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Lonely Planet Publications

french alphabet franais
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee
a be se de eu
Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj
ef zhe ash i zhi
Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo introduction
ka el em en o
Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt What do you think of when the word French comes up? A bon vivant, drinking an
pe kew er es te apritif tte--tte with a friend at a caf, while studying the la carte menu and
Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy making some witty double entendres? Are you getting dj vu yet? Chances are you
ew ve dubl ve iks i grek already know a few fragments of French (franais fronsey) bonjour, oui, au revoir,
Zz bon voyage and so on. Even if you missed out on French lessons, though, that first
zed sentence (forgive the stereotyping) is evidence that you probably know quite a few
French words without realising it. And thanks to the Norman invasion of England in
french the 11th century, many common English words have a French origin some esti-
mate, in fact, that three-fifths of everyday English vocabulary arrived via French.
Netherlands So, after centuries of contact with English, French offers English speakers a rela-
English l
tively smooth path to communicating in another language. The structure of a French
C h anne BELGIUM
Lille sentence wont come as a surprise and the sounds of the language are generally com-
Le Havre Charleroi Lige G ermany mon to English as well. The few sounds that do differ will be familiar to most through
Reims LUXEMBOURG television and film examples of French speakers the silent h and the throaty r,
Rennes Luxembourg
Paris for example. French is a distant cousin of English, but is most closely related to its
Romance siblings, Italian and Spanish. These languages developed from the Latin

in tr od uct io n F RE NCH

OCEAN Tours spoken by the Romans during their conquests of the 1st century BC.
Almost 30 countries cite French as an official language (not always the only lan-
Bay of Bern Liechtenstein guage, of course), in many cases due to Frances colonisation of various countries in
Biscay Geneva SWITZERLAND Africa, the Pacific and the Caribbean. Its the mother tongue of around 80 million
Lyon people in places like Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Monaco, Canada and Sen-
egal as well as France, and another 50 million speak it as a second language. French
Toulouse was the language of international diplomacy until the early 20th century, and is still
Montpellier It aly San an official language of a number of international organisations, including the Red

Marseille Monte Carlo Marino

Golfe du Monaco
MONACO Cross, the United Nations and the International Olympic Committee.
Spain As well as the advantage of learning a language thats spoken all around the
Corsica world, there are more subtle benefits to French. Being told of a wonderful vineyard
MEDITERRANEAN Ajaccio off the tourist track, for example, or discovering that theres little truth in the clich
SEA Tyrrhenian
that the French are rude. And regardez the significant body of literature (the Nobel
250 km
150 mi Sardinia Sea Prize for Literature has gone to French authors a dozen times), film and music
Youll find the reasons to speak French just keep growing.
pronunciation consonant sounds
vowel sounds symbol
english french
equivalent example
Generally, French vowel sounds are short and dont glide into other vowels. Note that b bed billet beeyey
the ey in caf is close to the English sound, but its shorter and sharper.
d dog date dat
english french f fat femme fam
symbol transliteration
equivalent example g go grand gron
a run tasse tas k kit carte kart
ai aisle travail travai l lot livre leevre
air fair faire fair m man merci mairsee
e bet fesses fes n not non non
ee see lit lee ny canyon signe seenye
eu nurse deux deu ng ring cinquante sungkont
ee pronounced
ew tu tew p pet parc park
with rounded lips
as in bet, but r run (throaty) rue rew
ey muse moozey
longer s sun si see
FRA NA IS pr on un ci at i o n

o pot pomme pom sh shot changer shonzhey

p ro nunc ia ti on F RENC H
oo moon chou shoo t top tout too
There are also four nasal vowels in French. Theyre pronounced as if youre trying to v very verre vair
force the sound out of your nose rather than your mouth. In French, nasal vowels w win oui wee
cause the following nasal consonant sound to be omitted, but a hint of what the y yes payer peyey
implied consonant is can sometimes be heard. Weve used nasal consonant sounds
(m, n, ng) with the nasal vowel to help you produce the sound with more confidence. z zero vous avez voozavey
Since the four nasal sounds can be quite close, weve simplified it this way: zh pleasure je zhe

symbol french example transliteration
equivalent word stress
like the o in pot,
om/on/ong plus nasal conso- mouton mooton Syllables in French words are, for the most part, equally stressed. English speakers
nant sound tend to stress the first syllable, so try adding a light stress on the final syllable to
similar to the a compensate. The rhythm of a French sentence is based on breaking the phrase into
um/un/ung in bat, plus nasal magasin magazun meaningful sections, then stressing the final syllable pronounced in each section. The
consonant sound stress at these points is characterised by a slight rise in intonation.
92 93
tools numbers
0 zro zeyro 16 seize sez
language difficulties 1 un un 17 dix-sept deeset
2 deux deu 18 dix-huit deezweet
Do you speak English? 3 trois trwa 19 dix-neuf deezneuf
Parlez-vous anglais? parleyvoo onggley 4 quatre katre 20 vingt vung
5 cinq sungk 21 vingt et un vung tey un
Do you understand? 6 six sees 22 vingt-deux vungdeu
Comprenez-vous? kompreneyvoo 7 sept set 30 trente tront
I understand. 8 huit weet 40 quarante karont
Je comprends. zhe kompron 9 neuf neuf 50 cinquante sungkont
I dont understand. 10 dix dees 60 soixante swasont
11 onze onz 70 soixante-dix swasondees
Je ne comprends pas. zhe ne kompron pa
12 douze dooz 80 quatre-vingts katrevung
What does (beaucoup) mean? 13 treize trez 90 quatre-vingt-dix katrevungdees
Que veut dire (beaucoup)? ke veu deer (bokoo) 14 quatorze katorz 100 cent son
15 quinze kunz 1000 mille meel
How do you ? Comment ? komon
pronounce this le prononcez-vous le prononsey voo
write (bonjour) est-ce quon crit es kon eykree
(bonjour) (bonzhoor) time & dates
Could you Pourriez-vous , pooreeyey voo What time is it? Quelle heure est-il? kel eur eyteel
please ? sil vous plat? seel voo pley Its one oclock. Il est une heure. eeley ewn eu
repeat that rpter reypeytey Its (10) oclock. Il est (dix) heures. eeley (deez) eu
speak more slowly parler plus lentement parley plew lontemon Quarter past (one). Il est (une) heure et quart. eeley (ewn) eu ey kar
write it down lcrire leykreer Half past (one). Il est (une) heure et demie. eeley (ewn) eu ey demee
Quarter to (one). Il est (une) heure eeley (ewn) eu
moins le quart. mwun le kar
At what time ? quelle heure ? a kel eu
FRA NA IS t ool s

