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A Channel Evolution Model to Guide Sustainable

Urban Stream Restoration

**Engineer Research and Development Center, USArmy Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, MS 39180, USA

Publishedin Area,2015,doi:10.1111/area.12180(inpress)

Channel evolution models (CEMs) are used to structure the interpretation of observed channel mor-
phology to support long-term restoration of these systems. However, channels reflect the variety of their
watersheds climatological, ecological and physiographic contexts, and so no single CEM can be truly
global. Unrecognized differences between the assumptions and the reality of evolutionary trajectories of
particular streams can subsequently lead to restoration actions that neither fully achieve their intended
objectives nor successfully self-maintain even limited improvements. Despite the daunting variety of
biophysical settings, however, urbanization imposes distinctive, homogenizing influences on virtually all
watercourses, suggesting that even a relatively small set of evolutionary pathways can embrace much of
the diversity of critical watershed drivers on urban channels. CEMs describing single-thread channel
response to incision are most common in the published literature, but not every urban disturbance yields
this classic sequence, initiated by excess transport capacity followed by incision, bank erosion, widening
and ultimately a lowered re-equilibrated channel. A comprehensive urban CEM must also include
responses under less common (but locally ubiquitous) conditions, such as excess sediment relative to
transport capacity (the inverse of the classic CEM), imposed constraints on vertical and/or lateral
adjustment, and multi-thread channels or those influenced by instream or riparian vegetation. An urban
CEM also requires a hierarchical framework that acknowledges fundamental differences in the process
drivers within any given watershed, because a single observation of channel form can rarely pinpoint the
context or evolutionary trajectory of every stream. We present a geomorphic framework for diagnosing
and predicting the evolution of urban streams, potentially guiding the selection of restoration targets that
are achievable within an urban context and sustainable without ongoing maintenance.

Key words:urban streams, channel evolution models, restoration, sustainability, geomorphology

results, including higher downstream flood peaks (Hollis

Introduction 1975) and rapidly varying discharges, with widespread
Modifications to the land surface during urbanization effectsonboththechannelanditsinstreambiota(Walsh
impose fundamental changes on runoffgenerating pro et al. 2005).
cesses. Because infiltration capacities of covered or com Changes to channel morphology are among the most
pacted areas are reduced to nearzero, overland flow is common effects of urban development on natural
introduced into areas that formerly may have generated streams,resultingfrombothdirectmodificationandthe
only subsurface runoff (Leopold 1968). Urbanization also morepervasiveeffectsofincreaseddischarge(Boothand
affects the drainage system more directly. Gutters, drains Henshaw 2001; Gurnell et al. 2007; Chin et al. 2013).
and storm sewers convey surface runoff rapidly to stream These morphologic changes are the focus here because
channels; oncenatural channels downstream may be of their ease of observationand historicalutilization for
straightened, deepened, isolated from their floodplains, or diagnosing streamchannel conditions. However,
linedwithconcrete.Adramaticallyalteredhydrograph regulatorydriversandsocialconcernsnowcommonly

concentrate less on geomorphology and more on biota, provide a complete roadmap for achieving sustainable
whose presence and health depend on complex interac restoration, but it does describe one of the necessary
tions of not only physical but also chemical and biologi components.
cal processes (Figure1).Thus, this emphasis on channel

