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CHAPTER 5 Complex Numbers ‘Complex numbers are usually introduced by considering a quadratic equation of the type x? — x + 1 = 0, where the quadratic formula gives where = /=T is the imaginary unit. A number of the form a + ib, where a and b are real numbers, is called a complex number. If a = 0, then x = ib is called an imaginary number. The message here is that we must introduce imaginary numbers in order to be able to solve quadratic equations in general. It shouldn’t be surprising, that initially there was a great resistance to the introduction of complex numbers and that it took many years for them to be accepted as legitimate members of our ‘number system. The very name “imaginary number” seems to convey a certain degree of mysticism to these numbers. If complex numbers had arisen only with quadratic equations, then it might have been easy to reject them by asserting that the equation x? — x +1 = O has no solutions. After all, we're probably comfortable saying that sin.x = 2 has no solution for real values of x. Historically, imaginary numbers were most puzzling in the study of the solutions to cubic equations. Consider the cubic equation x3 + 2x?—x—2 = 0. You can verify by inspection that this equation has three real roots, +1 and 2. Yet when you solve this equation using the standard (fairly messy) formula for calculating the three roots, square roots of negative numbers occur at several intermediate steps. The final results are the three real roots, so itis apparent that the occurrence of imaginary numbers doesn’t invalidate any of the formulas. Eventually, mathematicians came not only to tolerate imaginary numbers but to embrace them fully. Chapter 5: Complex Numbers ‘You might wonder if more complicated polynomial equations (such as 17th- — (5:10) that is rotating about the origin in a counterclockwise direction at a ‘These two formulas have a nice geometrical interpretation. Consider cost = frequency of w radians per second. (c" + e-"#)/2. As we said above, e/2 may be viewed as a vector rotating in the complex plane in a counterclockwise direction and e~'*"/2 may be viewed as one rotating in a clockwise direction, as shown in Figure 5.6. At r = 0, the sum of the two vectors points a unit length along the positive real axis. As 1 evolves, the two vectors rotate in opposite directions in such a way that their vertical components cancel and the sum of their horizontal components oscillates back and forth between +1 and —1 with a frequency of « radians per second, according to cos. ‘We can use Equations 5.10 to derive trigonometric identities. For example, sind (et =e) (CF He“) 2 2 JlerB) — grap) sina cos B #) — enile-A) ai * 4 1 Figure 5.6. Geometrical 3 sina + 8) + 5 sin(o — 6) interpretation of the expression cos wt = (el +e) /2, ‘We can also use Equations 5.10 to evaluate integrals involving sin x or cos x. EXAMPLE 5-6 Evaluate 1 [ct sineae (@>0) by using Equation 5.10. Chapter 5: Complex Numbers SOLUTION: eens _ mw _t DiS > FFT , | ‘We can evaluate / in Example 5-6 another way. Because e” = cost +i sint, wwe can write I as I f e sint dt = Im [ edt ln lo = in( : w+ This procedure gives us = sd 1 @ at a 0g; = Re (—1_) = fe cost dt Re ‘dt re(45) aaT asa by-product. EXAMPLE 5-7 ‘Summations such as, y 5(0) = e0snd ra ‘occur in group theory, crystallography, and optics. Derive a closed ex- pression for S(@). SOLUTION: We express cos nd as (e™ + e~™*)/2 and use Equation 3.2 with x = e*®, Therefore, we have 1 | 84 + cos NO — cos(N + 1)8 2(1 = cos) where in getting to the last line we combined the two terms and used Equation 5.10 several times (see Problem 5-24). Chapter 5: Complex Numbers Problems 5-1. Find the real and imaginary parts ofthe following quantities: @M2-P we Wem | W242? 