At a

t oo ls F RENC H
in the morning du matin dew matun
essentials in the afternoon de laprs-midi de lapreymeedee
in the evening du soir dew swar
Yes. Oui. wee
No. Non. non Monday lundi lundee
Please. Sil vous plat. seel voo pley Tuesday mardi mardee
Thank you (very much). Merci (beaucoup). mairsee (bokoo) Wednesday mercredi mairkredee
Youre welcome. Je vous en prie. zhe voo zonpree Thursday jeudi zheudee
Excuse me. Excusez-moi. ekskewzeymwa Friday vendredi vondredee
Sorry. Pardon. pardon Saturday samedi samdee
Sunday dimanche deemonsh
94 95
January janvier zhonvyey weather
February fvrier feyvryey
March mars mars Whats the weather like? Quel temps fait-il? kel tom feyteel
April avril avreel
May mai mey Its
June juin zhwun cloudy Le temps est couvert. le tom ey koovair
July juillet zhweeyey cold Il fait froid. eel fey frwa
August aot oot hot Il fait chaud. eel fey sho
September septembre septombre raining Il pleut. eel pleu
October octobre oktobre snowing Il neige. eel nezh
November novembre novombre sunny Il fait beau. eel fey bo
December dcembre deysombre warm Il fait chaud. eel fey sho
windy Il fait du vent. eel fey dew von
spring printemps m pruntom
summer t m eytey
autumn automne m oton
What date is it today? winter hiver m eevair
Cest quel jour aujourdhui? sey kel zhoor ozhoordwee
Its (18 October).
Cest le (dix-huit octobre). sey le (deezwee toktobre)
border crossing
Im here Je suis ici zhe swee zeesee
since (May) depuis (mai) depwee (mey) in transit de passage de pasazh
until (June) jusqu (juin) zhooska (zhwun) on business pour le travail poor le travai
today aujourdhui ozhoordwee on holiday pour les vacances poor ley vakons
tonight ce soir se swar Im here for Je suis ici pour zhe swee zeesee poor
(10) days (dix) jours (dees) zhoor
(three) weeks (trois) semaines (trwa) semen
night hier soir eeyair swar
FRA NA IS t ool s

(two) months (deux) mois (deu) mwa

week la semaine dernire la semen dairnyair

t oo ls F RENC H
month le mois dernier le mwa dairnyey Im going to (Paris).
year lanne dernire laney dairnyair Je vais (Paris). zhe vey a (paree)
next Im staying at the (Hotel Grand).
week la semaine prochaine la semen proshen Je loge (lhotel Grand). zhe lozh a (lotel gron)
month le mois prochain le mwa proshen I have nothing to declare.
year lanne prochaine laney proshen Je nai rien dclarer. zhe ney ryun a deyklarey
yesterday/tomorrow hier/demain eeyair/demun I have something to declare.
morning matin matun Jai quelque chose dclarer. zhey kelkeshoz a deyklarey
afternoon aprs-midi apremeedee Thats not mine.
evening soir swar Ce nest pas moi. se ney pa a mwa
96 97
transport My luggage
has been
Mes bagages
ont t
mey bagazh
on teytey
damaged endommags ondomazhey
tickets & luggage lost perdus perdew
stolen vols voley
Where can I buy a ticket?
O peut-on acheter un billet? oo peton ashtey um beeyey getting around
Do I need to book a seat?
Est-ce quil faut rserver une place? eskeel fo reyzervey ewn plas Where does flight (008) arrive?
O atteri le vol (008)? oo ateree le vol (zeyro zeyro weet)
One ticket Un billet (pour um beeyey (poor Where does flight (008) depart?
(to Bordeaux), please. Bordeaux), sil vous plat. bordo) seel voo pley Do dcolle le vol (008)? doo deykol le vol (zeyro zeyro weet)
one-way simple sumple
return aller et retour aley ey retoor Wheres (the) ? O se trouve ? oo se troove
arrivals hall le hall darrive le hol dareevey
Id like to my Je voudrais mon zhe voodrey mom departures hall le hall des departs le hol dey deypar
ticket, please. billet, sil vous plat. beeyey seel voo pley duty-free shop le magasin duty-free le magazun dyootee free
cancel annuler anewley gate (12) porte (douze) port (dooz)
change changer shonzhey
collect retirer reteerey Is this the to (Nice)? Est ce pour (Nice)? es se poor (nees)
confirm confirmer konfeermey boat le bateau le bato
bus le bus le bews
Id like a seat, Je voudrais une place zhe voodrey ewn plas plane lavion lavyon
please. , sil vous plat. seel voo pley train le train le trun
(non)smoking non-fumeur non fewme
smoking fumeur fewme What times Le bus passe le bews pas
the bus? quelle heure? a kel e
FRA NA IS t rans p or t

How much is it? first premier premyey

tra nsp o r t F RE NCH

Cest combien? sey kombyun last dernier dairnyey
Is there air conditioning? next prochain proshun
Est-quil y a la climatisation? eskeel ya la kleemateezasyon At what time does it arrive/leave?
Is there a toilet? A quelle heure est ce quil arrive/part? a kel eur es se keel areeve/par
Est-quil y a des toilettes? eskeel ya dey twalet How long will it be delayed?
How long does the trip take? De combien de temps est-il retard? de kombyun de tom esteel retardey
Le trajet dure combien de temps? le trazhey dewr kombyun de tom What station is this?
Is it a direct route? Cest quelle gare? sey kel gar
Est-ce que cest direct? eske sey deerekt Whats the next station?
Id like a luggage locker. Quelle est la prochaine gare? kel ey la proshen gar
Je voudrais une zhe voodrey ewn Does it stop at (Amboise)?
consigne automatique. konseenye otomateek Est-ce quil sarrte (Amboise)? eskil saret a (ombwaz)
98 99
Please tell me when we get to (Nantes). How much for hire? Quel est le tarif par ? kel ey le tareef par
Pouvez-vous me dire quand pooveyvoo me deer kon hourly heure eur
nous arrivons (Nantes)? noo zareevon a (nont) daily jour zhoor
How long do we stop here? weekly semaine semen
Combien de temps on sarrte ici? kombyun de tom on saret eesee air air m air
Is this seat available? oil huile f weel
Est-ce que cette place est libre? eske set plas ey leebre petrol essence f essons
Thats my seat. tyres pneus f pl pneu
Cest ma place. sey ma plas
I need a mechanic.
Id like a taxi Je voudrais un taxi zhe voodrey un taksee Jai besoin dun mcanicien. zhey bezwun dun meykaneesyun
at (9am) (neuf heures a (neu veur Ive run out of petrol.
du matin) dew matun) Je suis en panne dessence. zhe swee zon pan desons
now maintenant muntenon
tomorrow demain demun I have a flat tyre.
Mon pneu est plat. mom pneu ey ta pla
Is this taxi available?
Vous tes libre? voozet leebre directions
How much is it to ?
Cest combien pour aller ? sey kombyun poor aley a Wheres the ? O est-ce quil y a ? oo eskeel ya
Please put the meter on. bank la banque la bongk
Mettez le compteur, sil vous plat. metey le konteseel voo pley city centre le centre-ville ler sontreveel
hotel lhtel lotel
Please take me to (this address).
market le march le marshey
Conduisez-moi (cette adresse), kondweezey mwa a (set adres)
sil vous plat. seel voo pley police station le commissariat le kommeesarya
FRA NA IS t rans p or t

