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Luz Maria Pea

Larson, English III

Period 2

8 March, 2017


Did you know that more than 100,000 soft drinks from Coca-Cola are consumed every

second of every day? Coca-cola is one of the main soft drinks that the United States consumes

yearly. According to a Gallup poll, 48% of Americans drink Coca-Cola on a daily basis.

Coca-Cola was invented by John Pemberton, a pharmacist during the 1880s which majority of

the drugs he created as a pharmacist failed. A lot of chemicals in coke such as high-fructose corn

syrup may cause long term damage, unhealthiness for the body, and poor reactions which could

be dangerous for a person.

The ingredients in Coca-Cola should not be consumed on a daily. Coca-Colas

ingredients contain chemicals that cause harm to the human body in the long run. According to

Lauren Saglimbene, Coupled with the acid produced from bacteria, Coca Cola is a double threat

to tooth enamel. Symptoms of dental erosion include temperature sensitivity, pain, transparency,

cracking and darkening of teeth( Coca-Cola is a very acidic drink which causes

tooth decay and tooth sensitivity. Coke contains phosphoric acid, a chemical compound (H3PO4)

that serves as a preservative in food and beverages. Since Coca-Cola is acidic, it can also

brighten a penny from its dirty appearance. Tricia Edgar conducted an experience with a copper

penny inside a container filled with coke overnight. Edgar reports that, Most colas have a pH of
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2.5-3.5. The scale for pH is a way to determine how acidic something is. It goes from 0 to 14,

and everything under 7 is acidic,( The copper penny, contains copper oxide

which reacts with the cokes phosphoric acid, in a negative way. The penny was used to

substitute a humans tooth. A humans tooth contains calcium which reacts poorly with the

cokes acidic ingredients. Coke stands on 2.5-3.5 on the pH scale, which is considered very

acidic and bad for the human body to consume (

The serving size of coke is one can. One can contains 140 calories which is based on a

persons 2000 calorie diet. The ingredients of coke are carbonated water, high fructose corn

syrup, caramel color, phosphoric acid, natural flavors and caffeine. According to Coca-Cola,

this product includes ingredient sourced from genetically engineered (GE) crops, commonly

known as GMOs, ( An original can of Coca-Cola is 140 calories

with 45 mg of sodium. The percentage of the daily value is 2%. The total carb is 39g which is

13%. The total sugars is 39g. People consider diet coke to be a healthier alternative for a fountain

drink, even though to contrary of believe it is worst for the body to consume. Coca-Cola contains

phenylalanine, which can be harmful to people. According to Zeratsky, phenylalanine can cause

mental retardation, brain damage, seizures and other problems in people with PKU,

( Phenylketonuria, commonly known as PKU, is a birth defect that causes amino

acid called phenylalanine to build up in the body (Genetics Home Reference). Diet coke contains

carbonated water, caramel color, aspartame, phosphoric acid, potassium benzoate, natural

flavors, citric acid, caffeine, and phenylalanine. The diet coke contains more ingredients that are

harmful to the human body than the original 12 fl oz coke.

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The human body reacts a certain way to a 12 fl oz can of coke. Coke makes the body

react in about an hour. The body reacts differently every 10 minutes. According to the photo, on

The Renegade Pharmacist, your bodys blood pressure heightens after 20 minutes of drinking a

can of Coca-Cola. The body reacts differently in 45 minutes of drinking a can of coke. In 45

minutes the can of coke makes the body release dopamine, a feel good chemical. In 60 minutes

of drinking a can of coke, the body leaves the feel good stage and becomes in a state of

irritation ( Another chemical in coke that is dangerous is a chemical

called fructose, which is similar to ethanol. Ethanol can be found in alcoholic drinks. According

to The Renegade Pharmacist, when you consume it (fructose), its actually like ethanol but

without the high. It confuses the liver and ends up making lots of bad fats in the process. It also

doesnt signal your brain that you are full. The body becomes confused by the chemicals that

are put into coke, and causes the brain and liver to react negatively. Coke isnt supposed to be

consumed on a daily, and the consumption of this product should be regulated because of the

harmful effects it causes.

Many can argue that coke can help boost energy for a short period of time when needed.

Which is true for a short period of time, but is harmful in the long run. According to The

Renegade Pharmacist, within the first 40 minutes the bodys blood pressure rises, the

adenosine receptors in your brain are now blocked preventing drowsiness. When blood pressure

rises, its dangerous for the body to consume large amounts of sugar.

Coca-Cola contains a lot of chemicals which could be harmful to the human if consumed

on a daily. Drinking coke on a daily can cause, the body to be harmed in a long term effect, its

unhealthy for the average human, and causes the human body to react poorly. Many chemicals
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in coke is bad, and we can change the drink of choice. To many, coke is the drink of choice

because it makes the body release dopamine but they dont know the long term effects coke may

cause. We only have one body in this life -- we should take care of it like its our last and not put

it to waste.
Pea 5


"Coca-Cola." N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Mar. 2017.


Edgar, Tricia. "Corrosiveness of Soda." Experiment | N.p., 12 Sept.

2013. Web. 08 Mar. 2017.


"Phenylalanine in Diet Soda: Is It Harmful?" Mayo Clinic. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Mar. 2017.



"Phenylketonuria - Genetics Home Reference." U.S. National Library of Medicine.

National Institutes of Health, n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2017.


Saglimbene, Lauren. "What Effects Does Coke Have on Teeth?" LIVESTRONG.COM.

Leaf Group, 17 June 2015. Web. 08 Mar. 2017.


"What Happens One Hour After Drinking A Can Of Coke." The Renegade Pharmacist.

N.p., 01 Mar. 2017. Web. 08 Mar. 2017.


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