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Leve Level Descriptor Criterion A: Analyzing What Were Looking For

1-2 Provides limited analysis of the content, Provides a limited level of analysis of the mise-en-scene
Provides limited analysis of the effects of the creators Does not identify any cinematic element
choices Limited comprehension of the cinematographers purpose in using the
Rarely justifies opinions; cinematic element
Reflective commentary rarely displays an analysis of the mise-en-scene;
does not make any reference
3-4 The student: provides adequate analysis of the content Provides a good level of analysis of the mise-en-scene
Provides adequate analysis of creators choices Identifies a cinematic element
Justifies opinions and ideas with some examples and Adequate comprehension of the cinematographers purpose in using the
explanations, though this may not be consistent; cinematic element
Reflective commentary displays an adequate analysis of the mise-en-
scene by citing some examples and references which support the
students point, but only up to a certain degree
5-6 The student: competently analyses the content Provides a sufficient level of analysis of the mise-en-scene
Competently analyses the effects Identifies the major cinematic element
Sufficiently justifies opinions Sufficient comprehension of the cinematographers purpose in using the
cinematic element
Reflective commentary displays a competent analysis of the mise-en-
scene by citing examples and references which support the students
7-8 Provides perceptive analysis of the content, context, language, Provides a deep level of analysis of the mise-en-scene
structure, technique, style of text(s) and the relationship among Identifies the significant cinematic element
texts, Excellent comprehension of the cinematographers purpose in using the
perceptively analyses the effects of the creators choices on cinematic element
an audience, Reflective commentary displays a thorough analysis of the mise-en-scene
gives detailed justification of opinions and ideas with a range by citing examples and references which greatly support the students
of examples, and thorough explanations; point

Lev Level Descriptor Criterion B: Organizing What Were Looking For

1-2 Makes minimal use of organizational structures, Analytical statement is organized in a limited manner. Flow of thought is
Organizes opinions and ideas with a minimal degree of confusing
coherence & logic, Students analysis is minimal and ambiguous

3-4 Makes adequate use of organizational structures Analytical statement is adequately organized and demonstrates visible
Organizes opinions and ideas with some degree of flow of thought
coherence & logic Students analysis is adequate and somehow understandable.

5-6 Makes competent use of organizational structures Analytical statement is well-organized and demonstrates a consistent flow
Organizes opinions and ideas in a coherent and logical of thought
manner with ideas building on each other, Students analysis is competent and understandable.

7-8 The student: makes sophisticated use of organizational Analytical statement is excellently organized and demonstrates a
structures that serve the context and intention effectively, coherent flow of thought
Effectively organizes opinions and ideas in a sustained, Students analysis is logical and intelligible.
coherent and logical manner with ideas building on each
other in a sophisticated way,
Lev Level Descriptor Criterion C: Producing Text What Were Looking For
1-2 Produces texts that demonstrate limited personal
Demonstrates a limited degree of insight, imagination and
Selects few relevant details and examples to develop ideas.
3-4 Produces texts that demonstrate adequate personal
engagement with the creative process;
Demonstrates some insight, imagination and sensitivity
Selects some relevant details and examples to develop
5-6 Produces texts that demonstrate considerable personal
engagement with the creative process
Selects sufficient relevant details and examples to develop
7-8 The student: produces texts that demonstrate a high
degree of personal engagement with the creative process;
Demonstrates a high degree of insight, imagination and
sensitivity and perceptive exploration of, and critical
reflection on, new perspectives and ideas,
Selects extensive relevant details and examples to
develop ideas with precision.

Lev Level Descriptor Criterion D: Using Language What Were Looking For
1-2 Uses a limited range Limited use of language which makes his/her own point unclear
Uses grammar, syntax and punctuation with limited accuracy; Numerous errors on grammar, syntax, and punctuation
Errors often hinder communication, Uses vocabulary and sentence structures are limited
Spells/writes and pronounces with limited accuracy;

3-4 Uses an adequate range Adequate use of language which somehow conveys his/her own point
Sometimes writes and speaks in a register and style that serve Several errors on grammar, syntax, and punctuation
the context Uses some range of vocabulary and sentence structures that manifest
Spells/writes and pronounces with some degree of accuracy; knowledge of the language
Errors sometimes hinder communication,
5-6 Uses a varied range Competent use of language which clearly conveys his/her own point
Writes and speaks competently in a register and style Minor errors on grammar, syntax, and punctuation
Uses grammar, syntax and punctuation with a considerable Utilizes a range of vocabulary and sentence structures that manifest
degree of accuracy; considerable knowledge of the language
Errors do not hinder effective communication, spells/writes and
pronounces with a considerable degree of accuracy;
7-8 The student: effectively uses a range of appropriate Proficient use of language which effectively conveys his/her own point
vocabulary, sentence structures and forms of expression, Grammar, syntax, and punctuation are flawless
Writes and speaks in a consistently appropriate register and Utilizes a range of vocabulary and sentence structures that manifest deep
style that serve the context and intention, knowledge of the language
Uses grammar, syntax and punctuation with a high degree of
Errors are minor and communication is effective, spells/writes
and pronounces with a high degree of accuracy;

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