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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Case Records of the Massachusetts General Hospital

Founded by RichardC. Cabot

EricS. Rosenberg, M.D., NancyLee Harris, M.D., Editors
VirginiaM. Pierce, M.D., DavidM. Dudzinski, M.D., MeridaleV. Baggett, M.D.,
DennisC. Sgroi, M.D., JoAnneO. Shepard, M.D., Associate Editors
EmilyK. McDonald, SallyH. Ebeling, Production Editors

Case 7-2017: A 73-Year-Old Man

with Confusion and Recurrent Epistaxis
RobertL. Fogerty, M.D., M.P.H., JeffreyL. Greenwald, M.D.,
Shaunagh McDermott, M.D., AngelaE. Lin, M.D.,
and JamesR. Stone, M.D., Ph.D.

Pr e sen tat ion of C a se

From the Department of Internal Medi Dr. Jeffrey L. Greenwald: A 73-year-old man with multiple chronic medical illnesses
cine, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, was admitted to this hospital because of confusion and irritability.
CT (R.L.F.); and the Departments of Medi
cine (J.L.G.), Radiology (S.M.), Pediatrics Two days before this admission, increasing weakness, lethargy, chills, and diar-
(A.E.L.), and Pathology (J.R.S.), Massa rhea developed. The patient became less responsive to his family and increasingly
chusetts General Hospital, and the De irritable and confused. He stopped taking his medications. On the day of admis-
partments of Medicine (J.L.G.), Radiology
(S.M.), Pediatrics (A.E.L.), and Pathology sion, his oral intake was 500 ml of liquid. His family reported that he was in an
(J.R.S.), Harvard Medical School both almost catatonic state; he was unable to arise from bed, had recurrent epistaxis,
in Boston. and reported pain in his chest and left arm. He was brought to the emergency
N Engl J Med 2017;376:972-80. department of this hospital.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMcpc1613462 The patient had been in poor health, with a recent diagnosis of atypical pneu-
Copyright 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society.
monia, which was treated with levofloxacin. He had a history of diabetes mellitus,
atrial fibrillation, coronary artery disease, diastolic heart failure, and pulmonary
hypertension. Cardiac evaluations that had been performed over the previous decade
had revealed an exudative pericardial effusion that had spontaneously resolved, as
well as heart failure predominantly on the right side (left ventricular ejection frac-
tion, 69%; pulmonary arterial systolic pressure, 61 mm Hg). A biopsy of the right
side of the heart did not reveal a cause of the heart failure. The patient had had
recurrent epistaxis since childhood, and it had recently worsened. Additional
medical history included hyperlipidemia, pancytopenia, obstructive sleep apnea,
gastroesophageal reflux disease, and headaches; there was also a possible history
of an arteriovenous malformation of the brain, which had been noted on an imag-
ing study obtained 20 years earlier but had not been confirmed on magnetic reso-
nance imaging (MRI) performed at this hospital 7 years before this admission. He
had undergone excision of a basal-cell carcinoma and an appendectomy.
One month before this admission, the patient had been admitted to this hos-
pital because of acute confusion and worsening edema. During that admission,
ultrasonography of the right upper quadrant was performed.
Dr. Shaunagh McDermott: An image of the right lower lobe of the liver showed a
communication between the right portal vein and the right hepatic vein, a finding

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Case Records of the Massachuset ts Gener al Hospital

