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Adsorption and desorption of ammonium by

clinoptilolite adsorbent in municipal wastewater
treatment systems
Annelie Hedstrom and Lea Rastas Amofah

Abstract: Natural zeolites as clinoptilolite may be used to recover wastewater ammonium, decrease the nitrogen content
in the effluent from on-site sanitation systems and in wastewater treatment plants when nitrificationdenitrification effi-
ciency is low. The objective of this study was to estimate the ammonium adsorption capacity of clinoptilolite when being
loaded with wastewater. Phosphorus and potassium sorption, ammonium desorption with tap water, and clogging were also
studied. The study was performed by column experiments. Results of the investigation showed the ammonium adsorption
capacity to increase with decreasing grain size, and the highest experimental adsorption capacity was 2.7 mg NH4-N/g.
The breakthrough occurred immediately, probably due to a too high loading rate. Phosphorus and potassium sorption were
minor. Of adsorbed ammonium, 23% was desorbed by tap water and desorption was more pronounced during saturated
conditions. Filter clogging was extensive and probably caused by particles in the effluent wastewater and by microbiologi-
cal growth.
Key words: ammonium, nitrogen, phosphorus, adsorption, ion-exchange, desorption, zeolite, clinoptilolite, wastewater.
Resume : Les zeolithes naturelles, tels que la clinoptilolite, peuvent etre utilisees pour recuperer lammonium dans les eaux
usees et diminuer leffluent azote des syste`mes dassainissement sur place et des usines de traitement des eaux usees lorsque
lefficacite de nitrification-denitrification est faible. Lobjectif de la presente etude etait destimer la capacite dadsorption
dammonium de la clinoptilolite lorsque chargee avec des eaux usees. La sorption du phosphore et du potassium, la desorp-
tion de lammonium avec leau du robinet, ainsi que lencrassement ont egalement ete etudies. Letude a ete effectuee sur
les colonnes. Les resultats de letude ont montre que la capacite dadsorption dammonium augmente avec la diminution de
la granulometrie et que la plus forte capacite dadsorption experimentale etait de 2,7 mg NH4-N/g. La crevaison du filtre est
survenue immediatement, probablement en raison dun taux de charge trop eleve. La sorption du phosphore et du potassium
etait mineure. De tout lammonium adsorbe, 23 % etait desorbe par leau du robinet et la desorption etait plus prononcee en
conditions saturees. Lencrassement du filtre etait generalise et probablement cause par la presence de particules dans lef-
fluent deaux usees et la croissance microbiologique.
Mots-cles : ammonium, azote, phosphore, adsorption, echange dions, desorption, zeolithe, clinoptilolite, eaux usees.
[Traduit par la Redaction]

Background vate groundwater wells, preventing nitrogen leakage to the

groundwater from the local wastewater treatment systems is
In recent decades, the Swedish West Sea and associated vital. According to guidelines formulated by the Swedish
coastal waters have been negatively affected by, for example, Environmental Protection Agency for small wastewater treat-
increased inputs of nitrogen from diffuse and point sources. ment systems, the design of the system should enable recov-
To improve the conditions of these waters, a reduction of ery of wastewater nutrients. Further, at a high environmental
nitrogen inputs was recommended (Boesch et al. 2005). protection level, nitrogen removal should be at least 50% for
These improvements would recover habitats previously di- small wastewater treatment systems (SEPA 2006).
minished due to organic sedimentation and oxygen depletion. Removal of nitrogen compounds from wastewater is regu-
Further, in residential and rural areas where people have pri- larly achieved by a nitrificationdenitrification process at mu-
nicipal wastewater treatment plants (VAV 1999). However,
Received 15 May 2006. Revision accepted 15 May 2007. this method converts the nitrogen compounds to nitrogen gas
Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at on (Metcalf and Eddy 1991), which is then lost to the atmos-
8 January 2008.
phere. By using ammonium adsorption where the adsorbent
A. Hedstrom1 and L. Rastas Amofah. Dept. of Civil and (e.g., zeolites) is used once or several times (Hedstrom
Environmental Engineering, Lulea University of Technology, 2001), the nitrogen resource of the wastewater could be re-
SE-971 87 Lulea, Sweden. covered, for example, for agricultural purposes (Lahav and
Written discussion of this article is welcomed and will be Green 1998; Perrin et al. 1998). Small on-site wastewater
received by the Editor until 31 May 2008. treatment systems may be upgraded with reactive filter media
that adsorb ammonium to decrease the nitrogen discharge to
1Corresponding author (e-mail: ground and surface waters and facilitate nitrogen recovery.

