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Grammar reference

Starter Unit interrogativa respuestas cortas

be afirmativa negativa
I got a dog? Yes, I have. No, I havent.
afirmativa negativa Have
you got a dog? Yes, you have. No, you havent.
forma contraccin forma contraccin
he got a dog? Yes, he has. No, he hasnt.
completa completa
Has she got a dog? Yes, she has. No, she hasnt.
I am Im I am not Im not it got a dog? Yes, it has. No, it hasnt.
You are Youre You are not You arent we got a dog? Yes, we have. No, we havent.
He / She / Hes / Shes/ He / She / He / She / Have you got a dog? Yes, you have. No, you havent.
It is Its Itis not Itisnt they got a dog? Yes, they have. No, they havent.
We / You / Were / Youre/ We / You / We / You /
They are Theyre They are not They arent
Para formular preguntas se utiliza have + sujeto +
got + objeto.
Se utiliza be para nombrar o describir. En ingls conversacional se utilizan respuestas cortas.
He is American. l es estadounidense. A: Has she got a sister? A: Tiene una hermana?
They are red flowers. Son flores rojas. B: Yes, she has. B: S.
En las conversaciones, se tiende a emplear formas there is/there are
Were from London. Somos de Londres. afirmativa negativa

Shes 14. Tiene 14 aos. singular Theres a TV. There isnt a cinema.
Para formar el negativo, se aade not despus debe. plural There are some CDS. There arent any books.
Normalmente se contrae not (nt).
( ).
interrogativa respuestas cortas interrogativa respuestas cortas

afirmativa negativa Yes, there is.

singular Is there a cinema?
No, there isnt.
Am I right? Yes, I am No, Im not.
Yes, there are.
Are you right? Yes, you are. No, you arent. plural Are there any apples?
No, there arent.
Is he / she / it right? Yes, he / she / it is. No, he / she / it isnt.
Are we / you / Yes, we / you / No, we / you / they Se puede utilizar there is/are para hablar de la
they right? they are. arent. posicin o la existencia de objetos.
Para formar el negativo se aade nt despus de is
Al hacer preguntas invertimos el orden de las palabras oare.
y be se sita antes del sujeto. En las preguntas, se cambia el orden de las palabras y
Are you cousins? (x You are cousins?) Sois primos? be se coloca ante de there.
have got can/cant
afirmativa negativa afirmativa negativa
I / Youve got a cap. I / You havent got a cap. I / You / He / She / can I / You / He / She / cant speak
He / She / Its got a cap. He / She / It hasnt got a cap. It / We / You / They sing. It / We / You / They Chinese.
We / You / Theyve got a cap. We / You / They havent got a cap.
Se utiliza can para expresar capacidad y permiso.
Se utiliza have got para hablar sobre posesin. She can snowboard Sabe surfear en la nieve.
En las conversaciones, se suelen emplear formas They can go to the party on Saturday night.
contradas. Pueden ir a la fiesta del sbado por la noche.
Hes got a new mobile. Tiene un mvil nuevo. La tercera persona (he/she/it) no termina en -s.
Para formar el negativo, se aade nt (not) despus de Para hacer preguntas se cambia el orden de las
have y antes de got. palabras.
She hasnt got a big family. Can I go to the toilet, please? Puedo ir al bao?
No tiene una familia muy grande.

100 Grammar reference

Grammar practice S
be 5 Write questions and short answers with have
got about the people in the table.
1 Circle the correct words.
1 Jason is / am my cousin. a bike a cat
2 I am / is 12 years old. Anna
3 We is / are from Glasgow. Lisa and Jack
4 My teacher is / are Mr Wilson. David
5 You is / are in my class.
6 It is / are windy today. 1 Has Anna got a bike ?
No , she hasnt .
2 Complete the sentences with the negative 2 ?
form of be. Use contractions. , .
1 They arent from Italy.
3 ?
2 She my teacher.
, .
3 I 12 years old.
4 ?
4 We in your class.
, .
5 You late.
6 It cold today. 5 ?
, .
3 Write the questions. 6 ?
1 How / you / old / ? , .
How old are you?
2 What / your name / ? there is/there are
3 Where / he from / ? 6 Tick the correct column.
There is There are
4 she / a student / ?
a table.
some books.
5 they / in your class / ?
some desks.
6 we / late / ? a bookshelf.
a computer.
some flowers.
have got
4 Circle the correct options.
1 ve got three cats.
a He b She c They 7 Complete the sentences with the correct form
2 hasnt got brown hair. of can and a verb from the box.
a He b You c They
go make open play ride speak
3 ve got a blue T-shirt.
a I b She c It
1 I cant play rugby. ()
4 ve got an exam tomorrow.
2 Isabel a bike. ()
a He b We c She
3 They Spanish. ()
5 s got a new computer.
4 My mum really good pizzas. ()
a Lisa b Max and Lisa c They
5 Tim and Sara to the party. ()
6 havent got a big house.
6 We this box. ()
a She b My friend c They

