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Job satisfaction in regards to ones feeling or state of mind regarding nature of their work.
Job can be influenced by variety of factors like quality of ones relationship with their
supervisor, quality of physical environment in which they work, degree of fulfilment in
their work, etc.

Job satisfaction is an attitude which results from balancing & summation of many specific
likes and dislikes experienced in connection with the job- their evaluation may rest largely
upon ones success or failure in the achievement of personal objective and upon perceived
combination of the job and combination towards these ends.

According to pestonejee, Job satisfaction can be taken as a summation of employees

feelings in four important areas. These are:

1. Job-nature of work (dull, dangerous, interesting), hours of work, fellow workers,

Opportunities on the job for promotion and advancement (prospects), overtime
regulations, interest in work, physical environment, and machines and tools.

2. Management-supervisory treatment, participation, rewards and punishments, praises

and blames, leaves policy and favoritism.

3. Social relations-friends and associates, neighbors, attitudes towards people in

community, participation in social activity Sociability and caste barriers.

4. Personal adjustment-health and emotionality.

Job satisfaction is an important indicator of how employees feel about their job and a
predictor of work behavior such as organizational citizenship, Absenteeism, Turnover.
Job satisfaction benefits the organization includes reduction in complaints and grievances,
absenteeism, turnover, and termination; as well as improved punctuality and worker
morale. Job satisfaction is also linked with a healthier work force and has been found to be
a good indicator of longevity.

Job satisfaction is not synonyms with organizational morale, which the possessions of
feeling have being accepted by and belonging to a group of employees through adherence
to common goals and confidence in desirability of these goals.

Morale is the by-product of the group, while job satisfaction is more an individual state of


Employee satisfaction is the terminology used to describe whether employees are happy
and contented and fulfilling their desires and needs at work. Many measures meaning that
employee satisfaction is a factor in employee motivation, employee goal achievement, and
positive employee morale in the workplace.

As per Vroom Employee Satisfaction is a positive orientation of an individual towards a

work role which he is presently occupying

Employee satisfaction is a measure of how happy workers are with their job and working
environment. Keeping morale high among workers can be of tremendous benefit to any
company, as happy workers will be more likely to produce more, take fewer days off, and
stay loyal to the company. There are many factors in improving or maintaining high
employee satisfaction, which wise employers would do well to implement.
Employee satisfaction, while generally a positive in organization, can also be a bad luck if
mediocre employees stay because they are satisfied with your work environment. Many
experts believe that one of the best ways to maintain employee satisfaction is to make
workers feel like part of a family or team. Holding office events, such as parties or group
outings, can help build close bonds among workers. Many companies also participate in
team-building retreats that are designed to strengthen the working relationship of the
employees in a non-work related setting. Camping trips, paintball wars and guided
backpacking trips are versions of this type of team-building strategy, with which many
employers have found success.

Of course, few workers will not experience a boost in morale after receiving more money.
Raises and bonuses can seriously affect employee satisfaction, and should be given when
possible. Yet money cannot solve all morale issues, and if a company with widespread
problems for workers cannot improve their overall environment, a bonus may be quickly
forgotten as the daily stress of an unpleasant job continues to mount.

If possible, provide amenities to your workers to improve morale. Keep facilities such as
bathrooms clean and stocked with supplies. While an air of professionalism is necessary for
most businesses, allowing workers to keep family photos or small trinkets on their desk can
make them feel more comfortable and nested at their workstation. Basic considerations like
these can improve employee satisfaction, as workers will feel well cared for by their

The backbone of employee satisfaction is respect for workers and the job they perform. In
every interaction with management, employees should be treated with courtesy and
interest. An easy avenue for employees to discuss problems with upper management should
be maintained and carefully monitored. Even if management cannot meet all the demands
of employees, showing workers that they are being heard and putting honest dedication into
compromising will often help to improve morale.

Satisfaction = (what employee expects, what she gets, time, back ground of the
employee- social, economic, cultural)
Satisfaction being a continuous process starts from the day 1 and gets reinforced with time
depending on the importance of the various factors considered to be important for the
individual employee. Loyalty towards the organization starts to develop when the employee
continues to get the positive reinforcements on various important aspects for the duration of
the employment.

Core Values as a Foundation of Employee Satisfaction:

These are the values that have enabled employees to build the leading company in industry;
these are the values that will fuel employees worldwide growth in the coming years; and
these are the values that will drive employees career:

Professionalism Demonstrating professional methods, character and standards.

Treating prospects, clients and co-workers generously and charitably at all times,
but especially in the face of adversity.
Enthusiasm Showing excitement, optimism and passion for your work.
Resourcefulness Acting effectively and imaginatively to produce great results
from scarce resources.
Self-directedness Working independently and autonomously to achieve the goals
set by management.
Ethics Acting in accordance with the accepted principles of right and wrong that
govern the conduct of our profession.
Unselfishness Putting others before yourself, giving your time and effort for
prospects, clients and co-workers. Showing cooperative effort as the member of a
group to achieve a common goal.
Strategic-mindedness Suggesting and implementing long-term improvements
springing from a sequence of short-term tasks.
The study of "employee satisfaction" helps the company to maintain standards & increase
productivity by motivating the employees. This study tells us how much the employees are
capable & their interest at work place? What are the things still to be satisfy to the
employees. Although "human resources" are the most important resources for any
organization, so to study on employees satisfaction helps to know the working conditions
& what are the things that affect them not to work properly? Always majority of done by
the machines/equipments but without any manual moments nothing can be done. So to
study on employee satisfaction is necessary

The Hows and Whys of Employee Satisfaction Mapping:

An organization is all about customer satisfaction. Companies understand this and focus all
their energy on their service or customer experience. However, many companies do this at
the cost of employee experience. What does this mean? Is customer satisfaction not the
It is! But it is important not to lose sight of people who deliver the end product or service
to the customers the employees. These are the people that need a proper support system.
Employee satisfaction is paramount as this is what will determine the success or failure of a
company. When employees are satisfied and happy about working in an organization, the
customer is the first person to notice that.
It becomes important to be aware and understand the signals that are given out by the
employees. The management will do well to catch them before it is too late and the
employee makes the decision to quit. This understanding gives the employers an edge and
gives them the time to take corrective measures if necessary, in order to prevent talent loss.
It could be that the employee is not happy with the environment or is suffering from a
relationship issue with a colleague or a superior. These issues need to be handled before
they get out of hand.

How do employers understand their employees? How do they know what employees want?
How do they map their satisfaction levels? There are several ways of mapping employee
Surveys: This is a traditional method that involves employees participation. Employers
create surveys that have questions on the different parameters related to the organization.
They put forth questions in such a way that every aspect of an organization is touched and
the feedback is returned in the form of an opinion given by each employee. This helps
employers understand how employees think and their satisfaction levels, and paves the path
for problem solving. These surveys can actually identify problem areas and help come up
with solutions to solve the problems. They reveal the employee attitude on the whole.

One-on-One Interviews: A non-conventional tool, this involves discussions with every

employee on a one-to-one basis every few months. Their thoughts are recorded and trouble
parameters identified and taken care of.

Exit Interviews: This comes into action after an employee submits his resignation papers.
The problem with exit interviews is that most employees, once they decide to leave, are not
forthright. In an attempt to keep good relations with the employer, they usually do not tell-
all as they ought to. Many of them in fact give personal reasons for leaving and make the
employer feel that all is well on the work front.

Employers who fail at HR and see high attrition rate are those that consider monetary
compensation as highly important. In spite of the fact that employees work for money,
emotional rewards go a long way at keeping the employer-employee relation strong and
have a larger impact on employee satisfaction. Tracing and improving this satisfaction level
has to be top priority for the HR department of an organization.

Employee satisfaction mapping can be the key to a better motivated and loyal workforce that
leads to better organizational output in the form of better products and services and results in
overall improvement of an organization.

If a person is not satisfied by the job he is doing, he may switch over to some other more
suitable job. In todays environment it becomes very important for organizations to retain
their employees. The reason may be personal or professional. These reasons should be
understood by the employer and should be taken care of. The organizations are becoming
aware of these reasons and adopting many strategies for employee retention.

The basic needs other than routine tasks are to be taken care of on priority before it becomes
late by HR department.


Employee satisfaction is the term used to describe a situation when employees are satisfied
and contented with his job and the office environment.

It is important to commence this research by displaying the different definitions of job

satisfaction which may help in understanding this complex human phenomenon. The term
satisfaction is normally used to describe the status of people when their needs have been
fulfilled. However, the term job satisfaction has been defined in numerous ways
according to numerous points of view and no one can claim that there is an ideal definition
that can be used by all researchers. However, it can be said that definitions of job
satisfaction centralize on two main dimensions.
The first dimension is focusing on the factors or conditions that give rise to the
feeling of happiness or satisfaction. For example, Hoppock defined job satisfaction
as Any combination of psychological, physiological, and environmental
circumstances that cause a person to say, I am satisfied with my job. (1935: 47).
Porter and Lawler defined it as the extent to which rewards actually received meet
or exceed the received equitable level of rewards. The greater the failure of actual
rewards to meet or exceed perceived equable reward, the more dissatisfied a person
is considered to be in a given situation. (1968). Consistent with the previous
definitions, Mumford looked at the satisfaction concept as the degree of fit
between organizational demands and individual needs, and that the employees
satisfaction with his job and the employers
satisfaction with his job and with work performance will only be high when this fit
is a good one. (1970).

There is another dimension that some researchers focused on when outlining the job
satisfaction concept; this dimension is related to the positive feelings or emotions
that are related to ones job. In this regard, Vecchio argued that job satisfaction is
the emotional reaction to work experience. (1995).

There are different authors give various definitions of job satisfaction. Some of them are
taken from the book of D.M. Pestonjee Motivation and Job Satisfaction which are given

Job satisfaction is defined as a pleasurable, emotional, state resulting from appraisal of

ones job. An effective reaction to ones job.

Job satisfaction has been defined as the degree to which employees have a Positive
affective Orientation towards employment by the organization (Price, 1997).

Weiss: Job satisfaction is general attitude, which is the result of many specific attitudes in
three areas namely:
Specific job factors
Individual characteristics
Group relationship outside the job

Blum and Naylor: Job satisfaction is defined, as it is result of various attitudes the person
hold towards the job, towards the related factors and towards the life in general.

Glimmer: Job satisfaction is defined as any contribution, psychological, physical, and

environmental circumstances that cause a person truthfully say, I am satisfied with my
Mr. Smith: Job satisfaction is defined, as employees judgment of how well his job on a
whole is satisfying his various needs

Locke: Job satisfaction is defined as a pleasurable or positive state of mind resulting from
appraisal of ones job or job experiences

Work determines a persons worth and place in society and it influence ones psychology
identity and sense of wellbeing. Work establish one in community of humankind. Its links
to other, advances the goals of the culture, and give purpose to ones very existence
(Szymankski & Parker, 1996). The statement that work is purposeful human activity,
directed towards the satisfaction of human needs and desire is excellent for discussion
( Best, 1973 ). It is obvious that work needs to be satisfying to the job incumbent for the
manually beneficial relationship to occur between employee and employer.

Job satisfaction is one part of life satisfaction. The environment influences the job.
Similarly, since a job is important part of life, job satisfaction influences ones general life
satisfaction. Manager may need to monitor not only the job and immediate work
environment but also their employee attitudes towards other part of life.




Human life has become very complex and completed in now-a-days. In modern society the
needs and requirements of the people are ever increasing and ever changing. When the
people are ever increasing and ever changing, when the peoples needs are not fulfilled they
become dissatisfied. Dissatisfied people are likely to contribute very little for any purpose.
Job satisfaction of industrial workers us very important for the industry to function
successfully. Apart from managerial and technical aspects, employers can be considered as
backbone of any industrial development. To utilize their contribution they should be
provided with good working conditions to boost their job satisfaction. Any business can
achieve success and peace only when the problem of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of
workers are felt understood and solved, problem of efficiency Absenteeism labor turnover
require a social skill of understanding human problems and dealing with them scientific
investigation serves the purpose to solve the human problems in the industry.

A) Pay.
B) The work itself.
C) Promotion
D) The work group
E) Working condition
F) Supervision.

Wages do play a significant role in determining of satisfaction. Pay is instrumental in
fulfilling so many needs. Money facilities the obtaining of food, shelter, and clothing and
provides the means to enjoy valued leisure interest outside of work. Moreover, pay can serve
as symbol of achievement and a source of recognition. Employees often see pay as a
reflection of organization. Fringe benefits have not been found to have strong influence on
job satisfaction as direct wages.
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Along with pay, the content of the work itself plays a very major role in determining how
satisfied employees are with their jobs. By and large, workers want jobs that are
challenging; they do want to be doing mindless jobs day after day. The two most important
aspect of the work itself that influence job satisfaction are variety and control over work
methods and work place. In general, job with a moderate amount of variety produce the
most job satisfaction. Jobs with too little variety cause workers to feel bored and fatigue.
Jobs with too much variety and stimulation cause workers to feel psychologically stressed
and burnout.

Promotional opportunities have a moderate impact on job satisfaction. A promotion to a
higher level in an organization typically involves positive changes I supervision, job content
and pay. Jobs that are at the higher level of an organization usually provide workers with
more freedom, more challenging work assignments and high salary.

Two dimensions of supervisor style:
1. Employee centered or consideration supervisors who establish a supportive personal
relationship with subordinates and take a personal interest in them.
2. The other dimension of supervisory style influence participation in decision making,
employee who participates in decision that affect their job, display a much higher level of
satisfaction with supervisor and the overall work situation.

Having friendly and co-operative co-workers is a modest source of job satisfaction to
individual employees. The working groups also serve as a social support system of
employees. People often used their co-workers as sounding board for their problem of as a
source of comfort.
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The employees desire good working condition because they lead to greater physical
comfort. The working conditions are important to employees because they can influence life
outside of work. If people are require to work long hours and / or overtime, they will have
very little felt for their families, friends and recreation outside work

Importance of Employee Satisfaction:

Employee Satisfaction is of utmost importance in any organization be it small or large.
Thinking that employee satisfaction is important only for the employee then it is not
right. It is equally important for the organization for which the employee is working as
well. The following points will show the importance of employee satisfaction easily.

In light of the organization:

1. It enhances employee retention and the company does not need to train
employees repeatedly.
2. The overall productivity of the company is increased and it assists in achieving
the goals of the company.
3. When employees are satisfied with their job they deal with customers in a better
manner and thus customer satisfaction is achieved to great extent.
4. It helps the company in getting better services and products from its employees.
5. Money spent on training new candidates and recruitment of new candidates can
be saved extensively.

