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Desa Segodorejo Kecamatan Sumobito Kabupaten Jombang Telp.0321-495587


Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Hari/ Tanggal : SELASA, 21 MARET 2017
Kelas : IX Waktu : 07.00 s.d. 08.30 WIB


TEXT: Read the text carefully!

Rainbows appears when the sun is shinning and its raining at the same time. That doesnt happen very often. But
you dont have to wait to see rainbows because you can make them. Its easy and very simple. Go out with a spray bottle
on a sunny day. Stand with the sun behind you and spray water into the air. You should see your very own rainbow.
These seven colours always appear in the same order. They are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo (bluish-
purple), and violet (purple).
A rainbow is made by light bouncing back to you from the inside of raindrops. Ordinary light, like that from a light
bulb or from the sun, is called white light. White light is actually a mixture of seven colours. Light bends when it passes
through water. Each colour bends a different amount. When white light enters a raindrop, the colours get separated. The
white light splits into seven colours that you can see.
Rainbow is an arc of light separated into bands of colours that appears when the suns rays are refracted and
reflected by drops of mist or rain. The colours of rainbow are conventionally said to be red, orange, yellow, green, blue,
indigo, and violet.

1. What is the text mainly talking about?

a. Rainbow c. How the rainbow happens
b. How rain falls down to the earth d. The colours of rainbow
2. When does rinbow appear?
a. When the sun is shining brightly c. When it rains hard
b. When the sun shines while it is raining d. When the sun sets and it rains hard
3. But you dont have to wait to see rainbows, you can make them.
The underlined word refers to ....
a. rainbows c. rainbow on the sky
b. you d. the sun
4. How many colours does a rainbow appear?
a. five c. red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet
b. seven d. all colours of nature

TEXT: Read the text comprehensively!

Television is a system of mass communication. It involves the transmission of images and sound to distance
screens. The transmission can be done through electromagnetic waves or through cable system (TV cable).
Television is an important facility of communication. In average, people in America watch television for 31 hours
per week while in Britain people watch television for 25 hours per week. Television has the ability to bring people to get
to know others from various nationalities. Television is also the first medium to present news and current affairs to the
public internationally.
For many years, many of the most important international events have been experienced as TV events. Television
also reports various international issues and political conflicts. But, some commentators have claimed that the era of
television is coming to an end. It is because there are many other communication facilities are invented. In spite of these
changes, TV remains probably the most important form of mass communication of the late 20th century.
5. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
a. The electromagnetic waves of TV cable c. TV can transmite the sound and pictures
b. The advantage of television d. Television is a system of mass communication
6. How much time do American people spend their time in watching TV averagely?
a. Many times and more than 20 hours in a week c. Two or three hours a day
b. Twenty five hours a week d. Thirty one hours per week
7. Why do some commentators claim that the era of tube TV is coming to an end?
a. Because there are many LCD TVs
b. Because more people like to go to the cinema better than watching TV at home
c. Because there are many other communication facilities are invented
d. Because global crisis has striken all the society in the world

ulangan akhir semester genap bahasa inggris IX / 2016-217 1

TEXT: Read the text carefully!

Pollution is the act of polluting something, especially the natural environment. Pollution can kill or sicken plants,
animals, and people. Pollution can change the environment. Things that can cause pollution are called pollutants.
Pollution can get into the air. Air pollution can irritate peoples lungs. Polluted air can mix with rain to make acid
rain. Acid rain kills trees and harms fish in lakes. Pollution can also get into soil and water. From there, pollutants can get
into the food chain. Plants take in the pollution from the ground. Animals that eat the plants can be harmed, too. Bigger
animals and even people might eat the damaged animals.
Air pollution comes from factories and power plants that burn coal and oil. Smoke from factories and power
plants can mix with water in the air to make acid rain. Air pollution also comes from cars and other vehicles that burn
Soil pollution can come from chemicals used on farms to kill insects and other pests. Pollutants can also seep
from garbage dumps into the nearby soil and water.
Water pollution comes from factories that dump poisonous chemicals into lakes and rivers. Water pollution can
also come from farms. Farmers put chemicals on the ground to help crops grow and to kill insects. Rain can wash these
chemicals into lakes and rivers.
Big ship called oil tanker can pollute the ocean if the oil leaks out of the tankers. There can be a huge oil spill if a
tanker has an accident and sink at sea.
A special kind of pollution comes from nuclear power plants. Nuclear power plants produce radioactive waste.
This waste lasts for thousands of years and can cause cancer and other deadly illnesses if it is not properly stored.

