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Estrogen & Breast Cancer Risk: Factors of Phytoestrogens are weak estrogens, and may

Exposure prevent stronger human estrogens from binding to

Fact Sheet #10, March 1998, updated July the estrogen receptor. If the weaker estrogens
2002 bind to the receptor instead of the stronger ones,
Estrogen is a hormone that is necessary for the there may be less breast cell division. Women with
normal development and growth of the breasts diets rich in phytoestrogens also excrete more
and organs important for childbearing. It helps estrogens into their urine, and have lower blood
control a woman's menstrual cycles and is estrogen levels. Some studies have shown that
essential for reproduction. Estrogen also helps women with a diet rich in phytoestrogens have
maintain the heart and healthy bones. However, a longer, and hence fewer, menstrual cycles. All of
woman's risk for breast cancer is associated with these factors may contribute to reduced breast
lifetime exposure to estrogen. Understanding how cancer risk.
estrogen works in the body, knowing about how Body weight: Recent studies have suggested
chemicals in the environment can affect body that adult weight gain, especially just before and
estrogen levels, and how diet and lifestyle factors after menopause, increases breast cancer risk.
affect estrogen exposure over a lifetime, may After menopause a woman's ovaries stop
help women make more informed decisions about producing estrogen and the primary source for
their bodies and their environment. estrogen is a woman's body fat. Therefore, a
What is estrogen? woman with a higher level of body fat during the
The hormone estrogen works as a chemical post-menopausal years would be expected to
messenger in the body. It is essential for normal have a higher level of body estrogens than a
sexual development and functioning of female comparatively lean woman. One change women
organs important for childbearing like the ovaries can make in their lives to reduce their risk of
and uterus. Estrogen also helps regulate a breast cancer is to try to limit weight gain while
woman's menstrual cycles. It is necessary for the getting older by eating a healthful diet, and
normal development of the breast. It also helps making exercise a part of their daily routine.
maintain the heart and healthy bones. Exercise: Studies have shown that women who
Is estrogen exposure related to a woman's exercise regularly have a lower risk of breast
risk for breast cancer? cancer. Some evidence suggests that circulating
Estrogen may be implicated in breast cancer risk levels of estrogen are lower in women who
because of: 1) its role in stimulating breast cell exercise regularly. Body fat is often reduced in
division; 2) its work during the critical periods of women who exercise and body estrogen levels
breast growth and development; 3) its effect on may also be reduced. Exercise may extend the
other hormones that stimulate breast cell division, length of a woman's menstrual cycles. Longer
and 4) its support of the growth of estrogen- menstrual cycles correspond with fewer cycles
responsive tumors. The BCERF Fact Sheet #09, over a lifetime, and fewer menstrual cycles can
Estrogen and Breast Cancer Risk: What is the result in less lifetime exposure to estrogen.
Relationship?, explores how estrogen works and Therefore, it is especially important for young girls
how it might affect the development of breast to establish a pattern of regular exercise, since
cancer in greater detail. girls may carry these patterns into their adult
Because women with a high lifetime exposure to years.
estrogen may be at higher risk for breast cancer, Alcohol: Research has suggested that drinking
it is important to understand how lifestyle and alcohol may increase breast cancer risk, and the
environmental factors may affect the levels of increased risk is tied to the amount of alcohol
estrogen in her body. consumed. One proposed explanation for the
How can lifestyle factors affect levels of relationship between alcohol and breast cancer is
estrogen in the body? that alcohol consumption may increase the
Diet:The foods that women eat can affect levels amount of circulating estrogen in the bodies of
of estrogen in their bodies. Diets that are very low women who drink, though some studies do not
in fat, and high in fiber may decrease the levels of support this finding. Since many studies show a
estrogen in the body. Certain dietary factors may relationship between alcohol consumption and
increase breast cancer risk directly by increasing increased breast cancer risk, it is important to
levels of estrogen in the blood, and indirectly by consider this when deciding whether or not, and
affecting obesity. Obesity is thought to increase how much to drink.
the risk of postmenopausal breast cancer. Birth control pills: There is considerable debate
Dietary phytoestrogens: Phytoestrogens are over whether the use of birth control pills may
plant estrogens found in foods like soybeans, tofu, affect breast cancer risk. This may depend on the
whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and certain level of estrogen present in the birth control pill,
spices and herbs. The word "phyto" is from the the length of use, and the time in a woman's life
Greek word for plant. A diet rich in phytoestrogens when the pills were used. For instance, the first
has been proposed as a way to decrease breast birth control pills that were available to women in
cancer risk. Some, but not all studies show that the 1960s had much higher levels of estrogen
women with a diet high in phytoestrogens, compared to those currently on the market.
including vegans (who eat no animal foods) and A recent analysis of 54 studies of women who
women who eat diets high in soy products, have use(d) birth control pills found a small increased
lower rates of breast cancer. risk of breast cancer among those currently taking
Why is this so? Most phytoestrogens are not the pills, and this increased risk persisted in the
stored in the body, but are quickly broken down. 10 years after the use of the pills was stopped.
However, there was no evidence for an increased way a key fits into a lock. Some xenoestrogens
risk of breast cancer more than 10 years after use increase cell division and thus may contribute to
of the pill was stopped. In addition, in another breast cancer risk.
study, breast cancer diagnosed in women who Many different chemicals have been identified as
had used birth control pills tended to be less being weak environmental estrogens. These
advanced than in women who had never taken include several pesticides (including some forms
