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B. Kim Humphreys, DC, PhD


Background: Clinical tests assessing a correlation between structural pathology and cervical pain have been
unsuccessful, leading the way for the development of functionally based tests. The purpose of this narrative is to review
4 promising functional tests for the assessment of sensorimotor dysfunction in patients with neck pain. The Joint Position
Error/Head Repositioning Accuracy tests, and the Rod and Frame Test were reviewed.
Special Features: The SPNTT was developed to test proprioceptive mechanisms in the neck by applying torsion to
mainly mechanoreceptors in the cervical spine. The Joint Position Error and Head Repositioning Accuracy test
cervicocephalic kinesthesia or the ability to perceive both movement and position of the head in space related to the
trunk. The Rod and Frame Test assesses patients' perception of the vertical orientation of their head in 3-dimensional
space. All of these tests evaluate important mechanisms responsible for maintaining postural stability and balance and
are thought to be applicable for use in mechanical neck pain patients.
Summary: All of the reviewed tests show clinical promise because they are able to distinguish patients with neck
pain, particularly those with whiplash trauma and dizziness from asymptomatic controls. All of the tests assess
cervical sensorimotor dysfunction, although considerably more research is needed to more clearly establish the
psychometric properties for each test including minimal clinical important difference. Although these tests can be
used in routine clinical practice, they should be used in combination with other related tests. (J Manipulative Physiol
Ther 2008;31:540-546)
Key Indexing Terms: Posture; Musculoskeletal Equilibrium; Neck Pain; Outcome Assessment (Health Care); Spine;
Cervical Vertebrae

uman posture may be defined as the configuration Cues from the visual, vestibular, and cervical proprio-
of the musculoskeletal (MSK) system in achieving ceptive systems are responsible for orientation of the head
activities of daily living against the forces of with respect to the trunk in 3-dimensional space.1-5 Input
gravity. Consequently, balance can be defined as the ability from the visual (oculomotor) system is important in postural
of the MSK system to maintain a stable posture. The head control because it allows the position of the head and trunk to
and neck contain systems that are essential to the overall be fixated in space to balance the center of mass of the body
maintenance of human posture and balance. over the feet or base of support.2 Information from mainly
Reports by Treleaven,1 Morningstar et al,2 and Bolton3 the vestibular system and mechanoreceptors in skin,
provide manual therapists with an overview and up-to-date muscles, joints, ligaments, and tendons give us the ability
review of the literature on the physiological systems that to know, at all times, the orientation of the head in relation
maintain and control posture. From the body of current to the trunk and the surrounding environment.6-8 It is
research, it is clear that the visual, somatosensory, and now known that the cervical spine possesses a more refined
proprioceptive systems of the cervical spine are paramount proprioceptive system than the lumbar spine.9 This is likely
in controlling posture and balance against gravity.1-4 due to the abundance of muscle spindles and mechanor-
eceptors subserving proprioception, particularly in the
suboccipital region of the cervical spine.1-3,10-12 These
cervical receptors have connections with the visual and
vestibular systems as well as the sympathetic nervous
Formerly Special Assistant to the President, Canadian Memorial system.1 They also are involved in the cervicocollic reflex,
Chiropractic College, Toronto, Canada. Presently Assistant Professor the cervicoocular reflexes, and the tonic neck reflex, which
for Chiropractic, Faculty of Medicine, Balgrist Hospital, University are important in regulating head, eye, and postural
of Zurich, Switzerland (e-mail: stability.1-3,13 During movement of the cervical spine,
Paper submitted April 4, 2008; in revised form August 2, 2008.
0161-4754/$34.00 visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive signals change con-
Copyright 2008 by National University of Health Sciences. tinuously due to changes in muscle length, visual scene, and
doi:10.1016/j.jmpt.2008.08.007 contour of the multiarticular surfaces of the vertebrae.5,14-16

Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Humphreys 541
Volume 31, Number 7 Postural Stability and Balance