J. Environ. Eng. Sci. 7: 5361 (2008) doi:10.1139/S07-029 # 2008 NRC Canada

54 J. Environ. Eng. Sci. Vol. 7, 2008

Further, adsorption may be an alternative for ammonium re- batch experiments. Furthermore, when wastewater is filtered
moval when either the BOD/N ratio is low or during cold sea- through the column, the risk of clogging and the competition
sons in wastewater treatment plants when the efficiency of between cations and organic matter can be examined.
nitrification and denitrification is low (degaard 1992; If adsorbed ammonium is to be recovered or if the adsorb-
Verkerk and van der Graaf 1999). Another adsorption appli- ent is to be reused, the ammonium ions have to be removed
cation could be combining the nitrificationdenitrification from the clinoptilolite grains. Desorption by chemical regen-
process with ammonium adsorption to treat wastewater with eration with brine solutions (Koon and Kaufmann 1975) or
fluctuating influent ammonium concentrations (Beler-Baykal desorption by a combination of chemical and biological re-
and Guven 1997; Beler-Baykal and Inan 2005). generation have been studied (Semmens et al. 1977; Green
Different kinds of natural zeolites, aluminium silicates et al. 1996; Lahav and Green 1998). However, these regener-
with high adsorption capacities, are frequently suggested as ation methods are costly or complex (Lahav and Green
ammonium adsorbents. Clinoptilolite has ion sieving proper- 1998). Dimova et al. (1999) has studied a desorption process
ties, a cation exchange capacity (Koon and Kaufmann 1975; with potable water that could be a more robust regeneration
Inglezakis et al. 2005), and an affinity for ammonium method to apply in small-scale wastewater treatment systems
(Mercer et al. 1970; Jrgensen et al. 1976). Clinoptilolite than chemical or a combination of chemical and biological
has a structure consisting of a three-dimensional framework regeneration.
of SiO4 and AlO4 tetrahedra and the Si4+ or Al3+ ions are Clinoptilolite filters could be used in small-scale waste-
located in the centres of the tetrahedra (Curkovic et al. water treatment systems to retain ammonium. Such systems
1997). The cation exchange capacity of clinoptilolite is cre- need to be robust, have a simple construction and the regen-
ated when silicon (Si4+) is substituted by aluminium (Al3+), eration of the ammonium saturated clinoptilolite should be
thereby raising a negative charge of the mineral lattice. This simple. Hardly any studies have been found focusing on
negative charge is balanced by positively charged ions such small-scale wastewater applications with clinoptilolite. How-
as sodium, calcium, potassium, and ammonium, which are ever, ammonium adsorption to retain ammonium could be
exchangeable with other cations (Curkovic et al. 1997). applicable, especially during cold seasons due to the temper-
Other ammonium adsorbing zeolites do not exactly have the ature independence of this process (Atkins and Scherger
same structure as clinoptilolite, but ion sieving properties 1997). To develop ammonium adsorption in small-scale
and a cation exchange capacity due to substitutions. wastewater treatment systems, further studies are needed in
Inglezakis (2005) has discussed different concepts of ca- regard to grain size, wastewater quality, and loading to ob-
pacity in zeolite ion-exchange systems. The ion exchange tain a high ammonium adsorption with minor head loss. Fur-
capacity, or the adsorption capacity, can be given as theoret- thermore, simple methods for regenerating ammonium
ical exchange capacity (TEC), equal to the framework saturated clinoptilolite should be developed.
charge of the adsorbent. The framework charge is balanced
by the exchangeable cations. A common method to deter- Objectives and scope
mine the TEC of ion exchangers (including zeolites) is
through chemical analysis of the material. However, achiev- The objective was to estimate the effects of clinoptilolite
ing TEC for zeolites in laboratory experiments with solu- grain size and pretreatment of influent wastewater on the
tions is not possible due to, for example, low mobility of ammonium adsorption capacity and clogging of a clinoptilo-
some outgoing zeolite cations. Therefore, a practical ca- lite filter. Another objective was to evaluate the efficiency
pacity was introduced to describe the active fraction of the of desorbing previously adsorbed ammonium from the cli-
exchangeable cations (Inglezakis 2005). The practical ca- noptilolite with tap water. Furthermore, the influence of po-
pacity is determined by agitation or column experiments in tassium on the ammonium adsorption and the existence of
a specific ion-exchange system and includes operating ca- phosphorus sorption were also investigated.
pacity (OC) and breakthrough capacity (BC), both of which Three adsorption experiments were performed by filtering
are determined by column experiments. Operating capacity municipal wastewater through columns at an ambient tem-
is defined by an adsorption capacity obtained when the ad- perature of 4 8C. In the desorption experiments, two of the
sorbent is exhausted. Breakthrough capacity is the adsorp- three columns used in the adsorption studies were used to
tion capacity received when the effluent concentration of investigate two desorption methods.
the studied compound has reached a predetermined break-
through level, e.g., 1%10% of the influent concentration. Material and methods
Many researchers have determined the practical ammo-
nium adsorption capacity in the laboratory with agitation ex- Clinoptilolite
periments using ammonium solutions (Jrgensen et al. 1979; A pure clinoptilolite originating from the deposit of Manisa-
Semmens and Porter 1979; Townsend and Loizidou 1984; Gordez in Turkey was chosen for this experiment to investi-
Nguyen and Tanner 1998). As well, some research groups gate the ammonium adsorption capacity. Chemical properties
have studied the ammonium adsorption capacity obtained of the clinoptilolite can be found in Table 1 and Table 2.
with wastewater in columns (Chmielewska-Horvathova et al.
1992; Booker et al. 1996; Nguyen and Tanner 1998). The Influent wastewater
ammonium adsorption capacities obtained in these studies Wastewater used in the adsorption experiments originated
are more appropriate for designing full-scale applications, from the Uddebo municipal wastewater treatment plant, Lu-
since information is received about hydraulic aspects such as lea, Sweden (servicing 60 000 people). The wastewater was
the required retention time and breakthrough, compared to collected after the step screen in the grit chamber. In adsorp-
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Hedstrom and Rastas Amofah 55

