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The Cause of

Human Conflict

In this presentation, we will talk about the origin of
human conflict and suffering, or what many religions
refer to as the Human Fall.
The Purpose of Our Life The Three Blessings


Mind Love
Love Body


If the ideal of human life is to perfect our character
in relationship to God, why are we so ignorant of
Gods existence?
Why are individual men and women so confused over
who they are and why they are here?
And why are we so often unable to act out what we
believe is right?
The Purpose of Our Life The Three Blessings


Ideal True
True Ideal
God Husband
Husband Love
Love Wife

True Child
Mind Love
Love Body

Person Society


One World Family

Furthermore, if our inherent purpose was to establish
perfected families based upon Gods true love,
why have we seen so much disunity and suffering
within the family?
Why has divorce reached such high levels in
modern society?
Why have we seen the problems of infidelity, spouse and
child abuse, incest, and even murder within the family
throughout the long course of human history?
The Purpose of Our Life The Three Blessings


Ideal True
True Ideal
God Husband
Husband Love
Love Wife
Wife God

True Child Ideal True
True All
Mind Love
Love Body Person Love
Love Things

Ideal Ideal
Person Society Creation


One World Family

Finally, if all people were originally intended to
live in harmony with creation using our unique
intellectual, artistic, and creative potentials to create
an ideal world why have we wasted and poisoned
our environment?
Why have we exploited the environment for personal gain?
Our ancestors never realized their potential;
they never fulfilled the three fundamental purposes of
human life. In reality, our world is filled with evil and
People commit all kinds of atrocities against one
another; we have the capacity for unbelievable cruelty.
Yet our greatest enemy is often ourselves!
We can also be quite self-destructive too.
How did we come to inherit this tendency to cause harm?
Some philosophers have theorized that the problem
of evil is a result of our evolutionary development
(i.e. natural selection); just as animals compete for
their survival (i.e. natural selection), human beings
compete with one another.
This theory holds that we have been gradually
sloughing off our animal past as we have developed
throughout history. But is this true?
Ecologists agree that nature is a balanced system. There is exquisite
harmony there. Animals do not kill for sport or out of resentment,
but only to satisfy their need for food. Furthermore, many animals
mate for life, remaining loyal to their spouse until death. If humankind
evolved from the animals, surely our social order should be no less
harmonious than theirs. But, as anyone can see, people commit all
sorts of crimes which animals do not.
Why is this?
Unlike animals, people have self-consciousness and the ability to choose
our response to the conditions which surround us. Human beings have
value systems based upon the conscience. The morality of our actions in
any situation is based upon our values, which in turn depend upon our
level of conscience.
One problem is that there are many different standards of conscience
which give rise to many different values. The deeper dilemma, though,
is that people have the tendency to do both good and evil because we
have a divided and opposing nature.
We Have Two Opposing Minds

True &
Original Lasting
Mind Happiness

All people experience this inner contradiction.
On the one hand, our original mind, which is related
to our conscience yields healthy and good desires which
can lead us to lasting happiness, if we act upon them.
But how shall we define what is good?

Thoughts For the sake of

Words others even at the
Actions expense of the self

Based on true love

Supports the Purpose of Creation

As mentioned previously, our deepest aspiration is for
true love; this arises from the very nature of our heart.
Thus, that which is good is determined according to
the standard of true love; thoughts, words, and actions
done for the sake of others, even at the expense of ourselves.
Any attitude or behavior which we like for ourselves
patience, forgiveness, kindness always conforms to
this definition. Goodness also promotes our purpose,
the Three Blessings.
We Have Two Opposing Minds

False & True &

Temporary Evil Original Lasting
Happiness Mind Mind Happiness
Evil Good
Desire Desire

On the other hand, we also have a distorted and evil
mind which produces corrupt desires that lead us to
contradict our conscience.
These evil desires lead to illicit actions which bring
apparent, short-term happiness, but which eventually
yield guilt, misery, and regret.
How shall we identify what is evil?

