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Therapy Insight: drugs for gastrointestinal

disorders in pregnant women
Chandrashekhar Thukral and Jacqueline L Wolf *

During pregnancy, the presence of gastro-
The management and treatment of gastrointestinal ailments in pregnant
intestinal disease (that might be pre-existent to
women requires special attention and expertise, since the safety of the mother,
pregnancy or develop de novo) presents special
fetus and neonate remains the primary focus. Nausea and vomiting during
challenges to the clinician. Drug therapy requires
pregnancy is common, as is symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Peptic ulcer disease occurs less frequently and with fewer complications.
careful assessment and consideration before
Gastroenterologists and obstetricians should be familiar with safe treatment conception (for those with pre-existent disease),
options for these conditions, because they can profoundly impair the quality during pregnancy and in the postpartum period.
of life of pregnant women. During pregnancy, constipation can develop The focus of therapy has to be guided by the
de novo, or chronic constipation can increase in severity. Given the array of dictum first, do no harm, but this must some-
therapies for constipation, physicians must apprise themselves of drugs that times be achieved by overcoming the instinct to
are safe for both mother and fetus. Management of acute, self-limited diarrhea delay or withhold treatment that could poten-
should focus on supportive therapy, dietary changes and maintenance of tially produce an adverse outcome for the mother
hydration. Treatment of chronic diarrhea should be considered in the context or the fetus.
of therapy for the underlying disorder. Inflammatory bowel disease and The safety of drugs used in pregnancy has
irritable bowel syndrome present a unique therapeutic challengeto control been assessed in animal studies, trials in preg-
the disease while minimizing toxicity to the fetus and mother. Initiation and nant women, and postmarketing studies.
alteration of medical therapy for gastrointestinal disorders during pregnancy Unfortunately, because of the absence of
must be undertaken after discussion with the patients obstetrician. prospective, controlled trials in pregnant
KEYWORDS gastroesophageal reflux disease, inflammatory bowel disease,
women, there are limited data on the safety of
irritable bowel syndrome, peptic ulcer disease, pregnancy, nausea and vomiting many medications used to treat gastrointestinal
disease during pregnancy. In addition, the safety
of drugs in animal studies does not necessarily
REVIEW CRITERIA correlate with their safety in pregnant women,
PubMed was searched in April 2005 and December 2005 for articles published but often is the best information available. The
between January 1970 and December 2005, containing the terms pregnancy and current FDA categories for drug use during
nausea and vomiting, pregnancy and inflammatory bowel disease, pregnancy pregnancy are defined in Table 1. Other impor-
and irritable bowel syndrome, pregnancy and constipation, pregnancy and
diarrhea, pregnancy and gastroesophageal reflux disease, pregnancy and tant resources on drug safety during pregnancy
peptic ulcer disease, and pregnancy and drug safety. Review articles were can be found on various websites.13 Tables
searched for pertinent publications within the same time frame. Abstracts 26 summarize dosage and safety information
presented at Digestive Disease Week 2005 were searched for relevant information. on the drugs commonly used to treat various
Manufacturers of some branded drugs were contacted for additional information.
gastrointestinal ailments during pregnancy.
The most commonly encountered gastro-
JL Wolf is an Attending Physician in the Division of Gastroenterology, intestinal diseases in pregnancy include nausea
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and an Associate Professor of and vomiting in pregnancy (NVP), hyperemesis
Medicine, Harvard Medical School; C Thukral is a Fellow in the Division gravidarum, gastroesophageal reflux disease
of Gastroenterology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and a Clinical (GERD), peptic ulcer disease (PUD), irritable
Teaching Fellow, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA. bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel
disease (IBD). The treatment of these diseases in
*Division of Gastroenterology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Rabb 437,
pregnant women is discussed below.
330 Brookline Avenue, Boston, MA 02215, USA NAUSEA AND VOMITING IN PREGNANCY
Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (NVP) is
Received 9 September 2005 Accepted 1 February 2006
common, occurring in 5090% of women.4 NVP
doi:10.1038/ncpgasthep0452 is far more common in the first trimester than in


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Table 1 Current FDA categories for drug use during pregnancy.a

