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MODEL INITIATION 1 .- How to get the ship modeling?.

Perhaps the new model live

in a sea port and is more or less familiar with the sea, their problems, their b
oats, or perhaps you have a relative or friend in the merchant navy or in the Na
vy, possibly also attended a demonstration ship navigated by radio control and t
his colorful world has been subjugated and decided to dedicate al. The first pro
blem is posed to future models is that type of boat you choose to start and how
to make his first model, techniques and methods used, what tools are needed. Cro
wd in his mind a series of questions that, so far, no response and subconscious
urges his fans and press p and o to take a resolution to start on what he consid
ers his vocation and started in modeling but reason tells you not to rush, to ta
ke it easy, to meditate, to consult and to weigh their strengths. Three possibil
ities are opened in the varied world of model boats: plastic model ships, semi-b
uilt ships, called mounting kits and implementation of a model based on building
planes. We can say that this would be the logical way, starting from lowest to
highest difficulty. We can make a comparison table representing each of these ki
NSTRUCTION ROUTE Variety Difficulty models Price-Cost Space needed to use Time F
inishing Tools Hazard NAv Low Noise Motors Dirt Cheap Basic Little Little Little
Painted usually not normally not Null Null Low Abundant Sox Quite Expensive Pai
nting Media Mayor or not normally do not normally painted Soon Media Media Limit
ed Grande Economic According to the plan depends on professional skills or paint
ed Coating Sometimes Sometimes Enough At times something Take precautions
But there are other possibilities within the varied world of modeling, we refer
to the paper boats, a modality that is becoming of greater height and has many f
ans, the models presented in this
have a constructive mode of presentation, amateur requiring great patience to cu
t and glue the pieces. The Internet is web pages which offers a wide range of th
ese models. (LIST THE ADDRESSES OF THOSE WEB PAGES) Another possibility is likew
ise build our model in a bottle, bottle, glass jar, etc. This specialty requires
very technical large doses of patience and an ability for even the tools are ma
de by the model itself since there are no tools on the market that can be adapte
d to a job that has to be developed in very little space and with a difficult to
handle. Within that range of choice we are called static modeling or waterway.
The static modeling refers to boats fixed as the name suggests and are highly de
corative vessels, usually the models represent historical ships, vessels in real
life and at one point in the history of their countries have had a glorious act
ivity or heroic or have participated in great events of history. By contrast, th
e models are navigable to boats docked them a small electric motor, gasoline or
steam and are directed by radio control systems. These models for the modeller a
great satisfaction to see them sail gracefully in a small lake. These boats par
ticipate in tournaments of skill and proficiency in the maneuvers, ciabogas, ber
thing, etc. There are also championships speed speedboats. These models in addit
ion to the general knowledge needed to build their models must have extensive kn
owledge of electronics and radio control. The model begins to define from the ou
tset that type of modeling is intended to spend, then gluing the hull and other
parts of a static model is not the same as that of a model that will be navigabl
e. While in the first whitetail just use the second will be necessary to use cel
lulose as glue white glue is soluble in water and if we launched into a lake tes
t a model built and glued using white glue will soon open their strakes and sink
. Any of these types of models require, at times, any effort to provide document
ation and research. It may be interesting to know the ship design data in questi
on: it was built yard, materials used in its construction, the year it b otadura
, measurements, characteristics, armament, rigging,€voyages made or missions und
ertaken by the ship captains biographies, facts on which he has participated, an
d so on. this will require access files as the Archivo de Indias in Seville, the
National Historical Archives of Simancas (Valladolid), the Historical Archives
of the Navy (Cartagena), National Historical Archive in Madrid, Archivo-Museo Do
n Alvaro de Bazan in Viso del Marques (Ciudad Real), Archivo General de la Armad
a (SHOW THE LOCATION), the Archives of the Naval Museum (Madrid)
2 .- TOOLS NEEDED The next problem is presented to future models is that they ne
