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Vol. XX, No.

32 Autumn Issue 2012

Anthony Freda / Dan Zollinger

Einsteins Theory of
Relative Insanity Editor and Publisher
Gerald Celente
Einstein said it best: Insanity is doing the Executive Editor
same thing, over and over again, but expecting John Anthony West
different results. Senior Editor
Yet, with the truth of Einsteins quote widely Alex Silberman
acknowledged and taken for granted, how is
Contributing Editors
it that entire societies keep doing the same Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
thing over and over again but expect different Eldad Benary
Consulting Editor
On issue after issue economy, foreign
Lynn Hazlewood
policy, defense, environment, education, etc,

Subscriptions Manager
the manner in which governments address
Emily Arter
them continues to provide proof for Einsteins
Theory of Relative Insanity. Illustrations
Anthony Freda / Dan Zollinger
Another proof is to be found in the US
presidential election. The electorate will vote Photo
for a representative of one of the two political parties. An analysis of what these Michael Bloom
parties have accomplished during their respective reigns reveals an unbroken Design
track record of failure failure ranging from the catastrophic to the abject. Norgaard Advertising & Design
Thus, to vote for either presidential candidate and to expect something other
than failure is, by definition, insanity.
Why will so many people vote on Election Day when they know they will
not get what they really want? Not only will they settle for less, many openly
acknowledge that they will be voting for the lesser of two evils.
How can people justify voting for an evil and actually believe that any good
can come of it? Lesser or greater, evil is evil. Yet, not only do they justify it, they
will argue that their evil candidate is better than your evil candidate and become
furious when you dont see it their way.
In America, it is an article of faith (drummed into our heads since childhood)
that voting is a privilege and a duty and if you dont vote you get what you
deserve. Personally, I deserve better than a lesser of two evils and will not
demean myself by voting for one. Nor do I consider it a dereliction of duty. Just
the opposite. It is by not voting that I register my vote of No Confidence.
Not voting is not necessarily a sign of apathy, its a positive statement in
repudiation of a failed and corrupt system. Only when enough people vote No
Confidence can the system change. To perpetuate the same system and expect
different results is insanity.

All rights reserved. For information on permission

A Plague on Both Your Parties Whenever I recommend not voting as an to reproduce or translate material from The Trends
act of protest, I receive a spate of emails attacking me for my unwillingness to Journal , please contact The Trends Research
participate in the insanity. I do not regard the choice between the lesser of two Institute. The Trends Journal (ISSN 1065-2094) is
published quarterly by The Trends Research Institute.
evils as democracy in any sense of the word. 2012. Globalnomic, Trends Journal , Trend Alert,
Thus my 2012 Presidential Campaign slogan: Stay Home. Dont Vote. If Trends in The News and History Before it Happens
less than 40 percent of the electorate turns out, the numbers will prove how are registered trademarks of the Trends Research
disgusted the citizenry is with both parties and demands for substantive change
and true democracy will become impossible to ignore.
The Trends Research Institute
P.O. Box 3476, Kingston, NY 12402
Gerald Celente 845 331-3500

2 The Trends Journal Autumn 2012

The Next Four Years:
An American Tragedy
A BAD ENDING OR A NEW BEGINNING And when enough individuals change, society changes.
Its more than just a secular challenge and its not
The goal of trend forecasting is to predict the probable Change You Can Believe In political hype. Charting our
course of the future by extrapolating from verifiable facts future and creating our own destiny is a divine respon-
and data. sibility. And Hope wont deliver what can be achieved
Sometimes forecasts have to be adjusted when wild cards only through a lifetime of hard work and dedication.
(e.g., man-made or natural disasters) come into play or un- Everyone is born with a unique talent for something.
foreseeable variables arise (e.g., digital revolution, energy Working to bring that talent to its highest level is what gives
breakthrough, too-big-to-fail bailouts) that can reverse, our lives meaning. A life lived without creativity is a life
stall or redirect a major trend. not fully lived. When enough
More often than not, the people are living fulfilling, cre-
facts and data lead to inescap- ative lives, a higher collective
able conclusions. The conclu- consciousness is created.
sions we have come to in this
issue of The Trends Journal we JUNK IN JUNK OUT
regard as near-inescapable. But The higher the level attained,
there is one wild card that can the higher the bar is set. Those
lead to different conclusions, living fulfilling, creative lives
and that wild card is YOU! will not accept mediocrity in
The course of history that we any aspect of life from the
have forecast can be changed. food they eat to the clothes they
However likely it may appear, wear to the music they listen to
it is not predestined. It has not and the TV shows they watch.
been charted by beings of a Every physical, emotional and
higher cosmic order. intellectual experience and ac-
But those who are charting tivity is food.
the future Presidents, Prime There is food to nourish the
Ministers, Chancellors, Kings, body, emotional food for the
Anthony Freda / Dan Zollinger

Emirs at the helms of the ships heart, intellectual food for the
of state behave as though head, and at the highest level,
they believe they are of a high- food that elevates the soul.
er order. At the physical level, of
Are we destined to be no course, its obvious: Eat junk
more than hapless passengers food, drink junk drinks and
slaves aboard their slave ships, the inevitable result is a junk
whipped into submission, forced to obey orders and work body. The same applies to the quality of food fed to the
until we are no longer useful and then thrown overboard? head, heart and soul. Read junk books, absorb junk news,
The answer to these questions is Yes if we are slaves listen to junk music, watch junk entertainment and the
that obey the Captain and his mates, accept their author- mind thinks junk thoughts and inevitably the heart expe-
ity, and believe in their superiority, then that is our fate. riences junk emotions.
But if we are human beings who refuse to believe, ac- When enough individuals become sufficiently junk
cept and obey self-important, self-serving beings, regard- free, society is transformed from within and the course
less of their positions then the answer is No! of history changes.
The course of history most certainly can be changed, But at this juncture, as detailed in the following pages,
but for history to change the individual has to change. the most commanding trends are not leading toward a

The Trends Journal Autumn 2012 3

pan-societal transformation. Instead, they point unmis- And after youve read what we have written and have
takably to a rapidly declining United States superpower, arrived at your own conclusions, essentially you are left
a disintegrating Europe, and an economic meltdown in a with three choices:
world gearing up for war.
On every front, theres chaos: failing economies, deadly 1. Do nothing, just go with the flow. Let the future take
foreign policy, societal decay, cultural rot and environ- care of itself.
mental destruction. All man-made disasters made by mad- 2. Willingly sign up for passage on a slave-ship-of-
men and madwomen. And who will be chosen to fix them? state of choice and allow self-important, self-serving
The same madmen and madwomen who had a hand in beings to control your life. Dispose of your courage,
creating them. dignity, self-respect, integrity and passion: Believe -
Accept - Obey.
THE LEADERSHIP VACUUM These negative trends 3. We are all endowed with unique gifts. Find the tal-
did not happen on their own, they took enormous ents within, keep honing your craft(s), sharpen your
amounts of time, money and energy to develop. Behind skills and do your part to pave a path to a future that
each of them are the all-too-familiar names and faces will lead to a higher order and a more spiritually ad-
that were instrumental in pushing through and promot- vanced society: Prepare Survive Prevail.
ing policies that were destined to become monumental If you want to do your part, but dont feel you have what
failures. it takes to make a difference, remember: If Clinton can,
In this Trends Journal we provide indisputable facts Bush can, Obama can and Romney can, YOU can, and I
and data to substantiate our analyses and conclusions: The can unless, of course, you believe their Mother is better
United States is in the grip of the greatest leadership vac- than yours.
uum in its history, at a time when it most needs righteous, Speaking only for myself, their Mother is not better
trustworthy and principled leaders. than mine. And they are not superior to me. But just to
Instead, the presidential candidates, by their words keep it polite, so this doesnt get out of hand, lets just call
and deeds, reveal themselves as polar opposites of what it equal.
is needed. The race for the White House has lost the last Capisce?
vestiges of the dignity and substance it once had and has Gerald Celente
degenerated into a made-for-TV spectacle.
Its The Presidential Reality Show, the fitting finale to
the drama of a once-great nation that, through its unscru-
pulous leadership and the shameful acquiescence of its HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF
people, has devolved into the junk-food, junk-entertain-
ment, junk-culture Superpower of the World. The Summer of 2012 was one for the books. Was history re-
And the US isnt alone. There is ample competition. peating itself? The parallels were eerie. The Crash of 29 was
Just as so many countries once embraced and looked up mirrored by the Panic of 08: It was The Great Depression
to the best America had to offer, they now have become back then and it is The Great Recession/Depression now.
terminally infected with Americas worst. The curtain And once again there were currency wars, trade wars,
isnt falling on Empire America alone. As the pages that and now a build-up to a Great War.
follow detail, the immorality, the political corruption, the As if this wasnt enough, out of the blue, a new wild
financial greed and the leadership vacuum in every power card dealt by Mother Nature was shaping up to look
sector has become a global virus. much like the card she had dealt some eight decades
ago. Would the worst drought in 56 years and record-
MIRACLE CURE breaking heat that scorched much of the United States
Unless a cure is found, we forecast an accelerated rate of lead to Dust Bowl 2.0?
decline and destruction. The only miracle cure we have By mid-August, three-fifths of the nation was in a
discovered resides deep within the minds, hearts and drought and nearly 80 percent of the nations corn and
souls of individuals seeking a higher meaning to life. soybean crops had been affected, resulting in declin-
While no one can deny the facts and the data pre- ing yields and rising prices. Corn futures projected in
sented, no one is obliged to agree with our analyses, our April to sell in July at $4.80 per bushel were selling at
conclusions or our forecasts. The following pages provide above $8.00. In the spring, the government had fore-
ample food for thought. Remember our Trends Journal cast a harvest of 14.8 billion bushels of corn, but in
motto: Think For Yourself! August, that forecast was slashed to 10.8 billion, down

4 The Trends Journal Autumn 2012

some 37 percent.
Since the US supplies nearly half the
worlds corn, the combination of spiking
prices and diminished stocks was fomenting
a complex world-wide crisis. While American
households generally spend about 13 percent
of their budgets on food, in middle-income,
developing, and poor countries that figure
rises dramatically (Mexico 21.7 percent, Bra-
zil 25 percent, China 28.3 percent, India 39
percent, Indonesia 50 percent).
Nor were extreme weather conditions con-
fined to America. Hot and dry weather was
impacting major wheat producers Russia,
Ukraine and Australia, while heavy rains were
damaging Brazils sugar production. From
South America to Europe, hot, dry conditions
were affecting corn and soybean crops.
With global food prices jumping 6 percent

Anthony Freda / Dan Zollinger

in July alone the third food-price shock in
five years it was more than just pinching
the pocketbooks of Americans and Europe-
ans. It was becoming a survival issue to bil-
lions around the world especially in the
poorest nations that had not even recovered
from the earlier food spikes.
It was, indeed, an eerie replay of the 1930s. A global The US government on Friday stoked fears of
food crisis coming on top of an unrelenting financial cri- a price surge The Department of Agriculture
sis combined with rampant unemployment, governments slashed its forecast for the crop and predicted re-
toppling, draconian austerity measures, mountains of cord prices over the next year.
debt weighing down nations, civil unrest and a paralyzed, And when President Barack Obama arrives in
inept, and out-of-touch political class ill-equipped to deal corn-growing Iowa for a three-day tour on Mon-
with the crisis: day, he will be entering a fierce debate in the
run-up to the presidential election on whether the
G20 plans response to rising food prices grain is worth more as food or biofuel.
G20 countries are to step in to try to co-ordinate a Leading G20 countries are in favour of hold-
response to surging food prices, after the worst US ing a meeting as crop conditions continue to de-
drought in half a century devastated crops in the teriorate in the US, one of the officials said.
worlds largest agricultural exporter G20 officials emphasised the planned meeting
G20 officials plan to hold a conference call in was not a sign of panic. On the contrary, they said,
the week of August 27 to discuss a meeting, which it would be an attempt to avoid the kind of policies,
could be held in late September or early October, including export restrictions and hoarding, that
according to four officials familiar with the con- in 2007-08 transformed a shortage of agricultural
versations. commodities into the first full-blown food crisis
The meeting would be the first of the Rapid Re- in 30 years with riots in two dozen countries.
sponse Forum, a newly created body to promote The world is braced for a repeat of the 2007-
early discussion among decision-level officials 2008 food crisis as the worst US drought in 50
about abnormal international market conditions. years pushes up the prices of staple commodities.
The forum is part of the G20-backed Agricultural In many respects it is just making sure ev-
Market Information System, created last year at eryone is on the same page in terms of what the
the initiative of France and seen as a key policy situation is, and certainly trying to discourage any
response to the 2007-08 crisis. policies that would exacerbate the volatility, one

The Trends Journal Autumn 2012 5

G20 official said. though they were credible, while virtually never provid-
The UN is likely to use the meeting to push ing follow-up coverage of the failed solutions and unful-
for a global debate about biofuel policies, particu- filled promises.
larly asking the US, the EU and other countries to And, as good Presstitutes who dutifully service their
scrap government-mandated production targets. masters, there is no journalistic act they will not perform,
(Financial Times, 13 August 2012) regardless of how degrading or ludicrous it may be:

Agriculture Secretary Vilsack

KING CORN One of the big issues regarding surging prays for rain
corn prices was the enormous impact it would have on With three-fifths of the nation in a drought, Ag-
people in developing countries, who spend 30 to 40 per- riculture Secretary Tom Vilsack says the Obama
cent of their income on food. It is estimated that ethanol administration is doing everything it can and
refiners will consume some 40 percent of the US corn hes saying some extra prayers.
crop. In other countries, substantial percentages of their Right now, there are a lot of farmers and
crops are similarly diverted into the biodiesel industry ranchers who are struggling, Vilsack said. Key
(e.g. 60 percent of Europes rapeseed crop, and 50 percent federal officials are fanning out across the coun-
of Brazils sugarcane). try to get a first-hand look at drought conditions.
More than just a choice between feeding the people I get on my knees every day, and Im saying an
or fueling the machines, ethanol production was itself extra prayer now, the former Iowa governor said.
both politically and scientifically controversial. Did it If I had a rain prayer or a rain dance I could do,
benefit the environment or did it just enrich special inter- I would do it. (AP, 18 July 2012)
ests? (See The Cornell University Study: Ethanol, pg. 7)
Indeed, Mr. Obamas trip to corn-king Iowa, his fifth Yes, Vilsack gets down on his knees every day, and so do
this year, emphasized the political importance of the the Presstitutes. Pray for rain? Sure, that will make a dif-
corn-belt states in US politics. Having won Iowa in the ference. After all, Vilsack is Agriculture Secretary of the
2008 race, his visits were more about reaffirming his pro- United States of America, so God will be obliged to listen
ethanol policy, which benefited agribusiness, than about up and deliver whatever he asks for just as Santa does
increasing supply to feed people and livestock. at Christmas. And they call it news.
While viewed as corporate welfare by environmental
and libertarian opponents because of its generous subsi- Trend Forecast: In the US and around the world, record-
dies and tax incentives, the ethanol program had strong setting extreme weather patterns prevailed. It was one of
bipartisan support in Washington. Thus, there was little the hottest, driest summers on record in America, record-
that Obamas opponent, Republican Mitt Romney, could high ocean temperatures were recorded off the New Eng-
do to out-promise or out-flank Obama when it came to land coast, there was accelerated glacier melting in the
winning the hearts and minds of the corn belt states. European Alps and Greenland, and sea ice in the Arctic
Ocean shrank to an all-time low.
Publishers Note: Whether deciding what measures to Worldwide, it was the fourth-warmest August ever re-
take to deal with an imminent food crisis, economic cri- corded, marking the 330th straight month with a global
sis, debt crisis, or war crisis, the pattern was always the temperature above the 20th century average, with above-
same. This time it was the G-20s pretentiously named average temperatures occurring in eastern Canada, south-
Rapid Response Forum of self-inflated decision-level ern Greenland, central and southern Europe, Japan and
officials who were on the job (or would be on the job western Australia, among other locations.
in a month or so) to discuss the steps to be taken. As
we have repeatedly detailed in previous Trends Journals, TREND OR FAD
whatever decisions the decision-level officials take will Was the climate really changing? Is global warming really
end either in abject failure or in making a bad situa- a trend? Regardless of how the data added up and who
tion worse. This is not conjecture, it is a forecast based was doing the adding, there is, and will be, no consensus
upon the proven track records of governments around on whether the changing weather patterns are part of a
the world. (See Summer Trends Journal, The Shadow natural cycle or largely man-made. The controversy will
Knows, pg. 20) continue, in part because of the vested interests involved,
Yet the Presstitute media, in their role as enablers and in part because the data themselves are complex and open
facilitators, persists in reporting government proposals as to widely varying interpretations.

6 The Trends Journal Autumn 2012

The Cornell University Study: Ethanol

everal studies suggest that the $1.4 billion in government subsidies are encouraging the ethanol program without
reaping substantial benefits to the U.S. economy. Large ethanol industries and a few U.S. government agencies,
such as the USDA, support the production of ethanol.
Corn-farmers receive minimal profits. In the U.S. ethanol system, considerably more energy, including high-grade
fossil fuel, is required to produce ethanol than is available in the energy-ethanol output. Specifically, about 29% more
energy is used to produce a gallon of ethanol than the energy a gallon of ethanol can produce. Fossil energy powers corn
production and the fermentation/distillation processes.
Increasing subsidized ethanol production will take more feed from livestock production and is estimated to currently
cost consumers an additional $1 billion per year. Ethanol production increases environmental degradation. Growing corn
production causes more total soil erosion than does growing any other crop. Also, corn production uses more insecti-
cides, herbicides and nitrogen fertilizers than required for any other crop.
All these factors degrade the agricultural and natural environment and contribute to water pollution and air pollution.
Increasing the cost of food and diverting human food resources to the costly, inefficient production of ethanol fuel raises
major ethical questions. These occur at a time when more than half of the worlds population is malnourished. o

For more of the Cornell University Study, click here:

What is not open to interpretation is the reality of the Past is Present With angry, destitute and starv-
trillions of tons of poisons spewed into the air, pumped ing populations outraged and rising in protest against the
into the earth, and spread over the land and the seas. Be it financial mobs, business monopolies and powerful politi-
global warming induced by fossil fuels or climate change cians, history was repeating itself in 2012.
due to natural cycles, everyone and everything the Man The names and times had changed but the fundamen-
on the Street and Mother Earth herself has been and tals were essentially the same: a few people with a lot, in
continues to be seriously damaged by the toxic onslaught. control of everything and a lot of people with very little,
Clear-cutting of forests, topping off mountains and going out of control. The Panic of 08, and pre-1st Great
mega-mining operations, over-fishing, inexorable popula- War of the 21st Century, were near-mirror images of post-
tion growth, dwindling natural resources, cannot, by any Crash of 29 and pre-World War II.
stretch of the imagination, be considered as unavoidable, For the general public and all of the media, even the
acceptable byproducts of progress. Yes, they create jobs, most obvious parallels were not being made. Ironically, as
but on a grander scale, they are among the myriad factors economically ravaged Spain was being reduced to Franco-
destabilizing and desecrating life on Earth. era poverty, so the stage was being set for a new Spanish
Civil War.
Trendpost: Regardless of short-term fluctuations (too This time the civil war would not be cast, as it had been
much rain, not enough rain, too hot, too cold, good har- in the 1930s, as a struggle between Fascism and Freedom.
vest, bad harvest) Environmental Restoration on the In fact, it was just that. Back then it was championed by
micro and macro scale will be a long-term mega-trend. Republican sympathizers as a struggle between tyranny
Out of necessity, safe food and clean water; energy-ef- and democracy, while opposing Nationalists painted it
ficient equipment, appliances, fixtures; alternative energy as a struggle between communist/anarchist hordes and
development, sustainability at every level (from the grand Christian civilization.
scale to the personal level) will become paramount con- This time around the government would paint the war
cerns. In the process, the new Environmental Restoration as a struggle between the righteous forces of national se-
trend will generate innumerable new entrepreneurial and curity and stability and a rabble of anarchists, socialists,
investment opportunities. malcontents, separatists and home-grown terrorists.
While the mega-trend will not result in an environ- However, for the tens of millions of unemployed and
mental utopia, the more individuals, communities and newly destitute who had lost everything and had noth-
countries that embrace it, the greater the compounding ing left to lose, it was a struggle between themselves and
positive effects. the criminal banking cartel, business monopolies and a

