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Immunomodulating properties of
Minthostachys verticillata on human
lymphocytes and basophils

Article in Alergia May 2005

Source: PubMed


10 55

7 authors, including:

Mara Laura Gonzlez Pereyra Laura Cariddi

Universidad Nacional de Ro Cuarto Universidad Nacional de Ro Cuarto


Mirta Susana Demo Liliana Ins Sabini

Universidad Nacional de Ro Cuarto Universidad Nacional de Ro Cuarto


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Revista Alergia Mxico 2005;52(3):105-12

Artculo original

Immunomodulating properties of Minthostachys verticillata on human

lymphocytes and basophils

Mara Laura Gonzlez Pereyra,* LN Cariddi,* F Ybarra,* MC Isola,** MS Demo,* L Sabini,* AM Maldonado*

Antecedentes: Minthostachys verticillata (Griseb) Epling es una hierba medicinal originaria de Sudamrica que se utiliza como digestivo,
antiespasmdico, antiinflamatorio y broncodilatador en asma. Est demostrada la actividad antimicrobiana in vitro de esta hierba en
cepas de estafilococos y sus efectos antivirales en el VHS-1 y la cepa RC/79 del VPr.
Objetivo: determinar la capacidad inmunomoduladora de la decoccin y el aceite esencial de M. verticillata. Como un estudio comple-
mentario, se identificaron los principales componentes del aceite esencial.
Materiales y mtodos: se determin la actividad linfoproliferativa de ambos derivados vegetales y se compar con la expansin celular
inducida por PHA, Pokeweed y BCG en estudios citomorfolgicos. Se realiz un cultivo control sin estmulo. El recuento de clusters y
colonias de linfocitos se realiz con el mtodo descrito por Lange en 1989. Entre las clulas proliferadas, la subpoblacin de LT CD8+ se
caracteriz por inmunofluorescencia directa. La capacidad de las fracciones vegetales para producir degranulacin in vitro se prob al
utilizar basfilos provenientes de individuos no alrgicos y alrgicos a hongos ambientales. Se identificaron los principales componentes
del aceite esencial de M. verticillata mediante cromatografa gaseosa.
Resultados: los derivados de M. verticillata alcanzaron mayor proliferacin que los cultivos sin estmulo, demostraron actividad mitognica
e indujeron la formacin de colonias y clusters de linfocitos de manera similar a PHA, Pokeweed y BCG. Luego de la estimulacin con los
derivados, 40% de las clulas proliferadas fueron LT CD8+. La decoccin y el aceite esencial no alcanzaron el ndice mnimo de degranulacin
de basfilos en individuos alrgicos y no alrgicos, al menos en las concentraciones probadas. El anlisis por cromatografa gaseosa
revel pulegona y mentona como los componentes mayoritarios.
Conclusiones: los derivados de M. verticillata tuvieron efecto mitognico en LT e indujeron formacin significativa de clusters y colonias.
Las concentraciones utilizadas no causaron degranulacin de basfilos. Se asume que los derivados de M. verticillata induciran la
desviacin Th1 en cultivos celulares de pacientes alrgicos, lo cual disminuira las reacciones de hipersensibilidad. Algunos de los
componentes del aceite esencial, revelados por cromatografa gaseosa, podran ser los responsables de la actividad biolgica de estos
Palabras clave: Minthostachys verticillata, actividad mitognica, degranulacin de basfilos.


Background: Minthostachys verticillata (Griseb.) Epling is a South American traditional medicinal herb used as digestive, anti-spasmodic,
anti-inflammatory and bronchial dilator agent among other uses. Its anti-microbial activity against staphylococcal strains and its anti-viral
properties against HVS-1 and strain RC/79 of PrV have been demonstrated.
Objective: To determine the immunomodulating ability of M. verticillata decoction and essential oil. As a complementary study, the main
constituents of the essential oil were identified.
Materials and methods: Lymphocyte-proliferating activity of both vegetal derivatives was tested and compared with cellular expansion
induced by PHA, Pokeweed, CGB in cytomorphological study. A non-stimulate culture was used as control reference. The score of
lymphocyte clusters and colonies was performed using the method described by Lange. Among proliferated cells, LT CD8+ subpopulation
was characterized by direct immunofluorescence. The in vitro degranulant ability of the vegetal fractions was tested on basophils from
allergic and non-allergic individuals sensitized to environmental fungi. Essential oil components of M. verticillata were identified by gas
chromatography technique.
Results: M. verticillata derivatives reached higher proliferation levels compared to non-stimulated cultures, showed mitogenic activity and
induced cluster and colony formation similar to PHA, Pokeweed and CGB. Cells that proliferated after stimulation with derivatives showed
40% of LT CD8+. Tested concentrations of decoction and essential oil did not reach minimum degranulation indexes over basophils, from
both allergic and non-allergic individuals. Gas chromatography analysis revealed the presence of pulegone and menthone as the main
Conclusions: M. verticillata derivatives were mitogenic over LT, inducing significant cluster and colony formation. There was no evidence
of degranulating ability over basophils at the concentrations tested. We assume that the derivatives from M. verticillata would induce Th1
deviation in cellular cultures from allergic patients, which would diminish hypersensitivity reactions. Some of the compounds of the
essential oil revealed by gas chromatography analysis may be responsible of the biological activity of these products.
Key words: Minthostachys verticillata, mitogenic activity, basophil degranulation.

