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The Purpose of the Messiah

In this presentation we will discuss the idea of deliverance
from evil and the purpose of the Messiah or Savior.
Why do we need
the Messiah?

The first section will address the issue of why we need
the Messiah.
The Purpose of Our Life The Three Blessings


Ideal True
True Ideal
God Husband
Husband Love
Love Wife
Wife God

True Child Ideal True
True All
Mind Love
Love Body Person Love
Love Things

Ideal Ideal
Person Society Creation


One World Family

We have already explained that the original position of
a human being is as a child of God.
Each person is created to be the dwelling place of God
and to be able to fulfill the Three Blessings, to express
true love in all the essential relationships of our life.
The Beginning of History

True God
+ Ideal
Eve Fulfill




Ideal World

Heaven on Earth

If our first human ancestors had fulfilled their
responsibility to obey Gods word and had rejected
Satans temptation, they would have eventually
perfected their character centered upon God and
been blessed by God in marriage.
Our first parents would have become True Parents,
and passed on divine love, life, and lineage to make
an ideal world.
The Beginning of History

Satan False True God
Parents Parents
+ Ideal
Fail Eve Fulfill
Child Child

Family Family

Society Society

Nation Nation

Fallen World Ideal World

Hell on Earth Heaven on Earth

However, instead of fulfilling their potential as
Gods children, Adam and Eve betrayed God and
engaged in premature sexual love with the angel
and each other.
Thus Satan became the false father of humankind,
and Adam and Eve become false parents themselves
creating a world of corruption.
Our fallen condition is a source of heartbreak for God
and misery for us.
The deep-rooted nature of evil is such that we have no
easy way out without intervention, Gods ideal would
be an impossibility.
Salvation = Restoration

l To bring us back to the original
condition and position
Salvation from our fallen state, then, means more than
to rescued from the power of evil. It is to restore all
that was originally lost. For instance, to be fully saved
from drowning is to be as we were before.
God is trying to save humanity by bringing us back to
the point where we can fulfill what we were originally
intended to accomplish, that is, our purpose of creation.
Salvation is restoration.
The Purpose & Direction of History
Satan False Restoration True God
Parents Parents
+ Ideal
Fail Eve Fulfill
Child Child

Family Family

Society Society

Nation Nation

Fallen World Ideal World

Hell on Earth Heaven on Earth

In other words, human history is moving towards
the reclamation of the human birthright to fulfill
the Three Blessings.
History records Gods effort to save or restore
humankind as His children and to return them to
His caring dominion.
Ideal World
They shall beat their swords into
plowshares. Nation shall not lift
up sword against nation, neither
shall they learn war anymore.
Isaiah 2:4

Behold, the dwelling of God is

with men... Revelation 21:3

This is why the concept of an ideal world has
permeated human consciousness throughout history.
It has especially been the focus of religious teachings
as seen in these scriptures:
Nation shall not lift up sword against nation...
(Isaiah 2:4)
Behold, the dwelling of God is with men...
(Revelation 21:3)
The Purpose & Direction of History

Satan False True God
Parents Parents
Fallen Ideal Ideal
Woman Messiah Ideal

Child Child

Family Family

Society Society

Nation Nation

Fallen World Ideal World

Hell on Earth Heaven on Earth

The central focus of this process of restoration
involves the appearance of a special individual who
becomes the first person to fulfill Gods plan for
human life.
This person becomes the True Parent of humankind
just as Adam and Eve were intended.
Another term for this individual is the Messiah or
the Savior.
Center of Restoration
True Parents
Christ Lord

Savior True Man

Enlightened Last Prophet


Son of God Avatar

New Adam Incarnation

While many different terms have been used to
describe the mission of this individual, we maintain
that they all are referring to essentially the same task.
God is sending a Savior to establish the True Parents
of humanity who will fulfill Gods original ideal for
human life and then enable all people to do the same.
1. New Adam
Realizes the Three Blessings
Begins the new history

2. True Parents
Free us from original sin
Restore Gods love, life
and lineage

The Messiah comes as the new Adam who pioneers
the way to defeat Satan personally and realize the three
blessings. This accomplishment begins a new history.
To do this, he must restore a woman as his bride and
together they become True Parents, reversing the
mistake of the worlds first parents.
Once the True Parents are established, they can begin
the process of restoring the rest of humankind.
Position of the Messiah

Messiah Person True Parents


Through the messianic True Parents, fallen people
can be restored to the original human position as true
children of God.
Salvation = Restoration

More than forgiveness

Return to the original

condition before the Fall

Our salvation means more than even being forgiven
by God. It involves our restoration or re-creation as
true children of God, free of original sin, with the same
position and status of Adam and Eve before they fell.
The answer lies within each of us, because even with
all the wars and injustices perpetrated by societies,
these conflicts are only reflections of the spiritual war
waged within each individual.
Purpose of Salvation
Complete Restoration
Ideal Persons
1. No sin
2. Perfected in heart
3. No need for religious life
4. Children born free of
original sin
5. No need for the Messiah

Beyond this, the ultimate purpose of salvation is for
each human being to grow to become an ideal person.
This means fallen people will be completely restored;
that is we will be perfected in heart, will no longer
need any religious life, and will be able to bear
children free of original sin, and will have no further
need for the Messiah or salvation.
Did Jesus come as
the Messiah?