The Trends Journal Autumn 2012 7

political Mafia that controlled their money and their lives. Those daring to speak out against the manifest travesty of
the entire political system were branded heretics non-
Trends Analysis: Pick a place on the map, name the cul- believers in sacred democracy and traitors to the cause.
ture. If political elections are held there, they almost in- East, West, North, South, name the country, the par-
variably boil down to a contest between groups of the most ties, the players: almost without exception, democracy
powerful, entrenched power brokers. Rarely is there an was simply a euphemism for party rule.
option for a clean sweep and a new beginning.
In practice, most political elections are exercises in futil-
ity. Come election time, each party plays the we care the Egypt: Welcome to the Party!
most about you role. In doing so they promote the myth Youre Not Invited In June 2012, some 18
that its an open party for all to join and benefit from, months after the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak (who had
and that this egalitarian and democratic system is not about ruled for 40 years), Egypt held its first democratic
power, prestige or money, but is a vehicle designed to carry election. But it was barely democratic and it wasnt
the will of the people to the seat of government. the celebrated people power candidates those who
Yes, come election time, its all for one, and one for all. spent months in the streets, were beaten and jailed
Your interests are their interests and thats what theyre who got elected, or even garnered enough votes to make
looking out for. A vote for that political him or her is a the runoffs.
vote for you. The election boiled down to a contest between the en-
In 2012, from France to the US, from Mexico to Egypt, trenched old guard represented by Mubaraks former
that was the pitch, and despite overwhelming evidence to Prime Minister, Ahmed Shafiq and Mohamed Morsi,
the contrary, most of the public bought it, including many from the powerful Muslim Brotherhood, a group that had
who should have known better. been outlawed in Egypt for most of its 84 years.
It had become a ritual, a secular religious rite that all Although the Brotherhood had played virtually no role
must blindly believe in, none dare question and everyone in bringing about the revolution, it was their candidate
must practice. Participating in the electoral process was who narrowly won the presidency. The elections were de-
dogma preached by political pitchmen and promulgated by clared fair, and a new Muslim boss ostensibly replaced
the media, as though going to the polls was proof that we the old military boss, but the genuine democracy that
the people are privileged souls lucky enough to live in the President Obama hailed following the fall of Mubarak was
most advanced civilization humanity has ever devised. essentially a travesty:

IN CHARGE OF THE ASYLUM Good afternoon, everybody. There are very few
Even though it was evident that the choice of candidates moments in our lives where we have the privilege
was limited to psychopaths, sociopaths, and megalomani- to witness history taking place. This is one of those
acs, they were, in the eyes of the faithful, political gods, moments. This is one of those times. The people of
wise and benevolent. Egypt have spoken, their voices have been heard,
The political priesthood told the worshipers that if they and Egypt will never be the same.
didnt perform the voting ritual, they forfeited their right By stepping down, President Mubarak respond-
to complain when they didnt like the results. ed to the Egyptian peoples hunger for change
The reality was, however, that by performing the ritual, Egyptians have made it clear that nothing less
voters were guaranteed unsatisfactory results, since they than genuine democracy will carry the day.
were voting for politicians who, almost by definition, were (President Obama, 11 February 2011)
pathological liars interested only in furthering their own
interests and the interests of those that gave them the Democracy? The people of Egypt hadnt spoken. The
most money. June 2012 election would prove that the countrys en-
It was a mystery, but there were no hidden secrets. trenched interests did all the speaking. Secular, religious,
How could otherwise-functioning adults, people who it made no difference. A party was a party was a party and
had an education, could drive a car, earn a living and whatever party won, all those outside the party would not
raise a family actually be so gullible as to believe that be invited, let alone have their interests addressed.
their electoral choice had their best interests at heart and Yes, there was a vote, but the numbers told the true
cared about them? tale. In the first round of elections, only 46 percent of eli-
Yet they did, and they would become angry, even violent, gible voters turned out, and just 51.6 percent voted in the
should anyone question the sanctity of their political god. ensuing runoff. The moral of the Egyptian election story

8 The Trends Journal Autumn 2012

is that when half the electorate stays home, the powers Same Game, Different Place There could
that be are the powers that will continue to be. be no denying it. While the story had a nice democratic ring
Subsequent events further reinforced the vapidity of all to it, there was no Arab Spring in Egypt, or anywhere else
that Washington wind and provided yet another example in the Middle East. In each case, what began as a popular
of democracy not-in-action. There were no high-profile uprising would devolve into just another power struggle be-
cabinet appointees pulled from the ranks of the revolu- tween powerful factions.
tionaries. There was no Liberty, Fraternity or Equality. In Tunisia, the first of the authoritarian North Afri-
Just days prior to Morsis inauguration, the still-ruling ca/Middle East governments to be toppled by an angry,
military passed decrees circumscribing the powers of the poverty-stricken populace, the Islamist Ennahda an off-
presidency. But in August, in what would prove to be the shoot of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, had played no
first round in a long and ongoing power showdown, the role in the revolution but was voted into power. And they,
Morsi government invalidated the decrees, stripped exec- like their Egyptian counterparts, were also suspected of
utive and legislative power from the military, reinstalled being a front for the old regime, which, behind the scenes,
Parliament members that the military and the courts had still controlled the state apparatus.
declared illegitimate and replaced top Mubarak-era gen- And in Tunisia, as in Egypt, there was growing concern
erals with new ones. that the religious-based government was not only counter-
revolutionary but could prove radically fundamentalist. In
HERE COMES THE JUDGE Egypt, the Morsi government had vowed to run the coun-
Further consolidating its power, the Brotherhood also try according to Sharia law. But as with any law, religious
moved to take over the courts. Mubarak-era judges would or secular, the open question in August 2012 was: how
be replaced. Judges are a society that want cleansings, would it be interpreted and how strictly would it be en-
declared newly appointed Minister of Justice Ahmed Me- forced?
kki. The judges will cleanse themselves, not me. I will In Egypt, members of the hard-line Salafist Al Nour
just remove the immunity of judges who are corrupt. party were insisting that Al Azhar, the center of Sunni
And the commission drafting Egypts new constitution Islamic thinking in the Arab world, take on the role of
was also stacked with Islamist delegates. interpretation while the more moderate Islamists wanted
By every measure, it appeared to be a Brotherhood the largely secular Supreme Constitutional Court to con-
takeover. But was it? There was speculation that the Mus- tinue as arbiter of Sharia.
lim Brotherhood was little more than a front for Egypts How would it be interpreted and what would it mean to
military who would still maintain their grip on power but Egypt? Once again, Tunisia could serve as the bellwether.
legitimize it by making it look as though the Brotherhood The combination of Ennahdas imposition of strict Is-
was making the decisions. lamic law and its inability to address Tunisias endemic
Immediately after Morsi replaced the top-ranking mili- poverty was provoking another round of nationwide pro-
tary leadership with his own team, the United States ex- tests from unions, the unemployed and women.
pressed its strong approval of the power play. We had In August, a general strike called by the main trade
expected President Morsi to cooperate with the military to union federation had 90 percent of its workers join the
name a new defense team. And we will continue to work strike. In support, businesses closed their shops and offic-
with Egypts civilian and military leaders to advance our es in city centers for the day. With official unemployment
many shared interests, White House spokesman Jay Car- at over 20 percent, food prices soaring, infrastructure in
ney told reporters. a shambles, public services evaporating and corruption
US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta telephoned Egypts rampant, the stage was being set for a second and more
new defense minister, General Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi, the violent revolution.
former head of Egypts intelligence agency, to express his In Tunis and other cities throughout the country, tens
unwavering commitment to the US-Egypt military-to- of thousands of women marched in protest of the harsh
military relationship, which has been really an anchor of interpretation of Sharia law being proposed by the fun-
stability in the Middle East for more than 30 years. damentalist Islamist government, an interpretation that
What was unquestionable, and gave credence to the would severely downgrade the status of women and re-
suspicion of military/Brotherhood agreement was that the verse the full equality granted them under the 1956 Code
a newly installed regime had played no role in the revolu- of Personal Status law.
tion and had even been hostile to it. Yet, at least on paper, Yemen, Bahrain, Syria, Libya, Jordan, Afghanistan,
Morsi had seized all, if not more, of the powers exercised Iraq the potential for the entire Middle East region to go
under the Mubarak regime. up in smoke was accelerating. The only question remain-

The Trends Journal Autumn 2012 9

ing was how much of it would go down in flames? With few exceptions, each countrys conflicts were
It was a trend; it was predictable and we predicted it. treated as if they were semi-contained. Yes, there were
The more authoritarian the governments, the longer they refugees, outside military support, violence spilling across
held on to power, the longer they repressed their people, borders, financial assistance and undercover operations
the more violent the reaction of the impoverished and re- carried out by foreign powers to influence the outcome.
pressed would be. There were fears and realities of violence spreading to
And in each case, the puppeteer pulling the strings of neighboring countries, but nevertheless, the mounting
the puppets in power was the United States and its allies, turmoil was not viewed as either a prelude to a region-
most of them hated former colonialists and exploiters. wide war or the flashpoint for The 1st Great War of the 21st
We saw it coming, we named it Crusades 2000, and we Century.
predicted the consequences:

The seeds of the new Crusades have been sown

in areas of Africa, Eastern Europe and Asia. FLASHPOINT IRAN
Throughout the Muslim world, devout masses, po-
litically repressed and impoverished, were rising It never seemed to stop. Year after year, the Iranians
up against their endemically corrupt and ineffi- would insist their nuclear ambitions were for peaceful
cient secular governments with their pro-Western purposes, while Israel and the West would, with equal
alliances. Imperialism, directly or indirectly, took insistence, accuse Iran of a lack of transparency which
the blame for the poverty, the lack of opportunity, was to them, in effect, evidence that Iran was developing
and the social and moral decay. nuclear weapons.
Disenfranchised, desperate, politically power- Now, in the summer of 2012, as the US presidential
less, Muslims in many countries looked to char- election drew near, the urgent question making the head-
ismatic clerics to change their destiny. (Trends lines was not whether or not Israel would attack Irans nu-
2000, Warner Books, 1997) clear facility, but rather, would Israel attack before Elec-
tion Day?
Trend Forecast: The same scenario of revolution fol- Since the beginning of the year, Israel (with its alleged
lowed by Islamic government control that has trans- 400-plus nuclear warheads) had been waging an increas-
pired in Tunisia and Egypt will be repeated throughout ingly strident Iran must never possess a nuclear weapon
the region. How each countrys government evolves or campaign.
dissolves cannot be forecast in detail, but the broad A nuclear Iran had also become a hot-button politi-
outlines are clear. cal issue among Republican presidential candidates, who
In each country, excepting some of the already-fun- were portraying the President as weak and indecisive for
damentalist monarchies (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United not taking tough action to stop Irans program.
Arab Emirates, Kuwait), large population segments, In early March, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Ne-
forced to accept religious fundamentalist government tanyahu came to Washington to meet with President
rule, will erupt in battles between the Imams and the Obama and to pressure him for a pledge to take decisive
man on the street. military action against Iran and also to attend the annual
In profligate monarchies where Sharia law already conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Commit-
prevails, fundamentalist counter forces intent upon over- tee, the powerful pro-Israel lobby.
throwing leaders perceived as subservient to the West will According to news reports:
fight to seize power and impose yet-stricter religious ob-
servance. The Israeli leader has told US officials that he
Regardless of how the individual scenarios develop in wants Mr. Obama to outline specifically what
and between Middle East countries, when taken together Washington views as the red lines that Iran
they will constitute yet another set of elements that will cannot cross, something the administration is
culminate in The 1st Great War of the 21st Century. considering as it drafts the presidents speech at
But in August 2012, only The Trends Journal was writ- the American Israel Public Affairs Committee
ing this chapter of History Before it Happens. The rest and sets the agenda for his meeting with Mr. Ne-
of the media were merely repeating what anonymous tanyahu. Some administration officials said that if
sources and government officials with fixed agendas Mr. Obama decides to more clearly define his red
were telling them. lines, he is likely to do it in private with Mr. Ne-

10 The Trends Journal Autumn 2012

tanyahu, rather than state it Obama, making clear in no
in his AIPAC speech. Over the last three years, as uncertain terms that I have
Mr. Netanyahu and other President of the United States, I have kept Israels back.
top Israeli officials also are
pressing for Mr. Obama to my commitments to the state of Israel. Publishers Note: How is it
publicly clarify his insis- that the Jewish State should
tence that all options are wield influence in American
on the table in addressing the Iranian nuclear politics far beyond what the Jewish population (2.2 per-
threat. (Wall Street Journal, 28 February 2012) cent) would seem to warrant? Is it not undemocratic and
non-representative for President Obama to speak on be-
With both the Prime Minister and President maneuvering half of 97.8 percent of the American people to declare Is-
for position and neither wanting to appear to give way, rael sacrosanct while also committing America to move
how to deal with Iran became a primetime question: in lockstep with Israel in its approach to Iran?
Or was the President speaking only for himself, when
Barack Obama calls US support he said, I have Israels back.
for Israel sacrosanct Or did that I refer to the American troops who would
NEW YORK President Barack Obama on Thurs- be sent to cover Israels back, along with billions in weap-
day called US support for Israel sacrosanct, ons and defense systems?
and said he wanted the country to maintain its Or was Mr. Obama just speaking to the Jewish 2.2
military superiority as he prepares to meet with percent of the US population, and the powerful AIPAC
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. lobby when he assured Netanyahu that he had Israels
The two leaders are expected to make discus- back?
sions about Irans nuclear development program a
priority during their planned meeting Monday at STRONG ON ISRAEL Though Obama is often attacked
the White House. by political opponents as weak on Israel, despite oc-
Obama spoke Thursday during a re-election casional lapses in diplomatic language, Obama was as
campaign fundraiser in New York, where he dis- strong on Israel as most of his predecessors had been:
cussed geopolitical changes created by popular
uprisings in the Arab world. Over the last three years, as President of the United
One of our long-term goals in that region is to States, I have kept my commitments to the state of Is-
make sure that the sacrosanct commitment that rael, Obama said. At every crucial juncture, at every
we make to Israels security is not only a mat- fork in the road, we have been there for Israel. Every
ter of providing them the military capabilities single time. During this political season, [when] you
they need, not only providing the sort of qualita- hear some question my administrations support for Is-
tive military edge that they need in a very tough rael, remember that its not backed up by the facts.
neighborhood, Obama said. (Economic Times, 2 (President Obama, 4 March 2012)
March 2012)
The facts, in fact, supported Obamas statement. Since
Two days later, Mr. Obama told the 13,000 people at- taking office, the Obama administration has increased
tending the AIPAC meeting that while he would not military assistance to Israel each year, providing some $10
clearly define his red lines, he pledged to uncondition- billion in aid.
ally support Israel in any future military confrontations Like Presidents before him, Obama voiced objections
with Tehran and reiterated his commitment as a tireless to Israels continued confiscation of Palestinian land and
advocate for the unbreakable bonds between Israel and just like them demonstrated he would do nothing to stop
the United States. it. In June of 2009, for example, President Obama called
The President assured the crowd that he had a policy for a settlement freeze and a halt to confiscation of Pales-
to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. I will tinian land. After a short pause, Israel annexed more land
not hesitate to use force. I do not have a policy of contain- and Obama rewarded it with twenty F-35 fighter jets plus
ment, I have a policy to prevent Iran from obtaining a an extra $70 million in aid.
nuclear weapon. A nuclear armed Iran is completely coun- Then, in May of 2011, Obama spoke of using the 1967
ter to Israels security interests. But it is also counter to borders as a starting point for the creation of a Palestin-
the national security interests of the United States, said ian state, only to later veto a UN resolution that called

The Trends Journal Autumn 2012 11

for an end to the continuous confiscation of Palestinian would have a devastating impact on Israeli daily life
land by Israel. while igniting regional wars. And, wars, you know how
Peace process, no peace process, settlement freeze they start. You never know how you are ending it, he
the building boom continued. There are now some warned.
600,000 Israelis occupying former Palestinian areas of
the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
For his part, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Propaganda Machine The Israeli drumbeat to
appreciated the fact that President Obama reiterated bomb Iran played on and on. Upon his return to Israel,
his position that Iran must not be allowed to develop Prime Minister Netanyahu, in an address to his nation,
nuclear weapons, and that all options are on the ta- affirmed that the US and Israel had different timetables
ble, and the fact that Obama made clear that when it for dealing with the Iranian nuclear program. So the
comes to a nuclear-armed Iran, containment is simply American clock regarding preventing Iranian nucleariza-
not an option. tion is not the Israeli one. The Israeli clock works, obvi-
ously, according to a different schedule, said Netanyahu.
His determination to bomb was not a matter of if, but
More Hot Air With the race for the White House when. Stopping Tehrans alleged nuclear bomb program
in full swing and the Republican presidential hopefuls was not a matter of days or weeks, he warned, it is also
fighting it out in the primaries, there had been heated not a matter of years.
competition among the front runners as to who best rep- Months passed and bombs on Iran were not dropped,
resented Israels interests and who was best qualified to but the we must strike Iran before they get a bomb re-
deliver a fatal knockout punch to Iran. frain never let up:
Newt Gingrich, the # 3 man among the top three con-
tenders, said he would not keep talking while the Irani- London braces for Israeli strike
ans keep building, and promised to give Israel the green on Iran during 2012 Games
light to attack and help provide the means to do it. Olympic planning committee fears
Not to be outdone, #2 contender Rick Santorum de- a military showdown during the largest
clared that as President he would present Iran with an sporting event in the world
ultimatum to tear down their nuclear facilities and that Taking into account the possibility of an Israeli
if they do not tear down those facilities, we will tear attack on Iran during the 2012 Summer Games,
down them. the Olympic committee in charge of the London
And Mitt Romney, who would ultimately challenge event has formed a special team to prepare for the
Obama, thundered: contingency.
According to the Hebrew daily Yedioth Ahro-
Nuclear ambition is pursued by Iran to domi- noth on Wednesday, the team consisting of poli-
nate, to subjugate, to obliterate. A nuclear Iran ticians, diplomats, security officials and organiz-
is not only a problem for Israel, its a problem ing committee personnel wrote in a report that
for America, and its a problem for the world. If such a strike was entirely possible.
elected I will bring the current policy of procras- England is thought to be within the range of
tination toward Iran to an end. I will not delay Iranian missiles and UK officials believe that a
imposing further crippling sanctions, I will not military confrontation between Jerusalem and
hesitate to fully implement the ones we already Tehran could involve the country against its will.
have. I will make sure Iran knows of the very real (Times of Israel, 18 July 2012)
peril that awaits if it becomes nuclear, he prom-
ised. The only thing respected by thugs and ty- The story line was broadened. Not only was Iran a threat
rants is our resolve backed by our power and our to Israel, but if Israel did strike Iran preemptively, Iran
readiness to use it. would attack the Olympic stadium. The fear and hysteria
cards had been played. The country went on high alert.
But while the politicians in Tel Aviv and DC were talk- The Times of Israel reported that elaborate contingency
ing tough, Israeli military and intelligence officials were plans had been put in place:
sounding alarms. For example, former Mossad chief Meir
Bagan feared that a strike on Irans nuclear facilities The special team listed a number of steps that
would be ineffective and that an Iranian counterattack would need to be taken in the event of such a con-

12 The Trends Journal Autumn 2012

flict, among them: opening a special command cen- unit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards - has
ter, providing secret safe houses for foreign leaders recruited a number of white European Islam-
wishing to meet for diplomatic purposes, and pre- ic converts, including two Germans, one from
paring for emergency evacuations of dignitaries. Sweden and a couple of Britons. New York po-
The team said England would have to guaran- lice believe Iranian Revolutionary Guards or
tee the safety of the athletes and the continuation their proxies have been involved so far this year
of the Games, as well as make sure Israeli and in nine plots against Israeli or Jewish targets
Iranian athletes are kept away from each other. around the world, according to restricted police
documents. (Online Asian Defence News, 23
Anti-aircraft missile batteries ringed the city. Tens of July 2012)
thousands of armed-to-the-teeth guards were at the
ready: 12,000 police officers, 17,000 military person-
nel, 7,000 private security guards, 1,000 American se- Evil Doers Nukes or no nukes, Iran was the enemy.
curity personnel, and 300 MI5 agents. Warships, drones No evidence needed, only accusations repeated often
and snipers were all in place to thwart terror. It was the enough that they were accepted as evidence. In the case of
largest peacetime security operation ever launched in the Burgas attack, Bulgarian officials could find no proof
Britain. of an Iranian connection. Similarly, New York police also
The plot thickened. Even if Israel decided not to provided no evidence to substantiate their accusations of
strike Iran during the Olympics, Israel was worried that Iranian plots against Jewish targets, maintaining the doc-
Iran would launch an unprovoked terror strike: uments were too sensitive to reveal.
Just weeks after the games finished without incident,
Israel warns of Iranian terrorists target Iran was back in Israels sights:
attack on London Olympics
LONDON Israeli officials have warned that Israel ready for 30-day war
an Iranian terror squad in Europe may be plan- after Iran strike: minister
ning to attack its athletes at the 2012 Olympic JERUSALEM Israel is prepared for a 30-day war
Games, sparking the largest security operation on multiple fronts should it decide to strike Iran,
in peacetime Britain, British media reported on and is ready as never before for such a clash,
Sunday. the outgoing home front defence minister said
The Sunday Times reports that panic rooms Wednesday.
have been installed beneath the stadium as a In an interview with the Maariv newspaper,
haven for VIPs and spectators in the event of an Matan Vilnai said Israel was ready to face the
attack. MI5 and New Scotland Yard are report- consequences of a clash with Iran that could be
edly thought to have raised their threat assess- sparked if the Jewish state decides to launch a
ment in light of the terrorist attack in Bulgaria strike against Tehrans nuclear programme.
on Wednesday that killed 5 Israelis, the bus The assessments are for a war that will last
driver and a suicide bomber. In addition, the 30 days on a number of fronts, he said, repeating
Sunday Times reports, the Israeli government the predictions of other senior Israeli officials that
has dispatched agents from the Shin Bet and the Jewish state would suffer around 500 deaths
Mossad to protect its 38-strong delegation. in such a clash.
The Mossad, says the Sunday Times, is It could be that there will be less fatalities, but
hunting a group of white Europeans who are it could be there will be more that is the scenario
thought to have converted to Islam and to be that we are preparing for according to the best
working with the Iranian Quds force and He- experts.
zbollah, backed by Tehran. One of the Israelis Speculation has risen in recent weeks about
targets is thought to be a terrorist carrying a the possibility of an Israeli attack on Irans nucle-
US passport under the name of David Jefferson, ar programme, which the Jewish state and much
who is believed to have fled after the Burgas of the international community believes masks a
attack and is thought to have another power- weapons drive.
ful device like that used in last weeks bomb- Tehran vehemently denies those accusations,
ing, said the report. According to the Sunday saying the programme is for peaceful energy and
Times, Security experts say the Quds force - a medical purposes.

