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Biologia, Bratislava, 62/6: 774780, 2007

Section Cellular and Molecular Biology

DOI: 10.2478/s11756-007-0147-8

Total lipid and fatty acid compositions of Lertha sheppardi

(Neuroptera: Nemopteridae) during its main life stages

Ozlem Cakmak1, Mehmet Bashan2 & Ali Satar2

Department of Biology, Education Faculty, Dicle University, 21280 Diyarbakir, Turkey; email:
Department of Biology, Science and Art Faculty, Dicle University, 21280 Diyarbakir, Turkey

Abstract: Total lipid and the fatty acid compositions of phospholipid and triacylglycerol fractions, prepared from eggs,
3rd instars of larvae, pupae, male and female adults of Lertha sheppardi, were analyzed by gas chromatography and gas
chromatography-mass spectrometry. The eect of diet (adults nutrition) on fatty acid composition of L. sheppardi adults
was also investigated. Total lipid of L. sheppardi considerably increased in adults compared with immature stages. There
was a signicant decrease in total lipid level in larval stage in contrast with egg stage. Qualitative analysis revealed the
presence of 14 fatty acids during all stages. The major components were C16 and C18 saturated and unsaturated components
which are ubiquitous to most animal species. In addition to these components, one odd-chain (C17:0) and prostaglandin
precursor fatty acids were found. The fatty acid proles of phospholipids and triacylglycerols were substantially dierent. In
phospholipid fraction, monounsaturated fatty acids were the major proportion of fatty acids in both sex of adults and pupae,
whereas polyunsaturated fatty acids were the most dominant fatty acids in eggs and 3rd instars. Results of triacylglycerol
fraction revealed that fatty acid composition of eggs had higher level of C16:1, C18:0 and C18:3n-3 content than that of 3rd
instars and pupae, which suggests accumulation of energetic and structural reserve materials during embryonic development.
At more advanced developmental stages, mainly in adult females, the amount of C16:1 increased once again, which may be
related to the need for accumulation of sucient energy and of carbon reservoir in the developing new vitellum. Percentages
of C18:1 were signicantly high in adult stages compared to other stages. These ndings indicate that the accumulation and
consumption of fatty acids uctuate through dierent development stages. Diet did not eect the fatty acid composition of
L. sheppardi adults.
Key words: developmental stage; fatty acid composition; Lertha sheppardi.
Abbreviations: FA, fatty acid; FAME, fatty acid methyl ester; MUFA, monounsaturated fatty acid; PL, phospholipid;
PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acid; SFA, saturated fatty acid; TG, triacylglycerol; TLC, thin-layer chromatography.

Introduction et al. 1974), Dendroctonus frontalis (Hodges & Barras

1974), Galleria mellonella (Janda 1975), Culex pipiens
Fatty acids (FAs) carry out various functions in insects. quinquefasciatus (Albrecht et al. 1977), Ceratitis capi-
They are the primary energy source during the periods tata (Pagani et al. 1980), Acheta domesticus (Cripps &
of non-feeding, such as diapause and long migratory De Renobales 1988), Manduca sexta (Ogg & Stanley-
ights (Beenakkers et al. 1985), and during the non- Samuelson 1992), Eurygaster integriceps (Bashan et al.
feeding stages of development (Downer 1985). FAs serve 2002) and Melanogryllus desertus (Bozkus 2003) most
as precursors in the biosynthesis of pheromones, waxes, of which show some developmental dierences. Parasad
and eicosanoids. Moreover, FAs are structural compo- et al. (1986) suggested that the signicant changes
nents of membranes and defensive secretions (Stanley- in lipid composition and in the physical properties of
Samuelson et al. 1988), and they are essential compo- lipophorin occur during metamorphosis from larvae to
nents in the function of the cuticle (Blomquist & Dill- pupa in M. sexta. Thus, at the end of the 5th instar,
with 1985). Because the relative importance of these and at the initiation of the pre-pupa stage, there is a
functions varies throughout the development, the rate decrease in lipid content, which is followed by a large
of FA biosynthesis also would be expected to uctuate increase 12 h later. According to Akpnar et al. (2003),
according to physiological needs. there were no dierences between FA proles of eggs,
FA proles have been documented and compiled nymphs, male and female adults of Gryllus campestris.
for a large number of insects, but the changes in FA Miller & Blankenhip (1973) found that larvae and
composition during development have been studied in adult of Vitula edmandsae serratilineela contained rela-
only a few species Periplaneta americana (Kinsella tively high levels of C16:0 (palmitic acid), C16:1 (palmi-
1966), Heliothis zea (Lambremont 1971), Lyctus plani- toleic acid) and C18:1 (oleic acid) even when these acids
collis (Maulding et al. 1971), Dacus oleae (Madariaga were not predominant in the dietary lipid.


