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Mission Statement:

To assist people to
be in control of their lives
and live their own dreams.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or resold in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording or by any information storage and retrieval
system, without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of
brief quotations in a review.
Copyright © 2008 Nicole Vlug/Sherrie Hatfield.
Articles Copyright © 2008 John Mace

The purpose of this book is to educate and entertain. The author and the
publishers shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person with
respect to any loss or damage, caused or alleged to be caused, directly or
indirectly, by the information contained in this book.

Published by Design Diva Pty. Ltd.


Preface 1 4

Preface 2 6

Introduction – The Real You 8

Connecting Human Energy and Nature 10

The Being and the Person 19

Spirituality 24

Enlightenment 27

Mind, Body, Spirit and Brain 34

About the Mace Method 41

The ‘Method’ and Science 45

Testimonials 48

Contacts 56

Preface 1

I always struggled with the ‘unseen’. As a very ‘visual’ person, if

it was not tangible, it was not that it did not exist but it was
harder to deal with and quite frankly easy to forget about.

Easy to forget about? – yeh right….so I thought….my logic was

“I can’t physically see it so I can’t fix it, so I will pretend it isn’t
happening…” but life kept whacking me over and over again
until at one point it felt like every single negative identity I had
ever created seemed to attack me all at once… was my time
to LOOK!! That was in 2001.

Fortunately I came across John Avery, a Mace Method

Practitioner. I had two sessions and walked back into my life
without the more pressing fears I had been operating under. I
felt like I had ‘Me’ back. I could feel my power – the real ME.

As I continued on my physical journey I took great interest in

spiritual and self transformational work. My awareness
grew…finally I was looking….over time I started to understand
life from different viewpoints. But still not seeing my stuff until
each time something would virtually hit me in the face…I found
myself sliding again into a place of what seemed like no
return…totally bombarded by my stuff, my negative beliefs and
identities running riot!! Where had the real me gone??? What
happened to my personal power??

I had always been successful in my endeavours, always been self

employed and run my own businesses, invested in property and
had financial security – anything I could ‘see’ I could fix….but I
could not see what was going on with me – I could not see my

feelings and beliefs – my negative identities that had
overpowered the real me.

I remembered John Avery and booked in for another session – 2

years after the first two. I was suffering depression, exhaustion,
deep fear and purposelessness.

Well that’s the end of ‘sad’ side of my story….I never looked

back…but wow what a journey life is!! What happened
next??...well I had another session or two and realised the power
of the Mace Method. I took a couple of years off work and
relaxed! I trained as a practitioner because I needed to get this
technology out to the world! It is so effortless, quick and
guaranteed! I have looked at so many modalities of healing and
nothing tops The Mace Method in effectiveness and ease. The
development of this book is a result of wanting to get some of
John Mace’s wonderful writings and knowledge out to the world.

“Finding the Real You” is, for all us ‘visual’ people out there, an
explanation of what is really happening and how it really is,
written in a way to help you start ‘seeing’ what’s really
happening – what IS!

Nicole Vlug

Preface 2

This book has been prepared to assist people to be in control of

their lives and live their own dreams.

Each chapter is to share and introduce to each reader the

philosophy and principles behind the new revolutionary
procedure called The Mace Method (TMM). The body of
knowledge is called Causism and introduces for the first time the
true function of the mind and the remarkable discovery of a 4th
element called Identities into our already known Mind Body Soul

What this research uncovers is a revolutionary new paradigm in

resolving emotional problems or anything you feel is holding you
back from living your life fully now.

This book includes articles written by Dr John Mace as well as

parts from his International book called ‘Don’t Think Of An
Elephant”. Also included are comments and recognition from
Energy Psychologist Fred Gallo PhD and Robert Roerich MD
Research Psychiatrist and personal testimonials from clients
around the world.

Based on 49 years of research and study, this simple but

extraordinarily effective therapy will allow you to regain control
of your life and find the real you in minutes not hours. Not only
can it put you on the path to emotional and psychological health
and eliminate the stress that underlines many physical health
problems, it can also lead to a marked improvement in your
general health, well being and confidence.

Dr. John Mace was awarded a Ph.D. for his unique and
groundbreaking research, which led him to develop the Mace
Method. There are now many practitioners worldwide.

Join Nicole and I as we walk and share in the forefront of this

personal empowerment movement around the world in how we
think about ourselves, live our lives and our own dreams. We
are Mace Method Trainers and Educators as well Advanced
Mace Method Practitioners working with clients from all walks of
life around the world.

This research has proven that trying to analyse or change our

own unwanted emotions cannot be done and often only makes
things worse.

Edward De Bono (A Famous Author) was correct when he said :

“Logic never changes any emotion or feeling. You can spend

hours with logical argument trying to change some feeling or
prejudice; you are not likely to succeed!”

Please enjoy exploring how this process can assist you in being
all that you where meant to be! It is simple and unique
in its procedure as there is absolutely no personal
disclosure necessary

Definitely a NEW PARADIGM!

Sherrie Hatfield

Introduction – The Real You!

How often have you heard people say, ‘I'll
believe it when I see it’? The atheist, the supreme
sceptic, the supreme materialist, a person who
has no belief in the spiritual nature of human
beings and therefore no awareness of their own
spirituality, epitomises the saying ‘Show me and I
will believe you.’

When addressing the subject of spirituality, the inability to ‘see it’

is probably the greatest impediment there is to enabling people
to recognise their own true nature as energy units, spiritual
beings, for there is, in all truth, nothing to see. We are energy,
and, as with all other forms of energy, we are invisible.

Not only are we invisible, but also, as science will tell you, as
energy we are indestructible, a concept that aligns with
immortality! The energy component of humanity has no
physical properties at all; it is an elusive will-of-the-wisp. You
can describe anything that has a physical component, but you
cannot describe anything that has no form or substance
detectable by the physical senses. Try describing sound to a
person who has been deaf since birth!