Grammar practice 101

Grammar reference
Unit 1 Los adverbios de frecuencia se utilizan para indicar la
frecuencia con la que hacemos algo. Van despus del
Presente simple: afirmativa y negativa verbo be y antes de los otros verbos principales.
afirmativa Im never late. Nunca llego tarde.
He always does his homework.
I like chat shows.
Siempre hace los deberes.
You like chat shows.
He / She / It likes chat shows. like, love, hate + ing
We / You / They like chat shows. Despus de love, like, dont like, hate y dont mind
se utiliza la forma -ing de los verbos.
Se utiliza el presente simple para expresar hechos, I love watching comedy films.
hbitos y rutinas. Me encanta ver pelculas de humor.
We dont live in the city centre. Detrs de estos verbos tambin se pueden utilizar
No vivimos en el centro de la ciudad. nombres directamente.
She goes to school at 8.30 am. He doesnt like soap operas.
Va al colegio a las 8.30 de la maana. No le gustan los culebrones.
Ortografa: tercera persona Presente simple: preguntas con respuesta
La tercera persona del singular (he/she/it) del presente del tipo s/no
simple acaba en -s. interrogativa respuestas cortas
speak he speaks hablar l habla
afirmativa negativa
put she puts poner ella pone
I watch cartoons? Yes, I do. No, I dont.
Cuando un verbo termina en consonante + y, se Do
you watch cartoons? Yes, you do. No, you dont.
sustituye la y por -ies para las formas he/she/it.
fly it flies volar vuela he watch cartoons? Yes, he does. No, he doesnt.
Does she watch cartoons? Yes, she does. No, she doesnt.
carry she carries llevar ella lleva it watch cartoons? Yes, it does. No, it doesnt.
Cuando un verbo termina en -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x y -o se
we watch cartoons? Yes, we do, No, we dont.
aade -es.
Do you watch cartoons? Yes, you do, No, you dont.
misses pierde relaxes se relaja they watch cartoons? Yes, they do, No, they dont.
washes lava does hace
watches mira Para formular preguntas con respuesta del tipo s/no
se utiliza do / does + sujeto + infinitivo.
negativa Para responder se utilizan respuestas cortas con do/
I dont (do not) like does, y no se repite el verbo principal.
A: Do you like westerns?
You dont (do not) like
westerns. A: Os gustan las pelculas del oeste?
He / She / It doesnt (does not) like
B: Yes, we do. (x Yes, we like.) B: S.
We / You / They dont (do not) like
Presente simple: preguntas con partculas
La negativa del presente simple se forma con el sujeto interrogativas
+ dont (do not) + infinitivo.
I dont speak French. No hablo francs. partcula do/does sujeto verbo
Para la tercera persona se utiliza doesnt (does not).
He doesnt like cartoons. What do you study?
No le gustan los dibujos animados. Who does she like?

Adverbios de frecuencia Where does he study?

When do they play?
always usually often sometimes never
Para formular preguntas con partculas interrogativas
100% 0% se hace as: partcula interrogativa + do / does +
sujeto + verbo.
What time do you finish school?
102 Grammar reference A qu hora sales del colegio?
Grammar practice 1
Present simple: affirmative and like, love, hate + -ing
negative 5 Write sentences with like, love, hate and
1 Complete the table with the correct verbs in dont mind + -ing.
the third person. 1 I / love / watch / soap operas
I love watching soap operas.
fly know relax stay try watch 2 Jason / not mind / get up / early

3 We / like / go / to the cinema

-s -es -ies
1 knows 3 5
4 My dad / hate / listen / to the radio
2 4 6

5 Haley / not mind / wait / for her friends

2 Complete the sentences with present simple
form of the verbs in brackets. 6 Jess and Nick / love / talk / about films
1 Marta and Maria like horror films. (like)
2 Micky cartoons. (love)
3 We to the cinema on Saturdays. (go) Present simple: Yes/No
4 I film magazines. (read) questions
5 My friend a film blog. (write)
6 They popcorn during films. (eat) 6 Write Yes / No questions and short answers.
1 Sally / like historical films / ? ()
3 Write sentences with the present simple. Does Sally like historical films? Yes she does.
1 We / not like / martial arts films 2 Martin / watch comedies / ? ()
We dont like martial arts films.
2 Harry / not watch / chat shows 3 you / talk about films with your friends / ? ()

3 I / read / film blogs 4 your brother and sister / go to the cinema / ? ()

4 My friends / not go / to the cinema 5 they / have lots of films on this channel / ? ()

5 Julia / enjoy / comedies

Present simple: Wh- questions
6 They / not buy / DVDs
7 Write the question for each answer.
1 What do you study ?
I study English.
Adverbs of frequency 2 ?
4 Circle the correct words. He lives in New York.
1 Mike always does / does always his homework 3 ?
in front of the TV. They get home in the afternoon.
2 They often are / are often busy at the weekend. 4 ?
3 Gina and Martin usually watch / watch usually I watch TV every evening.
comedies. 5 ?
4 I sometimes get / get sometimes DVDs from I go to the cinema with my sister.
the library. 6 ?
5 My sister never is / is never late for a film. She likes horror and war films.
6 We usually rent / rent usually films.

Grammar practice 103

Grammar reference
Unit 2 Para hacer preguntas se utiliza be + sujeto + verbo +
Presente continuo: afirmativa, negativa e En las respuestas cortas no se utiliza el verbo + -ing.
Presente simple y presente continuo
afirmativa negativa Se utiliza el presente simple para expresar hechos,
Im eating. Im not eating. hbitos y rutinas y a menudo va acompaado de
adverbios de frecuencia.
Youre eating. Youre not eating.
Se utiliza el presente continuo para hablar sobre
He / She / Its eating He / She / It isnt eating. acciones que estn sucediendo en el momento en que
We / You / Theyre eating. We / You / They arent eating. hablamos. Se utiliza at the moment y (right) now
con el presente continuo.
Se utiliza el presente continuo para hablar sobre
Nombres contables e incontables
acciones que estn sucediendo en el momento en que
hablamos. La mayora de nombres son contables, lo que significa
La forma afirmativa se construye utilizando sujeto + que se pueden contar de forma individual. Tienen
be + verbo + -ing. forma singular y forma plural.
Para la forma negativa, se aade not despus de Se utiliza a con los nombres contables en singular que
bey antes del verbo con -ing. Normalmente se empiezan con consonante.
contraenot. Se utiliza an con los nombres contables en singular
que empiezan con vocal.
Ortografa: forma -ing. Algunos nombres son incontables, lo que significa que
Con la mayora de los verbos, se aade -ing al no se pueden contar de forma individual. No tienen
infinitivo. forma plural.
see seeing ver viendo some, any, a lot of, much/many
watch watching mirar mirando
contable plural incontable
Con los verbos terminados en -e, se elimina la -e y se
aade -ing. afirmativa Ive got some / a lot Ive got some / a lot
have having tener- teniendo of sweets. of homework.
write writing escribir escribiendo negativa There arent any / There isnt any / much/
Con los verbos que terminan en vocal + consonante, many / a lot of sweets. a lot of homework.
se duplica la consonante y se aade -ing. interrogativa Are there any / many / Is there any / much /
get getting obtener obteniendo a lot of sweets? a lot of homework?
run running correr corriendo How many sweets How much
are there? homework is there?
(partcula be sujeto verbo + -ing
interrogativa) Some y any expresan una cantidad indefinida.
Seutilizan junto con nombres contables en plural y
Am I spending?
nombres incontables. Normalmente some se utiliza
Is he / she / it shopping? en frases afirmativas y any en frases negativas e
Are we listening? interrogativas.
Are you watching? Se utiliza a lot of en frases afirmativas, negativas e
interrogativas tanto con nombres en plural como con
Are they skating?
Who is she meeting? Se utiliza much en frases negativas con nombres
respuestas cortas Se utiliza many en frases negativas con nombres
I am. Im not. contables.
Yes, he / she / it is. No, he / she / it isnt.
Se utiliza how many en preguntas con nombres
contables en plural y how much en preguntas con
we / you / they are. we / you / they arent. nombres incontables.