c 2007 Institute of Molecular Biology, Slovak Academy of Sciences Download Date | 12/11/16 8:50 PM
Fatty acid analysis of Lertha sheppardi 775

Neuroptera order is greatly underrepresented in Analysis of insects FAs

the literature on insect and lipid biochemistry. Very few The insects were processed for lipid extraction and analy-
studies on the total FA composition of the Neuroptera sis following the methods described by Howard & Stanley-
order have been performed (Fast 1970; Lemesle et al. Samuelson (1990). Total lipids were extracted by homog-
1997; Nelson et al. 2003). To the best of our knowl- enizing groups of 30 3rd (last) instars, 25 pupae, 20
adult males, and 20 adults females per sample in chlo-
edge, nobody has investigated FA composition of phos- roform/methanol (2:1, v/v). Autoxidation of unsaturated
pholipid (PL) and triacylglycerol (TG) fractions of an components was minimized by adding 50 L of 2% buty-
insect belonging to this order. lated hydroxytoluene in chloroform to each sample during
Nemopteridae are unique insects by virtue of their the extraction process.
long lamentous or ribbon-like hind wings, which often The total lipid extracts were dried under a stream of
have broad dilations. Adults feed exclusively on pollen N2 , then PL and TG fractions were isolated by thin-layer
and nectar facilitated by long specialized mouth parts, chromatography (TLC), using Silica Gel G TLC plates (20
whilst all larvae are carnivores (Mansell 1992). Lertha 20 cm, 0.25-mm thick). After applying the total lipid ex-