Christianity has assumed that the Messiah has
already come.
Did Christianitys founder, Jesus Christ, indeed come
as the Messiah?
Two thousand years ago, in the Middle East, in a very
tiny colony of the great Roman Empire, one man
changed human history to an extent which no person
has ever done before or since.


Fulfilled the First Blessing

Man of true love

Perfected image of God

The Principle affirms that Jesus came in the role of
the Messiah. Becoming spiritually mature, he realized
the First Blessing and was morally perfected.
Jesus was a man of true love, and in his being and
actions he was a manifestation of God and true
human nature.
He set a stirring example of living for others, yet in his
lifetime he was rejected by everyone, even his own family.
He died a miserable death with no one believing
in him. Nonetheless, after his death, his words and
personality became the basis for the greatest change in
world events ever seen.
Jesus Had the Potential
to Realize the Ideal World

As the Messiah, this one man Jesus had the practical
potential to realize the ideal world.
Jesus Had the Potential
to Realize the Ideal World

1. Brought new expression

of truth

Out of his unique relationship with God, Jesus brought
a profound and new teaching.
Jesus Brought a New
Expression of Truth

I have much more to say to you,

more than you can bear.
John 16:12

The people were all so amazed that

they asked each other, What is this?
A new teaching and with authority!
Mark 1:27

As we see in the Biblical account, Jesus expressed that
he knew more than even that which he revealed.
Also, his listeners were very aware that his teaching
represented a novel expression of truth.
In his teachings Jesus shared a deeper understanding
of God than had been known before in history.
He elaborated on the personal nature of God as our
loving father, not as a remote king.
He taught his followers a more practical understanding
of the nature of evil, fallen nature, and about the path
of reconciliation.
Jesus Had the Potential
to Realize the Ideal World

1. Brought new expression

of truth
2. Shared Gods true love

In addition to embodying and teaching Gods truth,
Jesus demonstrated Gods true love.
There are many examples of Jesus unconditional love.
Most notable was his manner of showing respect and
concern to all people as Gods children regardless of their
social position and his sacrifice even for his enemies.
Jesus Demonstrated
True Love

Jesus washed the feet of his

John 13:5

Love your enemies, do good to

those who hate you.
Luke 6:27

The Bible, in John 13:5, speaks of Jesus demonstrating
the role of a leader by washing the feet of his followers.
Perhaps the most striking of his words was his
teaching that we should love even those who hate us.
Jesus Had the Potential
to Realize the Ideal World

1. Brought new expression

of truth
2. Shared Gods true love
3. Forgave sin

As a man close to Gods heart, Jesus of Nazareth also
had the ability to forgive sin on Gods behalf.
A famous illustration is Jesus forgiveness of a woman,
due to her faith in him, who had been caught in the
act of adultery.
Jesus proclaimed her pardon in defiance of a crowd
who was prepared to execute her according to the Law.
Jesus Forgave Sin

Jesus said to her,

Your sins are forgiven.

Luke 7:48

Jesus confidence to forgive sin while he was alive
indicated there was no further sacrifice needed on his part,
to have that authority. His power was derived from his
special position.
Jesus Had the Potential
to Realize the Ideal World

1. Brought new expression

of truth
2. Shared Gods true love
3. Forgave sin
4. Announced the Ideal World

Also, based upon the authoritative nature of his own words,
he plainly believed in his potential to realize the ideal
world during his lifetime.
In fact, the majority of scholars today recognize Jesus
announcement of the imminent coming of Gods
Kingdom as the major trademark of his ministry.
Jesus Announced
the Ideal World

Repent, for the Kingdom of

heaven is near.
Matthew 4:17

Your kingdom come, Your will be

done on earth as it is in heaven
Matthew 6:10

For example, Jesus announced that Gods Kingdom
had begun to be established on earth centering upon
him. (Matthew 4: 17)
He asked his disciples to pray that Gods ideal would
come soon, and that Gods will be done on earth as it
is in heaven. (Matt 6:10)
For all of these reasons, it is clear that The Nazarene had
the potential to realize the ideal world during his lifetime.
Prepared Environment for Jesus

Socrates Han Dynasty
Lao Tsu
Roman Empire Israel
Zoroaster Buddha

When we look at the state of the world at the time of
Jesus, it becomes clear that the world was experiencing
an unparalleled level of development and progress.
The Roman Empire had created the greatest system of
communication, transportation, education and culture
the world had ever known.
Other cultures had also reached a zenith; founders
of many great religions had appeared in the recent
historical period.
Providence had prepared the world environment of
that time to enable Jesus message to quickly reach
key civilizations.
Jesus ended his life as a state-executed criminal,
unknown and unloved, rejected by his people.
Though he came as the Messiah, an ideal world never
came about. Why?
Was Jesus death on the
cross necessary?