104 Grammar reference

Grammar practice 2
Present continuous: affirmative, 3 Who / she / meet / ?

negative and questions 4 What / Jenny / watch / ?

1 Complete the table with the correct verbs in
the -ing form. 5 Why / we / wait / ?

do get look make run write

6 What / Joe / wear / ?

add -ing remove the -e double the consonant

and add -ing and add -ing Present simple and present
1 doing 3 5 continuous
2 4 6
5 Complete the sentences with the correct verbs in
the present simple or present continuous form.
2 Complete the sentences with the present
continuous form of the verbs in brackets. buy not do drink eat not talk visit
1 Lots of people are shopping in the mall today.
(shop) 1 We re eating pizza right now.
2 I for a new dress. (look) 2 I my homework at the moment.
3 My mum a book in the caf. (read) 3 They often the mall on Saturdays.
4 She coffee. (not drink) 4 Lisa usually orange juice for breakfast.
5 My brother a computer game. (play) 5 My mum sometimes books in that shop.
6 We a lot of money. (not spend) 6 Joe on his mobile right now.

3 Write present continuous questions and short Countable and uncountable nouns
answers about the people in the table.
6 Tick the correct column.
visit the mall study grammar
Pablo countable uncountable

Tina and Neil money

Mark time
1 Is Pablo visiting the mall ? shop
No , he isnt .
2 ?
, . caf
3 ?
, .
4 ? some, any, a lot of, much/many
, .
7 Complete the sentences with words in the box.
5 ?
, . any many much lot some (x2)
6 ?
, . 1 I havent got much time. Only 5 minutes.
2 Ive got chocolate in my bag.
4 Write the questions.
3 There are a of people in the mall.
1 What / you / buy / ?
What are you buying 4 How bags have you got?
5 They havent got money. Nothing!
2 Where / they / go / ?
6 Suzanne is buying new trainers.

Grammar practice 105

Grammar reference
Unit 3 Para formar el pasado simple en negativo se utiliza
sujeto + didnt (did not) + infinitivo sin to. Did no
was/were: afirmativa y negativa cambia al cambiar de persona.
afirmativa negativa He didnt grow up in England. No creci en Inglaterra.
I / He / She / It was calm. I / He / She / It wasnt calm. was/were: interrogativas
We / You / They were calm. We / You / They werent calm. interrogativa respuestas cortas

Was y were son las formas del pasado simple del Yes, I / he / she / it was.
Was I / he / she / it friendly?
verbo be. No, I / he / she / it wasnt.
He was a tennis player. Era tenista. Yes, we / you / they were.
Were we / you / they friendly?
They werent actors. No eran actores. No, we / you / they werent.
Pasado simple: afirmativa y negativa
Para formular preguntas con el verbo be en pasado,
afirmativa seutiliza was/were antes del sujeto.
I / You / He / She / It / We / They lived in Paris.
Was he a champion? Era campen?
En las respuestas cortas, se utiliza yes/no y se repite
El pasado simple se utiliza para expresar elverbo.
acontecimientos y acciones finalizados en el pasado. A: Was he a champion? B: Yes, he was.
We played basketball yesterday. A: Era campen? B: S.
She went to the theatre school. Para formular preguntas informativas, se pone la
Ayer jugamos a baloncesto. partcula interrogativa de tipo Wh- delante de was/
Fue a la escuela de teatro. were.
Where was she born? Dnde naci?
Pasado simple: ortografa
Pasado simple: interrogativas
verbos regulares aadir -ed
want wanted stay stayed (partcula did sujeto infinitivo
verbos acabados aadir -d
en-e like liked live lived I / you
verbos acabados eliminar la -y y aadir -ied Did he / she / it agree?
en consonante copy copied study studied we / you / they
+-y What did you decide?
verbos acabados doblar la consonante final y aadir -ed
en consonante + shop shopped stop stopped respuestas cortas
vocal + consonante Yes, I / you / he / she / it / we / you / they did.
No, I / you / he / she / it / we / you / they didnt.
Algunos verbos son irregulares en el pasado simple y
no siguen ningn patrn. Las preguntas en pasado simple se formulan con did +
do did get got have had sujeto + infinitivo. Did no cambia.
hacer hizo obtener obtuvo tener tuvo Did it rain yesterday? Llovi, ayer?
Ver la lista de verbos irregulares en la pgina 128. Para formular preguntas informativas, se pone la
Con el pasado simple se pueden utilizar expresiones partcula interrogativa de tipo Wh- delante de did.
como yesterday, last night, last week, last Where did you get your trainers?
weekend y last summer. Dnde te compraste las zapatillas?
I got a new laptop yesterday.
Ayer me compr un ordenador porttil nuevo. ago
Se utiliza ago con el pasado simple y con un periodo de
sujeto didnt infinitivo otras palabras tiempo para hablar de cundo pas algo en el pasado.
I / You / He / Ago se pone despus del periodo de tiempo.
didnt watch TV last night. I started this school three years ago.
She / It / We /
didnt grow up in London.
You / They Empec en este colegio hace tres aos.

