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‘Rural People at Worship The lesnonite Biblien Seiwany Tibrary The git of BBV. & 18S, TASTER SST ‘Roral People at Worship B EDWARD KRUSEN ZIEGLER comm 1543 6 Ps Ave, Non Yr PREFACE, su i 4 book of wonkip matrls and programs called "eo the rl nae ofthe moc After the pablen of “A Book of Wand for Vilage Chases in 3p Bese evident hat dhe gre need Yo caltng rls which ae Feing wed and dencoped in rua csc sen cotton to the eaimeiel movement in erp, ands meas of im Insag the development of sore dicneve rust work. THs eal is ep in meting dat ned. ‘Teter ang for indigent rtal worip mauris were ent atin he nme af oye tad ioqi w Fuad ccc leader fst and tions all over the worl ough the aang Fie and oles of Ages Mons In, a€ New os ‘The ined rd id pon misionaies and har leaders bythe wary andthe inating difcly of ination com unison preted the sending of as aah vale ati shea deed. ‘The autho owes, bowerer a deep dee of graze ode bn ro of sora, pan, teers, shor, and ory ‘secures in many nde wo have so racoud antl hi by Sending raters, poses, and suggestions No ney all of {Bis muri can be ued wihin the compar of 2 book chap ‘ough to have the wide cretion for whch thie book Hanae. Thanks ae slo duet thon who have anlted nite Fab Grom sve guages iat English "Te ators deb to Mr John H. Relies execuiesecraaey of Ageccal Minos, In, and ofthe Chasis Rural Fe Tomship for encourgemeat, inspiron, and Help alven witht ‘in aed in cone ye both in prepartion and pion ike loli eynd computation. The author wobe to dank ll mere and publishes of copy Fighters who hive wo gracioaly given pemnision fr thee of hie wor im poparaton ofthis ak He ha ied o 0 ine proper rit forall mati wed, bk eopyeahed snd topyrgheds i any such acknowledgment ha ben inde ey oie, be wil yt mle retin. Peon to oat ffm de Amesican Standard Version ft ie hax bra goated bythe Intemational Counc of Religie Edson, hold the eopyigh "hd of gate owed by the athe w 3 number of ebere ave greyed in preparing the bok explo Mi Marewee Tal Me Margate Date and Mr: Esber chalice who bpe in any ways and pve ely of thie Aime and ll So rearing the ater and pig the ean mae Tilly the author's dpe pate i expec m hie wit, lide Biinger Zep, who constant coun abd pier in spirain fas Leen the gtets source of encuragenen this Grove fr the ror borer a the werd, nwano K, icesn September, 19 PUBLISHER'S NOTE, ye ben an ener pee calibre with Me Tsien king Ronse Benes wr Wontar alte to hae Soot the nee of he rage rl church and C2 the eligi net of oa ie woe the wes 1 ogi Iu worthy conpeo have ths es Book of Worip jor Vilage Charen pib in 99 and i nmr lr ‘iced in tp bythe Cero Word ofthe Fee ‘oc of the Chiche of Chris in Ameria We ae gain ray inde oa fo Tater oe epiaton to Foal wei. ‘Whereas Raak of Wovhip for Vlge Cares was wren primary forthe riloge chin Tia ad Cory tar was Sen pay forthe rural ehuch in Aerio, Rena Poorer [Wont wat writen with he whole word in mind a on ‘Tout tthe groving een! movement. fe wl be day Sf erent ring when te rr people of te weed can be united tn oni hat snc tr diy tla ie ad can rease ths ne of divin cling in common rc. "This tok wil ten the proces "he Me ig pens ou, there ae al ret many sap © beled. Thi tne sou be ol th Beginning of series of ‘ion progreivdy pelted to rake salable tthe ria ‘hrc ater the word the worship mater which wi etine tebe developed by the pmlc of ay dierent cules and Bacgroands We Boge, hereto tht ara manip mt wil tonne tbe set to for fare aoe. Purr eons wll Atpend primarily on the cooperation of nay tends in many ite "A the requ of Me. Zils, Agr! Miso, Icy at Alnighty God oe Heavenly Fates, The Uoworthy sevens, do pire Thee mos ame snd hey hanks foe all Thy goonies, ‘0 Fvelsing God, Who atthe cern Fountain aod only Gina ies We het Thee ta we ay agin bbl on every Side sakened mate ad ar Th dot cert ot pits with {he fra gras and ne roca wer ad plane, pant ue thank fal heat pra Thee forthe promise of Thy renewed ro vison for our ody and Me, and an abiding ase Im Thy Undhanpng Tove now and cera rag Tes Chis x Ton © Land, give Thy Bsn, we pay The, ou diy war, that we may don ath Reel, bw the Lard 2d ot unto men All eur powers of body and ind ate Thins, acd ‘ve earnestly deere tem to Thy ere Sant hen and ‘he work ia which they are engaged: lee ur noe Be ssh, at fren ines an de Tho © Low, les our eer, hae hey may Bring Fh nur heute a tre win, Give tr this day our daly Deed, tat we may be nourished in one beady Gives this day Thy Hay Spit, tat we may Be ao ‘Shed inoue sol. Give ae this day grace toe enry oper cay of servi hat ve may Te o Ty priest esas {Chuit, Thy So, our Lac, Who ive snd regret with Thee and the Holy Ghost Ope Ged wold without end. en, The Lands Per Hynes Procesional Hymn: Pee My Soul the King of Heaven venacu (Respontive) Minier: 1 wan glad when they asd wato Me: Pyles Lec go ino the howe ofthe Lad. Miniter Peace Be within thy wal Poopes And propery within thy places Miner: O pas the Ler lly pte: People rite Hin al ye people. Aleit "Glny be 0 the ate Patmody: Pan ry: 3-43 (ead esponsiely) Hymn Bor the Bey ofthe Bae Lacon: Fiat Leon 2: 31-26 Secnd Leon Phiipians 12>-21 hind Leon Matthew 24-30 (Respond aer Fi and Seca Less; choir sume a ter Thed Leson Hymns ‘Thy Word, © Lard Like Gene Dewe Miners Let poy 1 Lond God, Who hase made Thy Church «Viney of “Thine wm planing and Thy Presi Word the Sed of Life thers Po all Thy shandnen we beech Thy grace fi fly to labor thera sod to sow Thy Seed fall Thy plans wwe osech the Dew af Thy Spire and the Nourishment of the Sam of Rigen that they ay be ful fh and every good work; through Jets Chris, Thy So, our Lad. ‘We lesech The, O Lar have nexy upon all hse who labor inthe euivation of the cary ad gren tat by the ower ef Thy Gree lok thir own sole and ther kore ‘nay be rit through Jos Chis, oa La “Aimighty God, our Heavenly Father, Who dost fed che tind and lathe te owe, snd Who sve for ur efter doth for hs eilree We beech ‘Ths, grace part pina dts snd sin onerereflnesn, and el through “Foy Bly Sprig tole to the bang of Thy Name, te Coming Thy Kingdoy ao the dng of Thy Wil he swe mn caw allo ert on Thoe and in uavering fath wide tring 0 Thos, trough Fru Chri, Thy S00, ot 5 ry “Lad, Who liveth and egnth with The and he Holy Ghos, Oe God, weed witout end. nen. ‘Ten shall Miniter pd Congrepton go in prceion to dhe rove orto the Fey whore the tenuis of ee Servi sal he condocteds A Proteins Hn tay. Be ig. However should the were be iaclement, this Service may Be conta ‘erent ape nthe church, Procauional Hymn: raze tothe Lav the Alaighty Ofeng: For» dente Case o Objet. (Chui ars per inive her) Minitay: Prise yo te Lael People: O give thishs athe remembrance of His holiness ‘Minier: Uist yar for ss © ove God Peoples We leech "hee to ear wo Miners Beso « Mesing upon the face of the crt, Paopes And sity ws with Thy goodnen Miniter: Grant a all who lar trot in Thy good provition ‘td contntnect with "Thy ordering Peapes "We bese Theta bee Miniter: es oe het tht ia thankful we may renee “Thee praia, and oly share wih thes the sng af Thy oan! Peoples We bss Thee to hot ut Miniter: © Saw oor years ae tess god yee People: ‘oat we may wale blows ‘Thot in ith ad love all the dye of cu Miniter les the Lac, O ny sou Peoples Prive be 0 Gol. den ‘Our Father, Who atin benea. “Hymns On What Hat Now Been Sowa Py 'A Burmese Day of Prayer for the ‘and His Crops Onder of Serie for Moning Worship all 10 Workipe Lt eerhing that hth tex pie the Ton Hye Prayer (to be sid bya “night and creasing Gnd, Rae ofthe Unive, Whe hast commande us tl the and seth or abu foe the Spar a anid 0d he sesso the aly, we humbly FECA Thee the Thow would rains loak tpn wha {ve goed sw hte in the Bld ie et eur nthe cop pen, and grat that they {nyse at fl peony that we Thy servant ehanktly reecing the alan frit a Thy gif may poy dae sad ‘Sree peo Thy sane; rough fen Chis out Lov ane. ‘he Lar’ Peer (1 be sy al) Responsive Revdngs Pan 5 Choir (Cette Miniter oo the congestion Mines Po he bessy sad cet of he eth on which we ine eae We give thanks unio The, O Ga Miers Fo thse ho ins hing il the elds fo w— People We give thanks to ‘The ©. Ga Mls Botte pg we have of ing par ofthat ges mpany of fatal men and ween who Hed heir ves in Silage tnd couney— Peoples We give tanks ito Thes, O God. Mes WE emer ab the Bp the weet pec hoe Bie fut and exuge— ” People: We gine asks ono Thee, © Go Miter: Pot the loy Jon, Who va bos in ale People: We give thnks unt The, 0 Ge Miniter: Werte la hat Jos a Age by. People: O Lord Hes al vlog bye and git Miler: Jess knew shot and ote sets and foes and People: Help wt nerd them to, and 10 make th oth ‘or bail ly Hanng nd caring forthe, Miner: Js calle His dips fom the rosa ake and ‘ilags of Gatee People © Lardy sil ges toy fom the rade sod fl and sv o€ Burma Miniter’ Jus pected 0 vlog peopl rom ke and Kid eal 0 Goi as he ile yess a Bora sna Minis: Je the Gord Shepherd and ears fr bi Peale lp Lan ole ren so mins to tece ho need orl Miniter. Ath ly Jews payed ina arden, afeed death om hl top and srt ram the dead ins gn Pale '0 Chis Win we Cen ale a lnk on us with mee, help to grow in Thy love ad give ‘cura le den : Pasa Prayer Seripure Leon: Det 2 16 Mask go. tering Hymn Benediction 8 Ruel Life Collec (0 Thou, our Evetving Cresta, who in he spcingime makes the est bud and osm Grant uno Thy eh 2 pig ti ofthe ou io-whch or apts Howe in he edant Beaty ibe Ceca thar all ten cay be ewe into the flip (he ving oun which fund in aur Me, Fes Chi ut Yond. dimen Rasa Life Sunday Prayer Gx Father, Cestor ofall, dank Thee for the earth and ia falne We year the good cath the work af Thy Bands the fk of gain our pre, ovr grdene and lavas. For the Tely ofthe sal muted by Thy. changing esos, we ae thanks We paie Th for the land pon which we ive “Grant, Gods hate may never We mind of Thy gt ofthe earth wher we Gall Lend atthe ing of Ue su 1 Hie ou fies in eae tT forthe sl apd what it ators ws, Nay we canna enjoy the exh ‘ake ou had ean so ur arts pre tht we may plese ‘Thee and be goo anor othe who sae this get dvel- ing: Inthe mame of Joos Aen Rural Life Sandey Proyer Pater ofall eetures bth gest and ral, we acknowledge “thy mondial plan off. We pase Thee fo Joting the eat Teg for ts vig ectureesdg tthe nd. We pase tomer tthe mock of Thy handsthe Kingdom of ania "Phe ea i ul of thy Iving ihe. Make Worthy keeper of the fa asimai In the ae of the Good Shepherd of the sheep men » ‘The Eleventh Commandment XI, Thou shale ier the oly earth a 4 fil steward, conserving ts reseres and pods fsmn generat te ge ‘ration. Tha sal peo thy Bike frm sal von ad hy hilo overgraiog by thy ber wo that ty decent ay have abundance freer I any sal a inthis evans the Jani his fertile Gear sal bone sere wens and ples and bir descendants shall deense and liven prey ovis fom the fc the arth ‘Thae Cause Can Never Be Lose That cae can ver be ator wd ‘Whi aes the courte wot Ged at ade, Ani eo ering in wea tower But slowly growing frm sed 0 fore, ach gle sve tht men have wrought War fin conclved ar» fut hoe Esch worthy easy sith fate gl, By quialy growing bones enna ‘Theseby el he a te sows ‘That high rence, as dep rows: Anu! when th tine a une daking, Te dtp 100 inthe wl thang. Be then po mote by 2 stam dismayed, For by i he fl-giown sds le Ad through the te bye might sate, What then if ouside of ead i sen? (CHAPTER IL : HARVEST FESTIVALS AND SERVICES ine Pruitt Service Thankegiving at Konbint A Hove Peval Sunde i Nor China ‘An Order of Service for @ Horses Fetisal A Litany of the Harvest Pitt ie don of eo ca ie the ree ey. one of the mact popular ond widely obeved acasions of sworhip end pre isthe Harve Thanking. I it fading ick exprenion in many lade, and the example gen in this Chapter ave ean ponings from a fed where there may Be Inthe face o pest harvet of Besa and snpicing exper ences of wert. inst Fruits’ Service 7 ach fariy of wings act 3 ue feed bene sy rT rn thr Sone may have mane eat hi sess the ae tne Some epee scoaite afte fomly br te wn mi tne fo the ‘Ss hen thy tg rv del te Cat 0 Wari (hy oe worip ad ow downs {etree eh Lr nr ae Beis wr Gol ‘od wea the pope a Hs po, nd he sp of Hh iter cae ble Bis poses wh nga crake» yl noe a in wit pes Congestion Sing Sey: Cea ay Teno, eel he eat rp ene, bsp lies, Bete Hinde A Povy Together: ‘The Lore Prager Congegeson Sng two Hymn: ‘AH People Tht on Earth Do Dil and tec Ur all Ascle Here (An Atcan Tune) 1 God har ede sould aie 2 All of you who are tue ncn Let us fa-ly po oar faith 4 Sour of men et ws repent = SS We sald ave all evil igs A bebe loves fem, 0 i ect the ght emus one We wil thon one woe aki he SSS ec all as-sn-e Bee Xs Mae allel things (Repeat for He wl ste uy Fy one (Chon). Uncto Jevaur Lard of All Swignre Reding: “The Ten Comsandneots and Pai 25 tn spt seating the congregation septs cach verse after the miter (Te minisersketat the it Grits be Bought forward and peo fefone the alae, Ite soggened tha a each one ly it [bin terete la tht they vemenber that iis am fering oi dat acknowlesigent thatthe exits cop Go ad ‘hat He has pacely