To make sense out of the apparent contradictions
in the life and death of Jesus, we need to consider
several questions.
One is the issue of his death.
Was his sacrifice on the cross inevitable and necessary?
Our next section examines this.
For two thousand years, millions of believers in
the Christian tradition have understood the story
and meaning of the life and death of Jesus in certain
established ways.
It is not easy to take a fresh perspective on such a figure
of faith and legend.
Traditional Understanding
of Jesus Purpose

Gods original plan was

for Jesus to die on the

The salvation of believers

comes only through Jesus
death and resurrection

Traditional Christian belief states that Gods purpose
in sending the Messiah, Jesus, was for him to sacrifice
himself on the cross.
One perspective is that his life represents the
perfected man paying the penalty for all the crimes
of fallen humanity.
It has been understood that the salvation of believers
comes through faith in the significance of Jesus
sacrificial death and faith in his resurrection.
Was Jesus Death on the Cross
the Original Plan of God?

The traditional view is true and beautiful in many
ways but leaves many essential issues unresolved.
This brings us to the question of whether, indeed,
Jesus death on the cross was the original plan of God.
From the standpoint of biblical evidence, common sense,
and the Principle, it is clear that it was not.
Was Jesus Death on the Cross
the Original Plan of God?

1. Gods preparation of Israel

To receive the Messiah

The first and most obvious indication of this fact is seen in
Gods preparation of the chosen people, Israel.
It is wellestablished that Israel had been specially prepared
over hundreds of years to expect a Messiah. Through their
training to strictly revere the temple, and all that represented
their God, unmistakably, God intended for them to follow,
cherish, and protect the Messiah most of all.
Given their lengthy preparation, why would God plan for
this unique nation out of all nations to then have their long
awaited Savior executed?
And if Jesus miserable fate was Gods will, why were the
participants not rewarded later by providence? For example,
Judas, Jesus betrayer, died a tragic death and is certainly not
regarded by history as a hero.
Israel was a devout people who had received the
revelation of the Law, which specifically forbade murder
and human sacrifice. Few, if any, other people had such
a moral standard.
How can we imagine then that they were predestined
by God to participate in the Messiahs death as
a sacrifice for sin?
Was Jesus Death on the Cross
the Original Plan of God?

1. Gods preparation of Israel

To receive the Messiah
2. Reaction of Jesus disciples
Anger and sorrow

A second indication that the crucifixion was not Gods
primary purpose for Jesus comes from the reaction of
his disciples.
Obviously, they had not been expecting him to be executed.
When he died they were shocked and angry, yet they
were the ones who were most aware of Jesus hopes
and expectations.
Surely, if Jesus had intended to die they would have
sensed this and even welcomed this, though they may
have been saddened at their personal loss.
The dying words of St. Stephen, one of Jesus loyal
disciples, clearly show that he did not view the
crucifixion as Gods Will.
Quite the contrary; he saw this as a crime against God.
Disciples Anger

You are just like your fathers

[who]...killed those who predicted
the coming of the Righteous One.
And now you have betrayed and
murdered him.
Acts 7:51-52

Though he knew he would be killed for his words,
Stephen boldly declared that the crucifixion of
Jesus was a betrayal and murder the result of the
faithlessness of the Hebrews.
If one of Jesus closest disciples felt this way, it is
highly probable that the others did as well.
Was Jesus Death on the Cross
the Original Plan of God?

1. Gods preparation of Israel

To receive the Messiah
2. Reaction of Jesus disciples
Anger and sorrow

3. Jesus words
Jesus desired to be accepted

An even more compelling refutation of the cross as
absolutely predestined are Jesus own recorded words.
Had he been received as the anticipated Messiah,
surely no one would have hurt him; indeed, they would
have protected him from harm.
Yet, if dying is the only way he can accomplish his
lifes mission, then he should not seek acceptance,
but instead, should wait for his inevitable execution.
The reality is that he continuously asked the people to
believe in him, to accept him for who he was.
Jesus Desired to Be Accepted

This is the work of God, that you

believe in him whom He has sent.
John 6:29

Even though you do not believe me,

believe the miracles, that you may
learn and understand that the Father
is in me, and I am in the Father.
John 10:38