In light of the employee:

1. When the employee gets satisfactory services from the company initially, he tends
to believe that same treatment would be offered in long run.
2. Employee would start taking interest in his work instead of worrying about other
3. The employee starts feeling a sense of responsibility towards the organization.
4. He deals with customers in a better way and builds strong relations with them.
5. They would try to produce better results in order to get appreciation from the
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The history of job satisfaction stems back to the early 1900s with the situations perspective
on job satisfaction. This perspective states that satisfaction is determined by certain
characteristics of the job and characteristics of the job environment itself. This view has
been present in the literature since the first studies by Hauser, Taylor and the various projects
at the Western Electric plants in Hawthorne (Cranny, Smith & Stone1992). These studies
follow the assumption that when a certain set of job conditions are present a certain level of
job satisfaction will follow. The Hawthorne Studies are considered to be the most important
investigation of the human dimensions of industrial relations in the early 20th century. They
were done at the Bell Telephone Western Electric manufacturing plant in Chicago beginning
in 1924 through the early years of the Depression. The Hawthorne plant created an Industrial
Research Division in the early1920s. Personnel managers developed experiments to explore
the effects of various conditions of work on morale and productivity (Brannigan & Zwerman
The term job satisfaction was brought to lime light by hoppock (1935). He revived 35
studies on job satisfaction conducted prior to 1933 and observes that Job satisfaction is
combination of psychological, physiological and environmental circumstances. That causes
a person to say. Im satisfied with my job. Such a description indicate the variety of
variables that influence the satisfaction of the individual but tell us nothing about the nature
of Job satisfaction.

Job satisfaction has been most aptly defined by Pestonjee (1973) as a job, management,
personal adjustment & social requirement. Morse (1953) considers Job satisfaction as
dependent upon job content, identification with the co., financial & job status & priding
group cohesiveness.

One of the biggest preludes to the study of job satisfaction was the Hawthorne study. These
studies (1924-1933), primarily credited to Elton Mayo of the Harvard Business School,
sought to find the effects of various conditions (most notably illumination) on workers
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These studies ultimately showed that novel changes in work conditions temporarily increase
productivity (called the Hawthorne Effect). It was later found that this increase resulted, not
from the new conditions, but from the knowledge of being observed.

This finding provided strong evidence that people work for purposes other than pay, which
paved the way for researchers to investigate other factors in job satisfaction.

Scientific management (aka Taylorism) also had a significant impact on the study of job
satisfaction. Frederick Winslow Taylors 1911 book, Principles of Scientific Management,
argued that there was a single best way to perform any given work task. This book
contributed to a change in industrial production philosophies, causing a shift from skilled
labor and piecework towards the more modern approach of assembly lines and hourly

The initial use of scientific management by industries greatly increased productivity because
workers were forced to work at a faster pace. However, workers became exhausted and
dissatisfied, thus leaving researchers with new questions to answer regarding job

It should also be noted that the work of W.L. Bryan, Walter Dill Scott, and Hugo
Munsterberg set the tone for Taylors work.

Today, reference to the Hawthorne Effect denotes a situation in which the introduction of
experimental conditions designed to identify salient aspects of behavior has the consequence
of changing the behavior it is designed to identify. The initial Hawthorne effect referred to
the observation that the productivity of the workers increased over time with every variation
in the work conditions introduced by the experiments (Brannigan & Zwerman 2001).
Simply stated when people realize that their behavior is being watched they change how
they act.
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The development of the Hawthorne studies also denotes the beginning of applied
psychology, as we know it today. These early studies mark the birth of research on job
satisfaction relating to ergonomics, design and productivity.

One of the most popular and researched measures of job satisfaction is the Job Descriptive
Index (JDI). The JDI is a 72-item adjective checklist type questionnaire developed by
Smith, Kendall, and Hulin in 1969 (Gregson, 1991). This measure basis itself on five facets
of job satisfaction. The first facet is the work itself, satisfaction with work itself is measured
in terms of the core job characteristics such as autonomy, skill variety, feedback, task
identity, and task significance (Hackman & Oldham, 1975). Supervision, the second facet, is
measured in such ways as how supervisors provide feedback, assess employees
performance ratings, and delegate work assignments. Coworkers, the third facet, are
measured in terms of social support, networking, and possible benefits attached to those
relationships (Cranny, Smith & Stone, 1992). Pay, the fourth facet, is an important source of
satisfaction because it provides a potential source of self-esteem as well as the generic
opportunity for anything money can buy (Brockner, 1988). Obviously satisfaction with pay
is measured primarily by current income but also by opportunities for salary increases.
Promotion is the final facet and the one that the JDI explicitly assesses how perceptions
about the future can affect job satisfaction. Today the facets of the JDI are generally assessed
by modifying the adjective checklist and using a Likert scale on statements such as,
opportunities for advancement are plentiful measured from one (strongly disagree) to five
(strongly agree) (Cranny, Smith & Stone,1992).

Another popular and highly researched measure of job satisfaction is the Minnesota
Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ). The MSQ can be scored for twenty facets; scores from
one question for each facet provide a single overall composite score. The MSQ is commonly
used in conjunction with the Minnesota Importance Questionnaire (MIQ). These
instruments were designed for use with adult career counseling clients with work experience.
They are particularly useful for clients that might be called career changers, that is, adults
with considerable work experience in one or more chosen occupations who are dissatisfied
with their work and remain undecided about their career future (Thompson & Blain, 1992).
The MIQ assesses the relative importance of each vocational need to the
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respondent. The MSQ, a measure of job satisfaction, assesses the degree of respondent
satisfaction with each need in their current work environment. Scoring for the MSQ is
relatively simple: percentile scores of 25 or lower indicate low satisfaction, percentile scores
of 26 to 74 indicate moderate satisfaction, and scores of 75 or higher indicate high
satisfaction. The MIQ uses scale scores ranging from 1.0 to 3.0. Low importance is
indicated by scores below 0.0, moderate importance is indicated by scores between 0.0 and
1.4, and high importance is indicated by scores of 1.5 or higher Thompson & Blain, 1992).

Job satisfaction is one of the most studied constructs in the areas of industrial organizational
psychology, social psychology, organizational behavior, personnel and human resource
management, and organizational management. This makes sense in that knowledge of the
determinants, the consequences, and other correlates of job satisfaction can be vital to
organizational success (Cranny, Smith & Stone, 1992).Proper management can only be
attained through knowing what affects job satisfaction

Some argue that Maslows hierarchy of needs theory, a motivation theory, laid the
foundation for job satisfaction theory. This theory explains that people seek to satisfy five
specific needs in life physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, self-esteem needs and
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Job satisfaction is a complex concept and difficult to measure objectively. The level of job
satisfaction is affected by a wide range of variables relating to individual, social, cultural,
organizational factors as stated below:




Individual - Personality, education, intelligence and abilities, age, marital status,

orientation to work.

Social factors:-Relationship with co-workers, group working and norms,

opportunities for interaction, informal relations etc.

Organizational factors:- Nature and size, formal structure, personnel policies and
procedures, industrial relation, nature of work, technology and work organization,
supervision and styles of leadership, management systems, working conditions.

Environmental factors:-Economic, social, technical and governmental influences.

Cultural factors: - Attitudes, beliefs and values.

These factors affect job satisfaction of certain individuals in a given set of circumstances
but not necessarily in others. Some workers may be satisfied with certain aspects of their
work and dissatisfied with other aspects .Thus, overall degree of job satisfaction may differ
from person to person
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Job satisfaction is an important indicator of how employees feel about their job and
a predictor of work behavior such as
Organizational, citizenship, Absenteeism, Turnover.

Job satisfaction can partially mediate the relationship of personality variables and
deviant work behavior.

Common research finding is that job satisfaction is correlated with life style.

This correlation is reciprocal meaning the people who are satisfied with the life
tends to be satisfied with their jobs and the people who are satisfied their jobs tends
to satisfied with their life.

This is vital piece of information that is job satisfaction and job performance is
directly related to one another. Thus it can be said that, A happy worker is a
productive worker.

It gives clear evidence that dissatisfied employees skip work more often and more
like to resign and satisfied worker likely to work longer with the organization
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Job satisfaction and occupational success are major factors in personal satisfaction, self-
respect, self-esteem, and self-development. To the worker, job satisfaction brings a
pleasurable emotional state that can often leads to a positive work attitude. A satisfied
worker is more likely to be creative, flexible, innovative, and loyal.
For the organization, job satisfaction of its workers means a work force that is motivated and
committed to high quality performance
Increased productivity- the quantity and quality of output per hour worked- seems to be a
byproduct of improved quality of working life. It is important to note that the literature on
the relationship between job satisfaction and productivity is neither conclusive nor
However, studies dating back to Herzbergs (1957) have shown at least low correlation
between high morale and high productivity and it does seem logical that more satisfied
workers will tend to add more value to an organization.
Unhappy employees, who are motivated by fear of loss of job, will not give 100 percent of
their effort for very long. Though fear is a powerful motivator, it is also a temporary one, and
also as soon as the threat is lifted performance will decline.
Job satisfaction benefits the organization includes reduction in complaints and grievances,
absenteeism, turnover, and termination; as well as improved punctuality and worker morale.
Job satisfaction is also linked with a healthier work force and has been found to be a good
indicator of longevity.
Although only little correlation has been found between job satisfaction and productivity,
Brown (1996) notes that some employers have found that satisfying or delighting employees
is a prerequisite to satisfying or delighting customers, thus protecting the bottom line.
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If job satisfaction is a worker benefit, surely the worker must be able to contribute to
his or her own satisfaction and wellbeing on the job. The following suggestions can
help a worker find personal job satisfaction: Seek opportunities to demonstrate skills
and talents. This often leads to more challenging work and greater responsibilities,
with attendant increases in pay and other recognition.

Develop excellent communication skills. Employers value and rewards excellent

reading, listening, writing and speaking skills.

Know more acquire new job related knowledge that helps you to perform tasks more
efficiently and effectively. This will relive boredom and often gets one noticed.

Demonstrate creativity and initiative. Qualities like these are valued by most
organizations and often results in recognition as well as in increased responsibilities
and rewards.

Develop teamwork and people skills. A large part of job success is the ability to work
well with others to get the job done.

Accept the diversity in people. Accept people with their differences and their
imperfections and learn how to give and receive criticism constructively.

See the value in your work. Appreciating the significance of what one does can lead
to satisfaction with the work itself. This help to give meaning to ones existence, thus
playing a vital role in job satisfaction. Learn to de-stress. Plan to avoid burn out by
developing healthy stress management techniques.
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Hoppock, the earliest investigator in this field, in 1935 suggested that there are six major
components of job satisfaction. These are as under:
The way the individual reacts to unpleasant situations,
The facility with which he adjusted himself with other person the relative status in
the social and economic group with which he identifies himself
The nature of work in relation to abilities, interest and preparation of worker

Herberg, Mausaer, Peterson and Capwell in 1957 reviewed more than 150 studies and listed
various job factors of job satisfaction. These are briefly defined one by one as follows:
1. Intrinsic aspect of job
It includes all of the many aspects of the work, which would tend to be constant for the work
regardless of where the work was performed.
2. Supervision
This aspect of job satisfaction pertains to relationship of worker with his immediate
superiors. Supervision, as a factor, generally influences job satisfaction.
3. Working conditions
This includes those physical aspects of environment which are not necessary a part of the
work. Hours are included this factor because it is primarily a function of organization,
affecting the individuals comfort and convenience in much the same way as other physical
working conditions.
4. Wage and salaries
This factor includes all aspect of job involving present monitory remuneration for work
5. Opportunities for advancement
It includes all aspect of job which individual sees as potential sources of betterment of
economic position, organizational status or professional experience.
6. Security
It is defined to include that feature of job situation, which leads to assurance for continued
employment, either within the same company or within same type of work profession.
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7. Company & management
It includes the aspect of workers immediate situation, which is a function of organizational
administration and policy. It also involves the relationship of employee with all company
superiors above level of immediate supervision.
8. Social aspect of job
It includes relationship of worker with the employees specially those employees at same or
nearly same level within the organization.
9. Communication
It includes job situation, which involves spreading the information in any direction within
the organization. Terms such as information of employees status, information on new
developments, information on company line of authority, suggestion system, etc., are used in
literature to represent this factor.
10. Benefits
It includes those special phases of company policy, which attempts to prepare the worker
for emergencies, illness, old age, also. Company allowances for holidays, leaves and
vacations are included within this factor


Reasons why employees may not be completely satisfied with their jobs:

Conflict between co-workers.

Conflict between supervisors.

Not being opportunity paid for what they do.

Have little or no say in decision making that affect employees.

Fear of losing their job.

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High Absenteeism: -
Absenteeism means it is a habitual pattern of absence from duty or obligation.
If there will be low job satisfaction among the employees the rate of absenteeism
will definitely increase and it also effects on productivity of organization.

High Turnover:-
In human resource refers to characteristics of a given company or industry relative
to the rate at which an employer gains and losses the staff.
If the employer is said to be have a high turnover of employees of that company
have shorter tenure than those of other companies.

Training Cost Increase:-

As employees leaves organization due to lack of job satisfaction. Then Human
resource manager has to recruit new employees. So that the training expenditure will
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According to Abraham A. Kumar there two types of variables, which determine the job
satisfaction of an individual. These are:
1. Organization Variables
2. Personal Variables

1. Organization variables:
Occupational Level: The higher the level of the job, the greater the satisfaction
of the individuals. This is because, higher level of jobs carry greater prestige
and self-control. This relationship between occupational level and job
satisfaction stems from social reference group theory in our society values
some jobs more than others. Hence people in values like them more than those
who are in non- valued jobs. The relationship may also stem from the need
fulfillment theory.
Job content: Greater the variation in job content and less the repetitiveness
with which the tasks must be performed, the greater the satisfaction of the
individuals involved. Since job content in terms of variety and nature of tasks
called for is a function of occupational level. The theoretical arguments given
above apply here also.
Considerate Leadership: People to be treated with consideration. Hence
considerate leadership results in higher job satisfaction than in considerate
Pay and Promotional opportunities: All other things being equal these two
variables are positively related to job satisfaction.
Interaction among Employees: Here the question is, when interaction in the
work group is a source of job satisfaction and when it is not.

Interaction is more satisfying when:

a) It results in the cognition that other persons attitudes are similar to ones own
since, this permits are ready calculability of the others behavior and constitutes a
validation of ones self.
b) It results in being accepted by other and
c) It facilitates and achievement of goals.
24 | P a
2. Personal Variables
For some people, it appears that most jobs will be dissatisfying irrespective of the
organizational conditions, where for other most jobs will be satisfying personal
variable for this difference.

i) Age
ii) Educational Level
iii) Role perception
iv) Sex
25 | P a


Research refers to a search for knowledge. It is a systematic method of collecting and

recording the facts in the form of numerical data relevant to the formulated problem and
arriving at certain conclusions over the problem based on collected data.

Thus formulation of the problem is the first and foremost step in the research process
followed by the collection, recording, tabulation and analysis and drawing the
conclusions. The problem formulation starts with defining the problem or number of
problems in the functional area. To detect the functional area and locate the exact
problem is most important part of any research as the whole research is based on the

According to Clifford Woody research comprises defining and redefining problems,

formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions: collecting, organizing and evaluating
data: making deductions and reaching conclusions: and at last carefully testing the
conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis.

Research can be defined as the manipulation of things, concepts or symbols for the
purpose of generalizing to extend, correct or verify knowledge, whether that knowledge
aids in construction of theory or in the practice of an art.