Table 1. Chemical composition of clinoptilolite used in the experiments major elements.

Element SiO2 Al2O3 TiO2 Fe2O3 Na2O K2O CaO MgO P2O5 SO3 LOIa
(%) 65.72 10.88 0.07 1.19 0.65 2.98 2.55 0.98 0.035 0.06 14.10
Note: The analyses were performed by Geschellschaft fur Umveltschutztechnik und Auftragsforschnung mbH be-
fore the delivery of the clinoptilolite.
Loss on ignition (1050 8C).

Table 2. Chemical composition of clinoptilolite used in the experiments minor elements.

Element As Ba Br Cd Cl Cr Cu P Hg Mn Mo Ni Pb Sb Se Sn Tl Zn Zr
mg/kg 35 342 5.5 1.4 189 18 <3 331 <0.3 358 25.4 6 85 8.7 1.3 7 4.9 41 92
Note: The analyses were performed by Geschellschaft fur Umveltschutztechnik und Auftragsforschnung mbH before the delivery of the clinoptilolite.

Table 3. Ammonium and total nitrogen concentrations of in- changed between each experiment according to the results
fluent wastewater. obtained by the previous. Replication of the experiments was
not possible to perform since the wastewater quality changed
Ammonium concentra- Total nitrogen concentra- over time, see Table 3 and the high wastewater consumption.
Exp tion [mg NH4-N/L] tion [mg tot-N/L] The adsorption experiments were performed at an ambient
1 2729 (27.6) 3143 (36.5) temperature of about +4 8C. The low operational tempera-
2 2122 (21.6) 3040 (33.3) ture was chosen to simulate conditions for possible applica-
3 1921 (19.9) 1928 (21.8) tions during seasons with low temperatures. At such low
Note: Average values in parentheses. temperatures bacterial activities, such as nitrification, deni-
trification, and in general, growth on the clinoptilolite surfa-
ces was assumed to be low which would facilitate the
Fig. 1 Experimental set-up of the ammonium adsorption experi- adsorption process.
ments. Wastewater was pumped from a container using a peri-
staltic pump and loaded into a hydraulically saturated col-
umn filled with clinoptilolite. The clinoptilolite was covered
with a 2 cm layer of gravel that functioned as a distribution
layer, and the gravel and clinoptilolite layers were separated
by a geotextile. Wastewater filtered through the column and
into a storage container. Details of the experimental set-up
are shown in Fig. 1, and the used grain sizes, mass of cli-
noptilolite, flow, retention time and duration of adsorption
adsorption experiments 1, 2 and 3 are shown in Table 4.

Samples from experiments 1, 2, and 3 were taken regu-
larly from the storage containers, before and after the col-
umns, about three times per day. These samples were
analysed for ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, total nitrogen, and
pH. In experiment 2, four water samples and in experiment
3, three water samples were analysed for total phosphorus
and phosphate. In experiment 3, potassium concentrations
were analysed in samples of influent and effluent collected
during the whole experimental period and compiled to one
influent and one effluent sample.

tion experiment 1, the wastewater was used without further Desorption experiments
treatment, though in experiments 2 and 3, the wastewater
was filtered through a coarse paper filter before being loaded Experimental set-up
into the columns. The influent ammonium and total nitrogen Two laboratory experiments were performed to study de-