consistent with a hepatic venovenous malforma- A

tion with portosystemic shunting (Fig. 1).
Dr. Greenwald: A diagnosis of hepatic encepha-
lopathy was made. The confusion improved after
the initiation of treatment with lactulose and
On the current admission, medications includ-
ed warfarin, metoprolol, simvastatin, furosemide,
spironolactone, potassium chloride, lactulose,
rifaximin, ferrous sulfate, glipizide, metformin,
omeprazole, and, owing to enrollment in a clini-
cal trial investigating therapies for pulmonary
hypertension, either sildenafil or placebo. The
patient had had adverse reactions to azithromy-
cin, lansoprazole, and metolazone. He lived with B
his wife and was retired from a position in
higher education. He did not smoke tobacco,
drink alcohol, or use illicit drugs. His parents
had died when they were in their 70s; his father
had had heart disease, and his mother had had
a stroke. His mother and his daughter had a his-
tory of recurrent epistaxis and of easy bleeding.
On examination, the patient was somnolent
but easily roused by vocal stimulation. He was
oriented and cooperative, with waxing and wan-
ing attention, and he was uncertain about why he
was in the hospital. The temperature was 37.4C,
the blood pressure 141/61 mm Hg, the pulse 103 C
beats per minute, the respiratory rate 28 breaths
per minute, and the oxygen saturation 99% while
he was breathing ambient air. The mucous
membranes were dry, and dried blood was noted
around the nares. There were multiple telangiec-
tasias on the face, lips, and torso, and there were
nonblanching cherry angiomas on the chest. The
heart sounds were irregularly irregular; the first
and second sounds were otherwise normal. The
lungs were clear bilaterally. There was mild ten-
derness in the right upper quadrant, with no
rebound or guarding. Bowel sounds were present.
There was no abdominal distention, and the edge Figure 1. Ultrasound Images of the Right Upper Quadrant.
of the liver was palpable 2 cm below the right An image of the right lower lobe of the liver (Panel A)
costal margin. Testing for Murphys sign was shows a communication between the right portal vein
negative. No rectal masses were detected on pal- (arrow) and the right hepatic vein (arrowhead). Doppler
pation; the stool was brown, with trace blood. ultrasound images show the portal vein (Panel B, arrow)
There was no asterixis. The legs were dark and and the hepatic vein (Panel C, arrow).
discolored, a finding consistent with chronic
venous insufficiency. The remainder of the gen-
eral and neurologic examinations was normal. acid were normal, as were levels of vitamin B12
Blood levels of total and direct bilirubin, total and folate, which had been obtained 1 week
protein, albumin, globulin, phosphorus, magne- earlier; other laboratory test results are shown in
sium, calcium, aspartate aminotransferase, ala- Table 1. Urinalysis revealed clear yellow fluid,
nine aminotransferase, amylase, lipase, and lactic with a specific gravity of 1.020, a pH of 5.5, and

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 1. Laboratory Data.*

Variable Reference Range, Adults On Admission

Hematocrit (%) 41.053.0 (men) 31.7
Hemoglobin (g/dl) 13.517.5 (men) 10.6
White-cell count (per mm3) 450011,000 6600
Differential count (%)
Neutrophils 4070 85
Lymphocytes 2244 9
Monocytes 411 3
Eosinophils 08 3
Platelet count (per mm3) 150,000400,000 274,000
Red-cell distribution width (%) 11.514.5 15.2
Mean corpuscular volume (m3) 80100 97
Erythrocyte count (per mm 4,500,0005,900,000 3,270,000
Peripheral blood smear description 1+ Hypochromia
Activated partial thromboplastin time (sec) 21.033.0 34.0
Prothrombin time (sec) 11.013.7 34.4
Prothrombin-time international normalized ratio 3.4
Sodium (mmol/liter) 135145 142
Potassium (mmol/liter) 3.44.8 3.0
Chloride (mmol/liter) 100108 105
Carbon dioxide (mmol/liter) 23.031.9 23.7
Urea nitrogen (mg/dl) 825 41
Creatinine (mg/dl) 0.601.50 1.74
Estimated glomerular filtration rate (ml/min/1.73 m2) 60 41
Glucose (mg/dl) 70110 137
Alkaline phosphatase (U/liter) 45115 149
Creatine kinase MB isoenzymes Negative Negative
Troponin I Negative Negative
Troponin T (ng/ml) <0.03 0.03
Ammonia (mol/liter) 1248 55

* To convert the values for urea nitrogen to millimoles per liter, multiply by 0.357. To convert the values for creatinine to
micromoles per liter, multiply by 88.4. To convert the values for glucose to millimoles per liter, multiply by 0.05551. To
convert the values for ammonia to micrograms per deciliter, divide by 0.5872.
Reference values are affected by many variables, including the patient population and the laboratory methods used. The
ranges used at Massachusetts General Hospital are for adults who are not pregnant and do not have medical conditions
that could affect the results. They may therefore not be appropriate for all patients.
If the patient is black, multiply the result by 1.21.