Emerging evidence strongly suggests that neck pain and proprioceptive reflexes of the neck, the cervicocollic reflex,
particularly patients with chronic whiplash-associated dis- and the cervico-ocular reflex. Abnormal results are thought
orders (WADs) exhibit impairments in postural control.17 to be due to erroneous postural proprioceptive activity in
These include difficulty with standing balance, altered the cervical spine that is transmitted by these reflexes.28,29
control of eye movements, and altered kinesthetic sensi- The SPNTT is thought to be applicable for patients with
bility.17-21 Other signs and symptoms of postural control mechanical neck pain, patients with whiplash, and patients
dysfunction, particularly involving the somatosensory and with cervicogenic dizziness.28,29 As described by Treleaven
proprioceptive systems, are increased pain, headache, et al,19 the average velocity of eye movements was
vertigo/dizziness, nystagmus, ataxia, and visual/oculomotor measured by subtracting the corrective movements (sac-
disturbances.5 Of these, cervicogenic dizziness or cervical cades) from the total excursion of the gaze. The patient/
vertigo is thought to be relatively common, particularly in subject is tested in the neutral, torsioned left and torsioned
patients with whiplash and patients who have had a right positions. The SPNTT difference is calculated by
whiplash-associated trauma. Cervicogenic dizziness and comparing the neutral to the average velocities in the
unsteadiness, although controversial, are thought to be due torsioned positions. A more detailed description of the
to an alteration in sensory information from deep cervical methodology is found elsewhere.20,28,29
tissues and cervical proprioceptors as a result of trauma, Review. Tjell and Rosenhall28 compared the SPNTT in
degenerative, inflammatory, or mechanical changes.21 Hum- patients with whiplash compared with those with dizziness
phreys et al22 reported that one third of 180 consecutive from other diseases. A total of 75 patients with whiplash of
patients with neck pain had problems with dizziness. at least grade II, 50 of which had dizziness, were compared
Dizziness was found to be more common in females and to matched controls with dizziness of central origin,
was associated with increasing levels of reported pain and Meniere disease and healthy participants. Tjell and
disability experienced over a longer period as well as a Rosenhall 28 found that patients with whiplash had
history of whiplash trauma.22 significantly reduced smooth pursuit gain, particularly in
Musculoskeletal conditions, particularly back and neck those with complaints of dizziness compared with controls.
pain, continue to be a major problem in society today, and The sensitivity for those with WAD and dizziness was
the problem is expected to increase over the next few 90%, whereas the specificity was 91%. Sensitivity was
decades.23-25 To more effectively identify and manage neck 56% for those without dizziness. The authors concluded
pain complaints, valid, reliable, and responsive clinical tests that the SPNTT was a useful clinical test for cervicogenic
are needed to make an accurate diagnosis of patients' dizziness due to its high sensitivity and specificity.
presenting problems. Because there does not appear to be a Treleaven et al29 looked at the possible effects of
relationship between structural pathology and cervical pain, anxiety and neck pain on the results of the SPNTT for
clinical tests have focused on functional assessment of the patients with whiplash vs controls. The SPNTT was
cervical spine.26,27 In terms of postural stability and administered to 100 participants with WAD (50 with
balance, considerable research is still needed to provide dizziness and 50 without) and 50 healthy controls. Their
psychometrically sound diagnostic tests that are appropriate results confirmed that patients with whiplash had sig-
for use in the routine clinical setting. nificantly reduced smooth pursuit gains compared with
Therefore, the focus of this article will be a narrative healthy controls, whereas those with WAD and dizziness
review of 4 specific sensorimotor tests involving the cervical were most affected. Self-report of anxiety and pain was
spine that show promise in the assessment of the visual tested using the Neck Disability Index, a 10-cm Visual
(oculomotor), somatosensory, and proprioceptive systems Analogue Scale for pain, and the Dizziness Handicap
that are important for postural stability and balance. Inventory (short form) among other measures. These
scales did not influence the results of the SPNTT.
The authors conclude that the SPNTT is a useful clinical
METHODS test to detect eye movement disorders in patients with
Smooth Pursuit Neck Torsion Test WAD, particularly those who complain of dizziness, and
Description. The Smooth Pursuit Neck Torsion Test is likely due to dysfunction of cervical afferentation, that
(SPNTT) was first described by Tjell and Rosenhall.28 is unaffected by patients' levels of self-reported anxiety
The SPNTT uses electrooculography to record the average and pain.
velocity of eye movement while subjects/patients follow a Treleaven et al30 recently reported the results of a study
moving target with the head in a neutral-looking, forward comparing the SPNTT and a number of other tests, which
position but the trunk turned (torsioned) to 45 to the left will be reported later in 20 patients with persistent whiplash,
and then the right. The theory behind the SPNTT suggests 20 patients with acoustic neuroma, and 20 healthy controls.
that torsioning of the cervical spine stresses the MSK The purpose was to determine if the SPNTT and a battery of
structures in the neck, particularly mechanoreceptors/ tests could differentiate patients with persistent whiplash
proprioceptors.20,28 The SPNTT is thought to test the from those with unilateral vestibular pathology associated
542 Humphreys Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Postural Stability and Balance September 2008