concentrations can be seen in Table 3. The pH of the influent sorption of the previously adsorbed ammonium. In the de-
wastewater was 7.07.5. sorption experiment A, the clinoptilolite column from
experiment 2 was drained and stored at room temperature
Adsorption experiments for a resting period (one week) before the desorption study
started. The purpose of the resting period was an attempt to
Experimental set-up initiate a nitrification process in the column. Tap water was
Three separate ammonium adsorption experiments were then pumped through the column for 48 h, which could be a
carried out in a sequence. Experimental conditions were reasonable length of a regeneration break for a practical ap-
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Table 4. Experimental data of ammonium adsorption experiments 1, 2, and 3.

Grain size Clinoptilolite MHRTb Durationc Passed volume

Exp (mm) (g) Wastewater Flow (BV/h)a Flow (L/h) (min) (h) (BV)d
1 715 129 Unfiltered 1.67.4 (4.4) 0.291.16 (0.69) 13.6 52 229
2 715 125 Filtered 2.63.2 (3.0) 0.400.50 (0.48) 19.7 145 441
3 48 143 Filtered 2.63.2 (3.0) 0.410.50 (0.46) 20.3 147 437
Note: Average flow in brackets.
BV/h = Bed volumes per hour.
MHRT = Mean hydraulic retention time.
Duration of experiment.
BV = Bed volume.

Table 5. Experimental data of ammonium desorption experiments A and B.

Total volume of
Desorption Adsorbent from ad- Duration of experiment Flow percolated water Temp
experiment sorption experiment (h) (BV/h) (BV) (8C)
A 2 48 3 150 2122
B 3 143 a 5 2123
There was no flow through the column in experiment B.

plication. During the desorption phase of the experiment hy- Calculations

draulically saturated and drained conditions were alternated, Adsorbed quantities of ammonium were determined as the
which was performed by varying the height of the effluent difference between the quantity of ammonium ions in the in-
tube. fluent and effluent wastewaters, which had percolated
The set-up of experiment B was chosen to simulate a pas- through the columns.
sive regeneration process for a practical application. In the Statistical calculations were performed to analyse the im-
desorption experiment B, the column from experiment 3 pacts of hydraulically saturated and unsaturated conditions
was drained and stored at room temperature for 2 days be- on the ammonium desorption. The curve of the ammonium
fore the desorption phase started. After that, the column desorption shown in Fig. 4 was divided into sections either
was filled with about 0.15 L of tap water that was changed describing saturated or unsaturated conditions. Slopes of the
every 24 h during the first days and thereafter about every sections were calculated and median values of the slopes
35 h. When the water was changed in the column, the col- were determined for the two different conditions. Further,
umn was hydraulically unsaturated for 510 min. Desorption confidence intervals were estimated for the two median val-
experiment B continued for 6 days. Table 5 shows the ex- ues according to Vannman (1990). The statistical confidence
perimental data of experiments A and B. coefficient was determined to be 0.9375 for the confidence