give this for our fo. When all hs. team bought forward and the peple ave cerned co thet fins inthe chuch al then bow Krad and sly lap thee tod. Thea sn ie pnyr nord, by the Alea evangel: Prayer; Gods our Father, bebold we ate hee with prt joy te ore You, We ave cme with corm fror ur fan ar hich ba alcady spend We have come to acknovlede that iis Your earn for You have given tou The day om whieh me lane the ec no oe cou scl sel that shee would bea rr. We dd ot know wether we weal se ripned grain frat Se sid "We ml ot en hs yea foe the ans ae {hoe tks td, "The grapes wil desray the eps. B ut cen hough we ad ingivig noo ars edi plant Uh Weed in You oF or Gel Yo se 1 th un and scent son ofan, You gave rng af body to elite ov Gl: Now ne wil ne 9 lal hare We shal eh tine of Hoge oOo Pas Yau ae very goat vs, Thank You Gr Ivey and wal ate We pny i the ue of es, Your So, ne. Hyman: We Give Thee Thanks, God, The Day (Doovious Tegit Me). Tis iex mag tothe bore ene epealy en {or thie serie Sermon: ‘The minier then adh Mask 6-29 and prahes 1 semoa af which he ellowig ran eae 1 The Reston for thi Serie 1) To thank Gad fr aniverto our payer and sewing fe efor We pay, Give wth day ot daly bred He 4s givens The fer hanger pst The fi rt are spe tat a re i lo 5) To rennd asain af or sop dependence pon Gud, We ate His The bare Hin oo oor cm, We ‘sig ce fine rot sate onke ths chao cgneat 2 The Goad Banh 2) The each god. i God's peat ing co ws, We pend up ieatily or 0 papules Food oma from ou ao ron he tr wich grow inthe tah Coton fr our cating“ fr tbsp fe hatching or ofthe enh the sue of AML Righly teeth cle Mother Ear forse ane 5 Gal's Pare and Oar Pare ‘God as given ut the cath He, the Father God as pa He in theses He bas sent the sun and he sins He be (Breas hfe and heath and the sng wh which to Steck. Our patie 0 ze the sengh hat Ga hs iene 4 nae, Although our pt he amar pu an Sncal pass Wht glorious thing to be farmer working (ohh God and Hin en ‘Our Fans ae Miles esos want st let pl Ton fem our farms ant eur ning expen: 1) G's Kingdon i ke» fr. Ou cmanity bee is Dostana need sae We foe non {Cen to gro, We hve bad 0 ulate and Seep the Setadness oot We have sen the have ne in Cod Em: tn, We kave oxo people eth hen to, God fd bate His flowers This ripened pain gered ic te pe of Ga At we ee rely 0 ‘Fane eur compound tay,» God es, ter wih evn rear fo, when yuo’ che ofl Hin. 0) Gs tam mr e eed, ry a Fee incress tds ciden grow mst ee new ia tnd cole hs fn There is AG ho doc. no sh clare bs amily is wy. Lewin Gea wishes Uhura our tbe and all the ee sal be His frm and Mike jeople like rend grin be si ated His iow a eo flrs ten th me fess He eas ts to go ito ther vlad to make Tice wth the people and tow the sed which iy i ‘Word and Hie Tea, Le every op come in bea {he pr that he cand in chor exening Gas farm yma es Shl Reiga Wher’ the Sun Prayer oud Benton 3s ‘Thanksgiving at Kambini soe ment Ska Tec uate Our Kanbini Hives Piva or Thanksgiving sic i fot teen yeas leery yer there comes the nul tl ad tnd twits to the sbundance of hijo, We cag to kee ‘out what o expect now, bu exery yee ae ume a the chs of the erate foe of oS gving “This year Par Cidcn Jamel he for thie were ‘spay exly Beet crop ad een poe and he people were teganing aly toe tp thi man haves. The week vious wo the serve everybly ma exten ty wth he Ke Bini Pac and Eshtion of whoa work and civ, Foon tary morning nl idnighe we we racing for dara Imoking posers, geting out all he mat meee econ Pritve showing of fib at, vege, all sons of hand ‘rork and ete lieve sack On Pda non he es wee sade wd he crowds dere ft here wa el the cen 1) 0 do and packing things aay for anahc yar "ven Saudy found exryiady buy, 0 Bot he decoting of the chrch was let i say Sunday snoring. When T went ‘bow top with hat Tf oly the ler bps ofthe Seaent otter Band, forth evenglin (vilige paso fn ning) ‘ad goes ton comp ur oo a scree Nating gies me more joy tha helping arange fot fd flowers about the sara thoug the cher in uc = stay aw make more event the glory aad bene of Te ‘ice, Around the tp of ech of the tele pit we pnd ¢ frown of the Beaute wild ghdlie growing out els Fat ‘weath of mietanes Gowers and bance," rnc of the ley Alsian cats completed the eft of al pow and bay. "The ala wos shy hang with yw com and eof told eangs. Bands of fig pumpkin, rwet pot i # ences of tannas and oandinen plants ba ples of bane ound he fet te church a0 tat one couldnt forge tht "lpng eat aor bg impesivesancy io garden et beegy hud warmed my ben bt il we fac forthe “pening per ny tought ws on of penal condenoaton lad wt at al sen oo toch ine wih the ets ad at ntl show ofthe pus week? Cond he poly te fe Sotke seins her ys? Do the peach sated ou By ‘Sing be Moses dma which hed Bee the comming sue of the it ate orig ol he ol oe tire wat ought fro the righ pepe wih the te TeTg een ew ce bai the hes ad fe Imi univer loved sy, "Why the Chines Rang «sd sal heppns The get and tne eh and even then of the ott pve eae in he oy TC wa ely when the Tie ad tom the loely frm eept up unnoticed and oped spl of Tove tht the chines pel fro ne for the ich Pastor ala dda range yet onde thing this Sear He ealed fet an the sdent canglt who lend eases {nin the heten trae They ad hr ool ome wo the aor SMprowp afer gow OL) ganic, le Gare, others wth eee be the tacks and grown men, ach Bought gis aod poure thm ptt te lad Ar the pis of crm pean 208 Fea pew the jp in oor het icrened When sae of te ipovps egg ev day ate ro te dosh sng, EJs Fc the Oe, Come ong He ae st now, se oar et wore bpied with ets We tie ear ton fr Sealy am hur whitey etme cach an eer one with vo Tay giles te emt ancestor they rei feed, et to Sppencn el st bt as an aeing of hanks, "Be you wonder tha when pany wa given to te (ege tar Reta engegton og, tht the ie poured a toa ompariment ef heveny chimes, y bal ging nao ex Fever fe we had such oy So ging AM ele the seve to be he bes fal the yet ” Yo war a ea at fev The cpt fcr hd been pont and fan si = nlrb te od ches Ha {bp andthe ade i. Tat eon when fie fc his ton, oor Kin on retin ss econ inhi to poe low re They fee aly prensa non bt ey ele the people {oe prepa and nny cating Nove they Cok monty on thr uy ad hug et pe che fend in th ak rte od gave aly 2 poe Hels yet did ic? 7 % No high pene peschig minon woud have bought tae sonchitioe age nto Gav acu to ioe anke No nun of pedo ins um sngegation ol ve bce fee rch geet gag Bot eee they pve es ‘sey be abundance oy an he dy pore vn Save eee fee He [A Flarvest Festival Suaday in North China This sexvce was ld the Ankechuang Methodist Church in ope, Nous Ching on Oster 2, 19g unde the ection of Pazor Tao and Mix Chang, the worker among te women of the parish tn prepara, these two lenders tele on ees to the Chistian homes in ll the redingvilages,nfring all the propl stout plane forthe svi "The Worhip sre was Beld a the church tn dock. Be fore this hou, many ofthe pele had roa inthe cai {Eos and bd placed then at the ala the sharks Around ‘he plpt were ranged 8 ack of corn aa sy ad male, tach wth le paper penane ina eet Barbone sone ing he name ofthe gine Sry, banshee af rates tani, td ary of cara were marked and ng earth ale, Bases of squiyseet pots, and ies svert cage were aranged Sloag-the wall behind he pulp. Pik envelopes consoed the fash conan af the town flk who had no garden fo 8 ch to cnt the fis af he crt. In al th pope had rouge and yop to the val of fey and exh to {he amount of gall of which was wed fete bnerlees of the congregation. "The service wa flow: Congressional singing of bys of Thanssing Responsive Bile readinge Masi bythe Women ofthe Chvch ‘Tesmonies show the mati) at spre Meng of God, by ‘many members of the congegton Muse by the Chives ofthe Charek Thntaing mewge by Misinary, spl invited forthe Music by Young Mev of the Church Dedication of he Gite Mase Benen ‘An Onder of Service for 2 Harvest Fesival Sc Unine Hd wed rh pr Predade Hymns (Se Tomas 30) Stod up and ee the Lord "Ye pple of His cules Sand up and Bir the Lord your God, "Watt ea, spd vol and ole (ed i or stent and sang, ‘And Hie lation ous han be His oven Chit procaine ‘Wat all oe ransomed pes Miniers Boe ita Hi gts with thanksgiving and ito Hie our wth psy he than! unto Hin and es His mae Peoples For the Lard is good His ozey is eelasings aod Ts ‘rth endaseh to all genraos Minis” All Toy wos all pric Thee, © Lord, and Thy sin all Be The. Peaple: They sal abundantly utes the ssenary of Thy wea dae, and sing of TRY righteosons (Sun Desks) ‘To Thee, 0 Gos we nse ‘hr ree, In chr gins "To come with payer and pra, Gar ben elaieas Winging. “Thou act ou father” God, ‘And eer sl be os (ue ip sd es shal aod “ray ame, wth al oe omer Hye (Here sll the congregation be sexed. Miner: ‘The Lard ido His bene: While the cath rosin: th secdsime and Harvest and cold and heat, and summed ‘ine and day and night all ot cose. Hath Hei, snd [hl He not do? Or hath He spake nd Shall He not mae it geod? He vende fo His commandnea oem cart Hit Sword runes very sys He giveth snow tke oat He ‘Eee he hana Uike ashe He ence forth ee ‘orl who can sand bere His ad? He seh oth His ford at meh ther! He caseth is wind to Mom, and the waters flows He prepa ain forthe ea and kth itso with showers, and Wack the spaging thereto Py with the reco gow forthe cate, and ee for the ‘Siveeo y tht He may ving forth food oa ofthe ea. {Ec afar the Lard oor God, Who pve ws the fom and the later ain inh sren, aoelesereeth tov the apples treks of bare. apes © Lond how mani ace Thy work! In wiom bas “Thou made cm all the ext is all of Thy sch Hymas (eyes Hymn) Prise © God, immoral pris, orth love tat ts oo dys ountons sme of ery ‘at Thy pre ou ngs employ All the Blesingr of he Beis, Ate sores the garde ysl All The, our God e owe, Sauce wheace all nr Bening fw, Miniars less the Lod © sy sy aod all a i wikia me, Wess His ly oane Blas the Lor © my su, td forget A Tis bene He reencth ty Ife fom dearction and ‘owoeth tee with tender metelew Te hath at dee wih ae iter our say oor rere aecrdiag to ur ingles. As ‘he even thigh above the carlo great Hs mee toward them that far Him, Peopes He Tnawsth ob fre and remember tat e ae do. He openeh Hie bad, and math the die of eer) living thing Likes» father ich is chien, 0 the Lad plik thon dat far i Miner Blewed be God snd the Father of our Lady Jes ‘Chis, Who bath Hess on wi all pital Wesings, Labor tot for the ret tht ert, bat for that wich endare Ato resting Hf wich the Son of ean skal give ant Jon. For He hath si’ a the Bend of Lil He that neh {oto Me kl never hanger, atid he that betcveth on Me hal ever thine, a Ante: Tis ay bean sprpsat ynn oF anthem of ha fem Dalgirng Scrptre Lean Pasa Proyer Crs! Reypone: (St Casing) Daiy, © Lard our prayers be sth "Ae Thou bas agit, for dally, Beds ‘ar no sane or bier fed ‘Sippy ob liting pine (tread of fel fom day wo dy, He Thea our Caf Fed, and Sty. Oring and Oferoy Respowe Sermon After the sermon the congregtion shall re, and remain standing, othe eanclsion of the serve Miners Hoy every ane tht thine, come yew the waters ‘and he dat hth no anys come ye, Bay bd eats Ya, cme, by wine and rik ‘wihoor money and’ witout pice The Spi and the Bae sy, Cane Peoples And lt him ta hesreth sy, Come Miniers Sn et bi hae ae. Peoples And whosnever wil et hi ake of the water of He trey Hymas (Regent Sac) “Thanks we give ad aden or the gape oa sounds May the frat of THY sation Tu here and ver abn King of Gay, King of Cay, ‘Sway Thy sre al around ay bee God, the Paths! ‘hoy be to Gad che Soa! tary Bet God, he Spi ‘Gent Jehoval, Thee in One (Gac, lon, Glory, Glory. “While cal apr 10 Reneiion and Response Pontade A Litany of the Harvest Miner; Po he tout soppy of fat "Thow dost give uo for she i stat Hie dorsan i he wt, and oe Jom te the opengines and ving forth thie fie in thee Purples We pie The, snd thank The, O God Miniter: Bot the vege tat suply swith foo for ou {bl forthe acne we veel with or ome ad Proper” We pease The, and thank "Thee, O Gad Mice: Bor th fn soa tht tl in ou Bly and feed i our poses forthe fa hat Hie oor Bara 25d Ip to sopoly ue with the meses of ie People We pve Toes nd tank Thos, © Gud Mitiners Porte wod tht sec fon oo sexp to make ‘lots and Dishes fr our wath a esenlore Peoples” We prize The, and thane Thee, O Cod. Miniter: Bor the cowering forex fom hich our wood and Tams aken and in tbe shade of hich oe ind et fos the nonday bt 6 Peopes We pate Thee, and thank Thee, © Gul Miniter: Po the fret hey rs the moter ei for the ‘elie of her len, and were the father finde res om 1 daly werk, where eilren to thee felon le snd loi Panes" We psise Thee, and thaake Tes, © Gad Minisers Dear Father heaven, hes oa payers a we rene nto Thee our ls for aur farms. We wou thank The forthe crops ofthe Fels and orchard, andor the stale spon oor far. We would exelly psy that Tow wuld emanate fame hey fost thie dl wr Help ‘hem eine tha they ace working in comer wit Thee {nthe povivon of fo tnd sient for Ide Inthe mane of tr Sovouy, Jeu Chay we pray Amen Theskstiving for Harvest Every ie on cath is gat hares and Chitin people have sel serie of