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caster, to Ashton-in-Makerfield aforesaid, and township of Ashton-in-Makerfield, commencing in
from Seneley Green to Gladden Hey Brow at and out of the main pipe No. 14 at Four-footed
Simm's Lane-end, all in the said township. Cross, and terminating at a point 100 yards or
No. 6. A service reservoir wholly in the said thereabouts to the north of a dwelling-house
township of Ashton-in-Makerfield, to be constructed known as Cranberry-lodge, in the said township of
in and upon a field adjoining the northerly side of Ashton-in-Makerfield.
the junction of Soughers-lane and Moor-lane, in No. 17. A main pipe or aqueduct, commencing'
the same township, and belonging to' Sir Robert iu and out of the main pipe No'. 14 at Four-footed
Tolver Gerard, Baronet, and in the occupation of Cross aforesaid, wholly in the said township of
"William Downall. Ashton-in-Makerfield, and terminating at a point
No. 7. A service reservoir wholly in the said at or near the lodge gates at Lodge-lane to Gars-
township of Ashton-in Makerfield, to be constructed wood Park aforesaid.
in and upon lands belonging to Sir Robert Tolver No. 18. A main pipe or aqueduct, wholly in-the
Gerard, Baronet, in the occupation of Cross, T-etley, said township of Ashton-in-Makerfield, commenc-
and Company, Limited, situate on the westerly ing in and out of the main pipe No. 14 at Stubshaw
eide of the road leading from Ashton-in-Makerfield Cross, and terminating at a point 100 yards or
to Platt Bridge, about 100 yards from the point thereabouts to the north of tbe Harrow Inn, in the
where the road, known as Edge Green-lane, leaves said township of Ashton-in-Makerfield.
. the same road. No. 19. A main pipe or aqueduct, wholly in the
No. 8. A catchwater drain, commencing in the township of Ashton-in-Makerfield, commencing in
township of Winstanley, in the parish of Wigan, and out of the said main pipe No. 14 at the east
in the said county of Lancaster, at a point 300 end of Gillacre-lane, and terminating at a point 50
yards in a north-westerly direction from the farm- yards or thereabouts to the south of the Robin
house known as the Crow's Nest, and passing Hood Inn, in the said township of Ashton-in-
thence through the said township of Winstaiiley, Makerficld.
and into the said township of Ashton-in-Maker- All necessary embankments, bridges, dams,
field, and terminating in the said last-mentioned tanks, -weirs, gauges, bye washes, sluices, catch-
township at the reservoir No. 1. water drains, culverts, tunnels, cuts, adits, filter
No. 9. A catchwater drain, wholly in the said beds, engines, approaches, works, and conveniences
township of Winstanley, commencing at a point in connection with the intended works or necessary
100 yards or thereabouts to the south of a dwelling- for collecting, raising, impounding, and distributing
house known as Lower Castle House, and termina- the springs, streams, and waters to be appropriated
ting by a junction with the catchwater drain No. under the powers of the Bill.
8 at a point 50 yards or thereabouts from where To enable tbe Local Board to take, collect,
the said catchwater drain No. 8 crosses the boun- impound, use, divert, and appropriate for the
dary of the said two townships of Ashton-in- purposes of their waterworks, the waters from the
Makerfield and Winstanley. Barton Clough Stream and the Winstanley Stream,
No. 10. A catchwater drain, wholly in the said and the Down Brook, and all such springs, stream,1?,
township of Winstanley, commencing at a point and waters as will be intercepted by the proposed
, 150 yards or thereabouts to .the south of a farm- works and as may be found in, upon, or under any
house known as Maddox House Farm, and termi- lands to be acquired by the Local Board 'under the
nating at the catchwater drain No. 8, where the powers of the Bill or now vested in them, and some
. same passes the boundary of the said townships of of which waters flow derivatively into the canal
Ashton-in-Makerfield and Winstanley. known as the Sankey Canal, and into tbe River
No. 11. A catchwater drain, wholly in the said
township of Winstanley, commencing at a point 200 To empower the Local. Board to deviate in the
yards or thereabouts to the east of the .plantation construction of the proposed new works,-vertically
called Tatlock's-hill, and terminating at a junction and laterally, to the extent to be defined in the
with the catchwatef drain No. 10 at a point therein Bill. . -\
near to Barton's Clough Plantation. To enable the Local Board, and any and every
No.'12. A catchwater drain, wholly in the said sanitary or local authority, public body, company,
township of Winstanley, commencing at a point 400 or persons, to contract and agree as to the supply
yards or thereabouts to the east of the farm-house by the Local Board of .gas and water or gas or
occupied by Thomas Latham, and terminating at water, in bulk or otherwise,, for public, sanitary,
the junction of the catchwater drains Nos. 10 or private purposes, and to confer upon such
and 11. . authorities, bodies, and persons all such powers as
No. 13. A catchwater drain, commencing in the to the levying of rates, borrowing money, or other-
eaid township of Winstanley, at a point 450 yards wise, within the districts or areas 'under their
or thereabouts east of Billinge church, and passing respective control,as maybe requisite for enabling
through the said township of Winstanley and into them respectively to carry into effect any such
the said township of Ashton-in-Makerfield, and contract or agreement, and to confirm any agree-
terminating at the said reservoir No. 5. ments entered into for any of the purposes afore-
No. 14. A main pipe or aqueduct, wholly in said. ' .
the said township of Ashton-in-Makerfield, com- To enable the Local Board to lay down and
mencing in and out of reservoir No. 1, and termi- maintain mains, pipes, culverts, and other works
nating where the same township adjoins the town- for gas and water in, through, along, under, across,
ship of Abram at a point about 50 yards from the and over, and for the purposes of the Bill to cross,
northerly side of a block of cottage* known as alter, divert, stop up, either temporarily or per-
Crippin's-houses in the said township of Ashton-in- manently, and interfere with any roads, streets,
Makerfield. ' . highways, footpaths, bridges, canals, towing-paths,
No. 15. A main pipe or aqueduct, wholly in the railroads, tramways, sewers, drains, streams, brooks,
township of Ashton-in-Makerfield, commencing in watercourses, and pipes, and to remove and alter
and out of the main pipe No. 14 at the junction telegraphic apparatus within the districts, parishes,
" of the roads known as Ciss-lane and Booth's Brow- townships, extra-parochial, and other places afore-
lane/ and terminating at a point 100 yards or said.
thereabouts from the lodge gates at Ashtori Cross To authorize, the Local Board to, manufacture,
to Garswood Park, in the said township of Ashton- purchase, or hire, sell and let gas' and water
' in-Makerfield. . . ; ; fittings, meters, and apparatus. . . . '
No. 16. A main pipe-or aqueduct, wholly in the - To.enable the Local Board to purchase and tak>

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