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Scaffolding and temporary works

REGULATORY REFERENCE LIST • D.P.R. 164, 1956 - Rules on accident prevention in c

onstruction work; • DL 626 of 1994 - Health and Safety at work; • DL 494 of 1996
- Minimum health and safety in temporary or mobile • DL 235, 2003 - Work at hei
Scaffolding and temporary works Concept RISK
RISK = RATE X Magnitude
• Identification; • Evaluation; • Prevention Measures; • Procedures for Implemen
Scaffolding and temporary works
Main causes of risk on Scaffolding
• Workplace subject to constant changes; • Small Business poorly equipped and il
l-informed; • Interference yard + subcontractors that badly interfere with each
other risky • Nature of work • The limited duration of some activities makes one
rous security and the necessary protection.
Scaffolding and temporary works
Key risk factors on Scaffolding
• • • • • Collapse of the structure
1 - Collapse of the ground support or anchor points 2 - unlawful assembly 3 - Ov
erload 1 - Collapse of the ground support or anchor points 2 - unlawful assembly
3 - Overload
Plans of Work / decks
People fall for difficult access to the work plan; risk electrocution and electr
ic shock; Corruption Case scaffolding disturbance.
Scaffolding and temporary works
Statistics INAIL fatalities
Scaffolding and temporary works
D.L. 626/94 article 36 • D.L. 235/03
Article 36a - The employer must:
1. Choosing the appropriate equipment + giving priority to collective protective
measures than individual, where temporary work at height can not be performed s
afely and adequately ergonomics 2. Choose the most suitable system of access to
temporary workplaces at height 3. Choose the most suitable security device for t
emporary work at height 4. Generally identify measures to minimize risk, 5. Carr
y out work at height only if weather conditions permit.
Provisions relating to work equipment
Scaffolding and temporary works
D.L. 235/03
• Article 36 ter
Obligations of the employer on the safe use of ladders (stable support, strength
, anchor etc.).
• Article 36 quater
The employer must:
- Making the calculation of strength and stability of the scaffolding where prov
ided - Establish means of a competent person PIMUS - ensure: • the fixing of the
elements of support, • the tops have sufficient capacity; • stability scaffoldi
ng; • appropriate arrangements with the involuntary movement of the scaffold - t
hat the installation, dismantling, processing and use is made under the supervis
ion of trained persons;
• Article 36 d
Obligations of the employer on positioning systems and access by rope

• • •

A) GENERAL PART (Master Data)
A.1 The general aspects of the site where the scaffold will be used A.2 Data fir
m responsible for the installation / removal / alteration of the scaffolding A.3
Other subjects
(Developer and contracting firm, designed the scaffolding if required under Arti
cle. 32 DPR 164/56, construction supervision, safety coordinator for the executi
on of work, and any need for coordination).

A.4 List of occupations which will use the scaffolding
(Employment, companies identified the period of use, coordination measures);

A.5 Technical equipment used: data from the "Ministerial authorization" which wi
ll include a copy
(Brand, model number, ministerial authorization, type of scaffolding: fixed pref
abricated frames, pipes and joints, mullions and transoms multi prefabricated an
other, kind of work for which it is used) - how to mount the scaffold (fully mou
nted according to the arrangement, designed entirely in accordance with art. 32
of DPR 164/56, partly assembled according to the arrangement and the second proj
ect) - correspondence of scaffolding in relation to contractual requirements, an
d information provided by the plan security and coordination (with the possible
reasons of the discrepancy reporting)
• • • • •

A.6 List of responsible staff and workers to the assembly, processing and

B) SPECIFIC PART (technical aspects - organizational and environmental)
This part will be given all the technical, organizational and environmental gain
s to those who will perform the assembly, transformation or dismantling of scaff
olding safely.€Particularly effective are the graphic attachments and / or photo
• •
• • • • •
B.1 General Conditions of employment with particular reference to: a) environmen
tal context:
- Site characteristics (flat terrain or sloping ground regular - irregular, etc.
.) - Presence of power lines (aerial, underground) - Presence of vehicular traff
ic, pedestrian (with occupation of public land, traffic, signaling devices, etc.
.) - any external interference (presence of lifting equipment, other buildings e
tc..) - routes transit site (access, storage areas, internal circulation etc.).

• • • • • • •
b) details of the operation to be achieved:
- Height (on different sides of the building) - Irregularities in the facades (l
edges, balconies, walkways, etc..) - Conditions of the upright support (platform
s, bins, slopes, slopes etc..) - Anchors (characteristics) - support against ove
rturning (characteristics) - any bridges load (characteristics) - Other (specify

• •
B.2 Graphics for the construction of scaffolding
a) If a project is set up the scaffolding signed by qualified professional (art.
32 DPR 164/56) must be attached to the project as well as drawings, documents,
calculation, certification of compliance when required by technical regulations.
b) In the event that is designed exclusively PIMUS be annexed drawings illustra
ting the development plan and elevation of the scaffolding, pointing to models a
dopted, types of anchors and their placement, any special items (shelves, overha
ngs), presence of ramps scales, wells, bridges load as well as compliance certif
ications required by technical regulations.

