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Engineering Management International, 2 (1984) 67-71 67

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands


Bedworth, David D., and Bailey, James E., 6. Inventory Control and Analysis. This
Integrated Production Control Systems: chapter addresses both traditional eco-
Management, Analysis, Design, New York: nomical order quantity methods and
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1982, x + 433 pp. uncertainty inventory models.
Reviewed by Melvin Silverman. 7. Materials Requirements Planning. This
chapter points out many of the advan-
This book is a timely and informative ex- tages of materials requirements planning
cursion into the computerization of produc- and the caveats needed to make it work
tion control techniques. It is intended as a properly.
text for students in industrial engineering 8. Scheduling with Resource Constraints.
and is quite theoretical in its approach. It may This chapter presents methods for sched-
not be suitable for working professionals who uling varying production runs when re-
have limited time to read and digest many of sources are limited.
these computer applications. These readers 9. Sequencing and Scheduling. This chapter
would probably be more interested in a less describes optimal techniques for sched-
complex work. uling n tasks for one processor and n
Topics are presented in an almost classical tasks for m processors.
fashion, beginning with a limited review of 10. Personnel Scheduling. This chapter deals
the literature, then presenting various con- with the difficulties of line and shift load-
cepts or theories, and concluding with an ing to use personnel optimally in manu-
application usually involving a computer facturing.
program. The authors seem to have avoided a com-
The chapters are: mon pitfall of most academic texts since they
1. The Role of Production Control. This carefully tell the reader that these theoret-
chapter is an overview of the production ically acceptable methods must be tempered
process, with generalized flow diagrams. with pragmatism when used. Examples are:
2. Production Control Information Flow. The most frequently used approach is to
This chapter shows how information is schedule heuristically according to pre-
used as the basis for effective production determined rulesof thumb. (page 298), and
decisions. Computer systems are described.
3. Project Planning. This chapter is for the The scheduling rules and heuristics pre-
reader who is not familiar with this sub- sented in this chapter are useful in pointing
ject and is an excellent introduction to the way toward the solution of real-world
networking ideas such as PERT. problems, but they cannot be used with
4. Forecasting. This chapter explains re- blind faith. With this admonition in mind, a
gression analysis, exponential smoothing, good intuitive engineering approach is
and other techniques. generally best. (page 298)
5. Aggregate Planning and Master Scheduling. Another of these aphorisms is, Grief
This chapter provides an overall view of comes to management when it fails to meet
scheduling, from the position of the or- objectives, not when the objectives are too
ganization rather than the position of an easily met. (page 299)
individual product. The book contributes to the profession by

gathering diverse materials that apply to pro- which this book is intended.
duction control and presents them in a straight- On the whole, the work is well organized
forward fashion. Each chapter contains the and logically presented. It is not (and the
usual exercises at the end to test and authors so state in the beginning) a complete
strengthen the learning accomplished. The text covering production control techniques.
writing is clear and the presentation of sup- It suits its intended purpose well: a limited
porting materials such as necessary math- presentation of several computer-based pro-
ematics is limited to introductory areas of duction control systems for advanced stu-
calculus. The illustrations and tables could be dents in industrial engineering courses.
very helpful to the student population for

Giegold, William C., Pructical Management believe that objectives must be jointly set by
Skills for Engineers and Scientists, Bel- superior and subordinate, is adroitly handled
mont California: Lifetime Learning Pub- by Giegold. It is this constant focus on objec-
lications, 1982, xxii + 430 pp. Reviewed by tives that so many engineering organizations
John E. Winslow. lack as the test of goodness for everything
that is done. The authors thirteen criteria
A body of corporate folk wisdom alleges for successful objectives ought to be man-
that engineers and scientists make poor man- datory wall decoration in every engineering
agers because they relate better to things than managers office.
to people. At the same time, graduating engi- The point and counterpoint of adjacent
neers and scientists are advised not to get chapters on aggressive inquiry and active
stuck at a drawing board or in a laboratory, listening, as well as the threading of these
but to get into management. Assuming that concepts throughout the book, might do
the first is true but correctable, Giegold more for organizational communication than
provides a fine guide for doing the second. the collected works of any half-dozen com-
Early on, Giegold proposes a three-skill munications experts.
model of management: human or inter- Giegold skillfully weaves all of his concepts
personal skills, conceptual and non-technical throughout the book. He achieves a coher-
data-oriented skills, and technical skills. He ency that is rarely found in topically structured
successfully distills the human aspects of man- books and subtly reinforces each of the con-
agement, and engineers and scientists can be cepts in the readers mind. Although the chap-
expected to possess the technical aspects al- ters on management functions, leadership,
ready. This leaves conceptual and non-tech- and human behavior break no new ground in
nical data-oriented skills for the engineer or themselves, their thoroughness and compe-
scientist to master, but unfortunately the tence are immeasurably enhanced by this
book is weak in this area. weaving of concepts.
This weakness is ironic, for Giegold claims The explicit treatment of influence, poli-
that concerns in this area increase as one goes tics, and power in precisely those words should
higher in the managerial heirarchy. The chap- put to rest once and for all such euphemisms
ters on decision-making and project evalua- as positions of strength and legitima-
tion and ranking suffer most from this short- tion of authority. Giegold is not just smart;
coming. Lest one be too disappointed, how- he has guts. And so much for the euphemism
ever, we should note that the weakness does courage.
not detract from what is in the book. To steal an overused phrase from fiction
Management by objectives, although some- reviews, this book is a good read for anyone
what discredited by those who mistakenly in management: tyro or scarred veteran. It

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