106 Grammar reference

Grammar practice 3
was/were: affirmative and Past simple: questions
negative 5 Write past simple questions and short
1 Complete the text with was(nt) or were(nt). answers about the people in the table.
At school, I 1 wasnt (not) very good at sport Helen Sam and Abby Richard
but I 2
good at dancing. Myfriends
eat pizza
all crazy about football. They
(not) interested in dancing. I saw my go shopping
first ballet when I 5 12 years old. It
amazing! 1 Did Helen eat pizza ?
No , she didnt .
2 ?
Past simple: affirmative and , .
negative 3 ?
, .
2 Complete the table with the verbs in the box.
4 ?
dance like stop study travel try wait , .
5 ?
, .
add -ed ending in remove -y double the 6 ?
-e, add -d and add final consonant , .
-ied and add -ed
1 waited 2 4 6 6 Complete the question for each answer.
3 5 7 1 A: What did you drink ?
B: I drank some lemonade.
2 A: Where ?
3 Write sentences with the past simple. B: He went to a concert.
1 Tim / play / football / yesterday
3 A: When ?
Tim played football yesterday. B: They started school in September.
2 Joanna / go skiing / last winter
4 A: Who ?
B: She met her sister.
3 Gina and Tony / grow up / in Canada
5 A: What ?
B: He ate some sandwiches.
4 We / not want / to practise the piano
6 A: Why ?
B: They stayed at home because it was raining.
5 I / not play / tennis at school

was/were: questions 7 Put the words in the correct order.
1 We / two days / played / ago / football
4 Write questions with was and were. We played football two days ago.
1 Where / she born
2 a few minutes / saw / I / ago / her
Where was she born ?
2 What / her first film
3 ago / finished / an hour / She / her homework
3 What / her favourite subjects at school
4 made / ago / a long time / He / a film
4 you / interested in acting at school
5 was / two months / ago / My birthday
5 your father / a film director
6 in Italy / We / ago / were / two weeks
Grammar practice 107
Grammar reference
Unit 4 Pasado simple y pasado continuo
Se utiliza el pasado continuo para hablar de una
Pasado continuo: afirmativa, negativa e
accin continuada que se est produciendo en el
pasado. El pasado simple se utiliza para hablar de
afirmativa negativa una accin puntual que interrumpe otra accin
continuada. Normalmente se utiliza when antes del
I was reading. I wasnt working.
pasado simple y while antes del pasado continuo.
He / She / It was reading. He / She / It wasnt working. I was talking to my mum when I heard the news.
We / You / They were We / You / They werent Estaba hablando con mi madre cuando o las
reading. working. noticias.
I heard the news while I was talking to my mum.
(partcula be sujeto verbo +
interrogativa) ing
O las noticias mientras estaba hablando con mi
Was I running?
Was he / she / it falling?
Were we jumping? afirmativa negativa
Were you watching? I / You / He / I / You / He /
could swim couldnt use
Were they playing? She / It / We / She / It / We /
50 metres. a computer.
You / They You / They
What were you climbing?
Who was she chasing? interrogativa respuestas cortas
respuestas cortas afirmativa negativa
I was. I wasnt. Could I / you /
Yes, I / you / he / No, I / you / he /
he / she / it /
Yes, he / she / it was. No, he / she / it wasnt. she / it / we / you / she / it / we / you /
we / you / they
we / you / they were. we / you / they werent. they could. they couldnt.
use a computer?
Se utiliza el pasado continuo para hablar de una Se utiliza could/couldnt para hablar de la capacidad
accin continuada que se est produciendo en el y la posibilidad en pasado.
pasado. Las frases afirmativas se forman con sujeto + When I was five I could swim 20 metres.
was/were + verbo + -ing.
Cuando tena cinco aos poda nadar 20 metros.
He was running to school. Corra hacia el colegio.
He couldnt call earlier because he was in a meeting.
Para formar el negativo, se pone nt (not) despus de
was/were y antes del verbo + -ing. Normalmente No pudo llamar antes porque estaba en una
not se contrae. reunin.
They werent walking quickly. No caminaban deprisa. Could tiene siempre la misma forma. La tercera
En las preguntas se utiliza was/were + sujeto + persona (he/she/it) no termina en -s.
verbo + -ing. He couldnt speak three languages.
Were you watching TV in bed last night? No saba hablar tres idiomas.
Estabas mirando la tele en la cama, anoche? Para formular preguntas se cambia el orden de las
En las respuestas cortas no se utiliza verbo + -ing. palabras.
Yes, he was. (x Yes, he was talking.) S. Could you speak English at the age of five?
Para formular preguntas se pone la partcula Cuando tenas cinco aos sabas hablar ingls?
interrogativa de tipo Wh- antes de be.
What were you doing at 8 pm yesterday?
Qu hacas ayer a las 8 de la tarde?

108 Grammar reference

Grammar practice 4
Past continuous: affirmative, 5 ?
, .
negative and questions 6 ?
1 Complete the sentences with the past , .
continuous form of the verbs in the box.
Past simple and past
cook drink read steal talk watch
At 3 pm yesterday afternoon 5 Complete the sentences with the past simple
1 Peter was reading a book. or the past continuous. Use the verbs in
2 Julia on the phone. brackets.
3 Jason and Angie dinner. 1 I was reading (read) in bed when I heard
4 we TV. (hear) a loud noise in the street.
5 I a cup of tea. 2 No one (watch) when the burglars
6 the thieves the diamonds. (break) into the bank.
3 The diamonds (disappear) while the
2 Complete the sentences with the negative form guards (have) lunch.
of the past continuous. Use contractions. 4 While we (watch) TV, the alarm
1 Peter wasnt playing football. (not play) (go) off.
2 Julia emails. (not write) 5 While we (look) out of the window,
3 Jason and Angie in the garden. (not sit) police officers (enter) the bank.
4 We our bikes. (not ride) 6 The burglars (count) their money
5 I a sandwich. (not eat) when the police (catch) them.
6 The thieves any noise. (not make)
3 Write questions with the past continuous.
1 What were you doing ? (you / do)
6 Complete the sentences with could or
couldnt and the verb in brackets.
2 Where ? (they / go)
1 I could speak French when I was five. (speak)
3 Who ? (she / talk to)
2 She because she was afraid of
4 Why ? (he / leave)
water. (not swim)
5 Where ? (Jacky / sit)
3 Sam all of the ex-American
6 What ? (your friends / presidents in primary school. (name)
4 Tony the piano when he was six.
4 Write questions and short answers about what
5 We because he spoke very quietly.
Jessica, Luke, Nina and Luis were doing at 5 pm
(not hear)
6 Lyn a bike when you she was a
Jessica Luke and Nina Luis child. (not ride)
watch TV
do homework

1 Was Jessica watching TV ?

No , she wasnt .
2 ?
, .
3 ?
, .
4 ?
, .

