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Shree P. M.

Patel Institute of Post Graduate Studies &Research in Science

M.Sc. Organic Chemistry [Sem.-I]
Inorganic Chemistry PSO1CCHE01
Question Bank For Theory Viva Voce.

Commutative Property:
1 Define the term :Operator.
2 What is meant by Commutative Proprty?
3 Define the term: Commutator operator.
4 What is meant by Del Operator or Vector Operator.
5 Define:Laplacian Operator.
6 Explain Eigen Value, Eigen function ,Eigen Value equation.
7 Give the condition for an operator to be Hermitian Operator.
8 Write the two property of Hermitian Operator.
9 Give the wave function for an electron wave travelling in x-direction.
10 Write De-Broglis relationship equation.
11 Give the equation for an operator corresponding to momentum in x,y
and z direction.
12 Define the term: Hamiltonian Operator.
13 Write the energy equation for single partical of mass m.
14 Write the energy equation for many electron system.
15 Define: Angular Momentum Operator.
16 Give the equation for angular momentum operator for an electron
moving in x,y and z direction.
17 Give the relation between component of angular momentum operator
and suggest that whether they are commute or non-commute?
18 Suggest that square of angular momentum operator and component of
angular momentum operator are commute.
19 Define the term: Set Up Operator or Raising Operator.
20 Define the term: Set down Operator or lowering Operator.
21 Explain the term: Ladder Operator or Shift Operator.
22 Give the relation between Shift Operator and component of Angular
momentum operator.
23 What is the relation between set up and set down operator.
24 Suggest that square of angular momentum operator and shift operator
commute with each other.
25 Give the application of Schimdt Orthogonalisation Process.
26 Define: Orthogonal and orthonormal Function.
27 Discuss the term: Kroneckers delta.

Translational Motion Of A particle:

1 Define:Translation motion.
2 Give the general solution of Schrodinger equation.
3 What is the meaning of function *?
4 Give the energy equation for Translational motion of a free particle.
5 What is the meaning of Box Model and give its application.
6 Give Boundry Condition.
7 Give the energy equation for Translational motion of a paricle in a box.
8 Define: Quantisation.
9 Why it is said that energy is quantised.
10 Define the term: Consant of motion.
11 Define: Zero Point Energy.
12 How the spacing between energy levels depends on size of particle and
size of box?
13 Write the condition for observing the quantisation.
14 Give the value of normalisation factor A and write the wave function
for a wave travelling in x-direction.
15 Write the condition for a wave function to be symmetric and
16 Write the Schrondinger equation for a particle in a Box.
17 Define the term: Degeneracy.
18 Define the term: Quantum Mechanical Tunnelling.
19 Define: transmission co-efficient.
20 How the transmission co-efficient depends on potential energy of barrier
and size of particle.
21 Give the application of quantum mechanical tunnelling.

Rotational Motion Of A Particle:

1 Define the term: Rotational Motion.
2 Write the Hamiltonian for a rotational motion of a particle in a ring.
3 Give the energy equation for rotational motion of a particle in a ring.
4 Write the value of normalisation factor N and wave function for
rotational motion of particle.
5 Give the relationship between Cartesian Co-ordinate and Spherical Polar
6 Define the term: Rigid Rotator.
7 Give the total energy for a rotation of diatomic molecule.
8 Give the total energy for a rotation of diatomic molecule rotating in
plane or fixed axis and in space or free axis.

Vibrational Motion Of A Particle.

1 Total energy for Vibrational Motion Of A paricle in a one dimensional
harmonic oscillator is............
2 Write the Hermites Differencial equation.
3 Write the Recursion formula for Hermites Differencial equation.
4 Give the energy equation for vibrational motion of a particle.

Hydrogen Like Atom.

1 What is meant by H-like atom?
2 Give the potential energy for H-like atom.
3 Write the Hamiltonian for H-like atom.
4 Write the total wave function for H-like atom.
5 Give the list of quantum number which are using for treatment of H-like
6 Give the value of quantum no, n,l and m for 1s,2s,3s,2p,3p and 3d
7 Explain the term: Dirac notation.
8 List the name of method for finding the approximate solution of wave
9 Write the condition for Perturbation Theory.

Many-electron atoms & Angular momenta.

1 Write down the equation for potential energy of the many electron
2 Write down the equation for Hamiltoian of many electron system.
3 Define the term permutation &Parity.
4 Write down the wave function equation for many electron system.
5 Explain the term 1(1).
6 Explain the term 1(2).
7 Write down the Hamiltonian for the Helium atom.
8 Define: Auf-bau principle.
9 Define:Pauli Principle.
10 Define:Hunds Principle.
11 Suggest the method for obtaining wave function.
12 Give the definition of spin orbit interaction energy.
13 Define:Angular momentum.
14 Define:spin Angular momentum.
15 Define:R-S Coupling OR L-S Coupling.
16 What is j-j coupling?
17 Define:Term.
18 Define:Term Symbol.
19 Determine the no.of term for following system. l=......... & S=..........
20 Define:Level.
21 Write down the lowest positive value of J.
22 Define:Multiplicity.
23 Define:Spin Multiplicity.
24 Define:Term Multiplicity.

Chemical Bonding.
1 Define the term: Potential energy.
2 How can we define the electronic energy.
3 What is the meaning of nuclear energy?
4 Define: B-O Approximation.
5 Explain the term Vee, Vne & Vnn?
6 Give the condition for combination of atomic orbital.
7 Give the symbol for having a value 0,1, ,2 , 3, 4.
8 Term symbol for all molecules.

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