morphology is more diagnostic than mechanistic
although some biological impacts are a direct conse Approach
quence of morphologic change, they are primarily a Successful restoration requires assessment of the under
consequenceofmultiplealteredwaterresourcefeatures, lying causes of degradation, following these key assump
of which hydrology is typically the most pervasively tions (Beechie et al. 2010; Hughes et al. 2014): first,
changedinanurbanwatershed,butmorphologyismost assessmentmustreflectthehierarchicalsetofinfluences
easily observed. on stream channels (Figure2); second, such influences
Emphasizing channel morphology (the habitat struc arenotuniformacrossallwatersheds(BrierleyandFryirs
ture of Figure1) reflects not only its ease of observation 2009), and so prospective restoration efforts should
and measurement but also its common manipulation by reflect an accurate diagnosis of the underlying cause(s)
streamrestoration projects. Given this attention, it is also of identified problems and successful treatments; and
the feature most urgently in need of sustainable third, innumerable interactions are possible between
approachestorestorationmeaningthoseactionsthat can individual channel types and the full suite of
achieve human goals while supporting landscape specific anthropogenic stressors, so any workable framework
ecological services (Wu 2013), and that will con tinue mustembracethesimplifyingattributescommontomost
to function with minimal or no further intervention. This urbanstreams.
requires integrating spatial and temporal contexts into Basedontheseassumptionswepresentaframe workto
the identification, scoping and design of stream res guide urban stream restoration. It consists of a coarse
toration projects, using a hierarchical framework to inter discrimination of streams based on readily observed form,
pret streamchannel form as a result of urbanization. an urban channel evolution model that incorporates time
Figure 1 emphasises that no one feature limits biological into otherwise static groupings of channels, and the
condition; conversely, improving any one feature does not recognition of alternative channel responses to regionally
guarantee corresponding improvement in biology. Thus, differentwatershedprocesses and attributes.
the intentionally limited focus of this discussion does not

Figure1 Thefivewaterresourcefeaturesthatareaffectedbyurbanizationandthatinturndeterminebiological

Figure2 Thehierarchicalinfluenceoflandscapescaledriversonwatershedattributesandprocessesand,ultimately,on
channel characteristics.ModifiedfromBuffingtonet al.(2003)

Channelevolutionmodels predictable sequences that, ideally, can be recognized

As the term is typically used, channel evolution models
(hereafter, CEMs) are idealised depictions of the
morphologic stages through which a river or stream The classic model
channelprogressesinresponsetodisturbance.CEMsdo Modelsthatdescribetheresponseofincisingchannelsare
not normally reflect shortterm adjustments (van Dyke byfarthemostcommonintheCEMliterature;wecollec
2013).Instead,thesemodelsrepresentthe tivelytermthemtheclassicmodelinrecognitionoftheir
discrete phases or stages, each characterized by the Theysharethesamefundamentalsequence:
domi nance of particular adjustment processes [that]
permit reconnaissancelevel interpretation of past, present, 1 An initial disturbance, causing an imposed imbalance
and future channel processes. (Simon and Rinaldi 2006, betweensedimenttransportingcapacityandsediment
368) supply,commonlyexpressedthroughchangesinLanes
(1955) balance relationship (QS QsDavg): increased
The purpose of a CEM is to simplify these stages into a discharge(Q)fromflowdiversions,storms,

Figure3Theclassicchannel evolutionmodel. Redrawn from Simon and Hupp (1986)

urbanization; increased slope (S) from channel The most commonly cited CEM was developed for
straightening, meander cutoffs; and decreased sedi Oaklimeter Creek, an incised stream in northern Missis
mentsupply(Qs)fromupland landsurfacestabiliza sippi (Schumm et al. 1984; Watson et al. 1986). This
tion, channel armoring, sedimentblocking instream modelwasinitiallyusedtoreflectthespatialdistribution
infrastructure. Increased sediment supply is also of channel conditions in response to lowering of the
common, but recognized as typically shortlived, and downstreambaselevel,butithasbeenwidelyrecognized
changes to the last of Lanes variables, average grain in other settings, particularly those associated with
size (Davg), are typically identified only as a secondary othercommondisturbanceslistedabove(e.g.Simonand
response. Hupp1986;Simon1994;FryirsandBrierley2000)
2 Incisionofthe channel bed. (Figure3).
3 Mass failure of the channel banks as they become
oversteepened and/or exceed a stable height, with con Other evolutionary trajectories
sequentchannelwidening. The range of evolutionary trajectories included in any
4 The reestablishment of a lower, inset floodplain/ CEM inevitably reflects a context determined by local
channel system, regarded as the new stable condition. conditions rather than the full range of process drivers.