Thoughts For the sake of

Words ourselves at the
Actions expense of others

Based on false love

Opposes the Purpose of Creation

Based upon the standard of true love, evil is defined as
its opposite. In other words, evil is based upon false love.
Evil behavior will always conform to this definition:
thoughts, words, and actions done for the sake of
ourselves at the expense of others.
Again, when we reflect on what we personally dislike
impatience, vengeance, cruelty we can see how evil
sacrifices others for itself. This is a denial of the very
principle and purpose of life.
Our Contradictory Nature

What I do is not the good

I want to do; no, the evil I
do not want to do this I
keep on doing.
Romans 7:19

We all experience this struggle of good and evil within.
We all want to do what is right, but as St. Paul said,
we often do what is wrong.
God Would Not Create Us
with Opposing Purposes

Evil Good

2 conflicting No value

How did we become like this?
Certainly, God would not create any being with conflicting
purposes any more than we would.
A thing with opposite purposes has no value.
For example, would a potter create a cup with a hole in it?
Would a God of perfect harmony, purity, and integrity
create children who are innately so unlike Himself?
How could God ever hope to realize His purpose
of creation, if He made us to be so self-destructive?
Obviously, God did not create us this way.
Then how have we acquired these tendencies?
within the
individual leads to
in the

The answer lies within each of us, because even with
all the wars and injustices perpetrated by societies,
these conflicts are only reflections of the spiritual war
waged within each individual.
People in every culture and age
have insisted that evil had a
specific cause, that human
nature is not natural at all
because it has been distorted by
some fundamental mistake or
failure that has been perpetuated
from generation to generation.
Richard Heinberg
American Anthropologist
Memories and Visions of Paradise

As anthropologist Richard Heinberg has stated:
People of every culture and age have insisted that
evil had a specific cause..., that human nature is
not natural at all because it has been distorted by
some fundamental mistake or failure that has been
perpetuated from generation to generation.
In other words, evil is not intrinsic to us; crime had to
have a beginning. There must have been a first illicit
act prompted by an initial evil desire which arose from
within our early ancestors. The tendency was then
handed down throughout history.
What was the
origin of evil?

What then is the origin of evil?
Only by understanding this can we gain any power
over the tragedy that afflicts our world.
Ancient Stories
of the Origin of Evil

Not scientific history

Intuitive understanding

Every culture has a story about the origin of evil.
These ancient tales are not founded on scientific
history, but are based on an intuitive understanding,
and provide clues to unlock the mystery of evils origin.
Some psychologists, such as Carl Jung have valued
these stories as expressing the collective unconscious
mind of all humanity. Though they seem like mere fairy
tales, these stories, like dreams, can be analyzed to
reveal deep truths about the human experience.
A famous example is the Greek tale of Pandoras box,
in which the first woman was given a box by her
godfiance and prohibited from opening it before
her wedding; overcome by curiosity, however, she lifted
the lid and released all the evils and afflictions into
the world.
A certain African story involves the first man who
was requested by the Creator to bring Him bananas
without eating any.
Unlike the sun and moon who were also so challenged,
the man couldnt control his desire to taste them.
He ate the bananas and lied about doing it. For this he
had to remain in a pit in the ground.
The biblical story of Adam and Eve is another
explanation involving the first ancestors and
a challenge from God. It is so detailed that it is worthy
of a deeper look.
The Fall
In the Garden of Eden[they] were both
naked and they felt no shame
Genesis 2:25

The woman said to the serpent, God did

say, You must not eat the fruit from the
tree, or you will die. You will not surely
die, the serpent said to the womanShe
took some of the fruit and ate it. She also
gave some to [the man]They realized they
were naked; so theymade coverings for
Genesis 3:2-7
Genesis 3:2-7

According to that tale, the first man and woman lived
in a world without evil, and were very close to God.
They were naked and they lived without fear, guilt,
or shame.
God freely gave them everything, but he also gave them
one warning not to eat a certain fruit.
However, tempted by the serpents words, the woman
ate the fruit, and then gave it to the man, who also ate it.
Afterwards, they felt shame and guilt and hid themselves,
covering their sexual organs.
Because of their crime, they lost Paradise and the
experience of Gods love.
Humanity has lived in sorrow and tragedy ever since.
It is interesting to note that each of these accounts, developed in
dramatically different cultures over long expanses of time, are similar.
Each story establishes that God originally created humankind
innocent, (dwelling in a kind of earthly paradise), with freedom
to do anything we desired, except for some specific action
prohibited by God. In other words, along with our freedom came
responsibility to obey Gods commandment. In each case,
the first human ancestors failed their responsibility, and as
a result, they brought evil into the world.
Again, the important feature of these narratives is not the literal
story itself, but what it represents. For this reason, we should
examine the meaning of the key elements to grasp the nature of
the original evil act.
Fruit = Symbol
God of love does not give a
test punishable by death
More desirable than life itself
Affected future generations