Jesus had authority while alive to forgive the peoples sins and
lead them to perfection.
This is why he repeatedly made direct appeals for faith in him,
as in John 6:29: This is the work of God, that you believe in him
whom he has sent. Why would he say this, if he could only truly
help them after his future death? Even more significant, if they had
responded to his wish, it would have been highly improbable that
he would have been crucified at all.
Throughout the Gospels, the Nazarene repeatedly expresses
his hopes for creating Gods Kingdom on earth imminently.
This would require convincing the people that he was indeed the
Messiah. However, few understood him. In desperation, he began to
perform miracles in the hope of persuading the people of his special
identity. This is expressed in John 10:38: Believe the miracles that
you may learn...that I am in the Father.
Are these the words of a man whose original plan is to be rejected and die?
Jesus Desired to Be Accepted
He wept over [Jerusalem] and said, If youhad
only known on this day what would bring you
peace but now it is hidden from your eyes. The
days will come upon you when your enemies
willdash you to the groundbecause you did
not recognize the time of Gods coming to you.
Luke 19:41-44

O Jerusalemhow often I have longed to gather

your children togetherbut you were not willing.
Matthew 23:37

At one point in his ministry Jesus even wept over
Jerusalem, because he knew they would regret
their disbelief.
If he had always known that they would not
recognize him, why would he ache over his rejection?
In fact, he says at another point that he wants to
gather the children of Israel together. Surely this
reflects Gods primary intention, that Jesus fulfill
the longing of his people to find their Savior.
In many references throughout the Bible, we can see
that Jesus was hurt and frustrated by the rejection of
the Jewish people.
Why would he try so hard, if it was a lost cause from
the beginning?
Why be upset, if it was Gods will for people to reject him,
if it was in fact a necessity in order to save the world?
Stages of Jesus Public Work

1. Speaking of the coming

Kingdom of God

2. Facing heavy opposition

3. Beginning to speak of his

early death and of the
Second Coming of the Messiah

Reviewing Jesus brief public life, we find three
distinct phases.
Throughout the first period, he preached Gods
Kingdom on earth and demonstrated its possibility.
As his message spread, the Nazarene gradually came
to face dangerous opposition from the very leaders
God had prepared to receive him.
As a result of this opposition, Jesus began to recognize
the likelihood of his going to the cross.
Thus, in the final stage of his ministry, Jesus began
to speak of his death and of the need for a Second
Coming of the Messiah.
Jesus Accomplishment
Dependent Upon Human Responsibility
Gods Will Jesus lives
Restoration completed

cc Fulfillment of our responsibility


The traditional understanding of the crucifixion
does not properly acknowledge the role of human
responsibility in the work of restoration.
Jesus accomplishment depended upon human response.
Gods original will was for the new Adam to be received
and supported by the people so that restoration would be
completed during his lifetime.
Jesus Accomplishment
Dependent Upon Human Responsibility
Gods Will Jesus lives
Restoration completed

cc Fulfillment of our responsibility


R Failure of our responsibility

Jesus dies
Restoration delayed

Tragically, Jesus was not accepted on behalf of all humanity
by Israel. This resulted in Jesus having to go a secondary
course of taking on himself the failed portion of human
responsibility; thus, he went the way of the cross and full
restoration was delayed.
Because Adam and Eve failed their responsibility to follow
Gods Word in order to realize the ideal, in restoration
humanity must correct this mistake by receiving and following
Gods Word through the Messiah.
Furthermore, just as Satan tempted our earliest ancestors,
he would of course continue to oppose Gods Will by
tempting people to reject the Savior. This is why the Bible says
that Satan inspired Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus. (Luke 22:3)
What was the significance
of Jesus sacrifice?

In light of this, what was accomplished through
Jesus death?
What was its significance?
Value of Jesus Sacrifice on the
Cross and Resurrection

Physical Spiritual
Self Self

Through the crucifixion, Jesus precious physical self
was given over to Satan.
The evil force worked through sinful and ignorant
men to destroy Jesus body.
Value of Jesus Sacrifice on the
Cross and Resurrection
Satan God


Physical Spiritual
Self Self

Satan, however, was unable to defeat the Messiahs spirit.
Throughout his ordeal, Jesus heart never changed.
He never betrayed God; he always kept his position as
the true son of God.
His willing sacrifice allowed God to open up a new realm
of love and life in the spiritual world through Jesus,
represented by his resurrection.
The resurrection was Gods victory, not the crucifixion.
After his death, Jesus appeared to those who loved him,
showing that he was indomitable and that the way of
living for others leads only to glory.
The resurrection of Jesus was the most significant event
in restoration history up to that time.
Previously, God worked indirectly through prophets
and miracles, the Law of Israel being the fullest expression
of His Word.
Now, God could work directly through His perfected
son in the spiritual world, who completely embodied
Gods Word.
Value of Jesus Sacrifice on the
Cross and Resurrection
Satan God