The Trends Journal Autumn 2012 13

As the speculation his willingness to start a
grows, observers in Is- If journalists were not Presstitutes, war because decisions had
rael have raised con- they would mock Vilnai for seeing no reason to made, one which in this
cern about the countrys case, was strongly opposed by
for hysteria in this hellish scenario.
preparedness for war. the Israeli public.
(Maariv, 15 August 2012) And, if journalists were
not Presstitutes, they would
Vilnai brushed aside these concerns, saying there was no ridicule Vilnai and his best experts for making un-
reason for hysteria and that Israelis had no choice but to substantiated estimates of the Israeli death toll and the
accept such a death toll: destruction that would be wrought by an Iranian coun-
Just as the citizens of Japan have to realize they can Irans best experts saw it very differently:
have earthquakes, so the citizens of Israel have to realize
that if they live here, they have to be prepared to expect Iran Response Huge If Targeted
missiles on the home front. Its not pleasant for the home by Israel, Hezbollah Says
front, but decisions have to be made and we have to be Irans response to an attack by Israel would be
ready. I can say in the most authoritative manner that huge, Hezbollahs Secretary-General Hassan
the home front is ready as never before in the countrys Nasrallah said, reacting to warnings by Israeli
history. leaders that time is running out for a diplomatic
solution to the Islamic Republics atomic work.
Ah yes, He, Vilnai The Omniscient has spoken in the A strike by Israel would give Iran the golden
most authoritative manner, thus: opportunity it has been seeking for years, Nas-
rallah said today in a speech relayed to supporters
n The war will last 30 days in southern Beirut.
n The Jewish state would suffer around 500 deaths Israel would have attacked Irans nuclear facili-
n It could be that there will be less fatalities, but it ties a long time ago had the Persian Gulf country
could be there will be more. been weak, Nasrallah told supporters marking
Quds Day, or Jerusalem Day.
NO SURPRISE Whether its politicians taking people to Iran is powerful and courageous, Nasrallah
war by promising swift victory and minimal losses or said, adding that he and the Israelis know Irans
politicians taking people to the poor house by promising response to any assault would be huge and light-
that bailouts and austerity policies will bring prosperity, ning. (Bloomberg, 17 August 2012)
its all basically the same: Having set themselves up as
leaders and authorities that know best, they invari- Tumour of Israel will soon
ably minimize risks, make promises they cant possibly be destroyed: Ahmadinejad
keep and initiate policies that invariably fail. As history TEHRAN Iranian President Mahmoud Ahma-
proves over and over again, either they dont know what dinejad told an annual anti-Israel protest in Teh-
they are talking about, they are lying, or both. And the ran on Friday that the Jewish state was a cancer-
consequences are invariably horrific. ous tumour that will soon be excised, drawing
Western rebukes.
KIDDIE CRAP The Zionist regime and the Zionists are a
If there were honorable journalists, and not a corps of cancerous tumour, he said.
subservient Presstitutes, they would rip apart Vilnai for The nations of the region will soon finish
his arrogant and baseless assumptions and calculations. off the usurper Zionists in the Palestinian land
They would expose as a fool anyone idiotically compar- A new Middle East will definitely be formed.
ing a Mother-Nature-made earthquake in Japan to a man- With the grace of God and help of the nations, in
made Israeli provocation that would bring missiles raining the new Middle East there will be no trace of the
down on the home front while brushing the resulting Americans and Zionists, he said.
devastation off as a not pleasant consequence. The diatribe took place amid heightened ten-
If journalists were not Presstitutes, they would mock sions between Israel and Iran over Tehrans con-
Vilnai for seeing no reason for hysteria in this hell- troversial nuclear programme.
ish scenario. They would describe him as deranged for The Jewish state has in recent weeks intensi-

14 The Trends Journal Autumn 2012

fied its threats to possibly bomb Irans nuclear fa- Israel planning to attack Iran
cilities to prevent it having the capability to pro- before U.S. election: PM could order strike
duce atomic weapons. on nuclear targets within weeks
Its military has warned it will destroy Israel if Israel is planning a military strike against Irans
it attacks. nuclear programme before November, security
They (the Israelis) know very well they dont sources in Israel have claimed.
have the ability to successfully attack Iran, for- Alon Ben-David, the well-informed military
eign ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast correspondent for Israels Channel 10 News,
was quoted as saying by the ISNA news agency. claimed on Monday that the country was closer
If they make a mistake, our nations reaction than ever to a strike against Iran.
will lead to the end of the Zionist regime, he said. He said Mr. Netanyahu was determined to at-
US National Security Council spokesman Tom- tack Iran before the US election on November 6
my Vietor told AFP that Ahmadinejads comments just 11 weeks away.
were hateful and divisive. Israeli leaders believe that President Obama,
We strongly condemn the latest series of offen- locked in a close election battle with Republican
sive and reprehensible comments by senior Iranian Mitt Romney, would be forced to back an Israeli
officials that are aimed at Israel, Vietor said. strike even though US military chiefs are against
The entire international community should it for fear of alienating Jewish voters in key swing
condemn this hateful and divisive rhetoric. states such as Florida.
French deputy foreign ministry spokesman Vin- Mr. Netanyahu has described the Islamist coun-
cent Floreani hit out at the latest provocations trys nuclear ambitions as an existential threat
from the Iranian president. that could be used to destroy the Jewish state.
We firmly condemn these outrageous and to- But British and American security chiefs be-
tally unacceptable statements and we remind (Iran) lieve military action would spark a lethal Middle
that we would never allow the right of Israel to live East conflict. Last week, US defence secretary
in peace to be called into question, he said. (AFP, Leon Panetta and the chairman of the US Joint
17 August 2012) Chiefs of Staff, Martin Dempsey, held an unprec-
edented briefing at the Pentagon to warn against
an Israeli strike.
Iran War, Israel War? Only time would tell. Even senior Israeli defence and intelligence
The one thing that time would not have to wait to tell was figures, including the recently-retired head of the
that the propaganda war had long been underway and was Mossad spy agency, have opposed an Israeli attack.
being waged relentlessly. Military analysts have warned that, without US
When Israeli leaders threatened to bomb Iran, the bunker-busting bombs and other vital armaments,
Western media did not apply a pejorative label to either Israel cannot destroy Irans well-defended nuclear
the tone or the substance of the threat since it was ac- installations.
cepted as a given that Israel had the supreme right to But Mr. Netanyahu appears determined to strike.
defend itself. But when Iran, which was being threat- From the prime ministers point of view, the time
ened with a massive, unprovoked attack, denounced for action is getting ever closer, Ben-David said.
Israel, the Presstitutes disparaged it as a diatribe, Behind the scenes, a shadow intelligence war
and provided one-sided commentary from a variety of appears to be escalating. Key Iranian nuclear sci-
Israeli supporters while providing no counterbalance entists have been assassinated or disappeared and
from Iranian allies. Ahmedinejads rhetoric was: hate- Irans computer networks have been infiltrated by a
ful, divisive, offensive, reprehensible, and his series of sophisticated viruses apparently designed
latest provocations were outrageous and totally to sabotage control systems at its nuclear research
unacceptable. facilities. (Daily Mail, 21 August 2012)
Yet, when Israel responded that it was prepared to
attack Iran, while using the upcoming US Presidential Netanyahu: Iran is accelerating
elections as a tool to force the Obama Administration progress toward nuclear weapons
into supporting the attack, there was no outcry calling Information revealed this week proves that Iran
the Israeli threat: hateful, divisive, offensive, rep- is still pursuing nuclear weapons, Prime Minister
rehensible, outrageous and totally unacceptable: Benjamin Netanyahu told visiting U.S. congress-

The Trends Journal Autumn 2012 15


The News Behind the News

Our analysis of the Daily Mail story Israel planning to attack Iran before U.S. election shines a very different light upon
what, at first glance, appears to be little more than the news of the day, the latest in an ongoing series: Will Israel attack
Iran? When will they attack? and If they attack, what will happen?
However, to more accurately describe what Netanyahu wanted and what it would mean, the Daily Mail headline should
have read:

Presidency of United States Held Hostage.

Israel Prime Minister Demands Ransom: Will Obama Pay?

Seemingly innocuous and even-handed as the Daily Mail story is, as with so many other mainstream reports, it provides yet
another instance of journalistic bias.
The evidence resides in the language. In the Western media, virtually all stories concerning Americas staunch ally Israel,
regardless of the issue (seizing Palestinian land to build further illegal housing developments, extra-judicial assassinations,
attacks upon unarmed civilians) are couched in non-judgmental, non-inflammatory language.
But in virtually all stories concerning Americas sworn enemy Iran, a totally different order of language is employed.
When Netanyahu wants to hold America hostage, its just Bibi being Bibi. But if the same language that was applied to
Ahmedinejad talking about retaliation to an Israeli strike were applied to Benjamin Netanyahu, Bibis true nature would
stand revealed: reprehensible, outrageous, totally unacceptable, a diatribe from a raving, scheming, paranoid
It was a curious fact that the American press and American politicians were routinely more pro-Israel than the Israeli press
and politicians. As the to bomb, or not to bomb Iran debate heated up in Israel, Shaul Mofaz, chairman of the opposition
Kadima Party ridiculed the Prime Ministers style of government, calling it Bibi-land Netanyahus land of wonders, a cut-
off kingdom that is all illusion, complete with a fraudulent leadership.
He also accused Netanyahu of using the Iranian issue to divert attention from Israels domestic problems, saying the
premier was planning distractions far from Israels borders.
Cries are heard from afar. Motivation is high. Scare tactics are used. And the strategy is clear: If we die of fear, we wont
die of hunger, Mofaz added.
The lesson within the Trend Lesson: Watch, read and listen to as many sources from as many different points of view as
possible, both domestic and foreign, on any issue with geo-political, economic and military consequences. This, of course,
means going beyond mainstream and even alternative media for specialized research and analysis on the given topic.
As demonstrated in the story above, there is a stark difference in how Netanyahus war talk is reported in Israel as com-
pared to the United States. If you received information only from US media, you would not realize how contentious the issue
was in Israel itself. o

man Rep. Mike Rogers on Friday. tration of 20 percent. The West fears Irans actions
Citing sources, Reuters reported on Thursday are aimed at paving a way for the manufacturing
that Iran is continuing to install many more ura- of nuclear bombs. (Haaretz, 24 August 2012)
nium enrichment centrifuges in its Fordo facility,
which is buried deep inside a mountain, in order
to protect it from a military strike. One source Apocalypse Now or Later? Could this be?
suggested Iran had already installed hundreds of Was Israels Prime Minister going to use the presidential
enrichment machines. election as a cover to attack Iran, and in so doing, coerce
Meeting in Jerusalem, Netanyahu told Rogers, Obama into dragging America into war? Considering Alon
who is the chairman of the House Intelligence Ben-Davids inside access to Israels military high com-
Committee, that the report was additional proof mand, was there any reason to challenge his veracity? Or
that Iran is continuing its accelerated progress to could he be acting on behalf of Netanyahu and/or the
obtain nuclear weapons, while completely ignor- military by sending up a trial balloon to gauge US and
ing international demands. international reaction?
Iran is using the Fordo facility, near the holy Here was Israel, a diminutive nation (bigger than New
city of Qom, to enrich uranium to a fissile concen- Jersey but smaller than Massachusetts) financially and

16 The Trends Journal Autumn 2012

economically inconsequential, but capable of holding rael to war, Mofaz wrote. According to law, the
mighty America hostage. In a Presidential race that began prime minister must brief the opposition head on
18 months prior to Election Day and in which billions of a monthly basis.
campaign dollars would be spent to win over swing voters Mofaz attached a classified document, copies of
(the undecideds) in a few crucial states, could Benjamin which were also sent to the defense minister, At-
Netanyahu prove to hold the balance of power to deter- torney General Yehuda Weinstein and the chair-
mine who would win in November? man of the Knessets Foreign Affairs and Defense
And, according to the Daily Mail story, one crucial Committee. According to Army Radio, the at-
swing state targeted by Netanyahu was Florida, with its tached document included a number of questions
large, elderly and unconditionally pro-Israel Jewish pop- concerning Israels preparedness for a war with
ulation. Iran and relations with the U.S.
In 2008, Barack Obama beat John McCain in Florida The Kadima chairman added that an Israeli at-
by 2.8 percent, but received around 75 to 78 percent of the tack on Irans nuclear facilities would only achieve
Jewish vote. Obama scored a greater share of Jewish votes limited results, alongside loss of life, grave dam-
than John Kerry did in 2004 and nearly equaled Al Gores age to the home front and deep erosion of Israels
numbers in 2000, when Gore ran with Joseph Lieberman, political situation such action is immoral and
an Orthodox Jew. operationally illogical under the circumstances.
But in late August 2012, Florida polls showed Obama In his letter, Mofaz also criticized Netanyahu
with a statistically insignificant one point lead over Rom- for his handling of relations with the U.S. What
ney. With Romney outpolling Obama among seniors, is the real goal behind widening the rift with the
many of whom have watched their home equity evapo- U.S.? he asked. Administration officials have
rate and retirement funds dissolve, the President faced an clearly illustrated to you, to the defense minister
uphill battle in trying to win them over. Under these cir- and to the undersigned the dramatic ramifications
cumstances, maintaining or even increasing the Jew- of an Israeli operation, which would [constitute]
ish majority became an even more critical element in the a blunt and illegitimate intervention in internal
election. U.S. political processes in the run-up to the presi-
dential election in November this year. (Haaretz,
HOLD OR FOLD 20 August 2012)
If Netanyahu made good on his threat, was Barack Obama
prepared to sacrifice his re-election and listen to the US mili- It could not have been clearer. This was not a false ac-
tary, which publicly opposed an Israeli attack upon Iran? cusation being made by an anti-Semite intent upon poi-
Would Obama pay heed to the gamut of Israeli military, soning US/Israeli relations. Rather, it was a warning
security and intelligence sources who warned that the war from the leader of Israels Kadima party that there was
against Iran would prove hugely destructive for Israel as a blunt and illegitimate intervention [by the Israeli
well, would not permanently destroy Irans nuclear capa- Prime Minister] in internal U.S. political processes in
bilities and would lead to a massive regional war through- the run-up to the presidential election in November
out the Middle East? this year.
While the Netanyahu power play to gain American But over and above the complex political machinations,
support for a possible attack on Iran before the Novem- one thing was certain: Romney had to win the Jewish vote
ber election was being reported, the extent, consequences to win the White House and to win the White House, he
and even the legality of Israels direct influence on the US had to win Florida:
Presidential campaign were not being considered by the
press in America. But it was in Israel: Florida crucial to Romney;
clincher for Obama
Mofaz demands clarifications WASHINGTON For Mitt Romney and the Re-
from Netanyahu over his intention to publicans, Florida is a must-win, the indispens-
lead Israel to war with Iran able make-or-break prize they must capture on
Israels opposition head Shaul Mofaz sent Prime Election Day to regain the White House.
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a letter on Monday For President Barack Obama, Florida is the
demanding an urgent meeting on the Iranian is- potential clincher, the knock-out punch, the big
sue. I ask that this meeting be convened with- boost he may not need in terms of Electoral Col-
out delay, and address your intention to lead Is- lege votes but would love to have to ease his path

The Trends Journal Autumn 2012 17

to a second term and strengthen his mandate to a carefully calibrated put down. During a visit to
govern. (Sun Sentinel, 26 August 2012) the Olympic Park, the prime minister said Britain
was delivering the games in a bustling city. Of
Or, would Obama make good on his promise to AIPAC course its easier if you hold an Olympic Games in
and join an Israeli preemptive strike to prevent Iran the middle of nowhere, the prime minister said
from obtaining a nuclear weapon, and not hesitate to in a none too subtle reference to the 2002 Salt
use force? Lake City games famously rescued by Romney.
(The Guardian, 26 July 2012)

On his Israel leg of the trip, Romney once again stepped


If the stubborn Democratic donkey couldnt be led by the Mitt Romneys insult-the-world tour
Israeli government, would the Republican circus elephant excels in picking on the Palestinians
perform its tricks? In late July, with his campaign in stall In his enthusiasm to attract Jewish donors,
mode, Mitt Romney took it overseas to England, Israel and Romney fails to acknowledge Israels iron grip
Poland to showcase his foreign policy skills and presidential on Palestinian economic hopes
potential. Mitt Romney isnt on an ordinary world tour. Hes
The Romney road show bombed big on its first stop. on an insult-the-world tour, during which hes
Upon arrival in London, the presidential challenger wast- constantly trying to outdo his previous personal
ed no time in alienating and insulting his hosts: best. How else to explain the Republican presi-
dential candidates horribly offensive comments
Mitt Romney visits London about Palestinians during his recent trip to Jeru-
while stumbling on almost every front salem, so soon after the clunking insults leveled
The Obama campaign could scarcely have thought at his British hosts in London last week?
of a better outcome for Mitt Romneys first UK visit Over a 16,000-a-plate campaign fundraiser
as presumptive nominee breakfast with Jewish donors in Jerusalem, Rom-
If Barack Obama were dreaming up the ideal ney aired his deep thoughts on the dramatic,
start to Mitt Romneys first overseas visit as the stark difference in economic vitality between
presumptive Republican nominee, the president the Palestinian and Israeli economies. These
might wonder whether his rival could offend the thoughts were obtained by reading books, he pre-
USs historic transatlantic ally. fixed, before surmising that Israeli accomplish-
That would obviously be rejected as impossibly ments were down to at least culture and a few
ambitious, so the president might then ask him- other things oh, and also, the hand of provi-
self whether Romney would fail to remember the dence. So Romney thinks that Palestinians are
name of one of his hosts in London. screwed because Israelis have a better culture and
To the undoubted joy of the White House, a better god. Its a shame he didnt add something
Romney stumbled on all those fronts in London about bad karma and the Palestinians not doing
on Thursday, the first day of his visit to three of their positive affirmations properly.
the USs closest allies - Britain, Israel and Poland. The presidential hopeful doubtless believes
Downing Street, which had gone to great this standard-issue, superiority-complex racism
lengths to give Romney the red carpet treatment and that its what his donors want to hear. Romney
without breaching strict protocol rules, was as- was, after all, only in Jerusalem to assure right-
tonished when he questioned whether London wing Israelis that he is an even bigger fan of their
was capable of running a successful Olympics. In peace-quashing ways than President Obama. Sit-
an interview with NBC after his arrival in Lon- ting next to the Republican candidate at that Is-
don, Romney said it was disconcerting that the raeli hotel breakfast was American casino-billion-
Olympics organizers had encountered difficulties aire Sheldon Adelson, who bankrolled Romneys
over security. One Whitehall source described visit and has indicated his readiness to part with
Romneys remarks as a total shocker that had $100m (63.5m) for the Romney campaign.
rendered officials speechless. Adelson thinks that the Palestinians are an
David Cameron wasted no time in delivering invented people, supports Israeli hard-right