However, many conditions typical of urban watersheds but not all are anticipated by the classic CEM. Channel
are not emphasized (e.g. Phillips 2013; van Dyke 2013), straightening (Simon 1994) and the clearing of in
and not every disturbance results in the sequence channel roughness (such as large woody debris) that
describedintheclassicmodel,whichpresumesasingle had been providing a critical degree of energy dissipa
thread channel that is free to adjust both laterally and tion (Kaufmann et al. 2008) can initiate the classic
vertically (i.e. an alluvial channel). Nonetheless, sequence of incisionwideninginset floodplain and can
becausethisCEMis so widespreadintheliterature,and also transform reach morphology from forced poolriffle
commonly the only acknowledged CEM, its implicit or steppool to planebed (Montgomery and Buffington
assumptionsusefullyserveasabenchmarkforcontrasting 1997). Where the primary effect of channelbank modi
withothersettings. fication is the loss of riparian vegetation, however,
Inparticular,noteverydisturbancetoachannelresults channel widening without incision can result from the
in a shortage of sediment supply relative to inchannel lossofrootcohesion.Dependingonthebroadercontext
transport capacity. For example, large natural inputs of ofchannelslope,bankslopeandthefluxesofwaterand
sediment, such as from landslides or debris flows, sediment, this can simply result in a wider singlethread
typicallyresultinanalternativeevolutionarytrajectoryof channelorafully transformed,multithread form(Eaton
channel widening, aggradation and braiding in originally et al. 2010).
singlethread systems (Simon 1992; Kondolf et al. 2002;
HoffmanandGabet2007).Althoughtheseprocessesare Non-alluvial channel response
not common in developed cities, urbanization is widely Many urban streams are constrained in one or both of
recognizedasasourceofshorttermincreasedsediment their vertical and horizontal dimensions (i.e. a non
inchannels(Wolman1967;Gregoryet al.1992);zonesof alluvial channel), rendering many of the assumptions of
upstream channel erosion can also result in significant theclassicCEMinappropriate.Evenwheretheclassic
longtermsedimentaccumulationindownstreamreaches stateoftransportimbalanceexists(i.e.QS> QsDavg)and
(BoothandHenshaw2001;ColosimoandWilcock2007). channel deepening and subsequent widening is pre
Multithread channels also do not align with implicit dicted, external constraints may limit this trajectory.The
assumptions of the classic CEM.The simple division into most common such constraint is a nonerodible bed,
singlethreadandmultithread(orbraided)channelpat whether natural (resistant bedrock) or constructed (e.g.
terns (Niezgoda and Johnson 2005) usefully subdivides concrete).Vegetationonthebedofthechannel,particu
commonevolutionarytrajectoriesofurbanchannelsand larly in ephemeral or intermittent channels, can also
distinguishesuniqueevolutionarytrajectoriesinresponse reduce bed erodibility. Even discontinuous constraints to
to disturbance (e.g. Surian and Rinaldi 2003; Hawley et vertical incision can provide effective reachscale vertical
al. 2012). Multithread channels are relatively uncom stability, be they the immobile grains of a (stable) step
mon in humid parts of midcontinental North America pool channel, constructed check damsand gradecontrol
andarenottypicallyassociatedwithincisingstreams,and weirs,orsimplytheelementsofurbaninfrastructuresuch
sotheyarenotrecognizedintheclassicCEMoritsvari as pipeline crossings or culverts that provide incidental
ants.TheirpredominanceinthesemiaridsouthwestUSA, vertical stability in the course of serving other human
however,ledHawleyet al.(2012)toexploreevolutionary needs (Chin 2006). Commonly, however, constructed
trajectoriesinageographicregioncharacterizedbysemi grade controls are widely spaced, permitting flow
aridclimate,highsedimentloadsandlimitedinfluenceof sediment interactions to develop between structures. In
riparian vegetation. They found close parallels with the such cases, an imposed depositional zone is created
classic singlethread, incisedchannel CEM for channels upstream,commonlyexpressedbyanaggradingchannel
responding to increased flow, lowered base level or (and potentially with locally braided morphology), while
channelization. However, they also noted decreased sedi astronglyerosiveregimeexistsimmediatelydownstream
mentloadsasarelativelycommondriverofchangeinthis whose channel does tend to follow, at least locally, the
naturally highsedimentyielding region (Bledsoe et al. trajectoryofthe classicincisedchannelCEM (Figure4).
2012),initiatingthesamemorphologicalsequenceasthe Where incision is constrained, widening is commonly
classicCEM.CluerandThorne(2014)suggestthatmulti amplifiedbut onlyif the banks are erodible(e.g. Phillips
threadchannelswereoncemorecommonpriortowide 2013). Rigid structures that limit channel widening are
spread human settlements, and that the prevalence of particularly widespread in the urban environment,
singlethread channels today reflects earlier, widespread however,becausetheyarecommonlybuiltinresponseto
anthropogenic impacts that are not recognized by (or in anticipation of) the direct encroachment of an
mostCEMs. erodingstreamchannelintodevelopedland.Bankstabi
Directchannelmodificationscanalsoinitiatesubstan lization can amplify incision in the absence of grade
tial(andtypicallyunintended)responses,ofwhichsome control.Whereallchanneladjustmentislimitedby