Grammar practice 109

Grammar reference
Unit 5 must/mustnt
Adjetivos comparativos y superlativos afirmativa negativa

comparativo superlativo I / You / He / must wear I / You / He /

mustnt talk
She / It / We / school She / It / We /
adjetivos cortos aadir -er: aadir -est: in an exam.
You / They uniform You / They
high higher highest
adjetivos cortos doblar la doblar la Se utiliza must para hablar de una obligacin o de
acabados consonante final y consonante final y fuertes recomendaciones.
en vocal + aadir -er: aadir -est: You must watch this TV programme, its great.
consonante Tienes que ver este programa, es genial.
big bigger biggest Se utiliza mustnt para expresar prohibicin y consejo
adjetivos aadir -r: aadir -st: contra algo. Se aade nt (not) detrs de must.
acabados en -e They mustnt talk in the cinema.
safe safer safest No deben hablar en el cine.
adjetivos eliminar la -y y eliminar la -y y Must no cambia segn la persona y despus de must
acabados en -y aadir -ier: aadir -iest: los infinitivos no llevan to.
tidy tidier tidiest They must get to school before 9 am.
adjetivos largos poner more antes poner most antes Deben llegar al colegio antes de las 9 de la
del adjetivo: del adjetivo:
comfortable more most
comfortable comfortable should/shouldnt
adjetivos afirmativa negativa
good best I / You / He / should I / You / He / shouldnt
She / It / We / tidy the She / It / We / leave clothes
bad worse worst
You / They house. You / They on the floor.
Se utilizan los adjetivos comparativos para comparar Se utiliza should y shouldnt para aconsejar o
una cosa con otra y se hace as: be + adjetivo recomendar.
comparativo + than. You should study for the exam.
My room is tidier than my sisters room. Deberas estudiar para el examen.
Mi habitacin est ms ordenada que la de mi Should no cambia segn la persona y despus de
hermana. should los infinitivos no llevan to.
Se utilizan los adjetivos superlativos para decir que They should help their parents with the housework.
una cosa o persona tiene el mximo posible de una
Deberan ayudar a sus padres con las tareas de
calidad en particular y se hace as: the + adjetivo
la casa.
My parents have got the biggest bedroom.
Mis padres tienen la habitacin ms grande.

110 Grammar reference

Grammar practice 5
Comparative and superlative must/mustnt
adjectives 4 Complete the sentences with must or mustnt
1 Complete the table with the comparative and the verb in brackets.
form of the adjectives in the box. 1 You mustnt talk during the lesson. (talk)
2 You your homework on time. (do)
comfortable expensive nice 3 You sandwiches in the classroom.
interesting safe tall (eat)
4 You your friends homework. (copy)
5 You on the chairs. (stand)
add -r or -er more + adjective
6 You listen carefully to the teacher.
more comfortable (listen)

2 Complete the sentences with the correct
5 Complete the sentences with should or
shouldnt and the verbs in the box.
comparative form of the adjectives in
brackets. forget go (x2) leave stay wear
1 My house is smaller than your house. (small)
2 Jacks room is than Katrinas room.
1 Its cold today. You should wear a warm coat.
2 The train leaves at ten. We the
3 Lauras homework is than Abbys
houseat nine.
homework. (good)
3 Its raining. You your umbrella.
4 This new hotel is than the old hotel.
4 Its late. You to bed now.
5 Ive got an exam tomorrow. I uplate
5 The sofa is than the armchair.
6 A: Ive got toothache.
6 The traffic in the morning is than the
traffic at night. (bad) B: You to the dentist.

3 Circle the correct options. 6 Are these sentences correct? Correct the
1 A: I think New York is more exciting /
incorrect sentences.
the most exciting city in the world! 1 We should to get up early tomorrow.
B: I dont agree. I think that London is more We should get up early tomorrow.
exciting / the most exciting than New York. 2 Pupils dont must wear trainers at school.
2 A: I think that buses are safer / the safest
thantrains. 3 You mustnt using your calculator during the exam.
B: I dont agree. I think that trains are safer /
thesafest form of transport. 4 We must visit New York, its an incredible city.
3 A: I think that Tokyo is more expensive /
themost expensive city in the world. 5 He shoulds book the hotel now, not later.
B: I read that Singapore is more expensive /
themost expensive than Tokyo. 6 People must to buy a ticket before getting on
4 A: What do you think is the best / better way to thetrain.
B: People think its running, but I reckon
swimming is better / the best than running.

