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ElSEVIER Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276

Discontinuous ephemeral streams

William B. Bull *
Geosciences Department, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA

Revised 27 July 1996; accepted 28 August 1996


Many ephemeral streams in western North America flowed over smooth valley floors before transformation from shallow
discontinuous channels into deep arroyos. These inherently unstable streams of semiarid regions are sensitive to short-term
climatic changes, and to human impacts, because hillslopes supply abundant sediment to infrequent large streamflow events.
Discontinuous ephemeral streams appear to be constantly changing as they alternate between two primary modes of
operation; either aggradation or degradation may become dominant. Attainment of equilibrium conditions is brief.
Disequilibrium is promoted by channel entrenchment that causes the fall of local base level, and by deposition of channel
fans that causes the rise of local base level. These opposing base-level processes in adjacent reaches are maintained by
self-enhancing feedback mechanisms.
The threshold between erosion and deposition is crossed when aggradational or degradational reaches shift upstream or
downstream. Extension of entrenched reaches into channel fans tends to create continuous arroyos. Upvalley migration of
fan apexes tends to create depositional valley floors with few stream channels. Less than 100 years is required for arroyo
cutting, but more than 500 years is required for complete aggradation of entrenched stream channels and valley floors.
Discontinuous ephemeral streams have a repetitive sequence of streamflow characteristics that is as distinctive as
sequences of meander bends or braided gravel bars in perennial rivers. The sequence changes from degradation to
aggradation - headcuts concentrate sheetflow, a single trunk channel conveys flow to the apex of a channel fan, braided
distributary channels end in an area of diverging sheetflow, and converging sheetflow drains to headcuts. The sequence is
repeated at intervals ranging from 15 m for small streams to more than 10 km for large streams.
Lithologic controls on the response of discontinuous ephemeral streams include: (I) amount and size of sediment yielded
from hillslopes: (2) infiltration capacity of valley-floor alluvium that influences both the unit stream power available for
upstream headcut migration, and the attenuation of flashy streamflow events by riparian vegetation in sheetflow reaches; and
(3) cohesiveness of alluvium, which affects headcut and streambank morphology, and rates of arroyo extension, downcut-
ting, and widening.
Initiation of arroyo cutting may be too complex to be attributed to a single cause such as change in mean annual
precipitation or grazing by livestock, but is most likely associated with a decrease in density of protective plant cover on
hillsides and along valley floors. Relatively larger unit stream power makes downstream reaches more susceptible to initial
entrenchment during floods than headwaters reaches, and favors persistent arroyos. Entrenchment continues until an
equilibrium longitudinal profile is briefly attained. Then, channel widening occurs: streambanks are undercut and aggrada-
tion begins.

Keywords: arroyo; fluvial geomorphology; climate change; semiarid regions

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228 W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276

1. Introduction to a distinct class of streams phosis produces either end-member of this inherently
unstable system of semiarid regions.
The arroyos of western North America have fasci- The behavior of discontinuous ephemeral streams
nated earth scientists seeking to understand the char- poses perplexing and important questions for man-
acteristics of this distinctive class of stream, and agement of the semiarid regions of the world. Is the
have frustrated persons living in these capricious and dramatic development of the arroyos of the Ameri-
rapidly changing fluvial environments. Settlement of can west indicative of the truly unstable nature of
semiarid regions during the 19th-century coincided these streams, or is the general nature of discontinu-
with conversion of fertile, broad valley floors to ous ephemeral streams much more stable than indi-
abrupt canyon-like arroyos. Arroyos are common in cated by the response of these fluvial systems during
semiarid regions, and typically are 5 to 200 krn long, the past one and a half centuries? How do these
and have cross sections characterized by flat floors streams differ from perennial streams of humid re-
and steep, nearly vertical banks. An arroyo is a gions? How close are discontinuous ephemeral
continuously entrenched stream channel in cohesive streams to equilibrium conditions, and do they main-
valley-floor alluvium. In contrast to gullies, which tain equilibrium conditions for appreciable lengths of
have a relatively small size and a few years of time? What will be the effects of anticipated warmer
existence, arroyos are a major landform of stream- temperature (and concurrent changes in the amount,
channel entrenchment that persists for more than a intensity, and seasonal distribution of precipitation)
century. Ephemeral streamflow is typical of many on these sensitive fluvial systems? Can people hope
arroyos, but intermittent (occasional ground-water for financially efficient and sound control of ar-
inflow) or perennial flow is common in the arroyos royos? The challenges posed by these questions make
of large drainage basins. the study of discontinuous ephemeral streams a fas-
Discontinuous ephemeral streams alternate be- cinating undertaking.
tween two disequilibrium modes of operation: Channel entrenchment that began between 1850
stream-channel entrenchment, and aggradation of the and 1910 coincided with the agricultural and pastoral
resulting arroyos. So much attention has been given development of the American west, and with the
to the arroyo cutting of the past 150 years that one construction of roads and irrigation canals. Entrench-
needs to remember that aggradation is the important ment of some channels coincided with random varia-
long-term mode of operation of these streams. The tions in climate and with climatic trends. It is, there-
subject of this paper is not merely causes of arroyo fore, not surprising that the subject of abrupt channel
cutting. It is about the channel-pattern sequences, entrenchment has attracted the attention of people
processes, and histories of discontinuous ephemeral from many walks of life who have had academic and
streams - streams where channel reaches alternate practical interests in the initiation, development, and
with reaches of aggrading valley floors without control of arroyos.
stream channels (Thornthwaite et aI., 1942). En- Many useful studies have been made, but selec-
trenchment and upvalley extension of channel reaches tion of topics for investigation and statements of
can form continuous arroyos carved into smooth conclusions reveal interesting biases. Cooke and
valley floors. An opposite tendency, increased aggra- Reeves (1976, p. 6) note the predictable correlation
dation, reduces lengths of channel reaches. between the professional interests of investigators of
The term 'discontinuous ephemeral stream' is not arroyo cutting and their conclusions. "Agricultura-
ideal. Streamflow events may be continuous through- lists, foresters, and conservationists commonly indict
out much of a watershed. Flow may occur in a man for his excesses. In contrast, some geologists,
variety of channels between two end-members: paleontologists, and archaeologists have sought and
sheetflow on unentrenched valley floors and continu- found 'natural' explanations." My bias is that re-
ously entrenched arroyos. Ephemeral streamflow in sponse of discontinuous ephemeral streams is highly
shallow discontinuous channels may continue for sensitive to vegetation changes as a result of climatic
several centuries before stream-channel metamor- perturbations that we currently refer to as short-term
w.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276 229

(minor) global climatic change. Delicate balances in measurable amount production of water and sedi-
any fragile natural system can be upset easily through ment from a basin" (Leopold, 1976). Cooke and
human interference. In the world today, human inter- Reeves (1976) were interested in whether trends
ference ranges from individual streams of semiarid (statistically significant changes with time) in cli-
regions to global impacts on climate. matic parameters have occurred since 1850, and Bull
The vast majority of articles written before about (1964a,b) was interested in whether unusually wet or
1950 concentrated on the causes of arroyo cutting. dry climatic periods coincided with known times of
The subject of why vertical-walled channels, many accelerated channel downcutting. The study sites
kilometers in length, should be incised into smooth discussed here (Fig. 1) were selected to provide a
valley floors attracted the general public and many broader understanding of arroyos. I discuss the char-
earth scientists (Dodge, 1902; Duce, 1918; Bryan, acteristic responses of a common semiarid stream
1925; Swift, 1926; Calkins, 1941). They pronounced that is sensitive to minor changes in climate.
why arroyos had been initiated, instead of gathering The emphasis in this paper departs from that of
information about the frequency and magnitude of most past literature in two ways. First, discussions
the many processes operating in the various fluvial include the hydrology of aggrading reaches, as well
settings characterized by arroyos, each of which is as degrading reaches, using the key 1974 study by
controlled by a different combination of interacting Frank Packard. Second, conceptual models, includ-
variables. Thus, the scientific community created ing the base level of erosion, threshold of critical
'the arroyo problem' in much the same manner as a power, and time lags of response are used to evaluate
parallel lack of process-oriented studies during the the characteristics of discontinuous ephemeral
same era created 'the pediment problem'. streams. I conclude that changes in vegetation den-
Continuing interest in arroyos since 1950 has sity on hillslopes and along valley floors, either as a
resulted in valuable information about processes in result of short-term climatic change or because of the
stream systems of semiarid regions that are subject
to episodes of accelerated downcutting (Leopold and
Miller, 1956; Schumm and Hadley, 1957; Hastings,
1959; Tuan, 1966; Heede, 1976; Malde and Scott,
1977; Graf, 1983a,b,c; Hereford, 1984, 1986, 1993;
Balling and Wells, 1990). Cause and effect may be
so intertwined that identification of the factors re-
sponsible for initiation of arroyo cutting may be
regarded as indeterminate (Cooke and Reeves, 1976;
Webb, 1985). Simple models may be unsuitable for
fluvial systems as chaotic as discontinuous ephemeral
Studies of arroyos are as diverse as the interests
of the investigators. Those responsible for range
management would like to know how many head of
livestock may be grazed on a certain tract without Fig. 1. Locations of study areas (rectangles) and weather stations
starting or accelerating entrenchment of stream chan- (circles). 1 = Sacramento; 2 = Fresno; 3 = San Francisco; 4 = Los
Angeles; 5 = San Diego; 6 = Panoche Creek, Tumey Gulch, Ar-
nels. Those trying to reclaim farmlands lost to en-
royo Hondo, Coalinga, Kettleman Hills; 7 = Growler Wash; 8 =
trenchment of adjacent streams would like to know Rillito River, Tucson, Santa Cruz River. Dead Mesquite Wash;
of economically practical and permanent ways of 9 = Tubac; 10 = San Simon Arroyo; 11 = San Pedro River. Curry
arresting lateral and head ward erosion along trunk Draw, Tombstone; 12 = Pitaycachi. Huella de los Caballos; 13 =
and tributary stream channels. Geologists and ar- Colorado Plateau. San Juan River; 14 = Bear Creek Arroyo,
Fremont River. Red Creek; 15 = Zuni River; 16 = Albuquerque;
chaeologists seek the causes of prehistoric channel 17 = Santa Fe. Arroyo Falta; 18 = Denver; 19 = Piceance Creek;
entrenchment. Hydrologists ask "how great a change 20 = Joe Warren Draw; 21 = North Fork of San Gabriel River;
in what climatic factors is needed to change by a 22 = Delaware Canyon; 23 = Little Caney Canyon.
230 w.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276

actions of humans profoundly influences the re- 125 to 50 mm (5 to 2 inches). Langbein's curves are
sponses of discontinuous ephemeral streams. not complete for arid regions because of scarcity of
data and because drainage basins of the large size
that he was working with only occasionally have
1.1. The discontinuous-ephemeral-stream environ- rainfall amounts and intensities sufficient to produce
ment streamflow. Extrapolation of the diverging tempera-
ture curves in Fig. 2, however, suggests that the
Discontinuous ephemeral streams are common effects of temperature change are larger in semiarid
where a distinctive combination of watershed vari- than in subhumid to humid regions. Langbein's im-
ables largely determine which fluvial systems react portant relation can be used as a starting point for
to short-term climatic change and human impacts by evaluation of the consequences of postulated future
rapid entrenchment of stream channels into silty warming of global climate (Commission of the Euro-
valley-floor alluvium. A common thread to this dis- pean Communities, 1993).
cussion is the many ways in which vegetation influ- Lithologic controls on hillslope erosion and sedi-
ences erosion and deposition. ment transport are pervasive. Ephemeral streams that
Valley fills deposited by discontinuous ephemeral are subject to episodes of backfilling and entrench-
streams are largely restricted to the Holocene in ment characteristically occur where hillslope erosion
western North America, which underscores the im- provides abundant sand, silt, and clay. Deposition of
portance of climatic controls on these fluvial sys- clayey sand allows valley floors to respond much
tems. Climate affects vegetation, hillslope rainfall- more dramatically - with greater sensitivity - to
runoff relations, as well as erosion, transport, and changes in rainfall intensity and streamflow duration
deposition of sediment by streams. One conclusion than for valley floors underlain by sandy gravel.
of this paper is that selected watersheds of discontin- Streamflow can easily entrain and transport sand and
uous ephemeral streams may serve as sensitive moni- silt particles. Clay greatly increases cohesiveness and
tors of the effects of global climatic change during decreases infiltration rates of valley-floor deposits,
the next century. especially where raindrop impact forms a crust that
Optimal mean annual precipitation for deposition further reduces the infiltration capacity of surficial
of valley fills by discontinuous ephemeral streams materials. Lithologic control is particularly important
ranges from about 100 to 500 mm. Areas that receive where short flow durations limit infiltration of water
less than 100 mm of annual precipitation generally that replenishes the soil moisture needed to support
do not have enough vegetation to efficiently trap
sediment from streamflows in order to cause local
valley-floor alluviation. Areas that receive more than
500 mm of annual precipitation generally have suffi- Annual runoff, mm
10 100 1000
cient riparian vegetation to stabilize natural valley I I I I I I IIII I I I I IIIII
floors and inhibit entrenchment of the stream chan- .c
u 200 E
nels. c:

.~ 50
o :....---...... ./
Temperature controls runoff by influencing the .~ 70 F V/
type and density of vegetation, and the evapotranspi- '5. 60 F t::~
'(3 ~ 50 .~
~ .........
ration that occurs during and immediately after a !l! ~ 0.
rain. To correct for evapotranspiration effects Lang- ~ 10 :>
c c:
bein et al. (1949) used a weighted mean annual c:
<{ 20 <{

temperature to relate precipitation to runoff. The 5

0.3 1.0 10 50
effect of temperature on runoff (Fig. 2) also demon- Annual runoff, inches
strates the importance of the season in which precipi-
Fig. 2. Interrelations of mean annual temperature, precipitation,
tation occurs. At an annual precipitation of 750 mm and runoff based on watersheds of known area upstream from
(30 inches), an increase in temperature from 60F gauging stations on streams with minimal diversions (from
(l6C) to 70F (21C) decreases runoff from about Schumm, 1965, after Langbein et aI., 1949).
W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276 231

vegetation growing along unentrenched reaches of Human interference with the environment even
valley floors. Density of plant cover in sheetflow includes changing the composition of the atmo-
reaches of discontinuous ephemeral streams largely sphere, and thereby the patterns of airmass circula-
determines hydraulic roughness, thereby creating tion. We playa role in global climatic change, but do
self-enhancing feedback mechanisms that favor not yet know the magnitude and extent of our ac-
aggradation or degradation of valley alluvium. tions. Those parts of the world with discontinuous
Humans change plant communities in many ways ephemeral streams are particularly susceptible to de-
- livestock ranching, farming, removal of trees, creased agricultural productivity owing to the pro-
introduction of exotic plants, and fires (Bahre, 1991). cesses of desertification (Commission of the Euro-
Hillslope foliage and stems intercept raindrops, and pean Communities, 1993). Pervasive human influ-
roots greatly increase the shear stresses needed to ences greatly complicate attempts to evaluate and
erode the soil. In his study of the arroyos caused by understand the effects of short-term climatic change
mining at Central City, Colorado, Graf (I979a,b) on the responses of discontinuous ephemeral streams.
found that changes in the amount of biomass present Every potential watershed study may be affected to
was most important in affecting resistance to channel an unknown extent by one or several human impacts.
erosion. The coincidence between the times of intro-
duction of grazing animals and the times of initiation
of accelerated erosion of the ephemeral streams in 1.2. Regional climatology
New Mexico and Arizona has been cited (Cooke and
Reeves, 1976) as an example of human impact on This section summarizes the diverse climate of
the environment. Construction activities channelize the study region in the western United States and the
water and examples of incised stream channels that spatial boundaries between climatic domains domi-
follow the courses of prior roads, trails, and water- nated by different atmospheric circulation patterns.
distribution systems are common in western North Regional climate results from the interplay of three
America. different types of airmass circulation. Subsiding air-

100 30 100 30

80 0
80 20 20
E ~
E ;:)