Figure4Views upstream (left) and downstream (right) of Borrego Canyon (Irvine, CA, USA)

completely static channel boundaries, however, mobile factors in most geographical, geomorphic and ecological
sediment and other obstructions will be swept down settings.
stream. Any remaining inchannel material will be limited

to either fully immobile elements or fortuitously inter
Using the urban CEM as a predictive tool
locked clasts or debris that can resist transport in all but
In general, any CEM can be used in one of two ways: to
thelargestofflows(MontgomeryandBuffington 1997).
predict thelikelyresponseofachanneltoananticipated
Removal of instream and riparian vegetation also can
disturbance or to diagnose the cause of geomorphologic
induce nonalluvial channel responses (Osterkamp et al.
change of a channel that has already been impacted by
2012). Such responses are not addressed by the classic
disturbance(s). As a predictive urban CEM, the current
CEM, particularly in those regions where large woody
channel form provides an initial classification, and the
debris is a significant influence on (nonurban) channel
form and processes. Large woody debris typically creates
alternative future trajectories for channel change in an
temporal variation and spatial complexity in rivers, con
urbanising landscape (Table2, Figure5).
ditions that can hasten the reestablishment of a stable
Both flow increases from watershed urbanization and
form and whose absence can preclude that stability alto
gether (e.g. Wallerstein and Thorne 2004; Curran and
channel incision, the disproportionate (and commonly
of the classic CEM. Where the magnitude of change is

Theurban CEM ening without commensurate deepening, flow increases
Guided by these considerations, an urban channel evo can instead generate more limited channel expansion,
lutionmodelispresented,tailoredtotherangeofdistur wherein the channel cross section increases in approxi
bances and external constraints typical of urban and mateproportionalitytodischargeincreases(Booth1990).
urbanizing watersheds. Of the many potential distur Other,lesscommonresponsestodisturbancesarevaried
bances to channels, it emphasizes only a few: the long and can include changing bedsediment sizes, channel
recognized increases in the magnitude and duration of narrowing and aggradation (e.g. Booth and Henshaw
erosive flows from watershed development, the direct 2001; Chin et al. 2013; Hawley et al. 2013).
modificationofchannelboundaries,andwatershedscale Disturbances to multithread channels fall into two
changes to sediment delivery (Table 1). This emphasis broadcategories:thosethatinducechangesinthesizeor
doesnotprecludethemyriadotherinteractionsbetween position of individual channels but without any funda
water chemistry, energy inputs and biota embraced by mentalshiftinplanform,andthosethatcauseashifttoa
more comprehensive conceptual models of stream eco singlethread channel pattern. Hawley et al. (2012) rec
systems(e.g.Walshet al.2005,theirFigure1).Itisinten ognizedprimarilytheformertypeofevolutionarytrajec
tional, however, because many have observed that the tory, but the transition from multi to singlethread
consequences of these changes, particularly that of channel, not widely reported in natural settings but a
urbanaltered hydrology (e.g. Konrad and Booth 2005; common (and sometimes intentional) change in urban
DeGasperiet al.2009),overwhelmallother areas,hasmajorconsequencesforbothgeomorphicand
biological conditions (Cluer and Thorne 2014).