Sampling Results and discussion

In desorption experiment A, samples were taken from a Adsorption experiments
container in which water was collected after having passed
through the column six times per day. Samples in desorption Ammonium adsorption and breakthrough
experiment B were taken during the daily change of the The highest ammonium adsorption was obtained for the
water in the column. The samples were analysed for ammo- finest clinoptilolite, 2.7 mg NH4-N/g (see Table 6), whereas
nium, nitrite, nitrate, and total nitrogen. Volume of perco- a slightly lower ammonium adsorption was acquired for the
lated water, pH, and water temperature were measured. coarser clinoptilolite investigated in experiment 2, 2.2 mg
NH4-N/g clinoptilolite. However, complete saturation was
Analyses not attained at the end of the column experiments, since the
Ammonium, total nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and effluent ammonium concentration was about 10% lower
total phosphorus were determined with a continuous auto- than the influent, see Fig. 2.
analyser (TRAACS 800, Bran+Lubbe). Before analysis, total The practical adsorption capacities obtained in column ex-
phosphorus samples were digested according to the Swedish periments depend on several factors, such as influent ammo-
standard SS 02 81 27 and total nitrogen samples were di- nium concentration, retention time, grain size, type of
gested according to SS 02 81 31. The compiled potassium solution (ammonium solutions or wastewater), pretreatment
samples were analysed without prior digestion, meaning of adsorbent, and design of the column (height/width ratio
that the analyses only included ionic potassium. The potas- and scale). Other researchers (Beler-Baykal and Guven
sium samples were analysed with ICP-AES. pH was meas- 1997; Booker et al. 1996) obtained higher practical ammo-
ured with a WTW pH 330 m. nium adsorption capacities in columns with wastewater,
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Hedstrom and Rastas Amofah 57

Table 6. Ammonium adsorption and total nitrogen removal Fig. 2 Ratios between influent and effluent ammonium concentra-
of clinoptilolite obtained in column experiments. tions in adsorption experiments 1, 2, and 3.
Experimental adsorptiona Removed total nitrogen
Exp (mg NH4-N/g) (mg tot-N/g)
1 1.4a 2.2
2 2.2 3.4
3 2.7 2.7
Note: Exp 1: grain size 715 mm, flow 4.4 BV/h, primary treated
wastewater, influent NH4-N conc. 28 mg/L. Exp 2: grain size 7
15 mm, flow 3.0 BV/h, filtered wastewater, influent NH4-N conc.
22 mg/L. Exp 3: grain size 48 mm, flow e 3.0 BV/h, filtered was-
tewater, influent NH4-N conc. 20 mg/L.
The experimental run was stopped due to clogging and complete
ammonium saturation was not obtained.