Many of these stories contain a central object which is violated as
well as a tempter who elicits our ancestors evil behavior: In the Garden
of Eden tale, that object is a fruit and the tempter is the serpent.
In considering the fruit first, we assume the fruit is not literal.
Biblical religions have traditionally believed that the fruit is literal but
unimportant, and that the real sin was disobedience of a divine test.
We must ask ourselves, if a God of love would test His beloved children in
this manner, with the penalty of death? Even bad parents would not test
their children this way; how can we attribute this to our perfect Parent, God?
It is more sensible to assume that because the fruit is symbolic of something
that was dangerous and enticing in itself, God was warning them out of His love.
This leads us to ask what thing would entice our innocent ancestors, who
lacked nothing, to jeopardize not only their intimacy with God but their
very lives? And what act could have affected all generations since?
Disobedience alone could never have created the contagion of corruption
that we have seen throughout history.
The fruit must symbolize something quite fundamental to human life,
the abuse of which would irreparably damage us.
Serpent = Spiritual Being
1. Able to communicate with
human beings
2. Knew Gods Commandment
3. Able to tempt human beings

If the fruit in this story is symbolic, what about
the serpent?
This serpent was able to communicate with human beings;
he knew Gods commandment given to the children
and he was able to tempt them.
Obviously no snake could do this.
The serpent must be a symbol, representing some
being with a spiritual mind; however, the Bible states
that Adam and Eve were the only human beings
in existence.

Archangel Lucifer

The only other beings with spiritual minds existing
at that time were the angels.
From this we can conclude that the serpent symbolizes
an angel.
Within the full biblical narrative, we learn that before
the creation of human beings, God made the angels as
His servants, and the leader of all the angels was one
called Lucifer.
This archangel is the one represented by the serpent in
the story of the Fall.
He is later called Satan or the devil.
Serpent = Fallen Archangel

That ancient serpent called the devil

or Satan, who leads the whole world
astraywas hurled to the earth, and
his angels with him.
Revelation 12:9

How you are fallen from heaven, O

Lucifer, son of the morning!
Isaiah 14:12 KJV

This serpent was later cursed by God for having
seduced Eve into eating the forbidden fruit. (Gen. 3:14)
In Revelation 12:9 this ancient serpent who seduced
the world is identified as Satan, a leader of angels.
The cry in Isaiah 7:14, How you are fallen...O Lucifer...
is traditionally understood to refer also to the
archangel who became Satan by tempting the first
human couple.
What Crime Did
the Archangel Commit?

Unperfected Angel
Possible to do evil

In seeking to pinpoint the origin of evil, the question arises:
How did the archangel become corrupt?
The angels were capable of wrongdoing while
unperfected, just as humans were. The Genesis story
symbolically represents Lucifer as tempting Eve to
eat a fruit.
What crime did this servant commit which was so
grave that it made him the archenemy of God
and humanity?
What was the actual nature of the crime?
What Crime Did
the Archangel Commit?

Unperfected Angel
Possible to do evil

Crime of the Archangel

Illicit sexual love

The only offense that God could not have forgiven
would be the violation of the very center of His Heart
and ideal; that would involve His children and love itself.
This suggests the crime was an illicit sexual relationship.
Crime of the Angel
Illicit Sexual Relationship

The angelsdid not keep their

positions of authorityIn a
similar way, Sodom and
Gomorrahgave themselves
up to sexual immorality and
Jude 6-7

The Bible, as well as other religious Scripture, implies
the crime of the angel is one of a sexual nature,
such as this passage in Jude 6:7 suggests.
If angels were involved in sins of immorality, we might
suspect this originated in Lucifers original abuse of
sexual love.
What Crime Did Our
First Ancestors Commit?

The mystery remains: What was the offense of our
first human ancestors?
In the story, Adam and Eve were Lucifers partners
in crime. This, together with the symbols and other
evidence from biblical passages, suggests that this evil
act was also a violation of principled sexuality.
What Crime Did Our
First Ancestors Commit?