Grammar practice 111

Grammar reference
Unit 6 First conditional
will/wont action/situation (if-) result

afirmativa negativa If we buy this laptop, well get a free printer.

result action/situation (if-)
I / You / He / I / You / He /
will pass wont fail
She / It / We / She / It / We / Hell use your email if you tell him the password.
the exam. the exam.
You / They You / They
interrogativa respuestas cortas Will you call Mum for me if I give you the number?
afirmativa negativa
Se utiliza el first conditional para hablar del resultado
Will I / you / he / Yes, I / you / he / No, I / you / he /
futuro de una accin o situacin.
she / it / we / you / she / it / we / you / she / it / we / you /
they win? they will. they wont. If the tablet breaks, I will take it to the shop.
Si se estropea la tableta la llevar a la tienda.
Se utiliza will y wont para hacer predicciones sobre el En las frases condicionales hay dos clusulas: la
futuro. clusula if- y la clusula resultado. Se utiliza if +
Computers will control our lives in the future. sujeto + presente simple para hablar de la accin
En el futuro, los ordenadores controlarn o situacin, y sujeto + will + infinitivo (sin to) para
nuestras vidas. hablar del resultado. Adems, se pone una coma
Will/Wont no cambia segn la persona y la tercera despus de la clusula if-.
persona (he/she/it) no termina con -s. If we pass all our exams, well have a party.
The laptop will help me with my homework. Si aprobamos todos los exmenes haremos una
El ordenador porttil me ser til para hacer los fiesta.
deberes. La clusula if- tambin puede ir en la segunda
Para formular preguntas se cambia el orden de las posicin dentro de la oracin.
palabras y no se utiliza do/does. Ill call you later if I need your help.
Will we travel in cars in the future? Te llamar ms tarde si necesito tu ayuda.
En el futuro iremos en coche? El negativo se forma con wont en la clusula
En ingls informal se puede usar la contraccin ll. resultado o con dont/doesnt en la clusula if-.
Ill go to university in the future. I wont finish my homework if the laptop breaks.
En el futuro ir a la universidad. No terminar los deberes si se estropea el
(not) as + adjetivo + as
If the laptop doesnt break, Ill finish my homework.
Se utiliza (not) as + adjetivo + as para afirmar que
algo o alguien (no) es igual en algn sentido a otra Si el porttil no se estropea terminar los
cosa o persona. deberes.
This tablet is as expensive as a laptop. Las preguntas se formulan con will delante del sujeto.
Esta tableta es tan cara como un porttil. Will you buy a tablet if the keyboard breaks?
My headphones arent as good as your headphones. Te comprars una tableta si se estropea el
Mis auriculares no son tan buenos como los
Se utiliza la estructura be + as + adjetivo + as.
Desktops arent as small as laptops.
(x Desktops arent as smaller than laptops.)
Los ordenadores de sobremesa no son tan
pequeos como los porttiles.

112 Grammar reference

Grammar practice 6
will/wont 3 This computer programme is the same speed as
the old one.
1 Complete the text with will and the words in This computer programme
the box. theold one. (fast)
4 These laptops are the same price as the tablets.
be (x2) do go study work
These laptops the tablets.
In the future I think I 1 ll go to university and
5 This camera is lighter than my smartphone.
I2 engineering. I think that engineering
My smartphone this
very important in the future because
camera. (light)
there 4 a lot of new developments
in science and technology. Then I reckon I
research at a university in America First conditional
or Australia. Afterthat I think I 6 in a
company which invents new technology.
5 Match the sentence halves.
1 If you switch on the computer, a
2 Circle the correct options. 2 If I dont leave now,
In the future, children 1will / wont go to school 3 If you dont tell me the answer,
because they 2will / wont study at home. We 3will / 4 We will learn how to create a website,
wont have electric cars because there 4will / wont 5 You will get a better job
be any petrol. People 5will / wont work in factories 6 I wont pass the exam
because robots 6will / wont do all of the work.
a Ill show you my new website.
3 Write questions with will. Then write short b if I dont study tonight.
answers. c Ill miss the train.
1 robots / clean our homes () d if you learn about technology.
Will robots clean our homes? Yes, they will. e I wont help you repair your computer.
2 all countries / speak the same f if we go on this course.
language ()
6 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the verbs in the box.
3 airplanes / be faster ()
finish buy not have got
4 the planet / be warmer () not go call take

5 people / live longer () 1 If the computer crashes, I ll take it to

6 the world / be more peaceful () 2 Ill go home if the class early.
3 Stacy will play games online if she
any homework.
(not) as + adjective + as 4 They us or send a text if they miss
the train.
4 Complete the second sentence so it has the 5 If Danny doesnt get the job, he
same meaning as the first sentence. Use(not) onholiday.
as + adjective + as and the adjectives in 6 Jessica a car if she passes her driving
brackets. test.
1 My new computer is smaller than my old
My old computer isnt as small as my new
computer. (small)
2 This tablet is more convenient than a laptop.
A laptop this tablet.
Grammar practice 113
Grammar reference
Unit 7 will y be going to
Will se utiliza para hacer predicciones, mientras que
be going to
be going to se utiliza para hablar de planes de futuro
afirmativa que ya estn decididos.
Well need a bigger house when we have a family.
Cuando tengamos familia necesitaremos una
He / She / It is going to study Medicine.
casa ms grande.
We / You / They are
Were going to buy a bigger house in a couple of
negativa years.
Im not
Dentro de un par de aos nos compraremos una
casa ms grande.
He / She / It isnt going to study Medicine.
We / You / They arent
Presente continuo para expresar futuro
Se puede utilizar el presente continuo para hablar de
interrogativa planes definidos para el futuro.
Am I
Shes meeting her boyfriend after school.
Is he / she / it going to study Medicine?
Despus del colegio se va a encontrar con su
Are we / you / they
Con frecuencia se utilizan marcadores temporales de
respuestas cortas futuro como tonight, tomorrow, this weekend,
this summer, next week, next month y after class/
Yes, I am. No, Im not.
Yes, he / she / it is. No, he / she / it isnt. Im going to a party on Saturday night.
Yes, we / you / they are. No, we / you / they arent. El sbado por la noche voy a una fiesta.
Se utiliza be going to para hablar de planes de futuro Presente simple para expresar futuro
y de intenciones. Se puede utilizar el presente simple para hablar de
Im going to work in another country in the future. horarios, programas o entradas de calendario del
En el futuro voy a trabajar en otro pas. futuro.
Para formar una frase afirmativa se utiliza be + going
He finishes work at 7 pm.
to + infinitivo. Sale del trabajo a las 7.
Para formar frases negativas, be + not + going to + Their train arrives at 8.45 in the morning.
infinitivo. Su tren llega a las 8.45 de la maana.
He isnt going to take a year out. Our summer holidays start on 24th June.
No se va a tomar un ao sabtico. Empezamos las vacaciones de verano el 24 de
La preguntas se formulan poniendo be antes del junio.
Are they going to get married this year?
Se van a casar este ao?

