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DPA Template / Toolkit

Division/ Grade: Grade 8

HPE Overall Expectation (s): 1 (Living Skills) demonstrated throughout. A1, A2, A3, B1
HPE Specific Expectation (s): 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, A1.1, A1.2, A2.1, A2.2, A3.1, B1.1, B1.2

Equipment Needed: Targets (pieces of paper, hula hoops, bean bag, etc.)

Musical Pairing and Time Frame: Music optional (instead of whistle blasts or go! from the
instructor, music stop triggers action).
Safety Guidelines: (Reference No protective equipment needed. Students are
expected to apply caution and general care and awareness of their classmates in a way that is
consistent with Opheas Student Responsibilities Section (2016). Students will be instructed to
be mindful of the space occupied by others when executing vigorous movements such as the
exercises being completed and competing to be the first to touch the target.

Classroom Management: (e.g. space, # of participants)

Works best with 16-40 students but can accommodate any number. A normal sized classroom should be
able to accommodate this game with ~20 participants. If space is tight, zones for activities can be
created by the teacher using tape so space is sufficient for safe play.

For those with hearing impairments, a visual stimulus can accompany the whiste/go! .
For those who have trouble moving their legs, game can be modified with hands instead of feet and
different exercises, although more equipment is usually required (for dips, bicep curls, etc.).

Description of Activity:
Light static stretching followed by jumping jacks. (5 mins).

Moderate to Vigorous Activity

Action Duels

Every student will choose a partner. The partners will interlock their arms at the elbows and stand with
their inside feet (the one closest to their partner) touching, side by side. There will be a bean bag
(preferable equipment) in front of the pairs, and once the instructor says go or blows their whistle, the
partners must try to be the first one to touch the bean bag with their inside foot. The first partner to
touch the paper gets their choice of doing one of two exercises while the other partner does the other
activity (this provides an advantage to the partner who wins the first part of the game, requiring the
losing partner to react, lowering their chance of winning the second part of the game). The first partner
to complete their exercise wins, and the top 25% of the class in wins (if there are 16 students the top 4
win, etc.; this is to encourage the students to continue putting forth their best effort even if a particular
student shows themselves to be capable of winning mostly every round) at the end of the activity period
are the activity winners. The activity period will last 20 minutes. Examples of possible exercise
combinations are 6 mountain climbers vs. 10 high knees, 3 burpees vs. 7 push-ups (can use easier
variations to account for physical differences), 10 jumping jacks vs. 5 tuck-jumps. (20 mins)
Cool Down

Students will complete a short routine of static stretches focused on the lower body and will walk to get
water. (5 mins)

Cross Curricular Connections:

Not only does this activity provide an opportunity to work on movement skills, but it allows
them to interact with their classmates in a lighthearted competitive atmosphere. The social
skills learned in these interactions can be utilized in group work in all subjects in school, as well
as out of school life. Basic numeracy is also used.

Ontario Ministry of Education. (2015). The Curriculum, Grades 1-8: Health and Physical
Education. Retrieved from (2016). Appendix J: Student's responsibilities. in Ontario physical education safety

guidelines. Retrieved from

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