Adam & Eves reaction

Ashamed of their sexual organs

For example, after Adam and Eve committed their crime,
they were ashamed of their sexual organs, and they hid
from God.
This vividly shows what they must have done. It is
human nature to hide that part of the body through
which a wrong was committed.
If they had disobediently eaten a fruit, why wouldnt
they have covered their mouths?
Adam & Eves
Shame after Their Crime
[They] were both naked, but they felt no shame.
Genesis 1:27, 2:25

She took some [of the fruit] and ate it...and he

[also] ate it. Then...they realized that they were
naked; so they...made coverings for themselves.
Genesis 3:6-7

I have concealed my sin as Adam did, by hiding

my guilt in my heart.
Job 31:33

It is clear in the story that God wanted His children to
be pure and unashamed of their nakedness.
However, after their deed, they became self-conscious
and covered their bodies.
What Crime Did Our
First Ancestors Commit?

Adam & Eves reaction

Ashamed of their sexual organs

Crime of Adam & Eve

Illicit sexual relationship

This in itself suggests that their mistake must have
been a misuse of their sexual organs.
In other words, the origin of evil was a premature
and illicit sexual relationship, which first occurred
between Eve and the servant Lucifer, and then
between Eve and Adam.

= Sexual Love

Trees reproduce by their fruit

People have children through
their sexual love

The fruit symbolized the sexual love of Eve.
The serpents temptation of Eve was symbolic language for
the servants sexual seduction of the young woman.
Then, when Eve gave the fruit to Adam, this represented
the woman having a premature sexual relationship with
the young man.
The symbolism is clear; Eve ate the fruit of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil, and trees reproduce by their fruit.
Fruit has often been used as a symbol for love in literature.
In addition, it was Middle Eastern custom to refer to sexual
intercourse as knowing someone, as when Genesis 4:1
says that, Adam knew his wife Eve and she bore him a son...
Even today we refer to illicit sex as carnal knowledge.
The premature and illicit
sexual relationship of the
first human ancestors

The origin of human evil

Only a crime of this nature could cause the transmission
of evil down throughout the long course of human history.
The misuse of love between our first ancestors and the
servant created a tainted lineage and corrupted way of
life that multiplied and spawned all the forms of evil.
Personal Perfection to Be
Achieved before Family Life

God God

True Ideal
Ideal True
True Ideal
Mind Love
Love Body Husband
Husband Love
Love Wife

Person Child

First Blessing Second Blessing

Gods Three Blessings to humankind all center on
principled love.
Before we can express true love as a couple and family,
we must first realize the perfection of our in love
as individuals.
The first ancestors obviously had children without first
achieving this spiritual maturity.
Our Highest Values
Realized through Sexuality




What are the three most precious things in life?
The first is love, of course, because it gives life meaning.
Through love we create life, and from life, our lineage.
Gods love, life and lineage were intended to be realized
on earth through the perfection of His children
according to the purpose of creation.
Therefore, the sexual organs of the body are the most
sacred and holy parts, instruments of Gods purpose
of love.
The violation of these organs, and thus the violation of
the purpose of creation itself, was and is a most evil
and dangerous action.
Freedom to A E
express love

to Gods Growing
Commandment Period

Adam Eve

The commandment, given to our ancestors, Do not eat
the fruit... was meant to be only a temporary restriction,
heeded only until our ancestors love was mature.
After marrying with Gods blessing, they could then
freely express sexual love with each other. They could
enjoy raising children and passing on Gods tradition
of true love to all of their descendants.
In other words, the first human beings had a portion of
responsibility to fulfill in order for Gods ideal to be realized.
Gods Dominion over Humanity


Perfected True Perfected

Adam Love Eve


True Life
True Lineage

A dominion of Gods love was meant to come about
by the first man and woman fulfilling their portion
of responsibility to reach spiritual perfection before
engaging in sexual love. In this manner unconditional
divine love would have become substantiated within
each of them.
On that basis, God would have given them His
Blessing of marriage which would have substantiated
Gods own lineage on the earth.
Freedom to A E
express love

Obedience Adam
Adam Eve
to Gods
Commandment Fall

Adam Eve

God intended to live in human life, but by violating
His word and pursuing a love that did not originate
in God, our ancestors lost this gift. This choice halted
their spiritual growth and created the evil mind.
The crime of misusing love was a serious mistake.
By creating a marriage apart from Gods desire,
they forfeited the opportunity to realize Gods three
blessings for themselves and their children.
False love under the spiritual dominion of Satan
became their way of life.
Evidence that the Origin of Evil
Was Nonprincipled Love