18 The Trends Journal Autumn 2012

prime minister Benjamin The report also says the
Netanyahu and vigorously coastal aquifer, the terri-
opposes a two-state solu- torys only natural source
tion, so we can presume of fresh water, may become
that Romneys remarks unusable by 2016.
were designed to help him Disconnected territory
reach for his wallet. UN officials point to the
Palestinians have, quite difficulty of improving the
naturally, responded with situation given the closure
outrage at Romneys re- of the Gaza Strip, violent
marks. The statement re- conflict, and the pressing
flects a clear racist spirit, need for Palestinian recon-
said Palestinian labour min- ciliation.
ister Ahmed Majdalani. If An urban area can-
Romney came here to rally not survive without being
Israeli and Jewish support connected, said Maxwell
in the US election, he can Gaylard, the UN Resident

Anthony Freda / Dan Zollinger

do that without insulting the and Humanitarian Co-or-
Palestinian people. (The dinator.
Guardian, 31 July 2012) Gaza has no air or sea
ports, and the economy is
While his host (and former heavily dependent on out-
Boston Consulting Group col- side funding and smug-
league) Netanyahu may have gling through tunnels un-
considered the insult to Pales- der the Egyptian border.
tinians as a compliment to Israel, the entire Arab world Even though Gaza has experienced some eco-
and a good portion of the rest of the world found these nomic growth in recent years, the report says it
remarks stupid, insensitive and inflammatory. does not seem to be sustainable and finds that
The culture disparity could hardly be ascribed to in- Gazans are worse off now than in the 1990s.
ferior Palestinian DNA: Unemployment was at 29% in 2011 and has
risen since then, particularly affecting women and
Gaza will not be livable by 2020 - UN report young people. (BBC, 27 August 2012)
The Gaza Strip will not be a livable place by
2020 unless action is taken to improve basic ser-
vices in the territory, according to a UN report. Missionary Mitt The former Mormon missionary
Basic infrastructure is struggling to keep pace was on a mission. For Romney to win the US election he
with a growing population, the UN Country Team had to win over the Jewish vote to win in the swing states,
(UNCT) in the occupied Palestinian territory said. especially Florida. And to help him win the Jewish vote,
It estimates Gazas population will rise from multi-millionaire Romney was performing his circus act
1.6m to 2.1m by 2020. in front of some of the richest people in the world, many
Israel imposed a blockade on Gaza after the of them US citizens who had come to Jerusalem especially
Islamist movement Hamas seized power in the to participate in the $50,000-per-couple breakfast fund-
coastal territory in 2007. raiser.
Israel says the restrictions are necessary to pre- The breakfast fund-raiser featured billionaires such as
vent weapons reaching Hamas. Palestinians and vulture capitalist Paul Singer; John Miller, CEO of Na-
human rights group denounce them as collective tional Beef Packing; and the aforementioned casino mag-
punishment. nate Sheldon Adelson (estimated personal wealth $25
The UN report, Gaza in 2020: A livable billion). And there was Mormonizing Mitt, going for the
place?, estimates the territory will need double Adelson gambling gelt even though:
the number of schools and 800 more hospital beds
by 2020, and says it is already suffering from a The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is
housing shortage. opposed to gambling, including lotteries sponsored by

The Trends Journal Autumn 2012 19

governments. Church leaders have encouraged Church In keeping with the tradition of The Presidential Real-
members to join with others in opposing the legaliza- ity Show, the stage had been carefully chosen to capture
tion and government sponsorship of any form of gam- the trite, sophomoric superficiality of the campaign and
bling. (From The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day the campaigners.
Saints website) In the heat of summer, on a Saturday morning (the least-
watched news day of the week), at 9 a.m. ET, with most of
Trends Analysis : With the Republican Party platform the nation still asleep, the flags waved, the music boomed,
largely built upon moral issues, there was no big issue and the crowd roared as candidate Romney bounded down
being made in the media of Romneys eagerness to take the stairs of the battleship Wisconsin onto the red-white-
campaign money from the worlds richest gambling en- and-blue stage to introduce the man of the hour.
abler. Drug money, gambling money, brothel money in The symbolism aptly reflected not only the level of in-
politics money is money and whoever gives the most gets tellect but the true heart and soul of Campaign 2012. Here
the most. they were, the two tough guys, neither of whom had ever
Thus, when it concerned Israel, wealthy Jewish donors worn a military uniform, pretending to be warriors against
lavished millions in campaign contributions on both Re- the steely backdrop of the mothballed man o war.
publican and Democratic candidates. This isnt specula-
tion or insinuation, nor anti-Semitism: It was openly ac-
knowledged. Political Whores Mitt Missionary Romney, who
Israeli billionaire and media mogul Haim Saban, who was prime draft bait during the Vietnam War, dodged the
has reportedly contributed tens of millions to both parties, draft to serve as a Mormon missionary in Catholic, wine-
was, according to The New York Times perhaps the drinking, caffeine-addicted, cigarette-smoking, Bridget-
most politically connected mogul in Hollywood, throwing Bardot-loving France.
his weight and money around Washington, and increas- Enter Paul Altar Boy Ryan. Goody two-shoes. Class
ingly, the world, trying to influence all things Israeli. Im president. Prom king. The student voted by his high
a one-issue guy and my issue is Israel, he said. school classmates Brown-Noser of the Year who, like
The Jewish influence on American politics has been Romney, was born on Easy Street but pretends hes just
acknowledged by both Jewish and non-Jewish media. one of the guys.
Back in 2000, The Jerusalem Post wrote that Jewish in- Team Romney ran on a fiscal platform that demanded
fluence is far disproportionate to the size of the com- the harshest of sacrifices from the people least able to sac-
munity, Jewish leaders and US officials acknowledge. But rifice, while pruning tax rates for the biggest corporations
so is the amount of money they contribute to [election] and richest individuals. On the perennially key social is-
campaigns. One member of the influential Conference sue of abortion Ryan was equally harsh, calling for abor-
of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations tion to be outlawed, even in cases of rape and incest.
estimated Jews alone had contributed 50 percent of the Missionary had several positions on the matter,
funds for [President Bill] Clintons 1996 re-election cam- changing depending on what office he was seeking. When
paign. (The Jerusalem Post, 2 April 2000) he ran for Governor of pro-choice Massachusetts in 2002,
he declared: I will preserve and protect a womans right
to choose that a woman should have the right to make
The Third Act With two months left to decide on her own choices whether or not to have an abortion.
the winner of The Presidential Reality Show, there was a Then, when seeking the Republican candidacy for
lull in the action. Campaign 2012 had become one long president in 2004, he changed his position: In my view
series of attack ads, as each side spent hundreds of mil- we are wrong to accept abortion other than in cases of
lions to discredit the other. With both parties zeroing in rape and incest.
on jobs, abortion rights, same sex marriage, Medicare/ Thus, under the newly revised Mitt doctrine, only if a
Medicaid, immigration and family values, foreign policy woman is impregnated by a rapist, or by some testoster-
issues were not hot button issues. one-raging family member, or when a womans life is at
The only new excitement from the Republican side was risk, was an abortion permissible.
Mitt Romneys selection of Wisconsin Congressman Paul However, should young kids or couples who did not
Ryan as his running mate. necessarily love each other do what a lot of people like to
With grand fanfare, on Saturday August 11th, the stag- do, and she gets pregnant, well, thats just too bad. Rich,
nant campaign put on a grand spectacle for the official poor, kids, adults, jobless or homeless, you had sex and
announcement. now you must have the baby!

20 The Trends Journal Autumn 2012

Why? Because thats what Presidential candidate Mitt
now believes and as President Mitt he promises that youll
be forced to do as he says.

And in keeping with the time-honored political practice
of saying what you need to say to get elected, changing

Anthony Freda / Dan Zollinger

position when politically expedient and then lying about
what you said you would do and what you actually did,
Mitt chose a running mate who would live up to those
Vice Presidential selection Paul Ryan, with his fervent
championing of a no-abortion-under-any-circumstances
position, did what was politically correct: He immedi-
ately changed his position to accommodate his running rantless wiretapping, a renewed and reinforced Patriot Act,
mates changed position. When asked by reporters to ex- overseas renditions, kill lists and targeted assassinations
plain how, after years of being on record for his hard- to his vision of human rights the litany of Obamas lies
line anti-abortion beliefs, he could abandon them, Ryan and deception goes on.
responded: Look, Im proud of my record, Im proud of Only in politics, where lies are renamed misspeaking
my record, Mitt Romney is going to be president and the and soft-pedaled as mere flip flops, is such behavior tol-
president sets policy. erated and accepted.
Thus, if the vice presidential candidate, a declared In everyday life in relationships, friendships, partner-
devout Catholic and former altar boy, alters his steadfast ships, business, social intercourse where lies are lies,
principles to comply with the president, and stops believ- hypocrisy is hypocrisy and cheating is cheating no one
ing in what he professed to believe, it was implicit that the is allowed to get away with it with impunity.
general public was expected to comply as well. Explicitly,
devoutly expressed principles dont count in America
the land of freedom, liberty and democracy. Policy counts
and the president sets policy. Behave or Beware! THE PRESIDENTIAL REALITY SHOW
Publishers Note: Following Ryans selection as Romneys Instead of the public being outraged and/or disgusted,
running mate, inconsistencies between what he said and when it comes to politics, entire societies suspend their
did arose. From claiming to support smaller government, critical faculties and the sense of right-and-wrong theyve
but actually voting for billions in bank bailouts and cor- been taught since childhood.
porate subsidies, and then accepting stimulus money, to The 2012 Republican and Democratic Conventions are
claiming to have run a marathon an hour faster than he exemplars of this bizarre abdication of the human spirit:
really did, Ryans political performance was near perfect: each party spends several days and tens of millions of tax-
Lies, dishonesty and deception. payer dollars to stage a made-for-TV spectacle showcasing
a steady stream of carefully scripted political character ac-
Trends Analysis: On the issue of lies, Republican and tors orating from teleprompters before a wildly applauding
Democrat politicians were joined in a rare instance of true cast of thousands.
bipartisanship: No lie was too big or too small to tell as They were all there: The rabbis, priests, and ministers;
long as it advanced agendas or produced desired results. the maimed veterans who didnt regret having sacrificed
For his part, President Barack backtrack Obama limbs to make America safe for democracy. And to pull
boasted about his own enviable track record of big lies in the Hispanic vote there were the baby-faced, perfectly
and empty promises. From promising to take no money groomed, shiny new Latino stars coached to read their
from special interests and lobbyists but taking millions carefully scripted speeches with true teleprompted passion,
to cleansing Washington of insiders while staffing his pausing, smiling and choking up on cue, in anticipation of
Administration with nothing but insiders; from vowing the crowds response to the predictable applause lines.
government transparency but operating in impenetrable And then there was the masterful camera work, pan-
secrecy; from promising to close the Guantanamo prison ning over the convention hall to capture the seemingly
camp within a year to letting it stand while adding war- spontaneous, but actually scripted reactions designed to

The Trends Journal Autumn 2012 21

who could express the most heart-wrenching tale of the
difficulties and endless hardships they had to surmount
to live The American Dream.
In addresses replete with sound bites, talking-points
and every clich in the book, each speaker celebrated his
or her accomplishments, paid homage to the wonderful
families they came from who had made their success pos-
sible and declared what devoted family men and women
they all were now.
With image burnished and credentials established,
they launched into their attack.

Trends Analysis: Prior to the era of The Presidential Re-

ality Show, conventions often reflected political reality.
Prior to the 1970s they were often raucous gatherings of
delegates and party bosses wrangling, wheeling and deal-
ing over who they would select as their presidential can-
didate. The outcome was not foreordained and there was
actually some suspense to them.
However, over the subsequent decades, they have not
Anthony Freda / Dan Zollinger

only lost all elements of drama and suspense, but have

devolved into tightly scripted, formulaic pep rallies, what
former TV newsman Ted Koppel has derided as more of
an infomercial than a news event.
And so today, the sole purpose of these elaborate, ex-
pensive, corny, Hollywood-style extravaganzas is to deliv-
affirm successive highlights of the speech. The close-ups er a political sales pitch to the American people. No lon-
of heads nodding in agreement, the physical validation of ger conventions in their original form, the quadrennial
the speakers vacuous, fatuous rhetoric. For Obama, they gatherings have degenerated into coronation ceremonies
were all there: the aging VFW member with a cap on his crowning a pre-selected party king or queen to serve as
head and a flag in his hand, the full spectrum of minori- Pretender to The Throne.
ties, the moms with kids on their laps, the union workers,
American Indians in traditional dress, and even a couple
of Arabs for Obama. Stand By Your Man By 2012, The Presidential
Republican or Democrat, a rainbow coalition of work- Reality Show had become a Family Affair. On the Republi-
ing class, middle class, upper class rose, clapped and can side, the Romneys were pitched as the most perfect, rich-
barked on cue like trained seals. est, nicest, most caring people that ever walked the planet.
And on stage, in their designer dresses and Brooks Always upbeat, never down, they were a smart, frugal, sen-
Brothers suits, perfectly coiffed and excessively Botoxed, sible couple who deeply loved both God and country.
were the party hacks. On the Democratic side, it was pretty much the same
story, except they didnt talk as much about God. But the
OH, THEM! Obamas made up for it by being perfect poor people who
These were the same people you hated in high school and got rich through hard work.
college, the suck-ups who campaigned tirelessly for class Back in the earlier, black-and-white days of The Presi-
president or head of the student council, the insincere dential Reality Show, the good, loyal wives of the contes-
glad-handers, back-slappers, suck-ups and brown-nosers. tants played a simpler auxiliary role, standing decorously
Having never wavered from their career paths, the most beside their man in mostly silent support. Just as the regu-
ambitious of them had successfully glad-handed, back- lar crop of TV reality shows present only an orchestrated
slapped, sucked up and brown nosed their way onto the artificial reality, so in 2012, the last vestiges of any reality
plastically patriotic red, white and blue convention stage. were excised from The Presidential Reality Show.
Each speaker had a mission: to discredit the other As everyone knows, in real life, its virtually unheard
party and its candidate. They vied with each other over of for a wife to rave on about her husband the way Ann

22 The Trends Journal Autumn 2012

and Michelle do, especially after decades of marriage. Yet Fiscal policy, national defense, social issues, geopoli-
in the reality TV world of national conventions, hours of tics, the environment, effectively carrying out the over-
prime time were devoted to the perfect wives extolling the whelming responsibilities attached to the American presi-
virtues of their perfect husbands. dential office (or any nations top office) has nothing to do
with who your daddy was, what your momma did, where
MY GUY your kids go to school and in fact, whether or not you have
Unlike TV Lands typical husband, commonly portrayed a family at all.
as a slovenly, lazy, overweight, dopey, beer-drinking Running a country is not a family affair, yet, in the
couch potato who constantly screws up and couldnt sur- 2012 Presidential Reality Show, such irrelevancies were
vive were it not for his all-knowing, supermom wife and treated as top qualifications for the job. And neither the
their two amazing, special and utterly exceptional chil- public nor the pundits questioned the stupidity of it all.
dren on The Presidential Reality Show, hubby was put Who cares about whether their doctor or dentist has a
on the pedestal. family life or even a family? Does anyone ask the captain
In the magical, mystical, supernatural world of politics, of the cruise ship how many kids he has? Is it important
the dim-witted jerk who can barely tie his shoes, boil water to know whats going on between your car mechanic and
or screw in a light bulb is transformed into a shining ex- his wife?
ample of the greatest, smartest, bestest husband and daddy It was a grand manipulation, a ploy designed to distract
that any woman could ever hope to be impregnated by. the public from the unworthiness and incompetence of
He is the all-inclusive, all-around man who rides a two mediocre men: Obama with his track record of broken
horse, pets dogs, plays basketball, shoots pool, does push- promises and failed policies and Romney with his reputa-
ups, (hardly ever burps, never farts), fixes the kids bikes tion as a ruthless corporate vulture flip-flopper both of
and goes over the river and through the woods to grand- them buried beneath a deluge of sentimental slop.
mas house for Christmas dinner. No doors slammed, It was The Presidential Reality Show. But while the
dishes thrown, nor voices raised in the perfect households media and pundits panned the contestants performances
of the perfect people. as weak on substance and vague on solutions, they werent
Above all, this prince of a man loves his kids and fam- calling it what it was: a multimillion dollar cheap act.
ily and is therefore qualified to stand at the helm of the
worlds last remaining, though swiftly declining, econom- Barack Obamas uninspiring speech
ic and military superpower. It was his uplifting convention speech in Boston
in 2004 that shot Barack Obama to stardom
The US president did offer some trademark flour-
The Grand Manipulation Part Super Bowl ishes. But they could not make up for the lack of
halftime show, part mega-church revival meeting, the new substance. Following Mitt Romneys largely
conventions are as fictional as anything coming out of content-free address in Tampa last week, Mr.
Hollywood. Yet millions of red, white and blue Americans Obama had an opportunity to show up his oppo-
sit through these well-rehearsed, elaborate charades and nent. As it is, both emerge from convention season
take them at face value, while a gaggle of political pundits with question marks over their campaigns. (FT, 8
provide long-winded commentary on the actors perfor- September 2012)
mances, as though they reflected reality rather than role
playing. Of course there was lack of new substance in Obamas
Had The Presidential Reality Show been only a Hol- speech, because after three and half years in office his
lywood production, it could have been written off as en- track record proved him to be a man of no substance.
tertainment and it would have been a comedy, had it not And anyone taking the time to review the dozens of Re-
been so tragic. Here were two men auditioning before the publican debates leading up to the convention will hear
nation for the job of decider and Commander-in-Chief, nothing but an unremitting barrage of Romney attacks
being introduced and spoken for by their wives and with upon the Presidents performance, while he offered con-
their kids in tow. tent free solutions of his own.
No, the question marks were not over their cam-
STRANGE BREED paigns. The question marks hovered over the capabilities
In the real world, who would take their wife and kids of the contestants. But the media were too gutless, too
along when applying for a top executive job or any job stupid or too partisan to call the charade a charade or a
and expect to be taken seriously? spade a spade.

The Trends Journal Autumn 2012 23

ITS NOT THE ECONOMY, STUPID new jobs are not enough to keep up with population
growth [150,000 per month is needed], the decline in the
Unlike 2008, when the crisis-stricken economy dominated U.3 unemployment rate was caused by 368,000 discour-
the presidential race, in 2012, even though money and jobs aged job seekers giving up on finding employment and
were prominently on the minds of the American public, dropping out of the work force.
they were often overshadowed by other news or candidate Discouraged workers are not included in the U.3 mea-
gaffes, and polls showed it. sure of unemployment, which makes the measure useless.
The race, which had been a dead heat prior to the The only purpose of the U.3 is to keep bad news out of the
conventions, widened to a five-point Obama advantage, news. The U.3 unemployment rate only measures those
despite the gloomy economic news that broke just hours who have not been discouraged by the inability to find a
after the Presidents convention speech: job and are still actively seeking employment.
The government produces another unemployment
Obama Momentum Slowed by measure, the U.6, which includes people who have been
Jobs Report That May Spur Stimulus discouraged by the inability to find a job and have been
President Barack Obama, a day after getting his out of the work force for less than a year. This measure of
highest approval rating in more than a year, was unemployment is 14.7 percent, a number that would get
confronted by a worse-than-expected slowdown in plenty of media attention if reported.
the job market that threatened to undercut enthu- When the long-term (more than one year) discouraged
siasm for his re-election. workers are included, the US unemployment rate is about
About 12 hours after Obama took the stage at 22 percent. In other words, the real US rate of unemploy-
the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, ment is almost three times higher than the reported head-
North Carolina, to accept the partys nomination line rate of 8.1 percent.
for a second term as president, Republican nomi- What is the purpose of reporting an unemployment
nee Mitt Romney seized on the labor data, under- rate that is about one-third the real unemployment rate?
lining the challenge the economy presents for the The only answer is deception through Happy News.
Yesterdays U.S. Labor Department report
drove the political debate as both candidates Lets have a look at those 96,000 jobs. What kind of high-
campaigned in the swing states of Iowa and New tech, high-income super jobs is the worlds only superpow-
Hampshire. The figures showed the economy er, the indispensable nation, the worlds greatest economy
added 96,000 jobs in August, down from a revised and capitalist heaven creating? The answer is lowly paid
gain of 141,000 in July and fewer than forecast. Third World jobs, which is why there is not and cannot be
While the unemployment rate fell to 8.1 per- an economic recovery. All the good jobs have been moved
cent from 8.3 percent in July, the report showed offshore in order to maximize the incomes of the rich.
368,000 Americans left the job market and the According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS),
share of the working-age population in the labor 28,300 of the 96,000 jobs, or 29 percent, are waitresses
force slumped to 63.5 percent, the lowest since and bartenders.
1981. (Bloomberg, 8 September 2012) Health care and social services, primarily ambulatory
health care services and home health care services, pro-
By all measures, the fundamentals of the economy were vided 21,700 jobs or 22.6 percent of the jobs.
not sound. When analyzed in depth by Dr. Paul Craig So, 52 percent of the new jobs created by the American
Roberts, Assistant Treasury Secretary during the Reagan superpower are lowly paid waitresses, bartenders, practi-
administration, the job numbers revealed a United States cal nurses, and hospital orderlies.
rotting out at its core: Highly paid manufacturing jobs declined by 15,000.
The incomes lost by these jobs most likely exceed the in-
Spinning Bad Financial come gains from the waitresses, bartenders, and hospital
News Into Good orderlies jobs.
Where did the other 46,000 jobs come from?
by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Formerly, in hard times, government employment
Fridays payroll jobs report says that 96,000 new jobs were would expand but, despite Republican propaganda, not in
created in August and that the unemployment rate, known todays mean times. Government (federal, state and local)
as the U.3, fell from 8.3 percent to 8.1 percent. As 96,000 lost 7,000 jobs.