Any material object can be described and illustrated, for it has

colour, weight and shape. These components are necessary for
anything to be defined as a physical object, or matter. Look
around you. Every object that you can see has all three
components. Energy comes in many forms or guises, some
crude and some sublimely pure, but the overriding fact is that

you cannot see it. It has no physical component, no matter what
its guise or form: its presence can only be detected by the effects
it creates.

No dictionaries that I have seen actually define what it is; they all
refer to what it does. That is perfectly understandable, for energy
has no weight, no colour and no form – all negatives – but it can
create effects, hence this Causism definition: Energy has no
substance, no weight, no colour, and no form. It does
produce effects.

The human energy unit is the purest form of energy in

this universe. It is the energy that is basic to the entire
universe, and is not only indestructible (immortal), but is alone in
its ability to store knowledge at a conscious
level. Its invisibility is the source of the lack
of understanding of human emotions, for
all human emotions are the results of
invisible energy fields impinging on the

Connecting Human Nature and Energy

To have a full grasp of our true nature, it

is necessary to understand something of
the nature of energy, for within that
concept lies the secret of our existence.
This, in turn, is the key to understanding
not only why we behave as we do, but also, how we are now
able to change our lives for the better.

If you ask an atheist whether they accept the existence of

magnetism, they will invariably say ‘Of course’, and will
probably look at you with an air of condescending tolerance. Ask
them if they accept the existence of gravity, electricity or steam,
and the response will be similar. Now ask if they can see
magnetism. Many will ignore the preciseness of the question
and say you can see magnetism by the way it attracts other
metals, metal filings or pins for example.

The conversation will probably go something like this:

‘Do you know much about magnetism?’
‘A fair bit.’
‘Can you see magnetism?’
‘Of course you can!’
‘Are you sure?’
‘Of course I am! Every kid who did experiments at school
with magnets, pins and metal filings etc. has seen
‘Okay. I understand your answer, but the question was,
“Can you see magnetism?” - Seeing magnetism is one
thing, but seeing its effects is another.’

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‘See it? Oh ... I suppose not. But you certainly know it’s

If you hold a pencil out from your body and let it go, it will drop
onto whatever is below it. As with magnetism, it is the effects of
gravity that are visible, not gravity itself. What this action plus
the above conversation illustrate is that the existence of any form
of energy is only apparent by the effects it creates, and one of
those effects is human emotion. A bit left field, but true

The Steam Age demonstrated the benefits of

harnessing the energy inherent in steam, yet you
cannot see it – vapour yes, but not steam. The
energy known as steam is invisible – it is
transparent and colourless. Many people
mistakenly think that what they see coming out of
a boiling kettle is steam, but it is water vapour
created by the steam contacting the cooler atmosphere. It is only
when the vaporisation occurs, when steam comes into contact
with the air that one is aware of the presence of steam – but you
see the vapour, not the steam. Once again, you only know it is
there by the effect it has created.

Electricity is another valuable form of energy, the harnessing of

which has provided countless benefits. To harness electricity
effectively you need a conductor for it to travel along and to
enable it to be insulated and controlled. Once again, you cannot
see the energy called electricity; you can only observe its effects,
for good or bad. When you see lightning, which is only an
enormous spark, you are seeing a phenomenon created by
electricity, not electricity itself.

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As valuable as electricity is in our present society, it is
a relatively crude form of energy when compared
with magnetism. Not as crude as steam, for
example, but still relatively crude. Electricity can be
insulated by a material such as rubber, and also
requires a conductor, whereas magnetism is a highly
refined form of energy that does not require a conductor.

The same rubber that insulates electricity is no barrier to

magnetism. If you do not have subjective reality on this, put a
magnet on one side of a piece of rubber and a pin on the other
side, directly opposite the magnet. The pin will remain in place.
Naturally enough, the strength of the magnet, the thickness of
the rubber, and the weight of the object have to be taken into
consideration. A magnet, a piece of glass and a steel ball
bearing will produce the same result. As you move the magnet,
the ball bearing will follow on the other side of the glass. Even
the various bits of information and photographs that are held on
the household refrigerator attest to the nature of magnetism.

One of the limitations of magnetism is that it will only affect

ferrous metals; it can only attract or repel such metals. Copper,
for example, is immune to the effects of magnetism. Another
limitation of magnetism is that it can be overridden by gravity,
except when concentrated locally. Gravity is demonstratively a
far more potent form of energy, for there is no material object on
this planet immune to the effects of gravity. Every minute speck
of matter is on or in our planet simply because of the existence
and strength of gravity.

Different forms of energy vary in effectiveness, and it is their

effectiveness that classifies them. Take steam, electricity and
even gravity for examples. Gravity is an integral component of

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this planet. It is also an integral
component of our solar system, for it is
the pushing and pulling of gravitational
forces between and within the bodies of
our solar system that keep it in balance.

A magnet can, to some degree, overcome the force of gravity of

the planet. It can, for example, hold an object in suspension so
that the object does not fall. In the same manner, planet Earth
can, to some degree, overcome the forces of gravity that bind
our solar system. Likewise, the solar system can, to a degree,
overcome the gravitational pull and push of the physical
universe as a whole.

To give you more understanding of this, if you do not have that

reality already, go outside one clear night and inspect the sky –
the universe around us. The force holding in place the myriad
objects twinkling there is the same force that holds our solar
system together. That energy, known as gravity, is a factor
common to the entire physical universe, which it pervades.

Accepting the fact that all the celestial bodies

in the physical universe are moving in relation
to one another is simply accepting the fact that
the forces of gravitational energy are still in the
process of trying to find a balance. It is like
putting a heap of iron filings in a magnetic field: they will move
around until equilibrium is established. The same thing occurs
when a magnetic compass is disturbed: the needle will swing
back and forth until it settles again, pointing to the magnetic
North. How long it takes to resume its northerly aspect is
dependent on the inertia of the needle and the strength of the
magnetic field.

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Similarly, how fast the iron filings move and how long they take
to settle around a magnet are entirely dependent on the same
factors. The movement within and between the galaxies in the
universe is the same thing on a larger scale, and the greater the
distances, and the greater the mass in motion, the greater the
time necessary to find equilibrium.