Fig 2. Simple equipment for measuring JPE/Head Repositioning

Error (JPE/HRA) include laser pointer, helmet or head mounting,
goggles for visual occlusion, and marking pens for target.
Headphones for blocking noise are also recommended.

Joint Position Error and Head Repositioning Accuracy Tests

Description. Proprioception, including joint position sense,
is important in protecting spinal joints by regulating joint
stiffness in concert with the activation of mechanoreceptors
and muscle spindles.31 Abnormal Joint Position Error (JPE)
has been tested in patients with neck pain using 2 types of
tests: (a) ability to actively relocate the head to the neutral
position after it has been passively displaced and (b) ability
to actively relocate the head to the reference position within a
movement plane (Head Repositioning Accuracy [HRA]).32
Generally, the ability to reposition the head to a previous
reference position is called cervicocephalic kinesthetic
sensibility.31 For the clinician, the ability to relocate the
Fig 1. Sitting position with laser mounted helmet and visual
occlusion for measuring JPE/Head Repositioning Error (JPE/HRA). head to the neutral position can be done using simple
equipment: laser pointer with head mounting, paper target,
and glasses/goggles/blindfold to occlude vision and earmuffs
to occlude hearing5 (Figs 1 and 2). To test the ability to
with acoustic neuroma and healthy controls. The results reposition the head to a predetermined position within a
showed that the SPNTT could differentiate the patients with movement plane typically requires more sophisticated
persistent whiplash from the other groups. The authors equipment that can measure head displacement in 3-
suggest this add further evidence that the SPNTT is a test of dimensional space. Such systems include electromagnetic
cervical afferent dysfunction and is a useful test for the tracking devices (3-Space Fastrak) or ultrasound-measuring
clinical setting. devices (Zebris) that are not currently practical for the
Clinical Status. Now, it appears that the SPNTT is a valid routine clinical practice setting.
test for the cervical dysafferentation, particularly in Revel33 first developed the kinesthetic sensibility test or
patients with whiplash complaining of cervicogenic the ability to reposition the head to neutral from a flexed,
dizziness. However, there have not been enough studies, extended, or rotated position, after discovering that patients
particularly randomized controlled clinical trials, to with neck pain were less accurate compared to healthy
determine the other psychometric properties of reliability controls. The test protocol requires the participant to be
and responsiveness (eg, effect size) or minimal clinical seated 90 cm from a 40-cm-diameter target that has
important difference (MCID). concentric rings arranged 1 cm apart. Goggles/Glasses or
Conclusions. Although the SPNTT appears promising, more blindfold and earmuffs are used to occlude vision and
research is needed to establish it as a valid, reliable, and hearing. The participant sits in a comfortable position with a
responsive functional test for the cervical spine. laser pointer attached to a head mount. The head and laser
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Humphreys 543
Volume 31, Number 7 Postural Stability and Balance