sheppardi is endemic to Turkey (Satar & Ozbay 2004). tracts, the TLC plates were developed in petroleum ether:
diethyl ether: acetic acid (80:20:1, v/v). Lipid fractions
The aim of this study was to investigate the
were made visible by spraying the TLC plates with 2,7-
changes in PL and TG FA compositions of L. shep- dichlorouorescein (Supelco, Supelco Park, PA, USA), and
pardi males and females in various development stages PL and TG fractions were identied by corresponding stan-
of the insect such as eggs, 3rd instars, and pupae. We dards.
also wanted to evaluate the eect of diet on FA compo- The PL and TG fractions were scraped into reaction
sition of female adults. The results are compared with vials, and the associated FAs were transmethylated by re-
reported changes in FA composition and with physio- uxing the fractions in acidied methanol for 90 min at
logical and biochemical events. 85 C. The fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) were extracted
from the reaction vials three times with hexane, and con-
Material and methods Total lipids were conducted using the method of
Christie (1982).
Eggs of L. sheppardi were obtained from gravid females col- Gas chromatography
lected at dierent points of South East of Turkey (2004 The FAMEs were analyzed on gas chromatography using
2005). Gravid females were individually separated and an Ati Unicam 610 gas chromatograph equipped with a
placed individually into plastic jars in order to obtain eggs SP-2330 capillary column (0.25 mmX 30 M, 0.2 m lm
under laboratory conditions. Some drops of water, a few thickness, Supelco), a ame ionization detector and an Uni-
grains of commercial pollen (Aksuvital), and fresh Lisea cam 4815 recording integrator. The separations were con-
strigosa with owers (belonging to the Apiaceae) were in- ducted with temperature programming from 180 to 200 C
troduced into each jar. Once laid, eggs were transferred at 5 C/min, after an initial 2min hold. FAMEs were identi-
into small vials for larval development. The larvae were ed by comparisons of retention times with authentic stan-
kept in laboratory, using the methods of Monserrat & Mar- dards (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO, USA). Individ-
tinez (1995). Larvae of L. sheppardi were fed on Tenebri- ual FAMEs were identied by comparisons with the chro-
onids, Tipulids and small arthropods in laboratory condi- matographic behaviors of authentic standards.
tions. Eggs, 3rd instars, pupae and adults were transferred
into chloroform/methanol (2:1, v/v). They were kept deep Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
frozen (20 C) until use. Adults of L. sheppardi feed on The chemical structures of the FAMEs were conrmed by
owers ofL. strigosa and these tissues were prepared for capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS).
analysis. GC-MS analyses were made using a GC-MS equipment (HP
5890E series GC-System, Hewlett-Packard, Palo Alto, CA,
Analysis of total FA of L. strigosa USA) with mass-selective detection. An Innowax column (30
Total lipids were extracted from three groups of 5 g of fresh m 0.25 mm i.d., 0.25 m lm thickness) was used, and
owers of L. strigosa by the method of Bligh & Dyer (1959). the temperature was programmed from 150 to 230 C at a
Autoxidation of unsaturated FAs was minimized by addi- 2 C/min increase with an initial hold of 36 min. The carrier
tion of 50 L of 2% butylated hydroxytoluene in chloroform gas was helium (1 mL/min) and the split ratio was 1:50. The
to each sample. Saponication preparation of FA methyl injection port and the detector temperatures were 250 and
esters for gas chromatography was performed as described 300 C, respectively. The mass spectrometer was operated
(Stanley-Samuelson & Dadd 1981). The extracts were dried in the electron impact ionization mode (70 eV). Chemical
under N2 and then taken up in 1.5 mL of 1.0 N KOH and structures of the FAMEs were identied by comparison with
1.5 mL of methanol. The tubes were sealed under N2 then the Wiley 275 and Nist 98 databank. Chemical structures of
reuxed at 85 C for 2 h. Non-saponiable lipids were sep- the FAMEs were determined by analysis of spectra and by
arated by adding 3 mL of water and then extracting with comparing obtained spectra with the spectra of authentic
5 mL of petroleum ether. The FA-containing aqueous layer standards.
was acidied by addition of concentrated sulfuric acid. FAs
were then extracted three times with petroleum ether. The Statistical analysis
samples were dried under N2 and FA methyl esters were Statistical analyses of percentages of FAs were tested by
formed by reuxing in acidied methanol for 1 h. The tubes analysis of variance (ANOVA) and comparisons between
were cooled and after adding 3 mL of water, the methyl es- means were performed with Tukey test. Dierences between
ters were extracted three times with 3 mL petroleum ether. means were evaluated as signicant if P < 0.05.

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776 O. Cakmak et al.