An object without its own energy source is said to

be inanimate, meaning it requires an outside
source of energy if it is to change its position. This
is demonstratively apparent in the case of a stone
lying on the ground. That stone, a part of the
physical universe, will never change its position in
relation to its surroundings unless some energy is
applied to it. This is true of any inanimate object. No matter
how expansively you extrapolate the concept, a material object
will not move without some form of energy being applied to it.
Isaac Newton did extensive research in this area.

Two logical questions now arise: ‘Where does the physical

universe come from?’ and ‘Where does energy come from?’
Scientists are currently debating the Big Bang theory in an
attempt to answer the first question, but it is the second question
that must be answered in order to address the first.

Let us have another look at magnetism and its relationship to

electricity. Although electricity can be created chemically, such
as in a torch battery, it has only become a commercial
proposition because a generator can create it mechanically. An
electric generator has a ferrous metal core around which is
wound non-ferrous material – copper wire. This is then rotated
mechanically in a magnetic field, in other words between

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magnets. It is the movement of the copper wire within the
magnetic field that creates the electric flow within the wire, for it
is the changing position of the magnetic field in relation to the
wire that causes the generation of electricity. A stationary wire
with a magnetic field passing over it will have the same effect.

Conversely, ferrous metal can be induced with

a magnetic field by applying electricity to it, so
you can see that both electricity and
magnetism go hand in hand, but each is
dependent on the other. If you look into this a
little more deeply, revolving the copper wire
requires harnessing some other form of energy
– a steam engine, a diesel engine or even a human body. You
are not really creating energy, but simply changing it into a more
manageable form.

Even if you create electricity by harnessing the power of falling

water (hydro-electricity), you are simply harnessing the power of
gravity and turning it into another form of energy. You cannot
destroy energy; you can only change its class or type.
These examples illustrate that energy is an inherent component
of the physical universe, and that science and industry do not
create energy – they simply change it into a more manageable
form. Energy cannot be destroyed, but its form can be changed.

All living organisms, be they inhabitants of

the animal world or the immobile plant
world, are activated by a form of energy. All
organisms follow the principles of birth,
development (maturing) and finally death.
No organism, mobile or immobile, is an exception. It is the
effectiveness of different forms of energy that separates life

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forms. The supreme energy form of the universe activates
humans, and it is this fact that separates us from all other forms
of life. The closest energy to our own class, the human spirit, is
apparently the class of energy activating primates.

These data necessitate a re-examination of the concept of

evolution. It is not the genetic structure that separates us from
primates, but the form of energy that
activates the genetic structure. Genetic
structures may be subject to evolution, but
not the energy that activates them. We have
illustrated that it is only the effects of energy
– the manifestations of energy – that are
visible. Exactly the same principle applies in
establishing the presence of the human energy unit. We have
also established the fact that an object will not move until or
unless an energy form is applied to it. The human body is no
different: it will not and cannot move without some energy being
present to activate it. The movements of the human body are
the manifestations of an energy force being present, and that
energy force is obviously within or around the body.

The human body is mobile and functioning only when it

is controlled by a resident energy form. Death is simply the
energy departing, at which time the body becomes just another
material object. At this stage, some thinking individual will state
that it is the food we eat that provides the energy for the body.
Perfectly true, but there are two factors involved, the driving
force which motivates the body and then the bodily energy
required for it to function as a separate entity. The body coverts
the food we eat into energy just as fire converts combustible
material into heat and light, but as just stated, it is the Human
Energy Unit that is the prime mover.

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To return to the principle that energy is only
recognisable by the effects it creates: it is
obvious that every movement of a human body
is a manifestation of an energy unit operating
independently of an outside source. The real
you is not a body; you are an energy unit
inhabiting a body. An enormous hurdle is
surmounted the moment you accept the fact that you are a class
of energy, albeit invisible and undetectable by human senses.
This energy unit, just like gravity, cannot be insulated by matter;
and just as magnetism and gravity can permeate matter, so too
can the human spirit. How else can a person feel that they are
within their body? If they can get into a body, they must also be
able to get out, hence the numerous stories of ‘out-of-body’

Both these phenomena are readily understood when the human

energy unit’s ability to permeate matter is accepted. Most
energy forms have an effect on material objects, but the
human energy unit is so pure it just passes through
matter. The X-ray has a degree of this ability in that it can pass
through human tissue but not through bone.

A spiritual being fully meets the definition of energy, for that is

what it is – pure energy. It has, however, an added ability that
makes it the supreme form of energy: it is able to store
knowledge and think. In other words, it is able to compute,
rationalise and make decisions.

There is no such thing as poor-quality energy, be it electricity,

steam, gravity or magnetism. The strength may vary, but not its
inherent nature. Energy is what it is: perfect in its own

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right, no matter what its class. Therefore the human energy
unit must also perfect! This begs the question, ‘If we are perfect,
how is it that life itself is not perfect, for individuals, or humanity
as a whole?’ The magnitude and the importance of that
question are beyond calculation. It was one of the first questions
I asked myself – and it has at last been answered.

- 18 -
The Being and the Person

A being is energy, obviously the highest class of energy in the

universe, but energy nevertheless. Electricity is a class of energy,
magnetism is a class of energy, and steam is a class of energy as
also is gravity. Each have their own inherent qualities, which is
why they can be classified, but no matter what the class of
energy, each is perfect in its own right, for there is no such thing
as poor quality energy. By the same reasoning there is no such
thing as poor quality spiritual energy – a spiritual being just is,
perfect in its own right.

Because they are perfect a being’s natural

tendency is to cause the person to live life in
the high ascetic mood levels, enthusiasm, love,
happiness and honesty etc. If a person does
not live life from all of these high levels, it is
because of negative identities, which have
gained too much power in some areas of life.