trace blood; the urine sediment showed 0 to aVF, and downsloping ST-segment depression of
2white cells and 0 to 2 red cells per high-power 2 mm in lead V6.
field, 20 to 100 hyaline casts and 0 to 2 granular Dr. McDermott: A radiograph of the chest
casts per low-power field, and mucin. Screening showed evidence of persistent interstitial edema
of the urine for toxins was negative. An electro- and focal opacities in both lower lobes; these
cardiogram revealed atrial fibrillation, frequent findings could represent alveolar edema, super-
premature ventricular contractions, ST-segment imposed pneumonia, or aspiration. Computed
depression of at least 1 mm in leads II, III, and tomography (CT) of the abdomen, performed

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Case Records of the Massachuset ts Gener al Hospital

with the administration of oral contrast material, A

revealed nonspecific pneumatosis of the ascend-
ing colon to the level of the hepatic flexure, with-
out associated portal venous gas or other inflam-
matory changes. Cholelithiasis, atherosclerotic
disease of the aorta and mesenteric vessels, and
cardiomegaly were also present (Fig. 2).
Dr. Greenwald: Intravenous normal saline, van-
comycin, cefepime, and oral potassium chloride
were administered, and the patient was admitted
to this hospital. On his arrival in the inpatient
unit, the dose of rifaximin was increased, warfa-
rin and furosemide were discontinued, and lac- Figure 2. CT Scan of the Abdomen.
tulose and other outpatient medications were An axial image shows pneumatosis of the hepatic flexure
resumed. On evaluation the next morning, ap- (arrow) and atherosclerotic calcification of the aorta
proximately 12 hours after his presentation, the (arrowhead).
patient was less confused.
Diagnostic tests were performed.
Infection causing generalized encephalopathy
should also be considered in this case. This pa-
Differ en t i a l Di agnosis
tient has pneumatosis of the colon on CT and
Dr. Robert L. Fogerty: This 73-year-old man with a diarrhea, and he is at risk for Clostridium difficile
long and complex medical history presented to colitis because of his recent fluoroquinolone ex-
this hospital with confusion. Because there are posure.2 However, he has a normal white-cell
many causes of confusion, one approach to nar- count and no fever, features that argue against
rowing the differential diagnosis in this case is a diagnosis of infectious colitis. Although the
to first consider common causes of confusion pneumatosis of the colon needs to be further
and then look for findings in the patients his- evaluated, it is a nonspecific finding. I would
tory, physical examination, and initial laboratory pursue further testing to investigate the possibil-
testing that are consistent with these causes. In ity of C. difficile colitis, but hepatic encephalopathy
addition to considering common causes of con- remains a more likely cause of this patients con-
fusion such as medications and infections, we fusion.
should consider the following three potential
clues in this patients presentation that may help Hepatic Encephalopathy
us to narrow our differential diagnosis: a history Is this patients confusion caused by hepatic en-
of hepatic encephalopathy that is presumably due cephalopathy? Although he does not have asterixis,
to a vascular malformation, a history of recur- the absence of this finding does not rule out a
rent epistaxis since childhood with a family his- diagnosis of hepatic encephalopathy. He has a
tory of nosebleeds, and the presence of telangi- history of hepatic encephalopathy, with improve-
ectasias on physical examination. ment of associated symptoms after treatment
with lactulose and rifaximin and during his cur-
Common Causes of Confusion in an Elderly rent presentation; he also has evidence of a re-
Patient cent nosebleed. Epistaxis often leads to the
Medication-related changes in mental status are swallowing of blood, which could explain the
a common cause of confusion. This patient was presence of trace blood in this patients stool. In
recently treated with levofloxacin, a fluoroqui- patients who have a predisposition to hepatic
nolone antibiotic agent that can cause confusion encephalopathy, the swallowing of blood can
and mental-status changes, especially in older trigger an episode of acute encephalopathy ow-
patients.1 However, this is an unlikely diagnosis ing to increased protein ingestion.
in this case, since the patients confusion did not One of the unusual features of this patients
begin until after he had already completed his history is the hepatic encephalopathy, which is
course of therapy. attributed to portosystemic shunting associated