de police de polees
Please , sil vous plat. seel voo pley post office le bureau de poste le bewro de post

tra nsp o r t F RE NCH

slow down Roulez plus lentement rooley plew lontmon public toilet des toilettes dey twalet
stop here Arrtez-vous ici areytey voo eesee tourist office loffice de tourisme lofees de tooreesme
wait here Attendez ici atondey eesee
Is this the road to (Toulouse)?
car, motorbike & bicycle hire Cest la route pour (Toulouse)? sey la root poor (toolooz)
Can you show me (on the map)?
Id like to hire a Je voudrais louer zhe voodrey loowey Pouvez-vous mindiquer (sur la carte)? pooveyvoo mundeekey (sewr la kart)
bicycle un vlo un veylo Whats the address?
car une voiture ewn vwatewr Quelle est ladresse? kel ey ladres
motorbike une moto ewn moto How far is it?
with avec avek Cest loin? sey lwun
a driver un chauffeur un shofeur How do I get there?
air conditioning climatisation kleemateezasyon Comment faire pour y aller? komon fair poor ee aley
100 101
at the corner
au coin
o kwun
at the traffic lights aux feux o feu
left/right gauche/droite a gosh/drwat finding accommodation
Its Cest sey Wheres a ? O est-ce quon oo eskon
behind derrire dairyair peut trouver ? peu troovey
far away loin dici lwun deesee camping ground un terrain de camping un teyrun de kompeeng
here ici eesee guesthouse une pension ewn ponseeon
in front of devant devon hotel un htel un otel
left gauche a gosh youth hostel une auberge de jeunesse ewn obairzh de zhenes
near (to ) prs (de ) prey (de )
next to ct de a kotey de Can you Est-ce que vous eske voo
opposite en face de on fas de recommend pouvez recommander poovey rekomondey
right droite a drwat somewhere ? un logement ? un lozhmon
straight ahead tout droit too drwa cheap pas cher pa shair
there l la good de bonne qualit de bon kaleetey
nearby prs dici prey deesee
north nord m nor
south sud m sewd Id like to book a room, please.
east est m est Je voudrais rserver zhe voodrey reyzairvey
west ouest m west une chambre, sil vous plat. ewn shombre seel voo pley
I have a reservation.

accom m oda ti on F RENC H

by bus en bus om bews Jai une rservation. zhey ewn reyzairvasyon
by taxi en taxi on taksee
by train en train on trun My name is
Mon nom est mon nom ey
FRA NA IS t rans p or t

on foot pied a pyey

Do you have Avez-vous aveyvoo
signs a room? une chambre ? ewn shombre
Entre/Sortie ontrey/sortee Entrance/Exit single un lit a un lee
Ouvert/Ferm oovair/fairmey Open/Closed double avec un grand lit avek ung gron lee
Chambre Libre shombre leebre Rooms Available twin avec des lits jumeaux avek dey lee zhewmo
Complet kompley No Vacancies Can I pay by ? Est-ce quon peut eskom peu
Renseignements ronsenyemon Information payer avec ? peyyey avek
Commissariat De Police komeesarya de polees Police Station credit card une carte de crdit ewn kart de kreydee
Interdit inteyrdee Prohibited travellers des chques de dey shek de
Toilettes twalet Toilets cheque voyage vwayazh
Hommes om Men
Femmes fam Women How much is it per ? Quel est le prix par ? kel ey le pree par
Chaude/Froide shod/frwad Hot/Cold night nuit nwee
person personne pairson
102 103
Id like to stay for (two) nights. The doesnt work. ne fonctionne pas. ne fongsyon pa
Je voudrais rester pour (deux) nuits. zhe voodrey restey poor (der) nwee air conditioning La climatisation kleemateezasyon
From (July 2) to (July 6). fan Le ventilateur le vonteelateur
Du (deux juillet) au (six juillet). dew (de zhweeyey) o (see zhweeyey) toilet Les toilettes le twalet
Can I see it? This isnt clean. nest pas propre. ney pa propre
Est-ce que je peux la voir? eske zhe peu la vwar pillow Cet oreiller set oreyyey
Am I allowed to camp here? sheet Ce drap se drap
Est-ce que je peux camper ici? eske zhe peu kompey eesee towel Cette serviette set sairveeet
Wheres the nearest camp site?
O est le terrain de camping oo ey ler teyrun de kompeeng checking out
le plus proche? le plew prosh
What time is checkout?
Quand faut-il rgler? kon foteel reygley
Can I leave my luggage here?

c om m un i cat io n s & ba nk i n g F RE NCH

Puis-je laisser mes bagages? pweezh leysey mey bagazh
Could I have my Est-ce que je pourrais eske zhe poorey
requests & queries , please?
avoir , sil vous plat?
ma caution
avwar seel voo pley
ma kosyon
When/Where is breakfast served? passport mon passeport mon paspor
valuables mes biens prcieux mey byun preysyeu
FRA NA IS acco mmo d at i o n

Quand/O le petit kon/oo le petee

djeuner est-il servi? deyzheney eyteel sairvee
Please wake me at (seven). communications & banking
Rveillez-moi (sept) reyveyyeymwa a (set)
heures, sil vous plat. eur seel voo pley
Could I have my key, please?
the internet
Est-ce que je pourrais avoir eske zhe poorey avwar Wheres the local Internet caf?
la cl, sil vous plat? la kley seel voo pley O est le cybercaf du coin? oo ey le seebairkafey dew kwun
Can I get another (blanket)? How much is it per hour?
Est-ce que je peux avoir eske zhe pe avwar Cest combien lheure? sey kombyun leur
une autre (couverture)? ewn otre (koovairtewr)
Id like to Je voudrais zhe voodrey
Is there a/an ? Avez-vous un ? aveyvoo un check my email consulter mon konsewltey mong
elevator ascenseur asonseur courrier lectronique kooryey eylektroneek
safe coffre-fort kofrefor get Internet me connecter me konektey a
The room is too Cest trop sey tro access linternet luntairnet
expensive cher shair use a printer utiliser une ewteeleezey ewn
noisy bruyant brewyon imprimante umpreemont
small petit petee use a scanner utiliser un scanner ewteeleezey un skanair
104 105
mobile/cell phone post office
Id like a Je voudrais zhe voodrey I want to send a Je voudrais envoyer zhe voodrey onvwayey
mobile/cell phone louer un looey um fax un fax un faks
for hire portable portable letter une lettre ewn letre
SIM card for une carte SIM ewn kart seem parcel un colis ung kolee
postcard une carte postale ewn kart postal
your network pour le rseau poor le reyzo
I want to buy a/an Je voudrais acheter zhe voodrey ashtey
What are the rates? Quels sont les tarifs? kel son ley tareef envelope une enveloppe ewn onvlop
stamp un timbre un tumbre
Please send it Envoyez-le (en Australie) onvwayeyle (on ostralee)
Whats your phone number? (to Australia) by , sil vous plat. seel voo pley
FRA NA IS co mmun i cat io n s & ba n k i n g

