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WEEK 4: 2/13-2/17 (MIDTERMS)

Strengths of the Class:

- They have a high rate of participation in class. (7th/8th)
- They are polite and fairly easy to redirect if attention is elsewhere. (7th/8th)
- They have some background understanding of the Spare Parts story to pull from. (7th/8th)

Unique needs of the Class:

- There are students w/ 504/IEP accommodations who may require extended time and/or support in
activities. (7th/8th)
- There are some students who need redirection from time to time in terms of attention. (7th/8th)
- Some students are completely non-participatory when it comes to written work. (8th)

8th Grade English Language Arts

Curriculum Standards:
Compare and contrast the structure of two or more texts and analyze how the differing structure of
each text contributes to its meaning and style.
Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter
time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led)
with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their
own clearly.
Lesson Topic: Crossing the Wire
Purpose: To see the benefits of perseverance in the face of uncertainty, as it applies to the actions of
characters in Crossing the Wire.
Content Objectives for the Lesson:
Students will be able to construct a creative project as a team to protect an egg from breaking.
Students will be able to draft their plan for building a protective apparatus.
Students will be able to compare their team building/problem solving with the characters of Spare
Learning Objectives for the Students:
Students will be able to collaborate with their peer groups to successfully complete the egg drop
Students will be able to reflect upon problems and solutions encountered in the learning project.
Students will be able to act resourcefully with materials given to them.
Language Objectives for Students:
Students will be able to share ideas and solutions for the project within their peer groups verbally.
Students will be able to write and illustrate their reflection process after the activity.
Students will be able to answer questions and provide commentary on their project choices.
Starter: ( 5-10 min)
ATB-Grammar corrections and practice, standard to the beginning of every class.
Collect Reading Logs on Mondays
Class Procedures:
Students work on the ATB question:
How can working together in a group be beneficial?
Class Work (Questions/Activities):
(35 min)
(7th Period) Finish Underwater Dreams clips with See-Hear-Think-Wonder Charts
(7th & 8th Period) Start reading on page 89 in Spare Parts. Stopping periodically to ask students questions
for discussion.
(15-20 min)
Students will write ATB on the front of reflection grid for after activity: How can working together in
a group be beneficial? Allow students 5 minutes to write, then record some benefits shared out onto
the board.
(60 min)
Arrange the class back into their reading groups for the activity. Our purpose: Its time to put your
group working skills to the test. Each group gets a bag with supplies. Instruct students to carefully
open their bags and pour out the contents. Ask for some inferences as to what theyll be asked to do.
Then, pass out the rule cards to the groups. Read them together as a group. *Make sure its understood
that students get the one egg. For accidents, have reserve eggs, but dont tell the students unless its
Stages: 15 minutes for sketch and design.
30 minutes for construction
Testing: 20-30 minutes in the auditorium.
Students should be able to answer why they think their structure will protect the egg. How did they
best use the materials to support the egg? Do they think it will be successful? One responsible student
will go up to the ledge to drop the egg. Then, check on the egg to see if it was successful.
Reflection: After all the teams have dropped their egg, have the students reflect on the back.
(20 min) Compare/Contrast what we did in our activity and what the CH team did to solve problems. Read
more out of Spare Parts.
Plans for Assessment:
Group turn in: Sketch and ATB/Reflection on Egg Drop
Informal observations of participation and discussion
Homework assigned/due date:
-30 mins of reading for each night of the week
-Preparation for Lit Circles on Thursday
Plans for Enrichment (students who finish early will):
- Reading from the book, but since this is a whole class activity, there likely wont be much time for
anything else.
Plans for Remediation (students who need additional support):
- I will rotate in the class to check on progress and make sure students are on task.
Reflection for Week 4:

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