Category Description
A Adequate, well-controlled studies in pregnant women have not shown an increased risk of
fetal abnormalities in any trimester of pregnancy
B Animal studies have revealed no evidence of harm to the fetus, but there are no adequate and
well-controlled studies in pregnant women
Animal studies have shown an adverse effect on the fetus, but adequate and well-controlled
studies in pregnant women have failed to demonstrate a risk to the fetus in any trimester
C Animal studies have shown an adverse effect on the fetus and there are no adequate and
well-controlled studies in pregnant women
No animal studies have been conducted and there are no adequate and well-controlled
studies in pregnant women
D Adequate well-controlled or observational studies in pregnant women have demonstrated
a risk to the fetus; however, the benefits of therapy could outweigh the potential risk. For
example, use of the drug might be acceptable in a life-threatening situation or to treat a
serious disease for which safer drugs cannot be used or are ineffective
X Adequate well-controlled or observational studies in animals or pregnant women have
demonstrated positive evidence of fetal abnormalities or risks. The use of the product is
contraindicated in women who are or might become pregnant
aAdapted from reference 63.

the third trimester and occurs more frequently in Antiemetics

women who have multiple gestations compared Antiemetics also offer symptomatic relief in
with women who have a single gestation.4 A patients with NVP.9 The safety of the pheno-
number of therapies have been investigated in thiazines, promethazine and prochlorperazine
the treatment of NVP (Table 2). (both category C), have not yet been proven;
however, they are widely used in pregnancy.4
Vitamin B6 Metoclopramide (category B) is frequently used
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride; category for the treatment of NVP, and seems to be safe
A), administered at a dose of 1025 mg three in pregnancy.10 Although there is limited expe-
times daily, was shown to improve NVP in two rience using ondansetron for NVP, available
small studies.5,6 studies do not indicate any increased risk of fetal
malformations with its use during pregnancy.11
Doxylamine (category B), an antihistamine HYPEREMESIS
that has been used with some success to treat In contrast to NVP, hyperemesis gravidarum
severe nausea and vomiting, is available in two is a serious condition characterized by severe
preparations: as doxylamine succinate alone or vomiting that can result in dehydration and
in combination with pyridoxine hydrochloride weight loss, necessitating parenteral or enteral
(Diclectin, Duchesnay Inc., Laval, QC, Canada; nutrition. It occurs most commonly in the first
Bendectin, Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, trimester and in patients who are overweight,
US).4 Bendectin (also known as debendox multiparous or have had multiple gestations.12 At
and lenotan) was withdrawn from the US present, there are very few evidence-based data to
market because of concerns about possible tera- support a particular pharmacologic treatment in
togenicity, although a subsequent meta-analysis hyperemesis gravidarum (Table 2). Management
revealed no association between Bendectin involves symptomatic treatments for severe
and birth defects.7 Diclectin is used to treat nausea and vomiting, as well as correction of
NVP in Canada (the only country in which it is dehydration and electrolyte abnormalities. In
available). A study of 225 patients treated with severe cases, patients might also benefit from
high-dose Diclectin (512 tablets per day) and enteral or parenteral nutrition.4
two meta-analyses of doxylamine revealed no From an alternative-medicine standpoint, a
increase in fetal congenital malformations.7,8 recent randomized trial showed that acupuncture


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Table 2 Summary of drugs commonly used for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy and hyperemesis gravidarum during pregnancy.
Drug Pregnancy use Usual dosage Additional commentsa
Vitamin B6 A 1025 mg three times daily
Doxylamine B 12.5 mg twice daily Available alone or in combination with vitamin B6
(Diclectin; only available in Canada)
Prochlorperazine C 510 mg three times daily Unproven safety but widely used
Promethazine C 12.525.0 mg four times daily Unproven safety but widely used
Metoclopramide B 1020 mg four times daily Seems safe for use
Ondansetron B 48 mg three times daily Seems safe but based on limited data
aPlease see text for references.