The moment a being takes over a body and commences

operating that body (even in the womb the being operates the
body), for practical purposes it is no longer perfect, but that is
only an apparent state, for it is still perfect as a Being, although
its power is limited by the game of life which reduces its
effectiveness. Experience indicates that identities from past lives,
both positive and negative, get triggered during gestation.
Whether this is at conception or later is a moot point of no
practical consequence, but from a positive point of view,
explains the child prodigy.

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This composite, a perfect being plus a body and identities, is a
“person’ and the more negative identities it takes on board, the
more baggage it is carrying around and the less perfect it seems
to be. It is it’s association with a body, which first detracts from
its perfection, and although the body is a necessary factor in
playing the game of life, it is baggage all the same; a decidedly
limiting factor, that has to be accepted in playing this game of

A being can permeate matter, but a body

certainly cannot. A being can be exterior to the
physical universe, but a body is part of the
physical universe, so that although a being is
innately omnipotent and omniscient, these
abilities do not apply to a person. It is not that
there is a metamorphosis from being to person; it
is more akin to a being getting immersed or
ensconced in a humanoid entity, thus
surrendering its ALMIGHTY powers.

It is the negative identities component of the humanoid entity,

which water down the being’s inherent abilities. Every negative
identity is limiting baggage. The biggest impediment to a
being is a body, but that is part of the game of life and
has to be accepted, but what does not have to be
accepted is the blunting of one’s power by negative
identities. The more negative identities a person eliminates,
the more the real self emerges – the more power they recover –
the more they are at cause over life – the happier they become -
the more that good things just happen – the more aware they
are about life.

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Every person is a potential Buddha,
for enlightenment is not confined to a
fortunate few. A being will never
create a negative identity but an
unknowing person will – this is the
dwindling spiral of existence that the
Mace Method reverses. If you did not
have a negative identity that became the effect of a situation,
you would not get upset and make another negative decision to
cause another upset in the future – this is the dog chasing its tail
– the dwindling spiral. Unfortunate but true!

The less negative identities a

person has the less likely they
are to get upset by life -
problems become non-
existent. Any situation in life
only becomes a problem when
you cannot accept it, when you do
not know what to do about it, or even whether to do something
about it at all, in other words you become the effect of it. A
person can have a problem but a being never! The ideal scene
for a person is to recognise what has happened or what is
happening and then do something constructive about it.

Rudyard Kipling wrote the following poem. It is one of my

favourite poems, which epitomises a person who does not have
problems, only situations to handle. Ignore the gender, it is not
sexist, it was written for his son.


- 21 -
If you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you

But make allowance for their doubting too,

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,

Or being hated, don't give way to hating,

And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master,

If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

And treat those two impostors just the same;

If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken

Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings

And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,

And lose, and start again at your beginnings

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And never breathe a word about your loss;

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew

To serve your turn long after they are gone,

And so hold on when there is nothing in you

Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

Or walk with kings—nor lose the common touch,

If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;

If all men count with you, but none too much,

If you can fill the unforgiving minute

With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,

Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,

And—which is more—you'll be a Man, my son!

-Rudyard Kipling ( 1865-1936)


- 23 -

I want to state that there is no ‘time’ for a spiritual

being – an energy unit – it is not subject to time in
its own right, because time is a function of the
physical universe.

I also want to indicate that a moment is a period

of time so minuscule that it is immeasurable and it
is immeasurable because it contains no time – it is timeless.

In my opinion, to help a person achieve certainty of their

timeless spirituality is one of the most precious gifts you
can give them; it takes them from “Believing” that they are an
eternal spiritual being to “Knowing” that they are an eternal
Spiritual Being. I call this awareness “Certainty of Self” and is
what is experienced rather dramatically during “out of body
experiences” and “Near death experiences”.

The natural and inherent state of a spiritual being, an energy

unit, is optimistic, ethical, happy, calm and loving etc, so that
anything in a person’s make up, which does not measure up to
such high aesthetic states is not them and can only be a negative
identity. When they rid their universe of some negativities, the
‘high’ they experience is a recovery of the awareness of their true
state as a spiritual being. I invariably say, “That is the real
you“- meaning of course they are experiencing an awareness of
their true spiritual state. Fortunately, people do not have to be
out of their body such as in a near death experience to be
conscious of their spirituality.

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Any time that a person feels euphoric– at peace with the world –
calm and serene, they have risen above most negative creations
in their universe and are detached from them - in control of their
lives. They are enjoying their own ‘certainty of self. ’

This is ‘the higher self’ so erroneously referred

to in some quarters – it is not a ‘higher self’ but
a self in a high euphoric but inherent state.
There are degrees of this sense of detachment
- awareness of themselves - so that in extreme
cases the being can be centred outside their
body and not centred within it. It is the
awareness of being centred outside of one’s
body, which is referred to as being exterior (from the body), or
out of one’s body where one can view one’s body. It is worth
noting that this viewing from an exterior viewpoint is a spiritual
viewing, a spiritual awareness, done without the body’s eyes. If
you are looking at your body you can hardly be using its eyes
can you!

All negative identities are created by the being, so that

there is nothing between a spiritual being and its
identities, in other words we are handling life itself. The
more negative identities a person dis-creates, the closer they are
to recovering their full potential as infinitely capable and
omniscient beings – an almighty being in their own right.

Theoretically, if we dis-created all our identities, good and bad,

all that would remain would be our invisible selves, for the dis-
creation process would also include the body, which after all is
an identity. From my viewpoint, by dis-creating all their
negative identities and retaining the pro survival ones, a person
would enjoy incredible abilities and serenity and would enjoy the

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game of life to its fullest. What this means is that the more
negative identities you rid from your universe, the more
you are in control of your life and the more that good
things just happen!

- 26 -

The word enlightenment means to be made aware of something

of which you were previously ignorant. However, enlightenment
is probably best known in connection with Siddartha Gautama,
the Buddha, for the word Buddha in his native tongue Sanskrit,
means the enlightened one or wise one. In this sense it is an
adjective, for it is descriptive of his state of awareness and it is in
this sense that the word is used in this article.

This begs the question, “What was he enlightened about?”.

