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Name: ____________________________ Date: _______________

HR/Cohort ___________ Argosy Class of 202X


DIRECTIONS: Pretend you are going to travel to a country in Central of South

Asia. Create a travel brochure about your country.
Your brochure must include the following:
1. A cover with a title.
2. A drawing of the flag from that country.
3. ALL important tourist information listed below:
a. Language(s) spoken
b. At least 2 key phrases like Hello, Thank you, Please, Goodbye, etc.
c. Currency used
d. Currency exchange rate
e. Capital
f. Major cities
g. Head of government & Type of government. (Prime Minster/President and
his/her name, etc.)
h. Climate
i. At least 2 major holidays-names and dates

4. A description of at least 4 well known foods, including 1 dessert.

5. A list (at least 3) of famous tourist sites, such as:
a. Historical sites, Museums, Churches or other religious places,
Monuments, Sporting events, Festivals, Government buildings,
Parks/zoos, Physical features like mountains, volcanoes, rivers or lakes.
b. Write a 1 sentence description of each tourist site.

6. A map of country with major cities marked. Map must also have surrounding
countries and bodies of water labeled. (May be hand-drawn or printed) Map can
be taped on if necessary.
7. A timeline with at least 5 dates and events that occurred throughout the history of
your country.
8. At least 2 other drawings (these can be of anything: food, tourist sites, currency,
PROJECT DUE: ____________________________

PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME: _________________________________

PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: _________________________________

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