In short, the search for knowledge through objective and systematic method of finding
solution to a problem is research.
26 | P a

Significance and need of the study:

The concept of job satisfaction traditionally has been of great interest to social scientists
concerned with the problems of work in an industrial society. (Spector, 1997) A number
of consequences have been shown to result from job satisfaction/dissatisfaction, both
with respect to the workers' psychological well-being and with respect to the effective
functioning of organizations. Despite the large number of studies that have dealt with
these issues, however, there has been little commutation of knowledge. Much of this
difficulty stems from problems in comparing studies and estimating trends due to
difference in measurement of job satisfaction, sampled populations and time periods. Of
these, differences in measurement techniques are especially problematic since a
multitude of indicators have been developed (Spector, 1997) and it is questionable
whether they all measure the same thing. An illustration of this is the various
controversial research results regarding to the relationship between job satisfaction and
several demographic variables, such as age and gender. (Snyder and Dietrich, 1992;
Ang, Goh and Koh, 1993) So research is necessary to examine the different ways of
measuring job satisfaction. Such knowledge would help researchers in assessing the
dependence of their inferences regarding the causes and consequences of job satisfaction
on the indicators they have used to measure the concept, and would thus facilitate the
comparison of research findings.

The job satisfaction in Baroda Dairy will facilitate and enables the management to know
the perceptions and inner feelings regarding the job they are performing on day-to-day
basis. The term job satisfaction reveals and focuses on the likes and dislikes of the
employees of Baroda Dairy. In this particular study the researchers tries to identify the
causes for satisfaction and dissatisfaction among the employees. So this is the most
effective and selective instrument for diagnosing and peeping into the employees

Job satisfaction survey can give the most valuable information the perceptions and
causes. For satisfaction/dissatisfaction among the employees attitude towards job
satisfaction may be either positive or negative. This positive feeling can be re-in forced
and negative feelings can be rectified. This survey can be treated as the most effective
27 | P a
and efficient way, which makes the workers to express their inner and real feelings

In the survey an attempt has been made to analyze the job satisfaction of employees of
Baroda Dairy. The study tries to understand the level of satisfaction among the
employees of Baroda Dairy. It further explains the area on which employees are mostly

Job satisfaction of the employees has been analyzed on the basis of the following
seventeen job related factors.

Salary and monetary benefits

Job security
Promotion policy
Working environment
Employees participation in management
Freedom of expressions
Nature of job
Interest taken by superiors
Superiors and sub-ordinate relationship
28 | P a
Objectives of the study:
To study the various factors leading to job satisfaction.
To study employees satisfaction level.
To study whether the employees are satisfied with the organization, as with
respect to,
System of Work,
Welfare facility,
With respect to human behavior.
To study various suggestions as given by EMPLOYEE TO SATISFACTION.

Research Design:
The research study would be exploratory and descriptive in nature as the sample mass
will be contacted for interview and questionnaire purpose and the response analyzed for
framing the policies which can be suggested to the company for implementation.

Universe: It consist of all the employees of Baroda dairy

Sample and sampling method:

The sample consist of 100 respondents and the sampling method adopted is simple
random sampling method.

Treatment of Data:
The collected Data will be analyzed through use of SPSS, Simple frequency etc.

Tools of Data Collection:

For collecting the necessary data and information questionnaire is used. Using a
question personal interview technique the data was collected and the questionnaire
consists of five point rating scale and is a structured questionnaire has been prepared.
29 | P a
Primary Data:
The primary data is collected with the help of the questionnaire by taking the
responses of the respondents. As all the respondents are aware about this type of survey
it becomes easy for me to collect the information needed for the study.

Secondary Data:
The secondary data is collected through the following sources:
Past Reports
Data through internet source
Annual reports of the Baroda Dairy

Questionnaire Schedule: -
Questions are framed in such way that answers reflects ideas and thoughts of
respondents with regards to the level of satisfaction of various factors of job satisfaction.
The Likert Scaling Techniques has been used for each question in the interview

1. Strongly agree.
2. Agree.
3. Neutral / somewhat agree?
4. Disagree.
5. Strongly disagree.

Chapter I Introduction
Chapter- II Research methodology
Chapter- III Review of Literature
Chapter - IV Data Analysis & Interpretation
Chapter - V Findings, Conclusions & Suggestion
30 | P a
Research setting

Baroda Dairy

Establishment and threats of dairy business in India

Traditionally, dairy was subsidiary occupation of the farmer. However, the

contribution of farmers income was no as prominent as it was from farming. But this
attachment to dairy was kept as tradition handed down from one generation to next
generation to the next.

India has largest population of cattle in the world 134 million cows and 125 million
buffalos presently there are around 81033 village dairy cooperative across the country
the co-operative societies are federate in 17 district milk producers union which turn has
state co. operative dairy federation from significant 200000 liters per day of milk being
processed in 1951 the organization is presently handling some twenty million liters per
day in over 400 dairy plants.

One of the largest liquid milk plants is located in Delhi at some time Indias was
automated dairy with capacity of million liters per day mother dairy Gujarat co.
operative milk marketing federation


Baroda District lies in the center of Gujarat, a state of Western India, well-known for co-
operative dairying. Baroda District co-operative Milk Producers union Ltd. Is the full
name of Baroda dairy. As the name suggests that it is a co-operative union. The company
is engaged in the production of milk, flavored milk, butter and ghee, butter milk. The
company also produces a wide variety of ice-cream, shrikhand, and many sweets
through Sugam unit, a subsidiary of Baroda dairy.

The plant is situated in Makarpura area, in the center of the city. The plants of Baroda
dairy are fully equipped with latest technology and modern facilities. Baroda dairy
always work for welfare of society.
31 | P a

The Milk Union was established on 24 December 1957 with a view to relieve the milk
producers by the private milk venders and to give proper remuneration to them and to
supply good milk to the citizens of Baroda City.
To pass through some very difficult times as eventually become a model of co. operative
clearing throughout the world.

Foundation of Dairy

With the view to relieve the milk producer from the exploitation by the private vendors,
and to give a remunerative price for their milk and to supply good quality of milk to the
citizen of Baroda city, the milk union was established on 24th December, 1957.

The milk union got guidance and help in all respect from the Neighboring milk union of
"Amul" especially from the Founder Chairman of "Amul", Shri T.K. Patel and then the
general manager, Dr. V.Kurien who supported and guided the Baroda Milk Union. This
union has strong leadership of Shri Maganbhai Patel, Founder Chairman and Shri
Jashvantlal Shah, Deputy Minister in the then state of Bombay. Under their dynamic
leadership the foundation stone of this union was laid.

First six milk co-operative societies became founder members of this union from where
the milk was brought for distribution, but, in the absence of adequate facilities for
chilling and pasteurization it was thought best to postpone the rural milk collection. In
turn, pasteurized hygienic milk from Amul Milk Union was brought for distribution to
the consumers of the Baroda city.

The foundation stone of 50,000 LPD Dairy Plant was laid on 24 August 1962, by Shri
T.K. Patel, the Doyen of the Co-operative Dairy Movement in Gujarat. In the year 1963-
64 milk distribution through 21 Distribution centers were started in an organized way.

In the year 1964-65, the union started its milk procurement from 120 milk co-operative
societies. The dairy plant commissioned on25th April, 1965, was inaugurated by Shri
Morarjibhai Desai, the then Finance Minister, and Government of India. Under the milk
32 | P a
distribution system, pasteurized milk in the bottles was supplied to the city consumers.
The bottling plant was set by UNICEF in collaboration with CARE to supply the
reconstitutes milk to school children on matching contribution basis.

Threats of dairy business in India:

SWOT analysis of Indian dairy industry.


Demand profile: Absolutely optimistic

Merges: Quit reasonable even on packed liquid milk
Flexibility of product milk: Tremendous with balancing equipment, you can
keep on adding to your product line.
Availability of Raw material: Abundant, presently more than 80% of milk
produced is flowing in unorganized sector, which requires proper canalization.
Technical manpower: Professionally trained technical human resource pool
built over last 30 years.


Pasteurization has overcome this weakness partially. Surely, man new processes
will follow to improve milk quality and extend its life.

Lack of control over yield:

Theoretically, there is little control over milk yield. However, increase awareness
of development like embryo transplant artificial insemination and properly
manage animal husbandry practice couple with higher income to rural producer
should automatically lead to improvement in milk yield.

Logistic of procurement:
Woes of bad road inadequate transportation facility makes milk procumbent

33 | P a
Problematic distribution:
Yes, all is not well with distribution but then if ice-cream can be sold virtually as
every nook and comer why cant we sell mother dairys product too? Moreover,
it is only a matter emergence of a cold chain linking the producer to the
refrigerator at the consumers home.

With so many new comers entering this industry, competition is becoming
together day by day. The market is large enough for many to curve of their niche.


Failure is never final, and success never ending puritan bears out this statement
perfectly. If dairy entrepreneurs are looking for opportunities in India, the following
areas must be tapped.

Value addition: There is phenomenal scope for innovation in product development,

packaging is presentation, given below are potential areas of value addition.

Step should be taken to introduce value added product like Shrikhand, Ice-Cream,
Paneer, Flavored Milk, Dairy sweet and other milks product.

Addition of cultured product like yogurt and cheese lend to farther strength both in terms
of utilization of resources and presences in the market place.

A lateral view opens up opportunity in milk proteins through casein, castigates and other
dietary protein further opening up export opportunities.

Yet another aspect can be addition of infant foods geriatric food and nutritional.

THREATS: - Milk Vendors the union organized sector:

Today milk vendors are occupying the pride of place in the industry organized
dissemination of information about the harm that they are cling to producer and
consumer should see that a steady decline in thieve performance.

The study of the SWOT analysis show that the STRENGHT, OPPORTUNITIES, far
out weight WEAKNESS and THREATS strength and opportunities are
fundamental and weakness and threats are transitory.
34 | P a

The district of Baroda dairy is well demarcated by the river Narmada and Mahi in the
south and North respectively and by the hilly tracks, ranging from Pavagadh in east.

With an aim to relive milk private and to give a remunerative price of their milk and to
supply good quality of milk to citizen of Vadodara, the union was established on 24th
Dec, 1957.

The milk union got guidance and help in all respect from the neighboring milk union
"AMUL" and the general manager which supported and guided the Baroda Milk union.
This union has strong leadership of shri maganbhai S Patel and shi Jaswantlal, dairy
minister in the state of Mumbai under the dynamic leadership, the foundation stone of
this union was laid.

Shri T.K.Patel laid the dozen of the milk co. operative dairy movement in Gujarat the
foundation of 50,000 LPD Dairy plant son 24th Aug. 1962. In the year 1963-64
collaboration with care to supply the reconstitutes milk to school. Children on matching
contribution basis milk distribution centers were started in an organized way. In the year
1964-65 the union started its milk procurement from 120 milk co. operatives societies.
The dairy plant commissioned on 25th April 1965 was inaugurated by shri Moraji Desai
Finance minister of government of India. The bottling plant was set by UNICEF in
collaboration with care to supply the reconstitutes milk to school children on matching
contribution basis.
35 | P a

The organization under which we are training is a co. operative society. As we know as
other type of organization. Co. Operative societies don't units business for only profit
making purpose. The basic mission of Baroda dairy is to assure and safeguard the
interest of the nominal consumer of the milk of this purpose Baroda Dairy compensates
adequately to small supplier and provides a quality product to every citizen of Vadodara
at affordable price.
36 | P a

Unit Name:

Baroda district co-operative milk procedure's union Ltd.

From of the organization:

Co-operative Sector.

Establishment of Dairy:

24th Dec.1957

Registered office:

Baroda district co-operative milk procedure's union Ltd.

Makerpura Road,

Total Units:
Baroda Dairy - Baroda
Sugam Unit - Baroda
Cattle feed factory- Itola
Milk chilling Centre- Bodeli
Veterinary sub Unit- Bodeli
Veterinary sub unit - Bodel

Chairmen of the company:

Shri Arjitsinh R. Thakor

Vice chairman of the company:

Shri Dinesh Patel

Managing director of the company:

Shri Ravindra Mathur


The Baroda center co-operative bank Ltd.

The UCO bank
Bank of Baroda
Punjab & Sindhi Bank

Size of Unit:

Large scale industry

37 | P a
38 | P a
Background of the study

Many large organizations have marked their presence in the dairy industry and
trying to grab as much market share as possible in the industry. Baroda Dairy is also one
of the cooperative organization which is engage in producing the milk and milk
products. It sells its milk and milk products under the brand name of AMUL which
has the highest market share in Asia. This as a result has maintained national and
international for quality and consumers likeliness. These high standard milk and milk
products manufactured economically using modern technology are made available
timely to consumers.

The dairy is manufacturing different types of milk and milk products. The profiles of
these products are as under:

GHEESr. No. Brand Name Fat SNF
1 Amul Gold 6.00 9.00
2 Amul Shakti 4.50 8.50
3 Amul Cows Milk 3.50 8.50
4 Amul Slim & Trim 1.50 9.00

Sr. No. Type of Ghee Brand Name Quantity

1 Ghee of Mix Milk Surbhi 500 ml
2 Ghee of Mix Milk Surbhi 15 liters
3 Ghee of Cows milk Surbhi 200 ml
4 Ghee of Cows milk Surbhi 500 ml
5 Ghee of Cows milk Surbhi 15 liters

Sr. No. Type Quantity

1 Table Butter 100 gm
2 White Butter 500 gm

39 | P a
Flavored Milk
Sr. No. Packing Quantity
1 Bottle 200 ml
2 Pouch 200 ml
Butter Milk

Sr. No. Type Quantity

1 Goras (Simple Chaas) 500 gm
2 Goras (Simple Chaas) 5 liters
3 Jira Chaas 200 gm
4 Masala Chaas 200 gm

Rajwadi Kadhi
Sr. No. Packing Quantity
1 Pouch 500 ml

Sr. No. Packing Quantity

1 Pouch 200 ml

CHEESE is the other products, which are also manufacture by the Baroda Dairy.

40 | P a
The above mention products are immensely popular among the consumers of
Baroda city and become the brand among them. Thus the dairy has increased its sales of
its products in order to meet the demands of the consumers. The quality of these
products is far superior to that of the other local manufacturers of the similar types of

It is very important for the dairy to satisfy the needs of the consumers who have
join the dairy with some expectations in terms of price, quality and quantity. As dairy is
engage in manufacturing many products along with the milk, it is very essential to give
regular attention on them also. This is very important to know about consumer
preference and brand awareness towards these products. So I am going to study the
consumer preference and brand recall ability towards Baroda Dairys products.
41 | P a



Manager Manager Supdt. Supdt.

(Personnel) (Time Keeping) (Wel. & Pers.) (Telephone.)

Officer Officer Officer Sr. Officer

Jr. Officer Jr. Officer Jr. Officer

Sr. Executive Sr. Executive Sr. Executive

Sr. Asst. Sr. Asst./Sr. Time Sr. Asst.

Jr. Asst. Jr. Asst./ Jr. Asst.

Time Keeper
42 | P a

Manpower planning:

Manpower planning may be defined as a strategy for the acquisition utilization

improvement and preservation of an enterprise's human resources


To ensure optimum use of human.

To assess or forecast future skills requirement if the organizations overall
objectives are to achieved.
Baroda dairy perform the following function:
Recruitment selection and induction.
Records of persons.
Training and Development.
Employee welfare.


Recruitment of an employee is done on the basis of human resource planning carried by

Baroda dairy management. They used direct and indirect method of requirement
however they used direct method for certain management post only.
Baroda dairy is using both type of source for recruitment that is external and internal


Internal sources refer the sources which are within the organization this type of source
includes transfer, promotion, deputation etc. A circular is passed in Organization when
there is a post vacant due to retirement death or any such reason.
43 | P a

External sources refer to recruitment which is external to organization this type of

sources include advertisement , educational and technical institute get hiring
employment exchange but Baroda dairy use advertisement to the sources of main
sources of recruitment. These sources are of vital important to the organization because
it gives fresh outlook to the organization.