ed tools. This problem is very common in Internet forums devoted to the naval mo
del where future new models ask: "What tools should I buy, what need?" Trying to
answer that question we have prepared a ranking of possible tools to use approp
riate to a different experience in the fascinating world of model boats. CLASSIF
half points Notepad candle dumper Miter Box Gauge X Ref.12 triangles centering F
aber Nailer wooden brush drawing Compass Compass Compass points interior Cut-wir
e saw blade X-Acto Knives XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX xXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXx Eyedropper
Dial Indicators flexible shaft needle threader wire Weeding brackets metal spatu
la Rasps Steel wool gloves goggles Chisels Gouges protection Syringe No. 2 Penci
l black mouse tail Lupa Files mandrels and chocolate ice cream Mango Mangos bits
X-Acto half mask dust Mallet Hammer Metro flexible small wood clamps Level Hair
Clips 0-1-2-3-4 0-1-2-3 Hair metal gun welding gun glue gun for stripping XXXXX
Curves Template Punch Fold-strips Raedera Rule 20 cm. Hairdryer Sergeants Marker
Sierra Sierra manual circular arc electric arc Sierra Sierra rib electric welde
r electric welder gas helmet Support 60 W 400 W Power drill manual drill Tas (an
vil) to shroud Loom Clamp plate Scissors Scissors Vise electrician Torno XXXXXXX
This is a relationship merely illustrative of various tools that we believe shou
ld be included in the workshop of naval modeler and will probably not be all pos
sible and that the opinion of others on any of the cited here. We must also mean
that the allocation of certain tools at different levels of technical training
is an arbitrary allocation meant that not necessarily have to be what we say, th
en surely a classification made by somebody else will be different, but least se
rves to guide the novice modeler it starts. However, there are certain rules tha
t we consider gold:
1st. Buy tools as you need them, do not upload and useful tools that you might n
ot ever used. 2nd. When you see a tool that will help you in your work buy it at
the time, do not expect to need it, this rule is not inconsistent with the fore
going, therefore, the first is not to buy all the tools at once and the second r
ule refers to anticipate the purchase of a tool that you will surely need furthe
r and that, possibly after is not. 3rd. If the tool makes it easy to buy it even
if it's working face. 4th. If you have to choose between two seemingly identica
l tools do not buy the cheapest, cheap often be expensive and may jeopardize you
r safety. 3 .- THE WORKSHOP When it comes to tools we necessarily talk about the
workshop, the place where the model developed their work and spend many hours,
sometimes working on the boat model and other, perhaps, reading books modeling ,
magazines. The ideal workshop is one in which the modeler can have a room for t
he single, but this case does not happen often, is a "rara avis." Sometimes one
has to adapt to use the d the kitchen table, a few meters in a closet or in an e
loft. But we are going to describe what we consider the ideal situation, a room
used exclusively to workshop€only have access to the modeler and where you can
leave half parts and perform operations knowing that nobody will touch them come
to take her tools or untimely visit of some children. Have a surface like a tab
le, 1.5 to 2 m. long by 70 cm. wide, located about 80 cm. high ground, beneath t
his surface is located some boxes with drawers or drawers. In the center of this
area, where the modeler will work normally placed a plywood board about 30 x 20
x 0.5 cm. shred to prevent the panel surface, thus increasing the table very po
or job this may change with new one. Have a seat and a bar stool, he must have a
backrest and footrest. The ideal is natural light available, which will be virt
ually impossible. The ambient lighting is fluorescent ceiling with normal white
light tubes combined with yellow tone to avoid the effect of oscillation and vib
ration of light waves. You must have good lighting on the local workspace and a
blue light bulb extendable hose 100 W. Have a strip of five outlets, although it
is very difficult to take the five in use at once, for: drill, soldering iron,
hairdryer, radio and glue gun, it should have installed a current drive for the
drill .
On either side of the desk or board have shelves or racks. In the middle of the
room and workshop placed a table with a height of about 70 cms., One of the legs
should have a 3 or 4 strips, plugs, the table will have a bottom shelf where yo
u will place the machine tools: Saw keyhole saw, hacksaw, electric sander, etc..