Table 3 Summary of drugs commonly used for gastroesophageal reflux disease and peptic ulcer disease during pregnancy.
Drug Pregnancy use Usual dosage Additional commentsa
Magnesium and B 1030 ml as needed In normal therapeutic doses, most antacids that contain
aluminum hydroxide magnesium, calcium or aluminum are considered safe
Sucralfate B 1 g 1 h before meals and at bedtime
H2 blockers B Dose differs according to retail
Proton-pump inhibitors B (C) Dose differs according to retail All proton-pump inhibitors except omeprazole
brand (category C) are classified as category B
aPlease see text for references.

was as effective as metoclopramide plus vitamin erythromycin and congenital malformations, it is

B12 therapy for symptomatic relief in pregnant rarely used to treat hyperemesis gravidarum.14
women with hyperemesis gravidarum, and
was significantly more effective than this drug GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX DISEASE
regimen in improving functional status.13 AND PEPTIC ULCER DISEASE
Symptomatic GERD is commonly reported in
Corticosteroids pregnancy, with 4080% of women experiencing
Corticosteroids (category B) have been used to reflux. The condition usually begins in the
treat women with severe hyperemesis, although first or second trimester and generally persists
the mechanism of their action is not well throughout pregnancy, with significant improve-
understood.4 Although corticosteroid therapy ment following delivery.15 Symptoms of GERD
is generally considered safe during pregnancy, a are similar in pregnant and nonpregnant women
recent meta-analysis demonstrated a marginally and complications are uncommon in pregnancy.
increased risk of major congenital malforma- PUD, on the other hand, occurs less frequently,
tion and a 3.4-fold increased risk of oral cleft in with fewer complications and with less-severe
infants who had been exposed to corticosteroids symptoms in pregnant women.16
in the first trimester.9 There are no published, controlled trials on the
management of GERD and PUD during preg-
Erythromycin nancy. Most medications used in the manage-
Erythromycin (category B), which stimu- ment of these disorders are considered to be safe,
lates gastric motility by binding to the motilin on the basis of case reports and retrospective
receptor, improved the symptoms of hyper- cohort studies (Table 3).
emesis gravidarum in two case reports, when Initial treatment of GERD consists of conserv-
administered orally for 5 days.4 Although large ative measures, such as the avoidance of foods
studies do not support an association between and other substances that might provoke reflux


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symptoms in the individual patient. In partic- in Michigan, US, found no increase in congen-
ular, the patient should be advised to avoid ital anomalies among newborn babies who were
fatty foods, citrus juices, caffeine, chocolate, exposed to H2 blockers during the first trimester
mint, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in utero, including 460 neonates exposed to cime-
(NSAIDs), alcohol, and smoking. Nocturnal tidine, 516 neonates exposed to ranitidine, and
reflux symptoms can sometimes be alleviated 33 neonates exposed to famotidine.14 Similarly,
by elevating the head of the bed by 15 cm at nizatidine has not been shown to cause congen-
night-time, and by decreasing food and fluid ital anomalies.20 Cimetidine, ranitidine, famoti-
intake within 4 h of bedtime. When symptoms dine and nizatidine are all classified as category
are refractory to these interventions then a trial B drugs during pregnancy.17
of medical therapy is appropriate.15 Since the
dyspeptic symptoms of GERD and PUD tend Proton-pump inhibitors
to overlap, it is reasonable to apply a similar, Proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) have been shown
stepwise approach for treatment of PUD during to be effective in the treatment of GERD, esophag-
pregnancy.17 itis and PUD. Although generally regarded as safe
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy is recom- in pregnancy, extensive clinical data on the use
mended during pregnancy for the diagnosis of of these agents in pregnant patients do not exist.
suspected PUD only when symptoms are severe Studies of omeprazole (category C) in labora-
and refractory to intensive medical therapy, or tory animals have demonstrated its lethality
in the setting of PUD-associated complica- for embryos.14 Large registry studies, however,
tions, such as hemorrhage or gastric-outlet such as the Swedish Medical Birth Registry,
obstruction. did not demonstrate any increase in congenital
defects.17 Registry studies and case reports have
Antacids demonstrated that lansoprazole, rabeprazole,
Antacids are commonly used for the treat- pantoprazole and esomeprazole are safe in preg-
ment of GERD and PUD, and are felt to be safe nancy, and all of these drugs are characterized as
in pregnancy. Of the antacids available, those category B drugs during pregnancy.14,15
containing bicarbonate should be avoided, as
they can precipitate metabolic alkalosis in the Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy
mother and fetus.17 Most antacids containing Treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection with
magnesium, calcium or aluminum, in normal triple drug regimens consisting of antibiotics
therapeutic doses, are considered acceptable and PPI therapy should be avoided during
during pregnancy.17,18 The safety and efficacy of pregnancy, because the risk of complications
these antacids were demonstrated by Land and from untreated H. pylori infection is low in the
Dougall who demonstrated that 50% of preg- short term, and because of the success of acid-
nant women achieved relief of reflux symptoms suppressing therapy for controlling sympto-
within 2 weeks of using magnesium-containing matic PUD, and the potential teratogenicity or
or aluminum-containing antacids, without any other fetal side effects of certain antibiotics used
increase in congenital anomalies in newborn in these regimens. While ulcer treatment with
babies.19 Sucralfate (category B), an aluminum- H2 blockers and PPI therapy can be offered to
containing sulfated polysaccharide complex that alleviate symptoms and promote ulcer healing,
promotes ulcer healing, is safe and poses no risk multidrug therapy for H. pylori infection is best
to the fetus.20 deferred until the postpartum period.17