Table 1. The percentage of total lipid of L. sheppardi at dierent at dierent development stages. In PL fraction, the
main life stages. major saturated FAs of eggs were C16:0 and C18:0
(12.80% and 8.50%, respectively). The major unsatu-
Main life stages Total lipid (%)
rated FAs in eggs were C18:1 and C 18:2n-6 (31.25%
Eggs 15.38 and 30.05%, respectively). Low proportions of C14:0,
3rd instars 8.60 C20:3n-6 (eicosatrienoic acid) and C20:4n-6 (arachi-
Pupa 9.91 donic acid) were detected in eggs and all other main
Female adult 13.77
Male adult 14.49 life stages. However, C17:0 was detected only in adults
and pupae. The content of C18:2 showed signicant de-
crease starting from the 3th instars, but showed an in-
crease in adults. There were no important dierences
Results in both sexes, except C16:0 and C18:0.
All of the three classes of FAs, the saturated (SFAs;
The percentage of total lipid of L. sheppardi at dier- F = 625; P < 0.001), monounsaturates (MUFAs; F =
ent development stages and sexes are shown in Table 1. 1954; P < 0.001), and polyunsaturates (PUFAs; F =
They were relatively high in eggs, but they sharply de- 1153; P < 0.001), varied signicantly through main life
creased in the 3rd instars. Total lipid content increased stages. MUFAs constituted the major proportion of FAs
in adults, especially in males. in both sexes of adults and pupae, whereas PUFAs were
The FA compositions of PLs and TGs prepared the most dominant FAs in eggs and 3rd instars. The
from eggs, 3rd instars, pupa, males and females of L. proportion of SFAs was always the lowest in each stages
sheppardi are given in Tables 2 and 3. There were dif- or sex, but they considerably increased in abundance in
ferences between the lipid fractions. The major FAs 3rd instars and pupae in comparison to that of egg or
comprising the PL fraction were C18:1, C16:0, and adult stages.
C18:2n-6 (linoleic acid). Small amounts of C12:0 (lau- In TG fraction, the FA proles from eggs and 3rd
ric acid), C14:0 (myristic acid), C17:0 (heptadecanoic instars were not the same; there was a decrease in MU-
acid), C20:1 (eicosenoic acid), and C20 PUFAs were FAs (Table 3). In addition, eggs diered from the other
also observed in these fractions (Table 2). The TGs stages with lower proportions of C18:2 and higher pro-
are composed primarily of C16:0, C18:0 (stearic acid), portions of C18:0 and C18:3n-3 acids. Percentage levels
and C18:1. In addition to these components, quanti- of C18:1 were shown signicantly high in adult stages
tatively minor FAs were present (Table 3). Odd-chain in contrast to other stages. In this fraction, the pro-
FA and eicosanoid precursor C20 PUFAs were detected portions of SFAs increased more signicantly than PL
by ame ionization gas chromatography only sporadi- fraction.
cally; they were in low titres. More sensitive analysis by The FA compositions of PLs and TGs prepared
GC-MS conrmed that these components are present from female adults, and the total FA composition of
in both fractions. Especially the PLs were higher than L. strigosa on which the adults were fed are presented
TGs in C20 PUFAs. in Table 4. We selected female adults because there
There were uctuations in level of some FAs were no signicant dierences between male and fe-

Table 2. FA compositions, as proportions of total FAs, in phospholipids prepared from total lipid extract of whole L. sheppardi at the
indicated main life stages.a

Fatty acid Eggs 3rd instars Pupae Adult females Adult males

C12:0 0.50 0.08a 0.73 0.06a 0.75 0.07a 1.02 0.11b

C14:0 0.31 0.05a 0.20 0.08b 0.19 0.09b 0.36 0.09a 0.67 0.03c
C16:0 12.80 1.51a 15.47 0.80b 13.01 0.97a 16.19 3.04b 13.02 1.72a
C16:1 4.93 1.04a 2.33 0.41b 4.10 0.59a 4.81 0.53a 4.14 0.54a
C17:0 0.11 0.06a 0.30 0.07a 0.57 0.09a
C18:0 8.50 1.10a 11.18 0.65b 13.10 1.09c 6.53 0.54d 9.05 0.93a
C18:1 31.25 2.54a 25.64 2.26b 36.08 2.46c 38.35 3.15d 39.03 2.84d
C18:2n-6 30.05 2.81a 38.13 3.20b 27.02 2.12c 28.10 1.16c 29.02 1.03c
C18:3n-3 4.31 0.33a 2.89 0.14b 3.09 0.77b 2.59 0.20b 1.63 0.45b
C20:1n-9 1.03 0.07
C20:2n-6 0.19 0.06a 0.03 0.08b 0.20 0.06a
C20:3n-6 2.56 0.71a 2.10 0.77b 1.50 0.12c 0.50 0.31d 0.70 0.23d
C20:4n-6 2.50 0.27a 1.30 0.12b 1.60 0.57b 1.12 0.30b 1.29 0.33b
C20:5n-3 0.06 0.03a 0.40 0.08b 0.22 0.23b