Baroda dairy has systematic process for selection for candidates. The following is the
procedure of selection in the organization. This procedure defer to extent for managerial
and non-managerial post.
Written examination.
Medical checkup.


Training is the organization procedure by which people acquire knowledge and scale for
a define purpose. It is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of workers doing a
certain job.

Unit Baroda dairy training is given twice a year to the employees first of all the
employees who has to be given training is selection and is train by practical and
theoretical lecture.

They maintain record book of the training, which include the records the training has
improved or not. If they are to improve then they are given further training but if they
improved they are appoint to their job.
44 | P a

The success of any organization depends upon department of organization. The

organization may not be able to achieve its good without the physical and more
support of their employees.
The unit provide many facilities to its employees it is also having welfare office that is
concerned with the matter of statutory and non-statutory. Welfare provision which are
under factory act 1948. The following benefits are given by the Baroda dairy to their

Safety suggestion scheme
Insurance scheme
Medical help
45 | P a

Scope of study:

This particular topic JOB SATISFACTION OF EMPLOYEES is given by HR

Assistant manager for the purpose of research and finds the causes of non-satisfaction.

This study is useful for organization because they want to increase the rate of
satisfaction of the employee.
This study is useful for and myself because conduct a research and now I am
thorough on this subject which is useful in future.
This study is useful to our junior.
This study is useful for those students who are in future doing their studies in
Baroda dairy.


To study the various factors leading to iron satisfaction in Baroda dairy.

To study employees satisfaction level in the company etc.
To study whether the employees are satisfied with the organization, as with
respect to,
1. Management
2. System of Work
3. Welfare facility
4. With respect to human behavior.
To study various suggestions as given by EMPLOYEE TO SATISFACTION.
46 | P a

Although it has been more common to investigate employee attitude data at the
individual employee level, researchers have begun to explore similar relationships at the
business-unit level and the organizational level. Research conducted under the rubric of
organizational climate has had success in aggregating individual employees perceptions
and investigating their relationship to both organizational-level and individual-level
outcomes (see, e.g., Schneider, White, & Paul, 1998; Zohar & Luria, 2005). In addition,
there are a handful of studies that have explored the relationship between aggregated
employee job satisfaction attitudes and organizational (or unit-level) performance.

A literature review is the summary and critical evaluation of previous published and
unpublished researches made by various scholars and researchers. The source of
literature review may be newspapers, articles, journals, magazines, books, thesis, reports
etc. It may also include discussions, methodological issues and suggestions for future

There are numerous studies made by scholar to evaluate dairy industry from different
angle. The following are some of the important studies made on dairying and other
sectors on the related subject.

The concept of Job Satisfaction has been widely defined by different people, (Lock
1979) specified that Job Satisfaction is a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting
from the appraisal of ones job experiences. Spector (1997) refined the definition of job
satisfaction to constitute an attitudinal variable that measures how person feels about his
or her job, including different facets of the job.

Rice, Gentile and Mcfrline (1991) defined Job Satisfaction as a feeling ones job or
career in terms of the facet of job or career (e.g. compensation, autonomy, coworkers). It
also related to specific outcomes, for example, Productivity. Many studies on
determinants of job satisfaction in higher educational institutions in the developed world
are available (Hickons and Oshagbemi, 1999; Brewer and McMahan- Landers, 2003 and
Turrel, Price and joyner, 2008). However, in developing countries such as Nigeria,
efforts in this direction are scarce. Example of investigated jobs are satisfaction among
47 | P a
heads of post primary Institutions in Delta State, Nigeria (Whawho, 2008; Edem and
Lawal, 2006).

When the employee sees that his expectations are not met in the job environment; the
job dissatisfaction emerges. It leads to the decrease in the workforce productivity,
organizational commitment to the jobs and increase in the rates of the optional
discontinuation of the job (Snthappara, Srijni and Ling, 2005; Payne and Morrison,
2002; Redfern, 2005 and Denizer, 2008; Gellatly, 2005; Sagie, 2002).

Besides, the medical conditions of the employees might be affected negatively lower job
satisfaction in the servers has been observed to bring about neurotic (insomnia and
headache) and emotional negativeness (Stress, disappointment) (Denizer, 2008).
Nevertheless, the best proof to the deterioration of the work, Job success and Job
Productivity and increase in the workforce turnover (Iverson and Deery, 2007: Lum,
2006), occupational accidents and complaints.

Job Satisfaction can be describe as ones feeling or state of mind regarding the nature of
the work. Job satisfaction can be influenced by a variety of factors such as the quality of
the academics relationships with their supervisors, the quality of physical environment
in which they work and the degree of fulfillment in their work (Lambert, Pasupuleti,
Clause Tolar and Jennings, 2008). Job satisfaction is a key factor in Productivity
(Oshagbemi, 2000). However, job satisfaction is certainly not the only factor that causes
people to produce that, positive and negative attitude towards work may expert powerful
effects on many forms of organizational behavior.

Job satisfaction is one of the most studied constructs in the areas of industrial
organizational psychology, social psychology, organizational behavior, personnel and
human resource management, and organizational management. This makes sense in that
knowledge of the determinants, the consequences, and other correlates of job
satisfaction can be vital to organizational success (Cranny, Smith & Stone, 1992).
Proper management can only be attained through knowing what affects job satisfaction.
48 | P a
Kaliski (2007) has Job satisfaction is a workers sense of achievement and success on
the job. It is generally perceived to be directly linked to productivity as well as to
personal well-being. Job satisfaction implies doing a job one enjoys, doing it well and
being rewarded for ones efforts. Job satisfaction further implies enthusiasm and
happiness with ones work. Job satisfaction is the key ingredient that leads to
recognition, income, promotion, and the achievement of other goals that lead to a feeling
of fulfilment.

George et al (2008) has Job satisfaction is the collection of feeling and beliefs that
people have about their current job. Peoples levels of degrees of job satisfaction can
range from extreme satisfaction to extreme dissatisfaction. In addition to having
attitudes about their jobs as a whole. People also can have attitudes about various
aspects of their jobs such as the kind of work they do, their co-workers, supervisors or
subordinates and their pay.

Mullins (2005) has Job satisfaction is a complex and multifaceted concept which can
mean different things to different people. Job satisfaction is usually linked with
motivation, but the nature of this relationship is not clear. Satisfaction is not the same as
motivation. Job satisfaction is more of an attitude, an internal state. It could, for
example, be associated with a personal feeling of achievement, either quantitative or

Luthans (1998) has the preponderance of research evidence indicates that there is no
strong linkage between satisfaction and productivity. For example a comprehensive
meta-analysis of the research literature finds only a.17 best estimate correlation between
job satisfaction and productivity. Satisfied workers will not necessarily be the highest
producers. There are many possible moderating variables, the most important of which
seems to be rewards. If people receive rewards they feel are equitable, they will be
satisfies and this is likely to result in greater performance effort. Also, recent research
evidence indicates that satisfaction may not necessarily lead to individual performance
improvement but does lead to departmental and organizational level improvements.
Finally there is still considerable debate weather satisfaction leads to performance or
performance leads to satisfaction.
49 | P a
Sweney and McFarlin (2005) Has Even though the effects are modest the fact that job
satisfaction contributes to decreasing the level of employee absenteeism remains. So
satisfaction is worth paying attention to, especially since it is potentially under your
control unlike some of the other causes of absenteeism (e.g. illness, accidents). But
awe said circumstances can alter this equation. As a manager you could be implicitly
encouraging absenteeism by informing company policies. If people are paid for sick
days, and if they must be used or lost this is pretty strong encouragement for
employees to be absent. In other words, youve helped create a culture of absenteeism
that can overcome the satisfaction effect.

Relevant research data have demonstrated the importance of job satisfaction in an

organization, especially, in terms of its efficiency, productivity, employee relations,
absenteeism and turn over (Baron, 1996, Maghradi, 1999 and Fajana 2001). In
addition to being influenced by the level of satisfaction, Performance protected by a
workers ability as well as number of situational and environmental factor such as
Mechanical breakdowns, low quality materials, inadequate supply of materials,
availability of stocks and market forces (Boro, et al). Nevertheless, in the case of lower
level jobs where little ability is required, job satisfaction seems to be one of the key
determinates of performance.
(Cockburn & Perry, 2004; Boro, et al 2001).

Therefore, job satisfaction is very important in an organizational because if employees

are net satisfied, their work performance , productivity, commitment as well as the
interpersonal relationships among the management and their subordinates tend to be
lowered (Fajana, 1996). For instance, in an organization where work performance is not
recognized through promotion and salary increases, productivity of employees tends to
be lowered. In an effort to satisfy the needs of employees, many managers make use of
incentive programs, despite the fact that research has consistently confirmed that no
amount of money will translate into sustainable levels of job satisfaction or motivation
(Joyce and Slocum, 2004). Fajana (2002) in his work identified a long range of factors
combined to affect individuals level of satisfaction. These include, supervision or
leadership (concern for people, task, and participation), Job design (scope, depth,
interest, perceived value).
50 | P a
Thus it becomes important for the managers to understand what employees value in
order to redesign jobs, reward systems, and human resource management policies that
will result in optimum job satisfaction and productivity.

Armstrong and Baron (1998), report has set out criteria for performance measurement.
Performance measures should provide a sound basis for feedback and actions, be
comprehensive and precise, be verifiable, focused on measurable outputs, be relevant to
objectives and be related to strategic goals and measures that are organizationally,
significant and drive business performance.

Mrs. Heena Rawal (1999), studied the profitability of five District Milk Producers
Cooperative Union Ltd. of Gujarat state. She studied costing and pricing practice of milk
co-operative of Gujarat state. They found that the profitability increase by reducing the
cost or increasing the total sales. The cooperative has not adopted a proper costing
system and cost-volume profit method to control cost. Cost center has not been
identified by any of the co-operative dairy.

Rose (2001) studied that job satisfaction is a complex concept and can be divided into
intrinsic and extrinsic satisfaction Intrinsic satisfaction is associated with the content of
ones job, such as autonomy, degree of responsibility, variety of skills, supervision etc.
In general, intrinsic sources of satisfaction comprise the qualitative attributes of a job.
On the other hand, extrinsic satisfaction is associated with ones work environment
(working conditions), such as working hours, safety, promotion opportunities, tangible
rewards and other bonuses. It is necessary, therefore, to adopt a more detailed
measurement of satisfaction, where both intrinsic and extrinsic characteristics are taken
into account.

Selvamani and Rani (2008), opined that Dairy Co-operatives and Development of
Rural Women in the Era of Globalization, identified relation between dairy cooperatives
and women. According to their study highlighted women participation, problem faced
by dairy co-operatives for development of rural women in the globalization
environment. In order to survive and sustain in the new economic era of liberalization
dairy co-operatives require both financial assistance and technical assistance from
51 | P a
central and state governments, state and national level co-operative organizations, in
case the co-operatives need to serve in the new economic era of globalization.

Schermerhorn (1993) defines job satisfaction as an affective or emotional response

towards various aspects of an employees work. The author emphasizes that likely
causes of job satisfaction include status, supervision, co-worker relationships, job
content, remuneration and extrinsic rewards, promotion and physical conditions of the
work environment, as well as organizational structure.

Maslows (1954) traditionalist views of job satisfaction were based on his five -tier
model of human needs. At the lowest tier, basic life sustaining needs such as water, food,
and shelter were identified. The next level consisted of physical and financial security,
while the third tier included needs of social acceptance, belonging, and love. The fourth
tier incorporated self-esteem needs and recognition by ones peers and at the top of the
pyramid was reserved for self-actualization needs such as personal autonomy and self-
direction. According to Maslow, the needs of an individual exist in a logical order and
that the basic lower level needs must be satisfied before those at higher levels. Then,
once the basic needs are fulfilled, they no longer serve as motivators for the individual.
The more a job allows for growth and acquisition of higher level needs, the more likely
the individuals to report satisfaction with his or her job. Furthermore, the success of
motivating people depends on recognizing the needs that are unsatisfied and helping the
individual to meet those needs.

Job Satisfaction is a major factor to enhance and maintain the overall yield of
organization and the job loyalty by efficient service and better performance. Many
researchers have created the links between job satisfaction and other factors like stress
and burnout, motivation, turnover intention workplace environment, organizational
commitment, empowerment, performance, turnover intention and personal
characteristics. (Chen, 2006; Fair brother and Warn, 2003; Furnham et al., 2002;
Gaertner, 1999; Ghiselli et al., 2001; Jernigan et al., 2002; Karatepe et al., 2006; Lam et
al., 2001; Linz, 2003; Silva, 2006; Spence Laschinger et al., 2002; Tepeci and Bartlett,
2002; Tsigilis et al., 2004).
52 | P a
According to Garcia Bernal et al (2005), The last state of psychological Process is
called satisfaction. We should be defined job satisfaction in that context which is may
be accepted as: The feelings of the employees and attitude in relation with job
components such as the environment where he work, work place conditions, rewards
such as salary and bonuses and job itself (Glisson and Durick, 1988; Kim et al., 2005).

In last, few years in the major organization, the employees satisfaction and job
satisfaction apparent to be a prerequisite for spirited levels of quality and organizational
success has become a major objective (Garcia-Bernal et al. 2005). In the most of
researches, it is define that if the behavior of the organization and environment of the
organization is fit and the environment of the person dominates it (Mottaz, 1985;
Kristof, 1996), it means the employees do their work in given time, values and
characteristics of a person is high, than the degree of job satisfaction is positive.

Tietjen & Myers (1998) discusses the theories of job satisfaction mentioned by
Herzberg and Lockers. Job Satisfaction is always maximum when an employee is
satisfied with the work which is assigned to him. A well-furnished office and the
temperature of the work environment doesnt help much whereas the base duty allotted
in the job and the intrinsic related feelings of an individual creates a positive attitude in
him about the job. Salary, perks always doesnt lead to job satisfaction it is the intrinsic
feelings of an individual which leads to job satisfaction.

According to Bradley and Brain (2003), employees job satisfaction is pleasure that an
employee derives from his/her Job. It is an attitudinal variable that describe how people
feel about their job. (Agho, Mueller, and price, 1993). Similarly Sousa Poza and
Sousa-Poza suggest job satisfaction is determined by the balance between inputs and out
puts. According the concept, human has basic and universal needs and that individual
needs are fulfilled in their current situation, and then that individual will be happy. Job
satisfaction depends on balance between work role inputs (pain)- like education,
working time, effort, and work out puts(pleasures) like wages, fringe benefits, status,
task importance, working conditions, and intrinsic aspects of the job. If work outputs
(pleasures) are relative to work role inputs (pains).
53 | P a
Joseph (2009) studied in the article points out that the structure of a welfare state
rests on its social security fabric. Government, employers and trade unions have done a
lot to promote the betterment of workers conditions.

Abdulla et al. (2011) examines the relationship between job satisfaction and
environmental and demographic factors and found environmental factors (such as salary,
promotion and supervision) better predictors of job satisfaction as compared to
demographic factors (such as sex, age and education level as well as other factors related
to their work experience, such as job level, shift work, and years of experience).

