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Acta Mathematica es una revista que publica artculos cientficos
originales de todos los campos de las matemticas. Fue fundado
por Gsta Mittag-Leffler en 1882 y es publicado por el Instituto
Mittag-Leffler, un instituto de
investigacin para matemticos
perteneciente a la Real Academia de
las Ciencias de Suecia. Desde 2006, la
revista ha sido impresa y distribuida
por Springer Netherlands.

Acta Mathematica is a peer-reviewed

scientific journal covering research in
all fields of mathematics. The journal
was established by Gsta Mittag-
Leffler in 1882 and is published by Institute Mittag-Leffler, a
research institute for mathematics belonging to the Royal
Swedish Academy of Sciences. Since 2006, the journal has been
printed and distributed by Springer Netherlands.

Paula Martnez Snchez 1st A

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