H2 blockers Bismuth subsalicylate

In patients with more-severe symptoms Bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol, Procter &
who have not responded to antacid therapy, Gamble, Cincinnati, OH; category C) is hydrolyzed
histamine-2 receptor antagonists (also known in the gastrointestinal tract to inorganic bismuth
as H2 blockers) are often effective in controlling salts that are poorly absorbed and salicylates that
symptoms of reflux and promoting ulcer healing. are readily absorbed. Although bismuth has not
The H2 blocker that has been in longest use, been reported to cause abnormalities in human
cimetidine, has demonstrated safety in several fetuses, chronic administration of bismuth tartrate
large follow-up and registry studies.17 A surveil- to lambs resulted in poor outcomes.17 In addition,
lance study of over 200,000 Medicaid recipients chronic ingestion of salicylates by mothers has


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Table 4 Summary of drugs commonly used for constipation during pregnancy.

Drug Pregnancy Usual dosage Additional commentsa
use category
Polyethylene glycol C 17 g daily, taken with 240 ml water Limited data in pregnant women; considered safe
Lactulose B 1530 ml up to four times daily Use often limited by cramping and bloating
Senna C 2 tablets daily; maximum dose Safe and effective in pregnancy; each tablet contains
4 tablets twice daily 8.6 mg of sennosides
Bisacodyl B 515 mg as needed Use limited by cramping
aPlease see text for references.