(Assuming you have this machine) is very desirable to have a pool of 1.5 m. con
nected to the hot water system of the house. The tools are placed in front of hi
m in line, placed at the ends and use those less well against those other more f
requent use, such as blades, hammer, pliers, saws rib files mouse tails, and box
cores bits. As in modeling working with tiny parts and accessories are very use
ful too small empty boxes of business cards. Must have a dustpan and broom to sw
eep the room occasionally to clean the waste wood, sawdust. To work used an apro
n or better yet avoided a blue gown spots of glue, paint, dust, etc. You must ha
ve a clothes brush. On one wall a corkboard located where the plane set the mode
l performs. You must have a readily accessible place the elements of protection
and security for home use case: glasses and even better shield, dust mask and pr
upports Level TOOL TO USE AND PREPARATION modeling technique. Water Acetone Agua
plast MATERIALS ½ Aguaras use, thinner needles copper wire brass wire Alcohol 90
B. MATERIALS Judea black cotton swabs cotton Cabos B & W cigarette ash Eyebolts
Cardboard copper plate brass plate Stadler Masking Tape curves brass tacks conta
ct Cola Cola quick white tin solder Staples of shellac. Letraset open Lija Lija
wood and metal water putty wood round toothpicks wooden toothpicks Pasta Pasta t
riangular welding Peg. cyanoacrylate adhesive synthetic talc powder Putty Tamiya
Sawdust var. thick
MATERIALS Caps Jars Glass jars X X
There are a number of materials that can not give guidance because of its size r
ange, sizes, colors and qualities, such as classes and types of woods: sheet, st
rips, rounds, squares, ropes, brushes, paints and varnishes; blocks, deadeyes, v
iolins, rods and pulley, which will be the needs of the moment, the taste of the
modeler and the requirements of the planes that out or you are building the mod
el which determine the material need to purchase or develop a same. 4.- CONSTRUC
TION OF A MODEL NAVAL parties of plans must ship modeling enthusiasts who have s
tarted in this activity with plastic models and models made by the ships of thei
r preferences and to consider how to build and do not fully satisfy sta have tak
en a step more advanced and have entered the world of mounting kits, a system th
at has great advantages: the pieces are precut, are all types and kinds of wood
needed for the realization of the model chosen, and even all accessories metal o
r wood to adorn and dress the model and, more importantly, the sequence and orde
r of assembly and construction of the model also shows the colors to be painted
the model, of course all this is paid and Mounting kits can not say precisely wh
ich are cheap. The model for the construction of the model is relaxed and pleasa
ntly busy, doing something you like, at the end and model presents a beautiful b
oat that he is praised by the whole family and even get to put in a glass case,
resulting in an attractive embellishment. But this constructive form created in
the modeler addition, it is like a drug. Given the successful outcome of the mod
eler insists his work in this mode and start a new model and the cycle repeats.
Only now buy books, magazines, documents, go online and see pages of other model
ers and learns that there is another way of construction, even speak to him leav
ing the building models by means of mounting kits and to start with construction
plans to be reluctant to enter what the new system is unknown. He's done well w
ith mounting kits and suddenly have to ideárselo and thought everything new, fro
m how to build, in what order and sequence, with what kinds of wood, etc. what i
s called "horror planus." And that's really no such satisfaction as the model ov
er and over, self-made, through their own efforts compensates for any bad times
and disappointments past. To make a model based on a constructive level must hav
e a good background. This is a truism for his evidence. The more complete the pl
ane easier and easier it is to build the model saving us time and effort in thei
r interpretation. Obviously the more complete the plan, few details
be constructive, with views and cuts, annotations, indications of timber classes
to use, thicknesses, colors, etc.. also be more expensive. A good plan must hav
e at least three views of the model to be built: • • • The first known map of wh
ere you see all forms of false keel and the individual frames or frames box full
and water lines both horizontal and vertical , indicating the water line. Anoth
er second contemplate the view or side elevation of the entire vessel elements s
howing their profile. In a third view will display the deck or decks with views
of its elements and accessories attached.