3.054.52 mg NH4-N/g, compared to the present study. In

these studies, the clinoptilolite was pretreated and finer cli-
noptilolite grain sizes were used.
Pretreatment of clinoptilolite forming a Na-homoionic
clinoptilolite increases the practical adsorption capacity sorption experiments, the breakthrough of ammonium
(Jrgensen et al. 1979; Booker et al. 1996; Sprynskyy et al. occurred immediately, see Fig. 2.
2005). Further, the use of smaller grain sizes results in a At the first sampling (after 10 bed volumes had passed),
higher practical adsorption capacity (Jrgensen et al. 1976; the effluent concentration for experiment 2 was 9 mg/L cor-
Hlavay et al. 1982; Sprynskyy et al. 2005), but causes an in- responding to 42% breakthrough and for experiment 3 it was
creased headloss (Hlavay et al. 1982). The smaller the grain 2.2 mg/L, corresponding to 10% breakthrough. At the end of
sizes used, the higher the risk of clogging (Liu and Lo 2001). the experiment 2, the effluent concentration was 19 mg
The practical adsorption capacity decreases when waste- NH4-N/L and for experiment 3, 18 mg NH4-N/L.
water instead of ammonium solutions is filtered through the Hlavay et al. (1982) performed adsorption experiments
column. In a study by Hlavay et al. (1982), the ammonium with clinoptilolite in columns, obtaining distinct break-
breakthrough capacity determined with wastewater was through curves and no ammonium breakthrough after about
2.4 mg NH3-N/g, which was less than half of the capacity 100 bed volumes (BV) had passed. The difference in break-
obtained with synthetic solutions. Reasons for this may be through between the present study and the study by Hlavay
the competition between cations found in the wastewater et al. (1982) was likely due to utilization of a coarser clinop-
(Koon and Kaufmann 1975; Weatherley and Miladinovic tilolite and that wastewater was used instead of ammonium
2004) and the obstruction of adsorption sites by suspended solutions in the present study.
material (Hlavay et al. 1982; Liu and Lo 2001). Nguyen and Tanner (1998) showed flow to have a great
Furthermore, the scale of the column experiment influen- impact on the ammonium breakthrough. At a flow corre-
ces the practical adsorption capacity. Hlavay et al. (1982) sponding to about 3 BV/h (contact time about 20 min), the
scaled up the volume of the column 100-fold, where the breakthrough occurred almost immediately (after 1 BV),
breakthrough capacity was only 60% of the capacity ob- though at a flow rate of 0.056 BV/h (contact time about
tained by the smaller column. 17.9 h), the breakthrough did not occur until 40 BV had
Researchers have determined the ammonium adsorption passed the column. Hence, the study of Nguyen and Tanner
capacity, either theoretically calculated based on the chemi- (1998) indicated that a lower hydraulic loading and a longer
cal composition (TEC) (Townsend and Loizidou 1984; Har- retention time could have resulted in a delayed breakthrough
alambous et al. 1992), or by agitation experiments using in the present study.
ammonium solutions (practical capacity) (Jrgensen et al.
1979; Haralambous et al. 1992). However, using such ca- Clogging
pacities as design values for wastewater treatment applica- When loading zeolites, such as clinoptilolite, with waste-
tions is inappropriate, since TEC and adsorption capacities water without breaks for backwashing, there is a risk that
derived from agitation experiments are overestimated com- the adsorbent will clog. High amounts of particles in the in-
pared to real conditions. Instead, using the operating ca- fluent and the small grain size of the zeolite increase the
pacity or breakthrough capacity is more appropriate as risk of clogging. In this study, the clogging was consider-
determined by column experiments. Additionally, when de- able, especially in the adsorption experiment 1 where exten-
termining a practical adsorption capacity to be used as a de- sive clogging was obtained with partly mechanically treated
sign value for an application, the column should be loaded wastewater, even when the grain size was 715 mm. In ad-
with wastewater. sorption experiments 2 and 3, the wastewater was filtered
The operational success of an ammonium adsorption filter through a coarse paper filter before loading. A headloss ap-
can be observed at the breakthrough curve of the system, peared in adsorption experiment 2, but the experiment could
i.e., how long the effluent ammonium concentration is be- be repeated with a smaller clinoptilolite grain size. The final
low the defined breakthrough concentration. In all of the ad- headloss was greater in the column used in experiment 3.
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Table 7. Total phosphorus and phosphate concentrations before and after the filters in experiment 2 and 3.

Experiment 2a Experiment 3b
PO4-P tot-P PO4-P tot-P
Time Before After Redc Before After Redc Time Before After Redc Before After Redc
(h) (mg/L) (mg/L) (%) (mg/L) (mg/L) (%) (h) (mg/L) (mg/L) (%) (mg/L) (mg/L) (%)
7 0.51 0.47 7.8 3.9 3.3 15 3 1.9 1.6 16 2.4 2.1 12.5
25 0.54 0.48 11 3.9 3.2 18 8 1.8 1.8 0 2.8 2.1 25
50 2.4 2.3 7.5 4.0 3.2 20 12 1.8 1.9 6 2.6 2.3 12
80 2.4 2.3 4.2 2.9 2.8 3
Grain size 715 mm, flow 3.0 BV/h, filtered wastewater.
Grain size 48 mm, flow 3.0 BV/h, filtered wastewater.