hankering Hevea ome thonghts on are and prayer of thang for hase Every woman grinding the ne grin on fr oe ie celebrating ‘he godnas of Goh by His ert pone and by the wor Df Hs servants the sun andthe rap, rested good bead for His children trom the al snd rin Every ate of ground ts every bag of oy ery eke of cana oe co ol, ery na of west ede kein ofthe prone ron Gd Tievery language of an he re are songs many sch song te found inthe Bod af Paton The chi € God bn Sng tong of thanksgiving when he brings hoe the fut of i lant Ing, and wh thanks Godin hie payer iane af he gest chaos nen vo have thanked Gad for tet have hong the ong dear of tine Daves: O Gad e cj and are glad esate thee it now = Eavet inoue fel We Ksow and we acknomlee that Thos nw epenod Thy and and Thy children are fed, Who but Thy. “ sc her bought or acl oft and vo haven? Thou hast kept “Thine anc pone to feed Thy poopes may we kes one rome to serve Thee al ur dye May oor and be guck #0 eed the por andthe ranger May ve be Hee Jers who shed swith His Tene and withthe needy Thy bonsred sits of food dof din dimen te Manne Tihs for Rein “Thank God for de sail ‘The car wor caced and dy. espe mee ring 8p ‘The sce and wheat—beth rates of our Le. ‘The wale were dy. At night Sumall groups sod sound ther, Drawing in sant cipfle helt few dope ‘The aie war bee tad ing, Ad linely we ved [bout the mcenay tks of Hie ‘Then—nirclout of «tl sky (Gen dhundecouds ave: ‘One mtering roar below the sa won 1 hesth of feoe ‘Teen cl of ver Ket Aso he aid fl and uy tree ‘The inde, io men kena All hired and mang wth ers Bled and spread The cath tok oa deep Lown hoe (OF scented 10 be throw aba All green things Inghed in new set i ‘nud we, wit glowing Bear, Raid get hands to Heaven with ‘Thank God for the Bint * A Prayer During Hereet (© God, our besvenly Father, who by Thy grove providence ast made the earch co ing fr he ris for ote in ts ‘Thine appeinted ime; we toe humbly ech Thee wo est this rete, that de Barve ‘Tho ast awed nay be sel greed in, fr the comer of Thy cileny and the glny of Fy mame: rough Fes Cit our Lard. en Sr tof omni rye) Thnkegieing for Horoert Almighy God, oar heavenly Fate, the fountain of all got: ne who opener ‘Thine band and sist the dee of etry living thing? we give Tice thanks and pase het fo Ty ey ‘Thou has beoughc ws though the et of snaher yen aad hn acing to Thy promis, sedkine and arvere have se eased. We bese ‘Thee that Tho baw crowns the yen with ‘Thy goodnes, and bas betowed pon wth nly fie ofthe tah. We pray These gant cat we may rive them thle {aly and ae them ext for our own cari for he tele ‘of chose ht are nny, and forthe ply of Thy tame Tech vs to remeber tht i nt by band Sloe that ten da vest ian ur evermore to fed on Him who ithe te ee fom eaves, een Fru Chit ot Lor, en iu ek Coan One iin) Js thee aay prop any stats, any lens ho wile ‘Mates one el the neler ou ofthe Egyptian tondage ete ‘he human imgiion ad ead many tek to ato om Hight sang eardvreth, sweet a, ben gaya heh? mee W, Rowe (A) 6 (CHAPTER 1V RURAL LIFE DEDICATION SERVICES Aw Order forthe Dedication of the Seed, ‘he Sail, and the Sowers Rural Life Consecration Service A Service of Desieton tthe Cae of Raval Life Deiication of a Tree i is of icky Be dane, nd Titty deel ad ins pooper of hay seth gt ry, ad ts hip oof e ip of hel a fr cnet an hye omnes bad soe doin of em mln he to tye fly Chie ” ‘An Order for the Dedication of the Seed, the Soil, and the Sowers 4 Ate an Orgoo Prine «Prceaional Opeing Hy shall ‘ng sch ay, This le My Father's World Then shall te Miia sy the Pog ending nad responding Mininrs Deny Beloved, az we learn foo the Srp in the Daioning God ccted the beaent andthe eo and sed the mnt sae, the rao to fal the ans to prow En he ea to give forth he Ineeaze Then God side os ‘ke man noe image and le fave dono ove ee) ‘hing pan the et is mo, it aad eur bounden dy to recognize God ‘ownethp and Hie Providence inthe fron of the earth ad the ret of the seasons He i the giver af ile i the sed, the i and i the overs We sre, thelr, now asenbled for the purpose of da esting the se ht sal be planed ee ail esl be el Sted and the ser tha aor to the arice of od sd for "he ed of anki Miner: ‘The cant is the Lot's and the fale thee Proper The wey ad dy hax dell erin. Miniter: For He bath founded i up the se, Peoples And eed it pon the tod ‘Minier:” Whe sal seed ate the ll ofthe Lord? Peoples Or who shall tad ia His bly lace? Miner: that hth clean bands, and pe hear Peoples Who hath nt lied yp hi wal uot vanity, or oem “eciflly, Miners Te hal recive the Nesing from the Loe, and ght ones fom the Gu of hie ata, Peoples ‘hi i the yee of hen tht sk Hin, that sek Thy face, © Lord Miniter? Lift up your beads, © ye gus and be y ied ye evra dor Peoples” And the King of glory shall ome i. Miniter "Who the King of oe? Peoples The Lord song and mighty, she Lond why in bt Minty: it np ye Beds 9 ots; een ie them op ceraing oar Plead the King of gly sal one i, Minter "Who fe hi Bing of ary? Peoples “The Lat of bet He the King of sloy ‘he Gla Pat ay be od or re ‘lary be to th Father, and to the Sn, and wo the Haly bos. ‘Avtar io the begining is now and ever shall te word Pithoweend. Ames {© Then shal the propl be sented and the wines shall ed a teson fom the New Testament Miniter: wwe went ot tow bit ed. As he wat sowing, some ofthe sed fl by the ath and wes woe wm ad the WWId bids ae top. And some a fl pon the rocky and ‘whee sprang up withered eee i ad ao metre And {ae Fell aman the thors ad the thoes grew up wih it {Ed coke i at And sone fll on got wl, 90d Ere 8p nd yielded a onde fl "Ar He sid ths He called out {Le hor who bat oe toe, ine His diniplr ed Him what the igure mean, and He id "You ae geamitd to Know dhe srt a dhe Kingdom of oar, but thy ize given to ether in the fr of Bhs, 0 Aint they nay los and yo nor se, and hear and yet oe Soden. Thi iv what the Rute mean ‘The sed Gal's raemige. The one by the path ae thre who ber, then the (Gil comes and cats off the mesage Sry thee hess, #0 hae they aay oot lieve it and be sve. he omer on the ° rock are hase who recive the mange jyfly when they fist Tear it but ler so al ot, Thy belee fr» tle wie, sand thn i the eof they daw backs And what fall Song the thor means thowe whe lien aid pas en sod (he wees and wealth and pleases of ie ae them sd they yd nein. Bat the sed the good sll means the ‘wh item tothe mesge nd hee ein goo oe bea, 2d ld anny. (Goode Travian) (CHa may be oflred an extemporary Prayer, fllomed by the Lats Praye. Then maybe ang 4 stable hyn, seh a od the Onaijocnt! King, Who Orde, or ao Anthem, afer ‘obich the Semon nny be delivers An Oring ty then be paca ‘Then shal she Minis tye les nity and isu re of ‘he cooperative savy ofthe inky of Gad anand nate Wit he pita vel iy mon Sod tae woud tt Be able to pod fol ao spl the pote herp mas ir sutaned. Without in, Cox oat on eg forth ren tate hat which gles Him and Kgs epnonship ho Him Witlot satire, Gad ad man wold noe hae the ‘crab for growth of hun ply, Ts ky {Fran dependent ope pon teeter and is depen ce ada aed gan sod copied for the umf of stan and tothe gly of God Leto sow conse ou fon ‘hen thal the porn chasen poet the eds he sly "This ed esi then types edn sabe ste ia te comnuny. Wea meal bg fot fest fd and eo hie chien cay ct ad Become tong, dat men sad women all be mone od ar ite tae he wes fins ey tar ad tht ie tn be rite ang uh ua ad ees Tae wed iy, fr cots yond all cd shall be counted rely fn the gh of Gl. esa be led in pt freee ” and that which one of all be ela end bared in Moo st of regaton and tankloe, we Being fully Pande of igh eign 0d deny Then shall he person chen presen a of the cath aa chal stye This so tne ofthe cath of tis commie in Stich seed sal be planed in hope and rom whi te har st tal be tpt with jp: Thi a ss cathy I the al ofthe cca nny of Clad kan ested by Cod fe fran and bene Te contains the neat and eres evcary to nosh the seed and ing forth ard pnts Cfpabe of producing fond fot bork mam ad est This sail, ‘Wilbe youred hy the sine of Ged Tl be warmed y the $hnsine of God. Te wil ea home to the sc so hat the ‘Sed and plane may detlop a bring farts an abundant har es Thies bly ath aaa be elated and exe forte gilt of God (© Te sl she Miniter escve de Seed end the el ay dem ton the Alta then pce the open Be pa hes The Poe sll tod ea withthe Miter sy? Ao he Lad Gal cd meno the ae gos a beth nto ‘Ebro the eat o ie; and an Becta Uving sl ‘And ut of te pound mode the Lord God to gow every uct leno to then and gid for foes 20d the tre of ie sn ince mid of gure and the we of Knowede of gol and el seit Gad she Lad, He that cet the heavens ad sucted than on He taped othe eo ad ht ‘ch omhoog Hee eth rent ont te ple homie tnd spat o them hat wal thera T the Lord hae ‘td the in gcoures, and lol hie hand, nd will ap hens and ge hs fora covennt of the peopl and or Sake Tbe beginning ws the Word and the Word was with Ga ant dhe Word wo Ga The me worn the ening Wh Gaal hinge were ade by Hy and who in ws nat x anything made dt wan mae Tn im wa ile; ond the He ‘ra the ight of en. Tam cone chat ye igh ave if, nd ht eight have ie se sn Then sal she people bow in prayer. The Miniter shal pray: Alishy Ga, Crear of Lie and Susine feed ad si Thow Who hos ly Thy mighty em Iovghe forth his wold ne given ete foe beige tnd't home: ‘Thou Who bat gen tte He though Thy Sie, Jus Chit and Thon Wh hast ganced umes the Sh and ei kf roping Thy an and eng Thee inthis day and generation. eto The we come in thst of eletion snd Hess ‘We recognize that Thay a the giver of il. We scogize that Tow a the ender a in, sane and fey. Wit ‘Thee we would not be ae to msn ier era ee "Ta The we come in isha eking ode all the sed that shall be sown in thi community thie yea, We Bs icin “Thy name. We pray ch ie may ll pon gown and that i may aed wl ig fk ce sang al kil ie by Thy creative ower and le ting fark nny ch P i Wie herewith recognize our dependence vpn Thee far the lite id within these athe tl As they nin proersp to ring fh ft ay we fin in prt hy Thee preserve che wail ad estate th af he teed Thy ly nd or gen. ‘We dette and les this wed in Thy Nae We deste and blew this alin Thy Nae We datte and se the ower ofthe ed and elotors cf this sui in Thy Name. Grant unt te ategty Wom 8nd power tht thy ay do tht hich eight in"Phy sgh "Ths we ate inthe Name of im Who tes the nove of po sea a the ml of he ile of mankind even Tes Cha ar Lod. nen, 2 ‘€-The hall he pope sand ad in the Act of Commins sy rapes We ate the nes he ed an the tls f the Fiebre napa bBo ofthe edad the sce sem of hen. We borhakoodge oe repent 1 an thse with eee a cre ho i ee. “We wilt wane te sed in wan ergs we lt dosoy heal by along eon tow if or eet yt vy. "We wl sland rious of sed ands and wll ned dem wth ete “We ng he weed hi ou we eopine he Ligheaing tury we gr the pres for hich we Fite sea atthe a hc nan od Besta be fe wee uy be snl te gly of Gnd mod th {Pod of anki “Weer can us ht a nd he lege of merking gets lten n the orl of Gad {Geil and ay dy of growing fod forthe diane ess Seay. ‘We hee date ous, ov Hes an ou sed sort the Gchrging othe fies Ewing ht i of Sob and tht God ll ever fl how who go fot ia Hs Nie to do wi ini nf Pepe "Thecoe wih ng sed acho ad ‘wil the company a ete, “We land and oops Thy gions Nowe verre pang The sd nya yb bo, Lord Gal of ss Hosen and eat a ll f Thy lr hy be Th, 0 Lad me biker Hymes Sach a, God Ble Our Native Land Miner: Now wot Hi that able keep yo Ko fling, Sto preset you fue ble the pence of His glory ‘sh exrding joys the only ie God ove Savor, be ory nlmjeay demiion aod power, now and evermore den. 3 Rural Life Consecration Service ‘string ie aco si wey Ney Yates ee Fie ee Ste Cl Leader: Lexus eine fore Ga ll who lhe sl fat “ingot ret dropping over the eer ke tex bese ofthe cleo al fay the onvcon hn Col wl provide People! © God, let he ark of our hands and srengthan the Cpupoe of eur beat As we plough the Bld and mw the ei hops cy we by Thy gave come agin with ng, roving «hart wih we Leader! Let tacked ito God oar debt one Belge ‘he ania that serve our ede and draw our burdens, and sar in pain an plese People: ‘Unto The O-Gats we gie tanks for the fendly ‘eas dat esr curr Hi, for do std hor, and fr the fate on thousnd hill finds of eur eildhood stars of borden, ivr of fod. Help ue to teat thea Kn, and to hace wi hem ot Thou dom prosper Lave “Letting t Gad ou homes fai. Prope: © Got, Chenier tnd Governor of the ives grant Thy. guiding ist 10 our leaders and endow them ith provene and widom, Biss and promer eur churches, ot {choo and the agence which Ted ws Zora AS we clit through them ip the service of out flowney, may we beat "Thee may to um "Weldon, good and fal van” Jn Unison “Ad oy, © Gad ta the eed which we sow, the ose with which we werk te hands hac Uoe and he Souls hac rv im way of dally to. And when or laboring days fe py vig ay to abr rot Sa Then through Jue Gate our Savior Armen ” [A Sctvice of Dedication to the Cause of Rural Life “i opr iy he of kd RS Riau aay bed co, Le ery woripper how ie he ia adatom and sleot proper Incrumentel Prades