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Reader's Notebook Rubric

Student Name: _________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Beginning Developing Sustaining Accomplished Exemplary

(1 Point) (2 Points) (3 Points) (4 Points) (5 Points)

Quality Writing abundant errors incomplete thoughts work is inconsistent writing is good superior writing
ideas are off-topic stunted sentences conventions are elementary reads with few errors, and the error free
errors that do exist do not hinder clear thesis
comprehension or distract

Quality Support no support for ideas minimal support for claim satisfactory support well-supported ideas substantively supported ideas
only personal opinion lacks theory narrow focus more than one manner, method or formal citation
source of support is utilized

Strong Critical Thinking no critical analysis doesn't address work properly some critical thinking higher-level thinking strong literary analysis
remains focused on "what" and superficial exploration of meaning some mediocrity or staleness possesses insight, but avoids multiple critical lenses used
never tries to answer "why?" too narrow really challenging analysis

Abundant Textual, Supplemental, no connections to any resources simplistic connections to only one lack of diverse materials evidence from class discussions connects to and expands on class
or Class Discussion-based outside the text work referenced references significant class texts ideas
Connections stands in isolation no connection to the world/life broad generalizations and materials references a multiplicity of
connections to the world/life resources
beyond the academic

Quality Effort shows no evidence of effort or seems rushed seems perfunctory reflects the investment of effort shows full engagement of the
time cursory and/or rudimentary bored or "I didn't like it" or "I didn't and time writer
content get it" attitude hinders evidence of engagement and is the result of significant effort
enthusiasm for topic and time

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