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

with a hepatic venovenous malformation. If we tient unit at night and was still quite confused,
focus on the confirmed abdominal vascular mal- which limited the history that the admitting
formation, suspected cerebral arteriovenous mal- house officer was able to obtain. Our initial work-
formation, recurrent epistaxis, and telangiecta- ing diagnosis for the patients confusion was
sias, we begin to see a pattern of widely diffuse acute hepatic encephalopathy precipitated by the
vascular abnormalities in this patient. Each ab- swallowing of blood during recurrent epistaxis
normality could be considered to be a random events, which were associated with a known por-
finding, but the presence of multiple abnormali- tosystemic shunt. This patients condition was
ties in distinct locations suggests the diagnosis probably exacerbated by several missed doses of
of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT). rifaximin and lactulose, as supported by the
overnight improvement in the patients confu-
Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia sion after the reinitiation of these medications.
Does this patient have HHT? The diagnostic In addition, the finding of pneumatosis of the
criteria for HHT, which are known as the Cura- colon was very worrisome, and the team imme-
ao criteria, include recurrent epistaxis, visceral diately discussed the patients condition with our
arteriovenous malformations, multiple telangi- colleagues in surgery and radiology. In this multi-
ectasias, and a first-degree relative with HHT.3,4 disciplinary discussion, we agreed that there was
Even without a confirmed family history, this an overall low likelihood of an acute intestinal
patient meets three of the four criteria and process in this patient, given the nonspecific
would be classified as having a definite diagno- nature of the findings on abdominal CT, the
sis. An underlying diagnosis of HHT could ex- reassuring results of the abdominal examination,
plain both his confusion and several aspects of and the absence of fever and leukocytosis. In ad-
his medical history. Recurrent hepatic encepha- dition, stool studies were negative for C. difficile
lopathy can occur in patients with HHT despite toxin.
the presence of normal hepatocellular function, The next morning, additional information was
depending on the magnitude of the shunt.5 Fur- available. The patient was alert and coherent
thermore, pulmonary hypertension, heart failure, after receiving lactulose. His wife and daughter
and anemia have all been associated with HHT.6-8 were also present and recounted the extensive
I would draw special attention to the patients history of epistaxis in the patients daughter and
personal and family history of epistaxis. This mother. In the light of day, it was obvious that
subtle signal can be easily overlooked, but it may the patient had multiple telangiectasias, which
be a key clue in the diagnosis of HHT in this were visible on his torso, face, and lips. We dis-
case. I wonder whether the family history was cussed the role of the portosystemic shunt in
obtained orally or through a retrospective chart causing the hepatic encephalopathy. We thought
review. The difference between the two approach- that the patients overall presentation might be
es can be profound. Chart review can yield a syndromic, and the house officers raised the
single word that was buried in a lengthy dis- possibility of HHT, which we investigated with
charge summary or was automatically populated genetic testing. While awaiting the results of
into a field in the patients electronic health re- diagnostic testing, we requested that the study
cord. Oral history-taking can offer a detailed drug the patient was taking for the pulmonary
account of nosebleeds that have occurred over hypertension trial be discontinued, since silde-
multiple generations and in multiple family mem- nafil could increase the risk of bleeding and
bers. With both approaches, the information ob- worsen shunting.
tained (e.g., a family history of epistaxis) is the
same, but the signal is likely to be much stron- Cl inic a l Di agnosis
ger when the information is conveyed orally.
My final diagnosis is hepatic encephalopathy Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia.
in a patient with HHT. I would confirm this
diagnosis with genetic testing. Dr . Rober t L . Fo ger t y s
Dr. Eric S. Rosenberg (Pathology): Dr. Greenwald, Di agnosis
what was your clinical impression when you
evaluated this patient? Hepatic encephalopathy in a patient with heredi-
Dr. Greenwald: The patient arrived at the inpa- tary hemorrhagic telangiectasia.

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Case Records of the Massachuset ts Gener al Hospital