If the plane refers to a sailing vessel shall be assessed in the sails and riggi
ng and maneuvering and also where he made fast the ropes and halyards. The plans
can bring other views and details of decomposition of other building elements.
5 .- TERMINOLOGY Before entering the description of the various methods of const
ruction is appropriate to clarify certain terms or concepts of naval terminology
to assist in the understanding of what later stated and they are also very freq
uent terms of use. Bao: Top of the frame, extending from one side to the other v
essel and supports to the deck and reinforcement of the sides of the ship, are l
ike the beams in a house. Barraganete: Upper side of the frame that serves to su
pport the deck, which is mounted on the gunwale. Box frames: Part of the plane o
f forms containing all the frames that form the structure of the ship. It is div
ided into two symmetrical parts, divided by the centreline, appearing on the rig
ht of frames ranging from the midship to bow and left the frames ranging from mi
dship aft. Rubbing bands: Defence in the form of wood belt surrounding the ship'
s sides to protect the hull in the docking and undocking operations. Centerline:
The center line of the deck fore and aft direction and which divides the vessel
into two symmetrical parts midship: Central feature of the skeleton of the ship
and the most outgoing of them all. Snap: A system in which coupled the false ke
el and frames each.€Water lines: lines that connect the ribs at the same height
Waterline: The one that separates the submerged hull which is not.
Scale: The ratio between the actual measurement of an object and measure the sam
e object in a drawing. And that can be represented by the formula: Drawing Scale
= ---------- Reality Keel: First unit placed to build a ship. Sit on the floor
plates keel and timbers of the ship perpendicular to its length coming to be lik
e his spine. In the models at the keel is replaced by the authentic and real "fa
lse keel, usually compact and thrust piece, which are the joints where the ribs
were sticking it contains. Offer: board covering the top of the rail along its l
ength Traca: row of tables in the lining or covering of the vessels that serve t
o close the hull or deck. Gunwale: A series of wood bench from stem to stern on
both bands, which form the first layer of the roof from the side. The gunwale ta
kes its name from the deck or superstructure which is located
6 .- CONCEPTS ON SCALES Similarly, before entering the field should have some id
eas about minor scales that are drawn the plans. The scales are normally represe
nted by two numbers separated by a slash or two points: 1 / 30, 1:50. The first
digit indicates the unit of measure used in this
plane, the second number indicates the equivalence of the unit of measurement of
the plane of reality. For example, a scale 1 / 30 means that a unit measure in
the plan represents 30 units in reality. So a piece measuring 12 mm in a plane.
at 1 / 40 means that in reality this piece is 12 mm. x 40 = 480 mm. Sometimes we
need to move from one level to another, then we may be interested in doing the
model ship to a different scale to that contained in the plane, having to increa
se or decrease the scale should be noted that by reducing the scale Part size in
creases and instead to increase the scale of the piece size decreases. Drawing S
cale = ----------- from where we have all the possibilities, Reality Drawing Sca
le = x reality Reality Drawing Scale = --------- Suppose you want to move from a
scale 1 / 60 on a scale 1 / 35 a `piece measuring 10 mm. We will have to multip
ly the measure of the piece by a constant that is given by the relationship betw
een the two scale: 60 --- = 1.71, 10 x 1.71 = 17.10 mm. 35 Also suppose we want
to increase the scale of a part is 8 mm. scale 1 / 50 on a scale 1 / 75 = 75 8 -
-- 1.50 --- = 5.33 mm. 1.5 There are 50 specialty shops drawing rules with vario
us scales called Dial Indicators
The scales of the drawings can be enlarged or reduced by using pantographs or si
mply by photocopying the option to expand or shrink. 7 .- SYSTEMS CONSTRUCCTIVOS
wood models Thinking there are four major building systems: • • • • With a soli
d wood block clinker system system bread and butter, which has two variants: in
horizontal and vertical ribs System. Derived from this one can consider the cons
truction in "V" others call it Bulkhead
A) SYSTEM SOLID BLOCK OF WOOD is part of a block of wood suitably squared length
and width measurements for the plane. The height of the block will be the castl
e, alcazar bridge or highest point that has the ship. At its upper boundary is m