SFA 23.12 2.33a 27.58 2.11b 26.41 1.65b 24.13 2.60c 24.31 1.02c
MUFA 37.21 3.47a 27.97 2.75b 40.18 3.77c 43.16 3.65d 43.19 3.50d
PUFA 39.48 2.13a 44.45 3.08b 33.41 1.94c 32.69 3.23d 32.87 3.08d

a The values are shown as mean SD. Means are the averages of three replicates using 30 3rd instars, 25 pupae, 20 adult males, and
20 adult females per replicates. Means with the same letter in each row do not signicantly dierent from each other, P > 0.05.

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Fatty acid analysis of Lertha sheppardi 777
Table 3. FA compositions, as proportions of total FAs, in TGs prepared from total lipid extract of whole L. sheppardi at the indicated
main life stages.a

Fatty acid Eggs 3rd instars Pupae Adult females Adult males

C12:0 0.15 0.02a 0.44 0.05b 0.23 0.04a 1.02 0.07c 0.70 0.11c
C14:0 3.75 0.13a 4.58 0.05b 1.02 0.11c 0.74 0.02d 2.08 0.02e
C16:0 29.23 2.47a 31.02 3.85b 34.94 1.80c 23.03 3.07d 19.90 1.69e
C16:1 2.32 0.22a 1.10 0.91b 0.90 0.04b 3.82 0.33c 5.63 0.42d
C17:0 0.15 0.08a 1.02 0.02b 1.15 0.14b
C18:0 35.83 2.14a 33.18 2.77b 26.95 1.09c 13.82 0.63d 14.36 0.22d
C18:1 20.50 2.40a 16.13 1.61b 24.28 2.54c 45.61 3.82d 45.56 3.66d
C18:2n-6 5.20 1.01a 12.68 1.28b 10.94 1.14b 7.43 0.36c 8.73 1.09c
C18:3n-3 4.31 0.33a 2.89 0.14b 3.09 0.77b 2.47 0.20b 1.38 0.45c
C20:1n-9 1.01 0.05
C20:2n-6 0.08 0.01
C20:3n-6 0.20 0.30
C20:4n-6 0.35 0.12a 0.12 0.30b 0.25 0.33c
C20:5n-3 0.08 0.01a 0.11 0.03a

SFA 68.81 4.01a 69.22 3.47a 63.29 3.31b 39.63 2.13c 38.18 2.09d
MUFA 23.83 2.40a 17.23 1.71b 25.18 2.04a 51.54 3.83c 52.84 3.92c
PUFA 7.21 0.94a 13.53 1.28b 11.12 1.57c 8.92 0.88d 9.43 1.05d

a The values are shown as mean SD. Means are the averages of three replicates using 30 3rd instars, 25 pupae, 20 adult males, and
20 adult females per replicates. Means with the same letter in each row do not signicantly dierent from each other, P > 0.05.

Table 4. Proportions of FAs, as percentage of total FAs, in the phospholipid and TG fractions of total lipid extracts from female adults
of L. sheppardi and their respective adult diet.a

Fatty acid Phospholipid Triacylglycerol Total FAs of Diet

C12:0 0.75 0.07a 1.02 0.07a

C14:0 0.36 0.09a 0.74 0.02a 4.01 0.08b
C16:0 16.19 3.04a 23.03 3.07b 27.92 1.19c
C16:1 4.81 0.53a 3.82 0.33b 1.20 0.03c
C17:0 0.30 0.07a 1.02 0.02b 0.42 0.10a
C18:0 6.53 0.54a 13.82 0.63b 1.93 0.23c
C18:1 38.35 3.15a 45.61 3.82b 3.18 0.87c
C18:2n-6 28.10 1.16a 7.43 0.36b 36.63 3.16c
C18:3n-3 2.59 0.20a 2.47 0.20a 24.71 2.07b
C20:3n-6 0.50 0.31
C20:4n-6 1.12 0.30a 0.12 0.30b
C20:5n-3 0.40 0.08a 0.08 0.01b