5-2. Ie=x-+ Diy, then find (@) Reet) () Re) (©) IM) @ Re(ze")__(©) tmz") 5-3. Determine the value of tan"'@ forthe following complex numbers: @-1-F ®-1+i @I-i @-i 5-4, Express the following numbers in the form re”: (@) 61 @)4-V2i 1-2 1FE 5-5. Express the following complex numbers in the form x + iy’ Ge (b) Gee) eM? (Q) eet 5-6, Discuss the statement that multiplying a complex number by i has a geometric interpretation of rotating the number by 90° counterclockwise in the complex plane 5-7. Prove that e = —1. Comment on the nature ofthe numbers in thi relation. 5-8, Show that Rez) = (¢ + 2")/2 and that Im (z) = (@ ~ 2/24 5-9, Determine the region in the complex plane described by 1 <|z+i| <3. 5-10, Show that cos = (e'” + €~)/2 and that sind = (e” — e~!)/2i. 5-11, Use Equation 5.8 to derive the formula of de Moivre, cosnd + ésinnd = (cos 0 +i sing)? Use the formula of de Moivre to derive the trigonometric identities 60828 = cos? 9 — sin? @ sin2# = 2sind cose £0834 = cos! — 3c080 sin? 0 = 40s" — 3050 sin36 = 3cos*@ sin# — sin’ @ = 3sin# —4sin’ @ $-12, Evaluate (a) (1 +)!” and (b) (1 — 1)”. 5-13. Consider the set of functions L m= 0,41, 42, . on(9) = ee 2, 2) Osos?" First show that oe 0 forall values of m #0 [ en@)do=) pe [Now show that [ O,(0)0,(6)d6 {t 2 lk Chapter 5: Complex Numbers 5-14, This problem offers a derivation of Euler's formula, Start with S(O) = In(cos@ + i siné) a Siow tat ‘ a, a ‘Now integrate both sides of equation 2 to obtain (0) = In(cos6 + isin8) = 19 +6 6 where c is a constant of integration. Show that c = 0 and then exponentiate equation 3 to obtain Euler’s formula, 5-15, We can use Euler’ formula and the formulas of de Moivre (Problem 5-11) to evaluate a host of integrals. First show that [erdeno mast an. Usethisrenito stow hat fovsed=% ana cotoao Now use the same method t show hat [cstoinm [soar | (See the following problem.) 5-16. Here is another way to evaluate J" cos?" @ d@ and J” sin @d® (see the previous problem). First write cos@ as is Mae Use a similar approach to show that fs 0a0= S17, Use Euler's formula to show that cosix=coshx and sinix =isinhx Now show that sinhix=isinx and coshix =cosx Chapter 5: Complex Numbers 63 58, 59. 5-20, S21. 5:22. 5-23. 5-24, Use Euler’ formula to show that 1 1 cosacosf = 5 cos(a + f)+ 5 c0s(a— B) 1 sina sin = 3 cos(a ~ p)~ 3 cos(a +f) 1 has two distinct roots, x = +1. The equation x” = 1 has 'N distinct roots, called the NV roots of unity. This problem shows how to find the 'N roots of unity. We shall see that some of the roots turn out to be complex, so let's write the equation as 2" = 1. Now let z = e' and obtain e'*® = 1, or cos NO +i sin NO = 1 Now argue that N@ = 2xrn, where m has the N distinct values 0, 1,2,.... NI or that the 1 roots of unity are given by zeerins n=O, 1, 2c N= ‘Show that we obtain z = 1 and ¢ = +I for N = | and N = 2, respectively. Now show that 1 vi 1 cathy anda tg for N = 3, Show that each ofthese roots is of unit magnitude. Pot these three roots in the complex plane. Now show that z= 1, i, ~1,and —i for N = 4 and that 1 1 a $48, ana be for N 6. Plot the four roots for N= 4 and the six roots for N= 6 inthe complex plane. Compare the plots for N = 3, N = 4, and N= 6. Do you seea pattern? Using the results of the previous problem, find the three distinet roots of 2) ‘The Schwarz inequality says that if z; = xj + iy; and 22 = x2 + éy2, then xis + yiya S [zu [zal To prove this inequality, start with its square Gun + yn) < leiPlal = GF + 9G} +99) ‘Now use the fact that (x; y2 —xzy1)? = 0 to prove the inequality. Starting with [[~ e°* dx = J7/2a, let a = (1 — i)//3 and separate the result into real and imaginary parts to show that [i covrdem [sina ax= 15)" SS sinno sind — sin(N + 1)6 + sin N@ ~ 2(1 = cos8) ‘Show that UNIVERSIDAD DE ANTIOQUIA BIBLIOTECACENTRA!

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