Quel est votre numro de tlphone? kel ey votre newmeyro de teyleyfon airmail par avion par avyon

c o m m un i cat io n s & ba nk i n g F RE NCH

express mail en exprs on nekspres
The number is registered mail en recommand on rekomondey
Le numro est le newmeyro ey surface mail par voie de terre par vwa de tair
Wheres the nearest public phone? Is there any mail for me?
O est le tlphone oo ey le teyleyfon Y a-t-il du courrier pour moi? yateel dew kooryey poor mwa
public le plus proche? pewbleek le plew prosh
Id like to buy a phone card. bank
Je voudrais acheter zhe voodrey ashtey
une carte tlphonique. ewn kart teyleyfoneek Wheres a/an ? O est ? oo ey
ATM le guichet automatique le geeshey otomateek
I want to Je veux zhe ve foreign exchange le bureau de change le bewro de shonzh
call (Singapore) tlphoner avec teyleyfoney avek office
pravis ( Singapour) preyavee (a sunggapoor)
Id like to Je voudrais zhe voodrey
make a local call faire un appel local fair un apel lokal
arrange a transfer faire un virement fair un veermon
reverse the charges tlphoner en PCV teyleyfoney om peyseyvey cash a cheque encaisser un chque ongkeysey un shek
How much Quel est le prix ? kel ey le pree change a changer des shonzhey dey
does cost? travellers cheque chques de voyage shek de vwayazh
change money changer de largent shonzhey de larzhon
a (three)-minute dune communication dewn komewneekasyon get a cash une avance ewn avons
call de (trois) minutes de (trwa) meenewt advance de crdit de kreydee
each extra de chaque minute de shak meenewt withdraw money retirer de largent reteerey de larzhon
minute supplmentaire sewpleymontair
Whats the ? Quel est ? kel ey
Its (one euro) per (minute). charge for that le tarif le tareef
(Un euro) pour (une minute). (un euro) poor (ewn meenewt) exchange rate le taux de change le to de shonzh
106 107
It's Cest sey Is included? Est-ce que est eske ey
(12) euros (douze) euros (dooz) euro inclus/incluse? m/f tungklew/tungklewz
free gratuit gratwee accommodation le logement m le lozhmon
the admission charge ladmission f ladmeesyon
What time does the bank open? food la nourriture f la nooreetewr
quelle heure ouvre la banque? a kel eur oovre la bongk transport le transport m le tronspor
Has my money arrived yet?
Mon argent est-il arriv? mon arzhon eyteel areevey How long is the tour?
Lexcursion dure combien de temps? lekskewrsyon dewr kombyun de tom
What time should we be back?
sightseeing On doit rentrer pour quelle heure? on dwa rontrey poor kel eur

getting in
castle chteau m shato
What time does it ? Quelle est lheure ? kel ey leur cathedral cathdrale f kateydral
close de fermeture de fermetewr church glise f eygleez
open douverture doovairtewr main square place centrale f plas sontral
monastery monastre m monastair
Whats the admission charge? monument monument m monewmon
Quel est le prix dadmission? kel ey le pree dadmeesyon museum muse m mewzey
Is there a discount for children/students? old city vieille ville f vyey veel
Il y a une rduction pour les eel ya ewn reydewksyon poor ley palace palais m paley
enfants/tudiants? zonfon/zeytewdyon ruins ruines f pl rween
stadium stade m stad
FRA NA IS si ght se ei ng

Id like a Je voudrais zhe voodrey statues statues f pl statew

catalogue un catalogue ung katalog
guide un guide ung geed

s hop p in g F RENC H
local map une carte de la rgion ewn kart de la reyzhyon
Id like to see Jaimerais voir zhemrey vwar
Whats that? Quest-ce que cest? keske sey enquiries
Can I take photos? Je peux prendre zhe peu prondre
des photos? dey foto Wheres a ? O est ? oo es
bank la banque la bongk
tours bookshop la librairie la leebreyree
camera shop le magasin photo le magazun foto
Whens the Cest quand la sey kon la department store le grand magasin le gron magazun
next ? prochaine ? proshen grocery store lpicerie leypeesree
day trip excursion ekskewrsyon market le march le marshey
dune journe dewn zhoorney newsagency le marchand de journaux le marshon de zhoorno
tour excursion ekskewrsyon supermarket le supermarch le sewpairmarshey
108 109
Where can I buy (a padlock)? Do you accept ? Est-ce que je peux eske zhe pe
O puis-je acheter (un cadenas)? oo pweezh ashtey (un kadna) payer avec ? peyyey avek
Im looking for credit cards une carte de crdit ewn kart de kreydee
Je cherche zhe shairsh debit cards une carte de dbit ewn kart de deybee
Can I look at it? travellers cheques des chques de voyages dey shek de vwayazh
Est-ce que je peux le voir? eske zhe peu le vwar Id like , please. Je voudrais , zhe voodrey
Do you have any others? sil vous plat. seel voo pley
Vous en avez dautres? voo zon avey dotre a receipt un reu un resew
Does it have a guarantee? my change ma monnaie ma money
Est-ce quil y a une garantie? es keel ya ewn garontee
Can I have it sent overseas? clothes & shoes
Pouvez-vous me lenvoyer pooveyvoo me lonvwayey
ltranger? a leytronzhey Can I try it on? Puis-je lessayer? pweezhe leyseyyey
Can I have my repaired? My size is (42). Je fais du (quarante-deux). zhe fey dew (karontdeu)
Puis-je faire rparer ? pweezhe fair reyparey It doesnt fit. Ce nest pas la bonne taille. se ney pa la bon tai
Its faulty. small petit petee
Cest dfectueux. sey deyfektweu medium moyen mwayen
Id like , please. Je voudrais , zhe voodrey large grand gron
sil vous plat. seel voo pley
a bag un sac un sak
a refund un remboursement un romboorsmon
to return this rapporter ceci raportey sesee