C- 60
0 10
.~ a.
40 40 E
0 0
~ 20 20 c
a. Ql
0 -10 0 -10
100 30 100 30
80 80
E 20 ~
E ;:)

60 60

40 40 E
'5. Ql
'0 I-
~ c
a. 20 20 ell
0 0 -10
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Fig. 3. Variations of mean monthly precipitation and temperature. See Fig. I for locations. Data from U.S. Department of Commerce
(1985). (A) Tombstone, Arizona; altitude, 1405 m. (B) Albuquerque, New Mexico; altitude, 1624 m. (C) Denver, Colorado; altitude, 1625
m. (D) Coalinga, California; altitude, 204 m.
232 W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276

masses occur globally at about latitude 300 N and This multivariable parameter reduces the influence
result in subtropical dry belts along western sides of of altitude on airmass characteristics at the land
continents. A belt of prevailing westerly winds oc- interface. Zones of maximum rate of change, the
curs to the north of the subtropical dry belt and the closely spaced isopleths on the equivalent-potential-
strongly seasonal Mediterranean climatic pattern oc- temperature maps, reveal the typical winter and sum-
curs in the transition area between these two shifting mer patterns for six airmass circulations (Fig. 4).
belts. Lengthy winter rainy seasons begin in the During the summer, cool maritime air affects the
Pacific coast region when the westerly winds shift west coast; warm, moist monsoonal air lies over
southward to bring widespread snow or cold rain. most of Arizona and Colorado and all of New Mex-
Spring to fall droughts set in when high atmospheric ico, and warm dry air lies over the rest of the region.
pressures associated with the dry belt expand north- Snowy, winter climatic regions are associated with
ward. During the summer, the dry belt weakens intrusion of cold Arctic air.
sufficiently to allow monsoonal-type conditions. The diverse interplay of overlapping airmass cir-
Moist tropical air moves northwest from the culation patterns presumably causes variations in
Caribbean Sea and north from the Pacific Ocean rainfall-runoff relations in the different parts of the
(Hales, 1974) and causes thunderstorms. In addition, study region. Some spatial or temporal climatic fluc-
tropical storms may move northeast from the west tuations may be insufficient to change stream re-
coast of Mexico from August to mid-October. sponse. Other fluctuations of precipitation and tem-
Weather in the study region (Fig. 1) can vary perature may change the mode of operation of dis-
abruptly on daily, yearly, and decadal scales. For continuous ephemeral streams from deposition to
example, monotonous warm, dry weather is inter-
rupted by winter storm fronts from the Aleutian
low-pressure center in the northern Pacific Ocean, by
outbursts of polar continental air, and by the summer
monsoon (Bryson and Lowry, 1955). Casual visitors
to the deserts of the American southwest decry an
apparent lack of seasons, but the relative influence of
these types of circulation defines different seasonali-
ties that profoundly influence plant communities and
geomorphic processes of local watersheds.
Precipitation and temperature characteristics at
weather stations representative of the study sites
(Fig. 1) are shown in Fig. 3. The typical climate is
moderately to strongly seasonal semiarid and moder-
ately to strongly seasonal thermic to mesic (classifi-
cation of climate after Bull, 1991, table 2.1). Winter
rains prevail at Coalinga, California near the Pacific
coast where a Mediterranean-type climate ensures a
long summer drought. A pronounced summer peak
in rainfall is characteristic of Tombstone in south-
eastern Arizona, which is in the path of strong
summer monsoon airmass circulation.
Mitchell (1976) divided the western United States
into climatic regions on the basis of dominant sum- Fig. 4. Boundaries of major climatic regions of the western United
mer and winter airmasses. He defined climatic re- States as defined by Mitchell (I 976), using equivalent potential
temperature calculated from monthly values of maximum temper-
gions using equivalent potential temperature, which ature, relative humidity, and barometric pressure. Patterned bands
is calculated from monthly values of maximum tem- are where closely spaced isopleths separate regions with different
perature, relative humidity, and barometric pressure. summer and winter airmass circulation. (fig. 2.2 of Bull, 1991.)
W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (J997) 227-276 233

channel entrenchment. It is difficult to conclude, in the headwater region with watershed areas of less
however, that initiation of arroyo cutting is caused than 20 km 2 . Size-class B streams are tributaries to
by change in a single climatic factor. trunk rivers with watershed areas of 20 to 500 km 2
Channel-forming streamflow events in size-class C
and B streams result primarily from intense rainfalls
2. Conspicuous features such as those caused by summer thunderstorms.
Size-class A reaches are trunk rivers that flow down
2.1. Types of streams and fans the axes of large valleys. Snowmelt runoff can be
important in these watersheds with areas of more
Balling and Wells (1990) recognized that geomor- than 500 km 2 The concepts presented in this paper
phic processes, and response times to short-term apply to all three size classes of discontinuous
climatic change, vary with size of discontinuous ephemeral streams, but the studies of process focus
ephemeral streams. Unit stream power increases mainly on size-class C streams. The smaller size was
downstream with increase of stream size, and largely logistically convenient for workers such as Will Graf,
determines susceptibility to arroyo cutting for reaches Luna Leopold, Frank Packard, Stan Schumm, and
whose valley-floor materials have similar resistance Steve Wells.
to erosion. They defined three size classes of discon- A distinctive landform - a channel fan - sepa-
tinuous ephemeral streams based mainly on location rates channel reaches of discontinuous ephemeral
within a watershed. Size-class C streams are reaches streams. The typical channel fan is a thin and fairly

Fig. 5. Unentrenched valley fill, Kettleman Hills, western Fresno County, California. Unentrenched valley floors were common in
southwestern North America before the historical episode of arroyo cutting. White line in middleground is a dirt road.
234 w.E. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276

narrow accumulation of alluvium deposited immedi- nels end in an area of diverging sheetflow, and
ately downstream from the end of a size-class A, B, converging sheetflow drains to headcuts. This repeti-
or C stream channel. Channel fans occur along tive sequence is as distinctive as sequences of mean-
ephemeral streams, both in valley floors and on der bends or braided gravel bars in perennial rivers.
climatic and tectonic alluvial fans. The complete sequence of reaches (Fig. 7) between
Alluvial fans may be classed tectonic, climatic, or headcuts is termed a discontinuity (Packard, 1974).
channel fans that are the result of internal adjust- The distinctive channel-pattern sequence is repeated
ments within a fluvial system, much like the classifi- downvalley at intervals that reflect the size of
cation of stream terraces proposed by Bull (1990). streamflow. Discontinuity lengths range from less
Climatic alluvial fans also are thin, being laid down than 15 m in 0.01 km 2 (size-class C) basins to more
during episodes of climate-change induced increases than 10 km in 3000 km 2 (size-class A) basins.
of the yield of watershed sediment. Fans deposited Discontinuous ephemeral streams are a product of
during the transition from Pleistocene to Holocene different base-level processes in adjacent reaches.
climates are common in the Arizona and southeast- Channel-fan deposition is a rise in base level. The
ern California parts of the study region (Bull, 1991, abrupt fall in base level occurs at headcuts where
Ch. 2). Tectonic alluvial fans tend to be thick be- broad, shallow sheetflow is converted to deep, nar-
cause they are deposited over long time spans as a row channelized flow. Concentration of stream power
result of the fall of base level (Bull, 1984); for in channels immediately downstream from headcuts
example, at a mountain front with an active normal promotes rapid downcutting to a base level of ero-
fault. Episodes of deposition of climatic fans may be SIon.
superimposed on tectonic fans, and the channel fans The base level of erosion is the equilibrium
of discontinuous ephemeral streams may be superim- (graded) longitudinal profile below which a stream
posed on either climatic or tectonic alluvial fans (for cannot degrade, and at which neither net erosion nor
example, the Tumey Gulch and Arroyo Hondo fans deposition occurs (Powell, 1875; Bull, 1991). As
discussed later). envisaged by Powell a dynamic ultimate base level
Discontinuous ephemeral streams are mixtures of for a specific reach of a stream involves many
erosional and depositional reaches whose proportions
vary with time. Broad, alluviated valley floors with
locally dense vegetation are created where aggrada-
tion is dominant. An arroyo is created where gullies
coalesce to form a continuously entrenched channel.
Once common in semiarid western North America,
unentrenched valley floors have been replaced by
overlapping entrenched reaches to create continuous
arroyos along nearly all size-class A and B discon- os
tinuous ephemeral streams. Some size-class C reaches
still reveal the general nature of unentrenched valley
floors (Fig. 5).

2.2. Channel-pattern sequence

Fig. 6. Diagrammatic map and longitudinal profile of the
channel-pattern sequence of a typical discontinuous ephemeral
A characteristic sequence of streamflow character- stream. The sequence of the channel-pattern elements in the
istics best describes discontinuous ephemeral streams, downvaliey direction is: headcuts (H); trunk stream channels
not the valley flat or arroyo end-members. Fluvial incised into the valley floor (C); braided distributary stream
processes (Fig. 6) change from degradation to aggra- channels (B); diverging sheetflow (DS); and converging sheet-
flow (CS). Locations of the crossing of the threshold of critical
dation - degrading headcuts concentrate sheetflow, power are shown by threshold-intersection points. Estimated
a single trunk channel conveys flow to the apex of stream power/resisting power ratios are shown for a decade
an aggrading channel fan, braided distributary chan- characterized by slow upstream migration of headcuts.
W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276 235

variables and describes an equilibrium state where tion and lateral migration into streambanks - may
the stream remains in the same vertical position in a be important local sources of sediment but should
landscape. The strength of departure from equilib- not be included in definitions of degradation that
rium conditions can be expressed in terms of the emphasize scour by streamflow. It is simpler to treat
threshold of critical power. Bull (I 979, 1991)) de- them as perturbations that affect the responses of
fined this as a ratio where the numerator (stream discontinuous ephemeral streams.
power, Ps ) consists of those variables that if in- Channel fans are locations of gradual base-level
creased favor degradation, and the denominator (re- rise where flow in a single channel feeds a network
sisting power, Pw) consists of those variables that if of braided distributary channel flows, which diverge
increased favor aggradation. A value of 1.0 describes further into sheetflow. The effects of aggradation
a system in equilibrium or the time or place of extend only a short distance upstream. For example,
threshold crossing. deposition of wedges of alluvium upstream from
P small dams allow ephemeral streams to convey sedi-
---' = 1.0 (1) ment load with only half of the former gradient
Pw (Leopold and Bull, 1979; Leopold, 1992). Hydraulic
As defined here, degradation pertains to streambed roughness is presumed to decrease in order to achieve
scour. Mass-movement processes triggered by the new equilibrium condition.
streamflow undercutting - upstream headcut migra- Incised channel beds have gradients that are less

Fig. 7. Aerial view of the elements of a typical sequence of reaches-a discontinuity-for a discontinuous ephemeral stream in the Dragoon
Mountains. southeastern Arizona. Increased sediment load derived from actively eroding headcuts is conveyed through a channel of
decreasing depth to a channel fan. Low sun angle highlights the progressive decrease of plant height downstream from the fan apex. Dirt
road, for scale, leads straight to a small reservoir used for watering livestock.
236 w.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276

Reach X I Reach Y I

E 20 Alluvial fill surface 0.007

' \ 0.013 I

0.011 I
0.009 I I 10.006
o 010

Fig. 9. Diagram of a stream profile showing gentle (X) and steep

10 0. 009 1 (Y) adjacent alluvial reaches. Deposition of channel fan has
0.015 buried base of tree. (Modified from fig. 1.9 of Bull, 1991.)
I Floor of entrenched reach

o0 500 1000 1500

Distance, m
Fig. 8. Longitudinal profile and gradients of reaches of Joe sediment is derived from hillslopes and stream-chan-
Warren Draw, Niobrara County, Wyoming (from fig. 3 of Schumm nel banks of upstream reaches. Lateral erosion of
and Hadley, 1957). streambanks and upstream migration of headcuts cre-
ate local sources of sediment by undermining, which
causes mass-movement processes. Local bank ero-
sion can be an important source of bedload that may
than valley-floor gradients, which results in intersect- tend to accelerate aggradation or reduce rates of
ing the valley floor at the apexes of channel fans. stream-channel entrenchment. This undercutting of
This intersection point (Hooke, 1967) is a spatial streambanks also changes flow width and depth, and
crossing of the threshold of critical power where thereby unit stream power. The third source is scour
stream response changes from degradation (or equi- - vertical streambed degradation - which may
librium) to aggradation. Threshold intersection points change local channel slope as well as flow width and
occur at the apex and toe of a channel fan. The depth. Dramatic changes of slope of discontinuous
typical valley floor may appear to have a gentle and ephemeral streams are obvious, either in space or
uniform gradient, but surveys show that twofold time. Changes in hydraulic roughness or efficiency
variations of valley-floor gradient are present (Figs. of sediment transport are much less obvious, but may
8 and 9). Gradients are gentler where flow spreads be equally important controls on arroyo dimensions
out on channel fanheads, and steeper where sheet- and processes. Given the diversity of possible inter-
flow converges near toes of the fans. actions, this paper mentions only a few of the many
Rates of aggradation or degradation in adjacent possible responses to internal adjustments or to ex-
reaches of discontinuous ephemeral streams are func- ternal perturbations.
tions of capacity to transport sediment with the Downstream changes in the sequence of stream-
available average stream power per unit width of channel patterns for discontinuous ephemeral streams
streamflow, w: reflect systematic changes in stream power/resisting
power ratios. The Fig. 6 hypothetical example de-
w = yQS/w = y( wdv )S/w = ydSv (2)
picts the interrelations for a time span of a decade
where -y is the specific weight of the sediment-water characterized by slow upstream migration of head-
fluid, Q is stream discharge, S is the energy gradi- cuts and fan apexes. The rates of maximum degrada-
ent, w is streambed width, d is streamflow depth, tion occur immediately downstream from headcuts,
and v is mean flow velocity. Changes in the geome- but downstream reaches have already achieved base
try of streamflow that occur during arroyo deepening levels of erosion for some time. Aggradation occurs
and widening are accompanied by changes in hy- on the channel fans, despite being much steeper than
draulic roughness, and most likely by changes in the the upstream trunk-stream-channel reach. The de-
efficiency to transport suspended and bedload mate- crease in unit stream power that accompanies the
rials. Thus, it is important to identify sources of dramatic increase of flow width more than offsets
sediment load that influence streamflow behavior. increase of gradient. Aggradation is most rapid on
Sediment is derived from three sources. Most fanheads; deposition of this bedload reduces resisting
W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276 237

Small fans and

sheetflow reach Braided Valley slope
channels reach

Fig. 10. Characteristic erosional and depositional reaches of a diagrammatic channel fan of a discontinuous ephemeral stream (modified
from fig. 28 of Packard. 1974).

power and brings the midfan reach closer to thresh- deposition in a small discontinuous ephemeral stream
old conditions. near Tucson, Arizona that was informally named
'Dead Mesquite Wash' (Packard, 1974). He pointed
out that discontinuous ephemeral streams were anal-
3. Modern processes and controls ogous to those perennial streams characterized by
alternating sinuous reaches and braided reaches.
The discussion about the hydrology of discontinu- Packard recognized two types of small-scale analo-
ous ephemeral streams first examines the mode of gies to the overall discontinuity. One consists of
operation that prevails most of the time - aggrada- braided reaches in the trunk channels upstream from
tion. fan apexes: some braided reaches may have been
small fans before channel entrenchment. The other
3.1. Aggradation consists of small channel fans at the ends of braided
distributary channels (Fig. 10, and reach C of Fig.
3.1.1. Hydrology of deposition 11) which are analogous to the overall channel fan.
Frank Packard's innovative field study provided Packard concentrated his hydraulic measurements in
essential details about the hydraulics of flow and a channel and braided reach analogous to the overall

Trunk channel of
Dead Mesquite Wash

o '~,~m ~
Fig. 11. Map of the channel fan studied at Dead Mesquite Wash. Letters A-G refer to locations along the flow path where hydraulic
measurements were made (Fig. 14). Headcut at H is shown in Fig. 12. (From fig. 25 of Packard, 1974.)
238 W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276