Table1Attributes of urban watersheds that can initiate channel response

urban conditions Initiallocal physical response(s) Downstreamphysicalresponse(s)

Direct, urban-specific channel modifications

1 Channelstraighteningresultinginan Incision, bed coarsening, Incision, declining with deposition

increasedslope(S;classicCEM) widening and/ornewinterveningsediment

2 Reduced roughness (LWD removal, Channelsimplification,incision, Incision, declining with deposition

otherchannelsmoothing) bed coarsening, widening and/ornewinterveningsediment

3 Channelconfinement(levees,other Incision, bed coarsening Incision, declining with deposition

floodplainchannel disconnections) and/ornewinterveningsediment

4 Bedarmouring,othercontinuousor Widening,potentialforupstream Varied,dependingonmagnitudeof

discontinuousgradecontrols aggradationanddownstream sedimenttrappingatgradecontrol
incisionbelowindividual grade structuresand/orlocalisedincision
controlstructures anddownstreamsedimentrelease

5 Bank armoring If combined with Q: incision, Incision, declining with deposition

channel simplification, bed and/ornewinterveningsediment
coarsening inputs

6 Riparian vegetation removal Channel widening, with or Minimalresponse,unlessthelocal

withoutincision following the wideningissevereanddownstream
classicCEMduetoother sedimentdeliveryishighthen,
disturbances aggradation

Watershed-scale disturbances

7 Q (increaseddischarge classic Incision, bed coarsening, Incision, declining with deposition

CEM) widening and/ornewinterveningsediment
8 Qs(decreasedsedimentinput Incision, bed coarsening causesignificantdownstream
commonaccompanimenttothe aggradation

9 Qs (increased sediment input Aggradation, braiding, widening, Downstreamresponsedependson

constructionphaseofurban bedfining channelattributes

10 Perennialbaseflowinto Bed/riparianvegetationgrowth, Same as local

onceintermittent streams (surface conversion from multi to
water and groundwater inputs) singlethreadchannel,

Notes: Symbology from Lane (1955): Q = discharge, S= channel slope, Qs = sediment discharge. Up arrow indicates an
increasein the notated variable; downarrow, a decrease. CEM = channel evolution model; LWD =large woody debris

Table2 SummaryoftheurbanCEMusedasapredictivetool,readfromlefttoright

Anticipated urban
Channel type disturbance(s) Primary response; other responses/considerations

Alluvial, IncreasedQor Iflowmagnitudedisturbance:expansion(inbothwidthanddepth)

singlethread decreased Qs;
straightening, If highmagnitude disturbance: incisedchannel (classic) CEM, bed coarsening

Riparianvegetation Widening Potentialconversionto

removal multithread

Confinement Incision, bed coarsening

Increased Qs Aggradation, widening,bed fining Potentialconversionto


Alluvial,braided IncreasedQ Incision and/or widening
Decreased Qs Narrowing and/or incision tosinglethread;
Confinement Incision

Nonalluvial: Increased Q Widening, bed coarsening Braiding/incision may occur

bedstabilised above/below intermittent grade

Decreased Qs Bed coarsening Incision may occur below grade

Nonalluvial: IncreasedQor Incision, bed coarsening Progression of classic CEM

bankstabilized decreased Qs dependsonmagnitudeof
incision relative to bank

Nonalluvial (any) Increased Qs Aggradation,bedfining

constrained by natural or artificial structures in oneor moredimensions. See Figure5 for a graphical representation of this
application. CEM = channel evolution model; Q = discharge; Qs = sediment discharge

Using the urban CEM as a diagnostic tool geomorphic expressionofdisturbanceinurbanorurban

As diagnosis, the urban CEM provides a framework for izing channels renders it a limited but intentionally
inferring the likely disturbance(s) from observed condi pragmatic approach for diagnosing causal relationships.
tions in a stream channel that has already partly (or Usersmustrecognize,however,thatany CEMiscontext
wholly) completed an evolutionary trajectory (Table3). bound, and that broad applicability requires a climate
Using the CEM to guide an inductive approach such as and physiographybased framework, or at minimum the
this, however, is limited for two reasons: (1) the same qualitative recognition of how different settings will
channelformcanbeassociatedwithmorethanonetype render certain relationships more or less likely to be
of disturbance, and so observed channel conditions expressed.Moredetailedstreamclassificationbasedon
cannot uniquely identify causal drivers and (2) this channel morphology may be warranted for determining
CEM is explicitlylimitedtotherelativelynarrow rangeof specificrestorationtargetsandimplementationstrategies
presumptive disturbances common to the urban (e.g. Niezgoda and Johnson 2005) but is not necessary
environment. (nor, likely, appropriate) when first diagnosing the cause
Regardless of whether the urban CEM is applied as a andtrajectoryoftheresponsetoanexistingdisturbance.
predictiveoradiagnostictool,itssolefocusonthe Lastly, CEMs are commonly used to infer evolutionary

can produce a channel response, as diagrammed below.Q= water discharge, Qs= sediment discharge; Classic channel evolution model as described in Figure3