arked the ship's bow and stern, the centerline of the boat and its timbers. METE
R DRAWINGS According to the water lines of the plane are separated cardboard tem
plates that will help us to calibrate. Rib with a saw cuts will be needed to car
ve the forecastle and quarterdeck aft which we will be eliminating surplus hit g
ouge and chisel. With rasp (wood for grinding coarse file), files and sanding th
e hull go hewn to shape necessary, that will be checking with pre-drawn template
s. B) SYSTEM clinker clinker system is practically obsolete. It is a system of h
ull covered by planks, but with the difference that in this the strakes are plac
ed at the top, each other, ie each strake rests on top of the bottom strake, whi
le the system strake clinker each mounted on the top of the bottom strake, is li
ke if you just build a wooden roof. This system was widely used in the Middle Ag
es in the Nordic countries, by the Vikings in the construction of their light sh
ips longship.€Have been recovered from this period some ships by naval interesti
ng underwater archaeological works and their achievements can be seen online at
the following address: http://www . where you can appreciate the deta
iled construction of such vessels and recount the details and events of the reco
very of the Oseberg ship found in 1903 by a farmer in Vestfold Country Slager (N
orway). The ship is 21.58 m. length, 5.1 m. wide and displaces 11 tons, availabl
e for 15 pairs of oars were managed by two men rowing but also were ready for sa
iling. The reality today this system is used only clinker boat building subsidia
ry. Both the solid block of wood as clinker are very rarely used and quite possi
bly the most difficult to implement, however there is a commercial firm that use
s the block system for reproducing an unfortunate scenarios where any similarity
is pure coincidence . C) SYSTEM OF BREAD AND BUTTER system is another model hul
l construction using water lines and plane forms is what some manuals modeling i
s called "bread and butter" and that there are two versions the system in horizo
ntal and vertical. The water lines are the lines connecting the different frames
at the same height given on the basis of the keel. These water lines were to mo
ve to middle cardboard templates because with them we will be gauging the progre
ss of work for each side of the boat. If available, they also take out half the
frames template sawn "slices" of wood thickness of the distance between two adja
cent water lines. In each of these slices will mark the center line, the positio
n of each of the frames and the contour of the previous slice and the next. Each
slice is inside mountains emptying to lighten its weight up to about 2 cm. edge
. Are glued in pairs, which facilitates the adjustment of the various slices, th
en, should be aligned with the center line, the names of the ribs and the anteri
or and posterior edges of each water line. Jaws are pressed by the bonding is pe
rfect. Once everything is dry or the hull carving to go the extra hewn wood, sta
rting from the theoretical position of the midship section, to fore and aft, usi
ng rasp (wood coarse file), files, chisels, sandpaper and patience. From time to
time should be calibrated with water lines templates and frames to get the righ
t shape. Got the right hull shape should be emptied within the same weight to li
ghten using gouges and chisels. While this system of construction is very little
used, the two existing use something more horizontal system, is however in some
British planes
D) SYSTEM notebook is the system more similar to that used in shipyards and is j
ammed the frames in predetermined locations of a false keel to form the skeleton
of the ship, whose sides are lined with planks to support then in the ribs and
attached. It is a very widespread and the construction of a vessel by means of t
his system is relatively easy. Models are used for both static and waterways, wi
th the only difference being the type of glue that we use in each case. Derived
from the previous system can be considered the building called "V". It's the sam
e all over the former system and also use frames to create the skeleton of the s
hip but with the particularity that their frames are usually round and bulging,
but more sharp, more like a "V", hence its name. It has another peculiarity is t
hat while in the classical system of timbers lining the sides of the model is do
ne through longitudinal strakes in this subsystem the sides are lined with panel
s made, because they can grab the frames as well show straight sections and curv
es. This system is used in the construction of models of torpedo boats, Civil Gu