resulted in congenital defects, premature closure used during pregnancy if dietary manipulation
of the ductus arteriosus in utero, and intrauterine fails.24,25 A prospective study in 40 pregnant
growth retardation.21 For these reasons, bismuth women with constipation found that treatment
subsalicylate should be avoided in pregnancy. with 250 ml of polyethylene glycol 4000 signifi-
cantly increased the number of evacuations,
CONSTIPATION from 1.66 to 3.16 per week.25 The pain experi-
Even though it is commonly believed that enced by the patients also improved, and 73%
constipation is a frequent complaint in preg- of the women had resolution of their constipa-
nancy, the clinical data regarding its incidence tion. The use of nonabsorbable sugars, however,
are equivocal. Constipation can occur de novo is often limited by bloating and cramping. Saline
during pregnancy, or chronic constipation can hyperosmotic laxatives, such as phosphorus salts
increase in severity during pregnancy. The safety (Fleet Phospho-Soda, CB Fleet Company Inc.,
of drug therapy for constipation in pregnancy Lynchburg, VA) and magnesium-containing
has not been thoroughly evaluated, but most laxatives can result in sodium retention in the
standard therapeutic regiments seem to be safe mother, and are best avoided.21
(Table 4).21 Although many women attribute
some of their constipation to use of prenatal Lubricant laxatives
vitamins that contain iron, the vitamins should Use of the lubricant laxative mineral oil should
be continued if at all possible. be limited to short periods, because of the possi-
bility of malabsorption of vitamins and nutri-
Bulk-forming laxatives ents.21 Oral administration should be avoided
Dietary modification, through increased fiber in patients with impaired swallowing, because of
intake and ensuring adequate liquid consump- the risk of developing aspiration pneumonia.26
tion, should be the first-line therapy for consti-
pation in pregnancy. Supplementation of fiber Stimulant laxatives
ingested in the diet with bulk-forming laxa- It is reasonable to consider use of stimulant laxa-
tives such as psyllium, methylcellulose, guar, tives, if osmotic and bulk laxatives fail to relieve
calcium polycarbophil, pectin, and/or flax seed the constipation. The stimulant laxatives senna
(ground or whole) to 2540 g/day of fiber is safe and bisacodyl seem to be safe in pregnancy and
and often effective.21 Bloating can occur with have not been reported to be teratogenic.27 Oral
some sources of fiber, but not others: if bloating bisacodyl often produces cramping, which limits
occurs, changing the source of fiber might be its use.26 Stimulant laxatives such as castor oil
beneficial.22 Although the use of stool softeners can induce uterine contractions in the mother
such as docusate in pregnancy has not been asso- and should be avoided.21
ciated with congenital defects, their efficacy is
questionable.23 ACUTE DIARRHEA
The pathogenesis and differential diagnosis of
Hyperosmolar laxatives acute diarrhea in pregnant women is similar to
Polyethylene glycol, the nonabsorbable sugars that in their nonpregnant counterparts. Most
such as lactulose and sorbitol, and glycerin are cases of acute, self-limited diarrhea are caused
all hyperosmolar laxatives that can be safely by viruses, bacteria and their toxins, or parasites.


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Table 5 Summary of drugs commonly used for irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea during pregnancy.
Drug Pregnancy use Usual dosage Additional commentsa
Tegaserod B 6 mg twice daily Limited data; should be considered only when other
measures fail to control constipation-predominant
irritable bowel syndrome
Loperamide B 24 mg daily or after each Antidiarrheal agent of choice during pregnancy
unformed stool
Diphenoxylate with C 12 tablets four times daily Should be avoided during pregnancy. Contains 2.5 mg
atropine sulfate diphenoxylate plus 0.025 mg atropine per tablet
Dicycloverine B 1020 mg four times daily Should be reserved for women with refractory
(dicyclomine) symptoms
Hyoscyamine C 0.1250.250 mg every 6 h as Should be reserved for women with refractory
needed symptoms
Tricyclic antidepressants C/D Dose differs according to retail Questionable safety in pregnancy; use should be limited
brand to the severely symptomatic
aPlease see text for references.

Noninfectious causes of diarrhea include food IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME

intolerances and ingestion of osmotic agents, IBS is common in women of childbearing age
as well as chronic conditions such as functional and the effect of the pregnancy on IBS and the
disorders and IBD.28 The specific cause of safety of IBS drugs in pregnancy are important to
infectious diarrhea need not be pursued unless understand. As there are no large studies that have
the illness is prolonged for more than 7 days, followed women with IBS through pregnancy, it is
the person has significant rectal bleeding or is not known whether women require the same or a
extremely ill. Uncomplicated cases can, therefore, modified therapeutic regimen during pregnancy.
be treated with a focus on supportive therapy in Some interventions are safer than others (Table 5)
the form of correction of fluid losses and elec- and, therefore, it is important to consider the
trolyte abnormalities, dietary changes and main- benefits and risks when treating a woman with
tenance of hydration.29 If symptoms remain IBS who is gravid or trying to conceive.14,30
persistent, limited use of antidiarrheal agents,
as outlined below, can be considered (Table 5). Treatments for constipation
Loperamide (category B) is the antidi- Constipation in a pregnant woman with IBS
arrheal drug of choice during pregnancy. It is should be treated as discussed in the section on
a peripherally acting opiate-receptor agonist constipation. Tegaserod (category B) is approved
that increases intestinal ion and water absorp- for treatment of constipation-predominant IBS
tion, decreases intestinal transit by relaxing in women for up to 12 weeks. Although the
localized and segmental colonic spasms, and drug has not produced any ill effects on preg-
strengthens anal sphincter tone.29 A study of nant animals, experience is very limited in
105 women who had used loperamide during pregnant and nursing women.32 It should, there-
the first trimester of pregnancy showed no fore, be used only when other measures fail to
increase in minor or major birth defects of the control severe symptoms of constipation in
fetus when compared with control women, pregnant IBS patients.
although 21 of the babies were 200 g smaller
than the babies born to women in the control Treatments for diarrhea
group.30 Use of diphenoxylate combined with Diarrhea does not usually respond to dietary
atropine sulfate (category C) during the second manipulation. During pregnancy women often
or third trimester was found to be teratogenic increase lactose ingestion, and those who are
in animals and, therefore, should be avoided lactose intolerant consequently develop diarrhea,
during pregnancy in humans.31 bloating, and/or abdominal pain. In these
Bismuth subsalicylate, as discussed previously, women, limitation of lactose intake and calcium
should be avoided in pregnancy. supplementation might be therapeutic.


