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Identifying channel seepage using pre-dawn thermal imagery

I.J. McGowen1
NSW Agriculture, 161 Kite Street (Locked Bag 21), Orange NSW Australia 2800
S.L. Duff
Jemalong Irrigation Ltd, PO Box 520, Forbes NSW Australia 2871
I. Smith
NSW Agriculture, Camp Street (PO Box 369), Forbes NSW Australia 2871
Corresponding author - Phone: 61-2-63913195, Fax: 61-2-63913767

Abstract A combination of pre-dawn airborne thermal infra- been estimated at up to 3,000 ML/year (over a channel length
red imagery, Landsat TM imagery and GIS land use data were of approximately 30 km) [4].
used in a preliminary assessment of seepage from an earthen
irrigation supply channel (canal). Surface seepage was not de- This study aimed to use pre-dawn thermal infrared im-
tected, but deep seepage appeared to be occurring from the agery to detect differences in soil moisture associated with
channel into permeable layers associated with prior
stream/paleo-channel networks, where the channel crossed or
channel seepage, to identify critical zones of the channel for
ran along these ne tworks. sealing/remediation. The assumption was that leakage sites
adjacent to or near the channel system would be of a higher
soil moisture than non-leakage sites, and show as warmer
I. INTRODUCTION areas on the thermal imagery [3].

Loss of irrigation water due to seepage in earthen chan- The thermal imagery was combined with Landsat The-
nels (canals) is an important consideration in irrigation areas. matic Mapper (TM) imagery and Geographic Information
In a recent survey of irrigation authorities in Australia, seep- System (GIS) land use data to improve the reliability of the
age losses were estimated as 4.2% of all water delivered (320 mapping, as deep rather than surface seepage was found to
GL/year). However, estimates of water losses that could not occur. The final analysis identified deep channel seepage as
be accounted for averaged 17.5% of total delivered volume occurring into prior stream (paleo-channel) networks adjacent
[1], suggesting much greater seepage losses. These not only to the irrigation channel system.
represent the loss of a valuable resource, but also contribute
to groundwater recharge and, potentially, salinisation and II. METHODOLOGY AND R ESULTS
waterlogging. Despite this, in Australia, quantitative tech-
niques of assessing where channel seepage is occurring are Pre-dawn thermal infrared imagery was captured over the
less common than visual inspection [2]. This is in part due to district on 21st March 1996 by Air Target Services, using a
the cost of such techniques. Although not a direct measure of Daedalus 1268 airborne thematic mapper mounted in a Gates
seepage, remote sensing can be used to detect where seepage Learjet 35A. This sensor captures one thermal infrared data
is occurring. In particular, thermal infrared remote sensing is stream in two bands, band 11 (the standard data stream) with
useful as a primary survey technique to identify seepage sites a range of 8.5 13 m and band 12, which is user adjustable
[3], particularly when combined with other techniques to [5]. For this flight, band 12 was set to have a two times gain
more accurately assess the sites and quantify losses. This over band 11. Imagery was captured between 0059 and 0358
relates well to the needs of irrigation authorities, as cost and hours Eastern Standard Time at an altitude of approximately
speed were rated as the most important criteria in channel 2700 m ASL and a speed of approximately 405 km/hr. A
seepage assessment [1]. pixel size of 5 m was selected, giving a swath width of ap-
proximately 3.1 km. Twenty strips of imagery ranging from
Remote sensing techniques were used to attempt to iden- 10 50 km in length were captured, covering the irrigation
tify areas of channel seepage along the Warroo main channel district and surrounding areas. The strips proved extremely
in the Jemalong Irrigation District (147.56E, 33.45S). This distorted and difficult to georeference. They were finally
is a small irrigation area covering approximately 90,000 ha registered to 1993 SPOT panchromatic imagery, which had
near the Lachlan River in Central Western NSW, Australia. been georeferenced using differential Global Positioning
The district has areas of salinity and high water tables, and System ground control points. To remove the extreme non-
certain reaches of the main (earthen) irrigation channels are linear distortion, the piecewise affine model in TNT-MIPS
known to lose substantial amounts of water through seepage. was used, with cubic convolution resampling and between
Total seepage losses from the Warroo main channel have 350 and 1100 ground control points per strip.