8. The passage is absolutely talking about ....

a. air pollution c. many kinds of pollution
b. pollution d. water pollution
9. According to the text, what can change the environment?
a. Oil tankers c. Pollution
b. Pollutants d. Nuclear power plants
10. The following is the kind of pollution, except ....
a. land pollution c. water pollution
b. dump poisonous chemicals d. air pollution
11. Big ship called oil tankers can pollute the ocean. (paragraph 6 line 1)
The similar meaning from undelined word is ....
a. contaminate c. clean
b. kill d. produce

TEXT: Read the text carefully!

Once upon a time, there lived an old lady crow that was mean and ugly. One day, Miss Crow had stolen a big
piece of cheese. And then, she flew onto the branch to enjoy it.
On the other place, under the tree, a sly creature, Mr. Fox, who wanted the cheese for himself, came up and
spoke politely to her.
Oh, Miss Crow how beautiful you are! What a lovely beak, what lovely feathers you have! What pretty eyes! If
only you could sing, you would be the most beautiful bird in the world!
Very pleased to hear all of this about her, Miss Crow gave a loud croak to show that she could sing.
Of course, the moment she opened her beak, the cheese fell down, and Mr. Fox ran away with it, laughing loudly.

12. What is the story telling about?

a. How a fox loved a crow c. A kind crow that shared all things to a fox
b. How a fox tricked a crow d. A fox that had stollen a big piece of cheese
13. Who got the cheese finally?
a. The lady crow c. The sly fox
b. No one d. Both of old lady crow and the sly fox
14. What kind of text (genre) is the passage?
a. Descriptive c. Recount
b. Report d. Narrative
15. The main character(s) of the story above ....
a. is Miss Crow c. are Miss Crow and the Fox
b. is the Fox d. is fable

ulangan akhir semester genap bahasa inggris IX / 2016-217 2

TEXT: Read the text carefully!
Indonesia is a country in Southeast Asia that consists of more than 13,000 islands. The islands lie along the
equator and extend more than 5,000 kilometres. Many of the islands cover only a few square kilometres. But about a half
of New Guinea and three quarters of Borneo also belong to Indonesia. Both islands are the second and third largest
islands in the world, after Greenland.
Many geographers divide them more than 13,600 islands of Indonesia into three groups: (1) the Greater
Sunda Islands, (2) the lesser Sunda Islands, and (3) the Mollucas. Indonesia also includes Irian Jaya, which is part of New
Guinea. The Greater Sunda includes Borneo, Sulawesi, Java and Sumatra. The Lesser Sunda Islands extend from Bali
eastward to the Timor. The Mollucas lie between Sulawesi and New Guinea. The western part of New Guinea is called
Irian Jaya, an Indonesian territory. Compared to the other regions, Irian Jaya is the most thinly populated.

16. Where is Indonesia located?

a. In Southwest Asia c. Along the equator
b. Near Mollucas d. In the Greenland
17. Paragraph two talks about....
a. the three divisions of Indonesia's islands c. the greater Sunda islands
b. the Indonesian geographers d. the position of Indonesia
18. Which of the followings belongs to the first largest island in the world?
a. Borneo c. Irian Jaya
b. New Guinea d. Greenland
19. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text?
a. Most of Indonesian population live in Irian Jaya
b. Indonesia has more than 13,000 islands
c. Borneo is the third biggest island in the world
d. The Mollucas is between Sulawesi and New Guinea
For questions 20 to 22 choose the word which has the same meaning as the underlined words.
A hotel is the home of the guests and tourists, when they are away from home. The first impression the guests
have of a hotel is the way the doorman and the bellboy (20) at the door and the clerks at the front desk greet them. The
guests often form their opinion of the hotel by reception they receive. The guests are usually happy if they feel welcome
and can get to their rooms quickly (22).