Sabarirajan (2010) shows that 15% of the employees are highly satisfied with
their welfare measures. 22% of the employees are satisfied with their welfare measures.
39% of the employees are average with their welfare measures.16% of them are in
highly dissatisfied level. Welfare measures plays important role in the employees
satisfaction and it result in improved quality of work life. This study throws light on the
impact of welfare measure on QWL among the employees of textile mills in Salem

Satyanarayna and Reddi (2012) stated that the overall satisfaction level of employees
about welfare measures in the organization cover is satisfactory. However, a few are not
satisfied with welfare measures provided by the organization. Therefore it is suggested
that the existing welfare measure enrich the employees standard of living and their
satisfaction levels.

Employers interested in remaining competitive in todays world economy need to

concentrate on retaining quality employees. Rewarding employees for work well done
increases satisfaction and productivity (Walker, 1998). Simple practices like this can
aid the atmosphere of the work environment. Giving recognition and rewards outside
the paycheck such as recognizing key employees by name may also help (Metzler,
1998). Other research indicates that customer satisfaction and loyalty are excellent
predictors of profitabilitythe strongest predictors of customer satisfaction: employees
general satisfaction with their jobs and employees satisfaction with their work/life
balance (McDonald & Hutcheson, 1999).
54 | P a
Sindhu (2012) stated the employee welfare measures increase the productivity of
organization and promote healthy industrial relations there by maintaining industrial
peace. Organizations provide welfare facilities to their employees to keep their
motivation levels high. Business houses provide many such statutory and non - statutory
things policies to maintain satisfactory level of their employee. When they get better
canteen facilities, good water to drink, clean restrooms, clean and hygiene wash rooms
and bathrooms, regular medical checkups, health insurances, Employee assistance
program, grievance handling department, better facilities to sit or good work place gives
employee a high level of satisfactory level. This gives an organization to grow much

Upadhyay and Gupta (2012) conclude that communication plays a major role in
increasing the satisfaction of an employee. Satisfied employees are reported to have high
morale. Welfare measures and work experience does not necessarily relates to
satisfaction .Therefore its recommended that company should provide for adequate
welfare measures but should not burden itself by increasing the cost part of it in greed to
earn the competitive edge and declare itself as most desired company. Other factors like
good and open communication, providing motivating factors, empowerment etc. should
be taken into consideration for increasing the employee satisfaction level.

Mohan and Panwar (2013) show the retail stores at Udaipur are providing not only
intramural facilities but also extramural welfare facilities. It is stretching its hands to
provide amenities that may improve health and living standards of the employees. The
effective and efficient policies and welfare facilities make the employee to perform the
job better, which leads to effectiveness of the organization.

Resma and Basavraju (2013) stated the employee welfare is a comprehensive term
including various services, benefits and facilities offered to employees of the
organization. This study enlightens the concept of welfare measures; it also highlights
the employees perception regarding the various statutory welfare measures provided by
the Donimalai Iron Ore Mine, Bellary.
55 | P a
Logasakthi and Rajagopal (2013) reveled the employees enjoy not only the
satisfaction of their jobs but also various facilities given by the firms. The labors extend
their maximum support for the improvement of the company. The personal department
takes care of the total human resources in the company. The management provides all
the health safety and welfares to the employees that will help to produce better
performance in the work and working environment.

Singh & Jain (2013) highlights on employees job satisfaction and its impact on their
performance. Employees attitude reflects the moral of the company. Happy employees
play an important role in the areas of customers service and sales as they are the one to
interact with the customer on a daily basis. Work environment is the key factor in job
satisfaction. Good work environment and good working conditions leads to job
satisfaction at the same time helps in increasing employee work performance,
profitability, customer satisfaction as well as retention.

Lu, et al, (2005) has External environment effects on human sensations in work place.
Thus, as job is a large part of life, so job satisfaction effect on total satisfaction of
human. We can conclude that there is a mutual effect between job satisfaction and life so
managers should not only monitor the job situations but also check their employee life
conditions (Devies, storm, 1991). When employees are hired, they will have a set of
needs, wishes and previous experiences which make totally the job expectations.
Organizations reactions and responses to these needs will produce negative or positive
attitude among personnel toward their job. Actually job satisfaction shows the relation
between human expectations and advantages taken from job (Willem, 2007).In
organizational behavior, it is focused on job satisfaction. It disappears as soon as it
appears so need to be noticed continuously (tsigils,, 2004).Gordon believes that job
satisfaction is an emotional reaction of person perception that whether his job satisfies
his needs and requests. Also, it must be in accordance with personal needs (Fairbrother,
2008). And reaction of employee against their tasks (Madhavan, 2000). Spector (1997)
believes that job satisfaction shows people emotion about their job generally or about
some parts of it (i.e. organization, job, supervisory, co-workers, salary and income and
promotions). Smith, Kendall and Hullin (1969)express five aspects that can be used to
determine job satisfaction: being satisfied from job (i.e. interesting tasks and
opportunities for learning and training), being satisfied from supervisor (i.e. technical
56 | P a
and managing abilities and their considerations about employees), being satisfied from
co-workers (technical qualification and support they show), being satisfied from
promotion (achieving real opportunity to advance), being satisfied from income (amount
of income, its equality and way of paying to stuffs). Effective factors of job satisfaction
divided in two categories: environmental and personal factors. The examples for the first
one are, job level, its content, conservative management, income and promotion
opportunity, and examples for the latter are as follows: age, education and gender. The
higher level of responsibility and independency in job, the better it will be. The higher
ranking person have, higher level of factor needed to be satisfied with (Korman, 2005).
Worse performance and quitting the job, lead to negative effects on productivity.

Hanif and Kamal (2009) Has Argues that if companies makes favorable strategies and
rules for the employees related to pay scales, policy development, staff input, and the
work environment, may lead to employee engagement, satisfaction and increased
employee loyalty with the organization because satisfied employees are more likely to
be welcoming and attentive which attracts customers and the employees not satisfied
with the job can lead to customer unhappiness. Abdulla et al. (2011) examines the
relationship between job satisfaction and environmental and demographic factors and
found environmental factors (such as salary, promotion and supervision) better
predictors of job satisfaction as compared to demographic factors (such as sex, age and
education level as well as other factors related to their work experience, such as job
level, shift work, and years of experience). Rumman (2011) concludes that there is no
statistically significant association between demographic factors, and their working
environment in travel and tourism companies in Amman and a statistically significant
correlation was found between the nature of the employee's job and job satisfaction in
the travel and tourism companies in Amman. Employee satisfaction relates to the design
of compensation system for a business, because payment strategies based on
compensation system and should appreciate (Lai, 2011). Lai (2011) argue that an
efficient compensation system result in organizational growth and expansion and exhibit
a positive relationship between employee satisfaction and job-based wages, skill-based
pay and performance-based pay. The study concludes that the intrinsic factors of
motivation, including recognition, work, career opportunities, professional growth,
responsibility, good feeling about the organization that has a significant correlation with
57 | P a
job satisfaction, while hygiene (external) factors have no significant relationship with
job satisfaction of employees satisfaction.

Dr.Riyaz Ahmad Rainyee, Arfat Ahmad (2014) Has Organizational commitment and
job satisfaction are widely studies as predictors of employee turnover intentions. Many
studies reported significant relationships among job satisfaction, organizational
commitment, and turnover intentions. However, the relation between them is still
controversial. In this context, this paper makes a humble attempt to clear the concept
behind these relationships among these variable.

The Relationship between Satisfaction with On-The-Job Training and Overall Job
Satisfaction by: Steven W. Schmidt, 2004.
This study examined the relationship between satisfactions with employer-provided
workplace training and overall job satisfaction. Survey completion data were obtained
from 301 customers Knowledge of human resource management and provide some
practical suggestions to managers. The study provides a mechanism by which hoteliers
can obtain feedback from employees about leadership styles. Such feedback can then
serve as the basis for further development of leadership theory across disciplines. This
study provides a guide to the preparation of supervisor in the hotel industry as effective
leaders for the dynamic environment of the future. This study also provides a basis for
informing developers of leadership training programs that can lead to improved
hospitality academic leadership.

A case study analysis of the impact of satisfaction and organizational citizenship on

Productivity by: Steven H. Appelbaum, Jacques Adam, Nadeem Javeri, Michel
Lessard, Jean-Pascal Lion, Michel Simard, Silvana Sorbo, 2005.
Despite significant investment in capital improvements and training, a rod mill suffered
from chronically low productivity. The authors conducted a survey to measure employee
satisfaction and to determine the correlation between employee satisfaction and
productivity. The study found a correlation between average job satisfaction, low
motivation and the resulting low productivity. A direct correlation was also found
between low productivity and poor communication between management, supervisors
and employees. The article offers recommendations to improve productivity by
increasing employee involvement and communication.
58 | P a
The Impact of Reward and Recognition Programs on Employees Motivation and
Satisfaction a Co-relational Study by Reena Ali and M.Shakil Ahmed, 2008

This study highlighted the impact of reward and recognition programs on employees
motivation and satisfaction. The study was conducted from October till December;
2008 the Sample chosen for the study is 80 employees of UNILEVER companies. The
factors affecting satisfaction were identified; payment, promotion, working condition,
personal as Analysis showed immense support for positive relationship between reward
and employee satisfaction. All these results are statistically significant thus providing
rigor and generalizability in research. This exploratory study suggests for the positive
relationship between reward and satisfaction.

Sara Howardd and Hamma (2011) has Argue that job satisfaction is not a sufficient
predictor of employee turnover. Aaron and Ronit (2007) found that among the attitudes,
job satisfaction is the strong predictor of absenteeism while as commitment forms,
particularly organizational commitment are strongly related to employee turnover.
Replicated by Simen and Baris (2011), finds though autonomy, development of
competence and organizational support enhance job satisfaction but, employee associate
their retention behavior to the level of organizational commitment. A. R. Elangovan
(2001) Further argues that satisfaction does not directly affects turnover but through
organizational commitment. Taunton et al. (1997) reported that organizational
commitment was a stronger predictor of turnover intensions than job satisfaction in their
causal model. Appelbaum at. Et., (2009) demonstrated that employees turnover rate is
affected by organizational commitment which in turn can be enhanced through effective
management and communication while the association of turnover rate and job
satisfaction was not supported.

Newstrom and Davis (1997) Has job satisfaction is a set of favorable feelings and
emotions with which employees view their work. Schermerhorn, Hunt and Osborn
(1994: 144) see job satisfaction as the degree to which individuals feel positive or
negative about their jobs. According to this definition, the individual expresses
satisfaction as he interacts with his work environment and attaches meaning to what is
happening around him.
59 | P a
Bowen et al (2008) has the concepts of job satisfaction and motivation are clearly linked
and invariably used interchangeably in practice Bowen et al; (2008). They further
explain that job satisfaction describes or measures the extent of a persons contentment
in his or her job whiles motivation explains the driving force(s) behind the pursuit or
execution of particular activities or a job. Herzberg as cited in Dinham and Scott (1998),
explains that both phenomena are linked through the influence each has on the other. He
continues to give examples by saying that lower order needs otherwise known as
hygiene factors and higher order needs also known as motivators as also concerning
satisfaction and dissatisfaction flowing from these and the need to engender long term
career satisfaction.
60 | P a

The data after collection is to be processed and analyzed in accordance with the outline
and down for the purpose at the time of developing research plan.

Technically speaking, processing implies editing, coding, classification and tabulation of

collected data so that they are amenable to analysis. The term analysis refers to the
computation of certain measures along with searching for pattern groups. Thus in the
process of analysis, relationship or difference should be subjected to statistical tests of
significance to determine with what validity data can be said to indicate any conclusions.

The analysis of data in a general way involves a number of closely related operations,
which are performed with the purpose of summarizing the collected data and organizing
them in such a manner that they answer the research questions. In this study the
researcher followed above process carefully and it is presented in this chapter
61 | P a
1. Table showing the age distribution of the respondents:
Age is an important factor that has an influence of Job Satisfaction. Hence
according to age levels the respondents are classified into below categories.

Description Frequency Percent

20-25 3 3.00
26-30 10 10.00
Age 31-35 9 9.00
36-40 6 6.00
41and above 72 72.00
Total 100 100.00

It can be interpreted that out of total 100 respondnets,72(72%) of
majority of the respondents are in the age group of 41 years and
above, 10(10%) of the respondents are in the age group of 26 30
years, 09(9%) of the respondents are in the age group of 31- 35
years, 06(6%) of the respondents are in the age group of 36 40
years, while 03(3%) of the respondents are in the age group of 20
25 years.
Therefore majority of the respondents are in the age group of 41
years and above.

62 | P a
2. Table showing the number of respondent of male and female.
There is as yet no consistent evidence as to whether women are more
satisfied with their job than men, holding such factors as job and
occupational level constant. In order to know the ratio of gender among
employees of BO and the difference in their level of satisfaction, the
respondents were asked about their gender

Description Frequency Percent

Male 88 88.00
Gender Female 12 12.00
Total 100 100.00

Male Female Total

Frequency Percent

It can be interpreted that out of 100 respondents, 88 (88%)
respondents are male respondent and the rest 12 (12%)
respondents are female respondents.
Therefore majority of the respondents are Male.

63 | P a
3. Table showing the terms of appointment of respondent.
Terms of appointment is very important for employees and it can also effect
on their satisfaction level. There is two type of appointment.
1. Contractual Basis
2. Regular Basis

Description Frequency Percent

Contractual 10 10.00
Terms of basis
appointment Regular 90 90.00
Total 100 100.00

It can be interpreted that out of 100 respondents, 90(90%)
respondents are Regular appointed respondent and the rest 10
(10%) respondents are working as contractual basis.

Therefore it can be interpreted that majority of respondents are

regular appointed.
64 | P a
4. Table showing work experience in present organization.

The experience of the employees in their job is another factor affecting the
perception on job satisfaction. Highly experienced may expect better working
conditions and having less experienced satisfy with the existing one. The
respondents are classified into below categories according to their level of
experience as under:

Description Frequency Percent

0-5yrs 15 15.00
Work experience 06 -10yrs 19 19.00
in present 11-15yrs 25 25.00
organization 16-20 above 41 41.00
Total 100 100.00


It can be interpreted that out of total 100 respondents, 41 (41%) of majority of

the respondents of 16-20 years of experience, 15(15%) of the respondents of 0-5
years experience, 19(19%) of the respondents of 06- 10years experience,
25(25%) of the respondents of 11-15years experience.
Therefore majority of the respondents of 16-20 years and above.
65 | P a
5. Table showing education qualification of respondents
Qualification of the respondents may affect the perception of job satisfaction.
Highly educated may expect much better work life than others. According to
educational qualification the respondents are classified into four categories as

Description Frequency Percent

School Level 28 28.00
Education Graduate 40 40.00
Qualification Post Graduate 32 32.00
Total 100 100.00


The above table reveals that Majority of the respondents i.e. 44 % studied up
to graduate. Out of 100 respondents 28 % studied up to school level. And
32% respondents studied up to Post Graduate Level.
Therefore it can be interpreted that majority of respondents are Graduate.
66 | P a
6. Table showing department of respondents.
They are most important tool of organization there are different type of
department where respondents works. Human Resource Management in
simple words means planning, organizing, directing and controlling of
procurement, recruitment, selection, training and development,
compensation, integration, maintenance, appraisal, allocation and separation
of Human Resources Finance is the most crucial part in any organization.
Marketing Department is the Front Face of any organization or firm.