Fret Lod Jess (Cisse! Hyne) Cat 19 onsip Landers Th wonder workings a sone bush fae Den lack for Gd and fancy Hi coesleds Dain cath oman hinge Hle sane eed ‘While gre sod Hower and srs sel oat His nae “The eaves deine the gory af Ga, ‘And the firmament dheweth is handivork. Pepe: “The cath is the Lord's and de flee eer ‘The world and they that del heen Lenten 1 Gad of our alvton, "Thou act the conden ofl ue ed ofthe ead Peo: “Tho test the earth and water Thu watson i furows sbuadaatl, ‘Thou wee he ridge threo “Thou rake esa with showers ‘Thou Be he nog thera All (Lon, our Lox, bow exellent je Thy name in al sheath ily Holy, Hy ithe Lod of Harte i maj slender Sl the whe xt The Ireocuin: Prayer of eaaksgving for hie weld, by ‘Walter Rashes = aares or nine 908 Tn wont 0 Gd, we thik The for ths univers, aur get home or ‘ue ymess andi ches and forthe milanes ofthe He Intch co upon ie acd of which weave a pre We probe “The for he ating ey andthe eed windy for he devin, ‘ode andthe contlitions on high. We praise The fr the {alts and the aoning water, fr the een lf the ‘tess and for the pre under ou fee. We thank ‘Thee for ost as by hich we cn sce the pend of the morning, nad Ina th jb tongs of love, and sel the feat of the peng Grant tw pony Thera heart wide open to all ‘hi joy and Beaty, and save ou souls fom bing seeped in fhe or an dsheel by pono ht we pe heels and an Sing when evn she thornborh by the wayside fame wih the glory of God. enlarge within ws the sent f fellowship wth ll he Hing things ue leurs to who Thos har pea ti ears Stier ome in conan with We reerber with see {Bar in the pst we lave eres! the hgh dono of an ‘with rte ery, 20 atthe Ye ofthe ath which ‘ould have gone up to Thee in xing, Bar been aroun of teal Maye elie that ty Te, at fr alent foe themes and for The, aod hat they Toe dhe ees of Tien as we and serve Thee in thle pce beter than we ‘When oor we ofthis wes ie ovr and we make room for shes, may we aot Have anything eavitel by on greed or Sold by our ignaiacs, bee may we hand on our common Iesige Iter ant seer through our we of wadninihed in erty and joy ht urbe ay setun in pace othe fest moter ‘who now than and oor spe may roond therdide of = perc ie ia Thee Hymn of Aderaton: oie Lord Jsos (Gress Hye) A Conferion of Faith As rod in wine Ta the begining, Gol cieted the hesens and the cath And Cod very ‘hing that Tf had made, and eld i eb Yery good 6 “The Lord ie my Shepherd I sal aot want He maketh me to eden in gt pts; He ese ne ee il waters. Surly goons and mary shal flo mall the days a 99 lite aod Tall del the Bouse af the Lard freer. ‘eth earth singed fot bd ae 8 gure neh the things tht are sown fn to mung fh 0 the Lond Jehovah wl caste sghteouses and oie 0 oping forth efor al the ton ‘0 sth Kingdon f Ga, a fx mtn sould cas seed ypon the ets apd sould sep and de ight and dy, and the teed ould spring wp and grow, he koweth nae bow The ‘sit berth it of else the Mad hen the eat the ‘Be fll ein tn thee “Thy ll bts plows, ad hie seas Jno proningooks non stall nee It wp awed apt a ion, nether sal they lear we anymore Bo hy shall mae ‘hum afd: For the tout ofthe Lord aw spoken i “And He tht supple se to the oe ad Bead for food stall soppy and lpi your sed for sowing. sod Sree the fits of your Highton, Metition Minrs Let ws give tanks to Gad: For the Desh of Thy word the glory of earls the vronder of the hanging snes, the evernew mira of ring Hein eld and force, People: We give The tha, 0 God Miniter: Por te pave of sharing with The in the at of ‘ating the gn thing feat for Thy le, ad fr Thy eras al the roe of agri le People: We gine Thee thanks, O-God. DMininert Porth Chi ofthe contr road, who aed and ‘ered in the plensinld of Galle, aed who sodsy walk the Sronty rode of the word in comradeakip wih all who el thesol, Panes We gve"The thanks, O God Aine inl he pn don | ig mt ee a le | SC Seine eh ce np tT ay Got Token “ie my eae eee wi cr | ied n't ew the oT Darko en | 1 Re tee te wy © Ln | Token tare it ty walk pou sa Tne he wv snd cen gl? We tench Te he 0 Le Ties a he sf ty eee my be | ty of a na ct ey pe” toa thee ar ta ii“ Ts ull pul da hat a he wl a hy Sa SST male pope We a Tew 0 ad Tite: “ttf vie the rl hts 2A wale hon ok a es ee Spa Sl hy my ta age Ines ny ge ba rape Ne peke he hea uO Le Pra es bel pnl or ‘cs ch Cade ayn te ene fel Si Ce eae eo creo iat a ee TEL a uO Lard eed nates ee nono sg ps calc ae yt ee ee eee eee Ik yn ep td Sah aru tes hapa ca tee see Ranta rot Lrg rhe ge pea et el py ely ese oe a hich allen ball share with joy in sawing the sed and reaping the hares of the Kingderm of od, oops "We dedicate or hana and minds, © God Minatr: "To a reewed spresiaton ofthe Holy Bad and is its and ‘oa smised warship of ll i resources, ‘eal and may aoe: We diate aor bands and ny © Lord. Miner: To eomehip wih the ear alk al the wa ‘nd to serving hom dvtely sh alt the gis and grees “Thon ha ound nt Deopes We diene eu Hs, © Gol (at cep or taking, bur Thou ou rae and is esos grass the gfe of min, bod, and life which Se now ly upun Thy alah through Jour Chix our Lord |e Lats Pye (wt) Hymn of Detieton: Whore Winds the Roads (Germany, 21.) ‘Where winds the sod or bland de, Whe fel and for ark de Lands In al tht thou dave an ently ‘We ss the pein of Thy band 6 ae bg ils ty By singing bel or cage don In fendly word when nphior mex, Welcome to fel Thee more ad mare Tawi’ no, in sommes’ san "The joy sping, the hush o€ fal : Taal the course the seams, ‘We pate hes ae the Lard “Thi Chin who love eld and wed | er vought ew sng in ui le | sp who sand where Tho hast stood Came tow and walle de Bel gui, Ten in all Thy counted, Shall ane from ant and red and aie Sl ers in Thy ayo aide, “Te fy of more abana ie The Benediction Pea Dedication of a Tree (Che group saber around thet inthe shape of x ees ith the eer st the fue ide comers iy “Tis My Fath Was, (Tn Bes) oat Reads” Wer he mente of having ‘Soe eth ew ct os al {© God's pla nding il od poe ad ong gta in Clvstan endian witht ta Uo lone wh God ad wit oe anther by deeing oes wo he re ‘onan eof thal fo Sicond Rede We wnt oes tbe ssh and baie Thc uect Kaowing tar we fave to bout tem eral est they miter Tom sel doh or be bent or teen by touglen ac, we ar aw thing ne wr charge ti we, the at we ie and ptt i grow may fe cna ‘oinicd ofthe ony we wnt pow ‘ind Reader: Told gees hanno eaines wich fig OT eng ad t reep By =r of ceoprion in he mane of J aie yu Sle or ives tte jor eof hs de we Faith Reales" give menace ok sr Kip. th te ‘onda word of mtr, Sed foe ir al things Tonia ony, ee ats We deat ives tthe lc of his a we o Five Rewer: To tow our dep 20d las lve for Go our Teaenly Faker who toade and loves ctergthing, god and oto el hn we are working th Hn in the bent Fpng and the ingroving a His Kino, at We dete eles the Lvig ere of chi il we Sseomd Render rcs Joys Kler's—Teos ‘Phed Render! La wall ite in prove. Ms © Gots ons beaver Father, Who tas fonned all sings eat, Wha fast inde the sary the sun and sno, the wer ids ants, Who caus the rin to all and he rope to gros and Whe lve inthe hears of our fries, ier ae now wie ovr wondefl pivege of working WSs Thee sa thy voivene: Help to atch over and pret {Es yn that tay ow stg ad all ad bewfale Ths tay Leone» fing erbal of the way Thov wouldes ave psn diem “Tey Should Be Close 40 God ‘hey should be we o Gad who plow the eat, "Tear pth bs and tar the acts iy aa high thetic bee sei and sooth doe “And Ravow pth or il wep rm and thin “They thould be men offhand 0 all ‘Who sight in oh try eampled poe a yield ‘of sug barvna eats ave che to beat "the ses whines by growing el ‘They sh be gene, Fathi ott weal ‘Pech tread tin cool ad weirs Where eckes chirp nd ile wings um fee en ms be Kind and lve the sll thing. “rey sec Gnd the single Hle—the brad ‘OF deere waters af the steams & | A shee bt agin he hilly heath CHAPTER V | ‘And waemth when wits emer and men would dem — | Dream ence again of Sede and growing things ‘When soos bare gone anda be temBlng cod Wakes withthe ramping of sig. Men hac, | ‘Who exp the Bal, the ir of Ga i| ae HOME DEDICATION SERVICES ep paren | Set ett oe | A Service of Dedication of @ Chinese Village Home | Te tomer Dekotly «Hose abe Tl i 1 i en pte | a ae erm hr arce as cate irre pany ioseoce arene ee tae | 7 Oe be ie Suggetions forthe Observer of the He Sion Home Perel nena new bone ic ul, or when 2 young maid eauple vs ont ogeter in Boe of thi ow eof the mest and vine and fed, ‘ivifcant end ecive thos of ecsringvght Chrisie a | “Tc hien in ena pes may ot te neglected, Imuphoe from the bepnnng i 10 have seice of dedication Cte a eee Such resizer are now Being ed in many pares of the od | Ba tiated x bomen The sis ond exsipins bere gion are bt seated xem | Ep Thy sean dedication wil | ‘Tosa en in plenty upon the godly earth ‘Her of many good end bewialserscs of a ‘Through Jous Ces, our Lord Ihave ecm sean rom many land nm "A Pew te 894 ak of Pe, See ae ‘min ro 0 sl by em oe pe, { @ A Service of Dedication of a Chinese Village Home {7 hoe, wht evi ito ol shld Be made dean 1nd fy and ay cote and dt fe, we poi ues tre hi pr at ea pcre of the iy Panty ai sr nie Christe wes ts et at tn of ws of jn Rel {nd parent see "Ae ine pein ral he fly be pce, wth the gator ad site company of nee nds md near ‘he tly owl be meas arc ah i one ots a the pte set ae a Te ee tll be model at my Pit wo take moe ing oe Pere ayn Sco ru ee Conde te vie ae Opening Works: I «ma ove me he wil keep my words aed ny Father wil love i and we ill come unio iy, sd take coe abide wth Kn fon ‘hal bow good and ow lect ici fr Brethren to rl ogee it uy. Pane 39 iy Soprres ph. 32 19-23, 622-4. (Or oer atthe pat my ‘oe Pago Tal: (Athen I irc ei ged het ‘ern Inger hn € oe # mins - Paty: Gathered herein the presence of God and of ech ote, ine acknowledge that eae chidron nf Goad tht ure home isthe Home of the Spi, me in Him and Me in smhcrever ne my be Pomily: We Uns Go for ssrace that He tabernacle with anor! We acknowledge sho tht God isthe Creator and Pe 6 vider of il things node for our potent comfo:. "This Rowse Tus ecn ult by human sil snd bee But the il was fom {Gols the sent to abo tar fom Hin, and every Bi of Scaled a of Hi xn, aye We hake God fr tis hous. on Fo evry ace in he ou Friar, cooking ten “iy anes but for we nd For sant, amie "We ae tanked sto God Pasort Bor di courtyard with fs (Here thio tipo, vit fac and sha ote pls, als of Hower, soe Fie and shed ex and animals frog imple), omy We hank or Ga Porm, Porth tnd ov 89 fay 0B ere together, and ia elomip wi Kind nde n et bones abo 8, Family We tank ose God Hye The Panily’s Covenant: (Ta be tod by the bed of the Hot Toh a et andl, Orit by be pasty who til all for sen tthe do) Thre fami, solo Ged our Faber sed prveged wo make this oot bane, we coenant bore God and you who Se ur fens To mak thi «place (feat lone nd frien been anand wie Of wos cv othe we of te gd Gf Marea ch in ly hai nd sods cht arc Cian fal and guidance fo ving yt ht hey ny vane cou er ve to dipeapof ons To mote «ple : (Of och hang nd Kinds od ri, witin he bone anda emma oil pw ena «ree Massed clo, ec mur fo the wee of the ere & (of sch rere a wonip a wilackroege he poe cece of Gols ew i oan ea fe owe ‘de whocnne a noah a at we havea re only: We do al hey make tes ea vows Prayer of Dedication od Bling, cling withthe Lai’ Payer Beneision Dedicating a Home in Africa We hove been dow wo acknowledge dat many naive custome are fh cred and hei, and tat ic wil soenginen the ‘hush and ts members if we ade se ofthe, pil wit fo the ous Bigg of git and ating. Recently group of +50 pope acl co dete the new teacher's home et Bunge, one ofthe otstaon shel Thunder sd beavy cloud kepe many say, bt soe ee wh ve ‘Spht on le dat, nay wih bie on tir ck “The shower came daring the singing ofthe fe hymn a goed. sipn sid many. We dd te sod forthe nn nex bly need, Sheher was mgt in one ofthe schol tiling whee the pe ram cotiue In bit opening remark the Aca pastor md “Tiss nating ne. We all know this torn of deing 4 new bome. We know thi or foeatee ever moved inte 3 haw home without et ssking forthe Weng and te po. Teron ofthe Grea Spit and the aly Spr We know that they alo Bad ether coor which were god ad helps Thy ‘nvr chose ane building st without nvoing the idence tf the Gree Spt std Hi pre. They alu dhs whe te ‘ame was given toa aw Baby. Many ter etme they had hich Were also god. Some of them had yrs which were no 4 goody as when the medicine tn wat cll int do is ‘ir Ba we must bet code they Sr chey ed upto de « bey ad Aad we he redoing Bnet ae Ae ew on rt ame He Spine lit we ne “The shover asl ding the pont cok pg ofan uring (aii bk he ow hoe. es me then we loekl tock uj the cot al dred fn Ue ing SO Sy ne ofthe on and bey in te Sou ay ie ay eer on te fb te does re ied nme fe do tap” ad hee tee UREN ce may so at a of ig cate Ue he Ge Spe and te aly Sp fo eas Wenig te ome of mama: Tie Hed Shed sparen te ew meni Tle bona deh, © Get Spit es be sr Tepe te hp tse ux Moy she tow Free ears cecal oe a ea auger the fy Av its convion we ‘arching round the Service for the Dedication of the Home in Indi