Fig. 12. Changes in headcut at location H in Fig. 11. M marks location of same small mesquite tree. (A) Converging sheetflow drops over a
0.8 m deep headcut; August. 1972. (B) Roots exposed by 1.5 to 2 m of headcut migration between 1972 and 1974. (C) Upvalley migration
of headcuts between 1977 and 1995. Flow in 1977 dropped into narrow deep channels. but flow in 1995 dropped into broader. shallow
channels. (D) Mean rate of migration of the three largest headcuts of (C) decreased by half in two decades.
W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276 239

c 10 m
elly sand with surficial pedogenic clay and calcium
carbonate, and the extensive valley fill consists
mainly of clayey sand. The channel fan is 700 m
long and has a maximum width of 270 m. Maximum
discharge measured in the fifth-order trunk channel
upstream from the fan apex was 3.5 m 3/s. Nearly all
the sediment transported is sand size and finer, but
small gravel bars occur where streamflow diverges.
Packard studied several types of sheet and chan-
nel flow. Flow is in entrenched channels upstream
and downstream from the fan. The bypass channel
along the north side of the fan (Fig. 11) has several
Small 1977 1984 1995
hillslope tributaries, but is filled during times of
tree Extent of headcutting main-channel peak discharge. Bypass channels are
common on channel fans and may be analogous to
chute channels in meandering streams (Wolman and
o Leopold, 1957; Hicken and Nanson, 1975).
Flow characteristics were measured along the sin-
~ 2.0 ,-........~"T""'~.....,.~-.---,-~.,.....,...,,-........~.,-.-~,..,
gle path shown by arrows on Fig. 11. The slope of
ai high-water marks along the trunk channel upvalley
' 1.5 from the fan apex is about 0.0042 m/m. Flow in
c: shallow braided fanhead channels has a mean gradi-
-6 1.0 ent of 0.0053 m/m and ends at miniature fans of
coarse-grained pebbly sand. The change is accompa-
u nied by a marked increase in gradient. Surface gradi-
-g 0.5
ents of sheetflow (points C-E, Fig. 11) average
c: 0.0090 - twice that of flow along the trunk chan-
til 0
~ 1970 1980 1990 2000 nel. Temporary scours occur in the area of converg-
Calendric age, A. D. ing sheetflow; narrow incised channels that concen-
trate part of the sheetflow only to spread it out again
Fig. 12. (continued).
3 to 15 m downfan as minuscule fans. Each minia-
ture headcut, scour, and fan is a small-scale analog
of the large discontinuity.
discontinuity, but also studied flows on the channel Much of the sheetflow converges into shallow
fan. swales at the toe of the channel fan. Although easily
Valley-floor aggradation occurs in channel-fan overlooked when dry, these swales - the rills of
reaches (Fig. 10). The typical channel fan has a well Fig. 11 - are obvious avenues of rapid flow during
defined apex and a fanhead area characterized by sheetflow events. Velocities of surface floats are two
braided distributary channels that feed diverging to four times faster along the swales than between
sheetflow, which then converges into widely spaced them. Swales lead to headcuts, which abruptly chan-
broad dendritic swales near the toe of the fan. These nelize all the sheetflow (Fig. 12). Sheetflow in the
end abruptly at headcuts at the upstream end of the early 1970s dropped into narrow, deep channels
next discontinuity. formed by recent headcut advance (Fig. 12C). By the
Dead Mesquite Wash is a size-class C discontinu- mid-1990s, headcut advance had slowed to about
ous ephemeral stream. Dissection of an old piedmont 60% of the early 1970s rate. The trend towards
fan surface created the 8.6 km 2 elongate drainage wider, shallower incised channels suggests that the
basin upstream from the channel fan studied by headcutting process may be replaced by rillflow. A
Packard. Watershed hillslopes are underlain by grav- return to sheetflow would require the self-enhancing
240 W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276

feedback mechanisms associated with re-establish- the fan support riparian plants. Small mesquite trees
ment of vegetation. are common in the area of braided-channel flow on
Densest plant growth coincides with the area of the fanhead, but dense bush and grass growth in-
most frequent streamflow on the Dead Mesquite creases hydraulic roughness in sheetflow areas. Prac-
Wash channel fan. A mean annual precipitation of tically no vegetation grows in dissected badlands
about 270 mm supports sparse desert scrub on the downstream from the fan.
hillslopes, but streamflow events as long as 6 h on Runoff from a summer thunderstorm in the head-

Fig. 13. Views of contrasting adjacent reaches of Dead Mesquite Wash (fig. 10 of Bull, 1979). (A) Prolonged diverging sheetflow supports
dense growth of plants on the channel fan. This aggrading reach has a stream power/resisting power ratio of about 0.9. (B) Barren badlands
studded with bleached trunks of dead mesquite trees. Conversion of sheetflow to channelized flow caused the demise of grasses, bushes, and
eventually trees and cacti. This degrading reach has a stream power/resisting power ratio of about 1.2.
W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276 241

Fig. 13. (continued).

waters of Dead Mesquite Wash typically moves opposite self-enhancing feedback mechanism that
quickly through channelized reaches, but is greatly promotes channel entrenchment. The change to the
attenuated as it spreads out on each channel fan. opposite feedback mechanism is particularly pro-
Runoff lasts only an hour or less in nearby drainages nounced in clayey soils because initiation of even
with continuous channels. minor channels greatly decreases both the residence
Important feedback mechanisms occur between time of ephemeral sheetflow and the area submerged
vegetation and streamflow of Dead Mesquite Wash, by flow. Within decades lush growth (Fig. 13A) is
and are strongly influenced by the type of sediment transformed into badlands studded with bleached tree
load. Diverging sheetflow promotes growth because trunks (Fig. 13B) because of insufficient infiltration
riparian plants spread a flow and reduce its velocity. of streamflow into low-permeability soils.
The resulting deposition of sandy sediment and deep Two types of lithologic control of this self-en-
infiltration of muddy water produces a clayey soil hancing feedback mechanism are readily apparent at
that favors the vigorous plant growth that enhances valley-fill sites in the study region ranging from silty
infiltration by further retarding sheetflow. Grazing, clay to loose gravel. Residence time of an ephemeral
fire, or encroachment by headcuts in the fan-toe flow is brief over permeable gravel regardless of
reach reverse the mode of operation and establish an density of plant cover. It becomes longer with in-
242 w.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276

crease in amounts of silt and clay, but only where showing flow depths and widthl depth ratios reflect
plant cover spreads and slows streamflows. Silt and two orders of magnitude variation among the four
clay in the valley-floor soils also enhance the ability streamflow domains.
of soils to store moisture for plants during droughts. Measurements of flow velocity and gradient were
These lithologic controls largely determine how sen- used to estimate stream-power indices. The mean
sitive semiarid fluvial systems are to short-term cli- stream power (terminology of Rhoads, 1987) curve
matic change. Poorly vegetated channel fans of sandy of Fig. 14C is proportional to the depth-velocity-
gravel are less responsive to climatic changes. gradient product. Flow depth and velocity are de-
Packard measured two 2.4 m 3 Is flows on the creased fIrst by changing from single-channel to
channel fan (Fig. 14). Gradient and flow velocity braided-channel flow in the fanhead area and then by
change with each streamflow domain. The fanhead conversion to sheetflow in the midfan area. These
braided-channel has variable gradient and flow ve- changes are associated with concurrent increases in
locity that decrease downfan. Scour and backfill data gradient.
from nine stations indicate that low and intermediate In summary, changes in four variables tend to
flows backfill the braided channels and that high promote aggradation, especially on channel fans (Fig.
flows, which occur every one to two years, cause net 15). Aggradation typically is associated with de-
scour of the channels. Minimum flow velocities oc- creases of flow depth and velocity concurrent with
cur in the sheetflood domain, despite the abrupt, increasing flow width; changes that tend to decrease
large increase in gradient downstream from the ends unit stream power. Increasing density of riparian
of the braided distributary channels. High hydraulic vegetation tends to increase resisting power by in-
roughness, because of decreased depth of flow and creasing hydraulic roughness. All four changes favor
increased vegetation density slows sheetflow to less self-enhancing feedback mechanisms that perpetuate
than 0.2 m/s. The short swales domain is a transi- deposition by braided streamflow and sheetflow. Two
tional zone between the sheetflood and channel do- factors on the downstream third of an aggrading
mains. Flow typically accelerates as bed gradient and channel fan tend to offset changes promoted by the
channel depth increase (the single flow-velocity of above four variables. Decrease in the rates of sedi-
0.9 mls on Fig. 14 is typical). Further increases in ment transport decreases resisting power, and gradi-
depth of flow in the channelized reach below the toe ent is increased by deposition that thins downvalley.
of the fan results in increased velocities. The graphs The valley-floor degradation mode has changes in

Headcut channels Rills Braided channels

A 0.02 ~

-'!? 100
10 C

Fig. 14. Variations in streamflow characteristics on the channel fan of Dead Mesquite Wash (fig. 26 of Packard, 1974). (A) Bed gradient
and flow velocity. Letters A-G refer to flow-path locations in Fig. II. (B) Channel depth and width/depth ratio. (C) Estimated energy
expenditure per unit area, qS/ w, expressed as a product of gradient times discharge per unit width of flow.
W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276 243

Channa Characteristics Channel CharacteristiCs

I1........... [+ Valley Vegetative Density ;: Ir: Valley Vegstatlve Den811y o 200 m
Flow Width ! i...". a Flow Width L--I
Flow Depth . + Flow Depth
Flow Velocity
+ Slope
I ~~;. Velocity
Sediment Load + Sediment Load

Base Level
Rising, Falling, Constant

Relative to Relative to
reach upstream reach downstream
from study reach
I from study reach

Fig. 15. Process-response model for the responses of discontinu-

ous ephemeral streams. Changes are shown as increases ( + ) and Fig. 16. Characteristics of deposits on the channel fan of Dead
Mesquite Wash (from fig. 27 of Packard, 1974). (A) Downfan
decreases (-) of interacting variables. Self-enhancing feedback
mechanisms are shown by dotted arrows. (fig. 9 of Bull, 1979.) decrease in mean particle size. (B) Downfan decrease in thickness
of deposits above paleosol.

streamflow variables that are opposite those of the

aggradation mode. For either mode, changes in base Dead Mesquite Wash, and exposures along southern
level caused by degradation or aggradation in adja- Arizona arroyos. Upvalley migration of shallow en-
cent reaches directly affect the gradient component trenched reaches is normal for aggrading discontinu-
of stream power, and therefore the stream power/re- ous ephemeral streams. Fan deposition creates a rise
sisting power ratio. in local base level that tends to backfill the channel
just upstream from the fan apex, thereby shifting the
3.1.2. Alluviation of valley floors fan apex upstream. Channel-fill deposits at the old
Particle-size distributions and thicknesses of de- fan apex are buried by deposits of the braided-stream
posits above a paleosol were measured at 15 loca- domain, which also shifts upstream. Subsequently,
tions on the Dead Mesquite channel fan. Thickest sheetflow deposits are laid down over the braided-
channel-fan deposits (Fig. l6B) coincide with small stream deposits. Upvalley migration of the sequence
fans at the ends of braided channels. Coarse sedi- of depositional domains results in valley-floor alluvi-
ment is deposited in the braided-channel domain and ation that becomes progressively finer upward at any
fine sediment is deposited in the sheetflood domain given stratigraphic section, such as at the original fan
(Fig. 16A). Rapid downfan decrease in particle size apex (Fig. l7B). A variety of stratigraphic sections
is closely associated with the decreases in unit stream may represent discontinuous ephemeral stream de-
power (Fig. l4C). These spatial trends appear to be posits. Channel and braided-stream deposits gener-
the result of flow velocity decrease and trapping of ally are more common in the center than along the
sediment by dense riparian vegetation. Infiltration edges of the valley (Fig. 17 A). The overall shape is
losses playa relatively larger role in causing deposi- that of a long tabular deposit with a width-thickness
tion during small streamflows, compared to large ratio of 5 to 50, which is much different than for
flows when more of the sediment load is flushed point-bar deposits of meandering streams. Larger
through the channel-fan reach. streams have thicker upward-fining sequences. Total
Packard developed a model of valley-floor alluvi- Holocene deposition commonly is less than 2 m in
ation by discontinuous ephemeral streams based on headwaters reaches of size-class C streams, but can
244 W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276

~ Previous valley floor with soil profile
IHil Main stream-channel deposits
@}%~ Small braided stream-channel deposits
Small braided channel fan deposits
~ Large channel-fan deposits

Fig. 17. Model for aggradation of a valley floor by a discontinuous ephemeral stream. Time lines, such as the surface of the aggrading
channel fan cut across several depositional environments (from fig. 29 of Packard, 1974). (A) Cross section. (B) Longitudinal section.

exceed 10m in streambank exposures along size-class

A streams. o
Times of channel entrenchment are recorded by D
incipient soil profiles and by cut-and-fill structures in
valley fills. Brief periods of local degradation, times
when a discontinuous channel migrates through an
E_ 2
unentrenched reach, may provide sufficient time for
the initial stages of valley-floor pedogenesis. For 0.
example, Bendix (1992) describes eight incipient
soils in the 3 ky 1 valley fill of Bear Creek, Utah, 3
InCipient soil profile _ _
which did not have an arroyo until about 1915.
Gravelly alluvium
Deposits of discontinuous ephemeral streams typi- 4
Sand [:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,1
cally consist of distinctive mUltiple upward-fining
sequences (Figs. 18 and 19). Weakly developed A 5~llli[lliiliili~______lC~I~ay~e~y~a~lI~uv:iu~m~~~~~J
and cambic-B soil-profile horizons can form on the
Fig. 18. Diagrams comparing stratigraphies of discontinuous
valley floor during channel entrenchment. Thus, the ephemeral stream deposits (see Fig. I for locations). (A) Valley
top of each upward-fining sequence may have an fill of Santa Cruz River, near Tubac, southern Arizona, a size-class
incipient soil profile. Examples include organic A A discontinuous ephemeral stream (see Fig. 19 for photo). (B)
Valley fill in an abandoned meander of the San Juan River, near
Bluff, Utah, a size-class C discontinuous ephemeral stream. (C)
I Abbreviations are based on North American Commission on Valley-floor alluvium at Huella de los Caballos site, northeastern
Stratigraphic Nomenclature (1983). 1 ky = 1000 years; 1 ka = Sonora, Mexico, a size-class C discontinuous ephemeral stream.
1000 years before present; I my = I million years; I Ma = I (D) Alluvial fan of Arroyo Hondo, western Fresno County, Cali-
million years before present fornia, a size-class B discontinuous ephemeral stream.
W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276 245

horizons at the Santa Cruz River and Huella de los (3) decrease in size and abundance of buried stream
Caballos sites; pedogenic gypsum in root cavities channels towards the top of each sequence; (4)
occurs at the Arroyo Hondo site, and discontinuous thick-bedded silty sands that contain small cut-and-
coatings of calcium carbonate on gravel clasts at the fill structures of sand - a complex that may be
San Juan site (Fig. O. indicative of deposition in a small fan-sheetflood
In summary, discontinuous ephemeral streams are environment on a channel fan; and (5) massive sandy
characterized by periods of fairly prolonged deposi- silt indicative of deposition in a diverging sheetflood
tion with intervening brief hiatuses - times of domain of a channel fan.
shallow entrenched channels. Diagnostic strati-
3.2. Degradation
graphic features include: (1) a tabular valley-fill
shape; (2) repetitive upward-fining sequences, com- The process-response model for arroyo cutting of
monly capped by remnants of incipient soil profiles; Cooke and Reeves (I976) has many interacting vari-