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Use of the antidiarrheal agents loperamide concern with their use in pregnant women is
and diphenoxylate is discussed in the preceding a possible increase in spontaneous abortions
section. Colestyramine (category C), a bile-acid in women exposed to fluoxetine or parox-
sequestrant, can be used as an antidiarrheal etine early in pregnancy.30 Subsequent evalu-
drug, but can potentially cause malabsorption ation of 267 women exposed to the SSRIs
of fat-soluble vitamins if used in large doses for fluvoxamine, paroxetine or sertraline did not
prolonged periods of time.33 show an increased risk of miscarriage, fetal
malformations or prematurity.35 A neonatal
Antispasmotic medications behavioral syndrome linked to in utero expo-
Antispasmotic medications are frequently given sure to SSRIs during the third trimester has,
to patients with IBS before pregnancy. Their however, recently been identified. This self-
efficacy in pregnancy, however, has not been limited syndrome, the long-term sequelae of
adequately assessed. Dicycloverine (dicyclo- which are as yet unknown, is characterized
mine) (category B) does not seem to pose a by central nervous system, motor, respiratory,
problem to the mother or fetus, as shown by the and gastrointestinal signs, and is noted mostly
Michigan Medicaid recipient surveillance study, in cases involving fluoxetine and paroxetine
which did not indicate an increased occurrence exposures. The FDA and the manufacturers of
of birth defects, except perhaps for polydactyly, SSRIs recently agreed to a labeling change for
in babies born to women who had taken dicyclo- this class of drugs that cautions physicians and
verine.14 In addition, hyoscyamine (category C), patients about the neonatal complications asso-
although not well studied, has not been shown ciated with late pregnancy exposure.36 As with
to have adverse effects in pregnant women.14 tricyclic antidepressants, these drugs should
Given the lack of substantive safety data, the only be considered for the severely sympto-
use of antispasmodic agents should be reserved matic pregnant IBS patient, keeping in mind
for pregnant women with IBS whose symp- the potential for precipitating this self-limited
toms are refractory to other, more conservative, behavioral syndrome in neonates. The safety
treatments.30 and efficacy of alternative treatment modalities
for IBS in pregnant women is unknown.
Tricyclic antidepressants
Tricyclic antidepressants are commonly INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE
prescribed for nonpregnant women with IBS. Many studies of women with Crohns disease
Amitriptyline and nortriptyline are both cate- and ulcerative colitis indicate that the outcome
gory D drugs in pregnancy. Their assignment of pregnancy depends on the activity of the IBD.
to this category seems to stem from a report of The presence of active IBD in pregnant women
limb abnormalities in animals and humans.14 increases the risk of pregnancy complications,
Subsequent investigation of infants born to including preterm delivery and low birth weight.
mothers exposed to tricyclic antidepressants By contrast, women with IBD who remain in
before and during pregnancy did not confirm remission during pregnancy are likely to have
an increase in congenital malformations.34 an uncomplicated pregnancy.3739 Patients with
Urinary retention in neonates has been associ- IBD should, therefore, be advised to defer preg-
ated with nortriptyline use during pregnancy nancy until their disease is in remission, but the
in the mother.14 Desipramine (category C) has optimal duration of remission before conception
not been shown to cause limb abnormalities remains unclear.
or other birth defects but its use in pregnancy Disease activity during pregnancy seems to
has been associated with withdrawal symptoms correlate with disease activity at the time of
in newborn babies.34 Overall, the safety of the conception. Pregnancy does not seem to increase
tricyclic antidepressants in pregnancy is still the rate of relapse in women with quiescent
questionable, and their use should be limited to ulcerative colitis or Crohns disease, whereas
the severely symptomatic patient.30 active IBD at the time of conception is likely to
remain active, and possibly worsen, during the
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors course of pregnancy.39,40 Relapses occur most
The selective serotonin reuptake inhibi- commonly during the first trimester for ulcera-
tors (SSRIs) (category C) have been used in tive colitis, and in the first and second trimester
women with IBS and depression. The main and puerperium for Crohns disease.41,42


