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Marking Sheet for ECUR 325 Assignment 2

Assignment 2: Lesson Plan (10% of final grade)

Student name: ___ Tanya Smithson____________________

Outcome 1 2 3 4 5
(Ready to Intern)
Lesson Planning & Assessment
1. I plan lessons I plan activities I connect my Students would My plans effectively My plans for
and assessment for students to do, activities to demonstrate integrate outcomes instruction and
based on provincial or what I will outcomes and outcomes and and indicators with assessment are
curriculum cover indicators indicators doing instructional designed to respond
what I have strategies and to my formative
planned assessment assessment of
2. I make student I plan what I will I plan activities and I have a goal, but My goal is clear and My goal is clear and
learning goals for talk about what I will cover it is not written in my instruction is effective and my
each lesson/task related to a topic a way that is easy focused on it planned instruction
to understand and and activities are
achieve likely to achieve it
3. I know which I can identify the I plan lessons that I choose the I choose I choose instructional
instructional types of use a variety of instructional instructional and and learning
strategies to pick at instructional types of strategies best learning strategies strategies that are
given times strategies and am instructional related to the that are best related best related to both
comfortable with strategies outcomes and to the outcomes and outcomes and
one category indicators indicators indicators and my
4. My lessons are My plan is most It is clear what the My lesson In addition to the The lesson has
ready to be used focused on what I lesson is attempting includes lesson, the materials everything you
will talk about to achieve, but some instructional (assessments, would need to teach
elements need more strategies, handouts etc.) are it, and would
details questions, and ready to be used encourage a sub to
assessment in come back
5. I create I can identify the Some of my I have lesson My formative My formative
formative difference assessments could plans that check assessments are assessments tell me
assessments between types of be used while I am what all students focused on the most how to change the
assessments teaching understand part important elements plan as I go
way through the of my lessons
Professional Learning and Growth
7. I set and use I wrote down I have goals in some I have evidence I have evidence that I have a variety of
goals for some things I areas of where I need I have made sources of evidence
enhancing my need to fix to improve, and significant progress (self, peer,
professional am working towards the teaching instructor) that I am
development towards specific goals I set making significant
goals progress towards a
variety of teaching
Depth and Breadth of Planning Skills
14. I understand My plans teach I understand the My plans allow My plans reflect My plans make it
how to plan for the same things to difference between students to make preparation to meet likely that students
differentiation and all students and adaptation and choices, and I common learning with different needs
adaptation measure all differentiation have basic needs (disability, would experience
students learning adaptations (like EAL, gifted etc.) success
in the same way more time)
15. I create My planned There are portions The planned My planned My entire unit is
engaging learning activities and of my planned instruction and instruction and composed to increase
activities and tasks tasks would be activities, like a activities relate activities would connection between
interesting for motivational set, the learning to create interest and students and student
students who love that would be student interests interaction between ownership of

the content interesting for students learning
16. My planned Student literacies I know key literacies I know key I am describing key My students will
activities would could be improved for my subject, but literacies for my subject literacies have the opportunity
improve the by the planned am not sharing them subject, and have with my students to self-assess and
discipline specific activities explicitly with shared them and the learning improve literacy
literacy skills of my students explicitly with activities would help strategies
students students develop those in

Instructor comments: Tanya there are some really strong elements in this work and there are areas that need work. You
have a solid basic lesson plan. There are some parts missing such as key questions you would use for discussion and a deeper
look at how you can differentiate must take place. The goal for the overall lesson is not presented. You do have a strong
formative assessment plan. The handouts and online resource material is solid.

Assignment grade:7/10

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