pointer are positioned to the center of the target (neutral), and to acoustic neuroma or asymptomatic controls. However, as
participants are asked to remember that position. The identified by Swait et al,4 a minimum of 5 trials of JPE and
examiner then passively moves the participant's head to the HRA tests are needed to ensure adequate test-retest
left and holds the position for 2 seconds. The participant is reliability and that JPE or HRA must be used in conjunction
then asked to reposition their head to the neutral, starting with other tests (standing balance, SPNTT) to ensure validity
position. The examiner then records on the target the location for sensorimotor dysfunction.17
of the reposition and measures the difference between the Conclusions. Current research suggests that both the JPE
neutral and repositioned mark. Right rotation, flexion, and and HRA tests are appropriate for use in clinical practice as
extension are then tested. Three trials are used for each range tests of sensorimotor dysfunction of the cervical spine.
of motion.5,33 However, current evidence supports their use in patients
Review. As mentioned previously, Revel33 was the first to with moderate or severe whiplash, especially those
show that patients with neck pain were significantly less complaining of cervicogenic dizziness, and that they should
accurate than healthy controls in active repositioning of their be used in conjunction with other tests such as the SPNTT
head from a neutral, starting position. Heikkila and Astrom34 and standing balance tests. More research is needed to
investigated active head repositioning in 14 patients with assess the psychometric properties of JPE/HRA tests as well
whiplash vs 34 healthy controls. They found that patients as subgroups of patients with neck pain that may be
with WAD were significantly more impaired than controls, appropriate for testing. Currently, effect sizes and MCID
but that a 5-week rehabilitation program was able to values are unknown.
significantly improve HRA. Heikkila and Wenngren 35
confirmed that patients with WAD are less accurate in
HRA compared to controls and also showed significant The Rod and Frame Test
correlations between Smooth Pursuit Neck Torsion Test and Description. The Rod and Frame Test (RFT) was originally
active cervical ROM and oculomotor functions and HRA. developed by Whitkin et al40 as a quantitative measure of
This was the first time that oculomotor dysfunction was errors in the perception of vertically.41 Balance, maintenance
associated with other sensorimotor impairments in patients of posture, and motor coordination are common everyday
with neck pain. Rix and Bagust36 compared 11 patients with activities that require an accurate perception of the orienta-
nontraumatic neck pain with 11 asymptomatic controls tion of the head in 3-dimensional space.42 The vestibular
related to HRA. The results showed that patients with system, which provides information about the position of the
nontraumatic neck pain did not show evidence of impaired head relative to gravity; the visual system, which uses
cervicocephalic kinesthetic sensibility (HRA) compared to external cues to identify the head position in relation to its
controls. This supports the evidence that JPE/HRA is likely environment; and the cervical proprioceptive system, which
to be impaired in patients with WAD/trauma neck pain as signals the position of the head with reference to the trunk,
compared to those with mechanical neck pain. are all important in determining spatial orientation.42
Sterling et al37 were the first to show that only patients Dysfunction of any of these systems can cause a variety of
with moderate to severe whiplash showed greater JPE signs and symptoms such as spatial disorientation, dizziness,
compared to controls and that these errors occurred within vertigo, disequilibrium, and nausea.5,22,29-33 The RFT was
1 month of WAD injury and remained at 3 months. Sterling adopted from perceptual and psychological research. It is a
et al,38 investigating the effect of psychological distress on simple, noninvasive test that is able to assess a participants'
sensorimotor function in WAD II and III patients compared perception of vertical. Grod and Diakow43 have shown that
to asymptomatic controls, confirmed that JPE was only the RFT can differentiate patients with neck pain from
present in patients with moderate to severe WAD and that asymptomatic controls. The authors hypothesize that the
psychological distress was independent of the sensorimotor alteration in verticality perception is due to dysfunction in
test results. Similarly, Tang et al,31 using an ultrasound-based the cervical spine proprioceptive system.
3-dimensional system for measuring HRA, identified that The RFT is made up of a luminescent vertical rod
increasing age has a profound effect on increasing errors in surrounded by a square frame. The subject is required to
head repositioning. position an offset rod into the vertical position using a
More recently, Owens et al,39 using normal student joystick. Participants are placed in a dark room where the
volunteers, showed that a recent history of cervical extensor only visual objects are the luminescent vertical rod and
muscle contraction could produce HRA errors similar to square frame. The rod is 102 cm long and the frame is
reports of WAD patients. The authors suggest that this 107 cm2. The center of rotation of the rod is in the center of
supports the role of paraspinal muscles in sensorimotor the frame so that they both share a common midpoint. The
dysfunction, not necessarily related to trauma. rod is rotated independently from the frame. Subjects are
The most recent research by Treleaven et al30 has shown seated 2.5 m from the Rod and Frame device. In the protocol
that the JPE test is able to differentiate patients with by Grod and Diakow,43 participants undergo 3 tests of 3
persistent whiplash from those with vestibular pathology due trials each. On the first test, only the rod is visible (the frame
544 Humphreys Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Postural Stability and Balance September 2008