Fig. 19. Exposure of discontinuous ephemeral stream deposits of Santa Cruz River, near Tubac, Arizona. Hat for scale. Section is described
in Fig. 18A.
246 w.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (J997) 227-276

abies but is easy to use. Three independent variables dence for it. And it opens to question the factual
at the top of Fig. 20 identify possible causes of foundations of widely accepted explanatory panaceas
arroyo cutting: random variations in the frequency such as hypotheses favoring 'climatic change' and
and magnitude of processes, climatic-change trends, 'overgrazing' ."
and land-use changes. Two chief immediate causes The prevailing episode of regional channel en-
of arroyo cutting - increased erosiveness of stream- trenchment (Fig. 21) began at different times in the
flows, and increased erodibility of valley-floor mate- American southwest. Gregg (1844, p. 184) described
rials - are near the bottom of the flow chart. The the frustrations of trying to cross deep, vertical-
pattern of connecting lines suggests that selected banked arroyos in New Mexico where some size-class
climatic factors and land-use changes are the most A streams had been entrenched since about 1700
likely causes of initiation of arroyos in the southern A.D. (Betancourt, 1980). Entrenchment was
Arizona study region. widespread along New Mexico size-class Band C
An important assumption is that similar appearing reaches by 1890. Initiation of channel trenching of
arroyos may result from a broad spectrum of initial size-class A streams in Arizona took place chiefly
conditions through a variety of process interactions. between 1880 and 1910. It occurred commonly at
"This notion of equifinality directs attention away sites of human disturbance shortly after, or coinci-
from the search for a universal explanatory hypothe- dent with, major floods of the 1880s and 1890s.
sis, and encourages the pursuit of multiple working Channel entrenchment started along size-class B
hypotheses" (Cooke and Reeves, 1976, p. 16). They streams between 1850 and 1920 in the Rocky Moun-
further state (p. 23) that the model "serves to em- tain and Pacific Coast states.
phasize the absurdity of invoking a single mecha- Many arroyos attained base levels of erosion and
nism to explain arroyos unless there is some evi- stopped downcutting by the mid-1900s (Fig. 21B),

Random Variations of ISecular Climatic Changes I I Human Land Use Changes I

Frequency and Magnitude

+ Erodibility of valley-floor materials

Fig. 20. Model illustrating many possible causes for initiation of arroyo incisement in southern Arizona as a result of increases ( + ) and
decreases (-) of variables. Self-enhancing feedback mechanism shown by line with arrow. (Modified from fig. IV.I of Cooke and Reeves,
W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276 247

Table I
Characteristics of drainage basins and alluvial fans in the west-central San Joaquin Valley, California
Stream Drainage basin Alluvial fan
Total relief Percent of mudstone Mean Area Area Overall
(m) and shale slope (km2 ) (km 2 ) slope
Arroyo Hondo 780 52 0.29 67 142 0.0094
Panoche Creek 1390 32 0.27 770 670 0.0035
Tumey Gulch 790 67 0.30 75 129 0.012

and some have started to aggrade the floors. Size- vanced upstream to the fanhead channel, creating a
class A arroyos of the Zuni River, New Mexico have continuous arroyo (Fig. 21A and Fig. 22C). The
remained at their base levels of erosion (Balling and locations of dams built in 1890 and 1907 to divert
Wells, 1990). Size-class C and B arroyos aggraded
between 1930 and 1970, but size-class B arroyos
underwent renewed degradation of 1 to 2 m of since
1970. Repeated cross-channel surveys in New Mex-
ico, Colorado, and Nebraska reveal net aggradation
of other size-class C arroyos since the mid-1960s
(Patton and Schumm, 1981). Leopold's study
(Leopold, 1976) indicates that channel backfilling
occurred concurrently with decreasing rates of head-
cut retreat and hillslope erosion in upstream reaches.

3.2.1. Hydrology of channel entrenchment

Analyses of arroyo cutting involve two separate
topics: (1) initiation of arroyo cutting, including
types of perturbations and reaction times until en-
trenchment begins; and (2) the processes, rates, and
base-level controls for a downcutting reach. The
hydrology of arroyo cutting is discussed as back-
ground for these topics.
Maps of Arroyo Hondo (Fig. 22) in west-central
California (Table 1), based on surveys made in 1855,
1881, 1924, and 1954 illustrate the planimetric stages
of arroyo formation. An entrenched stream did not
exist at the mountain front in 1855, but two discon-
tinuous channels, A and B, were present on the
alluvial fan (Fig. 22A). By 1881 a continuous en- Fig. 21. Continuously entrenched arroyos. (A) Size-class B Ar-
trenched channel extended about 700 m onto the royo Hondo in central California. Channel entrenchment created
fanhead (Fig. 22B). Discontinuous channel A con- unstable banks that collapsed and furnished debris that increased
sediment load. (B) Size-class A arroyo of Santa Cruz River near
sisted of two entrenched reaches, separated by a San Xavier south of Tucson, Arizona. Streambed widening is
newly deposited channel fan. Discontinuous channel typical of arroyos that have attained a new base level of erosion.
B extended farther downfan, perhaps as it captured The lOO-year flood event of 3 October 1983 was easily contained
some of the channel A flow. Between 1890 and 1924 by the arroyo. Part of the interstate freeway bridge collapsed, but
the stream name was changed from Dry Creek to the smaller bridge remained intact. The distance between the
smaller bridge and the left arroyo bank dramatically reveals the
Arroyo Hondo (Spanish for 'deep stream'). Discon- amount of bank erosion that occurred during this large streamflow
tinuous channel A was backfilled. Headcutting joined event. A point bar formed on the inside of bend. (fig. 17 of
the discontinuous channels of channel Band ad- Saarinen et aI., 1984; photo by Peter L. Kresan 1983.)
248 W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276

Fig. 21. (continued).

ephemeral streamflow into irrigation ditches are Profound hydraulic changes occur as shallow
shown by Rand S in Fig. 22C, D. Pre-dam channel sheetflow is converted to deep gully flow. Unit
depths are 3 m downstream from dam Rand 5 m stream power increases as the extending gully pro-
downstream from dam S. The 1959 channel depths gressively captures more sheetflow. Hydraulic
were 8.2 m at dam Rand 7.6 m at dam S. The roughness is presumed to decrease. These changes
channel had deepened about 6 m since 1890 and 3 m more than offset decrease of gradient; the gully
since 1907. continues to degrade. Narrow, deep flows may trans-
Two key papers, by Leopold and Miller (1956) port sediment more efficiently if more of the load is
and Schumm and Hadley (1957), use longitudinal suspended. With progressive deepening, entrenched
profiles to discuss transformations from shallow dis- reaches coalesce by extending both upstream and
continuous channels to deep arroyos. Local scour downstream (compare stages 2 and 3). Style of
into a smooth valley floor (Fig. 23, stage 1) creates a extension is a function of streamflow size. Dead
short incised channel (a gully) with a headcut at its Mesquite Wash headcuts migrate upvalley during
upstream end and a small fan downstream from it. small flows, and both headcutting and down valley
Initial gully length (Fig. 23, stage 2) may be less channel extension occur during large flows.
than 3 m for size-class C to more than 100 m for Within decades a new base level of erosion is
size-class A streams. Narrow, deep flows character- achieved (stream power-resisting power ratio of 1.0).
ize stage 2 (Fig. 23), when the extreme contrast Discontinuous channels coalesce into a continuous
between valley floor and gully slopes results in an arroyo as nickpoint migration creates a smooth longi-
alternating sequence of channels and fans. tudinal profile (Fig. 23 stages 4 and 5) that parallels
W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276 249

Section lines of
1855 land survey


Fig. 22. Changes in the extents of stream channels of Arroyo Hondo between 1855 and 1954 (from fig. 80 of Bull, 1964a). (A) 1855. (B)
1881. (C) 1924 and 1954. (D) 1954.

Cross-valley profiles

the valley-floor profile. Stream-channel widening be- A'

comes the dominant process after equilibrium has
been achieved, especially in size-class A and B
arroyos, as streamflow undercutting of arroyo banks

causes slumps and bank retreat (Fig. 21). Size-class
C arroyos may never develop wide floors because of
A A'
insufficient time, or stream power, between time of
attainment of the base level of erosion and the start

of arroyo backfilling.
A A'
Widening of arroyos has several possible conse-
quences. Meyer (1989) found that gravel derived
from undercut arroyo banks promotes mid-channel A A'
gravel bars, further erosion of both banks, and braided
streamflow. Sediment formerly transported in sus- -sA
Fig. 23. Diagrammatic stages of development from unconfined
pension is transported as bedload by flows with
sheetflow to a continuously entrenched channel at the base level
much larger width/depth ratios. Lag gravels may
of erosion, as revealed in a sequence of paired longitudinal and
accumulate on streambeds as flow winnows slumped cross sections. Estimated stream power/resisting power ratios are
alluvium, but armoring of ephemeral streambeds is shown for two reaches, and cross-valley profiles are shown for
less likely to occur than in perennial streams because reach A. (Modified from fig. 26 of Leopold and Miller, 1956.)
250 W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276

of the flashy nature of large flow events (Larronne

- - l
and Reid, 1993). Bank erosion increases sediment
load, and may initiate aggradation if resisting power 0.1
is increased sufficiently. o Ungullied
Longitudinal profiles of New Mexico and
Wyoming streams (Figs. 8 and 24) illustrate the
diagrammatic stages of Fig. 23. Stream-channel gra- ii-_
dients upstream from threshold intersection points, at
distances of 700 and 2700 ft in Fig. 24, are much os---
gentler than the gradients of the channel fans. Plunge
pools below headcuts emphasize abrupt, local under- 0.01
mining processes.
Steep valley floors are the most likely reaches for
initial stream-channel entrenchment (Aldo Leopold,
1935 unpub!. manuscript, 'The erosion cycle in the o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
. .
Dralnage-basln k 2
southwest'; Schumm and Hadley, 1957; Patton and area, m
Schumm, 1975). Diverging flow and trapping of Fig. 25. Relation of valley-floor gradient to drainage-basin area
sediment by vegetation on channel fanheads results for gullied and ungullied reaches of discontinuous ephemeral
in more deposition than on adjacent downfan reaches streams in the Piceance Creek basin, Colorado. Sloping solid line
defines the threshold of critical power between degrading reaches
(Fig. 9). This creates steeper reaches in the longitudi-
(G) and aggrading reaches (U). Point S in domain G is for an
nal profile of a valley floor. ungullied reach that is considered to be highly susceptible to
The Patton and Schumm (1975) study of discon- channel entrenchment. Small watersheds of area M have mixed
tinuous channels in the Piceance basin of northwest- characteristics because of greater variability of resisting power.
ern Colorado (Fig. 1) shows that initial channel (fig. II of Bull, 1979, modified from fig. 2 of Patton and
Schumm, 1975.)
entrenchment is likely to occur where stream power
exceeds resisting power. A scatter diagram for gradi-
ents and drainage areas (a proxy for discharge) of area, where local alluviation had increased valley-
gullied and ungullied reaches (Fig. 25) shows that floor gradient above a threshold steepness that was
channel entrenchment occurred, for a given drainage inversely proportional to drainage-basin area.


Plunge &y ~oo
pool 'I' 810,0&

Plunge . 0<>8

o 200 400 600 800 1000

Distance, m
Fig. 24. Longitudinal profile and gradient of Arroyo Falta near Santa Fe, New Mexico, showing alternating degrading and degrading reaches
(from fig. 27 of Leopold and Miller, 1956).
w.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (J997) 227-276 251

I divided Patton and Schumm's plot into three creases in stream power or decreases in resisting
domains in order to illustrate spatial variations in the power (point S) are the most likely to become en-
relative importance of the two components of the trenched. Point S is the only unentrenched reach in
critical-power threshold: stream power and resisting domain G but is not anomalous. Four other reaches
power. Resisting power apparently does not vary had equivalent or larger departures from threshold
much for the reaches of domains G and U, thereby conditions before they were entrenched.
allowing a clear relation between valley-floor gradi- Temporary increase of unit stream power in con-
ent, discharge (basin area), and the presence of en- junction with long-term increase of valley-floor gra-
trenched or unentrenched streamflow. The threshold dient can initiate channel entrenchment. Self-enhanc-
line separating domains U and G slopes downstream ing feedback mechanisms do not allow aggrading
because increased discharge (basin area) is associ- channel fans to achieve equilibrium. This implies
ated with increases of unit stream power that more progressive instability and increased likelihood that
than offset decreased gradient. None of the domain stream-channel entrenchment will be initiated on the
U reaches have sufficiently steep gradients to change steeper part of the fan (Fig. 9). The Fig. 26 model
the mode of operation from aggradation to degrada- suggests that local steepening of valley-floor gradi-
tion, but virtually all of the steeper reaches of do- ent by aggradation eventually will increase stream
main G are entrenched. power until the stream power/resisting power ratio
The clearcut relation between valley gradient and exceeds 1.0 and the channel is entrenched. The
basin area does not apply to domain M, which capacity of streams to transport sediment increases
consists of steep reaches with watershed areas of less with discharge as a power function with an exponent
than 20 km 2 Spatial variations of resisting power of between 2.0 and 3.0 (Leopold et aI., 1964;
appear to be more important in domain M reaches. Knighton, 1984). Thus, peak streamflows may be
Relatively dense plant cover on the hillslopes and times of momentary increase of the stream
valley floor in small basins with headwaters domi- power/resisting power ratio. Entrenchment was ini-
nated by north-facing slopes (Patton and Schumm, tiated at time E in Fig. 26, coincident with the time
1975, p. 89) may result in smaller peak stream of a large flood, but would have occurred at time L if
discharges and larger hydraulic roughness. The net a large streamflow event had not terminated aggrada-
effect would tend to make resisting power larger tion of the channel fan.
than stream power. Thus, aggradation has continued
to be the mode of operation of some size-class C 3.2.2. Causes of entrenchment
headwaters reaches. The immediate causes of channel entrenchment
The Fig. 25 analysis can be extended to include are increased erosiveness of streamflows and de-
potential impacts of short-term climatic change. Indi- creased resistance to erosion of the valley-fill materi-
vidual reaches that are especially sensitive to in- als, but the complexity of the subject is apparent in

Threshold of critical power

2' ~
ex: "'Ol :0
UJ J::c.
0.. "00 ..21

ex: ~~
f0- Ol'"
CJ) 0..>

Time ~ E L
Fig. 26. Model of interrelations between valley-floor gradient, magnitude of stream discharge, time, and valley-floor instability. Sloping line
describes increase in gradient and decrease in valley-floor stability with time. Threshold of critical power may be crossed during a flood at
time E or with continuing increases of valley-floor gradient at time L. (Modified from fig. 2 of Schumm, 1973.)
252 w.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (J997) 227-276