Description Frequency Percent

HR & Admin 54 54.00
Purchase 9 9.00
Department Marketing 35 35.00
Finance 2 2.00
Total 100 100.00


HR & Admin Purchase Marketing

Department Department Department
Finance Departmet Total

Out of 100 respondents maximum no. of respondents are in HR and admin
department that is 54% and minimum no. of respondents in finance department
that is 2%.
67 | P a
7. Table showing the designation of the respondents.
Designation wise employee respondents are divided into three groups i.e.
MD/CEO or GM level, Functional HR Department officers and employees
from other department.

Designation Frequency Percent

Top level : CEO/MD, GM 06 6.00
Middle level Functional 27 27.00
Lower level Employee 67 67.00
TOTAL 100 100.00

Distribution of sample employee

respondents as per


Top level : CEO/MD,

10 HR Designation
Lower level

The above table revels that out of 100 respondents, 06% employees are from Top
management i.e. MD, CEO or GM level. 27% employees are from functional HR
department, and 67% employees are from other department. This shows that
majority employees out of 100 respondents are selected from middle level or
lower level management and which are from Non HR department.
68 | P a
8. Table showing the monthly income of the respondents.
Man work to earn every employee in the organization will expect adequate
pay to be paid for the job done by him. The reasonable pay for each job
which is performed in the organization. This scale of pay may help for the
job satisfaction to a greater extent.

Descriptions Frequency Percent

Up to Rs. 10000 77 77.00
Rs.11000-Rs.20000 14 14.00
Monthly Rs.21000-Rs.30000 5 5.00
Income Rs.31000-Rs.40000 3 3.00
Rs.41000 and above 1 1.00
Total 100 100.00

Chart Title

Rs.41000 Above




Up to Rs. 10000

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Percent Frequency

Out of 100 respondents maximum no. of respondents are in the category of up to
Rs.10000and minimum no. of respondents are in the category of Rs.41000
above. 14 % Respondents are in the category of up to Rs.11000-Rs.20000. 05 %
Respondents are in the category of up to Rs.21000-Rs.30000. 03% Respondents
are in the category of up to Rs.31000-Rs.40000.
Therefore it can be interpreted that majority of respondents are in the category of
up to Rs.10000.

69 | P a
9. Job given by company improves skills and ability of employees.
Ongoing training for employees plays an essential role to improve skills and
ability of employees. Training is required even after an employee has
attained satisfactory understanding of the tasks they are required to perform.
The business environment has changed significantly over the years and
employees are now required to improve their skills regularly. The benefits of
employee training are essential for an organizations success.

Description Frequency Percent

Strongly Agree 00 00.00
Agree 95 95.00
Neutral 00 00.00
Disagree 05 0.00
Strongly disagree 0 0.00
Total 100 100.00


1 2 Total

Out of 100 respondents, 95 respondents are satisfied with the company support.
And 5% respondents are not satisfy with company ongoing training.
It can be interpreted that majority of respondents are satisfied with company

70 | P a
10. Table showing employees opinion about the nature of their work.

Your Work is very challenging one

Description Frequency Percent
Strongly Agree 31 31.00
Agree 50 50.00
Neutral 18 18.00
Disagree 0 0.00
Strongly disagree 1 1.00
Total 100 100.00

The above table reveals that 31% of the employees are strongly agree that their
work is very challenging one. 50% of the employees are agree that their work is
very challenging one. 18% of the employees are neutral about the fact that their
work is challenging one. 0% of the employees are disagree that their work is very
challenging one.1 % of the employees are strongly disagree that their work is
very challenging one
It can be interpreted that majority (50 %) of respondents are agree that their work
is very challenging one.
71 | P a
11. Table showing opinion of the employees regarding work pressure on

Description Frequency Percent

Strongly Agree 10 10.00
Agree 25 25.00
Neutral 28 28.00
Disagree 30 30.00
Strongly disagree 07 07.00
Total 100 100.00

10 % of the employees are strongly agree about the fact that they are mentally
and physically exhausted at the end of the day at work. 25% of the employees are
agree that they are mentally and physically exhausted at the end of the day at
work. 28% of the employees are neutral about the fact that they are mentally and
physically exhausted at the end of the day at work. 30 % of the employees are
disagree about the fact that they are mentally and physically exhausted at the end
of the day at work. 7 % of the employees are strongly disagree that they are
mentally and physically exhausted at the end of the day at work.
72 | P a
12. Does management maintain an open communication with employees?

Description Frequency Percent

Strongly Agree 15 15.00
Agree 30 30.00
Neutral 41 41.00
Disagree 06 06.00
Strongly disagree 08 08.00
Total 100 100.00

Open communication with







1 2 3 4 5 Total

Series 1 Series 2


Out of 100 respondents, 41% are Neutral with the company open communication
system and 15% respondents are strongly agree with management maintain open
communication with their employees. 06% respondents disagree and 08 %
respondents are strongly disagree.

And 41 % respondents are Neutral about management maintain open

communication with their employees.
73 | P a
13. Motivation increases responsibilities and duty of employees.
Keeping employees motivated is an important element of not only getting
the most out of your employees, but also in retaining your best respondents?
Increase responsibility. Respondents who are given more responsibility will
feel a greater ownership in their work. Make sure respondents have the
opportunity to take responsibility for projects. Offer respondents training
opportunities to improve their skills.

Description Frequency Percent

Strongly Agree 50 50.0
Agree 20 20.00
Neutral 29 46.0
Disagree 1 1.00
Strongly Disagree 0 0.0
Total 100 100.0


Out of 100 respondents, 50% respondents are satisfied with that motivation
increases responsibilities and duty of employees and 1% respondents are
disagree. 29 % are in confusing state that it will increase responsibilities or not.
Therefore it can be interpreted that majority of respondents 50% are strongly
agree with motivation increases responsibilities and duty of employees
74 | P a
14. Have you ever nominated or received an employee of quarter/ employee
of the year award?

Description Frequency Percent

Strongly Agree 5 05.0
Agree 10 10.0
Neutral 37 37.0
Disagree 7 7.00
Strongly disagree 41 41.00
Total 100 100.00

Chart Title





Category 1 Category Category Category Category Categor

2 3 4 5 y6
Series Series 2


The above table reveals that 5 % of the respondents are strongly agree and out of
100 respondents, 41% respondents are not getting employee of quarter/
employee of the year award.

And 37% respondents are Neutral. They are not interested in nomination or
received an employee of quarter/ employee of the year award.
75 | P a
15. Response about the support from the HR department

Description Frequency Percent

Strongly Agree 36 36.00
Agree 58 58.00
Neutral 6 6.00
Disagree 0 0 .00
Strongly disagree 0 0.00
Total 100 100.00

The table shows that 58% of the respondents are satisfied with the
support they are getting from the HR department. And 6% respondents
are at confusing stage. And 36% Respondents are strongly agree with the
support they are getting from the HR department.
Therefore it can be interpreted that majority 58 % respondents are agree
that about above statement.
76 | P a
16. Company encourages employees to come up with new and better ways
of doing better work.

Description Frequency Percent

Strongly Agree 10 10.00
Agree 70 70.00
Neutral 2 02.00
Strongly disagree 0 0.00
Disagree 18 18.00
Total 100 100.00

Out of 100 respondents ,70% respondents are agree that company
encourages new ideas of doing better work and 10% respondents are
strongly agree that company encouraged new ideas of doing better
work.18 % respondents are disagree with company encourage employee
and 2% respondents at neutral stage.
Therefore it can be interpreted that 70% respondent are agree with above
statement that company encourage employees.
77 | P a
17. Management provides continuous feedback in solving work related
problems to employees.

Description Frequency Percent

Strongly Agree 10 10.00
Agree 25 25.00
Natural 5 05.00
Disagree 40 40.00
Strongly disagree 20 20.00
Total 100 100.00

Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 Total

Frequency Percent


The above table shows that 25 % respondents are agree that company provide
feedback to them ,40 % respondents are disagree that company provides
continuous Feedback in solving work related problems and 10% respondents
strongly agree that Company provides continuous feedback in solving work
related problems. 20% respondents are strongly disagree with companys
feedback in solving work related programs.

Therefore it can be interpreted that majority of respondents are in the category of

4, 40 % respondent not satisfied with company feedback.

78 | P a
18. Special wage increment should be given to employees who do their job
very well.
Incentive / Increment pay, also known as "pay for performance" is generally
given for specific performance results rather than simply for time worked.
While incentives are not the answer to all personnel challenges, they can do
much to increase worker performance.

Description Frequency Percent

Strongly agree 50 50.00
Agree 22 22.00
Neutral 0 0.00
Disagree 20 20.00
Strongly disagree 08 08.00
Total 100 100.00

Performance Pay

20 50

0 0 8 0

1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

Performance Pay

The above table show that out of 100 respondents, 50% respondents are strongly
agree that special wage increments given to those employees who do their job
very well. 20% respondents disagree that special wage increment. And 08 %
respondents are strongly disagree with special incentive given to only those
employee who do their job very well.
Therefore it can be interpreted that majority of respondents are strongly agree
that Performance pay given to those employees who do their job very well.
79 | P a
19. Factors which motivates employees the most

Description Frequency Percent

Salary increase 42 42
Promotion 30 30
Leave 6 6
Motivational talk 10 10
Recognition 12 12
Total 100 100




Salary Promotion Leave Motivational Recogniti

increase talk on

The above table revels that
42 % of the respondent is responding that increase in salary will motivate
them the most.
30 % of the respondent is responding that increase in promotion will motivate
them the most.
For 6 % of the employees leave is important factor which motivate employee
10% of the employees are motivated by motivational speech / talk.
12% of the employees are motivated by recognition.
80 | P a
20. Better job description would be helpful to employees for their duties.
Better job description not only as a valuable aid in the job-recruiting process,
but also as an outline for reporting relationships and working conditions.
When it comes to job description, flexibility is the key. It may be wise to
create more generic job descriptions that emphasize expectations and
accountabilities, rather than specific tasks, thereby encouraging employees to
focus on results rather than job duties.

Description Frequency Percent

Agree 27 27.00
Strongly Agree 60 60.00
Neutral 10 10.00
Disagree 03 03.0
Strongly disagree 00 00.00
Total 100 100.00

Out of 100 respondents , 27% respondents are agree that better job description
would be helpful to employees for their duties and 60 % respondents are strongly
agreed that better job description would be helpful to employees for their
duties.10 % respondents are neutral and job description not affect their work.
And 3% respondents are disagree with job description would not helpful to
employees for their duties.
Therefore it can be interpreted that majority of (60 %) respondents are strongly
agreed that better job description would be helpful to employees for their duties.
81 | P a
21. Department Head/ Supervisor discusses for employees workplace

Description Frequency Percent

Agree 65 65.00
Strongly Agree 30 30.00
Neutral 05 05.00
Disagree 00 00.0
Strongly disagree 00 00.00
Total 100 100.00

Out of 100 respondents 65 % respondents are agree that supervisor discusses for
employees workplace environment and 30 % respondents are strongly agree
about above statement. 5 % respondents are neutral that supervisor discuss for
employees workplace environment.
Therefore it can be interpreted that majority of (65 %) respondents are agree that
supervisor discusses for employees workplace environment.
82 | P a
22. Supervisor ought to work hard to develop a friendly working
environment for employees.

Description Frequency Percent

Agree 75 75.00
Strongly Agree 15 15.00
Neutral 00 00.00
Disagree 10 10.00
Strongly disagree 00 00.00
Total 100 100.00


Out of 100 respondents ,75% respondents are agree that supervisor ought to
work hard to develop a friendly working environment for employees and 15%
respondents are strongly agree about above statement. Where 10 % respondents
are disagree that supervisor ought to work hard to develop a friendly working
environment for employees. 0% respondent strongly disagree with above
Therefore it can be interpreted that majority of respondents are agree with
above statement.
83 | P a
23. Table showing opinion of the employees about workers participation in
management decisions.

Description Frequency Percent

Agree 85 85.00
Strongly Agree 11 11.00
Neutral 0 0.00
Disagree 4 4.00
Strongly disagree 0 0.00

Total 100 100.00

Out of 100 respondents,4% respondents are disagree that individual recognition
for above standard performance means a lot to employees and 85% respondents
are agree about above statement and 11% respondents are strongly agree about
above statement.
Therefore it can be interpreted that majority of respondents are agree about that
individual recognition for above standard performance means a lot to employees.
84 | P a
24. Table showing opinion of the employees regarding safety measures.

Description Frequency Percent

Agree 27 27.00
Strongly Agree 65 65.00
Neutral 06 06.00
Disagree 02 02.0
Strongly disagree 00 00.00
Total 100 100.00

The above table revels that
65% of the employees are strongly agree that they are satisfied with safety
27 % of the employees are agree that they are satisfied with safety measures.
6 % of the employees are neutral about the fact that they are satisfied with safety
2% of the employees are disagree that they are satisfied with safety measures.
0% of the employees are strongly disagree that they are satisfied with safety
85 | P a
25. Job security is important for employees.

Description Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 30 30.00
Agree 42 36.00
Neutral 22 22.00
Disagree 6 06.00
Strongly Disagree 0 0.00
Total 100 100.00


Out of 100 respondents, 30 % respondents are strongly agree that job security is
important for employees and 42 % respondents are agree about above statement.
22% respondents are neutral that job security is important for employees.
6% respondents are disagree that job security is important for employees.
0 % respondents are strongly disagree that job security is important for

86 | P a
26. Employees of the company want to give their best in everything they do.

Description frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 90 90.00
Agree 7 07.00
Neutral 2 02.00
Disagree 1 01.00
Strongly Disagree 0 00.00
Total 100 100.00

Out of 100 respondents ,90% respondents are strongly agree that employees of
the company want to give their best in everything they do and 7% respondents
are strongly agree about statement. And 2% respondents are neutral about above
statement. Where 1 % respondents are disagree that employees of the company
want to give their best in everything they do.
Therefore it can be interpreted that majority (90%) of respondents are strongly
agree that employees of the company want to give their best in everything they
87 | P a
27. In my opinion, motivation given by company to employee for better
work choice.

Description Frequency Percent

Agree 70 70.00
Strongly agree 20 20.00
Neutral 1 01.00
Strongly disagree 0 00.00
Disagree 9 09.00
Total 100 100.00

Motivation given by Company







Agree Strongly agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Total

Frequency Percent

Out of 100 respondents ,70% respondents are agree that company give
motivation to employees for better work choice and maximum respondents who
are agree about that Statement, only 1% respondents are neutral about that
statement, 9% respondents are Disagrees and 20% respondents are strongly agree
about that statement.
It can be interpreted that majority (70%) of respondents are agree that company
provide Motivation to employees for better work choice

88 | P a
28. Company should stop motivation programs if employees do not want.

Description Frequency Percent

Strongly Agree 32 32.00
Agree 03 03.00
Neutral 00 00.00
Disagree 65 65.00
Strongly Disagree 00 00.00
Total 100 100.00




30 Percent


Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Company should stop motivation Programme if emplyoees do not

Out of 100 respondents ,65% respondents are disagree that company should stop
motivation program if employee do not want and 3% respondents are strongly
agree about above statement ,32% respondents are agree about above statement.
It can be interpreted that majority (65%) of respondents that company should
stop motivation program if employee do not want.
89 | P a
29. Motivation given to employees will create conflict in the organization.