Bagust41 developed and tested a CRFT with video

eyeglasses, a computer screen, and a rod-and-frame program
written using Visual Basic 5.0 software. Using a prepro-
gramed sequence of 28 presentations on 17 asymptomatic
volunteers, Bagust showed that the CRFT produced devia-
tions from the normal in the direction of the frame angle,
maximal at 10 and 20 frame tilt, similar to previously
reported studies using the mechanical RFT.44,45 Although a
variety of RFT tests have been used, Bagust concluded that
the 1 to 6 mean error values for the CRFT were within the
range found by previous studies for the mechanical RFT,45,46
indicating that the CRFT may be a more practical alternative
to the RFT for the clinical setting.
Using the CRFT, Bagust et al42 compared 71 patients
with neck pain (26 traumatic; 45 insidious) with 17
asymptomatic control participants using the Grod and
Diakow43 protocol. Symptomatic subjects were tested before
treatment. The results confirmed that symptomatic subjects
Fig 3. The CRFT include video eyeglasses, computer, and software. are significantly less accurate in perceiving the vertical
Rod-and-frame images as shown on the computer screen are compared to asymptomatic controls. Bagust et al suggest that
visualized when the video eyeglasses are worn by the user. the CRFT is a useful alternative to the mechanical RFT and
that an absolute error of 2.5 or N2.5 is needed before a
is covered), whereas on tests 2 and 3, both the rod and frame possible association between neck pain and verticality
are visible. Initially, the rod is offset by 10 for the first test, perception can be made. They also suggest that because a
and the subject is asked using a joystick to position the rod to wide variation was found within the neck pain group, a
the vertical. The difference between the true vertical and the subgroup of patients with neck pain may be more associated
with poorer performance on the CRFT/RFT.41
Clinical Status. Currently, 2 small studies have shown that the
patient's perception of vertical is recorded. In the second test,
the frame is offset by 10 and the rod by 30. In the third test,
the rod is set at 30 and the frame at 0.43 RFT may be able to differentiate symptomatic neck pain
More recently, Bagust 41 and Bagust et al 42 have patients from asymptomatics. Although the CRFT/RFT
developed a Computerized RFT (CRFT) using video eye- shows promise as a test of cervical proprioceptive dysfunc-
glasses (Olympus Eye-Trek FMD 200) connected to a tion, it has yet to be fully tested in terms of validity,
computer monitor to produce a more convenient alternative reliability, and responsiveness. Randomized controlled trials
to the large mechanical RFT device (Fig 3). are lacking, and as suggested by Bagust,33 a subgroup of
Review. Using an uncomplicated mechanical neck pain patients with neck pain who have significantly impaired
group (19 subjects; 11 women and 8 men) and 17 verticality perception has yet to be identified. One possibility
asymptomatic controls (7 women and 10 men), Grod and is that patients with WAD who experience cervicogenic
Diakow43 administered the RFT according the protocol dizziness may be one such subgroup.
described above. Using averages for the 3 trials, the authors Conclusions. Used within the suggested range for absolute
found significant differences between symptomatic and error by Bagust,33 the CRFT/RFT may be a useful adjunct to
asymptomatic controls for the 3 test situations. In particular, other cervical spine functional tests. However, more research
no frame (test 1) vs frame offset 10, rod offset 30 (test 2), is needed to identify the psychometric properties of the
and between test 1 and rod 30 and frame 0 (test 3) were CRFT/RFT as well as possible associations between
significantly different between groups. The authors con- oculomotor/vestibular and proprioceptive function.
clude that the differences in results on the RFT may be due
to dysfunction of cervical spine afferents such as mechan-
oreceptors in muscle, joints, and ligaments in patients with
neck pain. Interacting with pain afferents, the cervical spine The focus of this article was to provide a narrative
mechanoreceptors may alter subjects' ability to perceive the review of the current status of 4 promising functional tests
vertical resulting in disturbed spatial orientation. The for the assessment of sensorimotor and proprioceptive
authors raise the question that it is not known how patients dysfunction in the cervical spine. During the past decade,
with neck pain who are experiencing dizziness would the SPNTT, the JPE/HRA tests, and the RFT have been
perform or whether results from other tests of spatial developed for use in patients with neck pain. All 4 tests
orientation would correlate (ie, ability to accurately locate a show promise in that they are able to distinguish between
digit out of sight).43 neck pain and asymptomatic controls. However, all seem
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Humphreys 545
Volume 31, Number 7 Postural Stability and Balance

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