FRA NA IS sh o ppi ng

s hop p in g F RENC H
How much is it?
books & music
Cest combien? sey kombyun
Id like a Je voudrais zhe voodrey
Can you write down the price? newspaper un journal un zhoornal
Pouvez-vous crire le prix? pooveyvoo eykreer le pree (in English) (en anglais) (on onggley)
Thats too expensive. pen un stylo un steelo
Cest trop cher. sey tro shair
Can you lower the price? Is there an English-language bookshop?
Vous pouvez baisser le prix? voo poovey beysey le pree Y a-t-il une librairie anglaise? yateel ewn leebreyree onggleyz
Ill give you (five) euros. Im looking for something by (Camus).
Je vous donnerai (cinq) euros. zhe voo donrey (sungk) euro Je cherche quelque chose de (Camus). zhe shairsh kelke shoz de (kamew)
Theres a mistake in the bill. Can I listen to this?
Il y a une erreur dans la note. eel ya ewn eyreur don la not Je peux lcouter ici? zhe peu leykootey eesee
110 111
photography This is my
Voici mon/ma m/f
petit ami
vwasee mon/ma
petee tamee
Can you ? Pouvez-vous ? pooveyvoo brother frre frair
burn a CD from my copier un CD de kopyey un sede de daughter fille feeye
memory card ma carte memoire ma kart meymwar father pre pair
develop this film dvelopper deyvlopey friend ami/amie m/f amee
cette pellicule set peyleekewl girlfriend petite amie peteet amee
load my film charger ma sharzhey ma husband mari maree
pellicule peyleekewl mother mre mair
partner (intimate) partenaire partenair
I need a/an Jai besoin dune zhey bezwun dewn
film for this pellicule pour peyleekewl poor sister sur seur
camera. cet appareil. seytaparey son fils fees
APS APS apeyes wife femme fam
B&W en noir et blanc on nwar eyblong Heres my Voici mon vwasee mon
colour couleur kooleur Whats your ? Quel est votre ? pol kel ey votre
slide diapositive dyapozeeteev
Quel est ton ? inf kel ey ton
(200) speed rapidit rapeedeetey
(deux cent) (deu son) address adresse adress
email address e-mail eymel
When will it be ready? fax number numro de fax newmeyro de faks
Quand est-ce que cela sera prt? kon teske sela sera prey phone number numro de newmeyro de
F RAN AIS m eet i n g pe opl e

tlphone teyleyfon
meeting people

me e ti ng p eo p le F RE NCH
greetings, goodbyes & introductions Whats your occupation?
Vous faites quoi comme mtier? pol voo fet kwa kom meytyey
Hello. Bonjour. bonzhoor Tu fais quoi comme mtier? inf tew fey kwa kom meytyey
Hi. Salut. salew
Good night. Bonsoir. bonswar Im a/an Je suis un/une m/f zhe swee zun/zewn
Goodbye. Au revoir. o revwar artist artiste m&f arteest
See you later. bientt. a byunto businessperson homme/femme om/fem
daffaires m/f dafair
Mr Monsieur mesyeu farmer agriculteur m agreekewlteur
Mrs Madame madam agricultrice f agreekewltrees
Miss Mademoiselle madmwazel manual worker ouvrier/ouvrire m/f oovreeyey/oovreeyair
How are you? Comment allez-vous? komon taleyvoo office worker employ/employe omplwayey
Fine, thanks. And you? Bien, merci. Et vous? byun mairsee ey voo de bureau m/f de bewro
Whats your name? Comment vous appelez-vous? komon voo zapleyvoo scientist scientifique m&f syonteefeek
My name is Je mappelle zhe mapel student tudiant/tudiante m/f eytewdyon/eytewdyont
Im pleased to meet you. Enchant/Enchante. m/f onshontey tradesperson ouvrier qualifi m&f oovreeyey kaleefyey
112 113
background Im
Im not
Je nai pas
zhe ney pa
Where are you from? Vous venez do? pol voo veney doo Are you ? Avez-vous ? pol avey voo
As-tu ? inf atew
Tu viens do? inf tew vyun doo
cold froid/froide m/f frwa/frwad
Im from Je viens zhe vyun hot chaud/chaude m/f sho/shod
Australia dAustralie dostralee hungry faim m&f fum
Canada du Canada dew kanada thirsty soif m&f swaf
England dAngleterre donggletair
New Zealand
the USA
de la Nouvelle-Zlande
des USA
de la noovelzeylond
dey zewesa
Are you married?
Est-ce que vous tes mari(e)? m/f pol eske voo zet maryey
going out
Est-ce que tu es mari(e)? m/f inf eske tew ey maryey Where can I find ? O sont les ? oo son ley
Im married. clubs clubs kleub
Je suis mari/marie. m/f zhe swee maryey gay venues botes gaies bwat gey
pubs pubs peub
Im single.
Je suis clibataire. m&f zhe swee seyleebatair I feel like going Je voudrais zhe voodrey
to a/the aller aley
FRA NA IS m eet i n g pe opl e

age concert un concert a ung konsair

movies au cinma o seeneyma

en te r tai n men t F RE NCH

How old ? Quel ge ? kel azh party la fte a la feyt
are you avez-vous pol aveyvoo restaurant au restaurant o restoron
as-tu inf atew theatre au thtre o teyatre
is your daughter a votre fille pol a votre feeye
is your son a votre fils pol a votre fees interests
Im years old. Jai ans. zhey on Do you like ? Aimes-tu ? inf emtew
He/She is years old. Il/Elle a ans. eel/el a on I like Jaime zhem
I dont like Je naime pas zhe nem pa
art lart lar
feelings cooking cuisiner kweezeeney
movies le cinma le seeneyma
Im (not) Je (ne) suis (pas) zhe (ne) swee (pa) nightclubs les botes ley bwat
Are you ? tes-vous ? pol et voo reading lire leer
Es-tu ? inf eytew shopping faire des courses fair dey koors
happy heureux/heureuse m/f erreu/erreuz sport le sport le spor
sad triste m&f treest travelling voyager vwayazhey
114 115
Do you like to ? Aimes-tu ? inf emtew drinks
dance danser donsey
go to concerts aller aux concerts aley o konsair (cup of) coffee (un) caf (ung) kafey
listen to music couter de eykootey de la (cup of) tea (un) th (un) tey
la musique mewzeek with milk au lait o ley
without sugar sans sucre son sewkre
food & drink (orange) juice
soft drink
jus (dorange) m
boisson non-alcoolise f
zhew (doronzh)
bwason nonalkoleezey

finding a place to eat water

Can you Est-ce que vous pouvez eske voo poovey sparkling mineral minrale gazeuse meeneyral gazeuz
recommend a ? me conseiller ? me konseyyey still mineral minrale non-gazeuse meeneyral nonggazeuz
bar un bar um bar
caf un caf ung kafey
restaurant un restaurant un restoron
Id like , please. Je voudrais , zhe voodrey
sil vous plat. seel voo pley
a table for (five) une table pour ewn table poor

the (non)smoking
(cinq) personnes
un endroit pour
(sungk) pairson
un ondrwa poor
in the bar
section (non-)fumeurs nonfewme Ill have Je prends zhe pron
FRANAIS food & drink

