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A Jigsaw Advisory Council - Designed for

Jigsaw Junction High School advisory council is composed of our finest counselors,
community members, and administrative staff. The advisory counsel will be
responsible for making recommendations to address the needs of our community,
and defining ways in which these needs can be met. Once the council has
successfully generated goals to address the needs of our community, the
recommendations will be provided to the school board. The goals and
recommendations will be aligned with Jigsaw Junctions Mission Statement, and the
schools personalized Needs Assessment.
The Members include:

Steven Santos - Jigsaw Junction School Counselor

Helena Zangari - Jigsaw Junction School Counselor
Chris Watson - Jigsaw Junction School Counselor
Dana Lewkowitz - Jigsaw Junction School Teacher
Jacob Spicer - Jigsaw Junction School Teacher
Elizabeth Spieth - Jigsaw Junction School Teacher
Deborah Podolski - Jigsaw Junction Community Member
Jaime Wood - Jigsaw Junction Community Member
Samuel Cancellari - Jigsaw Junction Community Member
Christopher Melograna - Jigsaw Junction Principal
Brian Panarella - Jigsaw Junction Vice Principal
Susan Anthony - Jigsaw Junction Superintendent

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