Description Frequency Percent

Strongly Agree 08 08.00
Agree 80 80.00
Neutral 00 00.00
Disagree 12 12.00
Strongly Disagree 00 00.00
Total 100 100.00

Out of 100 respondents 12% respondents are disagree about that motivation
create conflict in the organization.0% respondents are Neutral with above
80% respondents agree about that motivation create conflict among employees.
8% respondents are agree about above statement.
Therefore it can be interpreted that majority of respondents are agree that
Motivation given to employees will create conflict in the organization.

90 | P a
30. Company gives safe, healthy and comfortable work environment to

Description Frequency Percent

Strongly Agree 11 11
Agree 85 85
Neutral 00 00
Disagree 03 03
Strongly Disagree 01 01
Total 100 100

Out of 100 respondents, 3 % respondents are disagree about that company gives
safe, healthy and comfortable environment to employees,1% respondents are
strongly disagree about above statement , 85% respondents are agree about
Company gives safe, healthy and comfortable work environment to
employees.11% respondents are strongly agree about that company gives safe,
healthy and comfortable environment to employees.
It can be interpreted that (85%) majority of respondents are agree about
Company gives safe, healthy and comfortable work environment to employees.

91 | P a
31. Department head/ supervisor encourages to employees when they
perform good job.

Description Frequency Percent

Strongly Agree 89 89.00
Agree 05 05.00
Neutral 00 00.00
Disagree 06 06.00
Strongly Disagree 00 00.00
Total 100 100.00






Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagre

Frequency Percent


Out of 100 respondents ,6% respondents are disagree about that department head
encourages to employees when they perform good job and 5% respondents are
agree about statement ,89% respondents are strongly agree about above
Therefore it can be interpreted that (89%) majority of respondents are strongly
agree about that department head encourages to employees when they perform
good job

92 | P a
32. Table showing respondents are satisfied with their present status in the

Description Frequency Percent

Agree 46 46.00
Strongly agree 32 32.00
Neutral 16 16.00
Strongly disagree 0 0.00
Disagree 6 6.00
Total 100 100.00







Agree Strongly agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Total


Out of 100 respondents ,6% respondents are disagree about that satisfied with
their present status in the organization and 46% respondents are agree about
statement ,32% respondents are strongly agree about above statement. And 6 %
respondents are somewhat agree with above statement.
Therefore it can be interpreted that majority of respondents are agree that they
satisfied with their present status in the organization.

93 | P a
33. Employees feel that their dreams will be fulfilled with their present job

Description Frequency Percent

Agree 22 22.00
Strongly agree 34 34.00
Neutral 30 30.00
Strongly disagree 2 02.00
Disagree 12 12.00
Total 100 100.00

Employees Feels that their

dream will be fulfilled
with their present job.
60 Series
40 Series
20 2

Agree Strongly Neutral Strongly Disagree Total
agree disagree

Out of 100 respondents, 34% respondents are strongly agree about that they feel
that their dreams will be fulfilled with my present job. 22 % respondents are
agree with above statement.
30% respondents are somewhat agree with above statement.
2% respondents are strongly disagree about that they feel that their dreams will
be fulfilled with my present job and 12% respondents are disagree with above
Therefore it can be interpreted that majority of 34 % respondents are strongly
agree that they satisfied with their present status in the organization.
94 | P a
34. I would like to continue with this organization at least for the next five

Description Frequency Percent

Agree 32 32.00
Strongly agree 42 42.00
Neutral 20 20.00
Strongly disagree 00 0.00
Disagree 06 6.00
Total 100 100.00

120 100 100

60 42 42
40 32 32
20 20
0 0 6 6
Agree Strongly Some Strongly Disagree Total
agree what
agree disagree
Frequancy Percent

Out of 100 respondents ,42% respondents are Strongly agree about that they
would like to continue with this organization at least for the next five years and
32% respondents are agreed about above statement.
20% respondents are at Neutral stage.
6% respondents are Disagree with above statement
Therefore it can be interpreted that majority of 42% respondents are agree about
they would be like to continue with this organization.
95 | P a
35. Employees are well adjustment with their job.

Description Frequency Percent

Agree 44 44.00
Strongly agree 24 24.00
Neutral 14 14.00
Strongly disagree 08 08.00
Disagree 10 10.00
Total 100 100.00

4% 5%
7% Strongly
50% Some what
22% Agree

Stongly agree


Out of 100 respondents ,8 % respondents are strongly disagree and 10%
respondents are disagree about that in company they well adjust with their jobs
and 44% respondents are agreed and 24% respondents are strongly agree about
above statement.
Therefore it can be interpreted that majority of respondents are well adjusted in
their job.
96 | P a
36. The motivation of employees in the organization is high.

Description Frequency Percent

Agree 46 46.00
Strongly agree 34 34.00
Neutral 14 14.00
Strongly disagree 00 00.00
Disagree 06 06.00
Total 100 100.00

Out of 100 respondents ,6% respondents are strongly disagree and 00%
respondents are disagree about that motivation of employees in the organization
is high and 46% respondents are agreed and 34% respondents are strongly agree
about above statement.
Therefore it can be interpreted that majority (46%) of respondents are agree
about that motivation of employees in the organization is high.
97 | P a
37. Employees are satisfied with the work culture in this organization

Description Frequency Percent

Agree 38 38.00
Strongly agree 22 22..00
Neutral 26 26.00
Strongly disagree 10 10.00
Disagree 04 04.00
Total 100 100.00


50 Series1
0 Agree Strongly Neutral Strongly Total
agree disagree

Out of 100 respondents, 6% respondents are strongly disagree and 10%
respondents are disagree about that they satisfied with the work culture in this
38% respondents are agreed and 22% respondents are strongly agree about that
they satisfied with the work culture in this organization.
26 % respondents are somewhat satisfied with work culture in this organization.

98 | P a
38. Employees are satisfied with their growth in the organization

Description Frequency Percent

Agree 18 18.00
Strongly agree 42 42.00
Neutral 22 22.00
Strongly disagree 4 4.00
Disagree 14 14.00
Total 100 100.0

Satisfied with their growth in

120 Percent,
100 100

1 2 3 4 5 Total

Out of 100 respondents, 18 % respondents are strongly agree about that they
satisfied with their growth in the organization and 42 % respondents are agreed
with above statement.22% respondents are neutral and somewhere they agree
with the above statement.4% respondents are strongly disagree and 14%
respondents are disagree with their growth in the organization.
Therefore it can be interpreted that majority (42%) of respondents strongly agree
about that they satisfied with their growth in the organization.
99 | P a
39. Employees satisfied with the salary and other benefits given by the

Description Frequency Percent

Agree 18 18.00
Strongly agree 40 40.00
Neutral 22 22.00
Strongly disagree 02 02.00
Disagree 18 18.00
Total 100 100.00

Out of 100 respondents, 40 % respondents are agreed and 18 % respondents are
strongly agreed about satisfied with their salary and other benefits given by the
Where 2 % respondents are disagree and 18% respondents are not satisfied with
their salary and other benefits given by the organization.
Therefore it can be interpreted that majority (40%) of respondents are strongly
agree about satisfied with their salary and other benefits given by the

100 | P a
40. Respondents feel that the work demands of their job are achievable.

Description Frequency Percent

Agree 40 40.00
Strongly agree 48 48.00
Neutral 10 10.00
Strongly disagree 00 00.00
Disagree 02 02.00
Total 100 100.00
Percent Some What

Strongly 5%
disagree disagree
0% 1%

Total 24%
Strongly agree

Strongly disagreedisagree Some What AgreeStrongly agreeTotal

Out of 100 respondents , 48% respondents are agree and 40 % respondents are
strongly agree about that their jobs are achievable in the organization
Where 10 % respondents are Neutral and 2% respondents are disagree about that
job in the achievable in the organization.
It can be interpreted that majority of 48 % respondents are agree with their jobs
are achievable in the organization.

101 | P a
41. Employees are satisfied with the physical work environment.

Description Frequency Percent

Agree 30 30.00
Strongly agree 34 34.00
Neutral 28 28.00
Strongly disagree 08 08.00
Disagree 00 00.00
Total 100 100.0





0 1 2 3 4 5 Total

Percent 0 8 28 30 34 100

Out of 100 respondents, 28 % respondents are somewhat agree.
Where 30 % respondents are agreed and 34 % respondents are strongly agree
about they satisfied with the physical work environment.
8% respondents are strongly disagree about they satisfied with physical work
Therefore it can be interpreted that majority (34%) of respondents are strongly
agree about they satisfied with the physical work environment.

102 | P a
42. Employees feel that their superior appreciate good work.

Description Frequency Percent

Agree 32 32.00
Strongly agree 28 28.00
Neutral 24 24.00
Strongly disagree 2 2.00
Disagree 14 14.00
Total 100 100.00

Out of 100 respondents, 32 % respondents are agree and 28 % respondents are
strongly agree about their superior appreciate their good work.
14 % respondents are disagree about their superior appreciate their good work.
2% respondents are strongly disagree about their superior appreciate their good
Therefore it can be interpreted that majority 32 % respondents are agree about
their superior appreciate their good work.

103 | P a
43. The company employees are satisfied with the various welfare programs in

Description Frequency Percent

Agree 32 32.00
Strongly agree 40 40.0
Neutral 30 30.0
Strongly disagree 28 28,0
Disagree 18 18.00
Total 100 100.0

Satisfied with various

1 2 3 4 5 Total

41% 7%


Out of 100 respondents, 28 % respondents are strongly disagree and 18%
respondents are disagree about they satisfied with various welfare programs in
organization. And 32 % respondents are agree and 40 % respondents are strongly
agree with above statement.
Therefore it can be interpreted that majority of 40 % respondents are strongly
agree with various welfare programs in organization.
104 | P a
44. The company provides security of the job.

Description Frequency Percent

Agree 36 36.00
Strongly agree 24 24.00
Neutral 20 20.00
Strongly disagree 04 04.00
Disagree 16 16.00
Total 100 100.0

Company provides Security of the


24% 16%



Out of 100 respondents , 4 % respondents are strongly disagree and 16 %
respondents are disagree about the company provides security of the job and 36
% respondents are agree and 24 % respondents are strongly agree with above
Therefore it can be interpreted that majority of 36% respondents are agree about
the company provides security of the job.
105 | P a
45. Employee feel comfortable with co-workers.

Description Frequency Percent

Agree 32 32.00
Strongly agree 48 48.00
Neutral 18 18.00
Strongly disagree 00 00.00
Disagree 02 02.00
Total 100 100.0


60% Percent

40% Frequen


Agree Strongly Neutral Strongly Disagree Total

agree disagree

Out of 100 respondents , 2 % respondents are disagree that they not comfortable
with their Co-workers and 48 % respondents are agree about the they
comfortable with their co-workers and 32 % respondents are strongly agree with
above statement.
Therefore it can be interpreted that majority (48%) of respondents are strongly
agree about they comfortable with their co-workers.
106 | P a
46. The Company provided timely and adequate training to all the employees

Description Frequency Percent

Agree 46 46.00
Strongly agree 26 26.00
Neutral 18 18.00
Strongly disagree 00 00.00
Disagree 10 10.00
Total 100 100.0

Percent, 100





Agree Strongly Neutral Strongly Disagree Tota
agree disagree

Out of 100 respondents , 10 % respondents are disagree about that company
provide training and 46 % respondents are agree about the Company provided
timely and adequate training to all the employees and 26 % respondents are
strongly agree with above statement.18% respondents are somewhat agree with
that company provide timely and adequate training to all the employees.
Therefore it can be interpreted that Majority of respondents are agree that
company provided timely and adequate training to all the employees.
107 | P a
47. Training provided by the company helps the employee in their job roles.

Description Frequency Percent

Agree 36 36.00
Strongly agree 44 44.00
Neutral 12 12.00
Strongly disagree 02 02.00
Disagree 06 06.00
Total 100 100.00

Training provided by the

Total 100

Disagree 6

Strongly disagree 2

Neutral 12

Strongly agree 44

Agree 36

Out of 100 respondents, 44 % respondents are agree and 36 % respondents are
strongly agree about the training provided by the company helps the employee in
their job roles
12% Respondents are at Neutral stage.
2 % respondents are strongly disagree and 6% respondents are disagree about the
training provided by the company helps the employee in their job roles.
108 | P a
48. Management recognizes and rewards the good work

Description Frequency Percent

Agree 10 10.00
Strongly agree 20 20.00
Neutral 32 32.00
Strongly disagree 22 22.00
Disagree 16 16.00
Total 100 100.00

Management Recognise &

1 2 3 4 5 Total

50% 16%



Out of 100 respondents , 10 % respondents are strongly disagree and 20 %
respondents are disagree about the Management recognizes and rewards the good
Where 32 % respondents are somewhat agree and 22 % respondents are agree
and 16 % respondents are strongly agree with above statement.
Therefore it can be interpreted that 32% respondents are neutral about that
Management recognizes and rewards the good work.
109 | P a
49. Table showing opinion of the employees regarding the opportunities to use their

I have adequate opportunity to use my ability

Description Frequency Percent
Agree 57 57.00
Strongly agree 30 30.00
Neutral 10 10.00
Strongly disagree 03 03.00
Disagree 00 00.00
Total 100 100.00

Agree Strongly Neutral Strongly Disagree Tota
agree disagree

The above table reveals that
56.67% of the employees are strongly agree that they have adequate opportunity
to use their ability.
30% of the employees are agree that they have adequate opportunity to use their
10% of the employees are neutral about the fact that they have adequate
opportunity to use their ability.
3.33 of the employees are disagree about the fact that they have adequate
opportunity to use their ability.
0% of the employees are strongly disagree that they have adequate opportunity to
use their ability

110 | P a
50. Management is allowed me to take independent decision regarding my work/
job requirement.

Description Frequency Percent

Agree 14 14.00
Strongly agree 46 46.00
Neutral 22 22.00
Strongly disagree 16 16.00
Disagree 02 02.00
Total 100 100.0

Agree Strongly Neutral Strongly Disagree Tota
agree disagree

Out of 100 respondents, 2 % respondents are strongly disagree and 16 %
respondents are disagree about the management is allowed them to take
independent decision regarding their work/ job requirement.
22 % respondents are somewhat agree and
46 % respondents are agreed and 14 % respondents are strongly agree with
above statement.
111 | P a
This research has a number of limitations that must be acknowledged.
First, the sample used for this study consisted mostly of Baroda city only.
Therefore, these results may not be applicable to the wider population in

Secondly, the results of this study are limited because only 100 sample size
has been selected for the study from the whole Baroda city.

Thirdly, only method of questionnaire has been used for the collecting
primary data apart from focus group and other methods for the study.

Lastly, it must be acknowledged that there may be numerous other variables that
contribute to the development of customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and word of
mouth communication which are briefly touched upon.
112 | P a
Findings & Results:-
Age is an important factor that has an influence of Job Satisfaction. Hence
according to age levels the respondents are classified into five categories .Age
groups are 20-25,26-30, 31-35, 36- 40 and 41 above. Out of total 100
respondents, 72(72%) of majority of the respondents are in the age group of 41
years and above.

