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A Guide to MBI Annual IEP

Transition Google Form

Kayla Maxwell
Fall 2016
EDAD 694 E2: Elementary School Principal in Practice
*Presentation adapted from materials provided by Mrs. Olga Toggas, 6th Grade Assistant Principal at Forestbrook Middle School*
*Why use Google
Forms as a
*What are the Benefits
of Using Spreadsheet
*How does this assist
with scheduling?
Why Use Google Forms as a Note-Taking Tool?
1. To develop a consistent note-taking template for LEAs to use
during annual IEP meetings which will impact the master
schedule of the upcoming school year
2. To help LEAs and all IEP team members better understand each
section of the IEP.
3. To make sure that all areas in the IEP are reviewed by the case
manager during the annual IEP Meeting.
4. To develop a spreadsheet of data about IEP students that could
be sorted for a variety of purposes.
Using the Spreadsheet Data from LEA Google Form
Google Form spreadsheet data could be used:

a. To develop the master schedule around students with special education needs.
b. By members of the administrative team to schedule students into appropriate
placements aligned to the services outlined in their IEPs.
c. To order the appropriate amount of materials for special education students.
d. By general education and special education teachers to review all
accommodations of their new students, as well as updates that may occur
throughout the year. By general education teachers to review accommodation
needs of their students
e. To assign case managers at the end of the school year.

Areas of
Proposed Placement options for ELA and Math
Present Levels
and Progress
Link to the MBI Annual
IEP Transition Form

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