et dre nd ati ine i cn oe ot ih sed a eA tema eal be ade ad i tea es ye The a eae of Chit, pay 3m oe © SEP LE be wll ir Tie de Sete 7 ty amc drt he woo ov sh esa pone “then i iy oye (The hore hevng en es Sed ought shai be pe 1 ced the flowing De eric 6 Lanier: Peace be ti ote and ll whe dl in it: Ae, Hymn of Prose: (Any weltkoown by may be chosen) ender Let rnin in lence and rmembe ta de Lond Tess Chie prs wih oe Stonce ender: God loved the word that He gave His nly beg ‘en Sa, Tet thank and pase the Lord Who eae down co cath for. Leeder oe Thy humble Bh a «stile, se ach sentence a eect. Wepre Te, © Lar For ‘Thy fore of Mary Thy Mater, er Thy hoe fn the vilge ot Neareh, or Thy workin the crests shop, For Thy Meson the weliing at Can For Thy vss to the home of Manta sel May, For Thy flow wih single, humble pope For Thy love of lie cide, a eavely Pathe, we thk Thee that Thy Son, Jes Chi, var hrm ih an eatly Baas, sch thi one, Mths he and all who dein Grane may be il f peace a love: Nay our Lad fs Chis bie wi lay nen. Bile Reding: bw 446-54 Lander 1 ws pay for God frgneness. ‘Aker he meni fcc thee shuld Le ps for remembrance a pnience 1a us temamber blo Gd ete hat we hae sed four quately. aot lef lors = any ala ness,» out Sichedines, ---— ou fle to mre one roti Toll arse and go tomy Father and sy unto Hin: Fath, T have sinned ugtnt hone and efce Thee {ecu ent ot sis to Cl ying ll tote a (0 Gat, our othr; eave sinned apis The i dows woods ad dee Have ete upon us and forgive wou sis : penn and be te overcome ot? Senate agit em Fes tnough eon Cri out Lod Amer Tat pay fori ail ortho 38 ore or thee aay fon home Menon exh entero ify by mame ping SE ef ae ie ee alr | ae oe pi gs real ying ie sat pny ned Gas ay ee Saker Si mabe of the Ac Desng the singing of shit hyn each meas nly sll ving on ering 10 the lace ready prepared “take oor lie an et be Const Lond ta Te ‘Take ur woments and our days, Le thet Sow in esl probe ‘Take our hands and ee hem move, ‘Working always foe Thy Tove, Take ar Tee [C08 ‘Always ony for ose King “Take our ser and obo, Nota mie would we wba "ae ar as ey Tbe oom Ethers be Thy sop throne "Takeo He, © Lard, we poor ‘Ae Thy fet our tease sae | ‘Te ene and el Eves oll fr The At the clase of the yn the faloming preer hall Be wit Hervnly Father, Ger ofall god things asp our gf, sd les them in Thy servi, fe Cv ke ne © Doring the ingig of heya the wholly shall owed in prcein ound the Bow, iting he ht Iberover they have been pce, Hymns AS ih Glades Men of Old * (A ill tu othe lace of prage an the serie sal sls a fellows Chis te Ligh of the world, Amen, (Chis is the Line ofthis hose, men Chri is the Light of our hear. “imen © loving Father, we dete Wi, our Sami 0 Thee and ‘hy service, ss ad acy all tines an inal places Give us oes and wach a ale to serve The Mae thi tly Christian houebald. May i be a ght ising io ‘he dunes for» witnw 10 Thee And dT fe apse light of Thy coutennce spas‘ now and alwas ne, Consecration of s House alg see ia Taney, Und en fo Wary In tate Sn (says Prose tenet gl Rc or at) dB oy {CWhen the foundation have been dig and de fis tons are 10 be aid he family and ween ll wand rend the thar tins, Hxtmpore prayer ini ad the pit Corre the fae) ay the one: Next the fate a Se fel ge , one, then any near male rave who i pret hen the trter and any grown cdr. Each say's few words of ctf lying 8 oe. Pin he home ned hres «ceremony of etn, to wish apt fen ofthe aly ae nel. fie re Tigited oon the eth ad mas od on Rew pt ‘toon tte lk hav bale prayers ae sid ad the howe A ese fom of word eto the pon wha condos the seve Then the milk is handed rod to Be sie ger, nd plansne ve sn gen. "afer cag al se owe ond sing Iie foe «ine, Bal ad nce nue ae then dite, od one y one the gO CE the lame: Af the de houshold yore fn all thie bangge a ae up rode. Suggestions for che Obséevance of the ‘Christian Home Festival nm Te ein of he Cin Hae, 19429 Neo A, INTHE HOME 1. Paronaron 2) Clmlnes. Dusing the wesk preceding the fiat the owe sould be thoroughly clased, inde and ov. Any aco. Inulin of rubles should turned oot and bared. OH or tant hey, nigh be ven say to poorer ecg Vilage ones might be ely wives the Boars rly one with cowdng, and doorated th pterns if that i he ston Thre shouldbe oo cabede In road or earners The t= fsundings ofthe howe to should be nen ave ll rib {aken amy and po stagnant wer ft lying In fc 2 glen trperiiy forthe peer clean pa the Cian are. 2) Howty As a ax posible the home sould be decoed and teamed would be ice i 2 new pce could be bough ” Thee it 4 good scation of coed pits paddy the LLocow Pree ata rene anant each which are aie fom many Chitin Book Defot ‘Thee ie 2 bate rl plete of The Chit ofthe Indian Home ayaa from the NCC, pre » pie Or thee ia new colored pater of the Viggin sod Cu, pice + any to be oad rar the Chen Lecture Soci Fale which on ford o pay» ile more right ger any one ofthe pists ofthe Life of Chit by Ele ‘Anes Wood, alo Ia clr Family phenyrahs cold be ga Janded anda ach howe ral fr fering ened Sd Dreyred: Where thee i «garde some special plant might be [row vey forthe day ort new tee planted. Move ees rangement sould beso have at tany lights ops bth inside sad oat to be bgied yp afer dark, The Te wage caren war aces with pc frag ied in 4 wk bt {nin ator eile th ery sed chop to provide Wheeer pale esd be ily gabeings. Mc sont ordi gh stn w de re hone ling din Chren wit hom. In slg wba maken leet tmen ofc wo ae Unig Sle yd sad be pe TaD esto gabe ogee fora et oe fly el ‘hich ea housld cul sourne wong. Taft thigh poe se eon on ich fly re oad be Nese. Cen anol or gowmop snot daghers ay for ae hu be eager aegis ey my 45 Four Connon “he may ok vari oom alow 2 Ae ato aly wo B) Therein othe hae, wth he family xing ound Spo thih, wap stn wich he chit isn ii sh take pa 0 Sg the Cai eg he bone 4) Entertainment by the didn, ngng, ring, ating, tan ly ger B. INTHE CHURCH Churches, payerowcy, ons any Balding in which Ci ‘ian worth ts lary shold ke dened and Jeorted and os {ars posite tha shoud be joa underaking of ren, women And dren, Paley ies, ches, andy igh, ey ca ly belied ¢ eo a cof people af pepred {ike woule indo fac cant alford to buy = 3e6 Dict far sce oa hose, paps several of them ight co {Stew buy oe forthe Chak a: Trawnscrnte Senens 2) Serves of Holy Communion at which there ave special prayer, oferinge and ade 1B) Sonal Serves foc which vec fom fr deren yes cf rtp wll be found inthis book on pages 1% 17,2 Ts soggnted that at sch sees he ier migh, me fa ws pone at togehen, the Baye with the Sather abd de gs tik te mathe 5 Trae Orrenes “These nay be in money of ia Kind and shad be gen 9 roient pce inthe sri Fee mgr hat cc fl [SGAld ame up in tem bringing ther ering, ay ata are (esa Te son he empaaed that thse ofeigs are a eken cf thaokgiing forthe Boge of fly Iie and wih dhe ‘Seset the fon, ech congregation, prop af congress, Gr church (aonrding to te eusom peesing ip that body) tight dds to what objec the hae ofering sould Be devo! 4 Proc “The could pecs 10nd the Chrisie Howes with pases foe seis page wher thea sic ep, ely Boe ber, (tee thes hat tcenly boon eaves. They cam alto 30 a a ee ede though the nonChrinan quae, ae an act of wines de ‘ied These are pecially sale foe wilage congrpnions IN THE COMMUNITY {eis wy ingnant t e setsing ey bon, aul fad fen opps Ch, i el ed se carn Ciencias who ple wie aChrn wold ous The low se ape Sea's wo tb ny ce itn he gt oe 1a tan os es as xo i seprton oh pcs eed Foal Whip. Sunk Otcney ang Chili Udeanig of Ade, Cha Mog Arogenen Pony te cs Gye Meg er nC wen on ets d- ing fhe aah yey Cha TEs gg, Dis ae extn he igo Ch few oie ah pi inp of Chi’ Kies wih pin fr deni, cxke'wnl tomy, ued ering de reson sd Suis he Lon aoe Rayan pee eng any tail 5 St ite Et maa boy, sino cig vag Man and Hie Howe “Thee are ol nil cee he ie of tna, One of he very satis at ll which lene hie seer. Night comes and, rh bas bsnl day a is mak in she wes per Bam, There ihe hr wil hi he, Bis od apd is Bre Theeore man Iie eer loved ie ler "a mbes the ows tof clay of af Be or of ick oof stoner of whatever mierit—the msn who as nade i hs loved ie Some afr have heard the glad Sago of «man ad ” tis fiends a they have brought home Grom de fret the fot tte of his new house, Sone of wave herd the dapsng and he lamang when a mas nds ave woven down the cay Heer new howe: Think of athe extoms we know with ‘SE nn hes bnoured the bling of his Bose and shall ot Tipoyer 2 Gd be noc 8 esom? nar: © God, we thank Thee fo the end of ou abou and Fa te Ging ofthis hou ve Bove bt Dy Thy ie i us tre have had the idem nd the eng fr the work of tui Eg" A de rome nthe bow om Thee, Before we began (Ey tell Th ie go Defne ue i the way ig foe ‘Stubat we moul ed to flout ows, Now we we Tee See By teen who wil ive under Wo root. May Ty Fel fe avec um ike the soot of thie house. May Thy ce Temoundtn ke he walle ofthis Bouse, May we love one am Sharan ths hose, and ay We lone The. Then Sl his bose ie Reel both in Thy sight aod fre the es ofthe people Of one Master ‘Theksgivng for Water Wherever tan i fv, wee mas be there abo, To ve tsi ne Gad gies wt be rer File A ie sping {he ride a alge: Thowe who tel where thre to water ‘Si wth hey ce hey must ie and thse tone leach in Belay Ta. Pasig though a prope vila he this rave (Rel keg wat from the woman ia her hous, and abe wll (Bie eo the seanger, tho the spring be ar and the water ie "i Bia poke of the Kndne here sm the it of fener sod there ia Christan way of giving water 10 the Baber ran ald hing; there wer wster om car Before TES Ag of mae tn gg Hs cidren wats, Gad as given (Bani tnd power Teta power in the eshing of wate Ata the sear of ate, a every schocoy Knows We Dave Ta Weal de ok hat water en do fr man, bu every 6 numa being ows many Kind waye and is of wer, and the le fll f the psi oF arm: © Goth me ssc inthe rin. We ree ia the eee tener ofthe aig We tee fo te get water of the tive We thank Te thie Thou ase remembered ws withthe gt of rote: We thank Thee thet Thou dose send Thy sant the Tray to seve Thy chile fvom deowghe and fom tnt. We (TEm Ty ser and we ha The, We fein Thy water 360 Sve thank "Ths, Oor sd in the grad lives bythe al of Thy Tiss we thank Thee, And i anywhere taj in any Bld o llge Thy wer fs Thy chien, remember the Ja me, we ay Th. Send Thy servant, the ein © vst they and ‘ruse Thy een to be lad inte fl of Thy based ate For ku ake den “Thanksgiving for Light “Therein hid why when the moon eins, recs grey “Thee alr wh Hes own monlighe Ther am ‘pon wh sits gly alight. There ins ean who as long deed to cary is onn lantern, ard tonight be as And there ie voran bo gad feta tat deep inher house Thre tn set whoe he ie Bight ith dle si a pene for all ech prple who dare to give Go hanks fe suv: Out Father Gad, we thnk Thee forall igh dat ihe tar dus: We conse the moon and the are whi Thu fast Me We tha ‘Thee for stati, fr moon, fr gest end ‘hong sung We chan Thee for aren right and the lap Ino house and the lantern none hand Al ight comer om They wo a the Pater of Light: And we pry Thee thst Thy ‘Word ay be t lap for our fet and ight on our oy. For Jeo’ ake. en CHAPTER VI SERVICES OF REMEMBRANCE Al Saint? Day We Seins-Day Sersce in China Halo Sanioy Parent? Dey in China fle sha rome of the Bet mil for nes Tchr saa ene fom Chi Tits vencrence ove being bought evr at the Chistian Cac. ‘Notes benifit abaroance of Saint? Day in ‘cholin Nonhers Rhode desbed so eloquent by Miz Show All Saints’ Day Ths dni «gy i 8 Dy (We al lige the candles soothe si oe one mors and my het lp to the wore God ould come to tae Tighing ofthe candles. Al Sins? Day eames The chapel woe tude besfel with Rowers, and when nigh fl the cles me quel expectant Each one om tering” war given = tle anid endl. Only the gus pddingof Kae tre foe ve bead and oor and agen an inden bee af wonder Te soe ery Bestel he et etl we cul fle. ‘the alr ele cvered ithe whiten were Bowet ite aod ret and the tender gro of fer Among thor tree nny lighted cance Cader the chapel lp te wo 2 low sand sarouided by Sowers and ers, and ea it saod = tal ory canleich, i the midst of white roses aod inson Is all the windows there were lighted andes and lowers ‘The cles face ar they entered were Bt up with ae and inp They had come to met witht Chis andl hie pope: "We kee and sang (© Chet, our Lhe, sine i upon ws ow “Then sanding, we sid all the Chi wor aboot ht. They steed we elke of “an the Light ofthe word” That one tll candle sanding amie he vet wit ig the Chie, who exe bopng the light of God to eth Thos to whem He Ses gave the ligt, St. Pal who carted fx fr we found their candles on the aa eae “Then the pest any of the sin aed mate, high and ited up ike tee Lads we bad thle andes. “The ty line cans amide the Rovers ad ferns were hase sf the lise ehlden mares hove ans ld the Light un sergly through the ways of Ute and death, We baud the * rey loved sry of fle Tas once asin. All f them Posed Before pres in pon us all he great tbe of the Tbibarers, he Communion 0 Sis ‘And to os ha come the Light into oar bande i has been ive, parsing fom hand a hand through ll te age