24 The Trends Journal Autumn 2012

Professional and business services gained 28,000 jobs, But you will never, ever, hear this fact from the finan-
primarily in computer systems design and related services cial press.
(mainly Indians on H-1B work visas) and management A financial system based on lies and deceptions cannot
and technical consulting services (mainly former corpo- last forever. o
rate professional employees who now eke out a living by
consulting for their former employers, without pension or Trend Forecast: The collapse should have occurred im-
health benefits in other words, people who are working mediately following the Panic of 08, an economic explo-
the same jobs for less money). sion that reverberated around the world. Although the
These three categories account for 81 percent of the collapse was postponed by schemes undreamed of res-
new jobs. cue plans, bailouts, stimulus and rounds of quantitative
Where are the remainder? easing engineered by successive administrations and the
There are a few thousand new jobs in finance and in- Federal Reserve the trillions spent, borrowed and loaned
surance, jobs that absorb consumer incomes but produce would provide only symptom relief for what was a chronic,
no product. Telephone, cable, water, electricity, and heat- degenerative economic condition.
ing produced 8,800 jobs. Transportation and warehousing Back then, there was no way for us to predict that Un-
to store unsold goods produced 5,700 jobs. Retail trade, cle Sam, incessantly championing himself as a capitalist,
primarily food and beverage stores (alcohol), produced would prove to be a closet fascist merging state and cor-
6,100 jobs. porate powers and stealing trillions of the peoples money
And there you have it. The powerful American econ- to bail out too-big-to-fail banks, financiers and transna-
omy is an economy that cannot produce its own clothes tional businesses.
and shoes, or the manufactured products, including high But regardless of what scams they would try and what-
technology products, that it consumes, or its own energy, ever politicians and Wall Street promised, Gerald Celente
all of which it imports by issuing more debt. saw through the con game and was certain that what was
The great hegemonic American economy is on the being touted as recovery was, in fact, the greatest finan-
verge of total collapse because the only way it can pay for cial cover-up in history. (See Trend Alert: Celente on Rus-
the imports that sustain it is by issuing more debt and sia Today Cover up, not Recovery, 15 September 2009)
printing more money. Once the debt and money creation
undermines the dollar as the worlds reserve currency, the
US will become a Third World country, much to the relief
of the rest of the world. LESSER OF TWO EVILS
On September 9, Mario Draghi, the head of the Euro-
pean Central Bank, announced for propaganda purposes While each of the presidential contestants whistled and
that the ECB would buy up the sovereign debt of the trou- danced to a different tune, there was little to distinguish
bled EU member governments if, and only if, the assisted one from the other in terms of substance.
member governments agreed to the conditions that would Obama, positioning himself as a born-again populist,
be imposed. took on the role of President for the People, and enemy
In other words, Draghi told Greece, Spain and Italy, of big-bank oligopolies, Wall Street criminals, corporate
The ECB will buy your bonds if you do what we tell you! welfare and environmental deregulation and desecration.
Draghis conditions are a combination of austerity mea- And while he played the role well on-stage, off-stage
sures and the surrender of financial sovereignty. Since his track record included giving trillions to the big banks
the troubled debtor countries already had that option, with no strings attached. Under his administration, not
Draghis scheme doesnt change anything. However, the one White Shoe Boy the big bankers and top financiers
NY Stock Exchange used Draghis announcement to gin responsible for the massive crimes and corruption was
up day-trading profits. prosecuted. And although Obama talked a good game
Draghi says that the money that the ECB will pour into about stopping illegitimate foreclosure practices and
purchasing Greek, Italian and Spanish bonds will be off- helping people keep their homes, the facts proved he did
set by draining reserves from the European banking sys- very little.
tem, hardly a helpful operation to stressed banks and the
European recession. FRACK YOU
It is difficult to imagine worse news than Draghis. Yet On the environment, his core base of eco-sensitive lib-
stock markets rose. This result is more evidence that fi- erals suddenly went deaf, blind and dumb when Obama
nancial markets are not to be trusted. boasted in his Convention speech, Weve opened millions

The Trends Journal Autumn 2012 25

of new acres for oil and gas exploration in the last three port for Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. (Fox, 5
years, and well open more. Was it hypocrisy that kept September 2012)
them silent when Obama promised to keep investing in
clean coal (an oxymoron)? Were they so gullible and Not wanting to get on the wrong side of God or Israel, the
infatuated that they really believe he could make good Democrats swiftly reinstated both God and Country into
on his promise that, under his watch, no major environ- their platform.
mental accidents would follow from his opening of the
pristine Arctic to oil exploration? Dems Quickly Switch to Include
What was it that restrained those tree-huggers from God, Jerusalem
protesting Obamas pledge to develop a hundred-year sup- Moments after convention chairman Antonio Vil-
ply of natural gas thats right beneath our feet? Did these laraigosa gaveled in day two of the Democratic
die-hard anti-frackers suddenly think that because it was Convention, the hall burst into chaos as Demo-
Obama making the promise, all that gas right beneath our crats voted to amend their partys platform to in-
feet would miraculously waft up all by itself without hav- clude the word God and name Jerusalem as the
ing to pump millions of tons of toxic chemicals and billions capital of Israel.
of gallons of precious water into the earth? An Obama campaign official said President
Was this abandonment of principles justified by the Obama personally requested that God be put
Presidents promise to create 600,000 new jobs in natu- back into the platform. Why did they change
ral gas alone? that? Obama said, according to the official, when
Was it a failing of the human spirit? Or was it a charac- he heard the word had been removed.
ter flaw that allowed otherwise sensible, intelligent peo- The changes came after Republicans spent
ple to lend their support to Obama, whose deeds were the the morning criticizing Democrats for removing
antithesis of virtually everything they held sacred? Jerusalem and God from their platform, which
Or were they just moral cowards in deep denial, not was adopted during the start of the convention on
man nor woman enough to admit theyd been conned by Tuesday. The Republican platform mentions God
the Conmander-in-Chief? 12 times.
Liberals had spent eight years bashing George W. GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney said
Bush for waging unprovoked and unjustified wars, but Wednesday that taking the word God out of
gave their Nobel Peace Prize-winning President carte the Democratic platform proved that the party is
blanche to continue or intensify the very worst and most veering further and further away into an extreme
vicious of the Bush policies: the troop surge in Afghani- wing that Americans dont recognize.
stan, expanded CIA operations, extra-judicial killings of Romneys vice presidential running mate, Paul
suspected militants, escalation of drone attacks, out- Ryan, said Wednesday that the omission of God in
Bushing-Bush in asserting the right to kill anyone any- the DNC platform was rather peculiar and is
where, including US citizens, without even the pretense of not in keeping with our founding documents, our
judicial review. And of course, there was his Libyan War. founding vision. (ABC, 5 September 2012)

While God had made it back onto the Democratic plat-

Whose Side is God On? While there was lit- form, in fact, He had not been included in the Constitu-
tle true difference between the Lesser of Two Evils, what tion and was mentioned only twice in the Declaration of
was presented as a defining issue separating Romney Independence, which refers to the Laws of Nature and
from Obama and Republican from Democrat was God. In of Natures God, and to the Creator. Other than these
this time of planet-wide economic uncertainty and global two honorable mentions, God was, despite Ryans asser-
strife, God was dragged into the campaign: tion, not a factor in Americas founding documents or
its founding vision.
Paul Ryan Slams The Democrats Keeping the God fires burning and playing the always-
For Removal Of God And Jerusalem safe God card, Romney declared I will not take God out
From Democratic Platform of the name of our platform, I will not take God off our
Republican Vice Presidential candidate Paul coins and I will not take God out of my heart. Were a na-
Ryan appeared on Fox & Friends and weighed tion thats bestowed by God.
in on the Democratic partys platform which has
removed the word God and omitted any sup- Publishers Note: That Gods presence or absence on a po-

26 The Trends Journal Autumn 2012

Anthony Freda / Dan Zollinger
litical platform, in a nation founded upon the sacred prin- thority to speak for Jesus Christ) would humbly submit,
ciple of a separation of church and state, had become a major given His doctrine, that Hed rather hang on the cross
campaign issue and was treated seriously by the Presstitutes, than stand on either of their platforms.
was itself a testament to how far America had strayed from its
founding vision and how debased it had become.
What drivel. Congressman Ryan denouncing the Dem- Back on Earth With God put in his proper place,
ocrats for not including God on their platform; President and Jerusalem (not Tel Aviv) officially recognized on both
Obama demanding that God be reinstated; and Mission- platforms as the rightful capital of Israel, the Iranian nucle-
ary Mitt with his impassioned vow to keep God in his plat- ar issue, having briefly faded from the headlines, was back
form, on coins, and in his heart. in the news by mid-September and Israel was again playing
Was it all political posturing or did these jackasses re- a conspicuous role in shaping the presidential race.
ally believe the Creator gave a good goddamn about In his Republican Convention speech in late August,
what they wanted or thought, or about which candidate Mitt Romney slammed President Obama for not meeting
won or lost? Israels demands for immediate action to forestall Irans
What God were they referring to? The God of the Af- nuclear ambitions and accused him of throwing Israel
ghan, Iraq and Libyan Wars? The God of Drones? The under the bus.
God of Rendition, who approves of enhanced interroga- Every American is less secure today because he has
tion techniques? The God of Surveillance? The God of failed to slow Irans nuclear threat, Romney asserted.
Strip Search, who loves to watch people spread their legs Responding to Romneys charges, Obama, in his Con-
and bend over? Or the God who, rather than selling what vention speech, reaffirmed that Americas commitment to
he possesses and giving it to the poor, parks his wealth Israel, must not waver while warning that The Iranian
in Swiss bank accounts and Cayman Island tax shelters? government must face a world that stays united against its
If that was the God they were referring to, he belonged nuclear ambitions.
in their platform. Impatient for immediate action, from out of the sidelines
But if they were all talking about the Christian God and into the headlines, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Ne-
they profess to love and obey we (without claiming au- tanyahu jumped into the middle of the Presidential race:

The Trends Journal Autumn 2012 27

Israeli Sharpens Call for its coverage in dispassionate journalese: The Israeli Prime
United States to Set Iran Trigger Minister inserted himself into the American presiden-
WASHINGTON Prime Minister Benjamin Ne- tial campaign.
tanyahu of Israel inserted himself into the most No outrage, no indignation, that the leader of Israel was
contentious foreign policy issue of the American willing to use the pressure of the presidential election to
presidential campaign on Tuesday, criticizing the try to force Mr. Obama to commit to attack Iran under
Obama administration for refusing to set clear certain conditions. Had it been any other allied leader
red lines on Irans nuclear progress that would trying to make maximum use of his political leverage
prompt the United States to dragoon America into yet
to undertake a military another war, it would have
strike. As a result, he said, Mr. prime minister, you want a crude, set off a political and media
the administration has no rude, unprecedented, reckless, and risky firestorm. Had America re-
moral right to restrain nounced its sovereignty? Was
Israel from taking military intervention in the US elections. Who are you Israel calling the shots, or the
action of its own. trying to replace the Administration in bombs, as the case may be?
Mr. Netanyahus un- Instead the debate, such as
usually harsh public com-
Washington or that in Tehran? it was, focused on whether or
ments about Israels most not to support an Israeli at-
important ally laid bare tack, rather than the condem-
the tension between him and President Obama nation of who the hell are they to tell the United States
over how to handle Iran. They also suggested that of America what to do and when to do it?
he is willing to use the pressure of the presiden- While the American media and its politicians were too
tial election to try to force Mr. Obama to commit timid to openly criticize Netanyahu, his inappropriate in-
to attack Iran under certain conditions. trusion into the US elections was condemned in the plain-
Mr. Netanyahu, speaking at a news conference est language by Shaul Mofaz, head of Israels Kadima party:
in Jerusalem said, Those in the international com-
munity who refuse to put red lines before Iran dont Mr. prime minister, you want a crude, rude, unprec-
have a moral right to place a red light before Israel. edented, reckless, and risky intervention in the US elec-
In demanding that Mr. Obama effectively issue tions. Tell us who you serve and for what? Why are
an ultimatum to Iran, Mr. Netanyahu appeared to you putting your hand deep into the ballot boxes of the
be making maximum use of his political leverage American electorate? Who are you trying to replace
at a time when Mr. Obamas Republican opponent, the Administration in Washington or that in Tehran?
Mitt Romney, has sought to make an issue of what (Christian Science Monitor, 5 September 2012)
Mr. Romney says is the administrations lack of
support for Israel. And as for Netanyahus reprimand that Those in the in-
It is not clear what level of development in Irans ternational community who refuse to put red lines before
nuclear program would constitute a red line in Iran dont have a moral right to place a red light before
Israeli eyes. Dore Gold, president of the Jerusalem Israel it was a red herring, there was no red light.
Center for Public Affairs, a research institute, and Other than the billions it received yearly from Ameri-
a former Israeli ambassador to the United Nations, can taxpayers, Israel was free to do as it pleased. What was
said in an interview last week: being left out of the discussion was that Israel lacked the
Mr. Netanyahu, who is highly attuned to Amer- firepower and needed United States military support in
ican politics, seemed to be using his comments to order to launch an attack against Iran with any hope of
pressure Mr. Obama to specify at which point the succeeding.
United States would be prepared to take military
action against Iran, perhaps at the United Nations
General Assembly opening this month. (NYT, 11 A Bibi Bomb In late September, at the annual
September 2012) gathering of world leaders at the UN, President Obama,
in his speech before the General Assembly, reiterated his
Trends Analysis: Rather than use language appropriate position that a nuclear-armed Iran is not a challenge that
to this overt attempt by a foreign power to manipulate the can be contained The United States will do what we
outcome of Americas presidential race, the Times couched must to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

28 The Trends Journal Autumn 2012

Anthony Freda / Dan Zollinger
With Obama suddenly taking a 4 percent lead over Rom- of a bomb, so infantile in its execution that even the most
ney in Florida and maintaining a comfortable 65 percent to provincial among the UN delegates should have seen it as
24 percent overall lead among Jewish voters, the political either an insult to their intelligence or surreal.
pressure for an immediate red A cartoon bomb? This man,
line decision abated. with one finger on the launch
In a subsequent appearance button and a crayon in his hand
before the General Assembly, drawing a red line just below
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin the fuse of the bomb was show-
Netanyahu gave a speech that ing the world how close it was to
should have been denounced as doomsday!
the ravings of a lunatic, and put The hour is getting late, very
on a performance that should late, he foamed, The red line
have had him laughed off the must be drawn on Irans nuclear
stage. enrichment program because
While declaring that he these facilities are the only nu-
may postpone a military attack clear installations we can see
against Irans nuclear facilities, he and target.
launched a tirade that compared Instead of the UN guards put-
the Iranian government to Al Qaeda which he described as ting him in straightjacket and hustling him off stage, he
a fanatic ideology bent on world domination, adding that was allowed to finish his speech.
It makes little differences whether these lethal weapons
are in the hands of the worlds most dangerous terrorist re- Trends Analysis: There were no denunciations from the
gime, or the worlds most dangerous terrorist organization. American Presstitutes of Bibis belligerent and delirious
To drive the point home of the danger Iran posed and harangue, nor was there mockery of his ludicrous cartoon
why it must be stopped, he displayed a cartoon diagram bomb and puerile drawing of the red line.

The Trends Journal Autumn 2012 29

In fact, it was the opposite. The New York Times re-
ported the UN bomb drawing incident with all due Prime
Ministerial respect: Suddenly Gods place on the political platforms along
with Iran, jobs and the economy was upstaged when, on
With an almost professorial air, Mr. Netanyahu September 11th, the 11th anniversary of 9/11, terror struck
held up a diagram of a bomb with a fuse to show in Libya:
the Israeli view of Irans progress in achieving the
ability to make a nuclear weapon. He drew a red Libya Attack Brings Challenges for U.S.
line through the point at which Iran would have CAIRO Islamist militants armed with anti-
amassed enough medium-enriched uranium to aircraft weapons and rocket-propelled grenades
make a bomb which he said would be in the stormed a lightly defended United States dip-
spring or summer of 2013. lomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, late Tues-
day, killing the American ambassador and three
Imagine if Putin, Chavez or Ahmadinejad pulled a stunt members of his staff and raising questions about
like Netanyahus. The media would have had a field day the radicalization of countries swept up in the
and politicians would have been piling it on denounc- Arab Spring.
ing, ridiculing and pronouncing them unfit to rule. The ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens, was
And there was no warning issued to Netanyahu by UN missing almost immediately after the start of an
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon as there had been to intense, four-hour firefight for control of the mis-
Ahmadinejad prior to his speech of the dangers of in- sion, and his body was not located until Wednes-
cendiary rhetoric that could result in potentially harmful day morning at dawn, when he was found dead
consequences. at a Benghazi hospital, American and Libyan of-
Nor was there political fallout following Bibis asser- ficials said.
tion that Iran was the worlds most dangerous terrorist American and European officials said that
organization bent on world domination, a claim so idi- while many details about the attack remained
otic that even the Western Presstitutes should have found unclear, the assailants seemed organized, well
it too implausible to swallow. trained and heavily armed, and they appeared to
Iran with a bomb! World domination! Think of it! have at least some level of advance planning. But
First America, then Russia, then China, followed by the officials cautioned that it was too soon to tell
Europe and in the blink of a cosmic eye, Estonia, Ban- whether the attack was related to the anniversary
gladesh, Haiti, Borneo, Brunei, Iceland Disneyland! of the Sept. 11 attacks.
There would be no stopping them. No more Walmarts, Fighters involved in the assault, which was
Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds. Before you know spearheaded by an Islamist brigade formed dur-
it, well all be speaking Farsi and eating falafel. ing last years uprising against Col. Muammar el-
Draw the red line before its too late! Qaddafi, said in interviews during the battle that
they were moved to attack the mission by anger
Trend Forecast: Pre-or-post election, be it Romney or over a 14-minute, American-made video that de-
Obama, would Americas President eventually bow to Is- picted the Prophet Muhammad, Islams founder,
raeli pressure for military action against Iran? If so, there as a villainous, homosexual and child-molesting
can no longer be any question about the pervasive level of buffoon. Their attack followed by just a few hours
Israeli influence on American policy. the storming of the compound surrounding the
Should there be an US/Israel attack on Iran, as we have United States Embassy in Cairo by an unarmed
long forecast, it will be the beginning of World War III. mob protesting the same video. On Wednesday,
And with Israels fingerprints all over it, it will unleash new crowds of protesters gathered outside the
a global wave of anti-Semitism unparalleled in modern United States Embassies in Tunis and Cairo.
history. Benghazi, awash in guns, has recently wit-
nessed a string of assassinations as well as attacks
Publishers Note: That attacking Iran was even being on international missions, including a bomb said
contemplated, much less vigorously promoted, in a desta- to be planted by another Islamist group that ex-
bilized Middle East wracked with violence and disinte- ploded near the United States mission there as
grating into civil wars, could be termed nothing less than recently as June.
an act of total madness. Obama administration officials and regional