20. The underlined word means a boy or a man who....

a. helps the guests in a hotel carry their bags c. receives people arriving in a hotel
b. lets people in and out in a large building d. goes with and serves or looks after another
21. The underlined word means.
a. responsible c. capable
b. acceptable d. available
22. The opposite meaning of the underlined word is .
a. fast c. slowly
b. vastly d. slow
TEXT: Read the text carefully for questions no. 23 to 27!
Dear Aris,
I want to write to you today to say that I have moved to Jombang. My new address is Dusun Tenggor No.21
Sumobito Jombang and now I go to SMP Negeri 1 Sumobito the best junior high school in town.
You know that we have shared a lot of ups and downs throughout the past years at school and I am very happy
to count you as my friend. I also want to say that I expect to see you quite often I the coming years. Invite you to visit
me and my family whenever you have some free time.
I also expect to visit you and your family and I will let you know well in advance so we can plan to get together.
I also wish you a success in your new school, and I hope you keep me up to date on whats happening through
Sumobito, 21 March 2017
Your friend,
Iman Alhabsyi

23. The third paragraph of the text tells you about the writers .
a. intention to visit his friend c. plan to continue his study
b. family in his new address d. ability to make a good plan
24. Iman Alhabsyi is asking Aris to .to inform him anything.
a. email b. phone
c. visit d. write
25. The text shows that Aris lives . now.
a. around the city c. next to Imans parents
b. far from Sumobito d. near Imans friend

ulangan akhir semester genap bahasa inggris IX / 2016-217 3

26. We have shared a lot of ups and downs throughout the past years
The phrase ups and downs in the sentence means having .
a. happiness and luck c. both good and bad fortune
b. easy and difficult time d. great and poor experience
27. so we can plan to get together. (Paragraph 3)
What does the word we in the sentence refer to?
a. Aris and his friends c. Iman Alhabsyis parents
b. Iman Alhabsyi and his friends d. Aris and Iman Alhabsyi

TEXT: Read the text carefully for questions no. 28 to 31!

SMS (Short Message Service) is a communications system which exchanges short text messages between
mobile telephone devices. The SMS facilitates the development and growth of text messaging.
Messages are sent to a Short Message Service Centre which provides a store-and-forward mechanism. It
attempts to send messages to their recipients. If a recipient is not reachable, the SMSC queues the message for later
retry. Some SMS centres also provide a forward and forget option where message delivery is tried only once. Message
delivery is best effort, so there are no guarantees that a message will actually be delivered to its recipient. Delay or
complete loss of a message is not uncommon, particularly when sending between networks. Users may choose to
request delivery reports, which can provide confirmation that the message has reached the intended recipient.
The maximum single text message size is either 160 7-bit characters, 140 8-bit characters, or 70 16-bit
characters. Characters in languages such as Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Japanese or Slavic languages (e.g. Russian) must be
encoded using the 16-bit UCS-2 character encoding.
Larger content (known as long SMS or multipart or segmented SMS) can be sent using multiple messages, in
which case each message will start with a user data header (UDH) containing segmentation information. Long messages
are often billed as equivalent to multiple SMS messages.

28. What does SMS technology do to facilitate people to communicate with others?
a. It exchanges short text messages between mobile phone
b. It streams video to television
c. It delivers sounds using electromagnetic waves
d. It sends messages through the internet
29. It attempts to send messages to their recipients. (Paragraph 2)
The word it in the sentence refers to .
a. The forward and forget mechanism c. The SMS
b. The store-and-forward mechanism d. The mobile phone
30. The word multiple in the last paragraph is opposite in meaning to .
a. few c. numerous
b. many d. several
31. What is the best title of the text?
a. Hand phone and SMS c. Short Message Service
b. Cellular Operator Service d. The advantage of SMS and MMS
32. X : Could I ask you some questions?
Y : .
a. Yes, you could c. Yes, you can
b. Yes, Im d. No, you couldnt
33. Dani : Bro, why didnt you attend the class yesterday?
Jumari : Sorry, I should go to my grandparents house in the village. My grandfather was passed away.
Dani : Oh, really? Please accept my condolence.
The italicised typed phrase is the expression for .
a. telling interesting news c. sympathy
b. giving an information d. gratitude
Complete the following paragraph with suitable words!
Leaves have the job to absorb the energy of sunrays by using the chlorophyll. This energy is used to (34) . the
water and CO2 through stomata. It is then distributed to all parts of the whole plants. This (35) . is called
photosynthesis. Then the oxygen is released to (36) . our needs in breathing.