Di agnos t ic Te s t ing polyposis; this is a distinctive genotypepheno-

type correlation. In contrast, the other major
Dr. Angela E. Lin: I was asked to assist in the diag- HHT genes (ENG and ACVRL1) lack unique pheno-
nostic evaluation of this patient. When his mental typic characteristics that would allow for conclu-
status improved, the diagnostic features of HHT sive clinical differentiation. However, several
were reviewed with him. The patient was a good other useful correlations are recognized. For
historian, and he reliably expanded the family example, as compared with ACVRL1 mutations,
history of nosebleeds beyond his mother and ENG mutations are associated with an increased
daughter to include his sister and maternal occurrence of arteriovenous malformations in-
grandmother, great-grandmother, and great-great- volving the lungs or brain. As compared with
grandmother. All except one of these family ENG mutations, ACVRL1 mutations are associated
members had had clinically significant epistaxis with an increased occurrence of nosebleeds and of
and numerous telangiectasias. His mother had arteriovenous malformations involving the liver,
died at 71 years of age from a stroke. He and as well as with pulmonary hypertension without
his sister had pancytopenia that resembled myelo- shunting, late onset of symptoms, and arteriove-
dysplasia, which is not a diagnostic feature of nous malformations involving the spine. Telan-
HHT but is a finding we have seen in other pa- giectasias frequently occur in patients with any
tients with this syndrome. The patients epi- of these mutations, and they occur in 100% of
staxis, which began during childhood, was re- such patients who are 40 years of age or older.
current and similar to the epistaxis seen in his New mutations are uncommon in both ENG and
daughter, which often resulted in copious bleed- ACVRL1.11
ing. The telangiectasias ranged from punctate to As we predicted, this patient was heterozy-
2 mm in size and were located on the fingertips, gous for a single base substitution in ACVRL1:
palms, palate, conjunctivae, and margins of the c.314(1)GA at the 1 position. Although this
lower eyelids.9 Although a few lesions on his mutation has not been previously reported in the
cheek had visible venules, none of them resem- HHT mutation database as a disease-causing
bled the large spider angiomas that are typically allele, other mutations around this splice site are
associated with liver failure.10 noted to be disease-associated alleles. Since the
No single clinical feature of HHT is diagnos- phenotype seen in this patient and his family
tic, and several features can masquerade as vari- was entirely consistent with HHT, the mutation
ous other systemic diseases, but the combination was considered to be causative. The proband (the
of features associated with HHT is distinctive. patient) and his diagnosis established the famil-
With this patients strong personal and family ial mutation for at-risk relatives, which could be
history (including two first-degree relatives) of of potential use for prenatal and preimplantation
epistaxis and with the presence of classic telan- diagnosis. This family-centered approach can be
giectasias, the diagnosis of HHT was consid- more cost-effective than repeated clinical screen-
ered to be definite on the basis of the Curaao ing.12Genetic counseling that focused on the
criteria.4,11 autosomal dominant inheritance of HHT and
The patient was offered clinical molecular the 50% risk of recurrence in affected persons
genetic testing with a multigene panel, which, at was provided.
that time, tested for mutations in the following HHT is characterized by arteriovenous mal-
three genes involved in the transforming growth formation and telangiectasias (which are much
factor bone morphogenic protein signaling smaller cutaneous arteriovenous malformations)
pathway: ENG (also known as HHT1), which en- that have been attributed to disordered angio-
codes the cell-surface coreceptor endoglin; ACVRL1 genesis. These pathophysiological features have
(previouslyknown as ALK1 and also known as led to the use of intravenous bevacizumab in
HHT2), another gene encoding a cell-surface re- trials involving patients with severe hepatic vas-
ceptor; andSMAD4, an intracellular gene that cular malformations and high cardiac output.13
encodes a signaling molecule. Molecular genetic Epistaxis can be managed through nasal hygiene,
testing now includes tests for mutations in two procedures to ablate nasal telangiectasias, and
additional genes (BMP9GDF2 and RASA1) that treatment with several oral and topical drugs;
are associated with HHT-like phenotypes. SMAD4 none of these approaches can provide a complete
mutations are associated with HHTjuvenile cure.11 In addition to intravenous bevacizumab,