Physical Spiritual Physical Spiritual
Self Self Self
Self Self
Believers Jesus

Those people who could believe in Jesus as the Messiah
could now share in his fate.
On one hand, the physical self of each believer remains
under Satans dominion; in fact, one often suffers when
following the Messiahs way of life.
Value of Jesus Sacrifice on the
Cross and Resurrection
Satan God


Physical Spiritual Physical Spiritual
Self Self Self
Self Self
Believers Jesus

On the other hand, for the first time since the human fall,
believers could enjoy Gods life elements and spiritual
protection from Satans influence.
Believers could experience inner rebirth and be resurrected
to the position of adopted son or daughter of God.
This is called spiritual salvation; our spiritual selves
are purified and renewed by Gods love, and thus,
He is closer to us.
Spiritual Salvation
For in my inner being I delight in
Gods law; but I see another law at
workin my body.
Romans 7:22

We ourselves, who have the rst fruits

of the Spirit,wait eagerly for our
adoption as sons, the redemption of
our bodies.
Romans 8:23

Because Jesus was unable to purify the material world
from evils influence, we can still be attacked and
tempted in our daily life.
St. Paul wrote:
In my inner being I delight in Gods law; but I see
another law at work in my body making me a slave to
the law of sin... He also wrote, We ourselves,
who have the first fruits of the Spirit...wait eagerly for...
the redemption of our bodies. (Rom. 8:23)
It is all too evident even for believers that our restoration
is incomplete.
Purpose of Salvation
Not Yet Completed
1. Sin
2. Not perfected in heart
3. Need religious life
4. Children born with original sin
5. Need the Messiah to return

The crucifixion of Jesus as the new Adam caused
the purpose of salvation to be left unfinished.
Gods lineage left the earth when Jesus died. He did
not establish the role of physical True Parents. For this
reason, we could not be completely restored in both
body and spirit.
Believers still sin and they are not perfected in heart.
They still need to maintain a religious life. Even the
most devoted have not been able to become true
parents, and so their children are still born bearing
the burden of original sin.
Finally, within Christianity, as with most of the worlds
religions, there is the expectation of the Messiahs return.
Why did Jesus die?

Our final section deals with the questions:
If it was not Gods original will for Jesus to go the way
of the cross, how could this have happened?
And, why did Jesus die?
Jesus Death Due to the
Peoples Failure to Recognize Him
Gods Will The people should recognize
and accept the Messiah

The key to answering these questions lies in the obvious
fact that the people did not recognize the young man
from Nazareth as the Messiah.
As we already established, the divine will was for the
Savior to be acknowledged and received. The people
of Israel fully understood this; they were fervently
looking to find and follow the Messiah.
Jesus Death Due to the
Peoples Failure to Recognize Him
Gods Will The people should recognize
and accept the Messiah

The people recognize They would

the Messiah not kill him

Obviously, if Jesus people had recognized him as
the Messiah, they would not have had him crucified.
Jesus Death Due to the
Peoples Failure to Recognize Him
Gods Will The people should recognize
and accept the Messiah

The people recognize They would

the Messiah not kill him

The people did not

They had
recognize Jesus as
the Messiah him killed

We must conclude that the people of Israel did not
recognize Jesus as the Messiah; consequently,
their rejection of him led to his crucifixion.
Gods Preparation for the People to
Recognize the Messiah




God had a practical plan to prepare His nation to recognize
the Messiah. Throughout Israels history, God always worked
through central figures, often prophets, to reveal His Will.
The people, in turn, were expected to obey and follow this
central person as the representative of God. This pattern of
leadership was for the specific purpose of training them to
follow the Messiah and to prevent mistakes.
Thus, the expectation of the Messiah was accompanied by
an expectation that a special individual, or prophet, would come
in advance to lead the people to him.
Just as endorsement by a famous person can bring an unknown
person into fame, in the same way, a known leader of Israel was
necessary to bring the obscure Messiah into prominence.
The Return of Elijah before
the Messiah Appears

I will send you the prophet

Elijah before thatday of the
Lord comes
Malachi 4:5

Based on a claim in the book of Malachi, there had
been a popular belief that a prophet called Elijah,
who had lived centuries earlier, would return before
God would save his people.
The reappearance of this man was therefore linked to
the advent of the Messiah.
Elijahs mission was, in fact, to announce the Savior,
and to prepare and lead the people to him.
At the time of Jesus, there was an influential person
by the name of John the Baptist.
John was a passionate preacher and teacher who warned
the people to repent and change their lives in anticipation
of the Messiahs arrival.
Everyday, multitudes would come to him to be
purified in the bathing ritual called baptism. John was
not part of the religious establishment, though he was
the son of a priest and lived an exemplary life of purity
and poverty.
He was extraordinarily popular with the people and was
respected and feared as a prophet by the leaders of Israel.
John the Baptist
Greatest Religious Leader of Israel