Revista Alergia Mxico Volumen 52, Nm. 3, mayo-junio, 2005 105

Gonzlez Pereyra ML y col.

mmunomodulating phytomedicines include a The objectives of this work were to investigate and
group of natural molecules capable of increasing characterize the expansion of lymphocytes from
an organisms immune response. Many of these healthy individuals, cultured in presence of M.
purified substances, as well as plant extracts, verticillata decoction and essential oil, using the
decoctions and other vegetal derivatives have expansion induced by PHA, Pokeweed and CGB as
demonstrated immunomodulating activity. Examples control reference. The ability of these vegetal fractions,
of these are: Hippophae rhamnoides,1 Boerhavia diffusa,2 used at different concentrations to induce or inhibit in
Emblica officinalis, Evolvulus alsinoides,3 Perilla frutescens vitro basophil degranulation, was tested using human
(L.) Britton,4 among others. basophils from dust mite, non-allergic individuals, and
Although active principles of plants have not been allergic patients due to environmental fungi. As a
all characterized, many superior plant decoctions are complementary study, main constituents of the
known to have different activities such as inhibiting essential oil of M. verticillata were detected by gas
bacterial growth, increasing the proliferative response chromatography.
of lymphocytes and diminishing respiratory sympto-
matology caused by hypersensitivity reactions.5 MATERIALS AND METHODS
Essential or volatile oils are products of intense
fragrance, extracted from aromatic plants. Although Vegetal material
they are mainly used in food and cosmetic industry, Green leaves and thin stems of Minthostachys verticillata
many of them have other tested activities such as were used. They were collected from Santa Rosa de
antimicrobial properties.6 Numerous investigations Calamuchita hills, in the province of Crdoba,
report antiviral and antibacterial activity of terpenoid Argentina, in April 2003.
substances present in the essential oil fraction, The plant was identified by Dr. Margarita Grosso,
extracted from aromatic plants.7 professor of elaborado
pdf the Botanical Department
en of Universidad
Minthostachys verticillata (Griseb.) Epling, also Nacional de Ro Cuarto (UNRC) and a voucher
known as Minthostachys mollis and traditionally named specimen was stored in RCV (Ro Cuarto Vasculares)
peperina, is an aromatic bush from the Labiatae herbarium under exsiccate N 1955. Washed and dried
family that grows widely in the central and north- material was grinded and stored in glass vials at - 20
western region of Argentina. It is mainly used in C until used.
infusions as digestive, anti-spasmodic, anti- Decoction was obtained suspending 5 g of grinded
inflammatory and bronchial dilator agent, among vegetal material in 100 mL of distilled water (final
others. It is also used in industry to flavor liquors, cool concentration: 5%). The mixture was warmed at
drinks and mixed herbal preparations.8 boiling temperature for 20 min and clarified through
The essential oil of M. verticillata and decoction have N 2 Whatman paper and 0.4 mm Millipore filter. The
demonstrated to have antimicrobial activity against percolated product was fractioned in dark glass vials,
some staphylococcal strains, and antiviral properties sterilized in autoclave at 115 C for 20 min and stored
against HSV-1 and strain RC/79 of PrV.7 at -20C until used.9
Concentration of decoction was determined
* Departamento de Microbiologa e Inmunologa. according to dry weight of the vegetal residue, retained
** Departamento de Biologa Molecular.
Universidad Nacional de Ro Cuarto, Provincia de Crdoba, in the Whattman paper, and the final volume obtained
Argentina. after boiling. Final concentration for this vegetal
Address: Mara Laura Gonzlez Pereyra. Departamento de Micro- fraction was of 104 mg/mL.
biologa e Inmunologa. Universidad Nacional de Ro Cuarto, Ruta For the preparation of essential oil, 60 g of grinded
36 km 601 - 5800 Ro Cuarto, Crdoba, Argentina.
material was hydrodistilled for 3 hours in a Clevenger- type apparatus, yielding 4.8% of oil. This was separated
Received: January, 2005. Accepted: March, 2005. from the aqueous phase by density difference, dried over Na2SO4 and stored at -20 C until used.10