Fig. 20. Attempts to answer the question of what Removal of stems and leaves tends to increase rain-
caused the cutting of a particular arroyo generally drop erosion and runoff, thereby decreases infiltra-
involves considerable hindsight and insufficient data. tion on hillslopes. Trampling and creation of stock
A statement about cause may be mere speculation trails compacts the soil on hillslopes and valley
because of the difficulty of separating effects of floors, and accelerates runoff. Channel erosion can
concurrent human impacts and short-term climatic be initiated easily where trails concentrate and direct
changes. Nevertheless, regional arroyo cutting needs streamflow. Trails are most common where dense,
to be considered in terms of regional changes of palatable vegetation grows on valley floors. Stream-
those variables that influence erosion and deposition. bank and valley-floor vegetation are important con-
Vegetation is the key variable in the initiation of trols on hydraulic roughness and flow velocity (Mel-
arroyos, and in subsequent enlargement of them. ton, 1965; Packard, 1974; Graf, 1979b, 1983a,b).
Type and density of plant cover influences rainfall- Both browsing and trampling decrease hydraulic
runoff relations on hillslopes. Plant communities re- roughness and make runoff more flashy, thereby
spond quickly to changes in temperature and amount increasing sediment load and peak discharge. The net
and intensity of precipitation, and to human impacts effect is to increase the stream power/resisting power
such as grazing and trampling by livestock (Gifford ratio.
and Hawkins, 1978), harvesting of trees and forage, Impacts of grazing by cattle and sheep is highly
and fire. The resistance of valley-fill materials to visible, but this cause of arroyos has been chal-
erosion also is profoundly affected by vegetation lenged. Arroyo cutting in the southwestern United
(Graf, 1979a,b). Density and patterns of riparian States was ascribed to overgrazing by Rich (1911),
plant growth along some streams has been influ- Bailey (1935), and Thornthwaite et al. (1942). Gre-
enced by declining ground-water tables and diver- gory (1917, p. 132) noted, however, that some un-
sion of streamflow for agriculture. grazed parts of Arizona had the entrenched channels
It almost seems implausible that the barren, of overgrazed areas. Leopold (1951 a) compared plant
canyon-like landscape of an arroyo (Fig. 21A) is communities at sites photographed between 1895
preceded by a planar, valley floor (Fig. 5) carpeted and 1903 and again between 1937 and 1946, and
with grasses, bushes and trees. Reduction of plant concluded that better-quality forage might have been
cover sets the stage for sudden stream-channel trans- available locally at the tum of the century. His
formation by decreasing resistance to erosion and general impression was that little change occurred in
hydraulic roughness. Local scour is likely where vegetation density and, therefore, grazing was not
vegetation has been weakened. Convergence of the primary cause of channel entrenchment.
streamflow into local scours decreases residence time Authors such as Huntington (1914), Bryan (1928,
of adjacent sheetflow, thereby reducing soil mois- 1940, 1941), Antevs (1952), and (Wells, 1987) favor
ture, which further weakens the remaining plants. climatic hypotheses for the origin of arroyos. They
This self-enhancing feedback mechanism promotes regarded overgrazing by livestock during the Ang10-
the development of a continuously entrenched chan- American cattle boom of 1870 to 1900 as a mere
nel. 'trigger pull' that initiated a change that would have
Human land-use changes, variations in the fre- occurred anyway. Conceptually, they treated the im-
quency and magnitude of random processes such as pact of grazing as a premature threshold-crossing
floods and the fall of base level, and climatic trends much like that depicted in Fig. 26. Their viewpoint is
may initiate arroyo cutting (Fig. 20). Many arroyos that valley-floor stability deteriorated because of
were caused by a combination of factors, but short- short-term climatic changes that progressively weak-
term climatic change played an important role III ened protective plant cover. Then grazing and tram-
each climatic region of western North America. pling by livestock allowed steeper reaches to cross
the threshold of critical power. An earlier cattle Land-use changes. Increasing grazing of boom between 1790 and 1820 during Spanish-
semiarid range lands with loamy soils changes the Mexican colonization was not a time of widespread
stream power/resisting power ratio in diverse ways. arroyo cutting. Tree-ring studies by Stockton and
W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276 253

Fritts (1971) indicate that both cattle booms were 2-6 m deep and 2 km long, largely along an irriga-
periods of high probability of below-normal seasonal tion ditch dug by Sam Hughes. Headcuts were an
precipitation. early phase of the arroyo cutting (Fig. 23); now the
Construction of transportation routes helped initi- Santa Cruz River arroyo has alternating narrow and
ate arroyo cutting. Railroad and bridge embankments wide reaches that may be a function of bank materi-
concentrated streamflows, and some wagon tracks als and the transport and deposition of gravel (Meyer,
and dirt roads became streambeds. Cooke and Reeves 1989; Parker, 1990).
(1976, p. 32, 33) discussed the genesis of the San The Desert Land Act encouraged settlers to divert
Simon Arroyo in southeastern Arizona using data water from the streams of semiarid regions in order
from surveyors' notebooks and previous publica- to claim homestead rights to farmland. Remnants of
tions. "The course of the present arroyo was then an 1890 diversion structure on Arroyo Hondo in
[1875-85] followed fairly closely by a wagon road central California are shown in Fig. 27. Construction
which was probably used to carry ore wagons from of several dams (Fig. 22C, D) diverted streamflow
the mining camps along a route where stock, feed, into ditches that cut across bends and thereby
and water were readily available .... By the 1930's straightened the channel. Such reductions in channel
the arroyo was apparently over 200 feet [66 m] wide sinuosity served to increase unit stream power by
in places and up to 30 feet [9 m] deep, and generally increasing gradient, thereby causing a reach close to
it was some 9 feet [2.7 m] deep and 75-90 feet equilibrium to become strongly degradational (Fig.
[23-27] m wide .... There is little doubt that the 21A).
entrenchment closely followed the line of the old
wagon road: ... It might be speculated that (a) the
road had the effect of concentration of flow, (b)
traffic stripped vegetation and thus reduced surface
roughness, (c) traffic destroyed soil structure, created
ruts, reduced infiltration capacity, and promoted
runoff, and (d) vegetation removal and traffic to-
gether made exposed sediment more vulnerable to
Cooke and Reeves discuss the wealth of data
concerning arroyo development at Tucson, Arizona
(also see Hastings, 1959; Betancourt, 1990). The
size-class A Santa Cruz River already had discontin-
uous channels before the 1890 floods. Humans con-
centrated streamflow and caused arroyo cutting by
construction of infiltration galleries in streambeds
with intermittent and perennial flow. These consisted
of open ditches excavated below the shallow
ground-water table that were well situated to become
sites of initial stream-channel entrenchment. Down-
stream from Tucson, Arizona "certain old settlers
undertook to 'develop water' at a point about 2 miles
[3 km] down the river where there were springs, and
in order to accomplish this most easily, cut a channel
for a little distance, expecting the river to do the rest.
Their expectations were fully realized, for the river
Fig. 27. Remnants of headgate structure and small canal that was
scoured out the cut and carried on its work" built in 1890 to divert ephemeral streamflow from Arroyo Hondo
(Spaulding, 1909, p. 9). In the next year the infa- in central California. Car for scale in !he canal, which was 8 m
mous floods of 1890 created an arroyo at Tucson above the dry floor of the arroyo in 1959.
254 W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276 Random processes. Arroyo cutting can be spatial variations in original gradients of the valley
initiated by random phenomena ranging from the fall floor did not cause the arroyos, but that, once initi-
of base level to rare flood events. Headcut migration ated, arroyo cutting was most rapid in steep reaches.
efficiently transfers the strong perturbation repre- The valley floor of ephemeral Growler Wash
sented by a local fall of base level to distant up- (Fig. 28C) remains virtually unentrenched, although
stream reaches of trunk and tributary stream chan- it is one of the larger drainage basins in southern
nels (Thompson, 1964). Times of initiation of en- Arizona. This arid to semiarid watershed is marginal
trenchment in upstream tributary valleys is largely a for grazing, and has been an Air Force gunnery
function of rates of headcut migration, which vary range for 50 years. Sheetflow and small discontinu-
markedly with unit stream power and resistance to ous braided streamflow predominate on the silty
erosion. sands of the broad valley floor. A 2-4 m deep
Lateral migration of a trunk stream, even if unen- arroyo with many active headcuts coincides with the
trenched, can initiate arroyo cutting by causing a only long, steep reach.
tributary stream to join the trunk channel in a shorter, Cooke and Reeves (1976) found that many steep
steeper reach. This lateral erosion-induced fall of reaches occurred downstream from marshy, thickly
base level locally increases unit stream power, and vegetated bottomlands called cienegas. Before en-
thus may cause the mouth of the tributary to become trenchment, size-class A discontinuous ephemeral
entrenched. The resulting arroyo then migrates up streams in southern Arizona had intermittent to
the tributary valley floor independent of trunk-stream perennial flow. They are now ephemeral, in part,
processes. LaMarche (1966) studied growth rings of
limber pines growing in small watersheds tributary
to Red Creek in southern Utah. Sequences of ring
widths from trees growing in tributary valley floors 0.0060
did not match the regional tree-ring chronology of 0.0040
Fritts et al. (1965). He concluded that lateral shifts of ~ 0.0030
Red Creek on its flood plain during the past 800 Ci5 0.0024
years were responsible for tributary channel en- 0.0020
trenchment, which reduced tree growth by decreas- 0.0016
0 10 20 30 40
ing soil thickness and exposing roots.
Local tectonic fall of base level causes many 0.0060
streams to entrench at about the same time. In 1887 a 0.0040
60 km long structural block dropped 1 to 4 m along c. 0.0030
the Pitaycachi normal fault in northeastern Sonora, Ci5 0.0024
Mexico (Bull and Pearthree, 1988). Two character- 0.0020
istics identify post-1887 tectonically induced down- 0.0016
0 10 20
cutting and aggradation. Terraces formed by stream-
channel entrenchment upstream from the surface rup-
ture end abruptly at the fault, and alluvial fans were
~ 0.0040 t"'- I I I - j
deposited immediately downstream from the fault.
Cooke and Reeves (1976) studied subtle varia-
tions in the gently sloping valley floors of size-class o 10 20 30 40
A discontinuous ephemeral streams of southern Ari- Distance, km
zona. Every valley has at least one anomalously Fig. 28. Variations in the gradient of valley-floor longitudinal
steep reach (defined as two or more consecutive profiles in southern Arizona. Arrows indicate locations of consec-
downstream decreases in contour spacing). Gradient utive steeper reaches. Sequence of progressively more arid water-
sheds is: San Pedro, Santa Cruz, Growler. (A) San Pedro River
changes on the order of 50% to 100% occur between (semi-log plot from fig. 1l.21 of Cooke and Reeves, 1976). (B)
adjacent reaches. Every steep reach of the Fig. 28 Santa Cruz River (semi-log plot from fig. II.21 of Cooke and
streams is now entrenched. They concluded that Reeves, 1976). (C) Growler Wash, southwestern Arizona.
W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (J997) 227-276 255

because of human-induced lowering of ground-water grazing lowered the resistance of the surface only the
tables. Cienegas played the same role as channel greatest rains could carve arroyos in the large wash
fanheads of ephemeral streams, because vegetation channels. The land recovered rapidly, moreover, and
trapped sediment transported by sheetflow and shal- discontinuous channels had little opportunity to join
low braided flow and created an aggrading reach. with others to form long continuous waterways. Per-
Initiation of channel trenching seems to span at haps only the 1oo-year rain cut new channels on the
least 50 years within a given climatic region (Fig. 4). naturally vegetated surface."
Are these areal variations in reaction time to climatic One index of large rainfalls is the largest yearly
change, or do different initiation dates reflect differ- 24-h precipitation event, which Cooke and Reeves
ent causes? Spatial complications make it difficult to (1976) evaluated for central and southern California
answer this key question. Entrenchment of size-class (Fig. 29). Their statistical tests show that long-term
C streams generally occurred decades after initial trends are absent; the fluctuations, although real, are
entrenchment of downstream size-class A reaches, of a random character (Reeves, 1970). The lO-year
because an unusually large streamflow event tends to overlapping mean plot shows two principal periods
be a stronger perturbation in size-class A than in of maximum potential for unusually large unit stream
size-class C reaches. power, between about 1880-1895 and 1930-1945.
The relative importance of stream gradient and Persistence of a climatic perturbation may be as
discharge, the main components of stream power, important as its magnitude. Several unusual floods
vary spatially from headwaters to downstream may be needed to fully establish self-enhancing feed-
reaches during large flow events. Gradients decrease back mechanisms, and to allow enough time for
and discharges increase with increasing watershed discontinuous channels to merge into a single arroyo.
area for most streams in Arizona and New Mexico. Recent studies indicate that random changes in sea-
Unit stream power increases exponentially with in- surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific Ocean
creasing discharge (Leopold et aI., 1964). It follows may last several years. The resulting EI Nino South-
that the relative importance of gradient on initiation ern Oscillation (ENSO) may be responsible for both
of stream-channel entrenchment is greatest for size- droughts (Andrade and Sellers, 1988) and extremely
class C streams, and that discharge is the key vari- large floods in southwestern North America
able in size-class A streams. One can not necessarily (Hirschboeck, 1988; Hereford and Webb, 1989, 1992;
conclude, however, that downstream reaches were Webb and Betancourt, 1992; Betancourt, 1990).
closer to threshold conditions than upstream reaches. Ephemeral and intermittent streams of west-central
Cause and effect is complicated by: (0 a greater California have become arroyos. Surveys and settlers
likelihood of interference by humans in the down- accounts describe existing shallow continuous chan-
stream reaches; and (2) more people to report the
start of arroyo cutting in the downstream reaches
than in sparsely populated upstream reaches. Short-term climatic change. Variations in the

magnitude and frequency of rainfall-runoff events
largely determine arroyo-cutting processes and can
be considered as trends or as random incidents.
Exceptionally large, intense rainfall is an infrequent,
random event. Settlers recognized the potential of the
resulting flash floods in initiating or accelerating
channel erosion and appropriately called them 'gully 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960
washers'. Streamflow gradient changes slowly but
Fig. 29. Maximum 24-b rainfalls; five-station composite record
the largest yearly unit stream power is highly vari- for coastal California: Sacramento, Fresno, San Francisco, Los
able. Thornthwaite et aI. (1942, p. 124) stated that Angeles and San Diego. Heavy line is lO-year overlapping mean.
"Large storms have always occurred. Before over- (From fig. III.22 of Cooke and Reeves, 1976.)
256 W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276

nels in the 1850s and the initiation of arroyo cutting 60

on other streams between 1875 and 1885 (Bull, '2
1964b). Channel downcutting accelerated between E 50
1935 and 1945. c:
Precipitation records from U.S. Weather Bureau a.

stations were examined to ascertain if periods of ~ 40

large annual and daily rainfalls coincided with known c:
periods of channel entrenchment. Similar patterns of :~a. 30
annual rainfall for five stations (Fig. 30) reflect the '0
Mediterranean climate of the region; rainfall occurs a. Fresno (22 cm)
mainly during the winter months when storms from ~ 20
the Pacific Ocean sweep across central California.
Annual rainfall decreases from north to south and
increases with increase in altitude. New Idria, at an
Date, in years A. D.
altitude of 809 m receives slightly less precipitation
than Sacramento, which is 240 km to the north at an Fig. 31. Trends of annual rainfall for five stations in central
California, 1853-1958. Three-year overlapping means of five-year
altitude of 11 m. Year-to-year variations in annual
overlapping means. (From fig. 82 of Bull, 1964a.)
precipitation are pronounced at all five stations. Sec-
ond-order moving averages were used as a smooth-
ing function to emphasize precipitation trends (Fig.
31). between 1875 and 1900. Major channel entrench-
The period of most annual rainfall is the central ment occurred during both these periods of large
part of the well defined peak between the 1931 and annual rainfall.
1947 low points on the precipitation trend plot. Periods characterized by many large daily rain-
Several peaks occur between 1850 and 1910 on the falls at Sacramento (Fig. 32) also coincided with the
Sacramento plot, but the broadest highest peak is periods of accelerated arroyo cutting. Rainfalls of

12 ~

1880 1940 1960

Date, in years A. D.
Fig. 30. Locations and altitudes of five weather stations of Fig. 31
and three discontinuous ephemeral streams. New Idria is in the Fig. 32. Trends of daily rainfall size classes, 1881-1958, Sacra-
Diablo Range; Coalinga is in a sheltered valley adjacent to the mento, California. Rainfall size classes: (A) 0.33 to 6.1 mm; (B)
San Joaquin Valley; Mendota Dam in the trough of the valley; 6.1 to 12.7 mm; (C) 12.7 to 25.4 mm; (D) more than 25.4 mm.
Fresno is on the east side of the valley; and Sacramento is in the Three-year overlapping means of five-year overlapping means.
southern Sacramento Valley. (From fig. 83 of Bull, 1964a,) (From fig. 83 of Bull, 1964a,)
w.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276 257