And now Fei for rt eae i through our ay and generation, vo fll ito tr pe inthe great poesion an to flow on. Neve olay ign, to guard that Light a0 our very les ever to La the Tight go ost apd then atthe end, to band fom a2 We pss Inte the vain realm whee thee is ao eal of sn or candle Tigh, or Ga inl the Light there” i icemed yf thee wat on ned for ards ewer al sing together cau up by We glory ofthe vs, The sl pt faces ibe cilren, the lene thing befor vs the tening of bur Hee ate wed hee tings nt yor, were the ele "Nw cme the stant ightng af aur own Tle candles loom the one sanding sone Maeaya and Te Bs, fr we ze the eos of he shen commun. Then the eer, one by be, Net cven the moving fet of the chitien Woke he see “Te Ine ones Hae wntng thie tara with ager shining ep andr treed eth cares and srs of fog, Quely thay tang, "Whe ae thx ke at apearng? ‘Ae a all the canes lighted, we stood, and fom one side cane the queion, "Who sre thar tht ae arrayed i white fol aod whee come dey?” ‘The other side made acer, We sang te Hynn of Light © Ligh of the Creat God ‘Whi bas shined in our darkness Tord af Lie Ligh for athe ie of Lie Tavis cur Howse of Payer © Lond lok poo We lito Thee ou ans, Even our hea, Tatham bel up wih Thy Ligh Great Gad fall pod, Lord of Life Sp of Holnes, “Thos at worthy to be worshiped by all men, Gro Lado cles weetio— We clden wostio— ‘We kel before Ths, We worship, we wor. "hey Kean bent fra forthe I vere. Then we mie cut tuning fr al the Sunt thre we Know Dy nape and She eter che sill on ca wth os whose love and prayer ‘etek ths ichool oh ight el, And lof sou on, Gor very avy the cle af ths howe whe fave gone on Shea nto the land of Ligh and abundant Lte—Mry Maka tea ber lle son Miche goer Chol and er Giles ‘Wied Maly Nlrgver Chit Kaba, Kapa, "Aten asm dhe dies Bed high thir eps. ero ant went out saging, “The Som of God gor forth oma” Mey tayed thee King nen to the chapel dar The cen crosed the cout och one intent guarding er candle fame. alway ores, fhe leeds sd sl and fon gated round; he witout oe word or igh almost one ha oman of hile foked Apo the starsand ied hgh tee canles They laweed then hd pated in lence to the house. ent back into te chapel to Mwenga and ele wih her. Seid brekenly: "If only Teould go aow with my cane in tay and thew would be ao fet, Pay for ee hat To no" T pened for s bh tat we had ged God candies in the heart of Hi eden “he wat set lor lo time, ten she spake, “T have ever scene hte, Gos i 0 ea Why did Leer fest? Aad Faw tet ntAr hey are or end, we bong to then.” Tent to sy goo night to the takers. They mee sting gy "We dont nantes, we want orcas tala "war the ne ite host Bown, where the big pile were sing op. We dat want to sleepy we want to ae tal Ia ur Beare” Combs flowed me to the door of her Howse ‘You site other mseing the Chie would come to we He br come, and vith the Gres Once of Bis Kingdom” "Newt morning I slled one of the spd sd ‘yd you sand tl athe dle of he yard Laight sd li your candles?” Did Jou ot se the sae? she aed "We thong they in the spill were lwering thi an 0 4nd 90 ied tors fo them in proto ‘An AllSaints"Day Service in China 10 Blea Commanion, Flowiip Divine” i ma ee te i of he hi rece wm (Cin the Hall of Worship the sreable war covered with cn les Lng and srl igh wd low. The ret, ll eal cae lone wae ly for Jeae Chit Proves! Hymn: (Sine Nomine) (© may Thy slen, thfl, yor and bol ight othe nts who no fooghe of ol a Aue win with thom the wr’ crown of ‘leit (Cwodcory statement by the Heder, aboot the exiveraiy te dy “Thou was thi cok hi ores and hee might, ‘Thuy Lory tht Capen in the wal gh Bx “Thou i the deka den hel ane te gh ‘Aleia!” ‘om rnanintes or cnr. Cane behind and below Chie’ tree ly wth a ution from word abot mie focanpert SF vin fon the Bap, tiny Moss Conus, Boda ‘ses ont sna ent Cande it ear Chas for Toto, Mary the Mater of Jr, Peer, Fame the wees ofthe Goes, Pas Tenet, Lys, ee Reading: Rev. 729-17. (Vere chanted to Chinese tune) sor onsen tzamas ou concn, Candle tie fr Auging Mica Anion, Se Francis Kav, Wey, Lather, ae tome mowers or se ora. cs. ‘The at Ur of candles tea be fr Marsan, Leang Pa, Pasor Hs Hishop Shere ‘Shovaky, the Shan warts A rayer of Thakagring ae ‘Sf fr thre hese ho brought Chri to China ‘nies wo anovont tne tor To ot Bach pao 2 andl forthe prem who bad held open for her the door a She King dom pondates, «teacher,» boved pastor sons, fey wre mentioned by ame wih tendo and gai. © snay Thy solder, oe and eld, Fight the int who nbly fought of ald, ‘And ia wid ben the vir’ cron of gold ‘leu! wee tort cases ox oostoes Each student It «sl ane Foe hela al of er payer and desi oe iced in fe Co ae meee Ahi glviows company. All eat frst a ciel of light, and sing with ae, © tise conmonion, flowship vine! ‘Weebly sre they In ory sins Ye all age in The fr all ae Thine Alli Payer: (Bos of Connon Prager, calle for All Sins' Day) "0 Almighty Ga, Wh hat kee together The elt inane communion tnd laws in teeny dy of Thy Son ero Chas ear Lond; gan grace to Flow Thy Hesed Scns in all winoous and godly ting, eat we ay come those unspesate ons wach Thow hat propre! ar hem that unegnely love ‘Te trough Jour Chest oar Lod aes Revesionalt Rex. 7:22 (chanted in chor) Halo Seoday 1 se af tinh dno ae Oren Prete Hymns. Case Tha Fount of EreryBlasing Wyeth Ioation Responsive Reading: aseases 1-15 Hymns Roc of Agertlainge Serine Readings Pal 330 8s Morning Bryer and Choral Response unter: Have Thine Owe Way—Sebbin« (Gy group over sy yes of 8) Recognition of Honored Membr Reception of Oftring Orem Ofloroy Sermon: De Profundis Hye: Sweet By and By Webster Beveicon ond Quis Organ Pesiade We honor tay tne hiny-ght meters of our huh who tne atid the age of tte acre and ten We congas those peop hak them for thi il serie to the Chueh nd Kinglomy aed wih fo hsm many mote Yasin the serve be Maser hereon cath Gow ld log with me “The bar ir yr vo Be “The La of lie for which the foe was made “Te response to the Sanday ma fr Hey expectations. Tei teue hat ie ld sal ed them and hat you ca bing the farcts to church by puting the alea n'a progam. It ie [july ewe tat you can touch the est of en 2d ween yay hn wil nove be fngten Sy kind deed to thet aged Paveats’ Day in China he Paras Day sevice observed by the Chuchow church on May ti ade prelly tothe Chin spt of oor bere. ine fain sting fury groups, bt abo a members of the ene family of Gol in His church, brought tht te of baton and pris to the Father in Heaven: After Pastor Cheo Inenioned the mass of pete and ceered oer pepe who tad gone on incding De Ongod, the ionary the Rev. Shin‘Rertiza and exe, awo ineiaber of the congregation teed prayer a merry of dem. Te younger members of he Sitch then feel payer forthe Evng pars who are now anping the Duden of the work ofthe shires Then, wie te Ene engegation sod wth bool eas, Pasor Sho payed fer the yong pope ofthe sharch who fave dedi them Scns to Chiton sre bn in the ech snd in thee bine ‘he the concatenate teres ach member was sven # pit ofr pope ein the spe a re AIL esmed to the hereon setvee ringing thi pager rts wth amex of he feu ofthe epic of Cod wen pon thes. Aer the abernooe feiss prod of serio and 4 reepsion, Tete tree ilk gare andthe young people duane the mary of the Prodigal Son ‘nthe end of the dy, the engzepion went home with the reulaton to led ll mesa ofthe fas to City spd 0 ratedientciden ofthe Faber in Heaven A Hymn forthe Couniry Chueh © shou Who worker ihe ‘Though aun ad ny it Bock ote, We so and sep a pen ape, jing th 0 work ih Thee We meet Thos io or foie Bel "We see The in the booing ey ‘Thon gives what oo lige rl ‘Our hay ower reve Thee igh 0 Thos Whe tei temore, Transzning ll ht Th as ade, Wey on our day of est adore "hal eel Thy Presence, wat our bes rego to erobing Bal ‘Oar sols ie ike the eager pie; We gather in these wal ell "Thy bundles lore, oor dep dese Like Hien Who in wash cil Revealed Earth the Lie Diving, May we sere he eyo “Ra even ie ea 1 of Thine With Thee Who open Thy beod "Fo sty al Sg igs We fed the ee of our land “Pie cvs hove with te pei Redeem oe raf fom care om Wlindgese to sion bight May all ho se plow Be with eyed Maya wo hare now Thee nigh! (Ck by erin he a) % CHAPTER VI CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS The Feaiaa of Lights An African Cheat Service Carls in Apes ALB ie he en dane eel idee eebtion of the prot Wie fsa of the Chinon ear. Lite matvilwat fuad which some to 8 sly indige teas ater wed in the een of Chie, ras aly none fr ase, Penta, 0d the exer Jes of she Ja. Chriss i elebraed mare airs than any eter Chi tion fen How the agian Kner av one sinks of the clei ofthe bith of the Redeemer andthe coming of He ‘Shepherds the Magi mong the peoples of te fr tds of the eats Tish, of these Clviniar Ese ander the eset of tn Altice shy, the thvoge of Ini wileges Fighting ther fates 0 symbolae the coming of the Light ofthe Wold 10 Tac, she dna ond ges of elebration in North and Seuth meter end crs: Enrope, Evry, ecerpahre, Chidinas oni. Ral pele eveyarere fd oy in Bngng their gts tf edarton wd te tothe [et of the infet Reems ‘The Festival of Lights At the beginning ofthe service the Church i fly ihe Wien the prope se ate andthe pepe tne he corey the their mache incoming dwly wp the coi sn ainging 4 ‘hey come, and tke hi lea the fot ofthe Chere They hove ule eal in thc and bt thew ae nee dag (Or the unig eal may be Tel io thle seats forthe to seca they seach the fone. The nest fw ere ofthe serio, ‘vn wo de taing of John 21-5 ay be vated tos lca ody sel may low the otiacy onde of trie They ‘ould be wranged, however, oa oie the congregation sae par inthe erie a hey wl take le active share the ater Par "The flowing item sre merely sogsesea Hy: 8 Chviras hyn ith the whale cangresin sin: Respontoe Reding Reciwion ofthe Dixie Cred aad the Lone Prayer: (0 ‘nso Prayer of Adoration and of Thockresig 1 Go forthe Git of “is Soe Hymns. A Chimes yma with the whole congreption in {pg in. Att pin he High i he Chase sre dnwed, sad fr hee on the oder of ie sald te followed aly. Ade: ‘Toe Miniace eely mes on some mah thee 38 Trt the Ligh ofthe Wari homing bow in Ch he Light (of Go ea int the dakns ofthe word He wl fh by ‘yng, We wil now read the ry of how thi Light ene into the word, or wordt that ele. (ld Tetment Rending: A png posts fom Tat dating ith the soning ofthe Chit Nev Tesment Reading’ St. Joba 12-5 9-44 Ae the words “Aad the Ward bcame sh,” lange candle hed ete onthe ska or on ble tthe fron igh “Tis it reeset the ight of Chi, Hyman: Chis ony, one verte of © Came All Ye Pith, or ‘ome sch ym. (Cit would be ast to hare tis remind a the gh i the Church tdi to rd by and the we of tree ‘Meow lights over the wale and ceing thet ae dissing New Tetamont Reaing? Marhew 211-11 During the Scripture reuding saw, suspended oer the feng (Clmotisely sis the Seine i Snihedthee wie en tach op the err site ofthe Charch fn the dasa, Uinging te they cane We Tlace King of Orient Are ae teinging thee ite When they reach the font each one tinge the Yee prope to bing and las tgif a the thar Ether during the couse of thi vong, or iliaey aferwar the olin af the congregton ken up The wie nen wk down the aie to met the poe aging the ofrng tke foo shen, biog the fot anda itt the aor vith chi gts of gold, Cnokncne, and tay They then witht % New Tenument Reading: Mathew 951318 As cach dicihes nate is elles be comes forma and ght is candle No onli i for Jay be Ace 35-96 ‘rend ao Mathias comes forwan! aod lights the telah ‘andl, Chai ety, one vero two ofa song of dainion. A before his shld, pol, be memorized. [New Tenement Readings Ast 26: 13-18 Pau comes fowl ad lights hie cme. The sizer plains how he cls ofthe Char et shit ren {RE poly sel how fom then it as spc to al gop ‘all nde The elder soe foward and igh their ender from the twee diaipley who have reined ening in 8 row athe front The cir my here ing ater yer of ¢ Ij if aie, The Mite pronounces the Debedition. "The coi the dpes, the ede, and ae mnny of te conpregition at Eso the word sing some wel oa yey tock at Onward Chistian Soles or The Norning Light Te etking. The cangrgton esi intr pacer dag the snging af the by, Int a the fine word the cit sare to msch ot ating th candles fom tho of the ‘ides asthe pss in tot of them, sna balding hee ‘fle high ‘When the elder and disipls are cece the doo the light of the Church nay be tnd ony and the comgreps on may pout The cde aed dil and perp the hoi alan, wl by that te be wang athe dors aad wa [Beto every pero a e par ot candle, which be wl Tighe from the ed by the elder and the ciple Tn tht sr the pmbliom wt be cad stage for, Many ope wl cary these ends hare to ther hae, here Tig oer exnder around thir howe 1) Candler—One lige andl and any pas of sll ean cy whic on be tough i poke of 3 fr Few sss per This can be ety mae from sll ba overed vith Mack page, with «sal ar atin the Hide, abd eatred nthe ne th whic ave papers hae the eee ight lb (Ge akcty i mel) wll not be vale Thee no dec, tome ter device mut be oe. 3) Coane Theae ae only neces in the ca ofthe three 1) Pons me sled and ened Leora foe the chats