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Teacher Education Program

Formative Observation of Classroom Teaching

Profile of Student Teaching Performance:
Student Teacher: ________________________
Danielle Cook School: _______________________
Turner Ashby Date: _____________

Cooperating Teacher: ____________________ Time/Class/Period: _________________________________

Mr. Kyger AP Government

Topics/Strategies: ________________________________________________________________________

Please, check the box to the left if the standard is observed.
Observation Focus:
A. Professional Knowledge | The student teacher from previous observation:
1) lesson planning - state objectives to be observable and
A1. Demonstrates an understanding of appropriate content
standards (sol/professional standards).
2) Materials - PP text formated to fill slide space with text that
A2. Demonstrates essential knowledge and skills of subject area. is readable from back of room
3) student chatter
A3. Demonstrates the link between the content and students past
and future learning experiences as well as related subject areas. 14 students + 4+1+1 = 20
B. Assessment of and for Student Learning | The student
teacher Observation Data/Notes:
B1. Sets acceptable, measurable, and appropriate learning 8:15 - introduces substitute & I. Begins new
outcomes and achievement goals for student learning.
unit - Bureaucracy. "I have - you have", (played
B2. Plans formal and informal assessment of learning outcomes. 1st time with Presidency). Students are very
B3. Checks for understanding using a variety of assessment
jocular and engaged. Go through all cards to
techniques to enhance student learning. review the terms (vocab & definitions). Praises
B4. Uses formal and informal assessment evidence to identify class for having a good understanding of the
strategies to improve instruction. vocab. [9 min]
C. Instructional Planning | The student teacher
8:24 - 'clear desk & get out something to write
C1. Is familiar with and uses relevant aspects of students with - time to take some notes'.
background, knowledge, experience, and skills. -- nice banter with students re: how to spell
C2. Plans differentiated instruction to address the unique bureaucracy will be the first quiz, with
characteristics of individual students (e.g. tag/gt, esl, special
reference to one student who puzzled over
C3. Plans appropriate instructional strategies to meet the learning spelling. a nice humorous way to begin unit.
-- introduces unit lecture with CRASH
C4. Integrates instructional technology in planning. COURSE video.
-- Students attentively taking notes. A few
C5. Integrates key content elements in planning. questions posed to students, i.e. to give
C6. Plans time realistically for pacing and transitions for content examples [35 min]

8:59 -Kahoot. Students take out smart phones.

D. Learning Environment | The student teacher
1 student without - Danielle gives hers to him.
Used to assess student learning. Because the
D1. Establishes a safe physical and psychological environment.
quiz answers are scored immediately it is a
D2. Establishes a climate of trust and teamwork.
great way to review key content. [9 min]

D3. Maintains consistent standards for positive classroom behavior. 9:08 - CNN 10. Current events [6 min]
D4. Demonstrates respect for and responsiveness to the cultural
backgrounds and differing perspectives of learners.

Observation Data/Notes:
E. Instructional Delivery | The student teacher
A. Lesson plan & teaching is very content rich.
E1. Presents procedures and outcomes clearly to students and SOL standards on lesson plan, instructional
checks for student understanding.
PP has much content
E2. Presents content accurately and effectively. A3. Connections made between unit on
Presidency & appointment of secretaries of
E3. Engages and maintains students in active learning.
departments which is a part of Bureaucracy -
E4. Engages learners in a range of learning experiences using because students did well on pretest -
indicative they learned in previous unit.
E5. Facilitates students use of higher level thinking skills in
B4. Informal assessment was "I have ... Who
E6. Differentiates instruction and provides appropriate
accommodations to meet the needs of diverse learners. has" on students' familiarity with terms & big
ideas. Students did well for so early in
E7. Uses instructional and transition time for content mastery.

F. Reflection For Student Academic Progress | The D. Students are very jocular. Lots of smiles,
student teacher having fun. (maybe because it is an early
release?). Nice job setting tone for
F1. Provides specific evidence to document student learning.
classroom, building rapport with students.
F2. Takes responsibility for student learning by using ongoing
analysis and reflection.
F3. Seeks and uses information from professional sources (e.g.
E. Lesson was primarily content delivery.
cooperating teacher, colleagues, and/or research) to improve E4. Vocabulary review game; video as "hook";
content delivery w/ PP & lecture; SNL video
G. Professionalism | The student teacher (humor)
G1. Demonstrates the expectations of the profession including F. Unit for SAPA, pre-test administered.
codes of ethics, professional standards of practice and relevant
law and policy. [changes in lesson plans based upon data?]
G2. Takes initiative to grow and develop through interactions that
enhance practice and support student learning.
G3. Collaborates and communicates effectively through oral and
written language.
G4. Builds relationships and collaborates with families, communities,
colleagues, and other professionals to promote learner growth
and development.
G5. Accesses resources to deepen an understanding of cultural,
ethnic, gender and learning differences to build stronger
relationships and create more relevant learning experiences.
Areas of Strength:
1) Good teacher presence. You have command of the classroom space [nice circulating around room], students [super rapport with an approaptie
amount of humor {note the smiles and laughter by all}, content delivery [confidence in facilitating "I have .. who has", lecture & Kahoot quiz.
2) lesson plan objectives are observable & measurable
3) PP slides are formatted to fill slide space & are readable from back of room
4) student chatter was not a distracting issue.

Areas for Growth/Goals:

1) missing from lesson- provide agenda to students for whole class.

Danielle Cook
Rebecca Harris
Student Teacher Date University Supervisor or Cooperating Teacher Date
Rev 6/16 2

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