114 Grammar reference

Grammar practice 7
be going to Present continuous for future
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form 4 Write sentences about Leila, Danny, Suzanne
of be going to and the verbs in the box. and Liams plans.

buy get not go study take work Leila Danny and Liam
1 I m going to study engineering at university. tonight study for a go for play rugby
2 Rita in her dads shop this test a pizza
summer. with their
3 My brother a year out after
university. this visit her watch a go shopping
4 My parents a new house weekend grandma football for new
nextyear. match shoes
5 Sam and Linda married
1 Leilas studying for a test tonight.
6 We to summer camp this year.
2 Write questions with be going to. 4
1 What are you going to do 5
thissummer? (you / do) 6
2 Where
nextyear? (Tina / work) 5 Complete the conversation with the present
3 When ? continuous form of the verbs in the box.
(yourparents / retire)
go (x3) do meet (x2) have
4 this summer?
(they / visit Canada)
5 next year? Tim: What 1 are you doing tonight?
(you / learn to drive) Leo: I 2
to rugby practice at six, but
6 medicine? nothing after that. Why?
(your sister / study) Tim: Sally and I 3 to the new art
exhibition atthe community centre. Its on
ancient Greece.
will and be going to Leo: Sounds interesting. What time 4
3 Decide if each sentence is a plan or a you ?
prediction. Then circle the best option. Tim: It starts at eight, but I 5 Sally at
1 I think you will / are going to need an umbrella 7:30 in thecaf next door. Why dont you ask
today its raining. Luis to come too?
2 We will / are going to study Japanese next year. Leo: He cant. He 6 dinner at his
3 The tickets are sold out. You wont / arent girlfriends house tonight. He 7
going to get in. herparents for thefirst time!
4 I think it will / is going to be difficult to find a
job in the future. Present simple for future
5 Suzanne will / is going to work as a journalist
when she leaves university.
6 Complete the sentences with the correct form
ofthe present simple.
6 Im sure you will / are going to pass the exam
1 The plane leaves at 3 pm. (leave)
with a bit of luck.
2 What time the lesson ? (begin)
3 The teams the final match tomorrow. (play)
4 The shop until next Monday. (not open)
5 My new job tomorrow. (start)

Grammar practice 115

Grammar reference
Unit 8 Las interrogativas en presente perfecto se utilizan para
preguntar sobre experiencias del pasado. Se puede
Presente perfecto: afirmativas y negativas utilizar ever para preguntar sobre el periodo que
afirmativa/negativa abarca la vida entera.
Has she ever won a competition?
I / We / You / They have(nt) been to Paris.
Ha ganado alguna vez una competicin?
He / She / It has(nt) seen Avatar.
Las preguntas con respuesta S/No se forman con
Se utiliza el presente perfecto para hablar de have/has + sujeto (+ ever) + participio pasado, y
acontecimientos y experiencias del pasado que no have/has se repiten en las respuestas cortas.
sabemos exactamente cuando pasaron. A: Have you ever ridden a motorbike? B: Yes, I have.
Ive visited a lot of countries. A: Has montado alguna vez en moto? B: S.
He visitado muchos pases.
used to
Para formar frases afirmativas se utiliza sujeto +
have/has + participio pasado. afirmativa negativa
Ive burnt my hand. Me he quemado la mano. I / You / He / I / You / He /
Para formar frases negativas se pone nt (not) She / It She / It didnt use
used to play
despus de have/has y antes del participio pasado. to play
We / You / football. We / You /
Habitualmente, not se contrae. basketball.
They They
They havent crashed their car.
No han chocado con el coche. interrogativa respuestas cortas
Ortografa: participios de pasado afirmativa negativa
verbos regulares aadir -ed Did I / you / he /
Yes, I / you / he / No, I / you / he /
crash crashed she / it / we /
she / it / we / you / she / it / we / you /
you / they use to
verbos acabados en -e aadir -d they did. they didnt.
write letters?
like liked
verbos acabados en eliminar la -y y aadir -ied Se utiliza used to para hablar de acciones que tenan
consonantes + -y tidy tidied lugar de forma regular en el pasado pero que ya no
verbos acabados en doblar la consonante final y ocurren en el presente.
consonante + vocal + aadir -ed We used to walk to school, now we go by car.
consonante slip slipped Solamos ir andando al colegio pero ahora vamos
en coche.
Algunos verbos tienen formas de participio pasado Used to no cambia segn la persona verbal. La tercera
irregulares y no siguen ningn patrn. persona (he/she/it) no termina en -s.
cut cut cortar cortado She used to sing in a band.
fall fallen caer cado Cantaba en un grupo.
Ver la lista de verbos irregulares de la pgina 128. Se utiliza el auxiliar did para formar frases negativas e
Presente perfecto: interrogativas interrogativas.
He didnt use to smoke. (x He didnt used to smoke.)
interrogativa respuestas cortas
No fumaba.
afirmativa negativa
Did they use to go to the beach in summer?
I (ever) flown? Yes, I have. No, I havent.
Have Solan ir a la playa en verano?
you (ever) flown? Yes, you have. No, you havent.
En las respuestas cortas se utiliza did, no used to.
he (ever) flown? Yes, he has. No, he hasnt.
A: Did you use to play guitar? B: S.
Has she (ever) flown? Yes, she has. No, she hasnt.
it (ever) flown? Yes, it has. No, it hasnt. A: Tocabas la guitarra?
we (ever) flown? Yes, we have. No, we havent. B: Yes, I did (x Yes, I used.)
Have you (ever) flown? Yes, you have. No, you havent.
they (ever) flown? Yes, they have. No, they havent.