Ill buy you a drink. Je vous offre un verre. zhe voo zofre un vair
ordering food

food & drink FRENCH

What would you like? Quest-ce que vous voulez? keske voo vooley
Cheers! Sant! sontey
breakfast petit djeuner m petee deyzheney
lunch djeuner m deyzheney brandy cognac m konyak
dinner dner m deeney champagne champagne m shompanye
snack casse-crote m kaskroot cocktail cocktail m koktel
a shot of (whisky) un petit verre de (whisky) um petee vair de (weeskee)
What would you recommend?
Quest-ce que vous conseillez? keske voo konseyyey a bottle of wine une bouteille de vin ewn bootey de vun
a glass of wine un verre de vin un vair de vun
Id like (the) , Je voudrais , zhe voodrey red rouge roozh
please. sil vous plat. seel voo pley sparkling mousseux mooseu
bill laddition ladeesyon white blanc blong
drink list la carte des boissons la kart dey bwason
menu la carte la kart a of beer de bire de byair
that dish ce plat ser pla glass un verre un vair
wine list la carte des vins la kart dey vun bottle une bouteille ewn bootey
116 117
self-catering menu reader
Whats the local speciality? baba au rhum m baba o rom small sponge cake, often with raisins,
Quelle est la spcialit locale? kel ey la speysyaleetey lokal soaked in a rum-flavoured syrup
Whats that?
barnaise f beyarneyz white sauce of wine or vinegar beaten
Quest-ce que cest, a? keske sey sa
with egg yolks & flavoured with herbs
How much is (a kilo of cheese)?
Cest combien (le kilo de fromage)? sey kombyun (le keelo de fromazh) blanquette de veau f blongket de vo veal stew in white sauce with cream

Id like Je voudrais zhe voodrey bombe glace f bombe glasey ice cream with candied fruits, glazed
(200) grams (deux cents) grammes (deu son) gram chestnuts & cream
(two) kilos (deux) kilos (deu) keelo bouillabaisse f bweeyabes fish soup stewed in a broth with garlic,
(three) pieces (trois) morceaux (trwa) morso orange peel, fennel, tomatoes & saffron
(six) slices (six) tranches (sees) tronsh
brioche f breeyosh small roll or cake sometimes flavoured
Less. Moins. mwun with nuts, currants or candied fruits
Enough. Assez. asey
More. Plus. plew brochette f broshet grilled skewer of meat or vegetables
consomm m konsomey clarified meat or fish-based broth
special diets & allergies
contre-filet m kontrefeeley beef sirloin roast
Is there a vegetarian restaurant near here?
coulis m koolee fruit or vegetable pure, used as a sauce
Y a-t-il un restaurant yateel un restoron
FRANAIS food & drink

vgtarien par ici? veyzheytaryun par eesee croque-madame m krokmadam grilled or fried ham & cheese sandwich,

men u re ad er FRE NCH

Do you have vegetarian food? topped with a fried egg
Vous faites les repas vgtarien? voo fet ley repa veyzheytaryun croquembouche m krokomboosh cream puffs dipped in caramel
Could you prepare Pouvez-vous prparer pooveyvoo preyparey croque-monsieur m krokmesyeu grilled or fried ham & cheese sandwich
a meal without ? un repas sans ? un repa son
butter beurre beur croustade f kroostad puff pastry filled with fish, seafood, meat,
eggs ufs zeu mushrooms or vegetables
meat stock bouillon gras booyon gra
dijonnaise deezhonez dishes with a mustard-based sauce
Im allergic to Je suis allergique zhe swee zalairzheek estouffade f estoofad meat stewed in wine with carrots & herbs
dairy produce aux produits laitiers o prodwee leytyey
gluten au gluten o glewten friand m freeyon pastry stuffed with minced sausage meat,
MSG au glutamate o glewtamat ham & cheese, or almond cream
de sodium de sodyom
fricandeau m freekondo veal fillet simmered in white wine,
nuts au noix no nwa
vegetables herbs & spices a pork pt
seafood aux fruits de mer o frwee de mair
118 119
fricasse f freekasey lamb, veal or poultry in a thick creamy emergencies
sauce with mushrooms & onions
grenadin m grenadun veal (or sometimes poultry) fillet, basics
wrapped in a thin slice of bacon
Help! Au secours! o skoor
michette f meeshet savoury bread stuffed with cheese, olives,
Stop! Arrtez! areytey
onions & anchovies Go away! Allez-vous-en! aleyvoozon
pan-bagnat m pun banya small round bread loaves, filled with Thief! Au voleur! o voleur
onions, vegetables, anchovies & olives Fire! Au feu! o feu
Watch out! Faites attention! fet atonsyon
plateau de fromage m plato de fromazh cheese board or platter
Call ! Appelez ! apley
pomme duchesse f pom dewshes fritter of mashed potato, butter & egg yolk a doctor un mdecin un meydsun
pot-au-feu m potofe beef, root vegetable & herb stockpot an ambulance une ambulance ewn ombewlons
the police la police la polees
pote f potey meat & vegetables cooked in a pot
Its an emergency!
profiterole m profeetrol small pastry with savoury or sweet fillings Cest urgent! sey tewrzhon
puits damour m pwee damoor puff pastry filled with custard or jam Could you help me, please?
Est-ce que vous pourriez eske voo pooryey
quenelle f kenel fish or meat dumpling, often poached maider, sil vous plat? meydey seel voo pley
quiche f keesh tart with meat, fish or vegetable filling Could I use the telephone?
Est-ce que je pourrais utiliser eske zhe poorey ewteeleezey
FRA NA IS m en u rea de r