ard patrol boats, speedboats, yachts, harbor pilots, etc. 8 .- MODEL CONSTRUCTIO
N OF PART OF A PLAN BY THE SYSTEM Binder A) FALSE KEEL The first thing we will d
o is keep a notebook the start and completion of our work devoted to this model,
ie a kind of open mind that ship in relation to working time, so that we know t
ime has taken its construction. Similarly,€we will open a monetary account of th
e economic cost of this model and so we will know at the end of construction tha
t has cost us. Write down all purchases made in panels, round, foot, eye bolts,
deadeyes, paintings etc., And what has been their cost. Maybe we are surplus to
be the first entries of a possible new model. Later we will bring two photocopie
s of all the plans that we have the model that we achieve. Keep in mind that a p
hotocopy of a plane can cause a slight distortion so the measures taken can have
a very slight variation. We will keep the original plan and post it on the cork
board on the wall one of the planes, where we will take action and make the nece
ssary annotations. Carefully study the plan making us the idea of component part
s and the order of construction set, if indicated (which would normally not indi
cated) or in any case it will set us.
We begin by taking a template from the false keel. Decals of the plane, with p A
pel coal, the false keel cardboard. You can hold the plane, carbon paper and car
dboard with clips from office to avoid that we move the whole. The layer will do
it with a pencil that has the blunt point. We will close attention to the joint
s of the frame. Then take us through, and on the cardboard, all traced lines wit
h a black pen and we use a rule so that the lines are perfectly straight. Tracin
g the same operation can be done directly on the plywood board that we will use
here will be necessary to hold the plane and the carbon paper to the board with
tweezers. The old system has the advantage that if in the future we want to repe
at this model boat and we made templates. Will cut, with care, cardboard false k
eel and identify each of the joints of frames with the number or letter for each
frame, also will mark the waterline. We spend the staff of the false keel plywo
od board that can hold two cello paper faces, to prevent us from moving. The pos
itioned so that a lower waste wood, even we can benefit from one side of the boa
rd settled there the false keel for the next line is the same side of the board.
We turn around its circumference with a black pen, we will rectify the lines wi
th the help of the rule. With the hacksaw or electric saw out the false keel ply
wood board. We will take special care at the entrances of the joints. We will re
view all the false keel with fine sand and lime mouse tail flat, especially the
joints as it passes through both sides of the insert the pen in the workforce an
d its clearance will be reduced. We will mark the width of the plywood that form
s the false keel on the centerline full length. We will protect the bar for cell
o paper keel bumps and nicks to spare as this piece will keep it until the end o
f the model building. B) RIBS Except in a few planes in publishing houses that a
re individual frames that would normally come in flat frames forming the call bo
x frames, which appear on the right of frames ranging from the teacher to the bo
w and left the frames ranging from the teacher to the stern, separated by the ce
nter line. Care must be marked to insert frames, then this will surely referring
to thick plywood board that is recommended in the plan and maybe we do not want
to use this board thickness, for example, by having excess thick than the reali
zation of a previous model, which
would have to correct the fit to greater or less than the templates out the ribs
. Previously we have to identify each frame and proceed as in the case of the fa
lse keel, modeled on the card only half frame, raising its contour by the barrag
anete to position the gunwale, marking the center line and the position of rubbi
ng bands. We will review the layer with black pen and mark the center line perfe
ctly. With the tip of a scissors rayaremos on the center line and this will doub
le lined cardboard. By cutting the outline of the frame will get a full bulkhead
, with its two sides. The same applies to the frame. Move the template of the fr
ame, which we previously labeled with their identification, the plywood board, s
coring all the way around with a black pen, transferring marks also rubbing band
s and the center line that will also in the bathroom.€The frame and close them a