A large body of evidence supports the idea that the
origin of evil was nonprincipled love.
Evidence that the Origin of Evil
Was Nonprincipled Love
1. Considered among the worst sins
by major religions
Celibacy Favored by many religions
Jesus conception believed to be
Circumcision Mark of purification

The major religions have traditionally considered
sexual sins as being the worst.
Furthermore, many religions advocate celibacy as
a way to achieve higher spiritual development.
In Judaism, circumcision came to be a mark of distinction
and purification for Jews.
Within Christianity and other religions, those who
sought God and freedom from evil chose lives of celibacy.
Marriage itself was considered a sacrament a holy
joining of a man and woman. Before marriage,
both individuals were expected to be virgins and
premarital sex was considered a serious sin.
Why would God inspire religious people to maintain
such strict moral standards unless the origin of evil
were related to the misdirection of sexual love?
A large body of evidence supports the idea that
the origin of evil was nonprincipled love.
Evidence that the Origin of Evil
Was Nonprincipled Love
1. Considered among the worst sins
by major religions
2. Effect passed on through
Satan Father of humanity
Our lineage needs to be purified

Obviously, the effects of the Fall have been passed
down through the generations. This in itself indicates
that the original crime was linked to the act of
producing life.
The Bible presents Satan as the father of humanity.
How could this be, unless the Fall was an abuse of love
and sexuality?
Many religions have therefore taught that we need
purification before we can come to God.
Effect of the First Crime Passed
Down through Generations

Jesus said to them, You belong

to your father, the devil, and
you want to carry out your
fathers desire.
John 8:44

You must be born again.

John 3:7

This concept is clearly expressed through the words
of Jesus. By indicating that we must be born again,
he was implying that there was something fundamentally
wrong with our original birth.
Again, how could this be, if evil were only the result of
simple disobedience?
Evidence that the Origin of Evil
Was Nonprincipled Love
1. Considered among the worst sins
by major religions
2. Effect passed on through
3. Degradation of sexual love

In spite of Gods ideal for sexual love, throughout
history, sexual love has been degraded.
Instead of the beautiful, pure and sacred celebration
between a perfected man and woman, sex has become
something to be sold, or just another form of recreation.
Even animals have higher standards for sexual
relationships than many people.
Evidence that the Origin of Evil
Was Nonprincipled Love
1. Considered among the worst sins
by major religions
2. Effect passed on through
3. Degradation of sexual love
4. Family breakdown

The plague of family breakdown clearly points to
nonprincipled love as the central human problem.
Certainly the causes of family dysfunction include
false love and misdirection of sexuality.
It is no coincidence that today we see a dramatic
breakdown of the family system worldwide as permissive
attitudes toward sex become adopted by our schools,
the media, government, and even religions.
These tragic patterns in families, transmitted through
the lineage, must have originated in a false tradition
established in the original family.
The ancient misunderstanding and hostility between
the sexes, which we manifested today through the
proliferation of divorce, does not come from God.
The very first couple must not have matured internally
as man and woman or appreciated each other.
Indeed, they must have hurt and exploited each other,
setting in motion dynamics of abuse that have grown
to monstrous proportions.
Births to Unmarried Mothers


41% of all births in the U.S.

Source: National Center for Health Statistics, 2008

The conflict between men and women leaves the
children vulnerable. The rate of infants born to mothers,
unable or unwilling to sustain a marriage to the father,
has soared in recent years to over forty per cent.
What was once a sad exception the child growing up
with one parent is rapidly becoming the norm.
Besides the limitations of love and attention, this
situation leaves the child with an unfortunate example
to follow. Thus the tragic pattern continues, of unwed
mothers raising daughters who themselves become
unwed mothers.
Examples of the Misuse of Sexual
Love Leading to Family Breakdown

Illegitimate births

There are many examples of sexual behaviors traditionally
regarded as immoral adultery, rape, incest, births out
of wedlock, homosexuality, and others that undermine
the family ideal.
Their source can be readily traced to a catastrophic
family disorder at the dawn of history.
Evidence that the Origin of Evil
Was Nonprincipled Love
1. Considered among the worst sins
by major religions
2. Effect passed on through
3. Degradation of sexual love
4. Family breakdown
5. Cause of crime