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Table 6 Summary of drugs commonly used for inflammatory bowel disease during pregnancy.
Drug Pregnancy use Usual dosage Additional commentsa
5-aminosalicylic acid B Dose differs according to retail Sulfasalazine and mesalamine (also known as
brand mesalazine) can be used safely in oral and topical
forms. Olasalazine is the only 5-aminosalicylic acid drug
categorized as Class C
Corticosteroids B Variable Effective in inducing but not maintaining remission
Budesonide C 9 mg daily Probably safe for use in patients with ileo-colonic
Crohns disease but no controlled studies are available
in pregnant women
Infliximab B 510 mg/kg intravenous Seems safe based on limited data
6-mercaptopurine/ D Starting at 50 mg Use is justified if patient has active disease refractory
azathioprine to other oral or topical agents. Possibly minimal
teratogenicity in human fetuses
Ciclosporin C Weight-based intravenous dosing Use justified if patient has active disease refractory
to other oral or topical agents. Can cause small-for-
gestational-age births
Metronidazole B 250500 mg three times daily Seems safe during pregnancy but use is limited to
second and third trimesters because of potential
mutagenicity in the first trimester
Fluoroquinolones C Dose differs according to retail Limited safety data; usually avoided during pregnancy
brand owing to possible effects on collagen development
Methotrexate X Contraindicated in pregnancy owing to teratogenicity
aPlease see text for references.

Medical management of IBD during preg- neural-tube defects.42 Prospective studies have
nancy should be guided by the principle that shown that mesalamine and other 5-ASA agents,
active disease, rather than treatment for disease, in both oral and topical forms, can be used safely
poses the greatest risk to the pregnancy. Owing in pregnancy. Olsalazine is the only 5-ASA agent
to a lack of prospective studies in pregnant that is categorized as a class C drug.4345
women, there are limited data on the safety of
medications used to treat IBD in pregnancy. Corticosteroids
Most medications used for the treatment of IBD In IBD patients with moderate disease activity,
in the general population, however, seem to be topical and oral corticosteroids (category B) are
safe in pregnancy (Table 6). Symptomatic treat- effective in inducing remission. These agents,
ments for IBD patients include antidiarrheal, however, have no role in the maintenance
antispasmodic, and analgesic agents (see IBS of remission. Corticosteroids are generally
section). considered safe during pregnancy (category B).
In a large series of pregnant women with IBD
Aminosalicylates who were treated with steroids, there was no
Aminosalicylates including sulfasalazine (cate- increase in congenital anomalies or in the
gory B), mesalazine (mesalamine; category B), incidence of prematurity, spontaneous abor-
and newer 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) agents tion, or stillbirths.46 Use of shorter-acting
are the mainstay of treatment for ulcerative colitis agents such as prednisone, prednisolone, and
and also have an important role in the manage- methylprednisolone is preferable, as these
ment of Crohns disease. Sulfasalazine has been agents are metabolized by placental enzymes,
used for treatment of IBD for more than 50 years, resulting in fetal exposure levels of only 10% of
and several large studies have demonstrated the maternal dose.47
the safety of sulfasalazine during pregnancy.42 A newer oral corticosteroid, budesonide,
Patients receiving sulfasalazine should receive undergoes extensive first-pass hepatic metabo-
folate supplementation to decrease the risk of lism and can be used for patients with Crohns