30 The Trends Journal Autumn 2012

officials scrambled to sort out conflicting reports WASHINGTON The deeply partisan nature
about the attack and the motivation of the attack- of this years campaign intruded abruptly into a
ers. A senior Obama administration official told foreign policy crisis as Republican nominee Mitt
reporters during a conference call that it was Romney sharply criticized the Obama administra-
clearly a complex attack, but offered no details. tion for issuing an apology for Americas values
Col. Wolfgang Pusztai, who until early August and the president retorted that his challenger was
was Austrias defense attach to Libya and visited politicizing a tragedy.
the country every month, said in an e-mail that Romneys speed in assailing his campaign is-
he believed the attack was deliberately planned sued its first statement Tuesday night appeared
and executed by a core group of about 30 to 40 to some to violate traditions of at least momentary
assailants who were well trained and organized. unity in the face of a foreign threat.
Stationed in Benghazi during the uprising In a brief news conference in Jacksonville,
against Colonel Qaddafi, Mr. Stevens, who was Fla., Romney said that it was a terrible course to
fluent in Arabic and French, had become a lo- for America to stand in apology for our values.
cal hero for his support to the Libyan rebels When our grounds are being attacked and be-
during their time of greatest need. (NYT, 12 ing breached, that the first response of the United
September 2012) States must be outrage at the breach of the sov-
ereignty of our nation. And apology for Americas
The first ten words of this 2,304-word New York Times values is never the right course. (NYT, 13 Sep-
article told the untold story: Islamist militants armed tember 2012)
with antiaircraft weapons and rocket-propelled grenades.
Were these the same rebels to whom Ambassador Stevens In Romney World where America is always right, an
had become a local hero? apology for Americas values is never the right course,
Were these the same rebels for whom President Obama, even when Americas deeds are direct contradictions of
former French President Sarkozy and Prime Minister Da- such American values as invading sovereign nations,
vid Cameron launched their humanitarian mission to starting wars that kill millions for trumped up reasons,
bring freedom and democracy to Libya? targeted assassinations and drone attacks that kill civil-
Or were the rebels that killed Ambassador Stevens ians and that violate International law.
The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) that Colonel As critics attacked Romney for his insensitivity in po-
Muammar Qaddafi had accused of fueling unrest and liticizing the ambassadors death, Obama picked up the
trying to overthrow his government and establish an Is- fumble and ran with it. Gov. Romney seems to have a
lamic state? (The same LIGF founded by Libyans that had tendency to shoot first and aim later, Obama said. As
fought against Soviet forces in Afghanistan, which the US president, one of the things Ive learned is you cant do
had supported and who would subsequently play a key that; its important for you to make sure that the state-
role in overthrowing the Qaddafi regime.) ments that you make are backed up by the facts. We will
It was yet another grotesque example of American for- not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done
eign policy achieving results diametrically opposed to for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will
those always-phony promises of bringing freedom and be done.
democracy to the repressed masses, especially when they In pursuit of justice (i.e., killing anyone sus-
were sitting on billions of gallons of oil and not playing pected of having participated in the consulate attack),
the oil game according to Americas rules. Obama dispatched two battleships to Libya and sent
Stevenss death immediately became a political in the Marines:
football that was thrown into The Presidential Reality
Show spotlight: Marines sent into Libya after
envoy is killed in attack
Romneys quick criticism The US stepped up security at embassies around
on Libya draws rebuke the world and sent a contingent of marines to Lib-
President Obama and even some ya after its ambassador was killed in an attack on
Republicans criticize Mitt Romney for assailing the US consulate in the eastern city of Benghazi.
the initial administration response on the day In what US officials said appeared to have been
of the attacks on U.S. diplomatic missions in a planned operation, an armed group attacked
Libya and Egypt the consulate for more than 4 hours on Tuesday

The Trends Journal Autumn 2012 31

evening. It was the first time a US ambassador has Libya:
been killed abroad in more than 30 years. Death To America
The killing of the ambassador underlined the
by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
continued lawlessness in post-revolution Libya
and its governments inability to restore security. KINGSTON, NY, 14 September 2012 Try to imagine
It was also a deadly reminder for the US and its more deluded reporting than this by Americas Pressti-
western allies of the complex realities of a more tute free press: For 11 years Washington, in pursuit of
democratic north Africa that they are helping to its rightful hegemony, has been sending troops, bombers,
shape one in which the old security state has jet fighters, helicopter gunships, drones and assassination
been decimated and new governments are still teams into seven Muslim countries. Two of the Muslim
struggling to assert themselves. countries, Iraq and Libya, and perhaps more depending
The US played a key role in the international on how you see it, have been overthrown by Washington
campaign that helped oust Muammar Gaddafi last and left in chaos.
year and has been a supporter of the new interim Washingtons assaults on seven countries have blown
authority. up weddings, funerals, kids soccer games, farm houses,
Today, many Americans are asking indeed, I hospitals, aid workers, schools, people walking along the
asked myself how could this happen? How could streets, village elders. But the Muslims dont mind! They
this happen in a country we helped liberate, in a understand that the well-meaning Americans who love
city we helped save from destruction? said Hill- them and are committed to their human rights are bring-
ary Clinton, US secretary of state. This question ing them democracy and womens rights. The million or
reflects just how complicated and, at times, how more dead, maimed, and displaced Muslims are a low
confounding the world can be. (FT, 13 Septem- price to be paid for liberation by Washington.
ber 2012) The Muslims understand that liberation has costs and
are content with Washingtons liberating violence until
Trends Analysis: There was Hillary Clinton, the loudest some idiot in California produced an anti-Islamic film.
war hawk in the White House, who had screeched for the This film, and not Washingtons predations, set the Mus-
invasion of Libya a sovereign nation at peace with the lim world alive with hate America.
United States with a mission statement to overthrow its On the symbolic date of September 11, the US am-
leader, asking rhetorically how could this happen? bassador to Libya and some other Washington repre-
More appropriately, why wasnt anyone asking if this sentatives were assassinated in Libya. According to the
woman (who giggled, We came, we saw, he died, and Presstitute media, the assassins did not kill the Ameri-
bounced with glee on TV at the news of Qaddafis death) cans because Washington destroyed their country and
was actually deranged to even ask such a daft question, left them in chaos. The assassins killed the Americans
with such an obvious answer? because of a trailer for an anti-Islamic film for which the
How could this not happen! murdered American representatives were not responsible.
Yet the Presstitutes not only repeated Madam Sec- This is the way Washington works and thinks. It is not
retarys absurdities verbatim and without comment, as Washingtons slaughter of Muslims and control over their
shown in the video link above, they laughed along and societies and political life that produces blowback. It is
nodded in agreement. Thus, when Hillary states This independent film-makers in California!
question reflects how complicated and confounding the Deluded politicians in Washington, both Republicans
world could be, she is given a free ride. Her statement and Democrats and, of course, the bought-and-paid-for
is accepted, implicitly suggesting that if shes bewildered, experts, brought these forceful rejections of America
then it must be bewildering to everyone. upon us all. Washington has not only attacked Muslim
And, while it may have seemed complicated to a countries on the basis of concocted lies weapons of
simpleton and looked confounding to someone utterly mass destruction, al-Qaeda connections, brutal dictators
out of touch with the world, it was neither. It was as simple but also destroyed the secular governments that held
as one, two, three, and what it reflected was American the Islamists in check, and prevented their attacks on US
foreign policy: attack, invade, destroy and occupy. representatives and institutions.
Thousands of deaths, mass destruction, bombed-out In Egypt, long an American puppet state, the US Em-
cities, wanton slaughter how could it NOT happen? bassy was stormed and the US flag was torn apart. If
Americas decades of hegemonic foreign policy can, and only this were all, Washington could again purchase the
has, engendered deep hatred and a thirst for revenge: Egyptian government, as it has done since Anwar Sadats

32 The Trends Journal Autumn 2012

assassination. But the ongoing news is that anti-
American protests are not only spreading across
the Middle East but erupting throughout the
world: Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, Iraq, Yemen,
Iran, Gaza, Bangladesh, Lebanon, London, and
even into Israel.
The Obama administration is blaming al-Qa-
eda, an Islamist group that the administration is
currently supporting in its efforts to overthrow
the secular Assad government in Syria and the
group that the Obama administration used to
overthrow the Libyan government, thus leaving
a power vacuum in its place. Having destroyed

Anthony Freda / Dan Zollinger

the protection from Islamist attacks that secular
Arab rulers provided Washington, Obama, in a
show of force, has sent drones, aircraft carriers,
Marines, and Tomahawk missile ships to Libya,
raising the prospect that more schools and chil-
drens soccer games will be mistaken for jihadi
encampments and blown up.
Attempting to politicize the turmoil, Presidential can- The US is the new Rome, and Europe, the UK, Canada,
didate Mitt Romney declared that the US needed him in Japan, and Australia are its tributary dominions, along
the White House and as president he would provide with the oil kingdoms.
the leadership that America respects and will keep us ad- In his book, Rubicon, Tom Holland describes what it
mired throughout the world. is like to be a dominion of a powerful and ruthless mili-
What admiration is Romney talking about? Who are tary state:
these admirers? In Egypt, Muslims marching to the beat Prior to the cataclysms of B.C. 146, there had been
of death to America, have not been deterred by police some confusion as to the precise definition of freedom.
after three days of protests. CBS News reports that po- When the Romans claimed to be guaranteeing it, what
lice continue to fire tear gas in hopes it will deplete the did this mean? Roman and Greek interpretations of
strength of the demonstrators but they [the demonstra- freedom diverged. To the Romans, freedom meant an op-
tors] are proving relentless. portunity for the city states to follow rules laid down by
Roman commissioners.
KINGS GOOD, DICTATORS BAD! This is the freedom that Washington imposes on
Unlike the Washington-supported Saudi royal family that the world. Washington is the bermensch. The rest of the
absorbs most of their nations oil income, Qaddafi allo- world is Washingtons playground. Ruling as Rome did,
cated the oil money to Libyans. In Cynthia McKinneys Washington installs puppets and relies on their obeisance.
excellent book, The Illegal War On Libya, Stephen In the end, empire destroys itself. Washingtons hu-
Lendman writes that Qaddafi wanted Libyans to share in bris and arrogance is turning the world against America.
the countrys oil wealth, a notion foreign to America and Thanks to the Clintons, the Bushes, Cheney, Obama and
other Western societies. Under his 1999 Decision No. 111, the neoconservatives, America, instead of being loved or
all Libyans received free healthcare, education, electric- even respected, is hated with a rising passion. The wide-
ity, water, training, rehabilitation, housing assistance, dis- spread attacks on the imperial powers embassies are only
ability, old-age benefits, interest-free state loans, as well the beginning.
as generous subsidies to study abroad, buy a new car, help As Gerald Celente had forecast, The 1st Great War of
when they marry, practically free gasoline, and more. the 21st Century has begun. o
Why did such a relatively wealthy and egalitarian coun-
try need to be liberated by Washington and its NATO A BAD FLICK No, no. It was simply a crude offensive mov-
war criminal puppet state? ie trailer that sparked the Libyan embassy attack and the
What was achieved by overthrowing a government that subsequent demonstrations that spread worldwide. Any-
provided for its people in better ways than do Western body seeing it as a consequence of the United States and
governments for the people they govern? NATOs brazen overthrow of a sovereign nation lacked a

The Trends Journal Autumn 2012 33

NATO airstrike kills eight
women and girls in Afghanistan
Seven victims in hospital as villagers take
bodies to provincial governors office after
women gathering firewood are hit
Bodies of women Afghan officials say were
killed in the airstrike are brought to a hos-
pital in the Alingar district of Laghman
Eight women and girls gathering fire-
wood were killed by a NATO airstrike in
Afghanistan early on Sunday, according to
Afghan officials.
The coalition says it believes only in-
surgents were hit. But villagers from Alin-
gar district in the remote Laghman prov-
ince, east of Kabul, brought the bodies
to the governors office in the provincial
capital, said Sarhadi Zewak, a spokesman
Anthony Freda / Dan Zollinger

for the provincial government. They were

shouting death to America They were
condemning the attack, Zewak said.
Seven females were taken to area hos-
pitals, some as young as 10, said provincial
health director Latif Qayumi.
NATO forces at first said that about 45
B.A. in Russian and Eastern European Studies from Yale insurgents and no civilians were killed
University and never earned a PhD in Bullshit, as has in the attack. But spokesman Jamie Graybeal
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney: said later that they took the allegations of civil-
ian deaths seriously and were investigating them,
Carney: Protests not though initial reports showed only insurgents
directed at the United States were killed.
The White House insisted Friday that anti-Amer- Air strikes have been a sensitive issue between
ican protests roiling the Middle East are not di- the Afghan people who say civilians often end
rected at President Obamas policies, but at a film up killed along with or instead of insurgents and
produced in the U.S. that Muslims find offensive. NATO forces who maintain that they are a key
This is not a case of protest directed at the tactic against insurgent leaders. (Guardian, 16
United States writ large or at U.S. policy, said September 2012)
White House press secretary Jay Carney. It is in
response, not to United States policy, not to, ob- Trends Analysis: While it may have been a key tactic it
viously, the administration, not to the American was a proven abject and murderous failure. To persist in
people, but to a video, a film, that we have judged employing it was manifest insanity.
to be reprehensible, disgusting. (The Washington Yet the media corps would not only let the NATO
Free Beacon, 14 September 2012) spokesman get away with it unchallenged, but reported
it in such a way as to make it look credible and sound
No, no, no, the consulate attack and worldwide protests authoritative.
were not in response to the endless stream of US atrocities Eleven years of war, with its troop surges and bold
assassinations, predator drone strikes, torture camps or promises of impressive progress made by US and NATO
Americas 11-year Afghan War that routinely produces generals impressive progress in producing tens of
headlines such as the one that ran shortly after Carney thousands dead, hundreds of thousands wounded, and a
maintained it was the offending movie clip that brought country in ruins with nothing gained other than hatred
on the violence: and the populaces desire for revenge.

34 The Trends Journal Autumn 2012

ACCESSORIES TO THE CRIME The Presstitutes pressed cult to project the trajectory of how the reaction
on, reporting propaganda as fact. Just as they repeated the of protesters around the region would develop.
2001 White House line that America had been attacked In appearances on several Sunday talk shows,
on 9/11 because they hate our freedom and liberty, so Ms. Rice described Mr. Obama as incred-
the 9/11 attack on the American consulate in Libya, elev- ibly calm, incredibly steady, and incredibly mea-
en years to the day later, was described as being launched sured through the crisis. She said his leadership
solely as a response to an inflammatory anti-Muslim trailer has ensured that in Egypt, in Yemen, in Tunisia,
for a film produced by an obscure, amateur American film- in Libya, and many other parts of the world, that
maker. leaders have come out and made very plain that
Whatever came out of the White House (regardless of theres no excuse for this violence.
who was living in it) was taken at face value. And when She dismissed suggestions that the U.S. has
high officials spoke, their words were given much more become less effective or popular in the region.
weight than if they had been spoken by someone who ac- Were not impotent, she said in response to a
tually knew what he or she was talking about, and wasnt question on This Week. Were not even less
lying or spinning the truth: popular. (Bloomberg, 16 September 2012)

Susan Rice: Libya Protests In keeping with their motto: A Presstitute is a Pressti-
Hijacked by Extremists tute is a Presstitute is a Presstitute, the American media
An Obama administration official said Sunday recorded and reported these self-serving, uninformed ob-
that the deadly attack on a U.S. consulate in Libya servations, declarations and conjectures without so much
last week was the work of individual clusters of as a grimace, since, after all, they were spoken by a voice
extremists but began as a spontaneous protest. of authority, the US Ambassador to the UN.
Libyas interim president, Mohammed Al-
Megarif, suggested on Sunday that al-Qaeda was Trends Analysis: No, America was not even less popu-
behind the deadly assault on the U.S. consulate lar. That was why, around the globe, mobs were burning
in Benghazi, which claimed the life of the U.S. the American flag and screaming Death to America.
ambassador. And no, according to Ambassador Rice, the protests
Ms. Rice said on ABC that the assault on the werent an expression of hostility in the broadest sense to
U.S. consulate in Benghazi Tuesday started with the U.S. or its policies. Could anyone take this nonsense
a small number of people seeking to replicate seriously? In the broadest sense, the narrowest sense
a violent protest that had broken out in Cairo. and every other sense, the expressions of hostility were
And then as that unfolded, it seems to have been precisely what they seemed to be and were understood as
hijacked, let us say, by some individual clusters such by anyone with common sense.
of extremists who came with heavier weapons, Implicit was the message there was nothing to worry
weapons that in the wake of the revolution in about. As soon as the offending movie is forgotten, the
Libya are quite common and accessible, she expressions of hostility will cease and the Arabs of the
said. And it then evolved from there. world will unite to sing the praises of all things American.
Mr. Magrief said, in contrast, if you take into And, not to forget, no matter what happened, how it
account the weapons used, like RPGs [rocket- happened, or why it happened, the situation was under
propelled grenades] and other heavy weapons, it control. As the distinguished UN Ambassador assured the
proves that it was pre-planned. Its a dirty act of American people, Mr. Obama (in between his rolled-up-
revenge that has nothing to do with religion. sleeve, non-stop campaign stops, golf games and rounds of
The consulate attack in Benghazi killed four basketball) was a Commander-in-Chief who was incred-
Americans, including the U.S. ambassador to ibly calm, incredibly steady, and incredibly measured
Libya, Christopher Stevens. A question that has through the crisis especially since he was thousands
lingered since is whether it started as a spontane- of miles away from the consulate when it was bombarded.
ous protest or had been planned by extremists.
Ms. Rice told Fox News Sunday that the
protests werent an expression of hostility in Were Better Than You Presidents, Secretar-
the broadest sense to the U.S. or its policies, but ies of This and That, Ministers of Importance, Ambas-
rather were a reaction to the video negatively de- sadors of Wherever and all those of Higher Authority not
picting the Muslim faith. She said that it was diffi- only knew what was best for everyone, they lived in a dif-

The Trends Journal Autumn 2012 35

ferent world and even died in a different world. build a better country.
Not only were they more important in life, they were Her voice grew stronger again as she called
more important in death: on leaders in the Middle East to fulfill their ob-
ligations to protect diplomatic posts. The peo-
Diplomats Bodies Return to U.S. ple of Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Tunisia did not
WASHINGTON As four flag-draped coffins trade the tyranny of a dictator for the tyranny
bearing the bodies of the Americans killed in of a mob, she said. Reasonable people and re-
Libya arrived in the United States on Friday, new sponsible leaders in these countries need to do
details emerged of Ambassador J. Christopher everything they can to restore security and hold
Stevenss final hours, alone, locked in a smoke- accountable those behind these violent acts.
filled room in a diplomatic mission under siege. (NYT, 14 September 2012)
In a solemn ceremony at Joint Base Andrews
outside the capital, President Obama said the vic- Trends Analysis: And so it was, when one of those higher
tims laid down their lives for us all and vowed authorities got killed, it rocked Washington and Ameri-
to honor their memory by never retreating from can embassies around the world and a made-for-TV sol-
the world. emn ceremony was broadcast live on news channels.
The arrival, broadcast live on news channels, The Ambassador was dead, long live the Ambassador!
proved an emotional culmination to an episode But when Pvt. Mike Jones gets blown to pieces by a
that has rocked Washington and American embas- roadside bomb, or Cpl. Tammy White gets a bullet in the
sies around the world, even as details of those final head, or Sgt. Jose Gonzales gets murdered by the Afghan
fateful moments only now began to come clear. recruit hes supposed to be training, nothing is broadcast
Mr. Obama called Mr. Stevens everything live and neither Washington nor its embassies around the
America could want in an ambassador. world are rocked. When the coffins of the Average Joes
Of the three others killed in the attack, he and Janes come back, the media doesnt show them, and
said Sean Smith, a Foreign Service officer and an the President, Secretary of State and top military brass
Air Force veteran, had lived to serve. Tyrone S. are AWOL.
Woods, a former member of the Navy SEALs pro- It was 24/7 non-stop propaganda. The brave, beloved,
viding diplomatic security, was the consummate fluent-in-Arabic Ambassador Stevens didnt risk his life
quiet professional. And Glen A. Doherty, also a to help protect the Libyan people from a tyrant. There
former member of the SEALs providing security, are tyrants ruling throughout the world, many of whom
never shied from adventure. America supports. In Libya, Stevens was looking after
Even in our grief we will be resolute, for we Americas interests (i.e., doing its dirty work). The aim was
are Americans, Mr. Obama said. And we hold to remove the uncooperative Qaddafi and install a pup-
our head high, knowing that because of these pa- pet government that would allow America to better exploit
triots, because of you, this country that we love Libyas precious high-quality sweet crude, a resource that
will always shine as a light unto the world. the Chinese and others were freely accessing.
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton,
who looked stricken and seemed to be fighting her Publishers Note: Are the American people ever going to
emotions, echoed those sentiments. We will wipe wake up and grow up? How many times are they going to
away our tears, stiffen our spines and face the fu- buy in to the same lame, stale and demonstrably fraudu-
ture undaunted, she said. All four worked for her, lent storyline that the reason the United States invades,
and she spoke slowly and with evident grief. She destroys and occupies sovereign countries that pose no
knew Mr. Stevens personally, she said, praising threat to it is for the standard, one-size-fits-all, altruistic
his goofy but contagious smile, his California All-American reason: To bring freedom and democracy to
cool and, mostly, his dedication and courage. people being oppressed by brutal dictators and tyrants?
What a wonderful gift you gave us, she told While American politicians keep pledging allegiance
his family. Over his distinguished career in the to the flag of the United States of America, their words
Foreign Service, Chris won friends for the United and deeds run in direct contradiction to the words and
States in far-flung places. He made those peoples deeds of the Founding Fathers whom they profess to hon-
hopes his own. During the revolution in Libya, he or, though only when convenient:
risked his life to help protect the Libyan people
from a tyrant, and he gave his life helping them Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure

36 The Trends Journal Autumn 2012

you to believe me, fellow-citizens,) the jealousy of a free U.S. officials initially attributed the death to
people ought to be constantly awake; since history and protests over an anti-Islam film that got out of
experience prove, that foreign influence is one of the most control.
baneful foes of Republican Government. But that jealousy, Aides to President Obama said the attack remains
to be useful, must be impartial; else it becomes the in- under investigation, including the state of security at
strument of the very influence to be avoided, instead of the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
a defence against it. Excessive partiality for one foreign President Obama is concerned that violent ac-
nation, and excessive dislike of another, cause those whom tions were taken that led to the deaths of four Ameri-
they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to cans, said White House spokesman Jay Carney.
veil and even second the arts of influence on the other. He is absolutely concerned that we take the
Real patriots, who may resist the intrigues of the favor- necessary measures to make sure that those who
ite, are liable to become suspected and odious; while its killed Americans are brought to justice, Carney
tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the said. And he has been focused from the begin-
people, to surrender their interests. George Washington ning on ensuring that adequate security reinforce-
ments be brought to bear at embassies and consul-
The counsel of their Founding Fathers had been consigned ates and diplomatic facilities where thats deemed
to the waste bin of history. Perhaps the American people necessary.(USA Today, 20 September 2012)
would never wake up or grow up. Brainwashed since birth
to believe my country right or wrong, the country their What is the beleaguered, spin-battered public supposed
Founding Fathers created had long since disappeared. to think? First the attack on the consulate was officially
My country right or wrong now meant obey your politi- reported as a violent response to an offensive movie clip
cal leaders, follow their orders or suffer the consequences. and should not be seen as an expression of hostility in the
broadest sense to the U.S. or its policies. Four days later
the official new spin was that it was self-evident that its
Flip Flop In an instant, the White House party line a terrorist attack.
about what happened in Libya and what motivated it was
given a fresh new spin. Thus, the question raised but nev-
er asked was: Why would anyone believe the second spin The Big Questions In the days following the as-
since the first spin was sold as the official truth: sault on the American consulate in Libya, the big ques-
tions being asked by the media, pundits and political op-
White House: Libya was terrorist attack position were: Was there a warning of an attack? If so, why
A White House spokesman today said it is appar- didnt the ambassador have more protection?
ent that last weeks attack in Libya that killed a But a bigger question that neither the media nor the
U.S. ambassador and three other Americans was politicians were asking was: What the hell did you expect?
an act of terrorism. The Americans and their NATO allies killed a lot of people
It is self-evident that what happened in Beng- and destroyed a country that was relatively prosperous and
hazi was a terrorist attack, said White House stable, despite pockets of resistance and growing unrest.
spokesman Jay Carney.Our embassy was at- However, that unrest became a full-blown civil war only
tacked violently and the result was four deaths of when President Obama and his NATO partners intervened
American officials. with massive air-strikes and provided armaments, intel-
Carney spoke as CNN and others, citing un- ligence and other military support to anti-Qaddafi forces.
named sources, reported that slain U.S. ambas- So maybe, just maybe, the Libyans who attacked the
sador Chris Stevens had worried about what he US consulate were not the militants or extremists vili-
called the never-ending security threats in Beng- fied by politicians and the media. Possibly, just possibly,
hazi and mentioned his name was on an al Qaeda they were Qaddafi loyalists seeking revenge.
hit list.
As U.S. officials continue to investigate the WHAT IF?
deaths of Stevens and three other Americans, Na- Suppose the tables were turned. Suppose an outside force
tional Counterterrorism Center director Matthew (e.g., the BRIC coalition) attacked, invaded and destroyed
Olsen told a Senate hearing: I would say, yes, America on the pretext of ridding the country of the Wash-
they were killed in the course of a terrorist attack ington tyrants who had robbed the people of their Consti-
on our embassy. tutional rights, enriched the already-rich one percent at

The Trends Journal Autumn 2012 37

the expense of the 99 percent, and who had started wars Presidential Reality Show. It was a star-spangled,
under false pretenses, sacrificing the lives and limbs of made-for-TV-spectacle appropriating the low-
its troops only to enrich the military industrial complex. est common denominator elements of the World
Would those Americans who rose up to oppose the in- Wrestling Federation, the Miss America Pageant
vaders be vilified as militants or extremists? Or would and American Idol.
they be considered resistance fighters, revered as patriots Given that this is what is passed off as po-
and martyrs for risking their lives to throw out the new litical debate in America, come Election Day,
government imposed upon them? the American Idol winner (a.k.a. The President of
No, as a befuddled Hillary Clinton claimed, the world the United States) will be the best performer. And
was not complicated and confounding. In the case of Barack Obama has proven that he can out-per-
Libya, it was simple. Anyone understanding the cause and form and out-teleprompt them all he will tell the
effect of trend dynamics (where we are, how we got here teleprompted truth the audience wants to hear.
and where were going) would understand what happened, And on a stage where performance counts
why it happened and where it was heading. more than the heart, fans (a.k.a. the electorate)
It may have seemed confounding to the Presstitutes, will vote for the Best Actor. That actor will be the
pundits, politicians and the tens of millions of indoc- man who commands the stage, Barack Obama.
trinated Americans who believe in their President and
my country, right or wrong. And it may have seemed TREND FORECAST UPDATE Exactly one year to the
complicated to the followers of Democratic and Repub- day since we made our forecast for an Obama victory, the
lican cults that, with Hillary, would wonder, How could primary component supporting it his superior stage per-
this happen in a country we helped liberate, in a city we formance skills dramatically deserted him. Going into
helped save from destruction? the debate with a small, but statistically significant lead,
Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya the same propaganda is used Obama bombed in what was arguably the most amateur-
to justify Americas invasions or incursions and the same ish debate performance ever televised.
propaganda is used to demonize all those who refuse to be America is a nation in crisis, its economy in the grip
ruled by whoever it may be that the US demands should of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depres-
rule them. Those that fight back, those that do not want sion. Yet, with people losing their homes and their jobs,
American-style freedom and democracy are militants, ex- with the homeless population surging and nearly 50 mil-
tremists, terrorists and, sophomorically, The Bad Guys. lion people on food stamps, with an intractable $16 tril-
lion national debt, trillion-dollar budget deficits, trillions
more in consumer and student debt, and with the military
mired in losing wars as new wars loom, President Obama
AMATEUR HOUR opened the first of three critical presidential debates with
a calculated crowd pleaser:
In an October 3, 2011 Trend Alert, we forecast that President
Obama would defeat any of the Republican front-runners There are a lot of points that I want to make tonight, but
competing for the nomination at that time, one of whom the most important one is that 20 years ago I became the
was Mitt Romney. This forecast was not based on perceived luckiest man on earth because Michelle Obama agreed to
or substantive differences between the Republican chal- marry me. And so I just want to wish, Sweetie, you happy
lengers and the President, but rather on the superficiality anniversary .
of the entire spectacle.
In short, we predicted Obama would be re-elected not It was all part of the script. Obamas how much I love
because of his performance in office but because of his you Sweet Petunia after 20 years of marital bliss may
performance on stage. We wrote: have warmed some womens hearts. But declaring it his
most important point spoke subliminal volumes about
The Presidential Reality Show the man, his insensitivity and his shallowness.
Reflecting back on the debates between Repub- Even if it was intended as no more than a lighthearted
lican candidates, Celente says, This isnt politics opening line, he and his wife were the point not the 67
as an exercise in Democracy in action, its politics million Americans tuned into the debate, the 50 million
as show business for ugly people. on food stamps, the soldiers that had lost their lives, limbs
Anyone who saw the September 12th debate and minds in futile, immoral wars.
hosted by CNN witnessed an early episode of The And from that point on he crumbled.

38 The Trends Journal Autumn 2012

WIRED AND OUT OF TOUCH What we can confidently forecast is that absent an
On stage, the President rambled on, seemingly unable to October Surprise in which some type of national emer-
speak a full sentence without the aid of a teleprompter, gency rallies the people around their President the can-
the mind-held device he never leaves home without. didate who performs the best in the TV debates will win
The uncharacteristically un-presidential performance the White House.
was universally panned:
THE NEXT FOUR YEARS Seventy million Americans
n Romney Dominates Glum President (Financial and millions more around the world have witnessed the
Times) caliber of the two men contending for office. What can
n Mitt Romney comes out on top as Obama stumbles they possibly expect from either of the candidates? Yet,
in first debate (The Guardian) one of them will lead the nation.
n CNN poll: Romney beats Obama in first debate The question is, where to?
n Romney the aggressor in debate fixed on economy Why should the public expect any more from either
(The Jerusalem Post) Romney or Obama than what they have already wit-
n The 1st Round goes to Romney (Die Welt) nessed? The candidates track records are matters of re-
n Mitt Romney breathes new life into Race (Neue cord. Obama pretends he would not do most of what Rom-
Zuericher Zeitung) ney promises he will do. While Romney, if elected, will do
n Romney turns in strong debate performance Japan what Obama has done for the last four years as President,
Today but promised he wouldnt do.
Yet, voters will wait for the next debate to see which
The debate itself, such as it was, devolved into a face-off candidate performs the best. And rather than rising in
between an empty suit and a stuffed shirt. protest to demand a choice between a Greater of Two
Romney, who up to the moment he took the stage, Goods, the American people will once again acquiesce
had been ridiculed world-wide for his serial gaffes, his and submit to the system and vote into office a Lesser of
stumbling, insincere delivery, his flip-flops and outright Two Evils.
lies, suddenly turned the tables. Insofar as anything in
The Presidential Reality Show could be called the high
ground, Romney took it and the audience yawned its
way through the hour and a half of seesaw sniping. And HIGH SCHOOL USA
although Romney was declared the hands-down winner,
what he was the winner of is a question barely broached Who are these people telling us whats best, whats right
by the mainstream media. and wrong, what we should do and how we should do it?
In the substance-free 90 minutes mainly devoted to What superhuman qualities do they possess that make
tax policy and who said what, when, and what it would them incredibly calm, incredibly steady, and incredibly
mean now it wasnt as though Romney scored points for measured under the kind of pressure that would have less-
trenchant analyses and proposed solutions. He simply won er mortals peeing in their pants?
by default because Obama suffered a meltdown. They are our leaders. They are The Incredibles:
born of perfect parents, married to perfect wives, parents
IT AINT OVER TIL ITS OVER of special, amazing, gifted children and proud masters of
So uncharismatic and detached was Obama that some wonder dogs.
pundits even wondered if the President, wearied of the Yes, they are The Incredibles: Incredibly full of
office, deep down, did not really care if he was re-elected. themselves, narcissistic, pompous, arrogant boys and
Was the President just off his game that night and his girls, most born on Easy Street and pampered from birth.
lackluster showing just a temporary setback, or did it
mark a momentum shift that would ultimately determine WE KNEW THEM AS KIDS
the election? They ran for class president, or head of the student coun-
With two more debates to go, a month left to Election cil. Some were Eagle Scouts. And now they are all grown
Day, and the elections squarely centered on personality up. But really, they have never grown up. In the deepest
and stage presence rather than on major policy differenc- sense, they act and behave as if they are still in high school
es, we cannot confidently forecast who will win the White and still members of the same exclusive clique they hung
House. That will depend upon Obamas ability and will to around with as kids. You didnt like them, and they didnt
rise to the challenge. like you. But you went your way and they went theirs.

The Trends Journal Autumn 2012 39

Why does it never occur to the public that the same
wanker who was their high school class president is now
President of the United States, Cabinet Secretary, Senator
or Congressman?
And the do-gooder Eagle Scout that would rat you
out to the teacher for cheating, has followed his pre-paved
path through ROTC or West Point, punched his ticket up
the military chain of command and is now the General
who keeps losing thousands of men in losing wars.
No, no, show respect! Having graduated and matricu-
lated, they are no longer the overly ambitious, insincere,
suck-ups and brown-nosers that you couldnt stand. They
are lawmakers and distinguished leaders.
What accounts for the behavior of the masters and of
the enslaved, the leaders and their followers?

Did Eisenhowers observation that Any man who wants
to be president is either an egomaniac or crazy apply
to Mitt Romney and President Obama? The former has
been campaigning for the office since 2007 and President
Obama has been on the re-election campaign trail since
April 2011.
And what keeps people obediently following leaders,
looking up to them and rarely questioning authority? Is
the public also trapped in a teenage mindset? Are leaders
surrogate parents; teachers who wont stand for disobedi-
ence? What would make adults follow and obey the same
Anthony Freda / Dan Zollinger

people they couldnt stand as kids? What would make

them argue and fight among themselves over which ego-
maniac or crazy person would better represent their
interests and care the most about them?
Are they deluded by the trappings of office, the red
carpets, the salutes, the pomp and pageantry, backed up
by a lifetime of indoctrination? What prevents them from
In spirit, they really never left high school because they seeing through it all?
never had to. Having never questioned the system, they Was it because of the way the system was sold to them
never moved out of it. Their career paths were pre-paved by the Presstitutes?
for them. Still trapped in their teenage state of mind, they
seldom contemplate the consequences of their decisions
or take responsibility for their actions. In high school it The Presstitutes Yes, the Presstitutes! Back in
didnt matter much. And, if they ever veered off their path high school, these were the people who wrote the school
unless it was criminal their worst punishment was a newspaper and helped put together and publish the year-
reprimand or suspension. book. And like the class presidents who followed their ca-
The big difference now is that with the high school reer path, they got degrees in journalism and communica-
clique in charge of the worlds largest economy and most tions and the most successful among them sucked their
powerful military, its decisions and actions affect all of us. way up to become mouthpieces for the corporate networks
They continue telling us whats best for us, whats right and largest newspapers.
and wrong, what to do and how to do it. But now, instead of In high school, the kids writing the school newspa-
telling them to f&#k off, entire nations listen to them, obey per knew their place and never overstepped their bounds.
them, look up to and even fight and die at the behest of these While they played journalist, promising their classmates
high school kids who have grown older but not grown up. to ask tough questions of the principal or gym teacher,

40 The Trends Journal Autumn 2012

when it came down to it, they did their utmost to show nymity by insisting they be referred to as a top
respect and never questioned their subjects authority. Democrat or a Republican strategist.
And now, as grownups, they continue to play the role and Many journalists spoke about the editing only
pretend they are hardcore journalists when in practice they if granted anonymity, an irony that did not es-
are soft-core Presstitutes. When it comes to grilling a high- cape them.
level politician or top CEO, they respectfully pitch softball It was difficult to find a news outlet that had
questions and accept the answers without challenge. not agreed to quote approval, albeit reluctantly.
And while it can be argued that the press has never Organizations like Bloomberg, The Washing-
been free, what cant be argued is that never has it been ton Post, Vanity Fair, Reuters and The New York
as controlled as it is in 2012. Times have all consented to interviews under
The collusion between the press, politicians and CEOs such terms. (NYT, 15 July 2012)
ominously echoed the relationship that existed between the
USSR and its apparatchiks. The USA has become the USSA. Quote approval? That was a Presstitute euphemism for
The excerpts from the following New York Times story censorship! Thats what it would be called in any other
reveal one of the most important and disturbing trends country. But back in the USSA, Presstitutes desperate to
affecting 21st century Americans: pick the brains of the presidents top strategists, grudg-
ingly agree to conduct interviews under such terms.
Latest Word on the Trail? I Take It Back Grudgingly or otherwise, writing only what they are
The quotations come back redacted, stripped of permitted to write or repeat is not journalism, its submis-
colorful metaphors, colloquial language and any- sion to authority, its cowardice. In fact, so cowardly have
thing even mildly provocative. the Presstitutes become that they insist upon anonymity
They are sent by e-mail from the Obama head- even when speaking to their Presstitute peers!
quarters in Chicago to reporters who have inter- American journalists had admittedly abandoned the
viewed campaign officials under one major con- principles of their profession. It wasnt about doing what
dition: the press office has veto power over what was morally right, it was self-preservation. Suck up, bow
statements can be quoted and attributed by name. down, show no self respect, be a good girl or boy, just write
Most reporters, desperate to pick the brains of what you are told and youll keep your job until you get
the presidents top strategists, grudgingly agree. downsized.
After the interviews, they review their notes, But there was a major difference between journalism
check their tape recorders and send in the juiciest USSA and Journalism USSR. If the American Presstitutes
sound bites for review. did not comply theyd lose their jobs; in the USSR, theyd
The verdict from the campaign an operation lose their heads.
that prides itself on staying consistently on script
is often no, Barack Obama does not approve this
message. Quote approval is standard practice for
the Obama campaign, used by many top strategists RIGHT ON THE MONEY
and almost all midlevel aides in Chicago and at the
White House It is also commonplace through- We said they would do it before the election, and they did
out Washington and on the campaign trail. it! The Americans called it quantitative easing (QE3), the
The Romney campaign insists that journalists Europeans called it a euro rescue fund and bond interven-
interviewing any of Mitt Romneys five sons agree tion (unlimited government bonds purchased from troubled
to use only quotations that are approved by the eurozone nations) while the Chinese and Japanese called it
press office. And Romney advisers almost always stimulus. Desperate to prop up their failing and flagging
require that reporters ask them for the green light economies, the nations digital presses began pumping out
on anything from a conversation that they would trillions of dollars, euros, yuan and yen that were not worth
like to include in an article. the paper they were not printed on.
From Capitol Hill to the Treasury Department, Month after month, the data imports, exports, job
interviews granted only with quote approval have numbers, industrial production, real estate, retail sales
become the default position. Those officials who added up to recession, stagnation, depression. The world
dare to speak out of school, but fearful of making over, it was a variation on the same theme. In countries
the slightest off-message remark, shroud even the that had until recently been booming there was, at best,
most innocuous and anodyne quotations in ano- minimal growth.

The Trends Journal Autumn 2012 41

Although a global economy had been in place for de- has spent much of the past year fretting about the
cades, individual nations perpetuated an illusion of sov- eurozone, and working every diplomatic angle to
ereignty and independence. But now, in September 2012, push the Europeans towards a credible solution.
that illusion has been shattered. It was all inextricably The ECBs latest action is not the whole solu-
connected, and the common denominator by any name tion, but it is a forward step, and one that the cen-
(dollar, euro, yuan, real, rupee) was money, with the cen- tral bank hesitated over before taking. Markets
tral banks working in concert to make sure the money rallied strongly when it did.
kept flowing. Dangers remain, not least from Greece, the
In August, the overriding economic concern had been worlds slipperiest economic banana skin. But
how to solve the European debt crisis a crisis that euro if Mr Obama does win in November, he should
leaders had initially denied would occur and then, over thank not just his own elegant words, but the less-
the past two years, repeatedly claimed to have resolved. than-soaring rhetoric of an Italian central banker.
Now that crisis threatened the euro, the cohesiveness of (FT, 6 September 2012)
the eurozone and by extension, not only the global econ-
omy but geopolitics.
Indeed, it was all connected. As we have frequently em- New World Order In what was deemed one of
phasized, when Europeans and Americans cut consumer the most important rulings in its 61-year history. Ger-
spending, the Chinese and other low-wage manufacturing manys highest court approved the nations participation
nations cut production. And when they cut production, in a 700 billion European Stability Mechanism (ESM)
resource-rich countries such as Australia, Brazil, Bolivia, bailout scheme. The court ruling sacrificed sovereignty to
Chile, etc., export less. Thus it was about more than just the greater goal of saving the eurozone, in effect transfer-
money. Anything done to forestall and/or repair the eco- ring decision-making powers to Brussels, in order to form
nomic crises was to the advantage of the incumbent politi- a more perfect European Union.
cal parties: Beyond the legal jargon explaining why the court came
to its decision, in plain English, what it did was put con-
Draghi helps out Obama campaign trol of the entire eurozone into the hands of a handful of
Barack Obamas chances of re-election as US money men and power brokers:
president rose on Thursday and the words that did
it were not his but Mario Draghis. Europe must become
Long before Mr Obama stood up to accept the federation of states, Barroso says
Democratic nomination in Charlotte, North Caro- The president of the European Commission called
lina, the head of the European Central Bank had for the EU to be turned into a federation of na-
sketched out a new plan to buy the bonds of trou- tion states in a sweeping demand for countries to
bled eurozone countries. surrender more sovereignty and move towards full
That will not move the polls; it will not move a integration.
single vote. But Mr Draghi has lowered the grav- In a speech to the European Parliament, the
est of risks to Mr Obama: a pre-election meltdown head of the blocs executive, President Jose Manu-
in the eurozone that would have blown up banks, el Barroso, said Lets not be afraid of the words:
pulverised Wall Street, and routed a fragile US We will need to move towards a federation of na-
economy back into recession. tion states. This is our political horizon. This is
If that happened, it would not be Mr Obamas what must guide our work in the years to come,
fault, but he would get the blame. Just as the fail- he said in his annual state of the union address.
ure of Lehman Brothers doomed his rival John A democratic federation of nation states that
McCain in 2008, a eurozone implosion would can tackle our common problems, through the
create economic odds too great for Mr Obama to sharing of sovereignty in a way that each coun-
surmount. try and its citizens are better equipped to control
The eurozone has barely been mentioned in their own destiny.
the US election campaign swing voters in Ohio While there may be enthusiasm in some Eu-
care little for Spanish bond yields but economic ropean capitals for such a move, it is a vision that
advisers to Mr Obama and his Republican rival is likely to rankle in countries such as Britain,
Mitt Romney know its wild card potential. where there is strong opposition to the idea of
Behind the scenes, Mr Obamas economic team more powers being devolved to Brussels.