and the dpe. 5) Carnes which decane the dips and the tldes may be felt cach the deppng wae. The general Spb every egy 0 ell and the flee othe Fight ean {le inthe di chore, apd inthe dark compound ouside when {he people ae carping them ery Bena prefered, (+) the Church nei be med anlar the sr alesy oe (2 the adds maybe acd jut afte Paul Tighe scan hi sac te cps lve thi igh om the {aie during the coun of he ade ke thee sate andar the ore come up and get ther fights again. Ths e005 ‘ster onto srangemene howere. ‘An African Cheisemas Service enti Sta er We veg diy (© yas Christmas Ere an inti om schoo village hat very ‘ening ee wa to eth gst et of werk ofthe Chesinas on scnon, guig ofthe Tae to gs its Chic. The in id Soc com, b dating the Ite ftom the so hed ap ies renee ‘hit Kase cn in with his dm and «get cod of eo and they nett ilge ts watt he hel Eel cade Arica ado cing ded quienes ae son the chile, and ome 0 expcancy. Te wheal ore fed was leith ak wa fone in he ote fo {he Tons Bolen The ky gr tnd an bce, bot we ‘reat gly om th oe repro, when we mec ea. “hdl te cle dese for he prt we og te be "Te len ny thn ant y on Chistes ve ys “Came conecome tote Cha” ‘Wel up tena Tn few ints he pole woe pein in. Gon in ly ice de thn Addon che care There at oven sad rs he tlm bene Frage he mar taken to bit le the tpily essing test ws The chen wee siting inh, vey a “The rin wl ap we Know tl” weno sin fed asked op Tong eld sit planed sae An oidtnan pled ti “Toe a vl psy be oid SSE ing down ve al” “AEB id the len bed Tuminooed wp ccrage, and sped dwn by hi "ie watt know it he in wl He ike hs poh owed "Tel ps aes vewtand i dd "We beg ald ose Reser san ihe yam hen wee Te Ss ju ned Hi tp Sind ah ie gotta lps owed ike the worn hea of jpn hdren We know ong of Cina ecing ee, Stl do weve Chins ten lor ues ba Gols ps tothe Ly colng ster ley foe ry being Iver and aor sn fod rE, wad fo ont owes and fanfare Neth doe hive the ld ade o Puher Christmas The fle Cd is waodersoauph, and the lovely sri of shepherd and wie men far and ie mm tags the young Mth nd he aie wendeog usband, [lhe fouocy to Bethlehem, of ee iy andthe High ey, ‘Bethe te betty and or elour and romance and fpr "They come nn fa, yor after ps the old cling up the il fom the vlge withthe ai Ofek, the young Aen tle fie mith edern cinema Bly hey all come Whe sot vilge Tor the cen ii dhl tive of giving: One side me, ‘On Chains Exe we give ov pom Chrsss orig the Chie gies wo 1 dt kaw which te hey ar bth 50 food Teen grsoon aod lovely git of wap they ge All the reverence and court the cikene the gaya Si pct, the ungustonngfath f Ais ar cen here, untouched fi nil aie in oe "Te ll that Chita Eve sly cad he vase audience to enc. Sweat wl toes fom afr song of unde and joy, and Tom the darkness came the saying bes of the clden who areal te bay ange They came, sl white apd gol, er tying lle swinging loured Lamers that looked Tke glowing ‘es: "Thave wat nosound bth ff i singing sad he ‘iy elthong fet beating et s dance ote mu of the etl “he che at forward aad eanained. Not eth Boke the sees a thei don x othe na a deed round fora fart sweet hyping, The he, who mar insurer Teton haley hi et ely tat no sound from Br ‘ould var the mui of the bale on the dining ft ‘Se ll anges dee net, olding bf amps He wes—they if gubeed ound the eping Babe aod ong «fe aly. ‘Tay wit, moving to the yin ofthe Rides choi. "A noman siting in he ae me forward and Wed dhe ‘ate om the manger apd. pave Him ito the ams of the Mater Toph he guardian of the Fle fe, was 2 man in 9 eam bce ofthis thing which ad come op The moter Stor Nelle Bonds, that yor aad the Babe, her ile ron id 2 ‘The shepherds oe he shep and watches and angel vis tans the Rings wth their gl fom the Eat whee te ar Ieaned the hlien with hee ower te wok’ skater (God lyin tht tar, came tothe Belch fn our ii Aad then the long prsession a erery man Kinge nods high dL wie and ignorant he very and the ery Young, le hm the age rprnng the ssen spint ral ih ie ae lempe eons the aka and neings put ‘heel dwn, ths esting ie wih ght There thy ang the get fyznn of the Chien Chor“ Come al Jefe ‘oh oy and elunphan ‘A they sang the lo yrs, "Yen Lond, we geet The” they oak and gresed lin inthe own bel wy. With thew nny in the audience bet forward ive thie geting. They ore ahd moved slowly aspen of light ad clr acd ‘muse, Ar the far end € the eauryard they Formed iw sed thee lmpe and sang, "Fern Word af Cod tnamate™ Then it ened to us tht wor wa to dep for wands se aan the ve rang out though te lr sll nights a sa io rmysery and enc, ‘Again the movement; th chien tok eee ples al ron the big enone, liking up withthe laps Aight, sy bate ofthe youg Chan Church, moved into the cre, He wore the gleaming hiner of sation, cared the shld of Ft, and the award of the Spire He ane ste itn and gd ed and flowed bythe sprite of ght hae who for cer ‘tend im on hit perils plgsiage tough the wel Te came tothe Baby Chi to nak is 10 and 8 kl thee someone sing, "Tere wet Kaight of Beebe” Again the poenson fone, snd they wet bal ging the lel “The lte angele who soroued the Mother ad er Ci le ter ow and danced sound se esd thatthe Alina women though geal wale ae unable to dance wit grace The ‘hildee on Chima eae itl it of tise ating ‘round. Aca cam pie gone and beauty whee she gives reve 1 opens enosker silt me one night, “How do you de ” it” Ove anmer was, “We dy the chien doi” Ts heir fn ify ach off thei owe interpretation, There ae ly ‘pore than the rhea thee fey litle nage anageinen fd the children ae he whole thing trough. etre ach one tment or ene Chungu ready fren the New Teaco the shepherds the wie men, the Chit lw the chen ofthe Tigh Gat lights ery ma" afte proceso from the crt andthe we of the Chetan warn othe se Chet ad he ne Tab, and she aes with psyer "The ane sat tae aight a lent to go—then I ove, roe sched sel pd began to sre tarde the pte Te seer que and erdety in apie of Chit Ken's pence, He tel fe to. “eis got god, goo nd tha chen who do yall white sd clean a they ae? Ae they the cen fy Bingdam’?™ "Chit hy, wih om are te clden of 4 Kingdom rae than fife od den” "es he sid thougily—hanked ne and move if ‘he dams were at been only Te sng std tim a his wy to the lage ‘elon Chakra, ane of our esngss pp behind to sy thank you "We siyayeaay the nigh thet the white dad ‘hen wh do thee wonders and sng thee sngs cant be 8 He lsd toad then, Salvation came trough a ile Child, sy ic oo come eos through the, oor children?” it rominded me of wnething Re ea hed adn pner "OF ol they sid acid sl ad and ‘Sve than, Here ae ane chen, © Chie, gathered in hr place, {nd thy are bgining tes” But I bad to nae the ey dprtng audience and go ino schol The cilden were siting wating The oie of the cd Bd nor disturbed ther ey the lst te et had to come. To ithe esd she Chi to aeep or it and tBu “They rose rom the nee sid the tongue ee led Was e gond, Maa?” “And the singing we go Os?" ‘Whe tad words anewer sch quciining when our bert tad been aed t the depts byte see enuy offal? Carols in Afticn Cie & Chriamas sight in Aéica. The Asean moa lange ean the worl kya the Civitan gate oe the gene [No ling can ld them sl the porch of the oa lng is wed for tags, andthe raleny se uoder the open ay. "Tonight the euant porcay thee o the Cri Cd Bebind them lows the sawp vers Soc wener are alien 0 fe jungle dre. Mary simple home shown. Alan water age cou ta a reali en wale Kap Macy ever Rik a Cabri Now the twelve shepherds dred in Jong Sankes aod exrying shepherd cot sbot el ean watching thc Bok, ia eal the goats of the min dat At they sing The Lard Tr My Shepherd io eee native tonguy Gavel and Bi angele spe wth the good ings. Back angel, a Meck Gals Js ocho tu ta all to anges wre white? ing Hered Sn ll his orca splendor could aot be more ingly than Dik he head Rota aa he lye he pare The Aftean audience in bashed te tls co he scene ofthe te sr mena they ak forthe new King ofthe Je hoi Be Term in Behl. Rich Asien ves harmonize the bent ‘Chrstnas tale © Lite Towa of Bablchen, aad Haly Night ‘Maryse Fon sein the able, Ke and he hosing, Stella gar in orton athe mange bear hem. New ae the ege shepherds and the dau wie men wid heir BS 0 th hat Ch. Ae they ly then the fot of he rode manger ty the ene diene singng withthe et Joy t the Wel ining gift And in bared reverence Balaog fers a payer tk thabegvng fo the gress fl gif He wha wa se eat Bly whe nowy sod and pelow-mighe hve abundant it # CHAPTER VI OCCASIONAL SERVICES OF WORSHIP AND SACRAMENTS A Community Good Friday Service A Week's Progam of Deily Worship A Preparatory Service for Bepticm A Candlelight Conmanion Service 49 Indion Christian Wedding Bopeien in Aetam ‘The Clriaion and the Chasch ‘A Community Good Friday Secvice Oreo Prue: Pasion Medley The Lars Poy Vin Salo: Bid of Ties andthe Maser Responsive Reaing Dect: The OM Rogge Cree 4 Moment of Sleace mae oF aoonaron*(Rerpontoe) eae: When we conser Jeo Chit, who, when eid by Sinan Les ten, ecdemned them not at rater eed out, Fath ogi ther, for they Know not whe hey do Respone’ We pave Tay Nan O Lar eats When We consider His mercy toward 3 ing thi, 20 that He aid, Wey T sy oa they day al tho be tri Mein Poa Reiponet_ We pane Thy Nae, © Lond Leaders When we conde Hie tener twd Hit wether ‘snd thetdiniple whom He loved, and how He mi, Won ald thy Son, soy Son iba Ty nthe, Reones We pase Thy Name, © Lard ender’ Whan ie eansider the dp af His sorrow 10 tit He ‘red out My Gosh ly Gad why host Tho foraen Met Rerpones"We psc Thy Nene, O Lord Leader: When we cotter the intensity of His su Chat He el at tis Respnue ‘We prise Thy Name, © Lod esters When we eooier the great Things complied by is fe-and deny sad tha le id i ised, Response: We pave Thy Nan, © Lo Lenders Wher we consider Hsin nh 20 thin he hoor of dah He sad, Father iota ‘Thy hands Toren My spa Respoie: "We prsive Thy Nene, O Lor stmen The Dowtogy* Payer Hymas* Beneath the Co of Jee Sermo: The Glory of the Crs Hymn® Wen 1 Sarey the Wandvos Cree Beredcon Podlaie A Week's Program of Daily Worship Commanty Service in the Witnete of the Church Daily Reins ovetr—Luke 19:25-37 The Pret Patern of Serie oneuy—Mack vo: 4p. The Grae of Chin Sail Ser swrowstbar Lake 42 16-28. Service, the Teal of Jes rronosr—Aats 9: $245; Doct Woman Who Served the sparc 31-37: Spit of Servic in the Bly Ch Seon Nate 35:46 The Result af Trae Seve To Be Momorned: Nati 20:44 er Mediation Tehran Serie i the ue fii of stg. IF we do net ‘Sine our ligion iso ob fate and isincre The ory tthe Good Samaritan (Lake 10) teaces ws Ut gon mast 2 Whoo salle sev an fom? See Lake 426-01 The tre fy of Chan Ting i ound in arin ae pos, the poner the bling the sk te heal who are 3 What can Cvisian cura fle do abot thee palens? 1 Povey b. Malna and eer edie diese Macy 4. ie of liquor and aber deus {Thorlo ane pemint and ofecve remedy fr dese ‘Sa and ha the pct of the Gospel KS's Ghani hace your trponaiixy to keap your eens your sma your vlge ean ond benef? IF ight tobe you lve ld pertton old and armel customs and Sy py sd pe pet see i, ay, tu Toe then your mvc ca be sid te re Hymn 1 Be Sung honking Tate give hacks fr ChrisianTowitionsachoay pena enters of ral eaotracton, homes for widows and pans and all placer whee the ght of Cision service Te a give dks for all who fave ben drawn to Chit shah ch sere Pryer ard Intec Thott Ki esa iss Heaven, ‘That though the une service of our decors, sures, and spt anny People may be rouge o Cit oe those who at Ging tha al a thers esoneretion finda tod ther nd oc itt of oi serie ru by the Chinon Cher hoof God ay came on ca and ia cur A Preparatory Service for Bapcism (©The Bayi Sunday carne. The chapel mvc a dawn was nc of preperation, Ae he opening pre aad worth the gl ‘me frvacd and Kock on te ap fore the apex tld he Uhiden othe knight of old who pledged thomas to thr Chiee and ofthe Balaane br fur of thir own and bo lived war thee odo is ding. That to which oo gels tse giving thonelvr tht day war the Bal ac of datston “Ty gre themoches to the Chitin the grt cores, and Te hall Hie peopl, the qk and the dead exe them Teka for them to pad the Til’ la and radio, wo coy ther Chie Behan sat ofthe Chit foo, std be His good tribesmen freer ted of sigs and sjaole well kao co then and then of the wie a bpm, the ayo ain fd claning. is water that cn ay By dep and aly the deanbeaied can wand beer the Chie, They ll ood Td: Bleed are the pare a Beart for they stall ee Gad Agio they ka, and asked thom: Whote people ave you? "Weare the pope othe Chi What is the Chis? name? Ts fthe Chie! Jesus Chri What ithe law of His Kings Tee the law of lo "Te what docs He ell ou? Then they eve and sails We ae the people of the Chie! through all dye of au he h deh we pt int His presence and la che Tribe inant, We thon ang hyn of pene to the Chi Laver oa they went the Chur in white dieses, ad ith tsher were hazel, At the end of the fay they spent He Time ia the chapel aloe A Candlelight Communion Service spray Ro J Hymne: (ati and snanceunced) sons onthe eat: Let ws gy and leave de dor sa Posout onthe wet! Seck ye Jehovah wile he oay be fund all upon him while be es ans "Who sal and int the bl f the Lond? Wes We that bts clean heads snd pe eat on: Stall cane befor ho with burnt ofings with cles ‘year ald? Ws What dat the Lord regi of thee but do jus, to love sey, and to wal humbly with thy God? Special Muses Jens Cals Ue 1 Lust ive in she word. Wha sl Td sho morn? Ephesians 4217516 275 4°37. Pil 3°18 >. What are the ltinte consogences HT Heep on sning? 