106 Revista Alergia Mxico Volumen 52, Nm. 3, mayo-junio, 2005

Immunomodulating properties of Minthostachys verticillata on human lymphocytes and basophils

Identification and quantification of essential oil and 0.25 mL of 0.9 mg/mL essential oil of M. verticillata.
compounds of M. verticillata by gas chromatography These concentrations were selected according to results
For the identification of main constituents of essential obtained in previous studies. A control lymphocyte culture
oil of M. verticillata, gas chromatography analysis was was prepared using RPMI -1640 and no stimuli.
performed. A Shimatzu chromatography equipped Cell cultures were incubated for 48 hours at 37C
with a DB-5 column was used. The temperature of the with 5% CO2 for lymphocyte proliferation assay and
column was 60 to 240 C, with a 4 C/min increase. 72 hours for lymphocytes colony and cluster score.12,13
The temperature of the injector was of 250 C. N2 was
used as carrier gas. The identification of the com- Lymphoblast harvest and scoring
pounds was made comparing their retention times After incubation, cultures were washed with acetic acid,
against standard pure drugs injected in the same methanol (1:1) solution, and centrifuged at 2500 for 10
conditions. Quantification of components present in min to separate cells from medium. Fifty-microliter
the essential oil sample was made by measuring the aliquots were placed on slides, fixed for 20 min in
area under each peak of the chromatogram.11 methanol and washed 3 times with 1 mM phosphate
balanced solution (PBS). Peripheral blood mononuclear
Subjects cells were stained with May-Grunwald solution
For lymphocyte proliferation assays, 20 healthy (MERK) for 4 min and Giemsa solution (MERK) for 15
individuals were evaluated. Ten non-allergic subjects min. Blast cells were scored under optic microscope with
and 20 allergic patients, sensitized to dust mites and 1000X magnification. One-hundred cells were counted
environmental fungi, were studied for basophil and cell proliferation percentage was calculated. Blast
degranulation tests. The mean age ranged from 1 to cells were differentiated from lymphocytes by their
20 years. According to ethics, parents of underage increased nuclei and cytoplasm and by their condensed
children were properly informed about the studies to chromatin. Proliferation rates obtained with PHA,
perform. Ten milliliters of peripheral blood were Pokeweed, CGB, decoction and essential oil of M.
obtained from each patient and collected in sterile verticillata and no-stimulation were compared according
tubes containing heparin. to methods described by Margni, in 1989.12

Lymphocyte isolation and culture Scoring for lymphocyte clusters and colonies
Blood samples were diluted 1/3 with Hanks Balanced Salt Scoring of colonies was adapted from the system
Solution (HBSS) (Sigma, St. Louis, US), placed over described by Lange in 1989. Aggregates of 3-20 cells
Hystopaque-1077 (Sigma, St. Louis, US) and centrifuged were regarded as clusters and aggregates of over 30
at 2000 rpm for 20 min at room temperature. In order to cells were considered colonies.13
obtain lymphocytes, the interface was collected and The area of each colony and cluster was measured
washed 3 times using Roswell Park Memorial Institute in pixels using the accompanying software of the
medium (RPMI) -1640 (Sigma, St. Louis, US). Alphamager 2000 3.31 Image Analyzer (Alpha
Cells (2 x 105/mL) were cultured in sterile vials Innotech Corporation). The mean total area in pixels
containing 2.5 mL of RPMI -1640, 10% of bovine fetal was used for statistical estimation.
serum and 1% of antibiotics (100 g/mL streptomycin
and 100 g/mL ampicyllin). Cultures were stimulated Scoring of LT CD8 (+) by direct immunofluorescence
with 0.25 mL of different mitogens: 10 g/mL lectin Among cells that proliferated after being stimulated
from Phytolacca Americana (Pokeweed) (Sigma, St. with decoction of M. verticillata, LT CD8 (+) were
Louis, US), 10 g/mL phytohemaglutinina (PHA) characterized by direct immunofluorescence using an
(Sigma, St. Louis, US) or 10 g/mL CGB vaccine anti-human CD8 monoclonal antibody conjugated
(Statens Serum Institute, Denmark). with FITC (Sigma, St. Louis, US).
Cellular expansion induced by mitogens was compared Cells were washed twice with HBSS and PBS. Ten-
with the one induced by 0.25 mL of 416 g/mL decoction microliters of diluted anti-human CD8 monoclonal