“What was he aware of that separated him from others?” The
simplistic answer is that he was very knowledgeable about life,
that he was very wise about life. If you care to think about it, the
word “Life” is probably the most all encompassing word in the
English language which has a near parallel in the word “It”,
which is an enormous generality when used on its own, for
anything and everything is an IT.

Being wise conjures up the concept of wisdom, but if that is the

case why is it that King Solomon the great sage of biblical
folklore is not revered to the same extent. The answer is
Gautama had a special enlightenment, which was probably
becoming aware of his own inherent nature as a Spiritual Being
– no doubt he found himself out of his body and viewing life
from a totally objective viewpoint. Being detached from his
body gave him a viewpoint that has to be experienced for it to
be really understood – words are of the physical universe, not
the spiritual universe.

- 27 -
No matter how eloquent one is in the art
of speaking or writing, words are totally
inadequate. It is like attempting to
describe the difference between the taste
of pears and apples – they have to be
tasted to give complete subjective reality.

There is nothing recorded of which I am aware to indicate or

suggest that what Siddartha Gautama experienced was an “out
of body” experience, but there is no other logical explanation.
In my writings, the word Enlightenment is used in the sense that
one has become fully aware of one’s own inherent spirituality.
That you are a spiritual being and not a body is something of
which you are now totally certain. You have moved from
“Believing” to “Knowing” or from “Know about” to “Know”.

There is an incredible gulf between these levels of awareness,

which is best described as certainty of one’s spiritual nature,
certainty of what one really is. In regards to “Knowing” about
self, it is best expressed as Certainty of Self and invariably
accompanied with the thought, “I AM!”

The expression “I AM” is a self-awareness state providing

absolute certainty of a person’s spirituality and is how people
enjoying that state express their feelings about themselves. It is
an extremely high state of self awareness.

Above the self-.awareness of “I AM” is

the more sublime state
epitomised by “LIFE IS”. “I am” is
egocentric or single view-pointed,
whereas “Life is” is pan view-
pointed, in other words it

- 28 -
encompasses life in ALL its facets. The latter is a more
profound expression than multi-view pointed because as just
stated it is a viewing of life from ALL viewpoints. It is at this level
that a person accepts others for what they are without any
qualifications and with that degree of understanding comes true
bliss and love of one’s fellows. This does not mean you have to
like everyone you meet, like what they represent, agree with
what they do, but importantly, you do not have to dislike them,
have to oppose them or compulsively want to change them. It
does mean that they be accepted for what they are.

Very importantly at this benign blissful and loving level, the

question “Why” is non-existent. With the more profound
understanding of life lived from this awareness level a
person is devoid of any necessity to ask “WHY?” If there
were an answer it would probably be, “Because that is how it
is!”. All the questions in the world will not alter how things are
right now. Asking “why” is futile, because it will not and cannot
change what is.

Great inner peace is available to those who can truly accept life
for what it is and accept that it is what it is, without having to ask
such questions as:
“Where have we come from?”
“Who created us?”
“When were we created?”
“When will it all end?”
“Who created God?”
“Why did he create us?”

All the “Why’s” and “What if’s” are futile. Only when a person
KNOWS, as distinct from BELIEVING they are immortal
spiritual beings, will this inner peace come. Asking any of

- 29 -
the above questions is as futile as asking, “What came first…the
chicken or the egg?” for there is no answer. We are all
spiritual beings, we have always been here and will
always remain here and that is how it is. It could be said
that this is the bottom line of enlightenment.

This applies to every aspect of life, for all the regrets and
explanations will not change anything. “What is is” and “It is
what it is now” are synonymous. An expression popular with the
New Age movement is, “Being in the Now!” It is obvious that
this is their way of expressing the above two concepts.

It is suggested you re-read Kipling’s “IF”. To live up to the

challenges thrown out in that poetic masterpiece, one would
have to be enjoying “Certainty of Self”, accepting that life is a
game and to knowingly play it without getting reactive about

It is only conjecture as to the awareness level achieved by

Buddha, but it is fair to say he did achieve the higher state of
“Life is”, added to which was the ability to effectively
communicate his acquired wisdom and thus inspire others. A
remarkable feat when considering the limited means of
communicating available to him – no print media, no TV and no
radio – only word of mouth.

Many people suddenly experience ‘out of

body’ awareness in a variety of
circumstances, but for various reasons do
not discuss it. Fear of ridicule or fear of not
being believed would be high on the list of
reasons. By far the most rewarding of ‘out
of body’ experiences is when it is achieved

- 30 -
naturally and this is not uncommon when doing what is best
described as spiritual awareness exercises such as when
undergoing therapies to do with enhancing spiritual awareness.

An example of this phenomenon occurring is provided by a

person sitting in front of me who suddenly exuded a beautiful
demeanour, a kind of inner glow, a radiance and suspecting
what I prefer to call exteriorisation (being out of, exterior to one’s
body) she was asked, “ Where are you?” The most common
answer is something that indicates that a person is not in their
body but out of it and looking at it, but the answer was prompt;
“I am everywhere!” It was a sublimely beautiful moment to

Any experience of being exterior from their body gives a person

reality of their Spirituality – they then know they are a Spiritual
Being, an energy unit - which totally changes their attitude and
understanding about “life” and “death”, but it is the “life” aspect
which is of paramount importance in day to day living.

A common feature of exteriorisation is

calmness or a sense of stillness whilst separate
from the body. On the death aspect, no one
wants to die, but fearing death is another thing
altogether and this particular fear disappears
when a person KNOWS they are an immortal
spiritual being.

There are varying degrees of exteriorisation, depending upon the

extent to which a person feels detached from their body. This
can be anything from remaining in the close vicinity of the body,
such as in the same room, to being as far away as can be
imagined – space is of infinite dimension.

- 31 -
The act of ‘being exterior’ gives reality to the being’s ability to
permeate matter, for if they are out of their body they must have
passed through the body to be out of it. Just as light which is
energy, can pass through glass, and X-rays, another energy form
can pass through body tissue, so also can the energy known as a
spiritual being pass through or permeate matter.