SFA 24.13 2.60a 39.63 2.13b 34.28 3.31c

MUFA 43.16 3.65a 51.54 3.83b 4.38 2.04c
PUFA 32.69 3.23a 8.92 0.88b 61.34 1.57c

a The values are shown as mean SD. Means are the averages of three replicates using 20 adult females per replicates. Means with

the same letter in each row do not signicantly dierent from each other, P > 0.05.

male adults. The major components in L. strigosa in- cording to main life stages and sexes of L. sheppardi.
clude C16:0, C18:2n-6, and C18:3n-3. We observed im- Results revealed that the total lipid amount is signif-
portant dierences between insect FA proles and their icantly higher in eggs than that in 3rd instars, which
dietary proles. In particular, the L. strigosa had higher suggests an accumulation of energetic and structural
proportions of C18:2n-6 (37% vs. 28%) and C18:3n-3 reserve materials during vitellogenesis and a late con-
(25% vs. 2%), but lower proportions of C18:1 (3% vs. sumption during embryonic development. Several stud-
38%) compared to PLs. The same dierences were also ies (Cripps et al. 1988; Nestel et al. 2003) have shown
detected in TG fraction. We also note the evidence for that insect lipids increase because of absorption or syn-
the biosynthesis of C20 PUFAs from their dietary C18 thesis from food material during larval stages. Pupae of
counterparts. The PL fatty acids of female adults in- many insects contain large amounts of lipids deposited
cluded 20:3n-6, 20:4n-6, and 20:5n-3 (eicasopentaenoic) during larval life, and these large stores are metabolized
acids, which are characteristically absent from plant slowly during the pupal adult transformation to provide
lipids. energy for new synthesis and cellular changes (Agrell &
Lundquist 1973; Beenakkers et al. 1985). Changes in
Discussion lipid stores occur because of ight, mating activities,
and oviposition (Gilby 1965) in the adult stage. In this
We observed that the amount of total lipid changed ac- study, the total lipid amount increased during the pu-

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778 O. Cakmak et al.