Crime itself is linked to problems that begin in
the family child abuse, pornography, and other
destructive behaviors all have links to violent crime.
Sexuality is the key
to the problem of the

Sigmund Freud
German Psychologist
Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality

Such discoveries led the famous psychiatrist Sigmund
Freud to conclude that all our emotional disturbances
are connected with problems in sexuality.
While we might disagree with him in many ways,
his association of destructive human behavior with
distorted sexuality was a true insight.
Beliefs about the Origin of Crime
Psychology Sociology
Family Family
breakdown breakdown

Psychological Social
conflicts conflicts

Psychologists and sociologists agree that a dysfunctional
family life is a breeding ground for mental illness,
criminal behavior, and a host of derived problems.
In other words, a dysfunctional family fosters the
cultivation of the dark side of human nature.
Evidence that the Origin of Evil
Was Nonprincipled Love
1. Considered among the worst sins
by major religions
2. Effect passed on through
3. Degradation of sexual love
4. Family breakdown
5. Cause of crime
6. Decline of civilizations
Related to sexual immorality

The final evidence to note is that the ruin of great
civilizations has been connected with sexual immorality.
Rise & Fall of Nations

n g prospers
St r o
Morality We

History demonstrates that when families are stable
and morally sound the society and nation prosper.
However, when sexual permissiveness ushers in the
demise of the family system, society and eventually
the nation itself collapses.
The Fall of our first human ancestors created a history
which God never intended due to the corruption of
the human heart.
How does the first
evil act affect all of us?

How does this offense of our ancestors affect us today?
Evil Related to
Nonprincipled Love

1. First evil act

Misuse of sexual love
Based on the
misdirection of heart
2. All human evil
Related directly or indirectly
to nonprincipled love

The Principle is proposing that evil first emerged
through the deviation of love and abuse of sex within
the original family.
Further, it assumes that all human evil is related
directly or indirectly to nonprincipled love.
Love which is most precious to us and most natural
to pursue is also easily misdirected and a source of
great injury.
Results of the Human Fall

1. Fallen Nature

As a result of this original mistake, all people have
inherited what we call fallen nature.
We Inherited Opposing Natures

False Evil Original True

Love Nature Nature Love
Evil Good
Desire Desire

The Human Fall caused us to inherit an evil mind
with inclinations that are contradictory to our original
minds nature.
The original mind wants only true love, and from it
comes good desire that would promote this kind of love.
The moment that the archangel and our first
ancestors fell, though, their unselfish original nature
became redirected towards selfishness.
We have inherited that same tendency to opposes
genuine love, and to pursue false, selfcentered love
based upon evil desire.
Fallen Fallen Evil
Nature Attitudes Actions

Falsehood Lying
Living only Greed Stealing
for self Lust Adultery
Resentment Violence
Intolerance Racism

Fallen nature, then, leads us to live solely for ourselves
and other such narrow purposes.
All our harmful desires and attitudes, such as greed,
lust, and intolerance develop from this basic fallen nature.
These in turn lead to a broad assortment of destructive
actions, including violence, adultery, and racism.
These scourges can only be ultimately eliminated by
removing the fallen nature itself.
Results of the Human Fall

1. Fallen Nature
2. Sin

In addition to the origination of the fallen nature,
another result of the Fall is the existence of sin.
Sin Any Nonprincipled
Thought or Action

Repels God

Attracts evil

Sin can be defined as any thought or action that
violates Gods principles of moral law.
A sin establishes a condition that separates us from God.
Further, since our growth towards spiritual maturity
is founded on moral action, when we sin we suffer
distortion and retardation of our spiritual growth.
Our Tree of Sin

Personal Sin

Collective Sin

Hereditary Sin

Original Sin Messiahs


Sin can be classified into four categories.
1. Original sin refers to the first sin committed by our
original parents which affected all people.
2. H ereditary sin refers to those sins committed by
ones ancestors which have been handed down to
their descendants.
3. C ollective sin refers to the crimes perpetrated by
the groups to which we belong. This includes our
nation and religion, for example.
4. Personal sin refers to our own errors.
Results of the Human Fall

1. Fallen Nature
2. Sin
3. Existence and activity
of Satan

On a deeper level, we also have to deal with the existence
of Satan, and his activity.