What is interesting in using the analogy of light permeating glass

is in the fact of light being visible on both sides of the glass.
When a light is in a room, it can be viewed from outside the
room through a window and it will also lighten up the area
outside the room. This is exactly the same phenomenon as
applies to the human spirit – it can be both within and without a
body simultaneously. This is a form of exteriorisation, which is
seldom recognised, but is what the lady mentioned above

She is my daughter, eighteen years old at the time and

within 30 minutes had written this:
For Dad

I have always been here.

From yesterday’s past
and tomorrow’s future
through always today
until ever.
Below the warm earth,
Hibernation of the soul.
Skin and bone and 18 years of flesh and blood
My universe compressed.

- 32 -
without realisation,
So simple to forget truth, dream, vision, belief
The life.
Smaller and shrinking and too small to feel,
The pain is bigger than me.
Then the cool drenching of knowing.
A thirst for more to grow and to thrive
Reaching upward for the future and outwards for the past
More than survival, transformation into the new
Becoming Old.
Once again like I was, like I always longed to be
Return to Myself.
Love Bronwyn

- 33 -
Mind, Body, Spirit and Brain

The left-hand drawing shows the being centred within the head.
This is where the being is usually centred and located. The
being’s normal location in the head together with the mind and
the brain is the reason why the confusion exists as to the true
relationship between, Brain, Mind & Spirit.

The confusion is a natural result of the “Being” being invisible,

the mind being an abstract entity and the brain being the only
one of the three, which is tangible. The three entities,
although separate in their own right, are in such close
proximity that it makes differentiation difficult. As much
as this is now being written about in a rather matter of fact
manner, it must be admitted that in my own case, it was not until
‘exteriorisation’ was experienced that a full understanding started
to emerge.

The first step in understanding was the realisation that I was a

spiritual entity separate from my body. It was not until many
years later that the final understanding occurred – the complete
separation of mind from spirit.

- 34 -
Giving lip service to Mind, Body & Spirit as separate entities is
one thing and although being fully aware of my own spiritual
nature as separate from my body, there was still an undefined
and incomprehensible connection to my mind. It still seemed to
be a part of me, although intellectually I knew it was not. It is an
example of the difference between ‘knowing’ and ‘believing’ – or
‘knowing’ and ‘knowing about’ for they are poles apart in reality.

The final separation became real - ‘knowing instead knowing

about’ - in the same instant that the mind’s true role became
evident. Suddenly I was also separate from my mind as well as
my body and I knew what the mind’s true role was. There is no
time in the energy universe so what came first is purely
hypothetical. All I know is that having drifted into the timeless
energy universe the reality of being separate from my mind and
the knowledge of the mind’s true role was suddenly very real to

It is ironical that every person, without exception, uses at one

time or another the expression, “My Mind”. This is an unwitting
acknowledgement of the truth. The right hand drawing shows
the being again centred in the head but with the radiating lines
representing the Being’s awareness, extending infinitely beyond
the confines of the body. The Being is effectively exterior to the
body, hence the sayings such as, “I feel seven feet tall!” or “He
walks tall!” In both cases the person is exuding a sense of being
“Larger than Life!”. It basically means that the person
concerned exerts great influence and is admired for their
presence and charisma. Their self-assurance comes from a
degree of Certainty of Self.

In the Human Potential Movement there are other words with

the same connotation as Enlightenment, Ascension Experience,

- 35 -
Peak Experience and Higher Self. I do not see any fundamental
difference between any of them, although Higher Self does need
qualifying, as they are all referring to the same phenomena, but
there are of course degrees of experience.

The words Higher Self are really referring to the same

phenomena as the others, but with a difference of perception.
Higher Self is a contradiction in terms, for the word ‘self’ is
referring to yourself and there can only be one YOU, so the term
is a complete misnomer. A rational explanation is that the
individual has achieved or glimpsed a period of Enlightenment,
which is so foreign to their normal viewpoint that they feel they
are two different people. It probably seems that way, especially
when the two states are compared.

To fully understand this it is necessary to understand the

difference between a Being and a Person. A Being is a Spiritual
Entity, but a “person” is a composite of the entity plus all its
identities, one of which is the body. An individual is
generally so ensconced in the identities they have
created in playing the game of life, they have lost
awareness of their own Beingness, as illustrated by the oft
heard statements, “My soul’ or “My spirit”.

The words Soul and Spirit are synonymous for

the Being, but these are totally inapt
expressions because you cannot “OWN”
yourself, you just are! When a person says,
“My soul will go to heaven” or some such
phrase I am tempted to ask, “Where are you
going to go?” Whether I ask it or not depends
upon circumstances!

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“Out of body” medical experiences are generally aligned with
“near death” such as during a medical emergency, but they also
occur as the result of ingesting hallucinatory drugs. Quite often,
although making people aware of their spiritual nature, these
drug enforced experiences may have decidedly negative
connotations, but like “near death” experiences they afford
subjective reality as to one’s nature as a spiritual entity.

Some people experience periods of being out of their bodies as

a natural everyday event. Exteriorisation often results from
personal development procedures, which eliminate
negative areas of life and enhance positive areas of life.
It also results from a realisation about a profound truth
concerning some aspect of life. In these instances the
exteriorisation results from self education and/or realisations of
underlying truths concerning various facets of life and living, but
no matter what the circumstances, even if from unpleasant drug
induced experiences of exteriorisation, they totally change each
individual and it can be confidently stated that they are never the
same again. They view life with a completely different

The most common understanding of exteriorisation is when the

Being is aware of being detached and distant from their body,
but a Being looking down on their body from say the ceiling is
less exterior than a person who has
moved out of a building, or someone
who sees themselves above and
beyond an entire city. If you
extrapolate this, it is possible to be
exterior from the planet and even the
physical universe itself, in which case
the question, “Exterior from what?”

- 37 -
would be rather applicable, particularly as a Being can be
anywhere and everywhere.