Revista Alergia Mxico Volumen 52, Nm. 3, mayo-junio, 2005 107

Gonzlez Pereyra ML y col.

antibody were added and the suspension was RESULTS

incubated at room temperature for 30 minutes. Cells
were washed twice with 0.5 mL of sodium-azide-PBS M. verticillata derivatives decoction and essential oil
solution and then 15 mL of glycerin buffer were added. reached higher proliferation rates than non-stimulated
Slides were observed under UV light epifluorescence cultures (p < 0.02). Those derivatives showed mitogenic
microscope. Values were expressed as percentage of activity similar to PHA and Pokeweed and higher than
LT CD8 (+).14 CGB (p < 0.02). No statistically significant difference
was found between proliferation rates induced by PHA
Human basophil degranulation test and Pokeweed and the ones induced by decoction and
In vitro basophil degranulation test (HBDT) was essential oil of M. verticillata (figure 1).
performed in order to compare the response induced Decoction and essential oil derived from M. verticillata
by the specific allergen with the one induced by induced cluster and colony formation in number similar
decoction and essential oil of M. verticillata, in both to conventional mitogens and higher than non-
allergic and non-allergic (control) individuals. stimulated cultures (p < 0.05). Cellular proliferation rates,
Different concentrations of decoction (210 g/mL; induced by the conventional mitogens tested, were
104 g/mL; 10.4 g/mL, and 1.04 g/mL) and considered normal in all cases (figure 2).
essential oil (0.96 g/mL; 0.48 g/mL; 48 g /mL and Although there were some few and little
4.8 g/mL) derived from M. verticillata were tested. lymphocyte clusters in some slides from the non-
The score of basophils was carried out using a Fuch- stimulated cultures observed, no colonies were found
Rosenthal hemocytometer. Degranulation indexes of (figure 3a). Addition of PHA, Pokeweed or CGB (figure
40% or more were considered as positive results.15 3b) induced both colony and cluster formation in all
slides observed. Similar results were found when using
Statistical analysis M. verticillata
pdf fractions, decoction
elaborado en (figure 3c) and
All values were expressed as a mean and standard essential oil (figure 3d) as stimuli.
error of mean. Parameters were compared using Total area of lymphocyte colonies and clusters was
Statistica 4.5 software for Windows (StatSoft, Inc 1993). measured in pixels. A statistically significant difference
Parameters were evaluated using the paired samples was found when comparing the mean total area values
t-test. A P value of 0.05 or less was taken as statistically of clusters from non-stimulated cultures with values
significant. of stimulated cultures. Mean colony size values from

75 PHA
70 Pokeweed
60 CGB
55 Decoction
45 Essential oil

Figure 1.

108 Revista Alergia Mxico Volumen 52, Nm. 3, mayo-junio, 2005

Immunomodulating properties of Minthostachys verticillata on human lymphocytes and basophils

NS cultures stimulated with PHA, Pokeweed and CGB

differed significantly from values found in cultures
Pokew eed
8 stimulated with decoction and essential oil of M.
7 Decoction verticillata (p < 0.05) (figure 4). No statistically
Essential oil
6 significant difference was found between the mean
5 area values induced by vegetal derivatives decoction
4 and essential oil.
Direct immunofluorescence technique revealed that
40% of the cells that proliferated under vegetal
derivatives stimuli were LT CD8 (+).
1 Basophils from allergic individuals resisted a
0 maximum concentration of 104 g/mL of decoction
Cluster Colonies
and 0.48 mg/mL of essential oil derived from M.
Figure 2.

Figure 3.

Revista Alergia Mxico Volumen 52, Nm. 3, mayo-junio, 2005 109

Gonzlez Pereyra ML y col.