The peoplewere all wondering in

their hearts if John might possibly be
the Christ.
Luke 3:15
Luke 3:15

[King] Herod feared John and

protected him, knowing him to be a
righteous and holy man.
Mark 6:20

In fact, as a religious leader, John was so famous,
that many people even wondered, if he was the Messiah.
(Luke 3:15)
His popularity and authority even drew grudging
respect from the corrupt King Herod, who believed
him to be a righteous and holy man. (Mark 6:20)
John the Baptist = Elijah

He will goin the spirit and

power of Elijahto make ready
a people prepared for the Lord.

Luke 1:17

John the Baptist fulfilled the prophesy about Elijah.
At his birth, Johns parents experienced miracles
and received revelations.
His father prophesied that John would go forth in
the spirit and power of Elijah, to prepare the people for
the coming of the Messiah. (Luke 1:17)
Because of these events, John was regarded as a special
person, either as Elijah or the Messiah.
John Second
the = Coming
Baptist of Elijah
as Elijah

In other words, God sent John the Baptist with
the mission of Elijah, as the second coming of that
ancient prophet.
The spirit of Elijah worked with John to fulfill the mission
of leading people to the Messiah.
Gods Plan for Restoration through Jesus





Gods plan for world restoration through the Messiah
depended on John the Baptist.
John was influential, having thousands of followers,
and having religious and political connections to the
nations leadership and to Rome.
John was meant to be the link between the masses
and the unknown Messiah when he came. Through this,
the new Adam would have been able to speedily impact
the entire world.
Jesus Declared John
to Be in Elijahs Position

Johnis the Elijah who was to come.

Matthew 11:14

Elijah has already come, and they did

not recognize him Then the disciples
understood he was talking to them about
John the Baptist.
Matthew 17:12-13

The Bible records Jesus declaring that John was Elijah.
It was critical that this be understood since Jesus
messianic mission could not be acknowledged until
the person in Elijahs position was recognized.
John Initially Recognized
Jesus as the Messiah

A voice from heaven said: This is

My Son, whom I love, with him I am
well pleased.
Matthew 3:17

I would not have known him, except

that the One who sent me told me me
I have seen and I testify that this is
the Son of God.
John 1:33
John 1:33

At the outset of Jesus public ministry, the young
Messiah approached John, his cousin, in order to
be baptized.
At that moment John realized who Jesus was; he heard
a voice from heaven that said, This is My Son, whom I love,
with him I am well pleased. (Matthew 3:17)
He then loudly proclaimed the arrival of the Son of
God (John 1:33). Jesus heart must have leapt!
Now it would simply be a matter of time before
the whole world knew that he had come to heal them.
Gods Plan Is Frustrated
John Fails to Unite with Jesus

1. John goes his way apart

from Jesus
He does not become
Jesus disciple
Few of his many
followers join Jesus

In truth, Gods plan was frustrated. John did not
become Jesus most powerful ally and disciple.
Quite the contrary, John continued his work apart
from the isolated Savior and only a few of the Baptists
disciples actually helped the new Adam.
This created confusion in the minds of both John and
Jesus followers.
John Separates
Jesus and his disciples went into the
Judean countryside and baptized
John also was baptizingJohns
disciplescame to John and said to
him, Rabbithe one you testied
about,everyone is going to him.
To this John replied, He must
become greater, I must become less.
John 3:22-30

Jesus began baptizing, but John continued as well,
separately from the Nazarene.
When John was asked about this, he responded that Jesus
must become greater; I must become less. (John 3:22)
Humblesounding words, but they reveal that in
Johns mind, their destinies were not to rise or fall
together, but to remain apart.
Was Johns response consistent with his mission as
the Elijah? No.
As the Elijah John was to bring people to the Messiah,
and to attend the Messiah himself. Their fates would
naturally be related.
Johns statement indicates that John was failing his mission.
Gods Plan Is Frustrated
John Fails to Unite with Jesus

1. John goes his way apart

from Jesus

2. John doubts Jesus

Later on, John even began to doubt his own testimony
that Jesus was the long-awaited Savior.
John Doubts Jesus

When John heard in prison what

Christ was doing, he sent his
disciples to ask him, Are you
the one who was to come or
should we expect someone else?