Table3 SummaryoftheurbanCEMasusedfordiagnosisofcausalityfromobservedresponses.Thelistofobservedconditions(lefthandcolumn)spanstherangeof

Multithread alluvial Singlethread alluvial bedstabilized Singlethread, bankstabilized

Increased Q, decreased Qs, and/or

Incised IncreasedQor StagesIIIIVof Simon N/A IncreasedQordecreasedQs,or

reduced roughness (potentially

decreased Qs and Hupp (1986) as response to confinement
(Stages IIIIV of Simon and
Hupp (1986))

Incised and bank IncreasedQor StagesIVV N/A N/A

failures decreased Qs
Stableand IncreasedQor StageV N/A IncreasedQordecreasedQs
decreased Qs
Observed condition

floodplain (Stage V of Simon and Hupp

disconnected1 (1986))

Unincised,with Increased Q, increased IncreasedQsor riparian vegetationremoval Increased Q, decreased N/A

bankfailures Qs,and/orriparian Qs, or riparian
vegetationremoval vegetationremoval
(exsingle thread?)

Stableand No impact, or Noimpacts,minorQincrease,orproportional Noimpacts,or Noimpacts,or

floodplain increased Q increasesinQandQs increased Q proportional
connected (adjusted),or (adjusted) increasesinQ
increasedQs and/or andQs
removal (exsingle

energy of increasing flows (Segura and Booth 2010). Disconnection is a useful indicator of incision in many (but not all) regions. CEM = channel evolution model; Q =
discharge; Qs = sediment discharge


Figure6 Foururbanstreams,expressingfundamentaldifferencesintheirrespectiveregionalandwatershedsettings
Notes:Top left, the Avon River in Christchurch (NZ); top right, McEnnery Canyon, Acton CA (USA); lower left, Chester
Creek, Duluth MN (USA); lower right, Easter Lake Creek, Federal Way WA (USA)

trajectories based on a single snapshot of channel form. vegetation interactions can be identified over broad
Recognizing channel change using multiple indicators or regions.Asystematicevaluationofthesefactorsatacon
successive observations over time, however, will typically tinentalorglobalscaleisbeyondthescopeofthepresent
improve the diagnostic or predictive utility of any evolu discussion, but a few key considerations can streamline
tionarymodel. applicationsoftheurbanCEM.
Watersheddifferencesandurban highfrequency flood peaks (e.g. the stable baseflow
channelevolution streamsofKennardet al.(2010)[Australiancontinent]or
The evolution of a disturbed channel always occurs in a thesuperstablegroundwaterstreamsofPoff(1996)[con
context hydrological, physiographic, biological and tinental USA]), hydrologic and geomorphic responses to
geomorphic (Figure 2; Brierley 2010). Thus, diagnosing watershed urbanization will be enhanced, given the
andtreatingthecausesofdegradationonanyparticular low natural variability of flood magnitudes and thus the
stream must recognize that process drivers are not all opportunity for unprecedented, manyfold increases in
equally important everywhere, they do not all respond floodpeaksanddisturbancefrequenciesinurbanwater
identically to human action, and their expression at a sheds. Abundant rainfall also promotes greater vegeta
specific channel location is not the same everywhere tion growth, vegetationchannel interactions, and thus
(Figure6). Some of these differences can be anticipated dependenciesofgeomorphicformon(disturbanceprone)
within a regional, spatially explicit geographical frame biota. In contrast, regions with streams having frequent
work (e.g. Snelder and Biggs 2002; Olden et al. 2012); periodsofnoflow(Kennardet al.shighlyorextremely
others vary within a single watershed at scale(s) only intermittentstreams;Poffsharshintermittentstreams)
discernible through sitespecificanalyses(e.g.Stewart et tend to be dominated by relatively infrequent but (very)
al. 2001; Marzin et al. 2013). Recognizing these differ large flood events, with limited influence from riparian
ences can improve applications of the urban CEM by vegetationorinchannellargewoodydebris;andtheycan
focusingonthosedisturbancesandoutcomesmostlikely experience long periods of geomorphic quiescence that
inagivenurbanwatershed. may be mistaken for stability or equilibrium until the
Regional factors Channels in regions of high natural sediment loading
Overarching commonalities of climatedriven hydrology, shouldbemost susceptibleto urbaninducedreductions
sedimentdelivery rates, watershed relief and channel insedimentdelivery,astypifiedbyareasofsouthern