pal stage relative to the larval stage. However, we did Barras 1974). Ogg & Stanley-Samuelson (1992) showed
not observe a signicant increase in lipid content, be- that FA proles of PLs and TGs from Manduca sexta
cause we assayed the last larval stage before pupation are dierent in each stage of development. Total FA
in treatments. The adult stage had higher lipid con- compositions of developmental stage of Apanteles gal-
tent than that of immature stages. The accumulation leria were also signicantly dierent from each other
of lipid in adults may be related to ight and reproduc- (Nurullahoglu et. al. 2004).
tive activities. Candy & Kilby (1975) reported that the The data reported here similarly indicate that the
signicant increases in lipid content of males relative FA proles of PLs and TGs from whole insects of L.
to females might be related to higher ight activities sheppardi are dierent at each stage of development.
of males in search of females for mating. Also, females For example, in PL fraction, MUFAs constituted the
might have laid their eggs, and consumed some of their major proportion of FAs in both sexes of adults and
lipid storage before extractions were performed. During pupae, whereas PUFAs were the most dominant FAs
ovarial development, lipids synthesized in the fat body in eggs and 3rd instars. The proportion of SFAs was
are transported to the developing ovary, and stored for always the smallest in each stages or sex, but they con-
use in embryogenesis. siderably increased in abundance in 3rd instars and pu-
The FA compositions during main life stages of pae in comparison with that of egg or adult stages. In
male and females of L. sheppardi were also studied TG fraction, the FA proles from eggs and 3rd instars
in this work. The data presented here indicate that were not the same; there was a decrease in the MUFAs.
the quantitatively major FAs associated with PLs and In addition, eggs diered from the other stages, with
TGs prepared from L. sheppardi include C16:0, C18:0, lower proportions of C18:2n-6, and higher proportions
C18:1, C18:2n-6 and C18:3n-3, as reported for many of C18:0 and C18:3n-3 acids. Results of TG fraction
other Neuropthera and most other insect orders (Fast revealed that FA composition of eggs had higher level
1970). Although these components are common to most of C16:1, C18:0 and C18:3n-3 content than that in 3rd
insects, the FA compositions of various species are instars and pupae, which suggests an accumulation of
considerably variable. Certain groups of insects stand energetic and structural reserve materials during em-
out because they exhibit unusual and characteristic bryonic development. At more advanced developmen-
FA proles (Stanley-Samuelson et al. 1988). Dipterans tal stages, C16:1 increases once again, mainly in adult
are characteristically high in C16:1 (Fast 1970). The females, which may be related to the need for accumu-
dipteran pattern of high C16:1 was also seen in four lation of sucient energy and of carbon reservoir in the
heteropterans: Blissus leucopterus leucopterus, Blissus developing new vitellum. In general, TG FA proles do
iowensis (Spike et al. 1991), Eurygaster maura L. (Kil- not change through the excursion of the life cycle. How-
incer et al. 1987) and Eurygaster integriceps (Bashan ever, in L. sheppardi, the TG FA proles changed. TGs,
et al. 2002). However, proportion of C16:1 is low in the typical lipids of energy reserve, are the major lipids
most Heteroptera (Thompson 1973; Bashan & Cakmak consumed before eclosion of the eggs, probably to sup-
2005). Some aphids have up to 80% of C14:0, and coc- port the metabolic eort implied in embryogenesis. The
cids are characterized by high proportions of C10:0 and carbon needed in carbohydrate and protein synthesis
C12:0 (Fast 1970). The waxmoth Galleria mellonella during embryogenesis could also be supplied by degra-
diers from other insects with high proportions of C20:1 dation of TGs. TGs whose major repository is the fat
in TGs of males but not females (Stanley-Samuelson body in insects are frequently associated with species
1984). Aquatic insects stand out with very high propor- that undergo lengthy periods of metabolic activity (e.g.,
tions (> 20%) of C20:4n-6 and C20:5n-3 components in diapause or migratory ights) or that have non-feeding
their tissue lipids (Hanson et al. 1985). C20 PUFAs were stages of development (e.g., pupae, adult). However,
also detected in Collembola specimens from a decidu- PLs function as structural components of membranes
ous woodland at proportions up to 29.7% of total FA (Downer 1985).
composition (Chamberlain & Black 2005). We did not The unsaturated FAs to saturated FAs ratio for
observe unusual FA prole in L. sheppardi unlike the PLs of L. sheppardi was signicantly higher than the ra-
certain insects. tio calculated for TGs, mainly because of the high pro-
The FA prole in insects varies considerably. Many portion of C18:1 and C18:2n-6 acids. One of the promi-
factors inuence the FA composition, such as enviro- nent patterns in insect FA compositions is that PUFAs
mental temperature, stage of development, diet, sex, are generally found in higher proportions of PLs, as
diapause, and migratory ight (Beenakkers et al. 1985). opposed to neutral lipids (Stanley-Samuelson & Dadd
In particular, development and diet exert strong inu- 1983). C18 PUFAs, especially C18:2n-6 acid, tend to
ences on the shape of FA proles. This is the case for the occur preferentially in insect PLs (Howard & Stanley-
mosquito Culex torsalis where larvae appear to be far Samuelson 1990; Stanley-Samuelson et al. 1990); and
lower than adults in C18:1 (Takata & Harwood 1964). our data are in accord with this general observation, as
The FA proles of 20day-old larvae of the beetle Lyc- C18 PUFAs, C18:2n-6, and C18:3n-3 (linolenic acid),
tus planicollis are very dierent from those of 60day- are found in considerably higher proportions for the
old larvae in terms of C18:1 (Maulding et al. 1971). PL PL FAs than that for the TGs. High levels of these 18
FA proles dier among eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults PUFAs in the PL could be based on a number of phys-
of the pine beetle Dendroctonus frontalis (Hodges & iological factors. One of the major functions of C18:2n-

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Fatty acid analysis of Lertha sheppardi 779

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