Matthew 11:2-3

While in prison, John the Baptist sent two of his disciples
to ask Jesus, if he was indeed the Messiah, or should they
expect another. (Matt. 11 :2-3)
This plainly indicates that John himself did not follow
Jesus because he could no longer believe that Jesus was
the Messiah.
Even though God told him directly, and even after his
public announcement, John was blinded by his own
narrow perspective.
He doubted the new Adam and failed to support him in
his time of great need.
Gods Plan Is Frustrated
John Fails to Unite with Jesus

1. John goes his way apart

from Jesus

2. John doubts Jesus

3. John denies he is Elijah

Ultimately, in spite of the revelations given to his
parents and to him directly by God and in spite of
Jesus testimony, John denied his role as the Elijah.
John Denies His Mission
as Elijah

They asked him, Are you

Elijah? He said, I am not.

John 1:21

At one point, recorded in John 1:21, the leaders of
Israel sent representatives to the Baptist to directly
inquire about his mission.
They did this because they strongly suspected that
John was either the Elijah or the Messiah, and if so,
they had the responsibility to follow him.
But when asked directly, John denied both missions.
Result of Johns Disbelief

1. People of education and

influence had little basis
to support Jesus

2. Jesus appeared to be a
false Messiah

This denial was a crippling blow to the mission of Jesus.
On one hand, Jesus was preaching throughout the
land that he was the Messiah, but on the other hand,
no Elijah was proclaiming him.
This made Jesus messianic claims appear to be false
and selfserving.
Jesus Words
John Failed His Responsibility

Go back and report to John what you hear

and seeBlessed is the man who does not fall
away on account of me.
Matthew 11:4-6

From the days of John the Baptist until now

the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence,
and men of violence take it by force.
Matthew 11:12 RSV

Johns mistakes caused the mission of Elijah to remain unfulfilled;
therefore, Jesus declared that John failed his responsibility.
To Johns query about Jesus identity, Jesus replied:
Report to John what you hear and see...Blessed is the man who
does not fall away on account of me. (Matthew 11:4-6)
Indeed, what could Jesus say except to point to his deeds and
advise John not to falter, especially in relation to such an important
figure as the Messiah. Later, Jesus remarked that since the time of
John the Baptist, the kingdom of heaven had suffered violence,
as both the new Adam and Gods ideal fell under increasing attack.
Consequently, John died a tragic and premature death over
the trivial matter of the immoral behavior of the king.
How great his life would have been, if he had successfully
attended the Messiah.
The Foundation for Jesus Lost





Johns failure meant that the entire foundation which
God had prepared to hail Jesus as the Messiah was lost.
The new Adam and True Father, carrying the precious
heart and truth of God within, was cut off from all
channels of influence.
The masses of suffering humanity, who longed to find
a man of true love and wisdom, never knew he was alive.
Jesus Public Life

Jesus attracted people who had

little education or influence

Political and religious leaders

felt threatened and opposed him

Jesus own disciples began to

lose faith

The Messiah was left to find support for himself.
Jesus searched even among the outcasts of society to
find an audience. Instead of becoming the leader of
Israel and beyond, Jesus could only attract uneducated
people of little influence.
His unorthodox ideas and behavior, as well as what little
and unreliable popular support he garnered, threatened
the religious and political authorities. They publicly
opposed him and actively conspired against him.
Facing persecution from all the leaders of society,
Jesus own disciples found it very difficult to
maintain faith.
Imagine the situation of Jesus: Here was a man with
allembracing love, who grieved over the misery of
humanity; a man who understood Gods heart to
a depth which no one else could.
Jesus felt His Fathers agony over the fallen world,
knowing how much God and faithful people had
prepared for this very moment; yet, without an object
with whom to share his love and knowledge, Jesus was
essentially alone.
Even at the Last Supper Jesus most intimate followers,
could not understand his heart and one of them even
left to betray him.
Jesus Asked Not to Die

Jesus prayed for a way

other than death
Concern for God
Concern for his disciples
Concern for his nation
and all people

As the threat to his mission heightened, his urgency to
fulfill Gods will and comfort Gods heart drove Jesus
to pray that he would not have to die.
Contrary to traditional interpretation, this was not
a weak prayer out of fear of dying.
Far from any selfish concern, it was the prayer of
a man desperate for his Father, for his followers,
and the future of his people and the world.
Jesus had no concern for himself; if dying was all he
could do, he would have gladly died many times over
to help alleviate the misery of heaven and earth.
But Jesus knew he had a much greater responsibility
to live, to realize a true family and to fully demonstrate
the original way of life.
He was Gods only hope; he must not perish before
accomplishing complete restoration.
Jesus heart could not bear to disappoint his
Heavenly Father; thus, Jesus prayed with both
tears and determination to somehow salvage
his mission.
Jesus Prayer Not to Die

My soul is overwhelmed with

sorrowMy Father, if it is possible,
may this cup be taken away from me.
Yet not as I will, but as You will.

