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FLA (secondary.).
630 kVA, 420 sec. no load V.
The FLA per phase of
Transformer impedances.

V2n Secondary no load

Sn (TR.) transformer ratings,
Z (TR.), impedances in mohms.
Transformer resistances.

P (PTR.) Total losses.

I2n Secondary rated current.
Transformer reactances.
Impedence of the HV side
windings referred to the LV sides.

Total circuits.
Three phase symmetrical short
circuit currents.

Total circuit impedances.

Total resistances, reactances.

Overcurrent & overloads.

Overloads to protect against the overloads scenarios (deviate from
the normal operatings) which makes use of relays that operate in a time
related in some degree to the thermal capability of the plant to be protected.
Overcurrent protections which is directed entirely to the clearance of
Co ordination data reqd. Max. & min. fault currents.
Circuits impedances.
Ma. Load currents.
Starting currents, LRA & stall
times for the motors. The motors
damage curves.
The transformer inrush, thermal
withstand and damage
The performance curves of the
current transformers.
The relays/ CBs should clear in the max. as well as the min. fault
levels. Develop the I t curves for the relays, at the min. voltage
It is better to have the same operating characteristics for all the
relays in series, and the farthest relay should have the current
settings lesser than the one behind.
I time based co ordinations.

TMS time multiplier settings.

Ir = the ratio of the measured
current to the tripping currents.

If the source is having low

impedances compared to the
downstream circuit impedances,
then the very high fault
occurance should be
instantaneously cleared.
Combination of the IDMT & the
instantaneous CBs will enable to
reduce the tripping time at high
fault levels possible. It also improves
the overall system grading by
allowing the 'discriminating curves'
behind the high set instantaneous
elements to be lowered.
If there are relays behind the
instantaneous + IDMT enabled
relays, then the relays upstream
of this enabled relay can be set at
very low level in comparison to
the first relay and the subsequent
The R3 (IDMT) is having
instantaneous at the 500A
The R2 can be graded at 500A
and not at 1100A (instantaneous
for the R2.), and the TMS reduced
to 0.15 from 0.2. The grading
margin will be 0.4 sec.
The R1 is graded at the 1400A
and not at 2300A (instantaneous
for the R1.), and the TMS set at

Restricted earth faults.
Zone of protections between
the CTs (protects the winding
faults & the cables if the CTs are
placed at the SWGRs.).

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