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Option 2: Greek America Owen Rosi


Our world today is heavily influenced by the way the Greeks and Romans lived. Without
them, our world would be completely different because most of what we do was inspired by the
Greeks and the Romans. Modern medicine, nuclear warfare, complex architecture, and
competitive sports are just a few examples of things that were contributed to us. Out of all that
was contributed to us, the most important contribution to our world was education.
Firstly, education leads to new ideas that can change the world, and it all starts when
you learn as a child. The Greeks said that in a perfect society, young people would spend their
time developing themselves intellectually and athletically. This belief is true because the building
blocks of knowledge learned will lead to the innovation of new ideas for the future. Everything
that has and does exist all started with an idea, and ideas are produced from learning
information and asking questions. In our world today, children go to school at a very young age
for preschool because of the principal originally believed by the Greeks. Additionally, the Greeks
desire for competition through the Olympics lead to the competitive sports we play today.
Children/ teenagers are involved in sports (P.E.) to help keep in shape and stay healthy.
Secondly, the Greeks development of education modeled the way our school system is
today. In addition to their beliefs in the perfect society, the Greeks also developed our
curriculum, or a universal knowledge that everyone should know. Thousands of years later, this
Greek ideal has become a reality in the form of school with specific subjects of study that the
Greeks developed. The most important subject that the Greeks developed was math. Math is
the most important subject we learn because the information that you learn in math helps you
throughout your life. The Greeks, in comparison, used their knowledge to build their
architecture, propose new theories, etc. All of the subjects that the Greeks contributed should
not be dropped because all are necessary to having a common knowledge of all things.
Lastly, the Greeks and Romans common knowledge innovated new questions about life.
Early concepts about the human body, astronomy, science/biology, and philosophy were
hypothesised and proved through what people learned. People began to question how the world
really worked, and if religion was really the answer to everything. Their curiosity would inspire
people of the future to continue their search for the knowledge of everything possible.
To conclude, our world today is very much influenced by what the Greeks and Romans
theorized. Medicine, science, math, and architecture are a few examples of what was
contributed. However, the most important contribution to us is education. The Greeks theory of
education was that of schooling, for which people could learn a common knowledge of the
world. The common knowledge of the people would later innovate new questions about life that
Option 2: Greek America Owen Rosi

would influence the way we live today. Without their contributions to the world, our lives would
be flipped inside out.

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