• • • • •
B.3 Security System to be used for mounting and dismantling of scaffolding
- To prevent falls from above (security systems provided by the manufacturer of
the scaffolding that do not require the use of additional extra precautions, pro
tective equipment or arrest systems for fall - acquired on the market eg. Lifeli
nes or anchorage points ; protective devices made directly by the company) - PPE
used - Safety signs taken (Prohibition Signs, Signs of bonds, of danger signs f
or road traffic, other specify types)

B.4 Characteristics of the area of assembly, processing and removal
- Preparation of the construction site for assembly and disassembly of the scaff
olding (attach a sketch)
• • • •
• • • •
B.5 B.6 verification of scaffolding mode control of PPE of 3rd class (called "ci
rcuit breaker") B.7 General for the assembly and / or processing and / or disman
tling of scaffolding ("Plan of general application) - Description of operational
modes B.8 Emergency Management
- For the activities of emergency (names of officers, equipment and installation
s, procedures provided) - Prevention and Fire Fighting (names of officers, equip
ment and installations, procedures provided)

• • • •
B.9 How to Use the scaffolding by its employees or others
- Names of officers of the periodic inspection of scaffolding or extraordinary -
General instructions for safe use of scaffolding (as in "ministerial authorizat
ion) - specific modification and tampering prohibitions of the scaffolding - pro
cedures for amending safely

B.10 Declaration of PIMUS been delivered and / or instructions to the companies
• • • • •
GOOD PRACTICE control shelf Verify original equipment, periodic and special scaf
folding to work on compression DPI - CE marked anchors only secure items (NO RIN
• Compulsory employer: Maintain, provide maintenance, repair and replacement. Ob
ligation to inform the employer of the worker or person in charge any defect or
D.P.I. - Harnesses
• a) Risk of falling from predominantly b) Risk subsequent to the fall:
"Pendulum effect" oscillation of the body colliding with obstacles and inertia,
stress-body dall'imbracatura; inert suspension of a worker who is attached to th
D.P.I. New Technical Solutions
Introduction of new prefabricated components, eliminating the risk of falling fr
om above, allow to eliminate its IPR
Characteristics of Resistance Article 35 DPR 164
• Base metal suitable surface and a thickness sufficient to withstand the load w
ithout deformation; • adequately braced in longitudinal and transverse;€• All br
acing must resist tension and compression; • Joints with resistance greater than
or equal to that of the rods that are connected; • A tight coupling, the two ja
ws to be in contact on the side of the bolt.
The departure on the ground is essential is to treat the goodness of the support
and distribution of loads on flat surfaces increased, the load reaches the grou
nd that the 1500-2000kg table may not always hold if not well positioned
The support of the board is completely missing: the entire load of the scaffoldi
ng is entrusted to the table below is the void
Good standard rules for the support of Scaffolding
• Check the efficiency of the first shelf; • If the ground is not perfectly flat
or level it should adjust the height of whiskers; • If the soil is unable to re
sist it must interpose evidence to disperse the ground pressure; • If soil is in
terposed between the board and tables, plates etc.. is necessary to lash; • Do n
ot stand directly on the asphalt sideburns • Check the positioning of the whiske
rs as the project manual or PIMUS.
Sample Photo 1
• Scaffolding compound; element external anchors, grounding, support bases
Sample Photo 1 Anchor: 1) In two different scaffolds 2) Among the scaffolding ou
tside elements and 3) the building (on the balconies)
Sample Photo 1 Ground Support sideburns
Sample Photo 2
• Mantua bearings sideburns; Grounding;

Sample Photo 2
1) Support for Far Right, 2) support the Far Left, 3) central support;
1 3
• Anchor the facade scaffolding;
- Must be consistent with what is written in the booklet and PIMUS - an essentia
l element of strength and stability
• Anchor the facade of PPE or scaffolding
- They have a function independent of the anchors of the scaffolding
Anchor Scaffolding
UNI EN 795 calssificazione anchors A1 A2 BCDE
Anchor for concrete structures for surfaces, vertical and horizontal tilt for sl
oped roofs Tentative Structural transportable bar contrast flexible horizontal R
ail Line insurance insurance rigid body horizontal surface horizontal plate with
dead eye sling, tripod Lifeline in wire rope cart track with Block with eye
The compatibility of the support structure must be checked for each case
Anchor Scaffolding
• Anchor any kind should be performed in a workmanlike manner; • The number of a
nchors must meet at least what is written in the booklet; • The law establishes
an anchor at least every two decks and every 2 uprights; • When necessary, it mu
st be checked and strength of the support structure by calculation; • If there a
re no known resistance characteristics, it is necessary to perform static and dy
namic strength tests on samples;
Anchor Scaffolding
• The connection between the elements constituting a system of anchors and ancho
r point must be made connectors conform to UNI EN 362 and UNI EN 12275-Q; • Even
the anchors must be made in order as required by step assembly and disassembly
; • There must be an increase in the number of anchors for use in special situat
ions: - Covers - Banners - Gravel guard - hoists • Validity of the points above,
both the anchors of the scaffolding and for those of IPR
• The use of scaffolding as support for the anchor line to be carefully consider
ed, vertical and horizontal stress during the fall of one or more operators, can
damage the anchors, the anchor line should always be already installed when the
worker landing at the top level; When using a horizontal flexible anchor line f
or connecting the PPE, it shall be composed of a "tightrope" Pay attention to wi
thstand stress from the heat sink of energy.
Examples of prefabricated media ELEVATORS
CIRCULAR N.30/2006
Nothing PIMUS for trestles, just the manufacturer's manual, repetitive structure
s since they are not easily changed.

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