116 Grammar reference

Grammar practice 8
Present perfect: affirmative and Present perfect: questions
negative 5 Write questions and short answers with the
1 Complete the chart with the past participle of present perfect.
each verb. 1 you / have / an accident
Have you had an accident ?
like trip try stop jump study No, I havent .
2 Tracy / ever fall off / her bike
add -d or -ed remove the last double the final Yes, she .
letter and add consonant and
3 Tony / break / his leg
-ied add -ed
1 jumped 3 5
No, he .
2 4 6
4 they / ever win / the lottery
2 Write the past participle of each verb. No, they .
1 have had 5 she / burn / her finger
2 fall ?
Yes, she .
3 ride
6 you / ever slip / on a banana skin
4 write
5 eat
Yes, I .
6 see

3 Complete the sentences with correct form used to

6 Write sentences and questions with used to.
1 I ve visited a lot of countries in my life.
1 In the past: go to school by bus
2 He eaten snails, but he wants to try Now: go by bike
them one day.
We used to go to school by bus, now we
3 Tracy fallen off her bike.
go by bike .
4 Sam broken his wrist.
2 In the past: eat meat
5 We ridden a camel, but were going Now: only eat vegetables
to ride one next year.
Jack .
6 A: Do you like skiing?
3 In the past: not like sport
B: I dont know. I done it before. Now: play tennis every weekend
They .
4 Complete the sentences with the present
4 In the past: not write a journal
perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
Now: write in my blog every day
1 Kylie has broken her ankle. (break)
I .
2 Kate Alaska. (visit)
5 they / play in a band when they were you at
3 I octopus. (not eat)
4 My brother a new computer game.
No, they .
5 We the latest Harry Potter film.
6 you / ride a motorbike when you were younger
6 My parents me a new bike. (buy) ?
Yes, I .

Grammar practice 117

Grammar reference
Unit 9 Pronombres reexivos
one/ones I myself it itself
One/ones se utiliza para referirse a una persona u you yourself we ourselves
objeto cuando no se quiere repetir un nombre en una he himself you yourselves
frase. Se utiliza one en singular y ones en plural. she herself they themselves
I like all my presents, but this one is my favorite. Los pronombres reflexivos se utilizan cuando una
Me gustan todos los regalos pero este es mi misma persona o cosa es sujeto y objeto de un verbo a
favorito. la vez.
A: Which birthday cards do you prefer? My dad talks to himself when hes nervous.
B: The cheapest ones. Mi padre habla consigo mismo cuando est
A: Qu tarjetas de felicitacin prefieres? nervioso.
B: Las ms baratas. Normalmente el pronombre va justo despus del
Pronombres indenidos We enjoyed ourselves at Petes birthday party.
afirmativas negativas (x We enjoyed at Petes birthday party ourselves.)
personas someone no one Nos lo pasamos muy bien en la fiesta de
everyone anyone aniversario de Pete.
objetos something nothing Innitivo de propsito
everything anything El infinitivo de propsito se utiliza para especificar por
lugares somewhere nowhere qu hacemos algo.
everywhere anywhere They saved money to pay for the wedding.
(x They saved money for pay for the wedding.)
Los pronombres indefinidos se utilizan para referirse a
personas, objetos y lugares de forma general. Ahorraron para pagarse la boda.
I want to go somewhere at the weekend.
El fin de semana quiero ir a algn lugar.
Estas palabras estn en singular.
Everyone is excited about the wedding.
(x Everyone are excited about the wedding)
Todo el mundo est emocionado con la boda.
Normalmente se utiliza un verbo en forma afirmativa
junto con no one, nothing y nowhere.
Theres nothing to do here!
(x There isnt nothing to do here!)
No hay nada que hacer aqu!
Normalmente se utiliza un verbo en forma negativa
junto con anyone, anything y anywhere.
I havent got anything to do today.
(x Ive got anything to do today.)
No tengo nada que hacer, hoy.

118 Grammar reference

Grammar practice 9
one/ones Reexive pronouns
1 Circle the correct options. 4 Complete the sentences with the correct
1 A: Which T-shirt do you like, pink or blue? reflexive pronouns.
B: The blue one / ones. 1 Do you like looking at yourself in the mirror?
2 A: Which biscuits do you want, chocolate 2 Serena taught to play the guitar.
orlemon? 3 I burnt when I was cooking dinner.
B: The chocolate one / ones, please. 4 These lights turn on when its dark.
3 A: What type of ticket is the best? 5 Jim hurt when he was climbing.
B: Which one / ones is the cheapest? 6 We enjoyed at the picnic.
4 A: I really like those types of films.
B: Which one / ones? 5 Are these sentences correct? Correct the
A: Action films. incorrect reflexive pronouns.
5 A: Which restaurant do you like best? 1 I hope she didnt hurt yourselves.
B: The one / ones on the corner near the park. I hope she didnt hurt herself.
6 A: Do you want the same flowers as last time? 2 He only thinks about herself!
B: No, lets get different one / ones, this time.
3 I think she cut herself on that big knife.
Indenite pronouns
4 The human body can repair itself very quickly.
2 Complete the sentences with the words in the
box. 5 I saw myself in the mirror.

anywhere Everyone anything nothing

6 Weve sent themselves a copy of the contract.
Someone something

1 I havent got anything to do today.

2 Helen couldnt find her keys . Innitive of purpose
3 called me on the phone but I dont 6 Match the sentence halves.
know who. 1 She went to the supermarket b
4 Im so hungry. Ive eaten since 2 Sam and Joanna went to the park
3 Suzanne bought some bread
5 I can give you for your headache.
4 Lisa took her camera
6 is going to the park tomorrow.
5 We went to the pool
Whydont you come, too?
6 I brought some flowers
3 Circle the correct options. a to go swimming.
1 Someone / No one lives in that house the last b to buy some fruit.
family moved out two weeks ago. c to give Mum for her birthday.
2 Theres something / nothing good on TV d to play football.
tonight. Lets go to the cinema. e to make sandwiches.
3 Youve thrown your clothes everywhere / f to take some photos.
nowhere! Clean your room now!
4 Somewhere / Someone told me its your
birthday today.
5 Ive got nothing / no one to tell you.
6 She hasnt got anywhere / nowhere to plug
inher computer.

Grammar practice 119

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