raclette f raklet hot melted cheese, served with potatoes

le tlphone? le teyleyfon
& gherkins

eme rge nc ie s FRE NCH

Im lost.
ragot m ragoo stew of meat, fish and/or vegetables Je suis perdu/perdue. m/f zhe swee pairdew
ratatouille f ratatooye vegetable stew Where are the toilets?
O sont les toilettes? oo son ley twalet
roulade f roolad slice of meat or fish rolled around stuffing
savarin m savarun sponge cake soaked with a rum syrup & police
filled with custard, cream & fruits
Wheres the police station?
savoie f savwa light cake made with beaten egg whites O est le commissariat de police? oo ey le komeesarya de polees
tartiflette f tarteeflet dish of potatoes, cheese & bacon I want to report an offence.
Je veux signaler un dlit. zhe veu seenyaley un deylee
velout m verlootey rich, creamy soup, usually prepared with
vegetables, shellfish or fish pure I have insurance.
Jai une assurance. zhey ewn asewrons
vol-au-vent m volovon puff pastry filled with a mixture of sauce Ive been assaulted.
& meat, seafood or vegetables Jai t attaqu/attaque. m/f zhey eytey atakey
120 121
Ive been raped. symptoms, conditions & allergies
Jai t viol/viole. m/f zhey eytey vyoley
Ive been robbed.
On ma vol. on ma voley Im sick. Je suis malade. zhe swee malad
It hurts here. Jai une douleur ici. zhey ewn dooleur eesee
Ive lost my Jai perdu zhey pairdew
My was/were stolen. On ma vol on ma voley I have (a) Jai zhey
backpack mon sac dos mon sak a do asthma de lasthme de lasme
bags mes valises mey valeez bronchitis la bronchite la bronsheet
credit card ma carte de crdit ma kart de kreydee constipation la constiptation la konsteepasyon
handbag mon sac main mon sak a mun
jewellery mes bijoux mey beezhoo cough la toux la too
money mon argent mon arzhon diarrhoea la diarrhe la dyarey
passport mon passeport mom paspor fever la fivre la fyevre
travellers cheques mes chques de mey shek de headache mal la tte mal a la tet
voyage vwayazh heart condition maladie de cur maladee de keur
wallet mon portefeuille mom portefeuye nausea la nause la nozey
I want to contact Je veux contacter zher veu kontaktey pain une douleur ewn dooleur
my mon mon sore throat mal la gorge mal a la gorzh
consulate consulat konsewla toothache mal aux dents mal o don
embassy ambassade ombasad
Im allergic to Je suis allergique zhe swee zalairzheek
health antibiotics
aux antibiotiques o zonteebyoteek
aux antiinflammatoires o zunteeunflamatwar
aspirin laspirine a laspeereen
medical needs bees aux abeilles o zabeyye
Wheres the O y a t-il oo ee a teel codeine la codine a la kodeyeen
nearest ? par ici? par eesee penicillin la pnicilline a la peyneeseeleen
F RAN AIS he al th

dentist un dentiste un donteest

doctor un mdecin un meydsun antiseptic antiseptique m onteesepteek

h ea lt h FRE NCH
hospital un hpital unopeetal bandage pansement m ponsmon
(night) pharmacist une pharmacie ewn farmasee condoms prservatifs m pl preyzairvateef
(de nuit) (de nwee) contraceptives contraceptifs m pl kontresepteef
diarrhoea medicine mdecine pour medseen poor
I need a doctor (who speaks English).
Jai besoin dun mdecin zhey bezwun dun meydsun la diarrhe f la dyaey
(qui parle anglais). (kee parl onggley) insect repellent repulsif anti-insectes m reypewlseef onteeunsekt
Could I see a female doctor? laxatives laxatifs m pl laksateef
Est-ce que je peux voir eske zhe peu vwar painkillers analgsiques m pl analzheyzeek
une femme mdecin? ewn fam meydsun rehydration salts sels de seyl de
Ive run out of my medication. rhydratation m pl reyeedratasyon
Je nai plus de mdicaments. zhe ney plew de meydeekamon sleeping tablets somnifres m pl somneefair
122 123
englishfrench dictionary collect call appel en PCV apel on peyseyvey
come venir veneer
English (language) anglais/anglaise /
computer ordinateur ordeenateur entrance entre ontrey
condom prservatif preyzairvateef evening soir swar
French nouns and adjectives in this dictionary have their gender indicated by (masculine) or (feminine). If its a
contact lenses verres de contact vair de kontakt exchange rate taux de change to de shonzh
plural noun, youll also see pl. Words are also marked as n (noun), a (adjective), v (verb), sg (singular), pl (plural), cook v cuire kweer exit sortie sortee
inf (informal) and pol (polite) where necessary. cost cot koo expensive cher/chre / shair
big grand/grande / gron/grond credit card carte de crdit kart de kreydee express mail exprs ekspres
A bill addition adeesyon
black noir/noire / nwar
cup tasse tas
currency exchange taux de change to de shonzh
eye il euyee

A accident accident akseedon

accommodation logement lozhmon
blanket couverture koovairtewr
blood group groupe sanguin groop songgun
customs (immigration) douane dwan
adaptor adaptateur adaptateur
address adresse adres
blue bleu/bleue / bler
book (make a reservation) v rserver reyzairvey
D far lointain/lointaine / lwuntun/lwunten
fast rapide & rapeed
after aprs aprey
bottle bouteille bootey dangerous dangereux/dangereuse / father pre pair
air-conditioned climatis keemateezey
bottle opener ouvre-bouteille oovrebootey donzhreu/donzhreuz film (camera) pellicule peyleekewl
airplane avion avyon boy garon garson date (time) date dat finger doigt dwa
airport aroport aeyropor brakes (car) freins frun day date de naissance dat de neysons first-aid kit trousse pharmacie troos a farmasee
alcohol alcool alkol breakfast petit djeuner petee deyzheuney delay retard retard first class premire classe premyair klas
all a tout/toute / too/toot broken (faulty) dfectueux/dfectueuse / dentist dentiste donteest fish poisson pwason
allergy allergie alairzhee deyfektweu/deyfektweuz depart partir parteer food nourriture nooreetewr
ambulance ambulance ombewlons bus (auto)bus (oto)bews diaper couche koosh foot pied pyey
and et ey business aaires afair dictionary dictionnaire deeksyonair fork fourchette foorshet
ankle cheville sheveeye buy acheter ashtey dinner dner deeney France France frons
arm bras bra direct direct/directe / deerekt free (of charge) gratuit/gratuite /
ashtray cendrier sondreeyey
ATM guichet automatique de banque C dirty sale & sal
disabled handicap/handicape / ondeekapey
French (language) Franais fronsey
geeshey otomateek de bonk caf caf kafey discount remise remeez friend ami/amie / amee
camera appareil photo aparey foto doctor mdecin meydsun fruit fruit frwee
B camp site terrain de camping teyrun de kompeeng
cancel annuler anewley
double bed grand lit gron lee
double room chambre pour deux personnes
full plein/pleine / plun/plen
funny drle & drol
baby bb beybey can opener ouvre-bote oovrebwat shombre poor de pairson
back (body) dos do
backpack sac dos sak a do
car voiture vwatewr
cash argent arzhon
drink boisson bwason
drive v conduire kondweer G
bad mauvais/mauvaise / movey/moveyz cash (a cheque) v encaisser ongkeysey drivers licence permis de conduire gift cadeau kado
bag sac sak cell phone tlphone portable teyleyfon portable pairmee de kondweer girl fille feeye
baggage claim retrait des bagages centre centre sontre drugs (illicit) drogue drog glass (drinking) verre vair

en gli sh f ren ch
retrey dey bagazh change (money) v changer eyshonzhey dummy (pacifier) ttine teyteen glasses lunettes pl lewnet
bank banque bonk cheap bon march & bon marshey go aller aley

bar bar bar check (bill) addition ladeesyon good bon/bonne / bon
bathroom salle de bain sal de bun check-in n enregistrement onrezheestremon green vert/verte / vairt
battery (car) batterie batree chest poitrine pwatreen ear oreille orey guide n guide geed
battery (general) pile peel child enfant & onfon east est est
beautiful beau/belle / bo/bel
bed lit lee
cigarette cigarette seegaret
city ville veel
eat manger monzhey
economy class classe touriste klas tooreest H
beer bire byair clean a propre & propre electricity lectricit eylektreeseetey half moiti mwatyey
before avant avon closed ferm/ferme / fairmey elevator ascenseur asonseur hand main mun
behind derrire dairyair coee caf kafey email e-mail eymel handbag sac main sak a mun
Belgium Belgique belzheek coins pices pyes embassy ambassade ombasad happy heureux/heureuse / eureu/eureuz
bicycle vlo veylo cold a froid/froide / frwa/frwad emergency cas urgent ka ewrzhon have avoir avwar