34. a. push c. give

b. mix d. bring
35. a. energy c. mixture
b. process d. distribution
36. a. come c. continue
b. absorb d. provide

ulangan akhir semester genap bahasa inggris IX / 2016-217 4

Look at the picture carefully for questions no. 37 and 39!
37. The advertisement promotes people to .
a. sell furniture
b. purchase household appliances
c. use liquidator
d. throw new furniture

38. That things are advertised .

a. drugs
b. living room & dining room sets
c. insect medicines
d. electronics

39. The meaning of mattresses is something to.

a. cook
b. study
c. sleep
d. make cake

40. Learn the paragraphs carefully!

1. When they wanted to visit, the frog would have to come out of the water. When their visit was finished, the frog
would hop back into the water, and the mouse would run back into his hole in the ground.
2. There once was a frog and a mouse who were very good friends. They didnt have the same kind of house to live
in. The mouse lived in a hole in the ground and the frog lived in the water. The frog could live in the water, but
the mouse could not.
3. The hawk alighted in a tree and ate both of them. They both met death.
4. One day the frog came out to visit with the mouse. Wickedness entered into his heart. He got some rope and tied
his foot and the mouses foot together. He was just playing around.
5. But, after the frog finished visiting, he jumped right back into the water without untying the rope. He had totally
forgot that his feet were still tied together to the mouses.
6. The mouse could not live in water, and it died. After a while the mouse got bigger and came out to the top the
water. A hawk saw him and with a fly down, took both the dead mouse and the live frog up into the air.

Rearrange the paragraphs into a good text of narrative!

a. 4 2 1 6 5 3 c. 2 1 4 5 6 3
b. 4 2 5 6 3 1 d. 2 1 3 4 5 6

41. Rearrange the following steps into a correct instruction!

How to Set Up Your TV Set

1. Be sure not to plug your TV set into an electrical outlet until you read these instruction.
2. Finally plug it into an electrical outlet. Turn it on and enjoy the programe
3. Next, put it in a suitable place. Try not to expose it to direct sunlight.
4. Then take the TV set out off the box. Dont forget to remove the plastic bags around the speakers.
5. First of all, make sure to open the box carefully. Dont drop it. Its fragile.
6. After that, remember to attach the wires from the speakers to the main unit.
7. If you dont want to enjoy the programe just turn it off.

a. 4 3 1 2 5 6 c. 4 3 2 1 6 5
b. 4 3 5 2 1 6 d. 4 3 6 5 2 1

42. a class Quran read before lets we have

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Rearrange the words into a good sentence!

a. 3 4 2 5 7 6 1 c. 5 3 2 4 6 7 1
b. 3 2 5 4 6 7 1 d. 3 5 2 4 6 1 7

ulangan akhir semester genap bahasa inggris IX / 2016-217 5

Read the text for questions no. 43 to 47!
How to make chicken cuts
- 1 pound of chicken
- 4 cups of cooking oil
- 1 cup of flour
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 1 teaspoon of pepper
- A dash of chilli powder
Steps :
First, put flour, salt pepper, and chilli powder in plastics bag and shake to mix. Next, cut chicken into small pieces, add
them to the bag and shake to coat the chicken with seasoned flour. After that, heat the oil in a heavy frying pan over
medium-high heat and cook the chicken for about ten to fifteen minutes or until the chicken is golden brown. Finally,
drain the chicken and serve.

43. What is the purpose of the text above?

a. To inform us how make something c. To amuse or entertain the readers
b. To retell someone experience d. To describe what the chicken cuts is
44. How many steps are to make Chicken Cuts?
a. Three c. Four
b. Five d. Seven
45. Where do you usually find the text above?
a. In a story book c. In a drawing book
b. In pile of books d. In a recipe book
46. The following things should be done in the steps of making Chicken Cuts, except
a. cook the chicken in plastic bag for about ten to fifteen minutes
b. cut chicken into small pieces
c. shake flour, salt pepper, and chilli powder in plastics bag
d. add the pieces of chicken to the bag and shake to coat the chicken with seasoned flour
47. What does the word them in second line refer to?
a. Chicken cutting c. Flour
b. Drain chicken d. Chilli powder

My Pets
We have three family pets: a dog, a cat, and a tortoise.
The dogs name is Nero. He is big golden Labrador. He is beautiful. He has big brown eyes and a long tail. He is
very friendly dog, but he is sometimes a little stupid. Dogs are expensive to keep but they are fun to play with.
Our cat is named Martha. She is quite young, but she is not a kitten. She is very pretty. She has black and white
fur and green eyes. Shes smart, too and very clean.
The tortoises name is Rocky. He has short, fat legs, a long neck, and a very hard shell. He is also very old and
slow. Hes ugly and dirty, but I like him.

48. How many family pets does the writer have?

a. Three c. Five
b. Four d. A dog, a cat and a tortoise
49. The second paragraph tells us about .
a. Martha c. The writer
b. A big golden Labrador d. The writers pets
50. Look at the picture!