0.025-6.1 mm (0.01-0.24 inch) per day promote change promoted arroyo cutting along the Zuni River
growth of annual grasses but generate minimal runoff. and initiated entrenchment of its tributaries. Random
Shower frequency was least between 1881 and 1900 variations of hydrologic parameters are important,
and about average between 1931 and 1947. Days but we need to also consider climatic trends.
with more than 12.7 mm (0.50 inch) rainfall were Altitudinal shifts of 'plant life zones' suggest a
most common between 1881 to 1900 and between trend to a warmer and drier climate since 1880
1931 to 1947. Frequent large daily rainfalls should throughout southern Arizona (Hastings and Turner,
have increased the frequency of above-normal unit 1965). The lower altitude of the oak-woodland plant
stream power to initiate or accelerate arroyo cutting. community moved up between 1880 and 1950, pos-
The combination of extended drought followed by sibly because of decreased precipitation. It has been
several years of abnormally large stream discharges replaced by desert grassland. The upper altitude of
appears to have initiated arroyo cutting along size- the oak-woodland community also moved up, ap-
class C and B discontinuous reaches of the Zuni parently in response to warmer temperatures. Cli-
River in New Mexico (Fig. 1), and accelerated matic changes strong enough to shift altitudes of the
downcutting in the existing size-class A reaches plant communities presumably influenced runoff
(Balling and Wells, 1990). The severe drought of events too.
1898-1904 was abruptly followed by three years of Human impacts on plant communities in the 1880
frequent, large rainfalls (Fig. 33). The largest El to 1950 period, and variable reaction times of differ-
Nino perturbation of the 20th century occurred from ent plant species to perturbations, complicate models
early 1905 to mid-1906 (Ropelewski and Halpert, of vegetation response to climatic change. Either
1986, Ropelewski and Jones, 1987; Webb and Be- overgrazing or increased incidence of fires might
tancourt, 1992, fig. 8). This large climatic perturba- initiate stream-channel entrenchment.
tion was controlled in part by several El Nino events It is difficult to separate climatic variations of the
and persisted until about 1935 in the form of unusu- past century in the American Southwest from the
ally intense summer rainfalls, but few small daily global trend towards warmer temperatures. Apparent
rainfalls. Tree-ring analyses indicate that "Nowhere increase of global temperatures may be caused by
in the thousand year record is there an immediate the activities of humans (Jung and Bach, 1985; Kerr,
juxtaposition of such severe sustained drought fol- 1989, 1990; Peltier and Tushingham, 1989; Thomp-
lowed by an extreme high-precipitation period" son et al., 1989). Changes in average seasonal tem-
(Jacoby, 1987). This abrupt short-term climate perature since 1900 in Arizona (Fig. 34) reveal a net
increase in temperature of about 0.5C during the
winters, and about 1C during the summers. The
pattern is part of a trend toward higher temperatures
for the 123 years between 1861 and 1984 (Jones et
aI., 1986). Precipitation appears to have decreased,
about 20 mm during the summer and about 60 mm
during the winter (Sellers, 1960).
Data from the Santa Fe, New Mexico (Leopold,
1951b) and the Tucson-Fort Lowell, Arizona weather
stations (Cooke and Reeves, 1976) have trends that
1905 1925 1945 1965 show increased frequency of small daily rainfalls and
Calendric age, A. D.
decreased frequency of daily rainfalls of more than
Fig. 33. Variations of the Palmer Drought Severity Index (Palmer, 25 mm (Fig. 35). Assuming that trends are represen-
1965; Karl and Knight, 1985a,b) for the northwestern Plateau tative of the large region, it appears that the time of
Climate Division of New Mexico. Wet and dry periods of several initiation of many arroyos in New Mexico and Ari-
years typically follow one another in an abrupt fashion. The most
extreme shift from a severe drought size-class to a severe wetness
zona was characterized by: (1) below-nonnal amounts
size-class occurred between 1898 and 1908. (fig. 8 of Balling and of light daily rains that would help support vegeta-
Wells, 1990.) tion; and (2) above-normal large rains that would
258 W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276

cause erosive streamflows. These trends in climate ~90

should have produced above normal runoff and less ~80
vegetation, and thereby initiated arroyo cutting. rn
In conclusion, it is simplistic to blame initiation
of stream-channel entrenchment on a single variable ~60
-g 50
:J Rainstorm size >25 mm
(a) z
1850 1870 1890 1910 1930 1950 A D
1.0 Temperature 75
~ Rainstorm size 0.3 to 12.7 mm
~ 0.5 Q) B
rii ;::-60
~ 0 a.
Q) ~ 45
0 -0.5 .~

-1.0 "030
5 15
1870 1890 1910 1930 1950 A. D.
~ 50
~ 6 C
Rainstorm size >25 mm
y = 920-0.007x
r= 0.15
<: F=2.2
-100 L -_____ L_ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _L -_ _ _ __ L_ _ "0
1900 1940 1980 .Cl
Calendric age, A. D. E
Z 0

1870 1890 1910 1930 1950 A. D.
November - April
Fig. 35. Trends in daily rainfall size classes in Arizona and New
c:o Mexico. Analyses of the Fort Lowen, Tucson data are from fig.
I1.16 of Cooke and Reeves (1976). (A) New Mexico. Five year
i'u overlapping means from fig. 1 of Leopold (1951b). (B) Fort
~ Lowen, Tucson, annual frequency of rains of 0.2-13 mm. (C)
Fort Lowen, Tucson, annual frequency of rains greater than 25.4

such as increase of mean annual preCIpItation or

increase of temperature. Changes in the density and
1920 1940 1960 types of hillslope and riparian vegetation played an
important role in the initiation of arroyos. Vegetation
May - October can be modified by changes in type, amount, and
intensity of precipitation, temperature, grazing by
~ Fig. 34. Trends in precipitation and temperature in Arizona. (A)
Variations of annual temperature and precipitation expressed as
~ departures from mean values between 1951 and 1980. Five-year
~ overlapping means of data from an weather stations in Arizona.
:J (From Seners, 1960.) (B) Ten-year overlapping means of mean
seasonal precipitation at 18 weather stations in Arizona and New
E Mexico (Sellers, 1960), and mean annual temperatures at 18
~ 1900 1960 Arizona stations (Hastings and Turner, 1965).
W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276 259

livestock, frequency of fires, and construction activi- cept where half of a radioactive mass decays into a
ties of humans. Entrenchment began when changes new isotope in a constant time span. Changes in
in the above variables created perturbations suffi- arroyo length, La' are described where t is the time
ciently strong and persistent to sustain self-enhanc- since initiation of arroyo cutting, Lpa is the maxi-
ing feedback mechanisms that favored arroyo cut- mum potential arroyo length, and Lu is the length
ting. Human impacts also may have influenced the yet to be eroded; b is a constant.
reaction and response times for those systems where L u =L pa e- bt (3)
climatic change was the main cause of initial arroyo
cutting. and
Variation of rates of entrenchment is a topic that La = Lpa - Lpa e- bt (4)
is distinct from the initiation controversy. As such it
deserves a separate discussion. Eq. (3) may be solved in its linear form:
InLu = InLpa - bt (5)
3.2.3. Downcutting rates and the half-life constant Thl is simply:
Arroyo downcutting becomes slower as a reach
approaches its base level of erosion (Fig. 23). Attain- Thl = In2/b (6)
ment of the depth of maximum entrenchment is Graf made tree-ring and aerial photograph studies of
accompanied by increasing flow width and concur- lengths of three arroyos in rural and urban water-
rent decreases of unit stream power that act as a sheds near Denver, Colorado. Headcutting was still
self-arresting feedback mechanism to promote equi- progressing upstream in an urban basin, but the rural
librium conditions. channel had a 40-year old pine tree growing 2 m
Similarly, headcuts migrate upstream at ever de- downstream from an inactive headcut. Regression
creasing rates, and then remain stationary. In Ari- analyses using Eq. (4) (0.98 correlation coefficients)
zona and California, bushes and trees now grow in indicate that the exponential model nicely describes
the headcut plunge pools that aerial photographs asymptotic decreases in headcut-migration rates. Ev-
show have been stable for 50 years. Inactive head- ery 17 years the headcuts advanced upstream half the
cuts may define the upstream limit of channel en- remaining distance to the upstream limit, a half life
trenchment, as deepening and widening continue in of 17 years.
downstream reaches. Headcuts advance upstream at Laws of spatial interaction provide analyses of
progressively slower rates because of upstream net relative heights of headcuts in different parts of a
decrease of unit stream power; decrease of discharge drainage net where all headcuts originated from a
more than offsets increase in gradient. Resistance to single fall of base level in a downstream reach (Graf,
erosion of vegetated alluvium generally remains con- 1982a). Variations in depths of channel entrench-
stant. Hydraulic roughness increases slightly in the ment with space depend on the magnitude of the fall
upstream direction as gravel-bar and vegetation of base level, available stream power, erodibility of
roughness elements become larger relative to shal- streambed materials, and distance upstream from the
lower flow depth. Thus, both decrease in stream junction of a tributary with the trunk stream channel.
power and increase in resisting power may limit the The interaction between reaches i and j may be
extent of arroyo cutting. represented by the total potential for depth of chan-
nel entrenchment, D jj , and is directly proportional to Spatial interaction laws and exponential de- the magnitudes of the fall of base level at i and
cay laws. Graf applied laws of spatial interaction and stream discharge at j, and is inversely proportional
exponential decay from physics to analyze arroyo to the distance between i and j. The fall of base
cutting in space (Graf, 1982a,b,c) and time (Graf, level introduces an additional increment of potential
1977). The rate law is applicable where the effects of energy into the stream, E j , and the kinetic energy at
a perturbation decrease exponentially with time; for reach j is Ej . The distance along the stream channel
example, exponential decreases in rate of arroyo between i and j is Lij and bl' b 2 , b4 , and K2 are
lengthening. The rate law includes the half-life con- constants. In the case of a continuous arroyo initiated
260 W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276

by the fall of base level and formed by headcut Tumey Gulch. Tumey Gulch is representa-
migration the interaction law is: tive of size-class B arroyos in west-central California
(Table 1). Changes in the depth of the Tumey Gulch
D. = K (E;)b ( EJb2 fanhead trench (Fig. 36) are based on accurate topo-
IJ Z ( ) b4 graphic surveys made in 1921 (1.5 m contours) and
1955 (3.0 m contours), and earlier surveys made in
Graf used laws of spatial interaction to describe 1854 and 1881. Fanhead-trench depths and character-
the interaction and total potential between reaches of istics of new deposits have been monitored since
the Fremont River in southern Utah. Arroyo cutting 1956. Exposures in the fanhead trench reveal two
had already lowered the trunk stream channel uni- backfilled arroyos that are similar to the present
formly throughout its length at the time of his study, arroyo. This ephemeral stream has not been affected
so additional potential energy, Ei , may be considered by external' fall of base level because the fanhead
sufficiently constant that: trench ends on an aggrading tectonic alluvial fan.
( E;)b 2 Two stages of entrenchment of the present chan-
D.=logK z - - (8) nel suggest a sequence of: (1) aggradation of the
IJ (LiJ b 4
mountain valley floor and the alluvial fan: (2) initial
By allowing stream discharge at reach j, Qj' to entrenchment as narrow, discontinuous arroyos; (3)
represent kinetic energy at reach j, Ej , and writing formation and deepening of a continuous arroyo; (4)
Eq. (7) in linear form: acceleration of downcutting rates during a decade of
frequent large runoff events; and (5) attainment of
log Dij = log K z + bzlog Qj - b4 10g Lij (9)
the base level of erosion and partial backfilling of
observed values of the variables can be accommo- the reach upstream from the area of active deposi-
dated and least-squares methods can be used to tion. The stream channel had the same extent and
determine the constants. position on the fanhead in 1854 that it has now.
The rate of distance decay between reaches i and Surveyors walked across the 2 m deep channel,
j is b4 + 1 = b3 Graf (1982b) estimated values of
discharges with lO-year recurrence intervals to make
empirical estimations of b3 for seven domains of the
Fremont River drainage net with different vegetation
and underlain by lithologies with different rates of
infiltration. Some values of b3 tend to be close to
1.0 - a weak interaction with distance - where
small ephemeral streams with minimal amounts of
riparian vegetation rapidly lose streamflow into 200
highly porous streambeds. The effect of distance E
upstream from the initiating headcut on the trunk- '0

stream arroyo is non-linear for a second group of 2

<C Fan surface
tributaries. Values of b3 tend to be close to 2.0 - a
strong interaction with distance - where intermit- Z
150 1955 arroyo
tent and perennial streams flow over clayey materials
such as shale. Relatively larger amounts of annual Extension of middle
stream power characterize the efficient streamflows fan segment
53: 1 vertical exaggeration
of this domain. Graf points out that the "spatial
interaction laws take on the commonly recognized 2 4
Distance, km
form of an allometric relationship" (Bull, 1975)
Fig. 36. Changes in the depth of the Tumey Gulch fanhead trench
because b 3 describes the fractional change of depth between 1921 and 1955. X, Y, and Z mark locations of reaches
of arroyo cutting relative to the fractional change in for which rates of aggradation and degradation are estimated in
distance along the drainage net. Fig. 38.
W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (J997) 227-276 261

Fig. 37. Paired terraces resulting from initial entrenchment into an aggradation surface before 1854 and from accelerated downcutting of
Tumey Gulch between 1935 and 1945. California. (A) Fanhead trench reach. (B) Trunk stream channel in the mountains. (C) Headwaters
tributary reach.
262 W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276

Fig. 37. (continued).

however, as they established the township grid. One Rates of aggradation and degradation vary in both
could still ride a horse across the arroyo in 1935, but time and space along the Tumey Gulch arroyo.
by 1945 it was impassable. Terraces left by initial Consider the changes in reaches X, Y, and Z of Fig.
incisement of the aggradation surface and by the 38, which portrays relative magnitudes of departures
subsequent accelerated channel downcutting (Fig. from the threshold of critical power in aggrading and
37 A) can be traced upstream into mountain valleys degrading reaches. Mean deposition in reach Z was
(Fig. 37B), and headwaters streams (Fig. 37C). 1.9 cm/yr between 1921 and 1955. Deposition has
The Tumey Gulch alluvial fan has segmented accelerated to roughly 3 cm/yr between 1956 and
radial profiles (Bull, 1964a), and the arroyo ends at
the junction between the upper and middle fan seg-
ments. Erosion and deposition in fanhead trench are
influenced by the rise of base level on the aggrading z
middle segment. In 1921 the arroyo was as much as
6.3 m deep, and the entrenched streambed paralleled
the depositional surface like the continuously en-
trenched streams of New Mexico (Fig. 23) and Ari-
zona. By 1955 maximum depth exceeded 9 m and
the deepest part was moving upstream. Headcuts
were present at the fan apex, and at the 2 km 1850 1900 1950 2000
location on the 1955 profile (Fig. 36). Reach Y Calendric age, A. D.
downcut to the same gradient as the middle fan Fig. 38. Estimated departures from the threshold of critical power
segment, briefly stayed at a base level of erosion, for degrading (X), equilibrium (y), and aggrading (Z) reaches of
and then started to aggrade. the Tumey Gulch arroyo. Fig. 36 shows locations of reaches.
W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276 263

