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Hannah Thien

Acting 1
January 26, 2017

1. All good actors are:

compelling- makes us want to watch them. Demonstrates concentration and dedication
entertaining- makes us want to watch them by being either skillful or truthful
believable- we can recognize the characters as real human beings
contribute to the story- understands and demonstrates their part in the story fully to contribute
key information

2. I think Taraji P Henson meets the criteria of a good actor. I saw her in Hidden Figures and
what I found that made me respect her was a monologue she did explaining why she couldnt use
the White Bathrooms, because it was a very vulnerable moment and she took full control and
committed to it.

3. Acting is doing something in the pursuit of an objective in order to fulfill an urgent and
immediate need

4. The other day I was trying to get enrolled in a class, but I needed to submit a form that needed
a lot of signatures from different people in order to be approved. I had to email several professors
to explain that I needed to meet with them outside office hours. I got up early in order to meet
with them. I went to many different departments and explained my situation to them, but what I
was really saying is what do I need to do to get this form submitted? I was told by one office
that I needed to go to Financial Services before I came to them, which I thought was frustrating
because if they had just put that on the form in the first place I would have followed those
instructions and I wouldnt have to run around campus like a crazy person. That made me have
to reassess my plan and change my course of action, which would now take longer than I had
planned. I got everything filled out though and my form was submitted. Phew.

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