124 125
he il eel left (direction) gauche a gosh news les nouvelles ley noovel rent v louer looey
head tte tet left-luggage oce consigne konseenye newspaper journal zhoornal repair v rparer reyparey
heart cur keur leg jambe zhomb night nuit nwee reservation rservation reyzairvasyon
heat chaleur shaleur lesbian n lesbienne lesbyen no non non restaurant restaurant restoron
heavy lourd/lourde / loor/loord less moins mwun noisy bruyant/bruyante / brewyon/brewyont return v revenir revneer
help v aider eydey letter (mail) lettre leytrer nonsmoking non-fumeur nonfewmeur return ticket aller retour aley retoor
here ici eesee lift (elevator) ascenseur asonseur north nord nor right (direction) droite a drwat
high haut/haute / o/ot light lumire lewmyair nose nez ney road route root
highway autoroute otoroot like v aimer eymey now maintenant muntenon room chambre shombre
hike v faire la randonne fair la rondoney lock serrure seyrewr number numro newmeyro
I holiday vacances pl vakons long long/longue / long(k)
homosexual n homosexuel/homosexuelle /
lost perdu/perdue / pairdew
lost-property oce bureau des objets trouvs O safe a sans danger & son donzhey
hospital hpital opeetal bewro dey zobzhey troovey oil (engine) huile weel sanitary napkin serviette hyginique
hot chaud/chaude / sho/shod love v aimer eymey old vieux/vieille / vyeu/vyey sairvyet eezhyeyneek
hotel htel otel luggage bagages pl bagazh one-way ticket billet simple beeyey sumple seat place plas
(be) hungry avoir faim avwar fum lunch djeuner deyzheuney open a ouvert/ouverte / oovair/oovairt send envoyer onvwayey
husband mari maree outside dehors deor service station station-service stasyonsairvees

sex sexe seks
shampoo shampooing shompwung
mail courrier kooryey share (a dorm) partager partazhey
I je zhe man homme om package paquet pakey shaving cream mousse raser moos a razey
identification (card) carte didentit map carte kart paper papier papyey she elle el
kart deedonteetey market march marshey park (car) v garer (une voiture) garey (ewn vwatewr) sheet (bed) drap dra
ill malade & malad matches allumettes pl alewmet passport passeport paspor shirt chemise shemeez
important important/importante / meat viande vyond pay payer peyyey shoes chaussures pl shosewr
umporton/umportont medicine mdecine medseen pen stylo steelo shop magasin magazun
included compris/comprise / menu carte kart petrol essence eysons short court/courte / koor/koort
kompree/kompreez message message meysazh pharmacy pharmacie farmasee shower douche doosh
injury blessure bleysewr milk lait ley phonecard tlcarte teyleykart single room chambre pour une personne
insurance assurance asewrons minute minute meenewt photo photo foto shombre poor ewn pairson
Internet Internet untairnet mobile phone tlphone portable plate assiette asyet skin peau po
interpreter interprte & untairpret teyleyfon portable police police polees skirt jupe zhewp
money argent arzhon postcard carte postale kart postal sleep v dormir dormeer
J month mois mwa
morning matin matun
post oce bureau de poste bewro de post
pregnant enceinte onsunt
slowly lentement lontemon
small petit/petite / petee/peteet
jewellery bijoux pl beezhoo mother mre mair price prix pree smoke (cigarettes) v fumer fewmey

en gli sh f ren ch
job travail travai motorcycle moto moto soap savon savon

motorway autoroute otoroot
Q some quelques kelke

mouth bouche boosh soon bientt byunto

music musique mewzeek quiet tranquille & trongkeel south sud sewd
key cl kley souvenir shop magasin de souvenirs
kilogram kilogramme keelogram
kitchen cuisine kweezeen N R magazun de soovneer
speak parler parley
knife couteau kooto name nom nom rain n pluie plwee spoon cuillre kweeyair
napkin serviette sairvyet razor rasoir razwar stamp timbre tumbre
L nappy couche koosh
near prs de prey de
receipt reu resew
red rouge roozh
stand-by ticket billet stand-by beeyey stondbai
station (train) gare gar
laundry (place) blanchisserie blonsheesree neck cou koo refund remboursement romboorsemon stomach estomac estoma
lawyer avocat/avocate / avoka/avokat new nouveau/nouvelle / noovo/noovel registered mail en recommand on rekomondey stop v arrter areytey

126 127
stop (bus) arrt arey twin beds lits jumeaux pl dey lee zhewmo
street rue rew tyre pneu pneu
student tudiant/tudiante /
sun soleil soley U
sunscreen cran solaire eykron solair underwear sous-vtements soovetmon
swim v nager nazhey urgent urgent/urgente / ewrzhon/ewrzhont
Switzerland Suisse swees
T T tampons tampons pl tompon
vacant libre & leebre
vacation vacances pl vakons
taxi taxi taksee vegetable n lgume leygewm
teaspoon petite cuillre peteet kweeyair vegetarian a vgtarien/vgtarienne /
teeth dents don veyzheytaryun/veyzheytaryen
visa visa veeza
telephone n tlphone teyleyfon
television tl(vision) teyley(veezyon)
temperature (weather) temprature
waiter serveur/serveuse / sairveur/sairveurz
tent tente tont walk v marcher marshey
that (one) cela sela wallet portefeuille portefeuye
they ils/elles / eel/el warm a chaud/chaude / sho/shod
(be) thirsty avoir soif avwar swaf wash (something) laver lavey
this (one) ceci sesee watch montre montre
throat gorge gorzh water eau o
ticket billet beeyey we nous noo
time temps tom weekend week-end weekend
tired fatigu/fatigue / fateegey west ouest west
wheelchair fauteuil roulant foteuye roolon
tissues mouchoirs en papier pl
when quand kon
mooshwar om papyey where o oo
today aujourdhui ozhoordwee white blanc/blanche / blong/blonsh
toilet toilettes pl twalet who qui kee
tomorrow demain demun why pourquoi poorkwa
tonight ce soir se swar wife femme fam
toothbrush brosse dents bros a don window fentre feneytre
toothpaste dentifrice donteefrees wine vin vun

en gli sh f ren ch
torch (flashlight) lampe de poche lomp de posh with avec avek
tour voyage vwayazh without sans son

tourist oce oce de tourisme woman femme fam

write crire eykreer
ofeesde tooreesme
towel serviette sairvyet
train train trun
translate traduire tradweer
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