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Proctor- S00163043
EDFD262, Year 2 Semester 1

A visual illustration of the overall plan (e.g. brainstorm or mind map):

Children's Confidence

Competent and

Small group work to build confidence and communication

Individual goals

Introducing conversation amongst children

Incorporating each childs interests (they love water and being creative)

Activities are incorporated within a planning cycle

Take into consideration each childs needs

Has to be fun and interesting

By knowing each childs interest it allows us to include it in activities, as a result each child
should engage in the activity as it has a connection to them. Therefore it will improve each
childs development and their capabilities (diagram below).

Incorporating Further each

Each child's
into activities child's

Natasha Proctor- S00163043
EDFD262, Year 2 Semester 1

Overall aims and outcomes:

Outcome One : Children have a strong sense of identity children feel safe, secure and supported
children develop knowledgeable and confident self-identities Outcome Three: Children have a
strong sense of wellbeing Children become strong in their social and emotional wellbeing Outcome
Five: Children are effective communicators Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others
for a range of purposes (DEEWR, 2009).

The main aims that we a planning for are to allow the children to have a sense of inclusion and
belonging within the classroom, our goal is to meet the standards within the Early Years Learning
framework of Outcomes One, Three and Five. Outcome one being that they are able to have strong
sense of their one identity, so they are feeling safe, secure and supported with their learning. We
aim to do this by delivering a very structured environment which changes in very small ways rather
than large ways as Georgia struggles with substantial changes that are made, so by keeping the
educators consistent and the focus group the same she will hopefully be able to cope well with what
is expected. By working with this small group it allows for them to communicate more easily with
small groups as they have their main educators present, along with a teachers aid to assist with
Noah, (Due to his lack of mobility), Abby and Georgia as they have a lack of communication with
people. Outcome Three: Children become strong in their social and emotional wellbeing will
hopefully be met through bringing the children together and having them work in an inclusive group
working collaboratively within the safe a secure environment which will led a sense of comfort in
relation to the emotion and social wellbeing. Lastly Outcome Five: Children interact verbally and
non-verbally with others for a range of purposes, is aimed to be met with the use of the water play
and creation of the ocean bottles and hot air balloons. The verbal side of communication can
hopefully be met through conversations between the children and educators of what each child is
making for example. While making the Ocean in a Bottle educators may prompt discussion
between the children of what they may include in their bottle, and why they think it should be
included and so forth. The decision to have the themes of water based activities and arts & crafts
came from the shared interests held by the 4 children as a group as they all showed a strong interest
in the creative arts aspects of learning and each have participated in water based activities such as
swimming. The activities also needed to consider Noahs constrictions in his abilities to move around
Natasha Proctor- S00163043
EDFD262, Year 2 Semester 1

on foot, so by doing activities that allow for a table to be used or the ability to be seated on the floor
it gave an opportunity to allow a strong sense of inclusion within the group.

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