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

both bevacizumab nasal spray14 and an intrana- Figure 3 (facing page). Autopsy Specimens.
sal injection of bevacizumab15 for the treatment A gross photograph of the liver shows a nodular pattern
of epistaxis have been studied. (Panel A). Hematoxylin and eosin staining shows numer
ous hepatic arteriovenous malformations (Panels B and
C), and staining for the endothelial marker CD31 high
M a nagemen t a nd Fol l ow-up lights these malformations (Panel D). Hematoxylin and
eosin staining also shows focal vascular malformations
Dr. Greenwald: In addition to genetic testing, echo- in the stomach (Panel E, arrow), esophagus (Panel F,
cardiography was performed after the injection arrow), and lungs (Panel G, arrow). A gross photograph
of agitated saline. The echocardiogram showed of the heart shows enlargement, with biventricular
late-appearing bubbles on the left side of the hypertrophy and dilatation, biatrial dilatation, and a
heart, a finding consistent with an intrapulmo- thrombus in the left atrial appendage (Panel H, arrow).
nary shunt. Because the patient had recurrent
epistaxis, warfarin was discontinued after dis- sions to the hospital. During his final hospital-
cussions of the risks and benefits with the pa- ization, he chose to be transferred to a hospice
tient and his family. facility, where he died 1 week after discharge
Over the next 2 years, the patient was moni- from the hospital. An autopsy was performed.
tored at this hospital and at an HHT center at
another hospital, where a Youngs procedure to Pathol o gic a l Discussion
surgically close the nostrils was recommended.
He underwent this procedure without difficulty, Dr. James R. Stone: At autopsy, gross examination
and his epistaxis improved considerably. The of the liver revealed a nodular pattern on the cut
HHT center also recommended that the patient surface (Fig.3A). Histologic examination re-
undergo CT angiography of the portahepatic vealed diffuse nodular regenerative hyperplasia
shunt to determine whether closure would be and multiple vascular malformations that were
beneficial. Angiography showed that the domi- characterized by enlarged ectatic vascular spaces
nant fistula was surrounded by numerous small- and an increased number of small vessels, as
er fistulae that had not been noted on previous well as perivascular, sinusoidal, and periductal
imaging studies. It was thought that closure of fibrosis (Fig.3B, 3C, and 3D).16 Three-dimensional
the dominant fistula might offer a short-term reconstruction of liver tissue obtained during
benefit but that the benefit would be quickly lost autopsy of another patient with HHT has shown
as the smaller fistulae became dilated. Thus, direct communications between ectatic sinusoids
fistula closure was not pursued. and arterioles that are consistent with arteriove-
Over the next several years, the patient was nous shunts, as well as large and frequent com-
readmitted to the hospital numerous times with munications between ectatic sinusoids and por-
upper gastrointestinal bleeding from esophageal tal veins that are consistent with portovenous
and gastric arteriovenous malformations. He had shunts.17 In this patient, focal vascular malfor-
several complications, including ventilator-asso- mations were also identified in the stomach,
ciated pneumonia, bacteremia, and C. difficile esophagus, and lungs (Fig.3E, 3F, and 3G). The
infection. For his frequent episodes of upper stomach contained 970 ml of partially clotted
gastrointestinal bleeding, several therapies, in- blood, and the small and large bowels were both
cluding bevacizumab and thalidomide, were con- filled with blood; these findings are indicative
sidered. Bevacizumab therapy was not pursued of a fatal gastrointestinal bleed. Sudden death
because of the procoagulant effect in the pres- due to HHT often results from hemorrhage into
ence of atrial fibrillation no longer treated with the brain, lungs, or gastrointestinal tract.18
warfarin. Thalidomide was not administered be- The heart was enlarged (weight, 900 g; nor-
cause of the familys concerns about the poten- mal range in a man of this patients height, 256
tial side effects. to 510)19,20 and showed biventricular hypertrophy
Through several of his hospitalizations, the and dilatation, biatrial dilatation, and a thrombus
patient worked with our palliative care service to in the left atrial appendage (Fig.3H). The cardiac
discuss goals of care, especially in terms of his changes are consistent with high-output heart
declining quality of life due to frequent admis- failure due to shunting through arteriovenous

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Case Records of the Massachuset ts Gener al Hospital





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Case Records of the Massachuset ts Gener al Hospital

malformations.6 At autopsy, the hearts of pa- hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, compli-

tients with heart failure due to HHT are typically cated by massive gastrointestinal hemorrhage.
enlarged and have ventricular hypertrophy and This case was presented at Medical Grand Rounds.
dilatation.21 Dr. Stone reports receiving consulting fees from GlaxoSmith-
Kline, lecture fees from Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, and fees from
USP Labs for expert testimony in a case regarding dimethyl-
amylamine toxicity. No other potential conflict of interest rele-
A nat omic a l Di agnosis vant to this article was reported.
Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
Vascular malformations in the liver, stomach, the full text of this article at
esophagus, and lungs that are consistent with We thank Dr. David Kuter for assistance with this case.

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(Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome): a view 2016;316:943-51.

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