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However, the vast majority of people who have

The compulsion to change one's body is often a cosmetic surgery have one procedure and never
symptom of a deeper mental instability. It look back. They're made happier and more
should be treated as a problem, not encouraged secure in themselves because of it. In fact, the
with surgery. Research indicating that breast same study by social worker Roberta
augmentation patients are four times more Honigman and psychiatrists Katherine Phillips,
likely to commit suicide compared to other MD, and David Castle, MD, also suggested
plastic surgery patients raises questions about positive outcomes in some patients, including
the mental health of women who choose improvements in body image and possibly a
implants1. It's only a plaster patched over a boost in their quality of life as well1. Therefore,
much deeper problem. There are also studies it would be wrong to say that cosmetic surgery
that show negative psychological effects on can be psychologically damaging as a rule.
patients after their surgery has been completed. Many studies have shown that patients have
For example, a recent analysis 37 studies on higher self-esteem after surgery. For example,
patients' psychological and psychosocial in a recent study by Sarwer found that a year
functioning before and after cosmetic surgery after receiving cosmetic surgery, 87 per cent of
by social worker Roberta Honigman and patients reported satisfaction following their
psychiatrists Katherine Phillips, MD, and surgery, including improvements in their
David Castle, MD, found several predictors of overall body image and the body feature
poor outcomes, especially for those who hold altered. They also experienced less negative
unrealistic expectations or have a history of body image emotions in social situations2.
depression and anxiety. The researchers found
that patients who are dissatisfied with surgery
may request repeat procedures or experience
depression and adjustment problems, social
isolation, family problems, self-destructive
behaviours and anger towards the surgeon and
his or her staff2.

Banning cosmetic surgery would not

prevent it occurring, better for it to
be legal and performed properly
The black market argument applies to
If banned, cosmetic surgery will flourish on a everything illegal. Of course that risk
black market. Of course cosmetic surgery is exists, but the number of those
already available on the black market but if undertaking the activity will be smaller,
banned then potentially all the customers who as the opposition suggests by saying
have legal cosmetic surgery will become that operations will increase in price.
customers for black market cosmetic surgery. Lack of legal safeguards and medical
accountability, and the probability that
This will drive the prices up and it will be
only badly qualified doctors will offer
much more dangerous as it will be done by
illegal operations will deter almost
unscrupulous doctors and outside all the safety
everyone from risking black market
precautions the legal environment provides. surgery. Fewer operations must be
Examples such as that of 46 year old Maria desirable if it is agreed that the activity
Olivia Aguirre-Castillo died as a result of a concerned should be banned. Since
black market cosmetic procedure in which discussing the effects of banning
cooking oil was injected into her buttocks by cosmetic surgery is at the present time a
an unlicensed practitioner who promised a hypothetical task, this argument will cite
cheap alternative to legitimate procedures. the prohibition of drugs as an example. A
After spending a week in a coma following the 2001 Australian study of 18-29 year olds
procedure, Ms. Aguirre-Castillo succumbed to by the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics
multiple organ failure due to fat embolization, and Research suggests that prohibition
deters illicit drug use. 29% of those who
as the oil injected into her buttocks attacked
had never used cannabis cited the
her body functions1. Examples such as this
illegality of the substance as their reason
would become much more of a common
for never using the drug, while 19% of
occurrence if cosmetic surgery was banned due those who had ceased use of cannabis
to the increase in black market surgeries. cited its illegality as their reason 1.
Cosmetic Surgery bargains, (accessed 1
NSW Bureau of Crime statistics and
12/6/2011) research, Does prohibition deter
cannabis use?, (accessed 12/6/2011)

KONTRA Women have the right and freedom to choose how they look

The freedom to change their body if they wish If anything, cosmetic surgery is the latest
is important to women who have historically phenomenon in the long history of the
objectification of women in society. In
been subjugated by men, their bodies regarded actuality this technology is not empowering
as owned and for the use of men. Cosmetic because it is largely used by women who are
surgery the ultimate control over ones body, driven to meet male standards of beauty,
perhaps is the latest stage in the exaggerating their shape and seeking to remain
emancipation of women and their ability to youthful lest their partner leave them for (often
decide what happens to their bodies. The literally) a younger model. A preference for
French performance artist Orlan, for example, younger women (which is universally
sees plastic surgery as a path towards self- documented) evolved for men to narrow the
determination a way for women to regain range of productive mates to those still young
control of their bodies. Instead of having her enough to bear children1. As women's
body rejuvenated or beautiful, she turns the reproductive capacity drops off dramatically,
tables and uses surgery as a medium for a so do men's ratings of 'attractiveness' for her.
different project.[1] Orlan designs her body, 1
Goehring, Jennifer, Modern standards of
orchestrates the operations and makes the final beauty: Nature or Nurture? An evolutionary
decision about when to stop and when to go perspective (accessed 11/6/2011)
on. She is the creator, not just the creation; the
one who decides and not the passive object of
another's decisions that many people view
recipients of cosmetic surgery to be.[2]
Feminists have often envisioned a future where
technology has been seized for women for their
own ends. Take, for example, Shulamith
Firestone's Dialectic of Sex (1970) in which
she fantasies a world in which reproductive
technology frees women from the chores and
constraints of biological motherhood.[3]

[1]Orlan, Manifesto of Carnal Art.

[2]Kathy Davis, 'My body is my art': Cosmetic

surgery as feminist utopia?

KONTRA Given that the reality is that we're judged on our appearance all the time, it's
perfectly rational to want to look good.

Point Counterpoint
Nobody's forcing anyone to have cosmetic On the other hand, it could be argued that
surgery the market is driven by demand. instead of giving into this reality we should be
Attractiveness is greatly affects first fighting against the culture of unrealistic
impressions and later interpersonal beauty ideals. Allen Ginsburg, a radical writer
relationships. In a classic study entitled 'What of the 1960s, said, "Whoever controls the
is Beautiful is good', psychologists Kenneth media- the images- controls the culture" 1. The
Dion, Ellen Berscheid and Elaine Hatfield media constantly conveys unrealistic images of
asked college students to rate photographs of the ideal female body. Every woman has a
strangers on a variety of personal unique build and make-up, yet the media
characteristics. Those who were judged to be always tries to perpetuate what they believe the
attractive were also more likely to be rated universal standard of women should be2. These
intelligent, kind, happy, flexible, interesting, convince an individual that something is
confident, friendly, modest, and successful terribly wrong with his physical appearance
than those judged unattractive [1]. Teachers and that it needs to be mended. The growth in
rate attractive children more highly on a cosmetic surgery enhances people's perception
variety of positive characteristics including IQ that there is something wrong with their body
and sociability, and attractive babies are if they don't conform to the ideal beautiful
cuddled and kissed more often than form. It could also be argued that the lengths
unattractive babies[2]. that women go to to try and look good are
indeed not rational. Cosmetic surgery with its
high cost and risks certainly does not seem like
a rational option3.
Ginsburg, Allen, Allen Ginsburg quotes,
(accessed 15/6/2011)
Image is Everything,(accessed 12/6/2011)
Risks of Plastic surgery,(accessed 16/6/2011)

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