42 The Trends Journal Autumn 2012

Barroso said that in an age of
globalisation, the EU would strug-
gle to compete unless it was pre-
pared to pool its sovereignty and
act as one.
I said a federation of nation
states because in these turbulent
times, we should not leave the de-
fence of the nation just to the na-
tionalists and populists, he said.
I believe in a Europe where peo-
ple are proud of their nations but
also proud to be European.

Anthony Freda / Dan Zollinger

Many will say that this is too
ambitious, that it is not realistic,
he said. But let me ask you this
- is it realistic to go on like we
have been doing? Is it realistic to
see more than 50 percent of young
people without jobs in some of our
member states? Cheap Money Syndrome Complementing the
The realistic way forward is the way that quantitative easing, stimulus and bond-buying schemes
makes us stronger and more united. Realism is to were central bank moves to further lower and/or keep
put our ambition at the level of our challenges. the historically low interest rates in place for years to
(The Telegraph, 12 September 2012) come. This cheap money policy led to accusations that
countries in economic decline were devaluing their cur-
It was a New World Order: A Banking Order. The banks rencies in order to boost exports and in doing so, ignit-
were giving the orders. This was no conspiracy theory. ing a currency war:
Barrosos call for the abrogation of national sovereignty
and the consolidation of power in the hands of the finan- Brazils Finance Chief Attacks US Over QE3
cial few was being openly championed. Guido Mantega, Brazils finance minister, has
And who was the champion? Jose Manuel Barroso, warned that the U.S. Federal Reserves protec-
the former Prime Minister of Portugal, one of the eu- tionist move to roll out more quantitative easing
rozones most insolvent and economically troubled will reignite the currency wars with potentially
countries, was now telling the rest of Europe what was drastic consequences for the rest of the world.
good for it. Whether coming from Barroso or from the It has to be understood that there are conse-
troika (EC, ECU and IMF) with their track records quences, Mr. Mantega told the Financial Times
of failure, there is no reason to believe that anything in an interview on Thursday.
they suggested would work, and every reason to believe The Feds QE3 program would only have a
it wouldnt. marginal benefit [in the U.S.] as there is already
no lack of liquidity . . . and that liquidity is not go-
Trend Forecast: What the centralization of political and ing into production.
financial power would achieve, however, was to further He said it was instead depressing the dollar
enrich and empower the bankers and further impoverish and aimed at boosting U.S. exports.
the already-disempowered public. With corruption and He cited Japans decision this week to expand
criminality centralized, instead of politicians and banks its own QE program, coming on the heels of the
in sovereign countries competing with each other for who Feds decision to launch further QE last week, as
could steal the most, a single power base would coordi- evidence of growing global tensions. Thats a
nate the crimes. currency war, he said.
In effect, what Barosso envisaged, and what would be- But continued QE policies would hurt trade
come reality if the current trends continue, was a Wash- throughout the world, from emerging economies
ington, DC, of Europe. to developed world exporters such as Germany

The Trends Journal Autumn 2012 43

and Japan. in Capital One and watch it lose eight percent in a year!
Japanese companies Needless to say, no one with $5 million to spare would
were complaining about put it in a bank at 1.00 percent. But for millions of Ameri-
their strong exchange rate. cans, the insignificant interest rate return has taken away
If a weaker dollar leads to a time-honored savings safety net.
rising trade competition,
then that will also force
Brazil to adopt measures Is Everybody Happy? By virtually all mea-
to stop the real strength- sures, Americas pride the once-populous and prosper-
ening, Mr. Mantega said. ous middle class was being hollowed out.
(FT, 21 September 2012) Yet, during this political season, the president, his
challenger and the politicians running for the Senate and
the House are either afraid to tell the American people
Robbing Hoods In how serious the conditions are (perhaps fearing they will
the United States particularly, blame the messenger) or they still cannot see it them-
the cheap-money, low-inter- selves.
est-rate policy hit the general But, barely a day goes by without some socio-economic
public, long conditioned to and geopolitical story (in the headlines or boondocked to
build their savings accounts, the back pages) that captures a telling aspect of the sys-
the hardest. With Fed interest temic decline and disintegration of Empire America:
rates now at or near zero, and
scheduled to remain there for n US incomes fall to 1989 levels. How did it happen?
three more years, the old ad- Christian Science Monitor, 12 September 2012)
age, A penny saved is a penny n Report: Median Income Worse Now Than During
earned, had become, A pen- Great Recession (CBSDC, 18 September 2012)
ny saved is a penny devalued. n Stagnant Incomes Signal Restraint in Spending by
Once upon a time, in the U.S. Consumers (Bloomberg, 10 September 2012)
old pre-QE days, responsible n Why Fewer Americans Are Starting New Businesses
people would put money away (CNBC, 31 July 2012)
for a rainy day or to support n Dollar is Near 4-Month Low Against Euro After Fed
them through their retirement Expands Easing (Bloomberg, 14 September 2012)
years. The quaint notion was n Jobless Claims Rose More Than Forecast Last Week
that rather than spend it in on (Bloomberg, 13 September, 2012)
consumer products or invest n U.S. Debt Now $136,260 Per Household Up 50 %
in risky equities, people would save money in a bank and Under Obama (CBS News, 4 September 2012,)
in return they would earn interest. It had long been the n Stakes rise and US is warned of double dip (FT, 23
American Way but it no longer was. August 2012)
People with extra earnings had two choices: invest n Majority of new jobs pay lower wages, study finds
in equity markets and take a risk, or put it in the bank (New York Times, 4 September 2012
and watch their savings devalue as the inflation rate rose. n August Job Report Disappoints (CBS, 7 September
So egregious had the saving scam become (we take your 2012)
money and give you back next to nothing) that bankers, n Trading Caps and Gowns for Mops (Wall Street
unable to pitch it with a straight face, hired comedians: Journal, 22 August 2012)
Theoretically, only those Americans with the means to n US Census Figures Show More Than One in Five
deposit $5 million dollars in a bank would be able to earn Children are Living in Poverty (The Guardian, 12
a modest American median income of $50,054 at 1.00% September 2012)
interest, a sum that would hardly allow them to live the n Retirees New Pastime: Cutting Costs in all Sorts of
lifestyle to which they were accustomed. Ways (USA Today, 9 September 2012)
But given an annual inflation rate of 9 percent using n Hidden Unemployed: Too Discouraged to Count
the 1980 official methodology for measuring the CPI at (CNBC, 23 September 2012)
the end of the year, the $5 million in the bank had de- n Goldman Sachs Analysts Say Bank Slowdown Isnt
clined in value by $450,000. Such a deal! Put your money Temporary (Bloomberg, 10 September 2012)

44 The Trends Journal Autumn 2012

n Trade Gap in U.S. Widened to $42 Billion as Ex- soon fizzled out. (CNBC, 26 September 2012)
ports Fell (Bloomberg, 11 September 2012)
n Young U.S. Adults Flock to Parents Homes Amid Honeymoon Over as Markets
Economy (Bloomberg, 9 September 2012) Brace for Volatile Times
n US Slips Down in the Ranks of Global Competitive- The message from this weeks sell off in global
ness (CNBC, 9 September 2012) stock markets could not be clearer: The summer
n Food-Stamp Use Climbs to Record (Businessweek, 5 time rally, fueled by optimism over central bank
September 2012) stimulus measures, is now over and its time to
n Low-Wage Work Force Grows 30% as the Number of brace for a period of renewed volatility and uncer-
Jobs Shrinks (Suntimes, 25 September 2012) tainty, analysts say.
n U.S. Economy Expanded Less Than Forecast in The S&P 500 index on Tuesday suffered its
Second Quarter (Bloomberg, 26 September 2012) worst day in three months, while Asian stocks
n Orders for U.S. Goods Point to Capital Investment slumped on Wednesday, with Japans benchmark
Slowdown (Bloomberg, 26 September 2012) Nikkei stock index down 1.7 percent in early
trade. The sharp sell-off and renewed concerns
Throughout the world, variations on the same theme are about Spains economy are likely to set the tone
revealed in the headlines and the data: for European markets on Wednesday.
A retreat in global markets, which have seen
China Stocks Breach Key Level, stellar gains over the last three months, reflects a
More Losses Seen shift in sentiment among investors, analysts say.
Chinas benchmark Shanghai Composite Index They add that now the worlds major central banks
broke below a key support level on Wednesday, have unveiled steps to help their economies, focus
touching its lowest point in more than three and a has returned to the economic outlook, which re-
half years, and market watchers told CNBC main- mains weak in much of the world.
land stocks are set to suffer further losses in the The honeymoon period for markets is over.
coming weeks. There is a realization that central banks have laid
Chinese stocks have been in a steady down- their cards on the table now and not much more
trend since May this year, as retail investors can be done to help growth, said Justin Harper,
which account for around 80 percent of the market strategist at IG Markets in Singapore.
turnover at the countrys two stock exchanges The European Central Bank (ECB) cheered
in Shanghai and Shenzhen dump equities in markets at the start of the month when it outlined
search of less volatile alternatives. Since the start how it would help bring an end to the euro zone
of the year, the Shanghai Composite has fallen 9 debt crisis with a plan to buy the bonds of those
percent. euro zone countries facing high borrowing costs.
Recent numbers out of China have shown that Markets got another boost two weeks ago when
the slowdown in the worlds second largest econo- the Federal Reserve unveiled an aggressive asset-
my is deeper than initially thought. Factory activ- buying plan to boost the U.S. economy and revive
ity in August, for example, contracted for the 10th employment growth, while the Bank of Japan sur-
month in a row. prised markets last week when it delivered its own
The government has announced both mone- monetary easing measures.
tary and fiscal stimulus for the flagging economy Protests in Spain on Tuesday against unpop-
this year, but unlike the foreign investment com- ular austerity measures, meanwhile, act as a re-
munity, domestic investors have failed to get ex- minder that the euro zones debt crisis is far from
cited by these announcements, Chan said. over. (CNBC, 22 September 2012)
While western watchers are looking for more
stimulus, the people closer to the market are look- Storm Clouds Darken
ing at the quality of the stimulus, he said. Over Global Economy
Stimulus measures over the past, including the Central banks recent aggressive policy actions
$150 billion-plus in infrastructure spending and in- will not be enough to spur economic growth in
centives for exporters, have failed to drive a sustain- the remainder of 2012 and in 2013, economists
able turnaround in the market. While this did lead say, with the euro zone debt crisis expected to
to a temporary rally in the first week of September, it rumble on, growth in Asia seen slowing further,

The Trends Journal Autumn 2012 45

and a recovery in the United States expected to be southern European country that needs structur-
disappointing. al reforms, has an ailing housing market and by
Euro zone business activity dropped in Sep- U.S. standards high unemployment.
tember to its lowest since January 2010, data re- ING expects the global economy to expand by
leased on Thursday showed. 2.4 percent this year and 2.8 percent in 2013, but
In China, activity for mainland factories does not expect the euro zone to return to growth
inched a bit higher in September from August until 2014.
but still stretched into an 11th straight month of Double Trouble in Europe
contraction. The euro zone faces additional complications if it
The numbers come just two weeks after the Eu- continues to see the divergent economic growth
ropean Central Bank (ECB) announced it would rates it is currently witnessing.
buy unlimited amounts of short-term bonds in an Thursdays PMI readings were better than ex-
attempt to restore confidence and boost growth. pected for Germany, but below forecast for France.
Since then, the Federal Reserve has also an- Such a divergence makes policymaking even
nounced a new round of bond buying in an at- harder in a region already troubled by an in-
tempt to tackle slow growth in the economy. ability to set different interest rates for different
The Bank of Japan on Wednesday became the economies.
latest central bank to boost its bond buying pro- While the likelihood of a Greek exit from the
gram, hoping the purchases would help to keep euro zone will continue to add to uncertainty,
blunt the appreciation of the yen in order to boost Spain and Italys finances will also remain a cause
the countrys exports. for concern, fueling growth fears.
While Thursdays PMI figures might not yet Meanwhile Spain and Italy will likely tap the
reflect the impact of the Fed and Bank of Japans ECBs Outright Monetary Transaction program,
moves, many economists feel the measures will the new bond buying scheme announced earlier
prove to be too little, too late. this month, Citigroup said, but the ultimate out-
Even with policy action, economic growth in come in those countries was difficult to predict.
major countries is likely to remain disappoint- It is unclear how the near-term vulnerabili-
ing in 2013, Citigroup analysts said in a note to ties of Italy and Spain will be resolved. (CNBC, 20
clients. September 2012)
The bank kept its 2012 global growth forecast
steady at 2.5 percent, but cut its 2013 forecast to Trends Analysis: The above bullet pointed headlines and
2.6 percent from 2.8 percent forecast last month. wire service stories constitute but a brief sampling from
Within that, we have cut our 2013 China the ongoing onslaught of negative economic and geopolit-
growth forecast to 7.6 percent from 8.0 percent, ical news. The markets were in a downturn. The vaunted
with our 2012 forecast staying at 7.9 percent. stimulus/money-pumping schemes were running out of
In all, over the last six months, we have cut our steam, and the people were rioting.
2012 China growth forecast by 0.5 percent and cut Taken individually, such headlines are troubling.
our 2013 forecast by 1.0 percent. When taken together, the casual reader, or even a reader
This is among the sharpest pace of downgrades with a fixed ideology, or a Pollyanna, should be able to
seen in recent years, Citigroup said. see what those headlines add up to: No Recovery, More
The bank also sharply cut its Japan growth Decline, and Potential Disaster.
Todays figures confirm we are in a serious Trendpost: What are the investment options in a No
dip. It is hard to see how we will get out of this Recovery, More Decline, Potential Disaster global
again, Carsten Brzeski, senior economist at ING economy?
told Precious Metals: Since we are not registered financial
In Europe we see the same old story. South- advisors, and thus not permitted to provide investment
ern Europe is in a deep recession and Germany is advice, speaking only for ourselves, we maintain our de-
keeping the euro zone afloat, he said. cades-long strategy to buy gold and silver. With the world
Meanwhile China faces problems in commer- money presses whirring away, we see no profit potential in
cial property with signs of a bubble, Brzeski said, holding nations print on demand fiat currencies, espe-
while the United States sometimes looks like a cially when issued by nations that cant pay their bills and

46 The Trends Journal Autumn 2012

that keep piling on more debt. they could lead to trade wars and further damage
We also want to emphasis that while we continue to the U.S. economy if the candidates were forced to
forecast Gold $2000-plus, there is a real possibility for honor them next year when they were voted into
market manipulation and/or government intervention. office.
Considering that rising gold prices are anathema to fiat The first draw of this round of attacks was made
currency based central banks, it would be in their interest by Romney. The former Massachusetts governor
to dramatically drive the price down. told supporters at a Virginia campaign event last
Nevertheless, as we have also long maintained, for us, week that it was Chinas undervalued currency
gold is our security for our golden years. In an uncertain the Chinese yuan that forced U.S. manufac-
world, where so-called legacy stocks and sound retirement turers out of their jobs. His campaign, meanwhile,
funds disappear overnight, gold and silver are tangible as- released an ad blaming Obama for being soft
sets that, even should they lose market value, will always with Chinas cheating, turning a blind eye to the
have value. fact that the Chinese currency has so far appreci-
Again, understanding that we do not provide financial ated more than 30 percent against the U.S. dollar
advice, if you believe in gold and silver, one strategy to since Beijing began to reform its exchange rate
consider is buying what you can afford each month. Thus, regime in 2005.
over time, despite dramatic fluctuations, the price could The Obama campaign responded this week by
be favorably averaged out. criticizing Romney for sending American jobs to
Real Estate: We are on record with our forecast that China by investing in Chinese companies during
various sectors have bottomed out. Despite the near cer- his tenure at Bain Capital, a private equity firm
tainty for continuing financial crises, we believe there are Romney ran before entering politics.
investment opportunities in real estate. With the ability to The Obama administration also brought up a
borrow at 3.5 percent for commercial properties that have major trade case at the World Trade Organization
income producing potential, and the probability of higher (WTO) against Chinas subsidies to its automobile
inflation (meaning paying loans back with devalued mon- industry on the same day as Obama visited the
ey) we have personally invested in carefully selected com- industry-heavy swing-state of Ohio. The admin-
mercial properties. istration has brought up two major complaints at
the WTO against China in the past two months,
both during the same week as Obama visited the
One More Time No Recovery, More Decline, and crucial state.
Potential Disaster is what we have been warning about These subsidies, claimed Obama at a
since the onset of the Panic of 08. We predicted that his- campaign rally Monday in Cincinnati, Ohio, di-
tory would repeat itself, and it is now doing so. rectly harm working men and women on the as-
First there was the Panic of 08, then the Great Re- sembly lines in Ohio and Michigan and across the
cession/Depression, followed by an intensifying currency Midwest.
war. And, now the trade wars are beginning to heat up. The president also used the event to accuse
In the US, both presidential and congressional candidates Romney, saying Romneys experience has been
are ratcheting up the anti-China rhetoric, blaming Amer- owning companies that were called pioneers in
icas economic troubles on unfair Chinese trade practices the business of outsourcing jobs to countries like
and currency manipulation: China.
Newspapers such as The Washington Post and
News Analysis: Why China becomes The Wall Street Journal ran editorials in the past
political card in U.S. elections week, calling for a stop in China-bashing, while
WASHINGTON As U.S. Republican presiden- cautioning protectionism tendencies exhibited in
tial candidate Mitt Romney and President Barack both campaigns.
Obama are stepping up attacks in their election The business community also has reason to
campaigns against each other involving China, worry. The Conservative policy group the Club
the topic of China is quickly becoming a political for Growth, which champions pro-business, free-
card in this years presidential elections. market views, issued a statement Monday, ac-
Experts say the reason is that it is relatively cusing both candidates of threatening to enact
risk-free. anti-growth policies against China that will raise
However, these attacks are worrying many, as prices, incite a trade war, and do real damage to

The Trends Journal Autumn 2012 47

our countrys economic recovery. (Xinhua, 19 the Iraq War that has turned into civil war before the
September 2012) experts and authorities call them endless wars?
n How many more bases must the United States open
up in Africa and how widely must it spread its military
The 1st Great War of the 21st Century presence throughout the Asian/Pacific theater before
Even though the media covered the intensifying China it becomes clear that a Chinese/Anglo conflict is in-
bashing and the possibility of a trade war, no one was rec- evitable?
ognizing the situation as an instance of history repeating n How many more conflicts must erupt between China
itself. The times had changed and the countries involved and Japan, Philippines, South Korea and Vietnam over
were different, but the underlying circumstances were disputed islands and resource-rich territorial waters
nearly identical. before it is called a regional war?
Just as the Crash of 29 was fol- n How long would it be before sim-
lowed by the Great Depression, mering political and social unrest
then currency wars and trade wars in Hungary, Belarus, Romania,
that led to World War II, so too, Bulgaria, Georgia, and the Cau-
the Panic of 08, followed by the cuses boil over into civil war and/
Great Recession currency wars, or regional warfare?
and trade wars will lead to The 1st n How many more threats must Is-
Great War of the 21st Century, that rael make against Iran before one
we have been forecasting. attacks the other and the major
In fact, the world was already at war: powers join in the conflagration?

n How many more riots and As with the economic headlines

protests would have to erupt in cited above, while all of these geo-
India, Spain, Portugal, Greece, political hotspots are serious and

Anthony Freda / Dan Zollinger

Egypt, Tunisia, South Africa menacing in their own right, once
and other depression-ravaged again the experts and authorities
countries before the experts and do not take into consideration the
authorities would call it class full extent of their explosive poten-
warfare? tial. Moreover, it is only when all
n How many more civil wars had are added up and viewed as a whole,
to break out in Syria, Libya, Ye- that what the future holds can even
men, Bahrain and other Middle East/North African/ be contemplated: The 1st Great War of the 21st Century.
African countries before the experts and authorities Whether or not it is already too late to do anything to
would call it regional war? forestall it is impossible say with certainty. But what is
n How many more people had to die in the decade- certain is that if that global prospect is not recognized and
long Afghan War (that has bled into Pakistan) and in acknowledged, it will very soon be too late. o


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