Being exterior from the physical universe is probably what is

behind the concept of heaven, for a person’s death is simply a
permanent detachment from their body at which moment they
leave the confines of their body and can only be in the spiritual
universe. There is an interesting aspect to this, which concerns
the degree to which the being is separate from the trappings of
their just departed life.

There is much anecdotal evidence from past life therapies, apart

from my own experiences, of beings attending their own
funerals, or trying to communicate with loved ones. This is
probably akin to the religious state of Limbo where a person is
sitting in a “between state” of existence. They are in the spiritual
universe but still have their attention on the associates of their
previous existence. They have yet to fully disconnect from their
previous life. Only when they do this will they be truly in the
spiritual universe. This step is necessary before the next step of

There is no definitive answer as to how

long they remain “attached” to their
previous life, as evidenced by the
numerous ghosts, which inhabit various
locations for years and even centuries, but
the natural thing is to move on and
reincarnate. As regards beings hanging around, I am reminded
of a shipmate who was killed in an explosion. Aware that he
was hanging around and still coming to terms with the
suddenness of it all, I said, “Go and get yourself another body!”

- 38 -
and with that he just went, probably a little relieved and
surprised that someone understood.

As mentioned above, exterior awareness is often associated with

or is the result of discovering profound truths concerning life.
The profoundness of the realised truths governs the degree of
exteriorisation, for Spiritual Beings are inherently or innately
omnipotent and omniscient.

This again raises the question of the difference between a Being

and a Person. A Spiritual Being is omniscient and omnipotent,
but a Person is not. Their innate power and knowledge is
reduced by the negative identities, but a period of enlightenment
is a period when the person has been raised above some of
these identities. The number of identities overridden
governs the degree of enlightenment.

There is an interesting aspect of viewing from an exterior

position, which never appears to be commented upon by either
those experiencing it or their listeners. The ones relating the
experience invariably talk about being able to ‘see’ various
phenomena, but the fact that they are “seeing” without eyes
(they have left their body and are often
looking at it), never seems to be
mentioned. From this position,
viewing from outside the body, the
person cannot be using their eyes
because their eyes are in the body, which means that a Being
does not need eyes to be visibly aware of their surroundings.
Although the above is written in the third person it could have
been a first person account. On the same theme, a few years
ago whilst in the midst of a discussion about past lives, I found
myself “hearing” the creaking of a wooden ship; I had drifted

- 39 -
into a past life situation aboard a sailing ship. It is very real to
me that we only “need” our physical senses when in the confines
of a body and this opens up another line of future research, for a
“Person” needs eyes but a “Being” does not; a “Person” needs
ears but a “Being” does not.

To conclude this dissertation on a very practical level, the Mace

Method mission statement is ‘to assist people to be in
control of their lives and live their own dreams’. This is
achieved by assisting a person to dis-create their negative
identities and in that activity lays the seeds of personal
enlightenment for any person wishing to tread that path.

The principle underlying the use of the procedures developed is

that by removing the negative identities, which a person has
accumulated, the true self is exposed. The more negative
identities that are dis –created the more there is of the ‘being’
and the less there is of the ‘person.’ You do not have to create
positive identities; they are the natural positive attributes of all
beings, which is why it is only necessary to address unwanted
negative identities.

- 40 -
About the Mace Method

The primary discovery used in the Mace

Method is the existence of Negative Identities
(a newly coined word) and this, added to a
revolutionary understanding of the mind’s
function, challenges the very foundations of
psychiatry and conventional psychology.

All mental health research until now has been

concentrated on manifestation, but the 49 years of research that
produced the Mace Method concentrated on CAUSE, not on

It is generally accepted that life is composed of three elements,
mind, body and spirit, but the discovery of Identities introduces a
fourth element, so that life is really composed of mind, body,
spirit and identities. Identities are the missing link in
understanding life, in understanding human nature.

Identities are of two types; the knowingly created variety that

enhance our survival and the unknowingly created variety that
impede our survival. The former are an essential element in life
and we have always had them and always will have them. All
forms of energy are invisible and only detected by the effects
created. Gravity readily demonstrates this; you cannot see it, but
you sure know its there. Identities have never been
discovered before because they are purely energy and
thus invisible. That they are identifiable entities in their own
right was a discovery of astronomical importance. They form a

- 41 -
person’s personality and negatively charged identities hold every
unwanted aspect of that personality.

Creating Identities.
The source of Negative Identities is upsets, which is defined as,
“anything that a person would not experience by choice”. The
word ‘upset’ indicates that it is unwanted and irrespective of the
event itself, it is the unwanted feeling it naturally contains that is
of real importance. Although they are really clumps of
accumulated energy, identities are best likened to
ridges, which in the material world are caused by two
elements pushing against one another. Two tectonic
plates pushing against each other form the Himalayas and the
material in the plates forms the mountains. That is what
happens in our psyche; we naturally oppose every unwanted
emotion that we experience, creating a ridge of energy, which
contains all the unwanted feelings in the upset, hence Negative

The Effects of Negative Identities.

The computer virus creates havoc in computers and anti-social
individuals with the sole aim of doing just that create them.
Relatively speaking, their only shortcoming as far as their creator
is concerned is that their presence is glaringly obvious and an
antidote, to borrow a medical term, is quickly formulated.

Identities do not instantly cripple us to the extent that a virus

cripples a computer, instead they worm their way into our life
slowly taking control and creating unwanted situations, feelings,
attitudes and actions. However, unlike the virus, these negative
identities are UNKNOWINGLY created and worse still, it is we
who unknowingly create them! Yes, we create them!

- 42 -
That has a fortunate plus side, because if you created them,
albeit unknowingly, then you can also knowingly dis-
create them, provided you have the tools. The Mace
Method provides the tools. Although everything in our
personalities that we do not like are found in these negative
identities, the closest we come to being aware of them is when
we ask ourselves, “Why do I keep
doing that?” or when we have
inward thoughts such as, “I’m a
born loser!’ or a continuous nagging
sense of self doubt, “I am not good
enough”. You know these are
irrational but they are always there.

