artifacts), and life experience, as the units of analysis to research and understand the way people create
meaning in their lives as narratives.

Key information interviews

Key informant interviews are qualitative in-depth interviews with people who know what is
going on in the community. The purpose of key informant interviews is to collect information
from a wide range of people including community leaders, professionals, or residents who have
firsthand knowledge about the community. These community experts give detailed, qualitative
information about impressions, experiences and opinions with their particular knowledge and
understanding can provide insight on the nature of problems and give recommendations for

In-depth interviews

The in-depth interview is a qualitative method of analysis, which proceeds as a confidential and
secure conversation between an interviewer and a respondent. By means of a thorough composed
interview guide, which is approved by the client, the interviewer ensures that the conversation
encompasses the topics that are crucial to ask for the sake of the purpose and the issue of the


The data relevant to this research conducted on infertile married women were collected within
the Negombo divisional sectarian division. For selection of women who provided data the
corporation of the midwife, fertility clinics, social service officers, medical practitioners and the
well wishers were obtain. Thereafter the relevant women were visited and buildup the confidence
that the data reveal would be confidential before obtaining the relevant data.

Data Analysis

When arriving in the conclusions analyzing the data collected by the research is required. The
relevant formal social science methods were followed when qualitative data collected in this
research were analyzed. At this stage data collected through in-depth interviews, key Information
Interviews and narratives were analyzed to a grade extend.

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