13 Tiind itso easy to be sell carplacet and hf. Romane 4 Now hae Tam convened, whic? Ephesians 4:25, 3 3-3 Would that my testimony migh cosy to th of St Pal wo the Cains If Con, Hyme ‘The Hight and Depth of Divine Lo What the Lare’s Supper Meas 10 Me Medion sad Sienes Pepting eye for cernmuvion Prayer for Right Mental Aide Out of the beat cant the iaoee of Hi ep me to apes wide the one dos of my sl tight etre The son Payer fra ght atti roma atee ‘All we kesh have gone We bane let undone tw th ee, Witold me from ci bls, ny Lads lang aT bacbr any sin euch st fly, hele abet I pledge mye oreo tht parle wrong in ny Ui Prager for Pe and Quiet Tar mesa owl of east tesa id et eto you on ‘ich we ought to have Let me relsand engi py purposes Tas aide 1 enjoy Gd and to lly Hin ade sacle ml, cmpledy a Fs id The Haly Commanion af the Ala (gras of sow 15 coe yp the ene return by oes) Paring Hymn: In the Cross of Cit Beneicton ‘An Indian Christian Wedding Al the pretiniais so neem on weding in South din hve Ben are through, the fre fers and mathe nla seal tsi, and ll hat now eins to agin the al frrangerenr for the mang, mich wl ake ple frm the eid howe. The fst sep fro bud he marae panel (an ‘openiebnih), fr apart fom the nny gue thee ll fe ali the oot the fdr The bp ofthe pt wvght sid he tm prod the hoa nd plant the st ugh form he andl, This i arly inthe vilage tes. When the hale Fen wrecie the ol, the member ofthe fay gates rund, andar eenpore pier the pat plane, and then seed bythe pit wath the sgn ofthe ie sandal pe ‘On he day ofthe wedng, mth bide ts being dea er fends an ema lates ut rou ad sng sce sgh ihe ing bee every Hexen 104 Again afc the serie in church al gether inthe pad ad viele ave wing Hower peal ate thrown tomar the fa Couple ee» genare af withing the se sings upon a the bide and bridge teow ack afew of the pol “Aer an eschange of gander aad decom, since kegel fst one and then notes eer pope ‘Go al condo by the nit pronouncing the Mes, {the dy before the welding the ride i vent in which turmaie power as berm ikl, tnd ight or ter een shar bangles are bought sn paced on bth a tthe next ig the bad il nde pin aia be toh by wile the sor ind in tbo ae ding She oe ting for him. Tn he ads prope bing ‘ding thes fr th gdh = esing i lo he Ste, ind the ge rene by bor tend The bad has pt iS decade pers tw cr tt hrc fe te wreding ceremony. Afr the sr the ide and idiom are guandd by Shi ids and afer revo congratulations the conned paris sw go the hubonds ho rete baa sn ‘heed ith mange branched eres of hoa pln (Coble of Kune). Te tsa mod wife ston mt Seige wedding posi od ly them in ont of teeny ‘Stl coupe Te ple uly hobo po tnd pane nt ching. ‘a sd the oul cae rote, only swe hing ‘heme rand os os a's He te ed fn fed his ie, aa se oe ten do the oe or bm, “Thee asaya of happy gh oer isp the pocenogy a Enth the heed and lee erly tp otek ae "Tete ail anthrone lore thm, and tht tte cre ssn of ting in pul fr theft ad ne ine tel Cran Somes Kiso ender polite fae» stand or ie ever to ecu ane irk peo he her ey” cron he hand mak eve agg i th td hm dee ere sae "ne ys faa oa pape od ie sik ee aes pely eed cag th end ech hal spr we sche se ls pao iets nw uate lei ee {i toaca cong and wae “hncge th ie ew See and Bdge se apy is and Be tuna i a neat thi a ens hc thy may hve aged iain poet Baptism ia Assam Thee were ae won candies in lagi fy than wh ey ha 9 Ether fy on fa ely 8 days eid Por he ey the ei tey wer ine ye 2 he we dn ofthe ey wi ey ge cong reowing ito the oad. Then fom the paar’ hows te ce Aesrer aed pen wih two stat ns ered, The Bek feof the serve ws ete pay he Cpe nd the Thuasing Then he oni te iter ee dn to tir the we the tn ofthe eng sate end ot the dy ng tn of teen the od Heo ty ook by aber rome ty aw sone. Ths fr th the pees syrah cn often ae ge Ain te ne ay ayog the ining fv pew len the bth of Jor i: 7 6 ‘The proeson was ten marble to go othe ser it 3 cromtener fllowel by fe drummers, then dhe congeegton tach wth Bgy or plo or Bower The the eon) eam bearer naked by palsbearers fallowed by the eergy ten lly the thd cetteaer Teng the cndvste, ‘These are dened in Their olde lathes, aangerents having ben made tthe ver. ‘de with sant andtendanyen tad waren, whe big the ew dates, “The procsson advanced to the sver singing Mundi Bhsjns? ted yt drum Athy progres a te als Say, the poole clined the ocr sed cat dow tence te ity sng the rad Arig tthe river the fie ron arer led he ongepation an to ge an tothe apposite side of he rer Then the cond crowbar [el the clergy and candidat To the pice arrnged forthe eenony. The pit Pan, then iced the iver aod ad the punyer of Sawing of the water, Sing ith thesia of the er ler this te whole congre” ton tng the hymn To"Taen That Thou Shalt Noe Pr Chit Etat to Own Then the Ret candidate came down tothe rivers edge, amd entering the yaterhe was inmeved tc ims a he tre fame ofthe Ten. He then rte the tenant ad re Cire his new clothing. When all had been fptsn, the eson war musa fe de eur journey. Tei he cso Flow. Returning tthe char hey seal In a ine cue the set door eeive the ign ofthe cow, We ear this ld int the cangegton of Cras Sond sgn hin withthe Sip he coe intake Ths coded catechiled then tothe church door mere 2 cnvesigs eich reeshed lighted candle, this symolsing that Chit te the Lighe of the work, His weed ners tide ter fect on tbe tod of the ew Ue “Then flowed the Bal thangiving, all sanding, efor the sanctuary nd he eration from hep tht ck wll wal trvthy ofthe He feo a he pennies mae tht oy "The Christian and the Church Cal to Worship Songs (Auten) Leaders Pen 33159513 43,28 Song: I Love Thy Kingdom, Lo Prayers (Lend) Response Sire: Palin 84 erie Sevres Epusians 2 1-21 (designated parson) Song: Church of China, Arise and Stan Ses Pryor: Dean epi tht we a seme of the Chi se church all beth and tong, help and nt hi ance, aight reveling the power of Chis ia His Church, living, serving, ree of His Choc, wing co sce for the chotch and our flowmen, our fellow hviany, This lent prayer followed by sud pray by seme member of the oe ate preity byte Pade Beneion: Ephesians 3:20, 2 (eet) 18 CHAPTER IX HYMNS OF THE RURAL CHURCH ord, for Thy Revealing Gite Grea Ave Thy Mercier Daoes Hyon (Lacquiprle) rat Hymne from Aree Hymn 00 be Used at Seed Consecration Serice For Home or Church Building Conecation Harest Feaioal Worchip Service Prayer Hymn for Rain Advensure in Musi for Afecan Worship Men ofthe Soil ns Uo» Jnrosng mute of Byrne wich base grown out of the country churches around the word, sme of tem of sigur Brnty an ches. nthe fer mich ve bre, tere are representa f sever Inds. Thor yes whi re ‘sctomaiy sg 10 wel Ron westra tes hae th ne i tard by 00 Lord, for Thy Revealing Gifts (thie lovely te hynn i Chie in frm abd comet I taken ren Hymns of Unie Pate eed by Bass Wins tnd i se by bis permiin. ay Great Are Thy Mescis (The une of this ymin comer fom 2 Chine Fal Song, es Sid Song of the How ewan fot wel sv 3 Cini by tain bok contig atrey of Chinese toner and igi pms by Dean TC. lao, Yeching Univesity Schl of Re fon I ae rbsequcaly tid a Hymns of Unive Pra hie yon ed by snot ll churches fn Chin ty ‘The ‘ae war eed aad the English wanton done by Bliss Wi, ‘Brough wee coy there nel ‘De. Chao wish to bth Chitin spit foto the se weedy and id ery well deed The let He expec ‘ant: The eral tion a i God the sping am gr Let Hin Bow! KeyC. Tune: Chu Ton Ke (Song ofthe Hox) tegyed? ey ‘Tau jaa fe ya baa Yu ah, Ne-ture it fll of calor ‘ing uing Bn Ks hth jen i, Flowing trom the ar tc bears “Ten chen fa Ia ye gin chang, Nev ture give a mor-le_ swe Shen dail chien sn y-sbu, That sera = Fastest ching yog wan en shih chien, He with cae con-tve. them. al Wan bang yin jn chien chen si "Thar perceived we ow in pact. dren See Fale Sartre ease oe Great re thy meen, Heavenly Father ‘Tien shang @ fs kin Te ae pl sh A us fed and ster thou dot give ‘Shang mo es ean yang yng 20 oh Serving Thee, Evy days Hamby woud Tie Wo ting yao" Pu Wong's Hsiang? sing Chien pet 1p a tender Bade of grass —Brete on ‘Ta th cn fog, wm shih fang f= Dakota Hymn (Lacquipacle) ual Hymns from Africa vara by ar Bess te Da ‘© Thea Ryne ae among the Ha eater of el ral Cie ths lk song Wich hae ce on ofthe devopng sat ‘et of work a ote pitive popes They wee al eB ie ‘nd seat by. Joi Se Ras of Rabin PE Ati, whe ES Ret they ind ter origin They mee it ped in English 2 tnimeopran ullain by Agricultural Mision, Ie Hymn tobe Used at Seed Consecration Service Seed me sing a ae Land to Thr, wit Thow We then, © Lond! ea Garde we bring Lard so Tce, wit Thow Mes them, © Loc! Hct we bring lands we bring Loe, to The, rreler we being aed to They (Cede ey pu in 6 sang vere ap heey eng se ord a Hates, hoes seh ce AB sch atculr arte Tome special sed ie mctonay it el up Pe allowing now at Srna Be EEE a= ‘Timbows ha neha Hosi ka went nga whi ntekise Host ge med we bing Lad wo the May you Ut i Lerd esac, ai ond Hearven Bestival Tine Leader: Themen whe works Ail Heitiewborsaces gel onde: ‘The man who igh Mls He tire eee rel) Tender: ‘The man who plans“: Hes wo soe rest ender: Thetnan wheharvats All: Heitiewhorsjies pealy Ov boat bow 36 sggesins for voit hie aang 22 e Ta rein of oct) For Home or Church Building Conseation Lenders La we thank The this de (die Seth Thee Lad. (Response aber eh Une) Tender: Lard we thant Thee bce of te caiers Lenders You bape we cat the tee enters We soni Th fo the baling {nds Tn this hte wll eee Th aude: To this bse we wll worship The. {May ether verses ay be igovied owi the een.) Harvest Festival Worship Service Condes On tis dey omen: Ann ete gid Gong iy Leader: We thank the Lord Men: We give thanks decly sponse), 4 te ic Thee, Lord We thle Thee, Loed Welhave lived snether esr We hve ied anther yee You toed us grey You Wened ve realy We tank Thee wth sed We thank Thee with ocd We thak Thee with comm We thal Thee with com (3 Low five Land ive at Wervilmrve Thee We ill sve Thee Ai doh our ves All though our ler Prayer Hymn for Rain ‘Lord, we lack Food to en our boi. alt Send thers! Send the sia! “They wil ake si the ety or al Drought dfs Rain gosto ones We oe i in famine) arn The eatle they goes (Gide they 0. “They ck foo!” ron: Lond hed Come and help ws Hip urin di dent rae [Notes This + wid with «snple Atay cane and agin t the bop shea Adventures in Music for African Worship Wen Cheniaiy ws itodaced int Aes, Earp hynas were tated Ino 4 nener of African languages and supe ‘the Christiane Thre appeat ab ewo ome reson why the ‘ineiertnck tht entre: Fn, tty beat of lnucct insight, Atican sie append the misionaie sr waa for CGvitan porponeatdy send, thatthe dferene between At ‘tan muse ad European enc vo great tht the aay of Kiam ens which all no. cay task for the_pofeioal Earopeayrostany wan an swat inp wk fr the ie Te fllowing ace smn of the dexable diferences Sean Affian and Earopean singing ‘The ba hythn of Abcam runic tx regular sernton of boat god wpe ft ‘Syechiototon ie ery daly observed in sging and any Aine a nthe mnt fess ily to make the words fqget an otiely dflremt meaning from the one they were ‘eily rea wo contey "The ina nga form of singing tha oti in Ain i the slo anchors form in which he soe improve the Singing in prs in more che re than the exepion. I she sna err ging, he part ooriog ia orl ih ‘Meee er ond they rh oh ‘What i adobe isthe pit fo which the singe sng aod th onan of elexpetan, bth a ich eB he Shite eter of Asian sping. them ofthe erence ee feed n, eroean hyn ng othe Am teh Hente a ier, rather dll To uy, however, that Esopenn. hyn loging sould hexfce be abandencd rt be voters On ‘hear hay mone tke ade toy the co ‘isan Chis the pati lyr fo the He of Alans fn {ermal ten the oping of Alan mgs toa be neared he Ghar “The igh coe wo tik athe fer deo of Abn mane rele 4 ery etetl study by thaw Abcans ‘who ae ‘pedalyIntreed Jn thr county moe ee cane of Zpecneting in diften wap, Honevey ith a be Sve dts ot som we heed fr veting» ie ‘musa mito fom tc even Wenn sal nen at Er'tady of de pone of Wenn moc o ane 8 recy i the earl dy of Alicante; dt height SEW pincer ef Weston min devclpng Ann ‘Tea ta ee in dopo bar spin: and by ate impor ofall, hat tn developing Aftcan muse Srey cert {Bd smd enn hrc yaad Sey, bath of which make for spony of selexprenion. u fc Now wih Me of the sill Now th Kinds fein every land Shoulder wo dou From every face we core to fin the tile? mighty srag. ah goats eat gain Bre! i'd thr Blood of men, AWehaveswotn so ght freermare the aint wong We wil neve stop unt the ons of men ee fee A Prayer for Agriatore Aigo Got wh Ba che ch da ald Be DATE DUE, iam Roral People at Worship By EDWARD KRUSEN ZIEGLER 264 | 268 sucortunay missions me

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