Matthew 26:38-39

My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow..., Jesus told his
Father, may this cup be taken away from me.
Yet even as he agonized, his three closest disciples all
fell asleep. Not one person understood the heart of Jesus.
Not one was willing to risk his life for the sake of this true man.
Abandoned and utterly alone, Jesus turned to God to find,
if there was yet something more he could do to fulfill
Gods original Will. Yet not as I will, but as You will.
Tragically, with no substantial foundation to support His son,
God was faced with only one recourse: Because no one
would sacrifice for the Messiah, the Messiah would have to
sacrifice his life to pay for the failures of all humankind.
Gods Original Will
for Jesus Is Lost

1. Jesus takes responsibility

for human failure

2. Jesus accepts the way

of death

The original divine plan was lost.
Jesus now singlehandedly took responsibility for our
negligence and rejection of the true Adam.
He willingly accepted the way of death, and offered his
priceless life to Satan in order to protect us from the
consequences of our faithlessness.
Soon after the prayer in Gethsemane, Judas, came
with the authorities and soldiers and identified Jesus
by kissing him.
One whom Jesus had loved and served for three years
had betrayed him for thirty pieces of silver.
As Jesus was led away by the soldiers, his disciples
fled for their lives. By the next morning, even his first
disciple, Peter, had denied Jesus three times.
Under the High Priest, Caiaphas, and the supreme
religious council, Jesus was accused of heresy, blasphemy,
and other violations of the Law, all punishable by death.
Before being sent on to the governor, Pilate, for sentencing
according to Roman law, Jesus was further mocked
and tormented by the very ones who were to have
revered him.
Ironically, when he was brought before Pilate,
the Roman governor recognized his innocence.
He had broken no law of the empire and therefore
could not legally be executed.
Pilate therefore sent Jesus to Herod, King of Israel,
but the king only ridiculed him and returned him to
Roman auspices.
Pilate was under pressure to kill the heretic, but once
again the conscientious man tried to save Jesus.
Custom allowed him to spare one prisoners life
on Passover, and Pilate appealed to the crowds to choose
between the preacher Jesus and the murderer Barrabas.
To Pilates dismay, the people, incited by their spiritual
leadership, called out for the release of the criminal.
Give us Barrabas, they cried, crucify Jesus!
In the hands of the Romans, at the insistence of the
spiritual leaders of Israel and on behalf of all fallen
humanity, Jesus was to bear the full power of evil.
First, he was mercilessly flogged to the point just
before death, his flesh ripped off his bones by the whip.
Then the true man was driven into the street carrying
his instrument of torture, a great wooden cross.
Heartbroken and exhausted, wearing a crown of
thorns to mock his apparent impotence as king,
and cursed by the people for whom he had cried,
Jesus bore his burden to the hill where he was to die.
At Calvary, the soldiers drove nails into his hands and feet,
and hoisted him up on the cross, along with two criminals.
Jesus was left to die a slow and miserable death.
Many figures watched from the ground, some out
of amusement and some out of hate, while others,
who could perhaps sense the agony of God, were filled
with horror and sorrow.
Jesus Man of True Love

Father, forgive them, for

they do not know what they
are doing.
Luke 23:34

Yet even as his body was wracked with pain and while
scarcely able to breathe, this man of true love appealed
to God with unforgettable words of compassion
and forgiveness:
Father, forgive them for they do not know what
they are doing. (Luke 23:34)
A True Parent to the end, Jesus heart had only
compassion for even those who were killing him.
It was Jesus pure heart that defeated Satan. Even with
his final breath he offered up his life to God, saying,
Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.
(Luke 23:46)
It was not the crucifixion, but Jesus unconditional
offering throughout the ordeal that brought Gods victory.
Through this, God could resurrect Jesus, and Jesus
could gather and encourage his repentant disciples.
At the point which we call Pentecost, Jesus and
the Holy Spirit moved the disciples to launch new
preparations for the return of the Messiah.
Return of the Messiah

He [Christ] will appear a

second time, not to bear sin,
but to bring salvation to those
who are waiting for him.
Hebrews 9:28

Christianity and other religious traditions have
cultivated an expectation of a Messiah still to come,
who will bring salvation to those who are waiting him.
(Hebrews 2:28)
The Savior must return to complete the task of
restoration, which means the transformation of
the physical world in conformity to the purpose of
creation on earth the Three Blessings.
The Savior must establish the pattern of the ideal family,
the basis of a true economy and political system,
and realize a world community of one heart.
Hope of All Humanity

Promise of
the Second Coming
of the Messiah

Hence, the hope of all humanity is in the promise
of a second coming of the Messiah, the triumphant
appearance of the new Adam and Eve as the True
Parents of the world.
To gain a better understanding of how we can
successfully receive the Messiah at his return, we need
to study the way God has been working in history.
The final presentation of this one day seminar deals
precisely with this topic.

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