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(C) 2001 IEEE 1631
Australian Crown Copyright
Initially, density slicing was carried out on both thermal age zones along the supply channel was to integrate the im-
bands. The high gain band (band 12) showed the best differ- agery and GIS layers within a certain distance from the chan-
entiation of features (both warm and cool), so band 11 was nel network. Firstly, all dryland lucerne paddocks within a
not used for further analysis. The original intention was to 200 m buffer zone either side of the channel network were
identify areas of warm soil close or adjacent to the channel selected from the GIS data. Vegetation indices were then
systems, which should have been associated with high mois- calculated from the Landsat TM data to attempt to identify
ture content due to surface seepage. The oscillations in tem- the most vigorously growing areas of dryland lucerne. The
perature in moist soil are less than those for dry soil, and Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was ini-
moist soil cools more slowly after sunset [3, 6]. However, tially used, but proved only partially successful. Although
the warm areas on the imagery near the Warroo channel sys- one of the few areas of active growth at the time of imagery
tem were not associated with seepage. They were primarily capture, the dryland lucerne paddocks were usually heavily
irrigated paddocks, free water (where irrigation was under grazed, particularly late in the growing season. Conse-
way) and timber. quently, they were not well distinguished. As an alternative,
the Modified Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index No. 2
Instead, areas of known seepage were associated with (MSAVI2) was used [7]. This index is less sensitive to bare
very cool zones on the thermal imagery. These zones ap- soil than the NDVI, and proved better at distinguishing the
peared to be part of a prior stream/paleo-channel network dryland lucerne paddocks. A series of thresholds were tested
across the landscape. Deep seepage was apparently occurring to find the range of data values that best delineated areas of
from the Warroo channel into permeable layers associated vigorous growth within these paddocks.
with these networks, and these subsurface characteristics
were detected on the thermal imagery [5, 6]. The prior A similar assessment was made on band 12 of the thermal
stream networks intersected the channel at several points, and imagery, to discern what threshold gave best delineation of
at other locations ran adjacent to or along the channel. Ap- the known seepage areas. These were identified by tone,
parently, the channel had been constructed along the highest shape, and adjacency to the channel system. Approximate
points in the landscape, which were the banks of these locations were also determined from a previous study, which
streams. The main leakage appeared to be occurring at or used seepage meters within the channel [4].
near these intersection points.
Using the threshold values, the two sets of image data
To provide more information, particularly on interactions were combined with the GIS data in a model in ERDAS
of the land use and vegetation with seepage zones, an ortho- Imagine, to identify the likely seepage zones. These were
rectified Landsat TM image was obtained for the 1st April strongly associated with the prior stream/paleo-channel net-
1996. Originally, this was to assist in identifying sites likely works.
to be confounded with seepage on the thermal imagery (eg.
dense vegetation) [3]. The Landsat imagery proved useful III DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
for preliminary validation as, despite the poor spatial resolu-
tion of the Landsat thermal band, cool areas in this band were Surface seepage was not detected in this study. This may
associated with the larger-sized cool seepage areas identified have been due to the extremely dry conditions prior to im-
on the pre-dawn thermal imagery. However, the Landsat agery capture, or a lack of surface seepage from the channel
imagery proved useful in identifying vegetation associated system. The output from density slicing (thresholding) the
with the seepage areas, in conjunction with a large range of thermal imagery and from the combined data analysis indi-
GIS data available for the district. These GIS data had been cated that major seepage zones were correlated with a prior
captured for the development of a sustainable Land and Wa- stream/paleo-channel network that intersected the supply
ter Management Plan, prior to the hand over of the admini- channel system. The intersection points between the prior
stration of the district to Jemalong Irrigation Limited. These stream network and the Warroo channel appeared to be the
data included property and paddock boundaries, layout for major leakage points. The correlation of cool areas on the
irrigation, irrigation type, land use, the location of remnant Landsat thermal band with those identified on the airborne
vegetation and channel infrastructure. imagery suggested a high thermal inertia in these areas. The
most likely reason is that water from the irrigation supply
Known and suspected seepage areas in the district are channels had leaked into and moved along these old river
commonly used for growing dryland lucerne. Lucerne is beds/channels.
grown in these areas for interception purposes, to draw down
the watertable, and opportunistically. The suspected seepage Local knowledge and the previous seepage survey had in-
areas extend along large reaches of the supply channel, and dicated seepage was occurring, and local landholders were
were originally identified from previous surveys, piezometer encouraged to plant dryland lucerne adjacent to the supply
networks and from local knowledge [4]. We considered the channel system. The lucerne, being a very deep rooted plant,
best means to identify the extent and location of actual seep- appeared to have tapped the water in the old river beds.


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Vegetative vigour (as measured by the MSAVI2) was greater REFERENCES
in prior stream areas within the paddocks. Combining the
thermal imagery with the Landsat imagery and GIS data pro- [1] Australian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (2000),
Open channel seepage and control, Vol 1.2 Current knowledge of
vided a means of determining that seepage was actually oc- channel seepage issues and measurement in the Australian rural wa-
curring, and a guide to where it was occurring. In addition, it ter industry. ANCID, August 2000.
provided information on the areas to which the seepage water
[2] Australian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (2000),
was moving.
Open channel seepage and control, Vol 1.1 Literature review of
channel seepage identification and measurement. ANCID, August
These findings have not yet been validated, and require 2000.
additional field surveys along and within the supply channel
[3] M. D. Nellis (1982), Application of thermal infrared imagery to canal
network. These may include electromagnetic induction seepage detection, Remote Sensing of Environment, 12, 229-234.
(EM31) survey along the channel bed and batters (to provide
information on soil differences within the channel), and [4] A. van der Lely (1993), Channel seepage from Warroo main canal,
ponding/seepage meter testing of selected areas. Jemalong Irrigation District, Technical Report No. 93/04, NSW De-
partment of Water Resources, 1993.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS [5] D. H. de Vries (1996), Pre-dawn thermal infra red a successful

airborne data set, Proceedings of the 8 th Australasian Remote Sensing
The assistance of Jemalong Irrigation Limited (GIS data Conference, 25 th-29th March, Canberra, ACT, Australia (CDROM).
and use of the imagery); Rei Beumer, NSW Department of
[6] V.I. Myer (1975), Crops and soils in Manual of Remote Sensing,
Land and Water Conservation, (imagery capture); Don Vol 2, R.G. Reeves, A. Anson and D. Landen, Eds, American Society
deVries, CanSyd Pty Ltd, and Mike Peters, Geoimage Pty Ltd of Photogrammetry: USA, pp 1715-1813.
(technical advice); and Gillian McRobert, Catherine Cook
[7] J. Qi., A. Chenbouni, A.R. Huete and Y.H. Kerr (1994), Modified
and David McGowen (georeferencing) is gratefully acknowl- soil adjusted vegetation index (MSAVI), Remote Sensing of Envi-
edged. ronment, 48 (2), 119-126.

The State of New South Wales, Australia

NSW Agriculture, 2001.


0-7803-7033-3/01/$10.00 (C) 2001 IEEE

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