A green coating appeared on the clinoptilolite after 2 days dicating a minor mechanical separation of phosphorus con-
of experiment 2 and after 3 days of experiment 3, which taining particles, see Table 7.
was probably biofilm. The coating was unexpected since Sakadevan and Bavor (1998) investigated a zeolite and re-
the columns were located in a dark, cold storage room at a ceived an estimated maximal phosphorus adsorption ca-
temperature of 3.55.0 8C. Sedimentation of small particles pacity of 2.15 mg/g. Nguyen (1997) obtained a phosphate
within the clinoptilolite filled column combined with growth sorption capacity of 0.150.29 mg/g with clinoptilolite, but
of the green coating were probably the reasons for the head- the sorbed phosphate was easily removed by extraction with
loss that appeared in adsorption experiments 2 and 3. Fur- distilled water. The phosphorus sorption mechanisms were
ther, partial clogging of the geotextile in the column bottom not revealed in either of these research papers. Physical ad-
may have contributed to the headloss as well. sorption (anion exchange) of phosphate on the surface is not
If clinoptilolite filters should be used for ammonium ad- likely, since the clinoptilolite is known to be a cation ex-
sorption in, for example, on-site sanitation systems, having changer with a negatively charged surface that adsorbs posi-
a system requiring back washing would be complicated. tive ions like ammonium (Vaughan 1978). A chemisorption
Therefore, decreasing the influent concentration of sus- or precipitation reaction (McBride 1994) with phosphorus
pended solids and organic matter into the adsorption filter may be another explanation. Montgomery (1985) stated that
as much as possible is critical to decrease the headloss and chemisorption is stronger, more irreversible, and more spe-
the clogging risk. Further, the ammonium adsorption ca- cific for the sorption of certain compounds to certain sites.
pacity of clinoptilolite material could be used to a higher ex- Therefore, chemisorption is not a likely explanation for
tent if the adsorption process is not interrupted by filter phosphorus sorption mechanism since phosphorus was easily
clogging. However, it is necessary to keep the nitrogen com- desorbed by distilled water (Nguyen 1997). Phillips (1998)
pounds as ammonium ions in the treatment steps prior to the further detailed another phosphorus sorption mechanism re-
clinoptilolite filter. If nitrification occurs in a pretreatment sulting in a low-solubility Ca-P compound. Phosphorus pre-
step, the fraction of nitrogen that can be adsorbed decreases. cipitates with exchangeable Ca2+ ions that have been
Therefore, a pretreatment step separating particles and or- displaced from the zeolite by ammonium ions during the
ganic matter as much as possible without nitrifying ammo- cation exchange process. However, like the phosphorus
nium should be developed in parallel with the design of an sorption in the present study, the phosphorus sorption of the
ammonium adsorption filter. study by Phillips (1998) was minor and the described sorp-
tion mechanism could not be verified.
Potassium and phosphorus reduction
In adsorption experiment 3, the potassium concentrations Desorption of nitrogen compounds
of the collected compiled samples of influent was 14.2 mg/L The desorption process was not optimized in experiments
and for effluent 22.7 mg/L. A and B, though about 23% of the adsorbed ammonium was
Since ammonium and potassium ions have equal charge desorbed in experiment A. The corresponding desorption of
and are of similar size, they are known to be competitors for total nitrogen was 17%, see Table 8. Further, the total
the adsorption sites (Ames 1960, 1967). This researcher also amount of ammonium and total nitrogen desorbed in desorp-
found potassium ions to be adsorbed more effectively to the tion experiment B was much lower; just 1% of adsorbed
clinoptilolite compared to ammonium. In the present investi- ammonium and 2% of total nitrogen. The release of nitrite
gation, the potassium concentration of the effluent was higher and nitrate was minor in both of the desorption experiments.
compared to the influent in the adsorption experiment 3, indi- The slopes of the curves describing the accumulated de-
cating a desorption of potassium during the loading phase. sorption of nitrogen compounds in experiment A did not de-
The estimated phosphate reduction ranged from 0% to crease during the experiment (Fig. 3), indicating that the
16% in experiments 2 and 3. Minor phosphate reduction oc- desorption process would have carried on if the desorption
curred until hour eight of the experiments. Thereafter, the experiment had continued.
reduction of phosphate was not statistically significant, since During water saturated periods in experiment A, ammonium
statistical deviation of the analysis precision was 8%. The desorption was more pronounced compared to periods of no
reduction of total phosphorus ranged from 12% to 20%, in- water saturation, as shown by Fig. 4 and statistical calculations.
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Table 8. Desorption and release of nitrogen compounds in experiments A and B.