80000 CGB
70000 Decoction
Essential oil
Cluster Colonies
Figure 4.

Gas chromatography analysis revealed pulegone Pokeweed, revealed a similar lymphoproliferative

and menthone presence in 58.70 and 26.29% effect. This suggests potential application of products
respectively as the main compounds. Other terpenoid derived from M. verticillata, in the evaluation of cell-
compounds such as -pinene (0. 72%) and -pinene mediated immune response by conventional techniques
(1. 25%) were found in lower quantities. to test immunocompetence. If possible, it would offer
the additional advantage of working with non-toxic
DISCUSSION vegetal fractions at much lower cost compared with
PHA, Pokeweed and other conventional mitogens.
Minthostachys verticillata is an herb commonly used in pdfIn most investigations
elaborado lymphocyte
en proliferation is
folk medicine for its digestive effects, and lately it has demonstrated by H3-Thymidine incorporation to
also been used as anti-inflammatory and bronchial cellular material.3 In our studies lymphoproliferative
dilator agent in asthmatic disease. Studies performed ability of products derived from M. verticillata was
with this plant show it has in vitro antimicrobial and determined by direct observation under the light
antiviral activity; its ability for stimulating the immune microscope. Complementary analysis of lymphoproli-
system is still being studied.7,10 ferative ability, based in lymphocyte cluster or colony
Numerous investigators have evaluated a variety formation, diminishes subjective aspects of the
of medicinal plants, testing their immunomodulatory technique, validating the results. Figures presented in
ability by different techniques.3,4,16,17 results do not show ambiguity. Methods for the
For evaluating immunomodulatory ability of M. lymphocyte clusters and colonies analysis were taken
verticillata, the assays performed included in vitro form Chow, et al. 2001,20 researchers from China, a
stimulation of lymphocyte proliferation with products country with a strong tradition in the use of plants
obtained from this herb: decoction and essential oil. with phytomedical properties. These authors
After 48 hours of incubation with the vegetal fractions, investigated the effects of KY88 Liver Livo, a herbal
human lymphocytes responded with cellular compound containing blupeurum on human
expansion. Similar studies performed using a variety lymphocytes and observed results identical to ours.
of plants from different countries, including Argentina, It is known that vegetal mitogens stimulate cellular
and utilizing similar techniques have demonstrated populations selectively. PHA stimulates preferably T
that plant derivatives could be used as potential cells; Pokeweed stimulates both T cells and B cells,
positive modulators of the immune response.18,19 while CGB stimulates specifically T cells sensitized
Evaluation of data referred to mitogenic properties with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In many cases, CGB
of M. verticillata derivatives, compared with the effect stimulation increases highly T cell proliferation in
of conventional vegetal lectins, such as PHA and magnitude, comparable to non-specific mitogens.

110 Revista Alergia Mxico Volumen 52, Nm. 3, mayo-junio, 2005

Immunomodulating properties of Minthostachys verticillata on human lymphocytes and basophils

When analyzing cell proliferation in cultures CONCLUSIONS

stimulated with M. verticillata decoction, direct
immunofluorescence technique revealed that vegetal According to our results, we can conclude that
derivatives positively modulate the Th1 response, decoction and essential oil derived from M. verticillata
expanding the cellular population which develops into showed excellent in vitro mitogenic activity and could
cytotoxic T cells. These results do not differ from those be used as alternative non-toxic mitogenic reagents
found by other authors, that have worked with in diagnostic assessment of cellular immunity. In
products derived from different vegetal species with future studies, all proliferated cellular populations
medicinal properties.21,22 could be studied in order to confirm if they really
According to Hanks Balanced Saline Solution follow the Th1 profile. Decoction and essential oil at
results, degranulation induced by M. verticillata concentrations equal or lower than 104 mg/mL and
derivatives, at concentrations far higher than those 0.9 mg/mL respectively, will be studied in order to
tolerated by basophils, could be considered unspecific assess their potential ability for inhibiting basophil
since there was no information proving patients had degranulation, induced by the specific allergen. If
been naturally sensitized with the plant.15 concentrations of vegetal constituents for inhibiting
The normality threshold (DI value under which the hypersensitivity reactions were found, the pathway
test is considered negative) of these assays is slightly through which it is done could be investigated, since
higher than the values established by others authors their anti-inflammatory properties are traditionally
in their techniques. In the present studies, we took as known.
reference the positivity criteria of Benveniste, 1981,
who considers HBDT as positive if DI is > 40%, when AKNOWLEDGEMENTS
the basophil score of the control well is < 60 cells/
mm3. So, we could say the DI normality threshold must This work was supported by grant (Resolution N 077/
be established individually for each technique and 2003 Cod C18/116 Years 2003/2005) from SECyT,
particular allergen.15 Universidad Nacional de Ro Cuarto.
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