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disease affecting the ileum or right colon.48 pregnancy for the treatment of Crohns disease,
Budesonide has fewer steroid side effects a study of over 200 women who received metro-
compared with other glucocorticoids, because nidazole for vaginitis during the first trimester of
it has topical anti-inflammatory activity but pregnancy revealed no association with sponta-
low systemic activity. A lack of controlled neous abortions or congenital abnormalities.56
studies in pregnant women, however, means Most clinicians, however, limit use of metro-
that budesonide is classified as a pregnancy nidazole to the second and third trimesters.
category C drug.49 Similarly, there are limited data on the safety
of fluoroquinolones (category C) for treatment
Immunomodulators of IBD in pregnancy. A few reports indicate that
In steroid-dependent patients who are unre- fluoroquinolones are not teratogenic when used
sponsive to 5-ASA agents, immunomodulatory briefly during pregnancy;57,58 however, there
drugs such as 6-mercaptopurine (category D) is concern that fluoroquinolones might cause
and azathioprine (category D), are effective as cartilage deformities in the fetus, and no long-
maintenance therapy.50 Although there is a lack term follow-up is available to determine whether
of large studies evaluating the use of these agents arthritis develops prematurely.42
for the treatment of IBD during pregnancy,
retrospective studies indicate that they have no Infliximab
increased risk (or pose only a minor increase Infliximab, a monoclonal antibody to tumor
in risk) during pregnancy, and hence they can necrosis factor-, was the first biologic agent
be used safely.51,52 The use of these agents is approved for the treatment of refractory luminal
justified if the patient has active disease that or fistulizing Crohns disease.59 On the basis of
is refractory to other oral or topical agents.47,53 over 100 reports and drug company data, inflix-
Significant controversy exists regarding imab seems to be safe in pregnancy, and it is
the teratogenic effect of 6-mercaptopurine therefore classified as a category B agent.60,61 A
taken by fathers at the time of conception. A recent report, however, showed high serum levels
retrospective study found that the incidence of infliximab at 6 weeks postpartum in an other-
of 6-mercaptopurine-related complications wise healthy, breastfed infant whose mother had
(spontaneous abortions, congenital anomalies, been treated with the drug during pregnancy.62
including missing thumb, acrania, and multiple Infliximab could not be detected in breast milk,
digital and limb abnormalities) were increased and the authors concluded that serum levels in
when fathers had used 6-mercaptopurine less the infant were the result of placental transfer. It
than 3 months before conception.54 A separate might, therefore, be premature to draw any firm
study conducted in renal transplant patients, conclusions.
however, indicated that azathioprine and
6-mercaptopurine use by the father does not CONCLUSION
increase the risk of congenital anomalies.55 Pregnancy represents a unique state with physi-
These conflicting data mean that it is unclear ologic changes that can have profound effects
whether azathioprine or 6-mercaptopurine on pre-existent gastrointestinal diseases, as well
should be withheld from fathers for 3 months as predisposing women to other specific gastro-
before conception is planned. intestinal disorders. An important, yet often over-
Methotrexate (category X), which has a role looked, concept is that every visit to a physicians
in the treatment of refractory Crohns disease, office by a woman of reproductive age who has a
is contraindicated in pregnancy because chronic medical condition should be treated as
of its abortifacient and teratogenic effects, a preconception visit. It is imperative to discuss
which include craniofacial and limb defects, the implications for a potential pregnancy of
central nervous system abnormalities, and altering the current medication regimen, or initi-
myelosuppression.47 ating new therapy, with each patient. Similarly,
once the patient finds out that she is pregnant,
Antibiotics it is vital that she confer with her health-care
The available data on the safety of antibiotics providers about the safety, benefits and risks
for treatment of Crohns disease in pregnancy of her medications. In general, the safety of the
are limited. While there are no studies assessing mother, fetus and neonate remains the primary
the safety of metronidazole (category B) in focus of all therapeutic interventions.


2006 Nature Publishing Group


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