NH4-N Tot-N Water

Desorption NO2-N NO3-N volume
experiment (mg/g) (%)a (mg/g) (%)a (mg/g) (mg/g) (BV)
A 0.5 23 0.6 17 0.004 0.012 150
B 0.04 1 0.05 2 0.0002 0.0003 5
Percent desorbed of earlier adsorbed ammonium.

Fig. 3 Accumulated desorption of total nitrogen, ammonium, ni- Fig. 4 Desorption of nitrogen compounds during hydraulically satu-
trite, and nitrate during desorption experiment A. rated and unsaturated periods for desorption experiment A. Grey
marked fields represent periods of saturated condition in the column.

The larger quantity of earlier adsorbed ammonium des- 1 000 mg NH4-N/L when using clinoptilolite as an exchanger
orbed in desorption experiment A compared to experiment (Semmens and Porter 1979; Liberti et al. 1981; Verkerk
B was likely due to the larger water volume used for desorp- and van der Graaf 1999). In these studies, the ion exchange
tion. The higher desorption rates of ammonium and total process in combination with brine regeneration functioned as
nitrogen during water saturated conditions compared to un- an ammonium concentrator. In the study of Liberti et al.
saturated conditions in desorption experiment A were prob- (1981), the ammonium concentration in the regeneration
ably due to better contact between water and clinoptilolite flow was 5.4 times higher than the initial ammonium con-
surfaces. centration.
A higher water flow increased the desorbed amounts of In the present study, the concentrations of ammonium and
ammonium in experiments performed by Dimova et al. total nitrogen were lower in the regeneration flows of both
(1999), where more than 50% of earlier adsorbed ammo- the desorption experiments, than the influent concentrations
nium was desorbed at a flow of 66 BV/h and a total water of the adsorption experiments (1929 mg NH4-N/L and 19
volume of 350 BV. At a lower desorption flow (16 BV/h), 43 mg tot-N/L). Therefore, the investigated regeneration
about 25% of the adsorbed ammonium was desorbed with a methods cannot be used without being developed if the ni-
total water volume of 350 BV. This was due to a lower flow trogen in the regeneration flow was to be recovered. An im-
and an increased contact time that caused saturation of am- provement of the experimental design to increase the
monium in the water around the zeolite grains and thereby desorption of ammonium and the ammonium concentration
reduced the concentration gradient between the water film of the regeneration flow could be to circulate the regenera-
and the grain surfaces (Dimova et al. 1999). In the present tion water though the column several times. Further, the col-
experiment, 23% of adsorbed ammonium was desorbed at a umn should be water saturated during regeneration.
water flow of 3 BV/h (total water volume 150 BV). The
limitation of regeneration with water is how much ammo- Nitrification
nium is so strongly adsorbed to the clinoptilolite that an ion The nitrification of ammonium was negligible during the
exchange process with, for example, sodium ions needs to adsorption and desorption phases. Low nitrification during
be used for desorption. the adsorption phase may be due to a low operational tem-
In desorption experiment B, the average effluent concen- perature (3.55 8C), a low oxygen concentration in the col-
tration of ammonium was higher compared to that of desorp- umns, and (or) a short operational period. During a longer
tion experiment A, 7.2 mg/L versus 2.6 mg/L. Corresponding operational period, a population of nitrification bacteria
values for total nitrogen were 8.8 mg/L in experiment B and may be established in the filter, possibly causing nitrifica-
3.1 mg/L in experiment A. tion (Zhu 1998). Low nitrification in desorption experiment
Conventional ion exchange with a Na brine regeneration A performed at room temperature may be because the time
was reported to result in a regeneration effluent of 100 (1 week) was too short for a population of nitrifying bacteria
# 2008 NRC Canada
60 J. Environ. Eng. Sci. Vol. 7, 2008

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