Fallen Archangel Satan

Enemy of God and humanity


Center of evil

Satan was originally a good angel created by God who
became the enemy of God and humankind through the Fall.
He became a false god and nucleus of fallen human life.
It is Satan who tempts us to think that we can fulfill our
purpose without God. Like a mafia boss who retains
a respectable facade while engaging in vicious and vile crimes,
Satan is the consummate deceiver and center of evil.
Satan is a spiritual reality who constantly conceals and
disguises himself as something else.
Satan is a very real, personal presence. Just as Gods
personality can be sensed in the heart and lives of saintly
people, Satans reality can be perceived in his expression
through evil people.
Influence of Satan


Selfish Desire

Evil Body Mind

Satans power and influence over us comes through
our own self-centeredness.
Generally, Satan tries to stimulate immoral desires
within our evil mind through giving false words,
and to cause our bodily urges to dominate those of our
original mind. His goal is to use our body to smother
our conscience by doing evil deeds.
Satan corrupts the human mind through all sorts of
means, twisting love and leading people to turn away
from service and living for others.
Influence of God and Satan

Satan God

Selfish Desire Unselfish Desire

Evil Body Mind Goodness

God, on the other hand, tries to stimulate the desires
of our original mind and guide us to reject Satans
temptation. God works through our conscience to
guide us in the direction of goodness.
Substitutes for True Love


Drugs, alcohol



But, in spite of Gods influences, we frequently ignore
our conscience and turn against Gods influence in
our lives.
In place of Gods true love, we have learned to substitute
forms of temporary pleasure such as free sex, drugs,
alcohol, and other things.
Our environment endlessly promotes false pleasures.
Of all these diversions, the most damaging is
sexual promiscuity.
Sex apart from maturity and marriage destroys
the purity of love and tarnishes all family and
community relationships.
Satans Dominion over Fallen Humanity


Fallen False
False Fallen
Adam Love
Love Eve


False Life
False Lineage

Since Satan initiated false human family love,
all humanity has come under his spiritual dominion as
his offspring.
As Jesus remarked, all humankind have become sons
and daughters of Satan.
From this false father we have inherited a tradition of
false love, false life and false lineage.
Results of the Human Fall

1. Fallen Nature
2. Sin
3. Existence and activity
of Satan
4. Suffering of God
and humanity

Lastly, another key result of the Fall of our first
ancestors has been the suffering of God and the history
of human misery.
Human Conflict

God Separation from God

Separation from others

People People

It is because of the misuse of love that we are estranged
from God. This separation from our common Father
directly leads to the sense of alienation from ourselves
and each other.
Like children with absent parents, it is very difficult
for us to love and respect each other, and we readily
fight over jealousies, rivalries, and perceived threats.
Lonely, hurt, and suspicious, we are cut off from each
other and often self-absorbed.
Real comfort eludes us, because we have an inner
longing for contact with a Parent many do not even
believe in.
Gods Suffering
God was grieved that He had
made man, and His heart was
filled with pain.
Genesis 6:6

Oh, that My head were a

spring of water and My eyes
a fountain of tears! I would
weep day and night.
Jeremiah 9:1

In these circumstances, not only are we hurting,
but God is also hurting.
As these scriptural verses indicate, God Himself was
grieved over the Fall of His children.
God is suffering because He feels everyones pain,
and thus His anguish has no end.
When a parent sees but cannot help his hurt child,
it is the most painful thing. Parents would rather die
than see their children suffer.
In conclusion, our heart is like a rose: Only when cherished, protected,
and allowed the time to mature, can its full color and fragrance be
experienced. If we seek to disclose its mystery too soon, to discover its
sweetness and intoxication before it is ready, we risk losing its greatest
beauty altogether.
We now understand that all of our intractable problems, both personal
and worldwide, are due to a distortion of love. Our responsibility, then,
is to recognize and reject false love in all of its forms and to realize our
true potential by fulfilling Gods ideal in each of our lives.
The restoration of the standard of true love is essential for any lasting
solution to human conflict and suffering, but we cannot do this only by
ourselves. Accordingly, God has taken upon Himself the responsibility
to restore the position of True Parents, in order to restore the original
love, life and lineage of God.
In our next presentation, we will begin to discuss how this is taking place.

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