s in the false keel reviewed it with sand and lime especially engages. Proceed e
qually with the rest of the frame. C) THE SKELETON This operation is delicate an
d we put on it very carefully because of how the skeleton of the boat we depend
heavily on the final result. To do this we paste the frames in their respective
sockets. Begin with the master frame, white-tailed gluing both the frame of the
false keel like the frame to grip better. Control the perfect square between the
two parts. There are in the market, hardware stores, metal brackets of various
sizes, which serve us wonderfully for this purpose. Then glue the bulkhead next
to the bow and followed the next bulkhead aft. This way we can get the perfect s
quad checking each frame and to avoid possible tensions of the resulting frames
to turn the false keel. To ensure the perfect square of each c uaderna can paste
at the junction of each frame with the false keel on the inside, a piece of squ
are bar, we hit two or four. Crosscheck the perfect square of all the ribs and l
et it dry until the next day. Once thoroughly dry all means go over all the fram
es edges with medium sandpaper or flat file. From the midship to the bow of the
songs means
right and from the midship aft edges of the media i Izquierdo. Z This measure ai
ms to facilitate, then laying the planks to the ribs without pushing too hard. D
) BOW From the last existing bulkhead to the bow using glue, white glue, balsa w
ood plates of 1 cm. thick, slightly exceeding the contour of the frame and false
keel both on the side of the beam as the stem. Once dry we will be hewn with fl
at file and sand the remaining wood from the frame starting at the stem of the f
alse keel and from top to bottom must frequently calibrate the tables on the wat
er lines. Likewise rasará the bathroom of the frame and the top of the false kee
l. This will facilitate placement and gripping of the planks of the lining in th
e area where the planks may have greater and lesser curvature site of subjection
. The balsa wood is a tropical wood, very light and compact that is glued and wo
rks perfectly and is found at any hobby shop, model aircraft is used a lot in th
eir little weight. E) THE POPA Here you can give three possible cases. - Popa sq
uare - round Popa - Popa round of a tug E1). SQUARE STERN historic ships coming
in to be normal and general. The skeleton of the vessel ends at the last call tr
ansom bulkhead or "comb" on the ships and the S. CHECK XVII. In these cases the
longitudinal strips of the van support planks in the mirror and you do not set a
ny internal support system for the strakes. E2) ROUND POPA presents a greater pr
oblem for meet a stern round since the false keel ends in a given time and that
no frames are placed diagonally to hold the strakes. Proceed as in the case of t
he bow. From the last existing aft bulkhead glued with white glue, balsa wood pl
ates of 1 cm. thick, slightly exceeding the outline of
the frame and false keel both on the side of the beam and the stern. Once dry CH
ECK hewn go with flat file and sand the remaining wood starting from the frame t
oward the stern PROVE the false keel and from top to bottom must frequently cali
brate the tables on the water lines into the shape appropriate to the plane roun
d . Likewise rasará the bathroom of the frame and the top of the false keel and
the sheer will of the roof. This will facilitate placement and gripping of the p
lanks of the lining in the area where the planks may be more difficult to overco
me the rigidity and have more curvature and less subject site. What is really di
fficult for a round stern, but its curvature is the curvature of the rail at tha
t point will be explained later when discussing the side. E3) ROUND OF A TUG AFT
will continue building the same procedure as that of a round stern, except that
here the issue is complicated by the construction of the rail, then it is known
that the side of the stern of a tugboat is back inwards and which, likewise, ex
plained later in speaking of the side. F) The lining of CASCO Here we might incl
ude a question in many other disciplines are made, does the modeler born or made
?.€We sincerely believe that the model is made, you have to learn a variety of s
ystems, techniques, history and naval history, procedures, etc., But it arises i
n the sense that you must have a natural predisposition or manual skill is not a
cquired with the study. You will need to know how to work wood, paints, varnishe
s, metals, welding, gluing, nailing, etc. operator becomes a multifaceted master
all trades and this is not learned by reading books or magazines.

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