Both male and female employees were selected as sample respondents. Where 88
(88%) respondents are male respondent and the rest 12 (12%) respondents are
female respondents.

Out of 100 respondents, 90(90%) respondents are Regular appointed respondent

and the rest 10 (10%) respondents are working as contractual basis.

Majority of the respondents i.e. 41 (41%) of majority of the respondents of 16-20

years of experience, 15(15%) of the respondents of 0-5 years experience,
19(19%) of the respondents of 06- 10years experience, 25(25%) of the
respondents of 11-15years experience.

Considering their education, to analyse employees academic background,

respondents are divided into five groups viz. School level, graduation, and post
graduate level. Majority of respondents 44 % studied up to graduate. This shows
that in Baroda Dairy employer prefer to take graduate employees than graduate
or professionally qualified employee.

Out of 100 respondents maximum no. of respondents are in HR and admin

department that is 54% and minimum no. of respondents in finance department
that is 2%.

Majority employees out of 100 respondents are selected from middle level or
lower level management and which are from Non HR department. And 06%
employees are from Top management i.e. MD, CEO or GM level.
113 | P a
Majority of respondents i.e. 95% respondents are satisfied with the company
support to improve their skills and ability. And 5% respondents are not satisfy
with company support.

Majority of respondents i.e. 31% of the employees are strongly agree that their
work is very challenging one. 50% of the employees are agree that their work is
very challenging one. 1 % of the employees are strongly disagree with these.

Out of Total respondents i.e. 10 % of the employees are strongly agree about the
fact that they are mentally and physically exhausted at the end of the day at
work. 25% of the employees are agree that they are mentally and physically
exhausted at the end of the day at work. 30 % of the employees are disagree
about the fact that they are mentally and physically exhausted at the end of the
day at work. 7 % of the employees are strongly disagree with these.

Out of Total respondents i.e.41% are somewhat agree with the company open
communication system. 06% respondents disagree and 08 % respondents are
strongly disagree with same. And 15% respondents are strongly agree with
management maintain open communication with their employees.

Majority of respondents i.e. 50% respondents are satisfied with that motivation
increases responsibilities and duty of employees and 1% respondents are

Majority of respondents i.e. 37% respondents are somewhat agree in nomination

or received an employee of quarter/ employee of the year award. And 5 % of the
respondents are strongly agree with these.

Majority of respondents i.e. 58% of the respondents are satisfied with the
support they are getting from the HR department.

Out of Total respondents ,70% respondents are agree that company encourages
new ideas of doing better work and 18 % respondents are disagree with company
encourage employee.
114 | P a
Majority of respondents i.e.50% respondents are strongly agree that special wage
increments given to those employees who do their job very well. 20%
respondents disagree that special wage increment.

Majority of respondents i.e.42 % of the respondent is responding that increase in

salary will motivate them the most. 30 % of the respondent is responding that
increase in promotion will motivate them the most. For 6 % of the employees
leave is important factor which motivate employee most. 10% of the employees
are motivated by motivational speech / talk. 12% of the employees are motivated
by recognition.

Out of Total respondents, 60 % respondents are strongly agree that better job
description would be helpful to employees for their duties. And 3% respondents
are disagree with job description would not helpful to employees for their duties.

Majority of respondents i.e.75% respondents are agree that supervisor ought to

work hard to develop a friendly working environment for employees and 15%
respondents are strongly agree about above statement. Where 10 % respondents
are disagree that supervisor ought to work hard to develop a friendly working
environment for employees

Majority of respondents i.e. 65% of the employees are strongly agree that they
are satisfied with safety measures. 6 % of the employees are neutral about the
fact that they are satisfied with safety measures and 2% of the employees are
disagree that they are satisfied with safety measures which provided by

Majority of the respondents i.e. 42 % respondents are agree and 6% respondents

are disagree that the company provides security of jobs.

Out of Total respondents ,90% respondents are agree that employees of the
company want to give their best in everything they do and 1 % respondents are
disagree that employees of the company want to give their best in everything
they do.
115 | P a
Majority of respondents i.e. 70% respondents are agree that company give
motivation to employees for better work choice and maximum respondents who
are agree about that Statement, 9% respondents are disagrees with these.

Motivation programs is important for respondents to improve their skills and

ability, 65% respondents are disagree that company should stop motivation
program if employee do not want and 3% respondents are strongly agree about
above statement ,32% respondents are agree about above statement.

Majority of respondents i.e. 85% respondents are agree about Company gives
safe, healthy and comfortable work environment to employees and 3 %
respondents are disagree about that company gives safe, healthy and comfortable
environment to employees.

Majority of respondents i.e. 89% respondents are strongly agree about that
department head encourages to employees when they perform good job and 6%
respondents are disagree about these.

Majority of respondents i.e. 46% are satisfied with present status in the
organization. 32% respondents are strongly agree with same and 6% respondents
are disagree with the same.

Out of the total respondents i.e. 34% respondents are strongly agree about that
they feel that their dreams will be fulfilled with my present job and only 2% are
strongly disagree.

Majority of respondents i.e. 42% respondents are Strongly agree about that they
would like to continue with this organization at least for the next five years and
6% respondents are disagree with these.

Majority of respondents i.e. 44% are well adjusted with their present jobs and
8% are disagree with the same.
116 | P a
Majority of respondents i.e. 46% are believed that their motivation level is High
and only 6% are strongly disagreed with same.34%respondents are satisfied with
work culture in the organization.

Out of total respondents 38% respondents are agreed and 22% respondents are
strongly agree about that they satisfied with the work culture in this organization.
6% respondents are strongly disagree and 10% respondents are disagree about
that they satisfied with the work culture in this organization.

Majority of respondents i.e. 18 % respondents are strongly agree about that they
satisfied with their growth in the organization and 42 % respondents are agreed
with these 4% respondents are strongly disagree and 14% respondents are
disagree with their growth in the organization.

Out of 100 respondents , 40 % respondents are agreed and 18 % respondents are

strongly agreed about satisfied with their salary and other benefits given by the
organization and 2 % respondents are disagree and 18% respondents are not
satisfied with their salary and other benefits given by the organization.

Majority of respondents i.e. Where 30 % respondents are agreed and 34 %

respondents are strongly agree about they satisfied with the physical work
environment. 8% respondents are strongly disagree with these.

Out of total respondents, 32 % respondents are agree and 2% respondents are

strongly disagree about their superior appreciate their good work.

Out of total respondents, 28 % respondents are strongly disagree and 18%

respondents are disagree about these they satisfied with various welfare
programs in organization. And 32 % respondents are agree and 40 % respondents
are strongly agree with above statement.
117 | P a
Out of total respondents , 10 % respondents are disagree about that company
provide training and 46 % respondents are agree about the Company provided
timely and adequate training to all the employees

Out of 100 respondents, 44 % respondents are agree and 36 % respondents are

strongly agree about the training provided by the company helps the employee in
their job roles
12% Respondents are at Neutral stage , 2 % respondents are strongly disagree
and 6% respondents are disagree about the training provided by the company
helps the employee in their job roles.

Majority Respondents, 2 % respondents are strongly disagree and 16 %

respondents are disagree about the management is allowed them to take
independent decision regarding their work/ job requirement. And 46 %
respondents are agreed and about the management is allowed them to take
independent decision regarding their work/ job requirement.

There exists a way very close associated between department of the organization
and job satisfaction in the work as a whole

It could be a seen that there is a close associated between job satisfaction in

organization as a whole which includes the company culture, the way their
attitude is towards the work is and the department of the employees.

There is a close association between educational qualification and physical

surrounding and working condition education qualification.

The data show a close association between educational qualification and future
goal and progress in the organization
118 | P a
The Key area that give billing of job satisfaction of employee are the working
conditions, companys policy regarding salary and promotion , performance
review , welfare facilities , training chance to future growth etc.

The conclusion drawn from the study regarding the working condition are that
majority of the respondents are satisfied because the companys provide peaceful
environment and congenial atmosphere to work though sharing of knowledge
and responsibility

Major part of individual spent in the organization with a tremendous amount of

responsibility and accountability

Therefore at certain time it is requires that an individual fell that high

contribution to the organization is adding value to his personal growth
Providing welfare facilities is the major area of job satisfaction on statutory and
non-statutory welfare facilities is very necessary for improving work
performance along with medical and canteen facilities.

General management of the organization recognition of work responsibilities,

change for future growth is the major standards to evaluate the job satisfaction.

Employees now a days care for their growth and development in the
organization which gives the job satisfaction.

Various studies have been conducted to find out the factors which determines job
satisfaction and the way it influence the productivity therefore in this study focus
has given on these basic areas.
119 | P a

It is suggested that Promotion should be based on actual work put in efficiency

and based on potentials to take higher responsibility to perform new role.

Superior should show their interest give guidance inputs and share their thoughts.

More information and knowledge sharing with the member in the department
should be encouraged to improve work interest.

Salary and perks are important to retain people and to generate goodwill
therefore increased cash in hand and salary should be based on the performance
or other facilities like mechanical facilities.

It is suggested that timely feedback, corrective? And support in case of below

average performance and better succession planning would lead to increased job
security which is important for parameters for job satisfaction.

The organization would try to focus an employees vision in alignment with the
organization on objectives which would motivate them to Performa better in task
and which also gives them a purpose to seven in the organization.
120 | P a










EVALUATION: Tick the right alternative ( ) from below mentioned answer keys.

1. Strongly agree.
2. Agree.
3. Neutral / somewhat agree?
4. Disagree.
5. Strongly disagree.
121 | P a


Note: (Please appropriate answer)

Name : _______________________________________
(Surname) (First Name) (Second Name)

1 Age :
1) 20-25 years
2) 26-30 years
3) 31-35 years
4) 36-40 years
5) 41 years above

2 Gender : 1) Male 2) Female

3 Terms of Appointment : 1) Contractual basis 2) Regular

4 Work experience in present organization :

1) 0-5 years
2) 6-10 years
3) 11-15 years
4) 16-20 years

5 Education Qualification :
1) School Level
2) Graduate
3) Post Graduate
4) Any other Please specify _______________

6 Department :
1) HR & Admin
2) Purchase
3) Marketing
4) Finance

7 Designation :

122 | P a
1) Unit Head
2) DGM
3) Chief Manager
4) Manager
5) Deputy Manager
6) Assistant Manager
7) Executive Manager
8) Officer
9) Any other, please specify __________
8 Monthly Income :
1) Up to Rs. 10000
2) Rs.11000-Rs.20000
3) Rs.21000-Rs.30000
4) Rs.31000-Rs.40000
5) Rs.41000 and above
123 | P a
SECTION II: General Information on Motivation of Employees.

Note: Following statements are pertaining to General Information on Motivation of

Employees. Please rate requirements of Competencies on a Five Point Rating Scale:

1 - Strongly Agree (SA)

2 - Agree (A)
3 - Neutral (N)
4 - Disagree (D)
5 - Strongly Disagree (SD)

Sr. Particulars SA A N D SD
9 Job given by company improves skills and ability of 1 2 3 4 5
10 Table showing employees opinion about the nature of their 1 2 3 4 5
11 Opinion of the employees regarding work pressure on them. 1 2 3 4 5
12 Does Management maintain an open communication with 1 2 3 4 5
13 Motivation increases responsibilities and duty of employees. 1 2 3 4 5
14 Have you ever nominated or received an Employee of Quarter 1 2 3 4 5
/ Employee of the Year Award?
15 Overall Job Satisfaction in HR Department of Organization is 1 2 3 4 5
124 | P a
SECTION III: Statements on Motivation of Employees

Note: Following statements are pertaining to Motivation of Employees. Please rate

requirements of Competencies on a Five Point Rating Scale:

1 - Strongly Agree (SA)

2 - Agree (A)
3 - Neutral (N)
4 - Disagree (D)
5 - Strongly Disagree (SD)

Sr. Particulars SA A N D SD
16 Company encourages employees to come up with new and 1 2 3 4 5
better ways of doing better work.
17 Management provides continuous feedback in solving work 1 2 3 4 5
related problems to employees.
18 Special wage increment should be given to employees who do 1 2 3 4 5
their job very well.
19 Factors which motivates employees the most 1 2 3 4 5
20 Better job description would be helpful to employees for their
21 Department Head / Supervisor discusses for employees 1 2 3 4 5
workplace environment.
22 Supervisor ought to work hard to develop a friendly working 1 2 3 4 5
environment for employees.
23 Opinion of the employees about workers participation in 1 2 3 4 5
management decisions
24 Opinion of the employees regarding safety measures. 1 2 3 4 5
25 Job security is important for employees. 1 2 3 4 5
26 Employees of the company want to give their best in 1 2 3 4 5
everything they do.
27 In my opinion, motivation given by company to employees 1 2 3 4 5
for better work choice.
28 Company should stop motivation programs if employees do 1 2 3 4 5
not want.
29 Motivation given to employees will create conflict in the 1 2 3 4 5
30 Company gives safe, healthy and comfortable work 1 2 3 4 5
environment to employees.
31 Department Head / Supervisor encourages to employees when 1 2 3 4 5
they perform good job.
125 | P a
Note: Following Questions are pertaining to Work of Employees. Please rate
requirements of Competencies on a Five Point Rating Scale:

1 - Strongly Agree (SA)

2 - Agree (A)
3 - Neutral (N)
4 - Disagree (D)
5 - Strongly Disagree (SD)

Sr. Particulars SA A N D SD
32 Respondents are satisfied with my present status in the 1 2 3 4 5
33 Respondents feels that their dreams will be fulfilled with their 1 2 3 4 5
Present job.
34 Respondents would like to continue with this organization at least 1 2 3 4 5
for the next five years.
35 Employees are well adjustment with their job. 1 2 3 4 5
36 The motivation of employees in the organization is high. 1 2 3 4 5
37 Employees are satisfied with the work culture in this 1 2 3 4 5
38 Employees are satisfied with their growth in the organization 1 2 3 4 5
39 Employees satisfied with the salary and other benefits given by 1 2 3 4 5
the organization
40 Respondents feels that the work demands of their job are 1 2 3 4 5
41 Employees are satisfied with the physical work environment. 1 2 3 4 5
42 Employees feel that their superior appreciate good work. 1 2 3 4 5
43 The company employees are satisfied with the various welfare 1 2 3 4 5
programs in organizations.
44 The company provides security of the job 1 2 3 4 5
45 Employee feel comfortable with co-workers. 1 2 3 4 5
46 The Company provided timely and adequate training to all the 1 2 3 4 5
47 Training provided by the company helps the employee in their 1 2 3 4 5
job roles
48 Management recognize and rewards the good work & 1 2 3 4 5
Performance of employees
49 Opinion of the employees regarding the opportunities to use their 1 2 3 4 5
50 Management is allowed me to take independent decision
regarding my work/ job requirement

126 | P a

Ram Nath Sharma, S.S. Chandra, Atlantic Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd.,
A.Sukumar, Government Arts College (Autonomous),
Coimbatore, India,


Pestonjee D.M Motivation and Job satisfaction, 1 Edition Macmillan
India Limited .
Kothari C.R, Research Methodology, New Delhi, New Age International
Publication, second edition.
Ashwathappa. K. Human Resource Management, Tata Mc Graw Hill
Kumar, P. and Bohra, C. (1979) Job Satisfaction and Perceived
Organisational Climate, Indian Journal of Social Work, XL, p.23-26.
127 | P a

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