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To determine the relationship between the applied torque and the angle of twist and hence
obtain the shear modulus.



1. Switch on the digital protractor and the load indicator unit to warm the system
2. Measure the length and diameter of trhe specimen
3. Mount the torsi meter approximately at the centre of the specimen and set the dial
gauge reading to zero
4. The top screw was loosen that is attached to the specimen setting bar
5. Attached a socket to the end of the specimen setting bar
6. Please the specimen in the socket
7. Place another socket at the free end
8. The specimen setting bar was push towards the other socket. Once the specimen is in
contact with the socket, try to push the specimen so that it slides into the socket.
9. Once the socket and the specimen are in lie pushed the specimen until the whole the
hexagon portion is completely inside the socket
10. When the hexagon portion is completely inside the socket, lock the position of the
specimen setting bar by tightening the top and bottom screws
11. The load indicator reading to zero by pressing the tare button
12. Set the digital protractor reading to zero by pressing the R button
13. Set the torsion meter reading to zero by turning the dial indicator face
14. Turn the handle until the load cell records a small reading and the specimen is tight.
This is a preload condition
15. Set the load indicator, the digital protractor and the torsion meter reading to zero by
pressing the tare button, the R button and turning the face of the dial gauge
16. Apply torque to the specimen the specimen by turning the handle
17. Record the load cell, the digital protractor and the torsion meter reading initially for
every 5 division of the torsion meter. Once yield is achieved loosen the screws
18. Increase the applied torque and for each increment record the corresponding angles of
19. Then, start the torsi meter reading to increase rapidly, remove the torsion meter to
avoid damage
20. Continue increasing the load until the specimen breaks
21. If the experiment is to be conducted in the linear range only, it is advisable that the
torsion stress should not exceed 0.3 the yield stress of the material
22. Lastly, remove the torsion meter when the specimen approaches yield.

Table 1 (a)
Load cell (w) torsiometer Digital proctractor
2 5 0.4
3 10 0.7
4 15 1.0
6 20 1.2
7 25 1.5
9 30 1.6
11 35 2.2
13 40 2.4
16 45 2.7
18 50 3.0
20 55 3.3
23 60 3.7
26 65 4.0
28 70 4.3
31 75 4.6
35 80 5.1
38 85 5.4
40 90 6.0
42 93 6.5

Table 1 (b)
Applied torque Angle of twist (torsionmeter) Angle of twist(Digital
T=W*100 (Nmm) = (div*0.015*/180) radian Protractor) = actual*/180
200 1.31 10-3 6.98 10-3
300 2.62 10-3 12.22 10-3
400 3.93 10-3 17.45 10-3
600 5.24 10-3 20.94 10-3
700 6.54 10-3 26.18 10-3
900 7.85 10-3 27.93 10-3
1100 9.16 10-3 38.40 10-3
1300 10.47 10-3 41.89 10-3
1600 11.78 10-3 47.12 10-3
1800 13.09 10-3 52.36 10-3
2000 14.39 10-3 57.60 10-3
2300 15.71 10-3 64.58 10-3
2600 17.02 10-3 69.81 10-3
2800 18.33 10-3 75.05 10-3
3100 19.63 10-3 80.29 10-3
3500 20.94 10-3 89.01 10-3
3800 22.25 10-3 94.25 10-3
4000 23.56 10-3 104.72 10-3
4200 24.35 10-3 113.45 10-3

The results found within this experiment were somewhat innaccurate. The shear modulus for
Aluminum was determined to be 3072 ksi, which contains nearly 22% error when compared
against the standard 3920 ksi. The experiment using Brass
contained3 7 % e r r o r , w i t h 3 7 0 8 k s i a n d 5 0 8 0 k s i a s t h e e x p e r i m e n t a
l a n d a c c e p t e d v a l u e s respectively.Sources for error occur within the testing apparatus.
As noted in the experiment,even with both degree indicators tightened, the 6 degree wheel
and the 360 degree wheeldid not agree on angular measurement. For example, when 30
degrees had been achievedon the 6 degree wheel, the 360 degree wheel did not read 30
degrees as well.

The results in this particular experiment may or may not be acceptable
f o r practical use. If an application requires a high degree of accuracy of the shear modulus
or shear behavior, more thorough testing must be done.A s a n i m p r o v e m e n t t o t h e
e x p e r i m e n t , t h e d e g r e e w h e e l s s h o u l d b e f u r t h e r analyzed to ensure that both
agree accurately to the angular behavior of the specimen

Torsion meter digital torsion

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