What does the caution mean?

a. Pedestrian must walk here
b. Pedestrian shouldnt walk here
c. People are forbidden to walk here
d. Pedestrian are not allowed to walk here

ulangan akhir semester genap bahasa inggris IX / 2016-217 6



- Siswa mampu mencari tema/ topik wacana
- Siswa mampu menentukan waktu kejadian peristiwa yang ada dalam teks wacana
1. Rainbow
- Siswa mampu mencari referensi kata atau ungkapan tentang personal pronoun
- Siswa mampu mencari jumlah dari topik yang ditanyakan (rainbow)
- Siswa mampu mencari tema/ topik wacana
2. Television - Siswa mampu menentukan waktu kejadian peristiwa yang ada dalam teks wacana
- Siswa mampu menentukan alasan suatu masalah dalam teks wacana
- Siswa mampu mencari tema/ topik wacana
- Siswa mampu menentukan makna tersurat terjadinya perubahan alam atau lingkungan
3. Pollution - Siswa mampu menyebutkan berbagai jenis polusi lingkungan
- Siswa mampu menentukan padanan kata dari kata atau ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan
polusi lingkungan
- Siswa mampu menentukan letak geografis Indonesia
- Siswa mampu menentukan ide pokok suatu paragraf wacana/ teks
4. Indonesia
- Siswa mampu menentukan bagian terluas dari pulau-pulau di Indonesia

- Siswa mampu menentukan pernyataan yang benar sesuai dengan isi wacana/ teks
- Siswa mampu menentukan informasi tersurat tentang perkembangan teknologi SMS
5. Short Message
- Siswa mampu menemukan referensi kata dalam pernyataan yang ada dalam teks wacana
- Siswa mampu mencari lawan kata (antonym) dari kata yang ada dalam wacana/ teks
- Siswa mampu mencari tema/ topik wacana
6. The Crow and - Siswa mampu menemukan informasi tersurat dalam cerita yang diberikan
Fox - Siswa mampu menentukan jenis teks wacana yang diberikan
- Siswa mampu menentukan tokoh utama cerita
- Siswa mampu menemukan informasi mengenai jumlah dari suatu informasi yang diberikan
7. My Pets dalam wacana/ teks
- Siswa mampu menemukan ide pokok/ topik dari paragraf yang ada dalam teks/ wacana
- Siswa mampu menentukan tujuan dari teks yang diberikan
- Siswa mampu menentukan jumlah langkah-langkah yang disebutkan dalam teks
8. How to Make
- Siswa mampu menentukan informasi tersirat apa yang ada dalam teks
Chicken Cuts
- Siswa mampu menentukan langkah-langkah yang benar sesuai dengan teks
- Siswa mampu mencari referensi (personal pronun) kata tertentu dalam teks
- Siswa mampu menentukan makna (arti) dari tanda/ gambar traffiq sign
- Siswa mampu menentukan apa yang di promosikan dalam iklan
- Siswa mampu menentukan arti/ makna dari kata-kata (benda) yang ada dalam iklan
- Siswa mampu menemukan makna tersurat dalam surat
- Siswa mampu menemukan maksud/tujuan penulisan surat
ANTONYM - Siswa mampu menentukan padanan kata/ ungkapan yang ada dalam teks
tentang Public - Siswa mampu menentukan lawan kata/ ungkapan yang ada dalam teks
Services (a Hotel)
- Siswa mampu menentukan kata yang tepat tentang fungsi energi dalam proses

1. Close Procedure (Kalimat respirasi daun

Rumpang) tentang LEAVES - Siswa mampu menentukan proses fotosintesis pada daun
- Siswa mampu menentukan fungsi oksigen untuk kehidupan
2. Menyusun paragraf menjadi
- Siswa mampu menyusun paragraf menjadi teks narrative yang sesuai dengan
teks yang berurutan tentang
urutan alur cerita (plot)
teks narrative Frog, Mouse
and Hawk
3. Menyusun paragraf menjadi
- Siswa mampu menyusun paragraf menjadi teks procedure yang sesuai dengan
teks yang berurutan tentang
langkah yang benar dan urut
teks procedure How to Set up
TV set
4. Menyusun kata-kata menjadi - Siswa mampu menyusun kata-kata menjadi kalimat yang benar
kalimat yang benar
Sumobito, 10 Maret 2017
Guru Mata Pelajaran,


ulangan akhir semester genap bahasa inggris IX / 2016-217 7

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