1986, a 58% increase. The coincidence between the aggradation in reach X suggests termination of the
1935 and 1945 episode of accelerated erosion and present episode of arroyo cutting.
the times of large, frequent storms (Figs. 31 and 32) The gradient of entrenched streamflow at the base
suggests that the rate of sediment-transport has not level of erosion is 61% of the pre-entrenchment
been uniform. It is assumed that: (1) reach Z has gradient of the fan-surface characterized by aggrad-
remained on the aggradational side of the critical- ing streamflows in distributary channels. The de-
power threshold; and (2) that variations in the rate of crease in gradient is even more than suggested in
aggradation are linked to variations in watershed Fig. 36 because streamflow had a sinuosity of 1.0
sediment yield. These data and assumptions permit when braided streamflow deposited the upper fan
sketching of a general curve for reach Z shown in segment, but the fanhead trench sinuosity is 1.8.
Fig. 38. Using the hydraulic changes discussed for Fig. 23,
Overall downcutting rates in reach Y for the 67 increase in unit stream power and decrease in hy-
years between 1854 and 1921 and the 34 years draulic roughness during stream-channel entrench-
between 1921 and 1955 reveal a major decrease of ment appear to be more than sufficient to offset the
4.1 cm/yr and less than 0.1 cm/yr, respectively. effects of concurrent decrease in gradient and in-
These values provide useful constraints on how far creased sediment load derived from the entrench-
the curve for reach Y can be drawn from the Fig. 38 ment process.
threshold line, because the sum of the yearly incre- Vegetation and the amount of clay in streambank
ments has to equal estimated total downcutting be- alluvium also influence channel width (Schumm,
tween any two dates. The 1921 and 1955 channels 1960, 1961; Wolman and Gerson, 1978; Patton and
were close to base levels of erosion that paralleled Schumm, 1981). Tumey Gulch is entrenched into
extensions of the middle fan segment gradient. Head- cohesive, clayey deposits and streamflow has a
cuts at the upstream end of the 1921 constant-gradi- smaller width/depth ratio than for the arroyo on the
ent reach (Fig. 36) indicate that equilibrium had been adjacent Panoche Creek fan, which is entrenched
attained before 1921. into loose, sandy deposits. Clayey Tumey Gulch
Although not all encompassing, the above infor- alluvium is conducive for narrow entrenched chan-
mation permits sketching of departures from the nels, but the sandy banks of Panoche Creek favor
threshold of critical power line for reach Y (Fig. 38). wide channels. The resulting larger increases in unit
Maximum rates of downcutting are presumed to stream power during the cutting of the Tumey Gulch
have occurred midway in the period of known accel- arroyo suggest a possible reason why the gradient of
erated downcutting between 1875 and 1895. Then the fanhead trench of Tumey Gulch is 61 % of the
rates of degradation decreased in an asymptotic man- fan gradient and that of Panoche Creek is 70%.
ner as equilibrium was approached. Reach Y has
been aggrading since about 1956 in response to: (1) Rillito Creek. Responses of discontinuous
accelerated rise of base level on the middle fan ephemeral streams are complex in some size-class A
segment; and (2) perhaps changes in discharge of fluvial systems. Large basins are less likely to be
water and sediment from the watershed. covered by rainfall from a single thunderstorm than
Reach X degraded at about of 8.3 cm/yr between drainage basins of only a few square kilometers.
1854 and 1921 (assuming a 2 m deep channel in Large proportions of annual streamflow infiltrate
1854) and 11.2 cm/yr between 1921 and 1954. into long dry streambed reaches, so it is the large,
Reach X has downcut more than reach Y but re- infrequent flow events that transport much of the
mained on the erosional side of the threshold of sediment load through downstream reaches. Tribu-
critical power until recently. It is assumed that maxi- tary watersheds may have markedly different sea-
mum rates of downcutting occurred during the peri- sonal flow regimes. Rillito Creek in southern Ari-
ods of frequent, large rainfall-runoff events between zona is such a stream.
1875 and 1895 and between 1935 and 1945 (Figs. 31 Rillito Creek, a major tributary to the Santa Cruz
and 32). The 1986 survey revealed that the threshold River (Fig. 1), drains 2390 km 2 of alluvial piedmont
of critical power had been crossed; initiation of and mountains that rise to altitudes of 2700 m. The
264 W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276

vertical-walled arroyo is notched into weakly cohe-

sive sand and silt and easily contains loo-year flow
events. Watershed climate is moderately seasonal
semiarid with small subhumid areas at the higher
altitudes. Temperatures are strongly seasonal and
range from thermic to mesic. Vegetation zones
progress from desert scrub at the lower altitudes to a
grass-chaparral plant community, an oak-juniper-
pinyon pine woodland, and a pine-fir forest at the
highest altitudes. -1963
The two major tributaries, Pantano Wash and
Tanque Verde Creek, have markedly different fluvial
regimes (Pearthree, 1982; Slezak-Pearthree and
Baker, 1987). Intense summer rains are responsible
for about 82% of the peak annual flows in Pantano
Wash; these flashy flows carry large amounts of silt
and clay. Only 18% of the annual peak flows occur
during winter months. High-altitude sources of pre-
cipitation are more important in the Tanque Verde
Creek than in the Pantano Wash watershed. Only _1974
56% of the annual peak flows in Tanque Verde
'--_ _.....
490 m
Creek are caused by summer rains, the remaining
44% occur when winter rain melts snowpacks. Con-
centration of suspended sediment in sustained winter
peak flows in Tanque Verde Creek are much less _1978
than for the flashy summer flows in Pantano Wash
(Pearthree, 1982), and cooler water temperatures Fig. 40. Changes in channel width and position of Rillito Creek,
southern Arizona between 1941 and 1963 (from fig. 25 of
promote transport of gravel and sand.
Pearthree, 1982).
Pearthree's study reveals how differences in
sources of sediment and streamflow affect arroyo
processes. Tanque Verde Creek has been character-
ized by abrupt channel widening during occasional winter floods, followed by gradual reduction in chan-
nel width as riparian vegetation is re-established to
trap sediment. Amounts of bank erosion during sum-
705 mer floods on Pantano Wash have been compara-
- - 1954
- - - 1967 tively small and subsequent reductions in channel
-~1976 width by accretion of clayey deposits on the channel
E --1979
oi 695 banks have occurred rapidly compared to Tanque
Verde Creek.

690 The longitudinal profile and width of the Rillito
Creek arroyo have changed during the past 50 years.
Fluctuations in arroyo depth indicate alternating peri-
680 ods of aggradation and degradation, and an overall
0 2 3 4
Distance, km net increase in arroyo depth (Fig. 39). The popula-
tion of the city of Tucson increased tenfold between
Fig. 39. Changes in the longitudinal profiles of Rillito Creek,
southern Arizona between 1954 to 1979. Profiles courtesy of Pima
the 1954 and 1979 channel surveys. Urban expansion
County Department of Transportation and Flood Control District. was associated with the construction of impervious
(From fig. 27 of Pearthree, 1982.) surfaces, and most of the aggregate for construction
W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (J997) 227-276 265

was obtained by mining channel floors and fill-ter- a tendency for a sequence of different base levels of
race deposits of the Rillito Creek system (Bull and erosion. The most recent human impact consists of
Scott, 1974). beveling and soil cementing the arroyo banks. This
Pearthree (1982) used aerial photographs to map work was largely completed by 1993 and constitutes
changes in the position of Rillito Creek. The 1941 an interesting experiment on a discontinuous
channels were broad and braided (Fig. 40) as a result ephemeral stream that presumably was approaching
of large influxes of sandy sediment from Tanque its base level of erosion. Removal of sources of
Verde Creek prior to 1941. By 1963, the channel had streambank sediment appears to have renewed degra-
become much narrower, but lateral erosion had dation of the channel floor.
shifted the channel as much as 50 m north of its In summary, rates of arroyo downcutting are
1941 position. Abrupt channel widening occurred greatly influenced by temporal and spatial variations
during the winter floods of 1965-1966, 1978-1979, of unit stream power, which seems relatively more
and 1993. important than gradient. Exponential decrease in the
The arroyos of the Rillito Creek system have rate of arroyo deepening occurs as the streambed
attained maximum depths, but backfilling has yet to widens by bank undercutting. Broader strearnflows
begin. Minor periods of aggradation are followed by result in decreased unit stream power. Exponential
renewed degradation. Impacts of urbanization may decrease in the rate of upstream advance of arroyo
preclude attainment of well defined, single base level headcuts occurs as entrenchment extends into reaches
of erosion. Instead, changes in runoff of water and with progressively smaller peak discharges. The re-
sediment that accompany urbanization may result in sulting decrease of unit stream power more than

Fig. 41. The fine-grained valley fill of the Wadi Feiran, Sinai Peninsula, Egypt records a former discontinuous ephemeral stream. Bedding
in the alluvium has the same slope as the present stream channel.
266 W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276

offsets steeper headwaters gradients. Cohesiveness of hillslope colluvium and soils in this region (Bull and
streambanks and capacity of streambeds to diminish Schick, 1979; Bull, 1991). Only scattered bushes or
streamflow by infiltration are lithologic controls of an occasional acacia tree grow along the Wadi,
these processes. Arroyo cutting is most likely to be whose infrequent floods are highly flashy.
initiated or accelerated when exceptionally large Fine-grained terrace deposits rise as much as 40
runoff events temporarily increase unit stream power, m above the Wadi Feiran in stark contrast to the
especially when vegetation has been weakened by braided gravel bars of the active channel (Fig. 41).
prolonged drought and a series of floods can estab- The sandy alluvium has more than 10% silt and clay
lish strong self-enhancing feedback mechanisms. (Nir, 1970). The fineness of the deposits led Nir to
postulate a lacustrine origin. A dip that parallels the
present valley floor (Fig. 41) and cross bedding,
4. Prehistoric discontinuous ephemeral streams however, indicate that the deposits are fluvial. Repet-
itive upward-fining sequences of gravelly sand, sand,
Prehistoric arroyo cutting and aggradation of val- and sandy silt beneath eroded organic A soil hori-
ley floors have been described in stratigraphic stud- zons indicate that the former valley fill was de-
ies. In much of western North America, change from posited by a discontinuous ephemeral stream, proba-
ice-age to Holocene climates was accompanied by bly during a wetter, cooler climate. Local organic
change to a discontinuous ephemeral stream fluvial layers suggest that some reaches of the Wadi Feiran
regime. Some former semiarid discontinuous received ground-water discharge that supported in-
ephemeral stream systems, however, have been re- termittent flow, much like the cienaga reaches of
placed by arid gravelly streams. southern Arizona streams.
The Wadi Feiran in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt Historic arroyo cutting in western North America
is an example. Its watershed presently receives only revealed the stratigraphy, paleontology, and archae-
35 to 75 mm mean annual precipitation and is under- ology of prehistoric valley fills. Buried channels,
lain by plutonic, metamorphic, and sedimentary preserved as large cut-and-fill structures, show that
rocks. The present rocky hillslopes are virtually bar- historical arroyo cutting is not unique, and that fac-
ren, even at altitudes of more than 2000 m. Mid-Ho- tors other than recent human impacts may cause
locene semiarid climates were more effective than stream-channel entrenchment.
the present climate for chemical weathering of hills- Numerous cultural artifacts and radiocarbon anal-
lope materials and for supporting protective plant yses provide age estimates for aggradation events
cover. Major climate-change induced stripping of with sufficient confidence to constrain times of inter-

Table 2
Approximate times of initiation of arroyo cutting during the past 3000 years in the southern Great Plains (Hall, 1990); Zuni River, New
Mexico (Wells, 1987); Colorado Plateau (Euler et aI., 1979); southern Utah (Karlstrom and Karlstrom, 1987); and Santa Cruz River,
southern Arizona (Waters, 1988)
Southern Great Plains Zuni River Colorado Plateau Southern Utah Santa Cruz River
1700 AD. 1800 AD. 1900 AD. 1900 A.D.
1600 A.D.
1300 1400 A.D. 1400 A.D.
1000 AD. 1000 A.D.
800 A.D. 800 A.D.
500 A.D.
200 A.D.
o A.D.
500 B.C. 400B.C. 500 B.C.
800 B.C.

Calendric radiocarbon ages rounded to the nearest 100 years.

W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276 267

vening degradation events (Waters, 1985, 1988,

1991). At ideal sites a radiocarbon age from near the -O~S;;;;Si45:J~~~~
top of one valley fill and the base of the subsequent
channel fill provides an estimate of the maximum
time span for the degradation event. Data from many -6m 0 100~m~~~~~
sites may indicate whether or not arroyo cutting was
local or regional. Calendric radiocarbon ages may Delaware Canyon
differ from conventional radiocarbon ages by more -o~~~~~~~~~
than 1000 years (Stuiver, 1982; Bard et al., 1990;
Stuiver and Reimer, 1993). I use conventional radio- -4

carbon ages (years before 1950 A.D. using a 5570 -6

o 20m
year half life) except for the calendric ages compari- -8m .2575
son of Table 2. North Fork of the San Gabriel River
Hall's work at archaeological sites in the southern 1155
-0 ~11TTTl1rmrmrrm;;;;;.4:-Copan soil
Great Plains nicely documents a regional channel-
-2 B
trenching episode (Hall, 1982, 1990). Similar timing
of the degradation event from the Kansas-Oklahoma
state line to central Texas indicates a regional cause o 20m
-8m ~ Bedrock
for the channel trenching, such as short-term climatic
change. Representative alluvial sequences (Fig. 42) Fig. 42. Use of radiocarbon-dated soil organic matter (may record
mean residence time), wood, and charcoal in alluvial sequences to
show the stratigraphic relations for 31 of more than
bracket a time of regional stream-channel entrenchment. Stream-
120 radiocarbon ages. The youngest radiocarbon ages channel entrenchment appears to have occurred at about 1000
(mean residence times of soil organic matter) are radiocarbon years ago at three sites that are separated by 720 km.
1155, 1025, and 980 years, and basal channel-fill Regionally synchronous stream-channel entrenchment implies flu-
beds have a radiocarbon age of 830 years. So, vial system responses to a short-term climatic change. See Fig. I
for locations. (Modified from fig. 2 of Hall, 1990.)
stream-channel entrenchment occurred approxi-
mately 1000 years ago.
Generally synchronous times of alluviation in the
American southwest suggest long periods when re- (1941) and Antevs (1952) also used synchronous
gional climatic conditions favored deposition instead stratigraphy as evidence for widespread synchroneity
of stream-channel entrenchment. A post-glacial allu- of climatic variations.
vial chronology was defined by sedimentology, Occasional brief episodes of stream-channel en-
mammalian fossils, and artifacts (Miller and Wen- trenchment appear to temporarily interrupt long-term
dorf, 1958) in depositional units of fluvial deposits aggradation (Fig. 43a, c). Times of degradation events
commonly separated by soil profiles or erosional (Table 2) appear only crudely synchronous. One
unconformities (Fig. 42). The study of Haynes should not expect exact synchroneity of degradation
(1968a) of more than 100 radiocarbon-dated alluvial events at widespread sites in a region because each
fills in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming fluvial system has a different sensitivity to climatic
and Oklahoma defines five periods of valley-floor perturbations. In contrast to the single documented
aggradation: pre-15 to 11.5,11.6 to 7.1, 6.9 to 4,4.3 prehistoric degradation event in the southern Great
to 2, and 1.5 to 0.1 ka (Fig. 43). Haynes states that Plains (Fig. 42), two to five degradation events have
"absence of overlaps supports the correlations of occurred at other southwestern sites. The 1000-year
stratigraphic contacts ... (p. 610). This is not to say degradation event is recognized only in the southern
that either erosion or deposition began everywhere at Great Plains and at the Santa Cruz River site. Arroyo
the same time. It does suggest, however, that there cutting at roughly 500 B.C. and 1800 A.D. suggests
were periods when throughout the southwest, pro- synchronous degradation events at several sites.
cesses of aggradation were dominant and other peri- Within the Colorado Plateau, stream-channel-en-
ods when degradation predominated" (p. 613). Bryan trenchment events at 200, 800, and 1300 A.D. oc-
268 w.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276

cUffed at widely spaced localities. These suggest

synchroneity, but on a much smaller spatial scale
compared to the huge Table 2 region.
(a) Variation of channel-entrenchment times at many
sites in a large region may be real, or only apparent.
Lack of documented times for entrenchment episodes
in some parts of the region may reflect lack of
stratigraphic studies or lack of datable materials.
Real differences in entrenchment dates may be the
result of:
(0 Different watershed areas. Valley floors of
large watersheds typically are the first to be en-
trenched and the last to be backfilled.
(2) Different sensitivities of watersheds of a given
size to a climatic perturbation. Regional changes in
climate may be spatially synchronous but unusually
strong, persistent climatic perturbations generally are
Stratigraphic succession required to initiate widespread arroyo cutting. Reac-
tion times should be different, even for adjacent
(b) watersheds.
(3) Sites with different airmass-circulation histo-
D2 E entrenched ries. Spatial variations in climate pose additional
questions. If the Holocene climates of the southern
D1 Great Plains, the Colorado Plateau, and the northern
Rocky Mountains were significantly different, what
was the extent and degree of overlap of each climatic
Sensitivity of a discontinuous ephemeral stream
system determines how large a climatic change is
required to initiate arroyo cutting. Reaches close to
the threshold of critical power at the time of a
0 climatic perturbation may switch quickly from
aggradation to degradation (a short reaction time),
but strongly aggrading reaches may undergo only a
..10:: 1 decrease in the rate of valley-floor alluviation in
Cl response to the same perturbation. The time needed
c: 2 for a reach to downcut to a new base level of erosion
0 (relaxation time of Bull, 1991, fig. 1.3) depends on:
u 3 Number of
'5 ages Fig. 43. Radiocarbon-dated chronology of Late Pleistocene and
'- Holocene alluvial stratigraphy in the western United States. (a)
.;:: 4 Minimal overlap of radiocarbon ages suggests 1 to 3 ka long
"0 periods of aggradation separated by brief episodes of stream-chan-
Q) nel entrenchment (from Haynes, 1968a). (b) Generalized strati-
() 5 graphic relations of alternating aggradation and degradation events
in the western United States (from Haynes, 1968a). (c) Strati-
graphic succession of prehistoric aggradation events of the San
6 Xavier reach, Santa Cruz River, southern Arizona. See Fig. 45 for
Stratigraphic succession geologic cross section. (Modified from fig. 10 of Waters, 1988.)
W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276 269