California (southwestern USA) with intense storms, weak Systematicdifferencesintheevolutionarytrajectoryof

rocksandhighwatershedrelief(Bledsoeet al.2012; Booth urban streams can be recognized at both regional and
et al. 2014). Conversely, channels in regions of withinwatershed scales, but only a few of those differ
intrinsically low watershed sediment delivery (e.g. Nelson ences are sufficientlypervasive andinfluential to modify
and Booth 2002) are less likely to express geomorphic thedominantandnearuniversalimpactsofurbanization
changes resulting from yet further urbanrelated reduc onstreams,particularlyincreasesindischargeanddirect
tions in sediment load, although the downstream deposi modification of the channel bed and banks. Future
tionoferodedsedimentfromupstreamincisioncanquickly efforts to identify coherent geographic regions with
overwhelm channel transport capacities and foster similar hydrologic, physiographic and ecological influ
localized responses associated with increased sediment encesshouldrefinetheapplicationoftheurbanCEMand
(Chinet al.2013). improveitspredictionsofchannelevolutioninanygiven
setting. However, urbanization is such an overwhelming
Reach- and watershed-scale factors disturbancethatmanylocalandregionaldifferencesare
Within any given watershed, local differences in water nearly irrelevant to the response of channels facing dra
shed attributes and processes (Figure 2) can influence matic increases in flows and the hardening of channel
the evolution of urban channels as (or more) strongly boundaries.
than regional factors.Variations in valley slope, network Evenwithoutafullydeveloped,multiscaleframework,
position, sediment delivery, floodplain extent and employing a structured approach should yield greater
channel confinement can determine whether a reach is success in identify underlying causes of urban stream
naturally single or multithreaded, and how susceptible degradation,selectingfeasibleandregionallyappropriate
it may be to a change in planform (Eaton et al. 2010) restorationtargets,andimplementingspecificrestoration
following urbanization. Local channel gradients and techniquesthateffectivelyaddressthosecausesgiventhe
natural grade controls are primary determinants of inci guidance provided by the prior experience of others.
sion susceptibility as a response to urbanization (Booth Success can then be measured by the degree to which
1990), and these factors can vary greatly throughout a regionally appropriate reference conditions have been
singlechannelnetwork.Thepresenceandimportanceof recovered, and whether the channel form and function
bank vegetation and inchannel woody debris is not can persist in the environment without further human
uniform from headwaters to mouth of rivers, even in intervention. However, comprehensive restoration plan
humid regions where these influences are widespread ningrequiresindependentevaluationofallofthefeatures
(Gurnell et al. 2002), and so the consequences of urban ofastreamsystem(Figure1)thatmaybedisturbedinan
removal of riparian and inchannel vegetation can differ urbansetting.Channelformalone,nomatterhowstable
widely not only between regions but also along an indi or welladjusted it may be, cannot fully replace a more
vidual channel. This is not a comprehensive list of the comprehensiveunderstandingofwatershedhealth.

watershedscale factors that can influence the trajectory
of an urban channel, but it should provide some guid
ance for more specific, nuanced applications of the Acknowledgements
urban CEM as part of a systematic approach to sustain Our thanks to colleagues Sarah Miller, Jock Cunningham, Dan
able urban stream restoration (Shoredits and Clayton Baker and five anonymous journal reviewers whose suggestions
2013). greatly improved the quality of this paper. This work was sup
ported under the Ecosystem Management and Restoration
Research Program through Cooperative Agreement W912HZ12
Summary 20016 between the USArmy Corps of Engineers and UC Santa
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