birth control pills. of DDT), the food preservatives BHT and BHA, the
Postmenopausal hormone treatment industrial detergent by-products nonyl- and
(hormone 'replacement' therapy): After octaphenol, compounds used in plastics including
menopause, a woman's ovaries no longer produce bisphenol A and some phthalates, the food dye
estrogen. This loss of estrogen has been Red #3, and the solvent formaldehyde which was
associated with increases in the risk of heart and used in carpet manufacturing, and is still used in
blood vessel disease, osteoporosis and a number making plywood.
of temporary discomforting symptoms associated There are still many unanswered questions about
with menopause. Hoping to counteract these xenoestrogens and breast cancer risk. Studies are
effects treatment with estrogen has been used. needed to identify which environmental chemicals
This treatment was able to relieve the are xenoestrogens, and to determine the strength
discomforting menopausal symptoms and of the xenoestrogens, since very weak
decrease the risk of osteoporosis. However, it was xenoestrogens may not stimulate breast cell
found to increase the risk of uterine (endometrial) division. Studies to determine the extent of
cancer and its effect on heart and blood vessel exposure to xenoestrogens in the home,
disease remains unresolved. Because of this workplace, and environment are also needed.
increase in cancer risk, progesterone, which These are all important steps in assessing whether
counteracts the cancer in the uterus, was added or not environmental chemicals can influence the
to the treatment in conjunction with estrogen. risk of breast cancer.
Postmenopausal hormone treatment with Are there other chemicals that affect the
estrogen alone is currently only used in women levels of and types of estrogen in the body?
who have had a hysterectomy and do not have a Chemicals that are not environmental estrogens
uterus. Recent clinical trials have examined may still affect the levels of estrogen in the body.
postmenopausal treatment with estrogen and They may affect how quickly estrogen is broken
progesterone and found that it leads to an down, or they may affect the levels of other
increase in the risk of breast cancer and is unlikely hormones in the body that control the production
to prevent or benefit heart and blood vessel and release of estrogen from the ovary.
disease. Major health organizations have In addition, researchers are concerned with
recommended discontinuation of its use for health whether synthetic chemicals can affect how the
promotion and and most disease prevention body makes different forms of estrogen, and if
purpoes. these different forms of estrogen affect breast
Is there a relationship between breast cancer risk in different ways. The strongest form
cancer risk, estrogen, and environmental of estrogen made by the body is called 17-beta
chemicals? Since about half of breast cancer estradiol. Estradiol can be changed into other
cases cannot be explained by known risk factors, forms of estrogen that are not as strong. For
some researchers suspect that chemicals in the example, the form of estrogen called 2-
environment may play a role in breast cancer risk. hydroxyestrone (2-OHE) is a weak estrogen, while
Though we still have many unanswered questions the form called 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone (16a-
about whether environmental factors affect breast OHE) is a stronger estrogen. Researchers are
cancer risk, researchers have developed concerned that the 16a-OHE form of estrogen can
hypotheses about how environmental chemicals cause normal breast cells to form abnormal breast
may affect breast cancer risk. These include cells which may eventually become cancerous.
chemicals that either mimic the effect of estrogen In some studies researchers have grown breast
or that affect the levels of estrogen in the body cancer cells in the laboratory, and have exposed
indirectly by disrupting the way estrogen is them to different environmental contaminants to
produced or used in the body. see if the cells make different amounts of the 16a-
What are environmental estrogens? OHE and the weaker 2-OHE forms of estrogen.
Environmental estrogens are naturally occurring Exposure to some chemicals, including the
(e.g. phytoestrogens in plants) or synthetic insecticide DDT and the herbicide atrazine,
chemicals that can act like human estrogen made caused the cells to make comparatively more of
by the ovary. Another term for an environmental the 16a-OHE form of estrogen that may promote
estrogen is xenoestrogen (xeno is Greek for the the formation of breast tumors.
word foreign). The greatest concern is over Researchers are now examining the amounts of
synthetic xenoestrogens that are not easily broken 16a-OHE and the weaker 2-OHE forms of estrogen
down, and that can accumulate and be stored in in the urine of women with and without breast
the body's fat cells, including breast fat. The cancer to see if there is any relationship to breast
strength of these xenoestrogens varies; some are cancer risk. A recent study has shown that
ten times weaker than human estrogen, while postmenopausal women with breast cancer have
others are a million times weaker. Xenoestrogens a significantly lower amount of the weaker 2-OHE
can mimic the effect of human estrogen because estrogen versus the 16a-OHE estrogen compared
they have a chemical structure (like a "key" ) that to postmenopausal women without breast cancer.
allows them to fit into the estrogen receptor the Women with higher levels of the 16a-OHE
estrogen in their bodies were more at risk for
developing breast cancer.
Estrogen is essential for the normal functioning of
a woman's reproductive system and for normal
breast development. Lifetime exposure to
estrogen is thought to increase a woman's risk for
breast cancer. Understanding how estrogen works
in the body, knowing that chemicals in the
environment can mimic the effects of estrogen
and/or disrupt normal estrogen metabolism in the
body, understanding how hormone replacement
therapy and birth control pills may be associated
to estrogen exposure, and how diet and lifestyle
choices affect lifetime exposure to estrogen, will
help women make more informed decisions about
their bodies and their environment.
For additional information on how estrogen works
in a woman's body and whether there is a
relationship between a woman's lifetime exposure
to estrogen and risk of breast cancer, see BCERF
Fact Sheet #09, Estrogen and Breast Cancer Risk:
What is the Relationship?.

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