(1) how much the valley floor has been raised by Interpretation of a cross section of Curry Draw at
aggradation since the last time the reach was at the the Murray Springs site (Fig. 44) is based on more
base level of erosion; and (2) the amount of unit than 40 radiocarbon ages. Qmi, Qso, and Qco allu-
stream power available to degrade the streambed, vium were deposited during times of Late Pleis-
above that needed to transport sediment. tocene climate that were not conducive for episodes
Paleoclimatic signals in valley fills have yet to be of arroyo cutting. A broad, shallow channel formed
fully deciphered because we do not fully understand between 13 and 12 ka was backfilled with Graveyard
how individual fluvial systems respond to climatic sand (Qgr) by 10 ka. Aggradation of Qdo alluvium
change, and have minimal knowledge about which was complete by 7 ka, and was followed by cutting
climatic factors are faithfully recorded by deposits, of the first Holocene arroyo. Wiek (Qwk) alluvium
soils, and landforms. backfilled the first arroyo between 6 ka and about
4.5 to 4 ka. The second arroyo was cut between 3.2
4.1. Curry Draw arroyo and 3 ka and was filled with the McCool (Qmc)
alluvium between 3 and 2.5 ka. Then stability pre-
Careful studies by Vance Haynes of the stratigra- vailed until the 20th century arroyo cutting, which
phy, paleontology, and archaeology of the Murray was the only Table 2 episode of stream-channel
Springs Clovis site in southern Arizona provide a entrenchment to occur at Curry Draw. Tevis allu-
detailed description of prehistoric arroyo cutting and vium (Qtv) was deposited as a channel fan at the end
backfilling (Haynes, 1968b, 1973, 1976). Murray of discontinuous channel reach; this temporary local
Springs is on Curry Draw, a tributary of the San aggradation ended abruptly with the cutting of the
Pedro River. About 150 krn of arroyos and discontin- historical continuous arroyo.
uous channels were present downstream from Ben- Entrenchment of a reach requires much less time
son in 1892. Then, another 70 krn of valley floor was than entrenchment of an entire drainage net. Exten-
entrenched between Benson and the mouth of Curry sion of arroyos upstream and downstream from an
Draw. The Curry Draw arroyo was cut at Murray initial headcut is time transgressive and more than a
Springs between 1935 and 1958 and headcutting is century may be required to incise a large watershed
still proceeding upstream from the Clovis site at (Balling and Wells, 1990). Local prehistoric stream-
diminishing rates. channel entrenchment typically requires only a few
Haynes' observations reveal interactions among years or decades. Pairs of samples collected from
climatically controlled water-table fluctuations, den- uppermost pre-entrenchment deposits and subsequent
sity of riparian vegetation, and arroyo cutting or basal channel-fill deposits commonly have overlap-
backfilling. Prehistoric arroyo cutting occurred when ping radiocarbon ages (Haynes, 1973, 1976). The
climate-change induced reduction in recharge that historic Curry Draw arroyo was cut in about 20
lowered the ground-water table sufficiently to de- years, but 0.5 to 1.5 ky were required to backfill the
crease riparian plant growth. two prehistoric arroyos.


Fig. 44. Cross section at the Curry Draw site showing multiple episodes of arroyo cutting and backfilling since the termination of deposition
of the Cora Marl (Qeo) at 13 ka. Note the similar 4 to 4.6 m depths of the modem, 4 ka (Qha), and 6 ka (Qwk) arroyos, and the similar
levels of backfilling attained by the intervening aggradation events. (From Haynes, 1986.)
270 W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276

West VII entrenched VII
rolling hills of humid regions may shed sediment
channel slowly to perennial rivers that have a surplus of unit
stream power to flush sediment to the oceans. Peren-
nial streams commonly have self-arresting feedback
mechanisms that promote equilibrium conditions. In
contrast many semiarid fluvial systems have sparsely
vegetated hillslopes that yield abundant sediment to
streams that flow only a few days each year. Discon-
Soil praile
on top of
Stream channel tinuous ephemeral streams change constantly in re-
alluvial unit basal gravel
deposits sponse to self-enhancing feedback mechanisms initi-
ated by short-term changes in climate, vegetation,
Fig. 45. Cross section of stratigraphy at the San Xavier reach of
the Santa Cruz River. Note the similar depths of the modern and and land use. Ephemeral streams may efficiently
Holocene arroyos. Radiocarbon ages of numbered aggradation transport bedload (Larronne and Reid, 1993), but
events are shown in Fig. 43C. (Modified from fig. 8 of Waters, sediment was temporarily stored in the Holocene
1988.) valley fills of western North America when supply
exceeded transport capacity.
Another interesting feature revealed by Figs. 44 Gravelly streams derived from rocky hills lopes
and 45 is the similar depths of downcutting and are characterized by prolonged departures from
thicknesses of channel-backfill alluvium. Curry Draw threshold conditions compared to discontinuous
returned three times to the same base level of ero- ephemeral streams. Stripping of thin hillslope sedi-
sion. The tendency for an arroyo to downcut to the ment reservoirs as a result of global climatic change
same earlier position within a landscape is not unique is common (Bull and Schick, 1979; Bull, 1991), but
to southern Arizona (Haynes, 1986; Haynes and the process generally requires several thousand years.
Huckell, 1986; Waters, 1988). Paleochannels in New In contrast, the easily eroded, fine sediment of most
Mexico, Utah, and California also exhibit the same discontinuous ephemeral streams makes them excep-
tendency. Magnitudes of stream discharge are impor- tionally sensitive to short-term variations in precipi-
tant in determining the dimensions of arroyos. Simi- tation and temperature. Short-term climatic change
lar depths and widths of paleochannels imply re-at- might briefly change rates of aggradation or degrada-
tainment of a base level of erosion in a reach with tion in arid, gravelly fluvial systems, but generally
similar frequency and magnitude of peak stream would not result in crossing of the threshold of
discharges, and with valley-floor materials of similar critical power.
resistance to erosion. Similar altitudes of recurrent Discontinuous ephemeral streams have a repeti-
base levels of erosion also record a lack of tectoni- tive stream-channel-pattern sequence that is as dis-
cally induced downcutting because of uplift of the tinctive as meandering and braided stream-channel
reach in the time spans between episodes of arroyo patterns. Streamflow passes through reaches charac-
cutting. Temporary entrenchment of valley fill is an terized by headcuts, a single trunk channel that
intrinsic part of the long-term operation of discontin- changes from moderately sinuous to straight, braided
uous ephemeral streams; it efficiently removes sedi- distributary channels, diverging sheetflow, and con-
ment that has been in storage. verging sheetflow draining to headcuts. This repeti-
tive sequence reflects efficient conveyance and tem-
porary storage of sediment by streams with such
5. Summary of an inherently unstable stream limited annual stream power that the large amount of
system sediment yielded from hillslopes is not quickly
flushed through the system. Both aggradational and
Discontinuous ephemeral streams of semiarid re- degradational reaches are present much of the time,
gions are inherently unstable compared to most hu- and downcutting channels alternate with channel fans.
mid-region streams because less stream power is Crossing of thresholds is common in these fluvial
available to transport sediment. Densely vegetated systems, and self-enhancing feedback mechanisms
W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276 271

are important in determining fluvial responses that ing arroyo cutting by changing the variables that
are sensitive to short-term climatic changes and to influence erosiveness of strearnflows and resistance
human impacts. Upstream migration of alternating to erosion. It is rash to propose initiation of arroyos
degradational and aggradational reaches results in throughout a region on a single variable such as
temporal fluctuations across the threshold of critical increase or decrease of mean annual precipitation.
power at every point along a valley floor. Abrupt Searches for exact synchroneity of times of initiation
arroyo cutting into an aggrading channel fan is an of arroyo cutting are sure to fail, because perturba-
example of marked departure from near-threshold tions that involve changes in resisting power, and
conditions. Otherwise, in both time and space, the especially plant cover, vary greatly among different
system fluctuates back and forth across the threshold drainage basins with different altitudes and latitudes.
of critical power. Furthermore, initiation of channel entrenchment is a
The most important change in base level along function of how strongly aggradational a reach is,
valleys of discontinuous ephemeral streams is an relative to the strength of a perturbation(s) tending to
internal adjustment, resulting from deposition of cause entrenchment. Leopold and Bull (1979)
channel fans that create local increases and decreases demonstrate that, where a system is strongly aggra-
of valley-floor gradient. Steeper reaches are the most dational, alluviation extends almost to the brink of a
likely sites for initiation of channel entrenchment waterfall.
(McGee, 1897; Schumm and Hadley, 1957; Schumm, Impacts on vegetation are particularly important.
1973; Patton and Schumm, 1975). Perturbations that change density of plant cover may
Arroyo cutting begins with rapid initial channel affect (1) discharge of water and sediment from
downcutting that is followed by exponentially de- hillslopes, (2) hydraulic roughness, and (3) trapping
creasing rates of downcutting as the longitudinal of sediment by riparian plants. Important perturba-
profile approaches a new base level of erosion. But tions to plant communities include changes of pre-
this equilibrium condition is not as stable as that for cipitation or temperature, but it makes little differ-
meandering streams of humid regions. Mass-move- ence if these are random variations or statistically
ment processes triggered by streamflow undercutting significant climatic trends. Human land-use impacts
of nearly vertical streambanks promote further of grazing, timbering, farming, and construction ac-
streambed widening after the longitudinal profile of tivities along channels and on hillslopes may de-
the arroyo approximates a stable configuration. These crease reaction and relaxation times for those sys-
important local sediment-load perturbations influ- tems where short-term climatic change is the primary
ence stream responses, and may initiate aggradation. cause of initial arroyo cutting.
Aggradation, by definition, includes deposition of The unit stream power available to initiate chan-
bedload, a process that decreases resisting power. nel entrenchment increases downstream during major
This self-arresting feedback mechanism tends to runoff events, but resistance of valley-floor materials
move the stream power/resisting power ratio for a to erosion is relatively constant. Thus, it should be
channel fan reach closer to a value of 1.0. Thus, no surprise that historical entrenchment commonly
during aggradation a stream remains close to, but not occurred first along the trunk (size-class A) channels
at, threshold or equilibrium conditions, a ratio slightly first, and occurred last in the headwaters (size-class
less than 1.0. Discontinuous ephemeral stream sys- C) tributaries. Before 1890, the size-class A Santa
tems probably are not far removed from threshold Cruz River of southern Arizona was entrenched three
conditions during the 500 to 2000 years required to times since 3 ka but nearby size-class B Matty
backfill arroyos (Haynes, 1976). Canyon, and Curry Draw remained unentrenched.
Which should be the favored hypothesis for initia- Spatial changes in unit stream power also cause
tion and accelerated entrenchment of discontinuous exponential decreases in rates of upstream headcut
ephemeral streams? A hundred authors of articles on migration (Graf, 1977). Trunk channels may remain
arroyo cutting may be correct in their assessments. entrenched an order of magnitude longer than head-
Any perturbation that either increases stream power waters channels.
or decreases resisting power has potential for initiat- This discussion ends on a practical note. Attain-
272 W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (J997) 227-276

ment of the base level of erosion, as an arroyo of the environment. (2) Once cut, deep arroyos re-
achieves its maximum depth, almost seems to be an quire hundreds or thousands of years to backfill.
ephemeral event. Studies by Emmett (1974), Leopold Large sums of money spent on reclamation and
(1976), and Patton and Schumm (1981) of arroyos stabilization of channels may ameliorate the damage
near Santa Fe, New Mexico suggest that the mode of to some extent but are highly unlikely to restore
operation for some arroyos has already switched to conditions of unentrenched valley floors with high
aggradation. Net aggradation is now occurring along ground-water tables to nourish riparian plant com-
Tumey Gulch in central California and the San Pedro munities.
River in southern Arizona (Hereford, 1993). Since Those who plan to ameliorate damage wrought by
1972, headcuts at Dead Mesquite Wash (Fig. 12C, arroyo cutting should ask the important questions.
D) have become shallower and wider, and the rate of 'How far removed is the present system from thresh-
upvalley advance has decreased by half. Perhaps the old conditions?' Perhaps one's goal is to induce a
historic episode of arroyo cutting has ended as a stream to backfill its arroyo. 'What will be the
result of climatic changes whose extent, character, sources of bedload and suspended sediment, and
magnitude, and duration have yet to be clearly recog- what will be the desired aggradation rate?' 'What
nized and defined by earth scientists. It is much measures will be taken to maintain stable plant cover
easier to discern the crossing of a threshold than to on the watershed slopes and in riparian settings?'
predict it. In truth, we remain ignorant about the Time and money are likely to be wasted unless the
complex details of geomorphic responses to short- system is close to the critical-power threshold. It
term climatic changes. may be hopeless to develop an economically sound
Humans, through policies of watershed and range program to alluviate and revegetate valley floors of
management, will playa role in the long-term back- strongly degradational streams. On the other hand,
filling of the arroyos, a process that appears to have soil conservation measures may be quite effective for
begun. Plant cover remains the key to managing maintaining stability in unentrenched reaches or for
these fluvial systems. Unfortunately, we know little reducing instability of arroyo banks.
about how combined changes in temperature, mean The perceptive reader will discern a paradox re-
annual precipitation, rainfall intensity, rain/snow ra- garding land use by humans in areas of discontinu-
tio, seasonality of precipitation, and duration of ous ephemeral streams. Indigenous farmers of south-
droughts might influence germination, length of western North America used channel-fan reaches to
growing season, species composition, and density of grow their crops (Hack, 1942; Waters, 1991) in a
plant communities. The relative importance of short- manner that promoted infiltration of streamflow and
term climatic changes and actions of humans on deterred channel entrenchment (Nabhan, 1982). In
arroyo cutting and the more general subject of deser- contrast, modem livestock grazing involves harvest-
tification remains largely indeterminate. ing of vegetation on a landscape that is inherently
Sensitive discontinuous ephemeral stream systems unstable. Grazing affects the entire watershed and
that are subject to minimal local human impacts may can be a perturbation that forces the mode of opera-
provide data to evaluate and model the consequences tion to the erosional side of the threshold. Thus, the
of future short-term climatic changes. Fortunately, very act of grazing creates changes that render the
the foresight of Luna Leopold led to the establish- land less productive. Decrease in range productivity
ment of baseline study watersheds, the Vigil Net- in southern Arizona during the past century may be
work, in the western United States (Osterkamp et aI., as high as 50%. Where discontinuous ephemeral
1990, 1991; Osterkamp and Emmett, 1992). streams are kept strongly to the erosional side of the
The outlook is not good for cheap and effective threshold, the detrimental effects will include de-
control of arroyo cutting and gullies. Studies of creases in the quantity and quality of forage, and also
prehistoric arroyos drive home two important points. long-term loss of the soil resource. The fragile nature
(1) Discontinuous ephemeral streams are inherently of these stream systems requires careful management
unstable and have crossed to the erosional side of the decisions from the standpoint of long-term eco-
threshold repeatedly, even without human alterations nomics. If sustained economic production from the
W.B. Bull / Geomorphology 19 (1997) 227-276 273

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