In life we seem to emulate a puppet show; the identities are the

puppet master and we are the puppets on a string! EFT, TAT
and the like have made inroads into the phenomena, but the
Mace Method goes to their very core.

Salient Points
There are many salient points in this method, but the first to be
discovered and from which everything else flowed, was the
discovery that the mind has the ability to create a mental
image to represent a concept. This is the cornerstone of the
method, for all negative identities are actually concepts, an idea
or notion about something and this is what the method
harnesses. If a person understands a concept their mind will
create an image, but the intriguing thing is that the image is
totally irrelevant to the concept itself, totally devoid of
rationality. As is said to clients, it can be anything from a donut
to a dinosaur, an ice cream to an oak tree!

- 43 -
To explain the mechanics of eliminating a
negative identity, let us use a not uncommon
concept – “I am not good enough”. The
negative identity holding this concept has to
have a location in the client’s universe and with
the client’s eyes closed and their attention on
the concept, a mental image will appear and
very importantly, the image pinpoints its location.

Whether the client feels it is behind, in front, below or above,

near or far, is immaterial, but by concentrating on the image, a
hitherto unknown law of energy causes the energy to be drained
off, thus neutralising the identity. At this point a client will laugh
at the idea that they are ‘not good enough’ for the very source of
this self-invalidation has disappeared.

Of vital importance is the fact that the two primary laws of

survival ensure that the client will NEVER feel that way again.

• Law 1. No one will ever knowingly instigate anything that

they know to be non-survival for them. (Rather logical, but
it has never been penned before)
• Law 2. A person is only affected by what they are
unaware of. (In plain language, if you know about it, it
does not effect you. An example - would you knowingly
put your hand into a bucket of boiling water?).

- 44 -
The “Method” and Science

Psychology in its present form, particularly when it was first

becoming universally known in the latter part of the 19th
century, was often criticised by established sciences on the
grounds that it was not a science. A real science they argued,
involved the study and research of tangibles, things that could be
quantified and measured with demonstrable results, things that
could be weighed, results that could be seen.

I recently heard an opinion that psychology was not a “precise”

science, implying that it was a science, although imprecise! In
some circles it is even disparagingly dismissed as a study of “rats
and stats”. It was lack of anything to quantify, anything to
measure and observe in the then recognised form of psychology,
which was a study of the human spirit, the psyche, that caused
Wilhelm Wundt in the middle of the 19th century to start
studying human behaviour in the hope of finding something
tangible which could be quantified. This developed into today’s

There is good argument for this “non

science” attitude because psychology
definitely deals in abstracts or intangibles –
you can hardly quantify human emotions
and aberrations, human behaviour and
attitudes, no matter what fancy names you
give to some of these anti-social/unwanted

- 45 -
Using the yardstick that to be a “science” the subject addressed
must concern tangibles, it seems that the Mace Method has
bridged the gap and brought the intangibles of emotional states
into the physical universe where it can be viewed and analysed.
What lies behind this statement is the utilisation of the mind’s
ability to produce an image of what the being has their attention

You cannot see a being because as it is composed entirely of

energy, it has no material substance; it is totally abstract and
intangible. When the being’s mind produces a mental
image, it has created something, which can be seen, even
if only by the individual concerned. If it can be seen it must
have substance, a necessary component of a true science.

As those who have experienced Mace Method procedures know,

the most abstract concept can be converted into a mental image,
thereby allowing the person concerned to view it in a material
form and it is only when thus viewed are they able to handle it.
This is the inherent difference between psychology, which deals
in feelings, thoughts, attitudes and emotions when it is compared
with the Mace Method, which relies on a client viewing a self-
created mental image.

Take a phobia as an example. In counselling the client is

encouraged to address their problem, address their
dramatisations using a multitude of approaches, but they are
continually addressing intangibles; unpleasant emotions and
unwanted attitudes, which can only be felt but not viewed. This
leaves the CAUSE of the problem buried in the psyche where it
remains unexposed.

- 46 -
The procedures developed have made the quantum leap of
locating the cause and displaying it as a mental image. The
cause is no longer a will of the wisp, but something, which can
be seen, something which has substance and which can be
handled and dismissed from the client’s personal universe by dis-
creating it. The procedures therefore certainly appear to meet
the fundamental requirements of a science, especially when we
use the words “dis-creating it.”

- 47 -

Once in a while a paradigm change of great importance comes

along - The “MACE METHOD” is one of them. IMAGINE your
life with no hidden blocks or limitations holding you back, also
being able to remain optimistic, cheerful while enjoying a state of
well being, plus enjoying the relationships you want. If you are
not happy with your life you easily can be. Remove the negatives
with the “Mace Method” and your true self will emerge with all
your potential at your disposal. It's easy and the results are
permanent. A common statement after a “MACE METHOD”
session is:


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

For about 6 months, I’ve had frequent contact with a delightful and
inspiring 81-year-old researcher, Dr. John Mace. I have studied his
materials and he has given me many sessions on my old stuff (pleasantly
gone now). And I’ve delivered over 200 sessions in many aspects of this
modality with others (mostly live clients). In the process I have become
certified. I consider the Mace Method to be a major advancement in
psychology, psychotherapy, and Energy Psychology. The method involves
no analysis; limited discussion; no tapping, poses, gestures, bodily postures,
or muscle testing; although I’ve been exploring if there is any need to
integrate the method with other approaches. I believe it is a stand-alone
method that relies simply on mental images and that it generally works
faster and deeper than other more complicated therapeutic methods. To
get a sense of this powerful approach, go to the link below to listen to two

- 48 -
interviews demonstrating this simple yet amazing method. My experience
with John’s approach is highly compatible with Energy Psychology theory,
although it is also quite distinct. Also my keynote at the ACEP Conference
this year highlighted aspects of the Mace Method and I covered a case
example. That recording is available through ACEP. I also highly
recommend John’s book, Don’t Think of an Elephant.


Fred P Gallo, PhD

60 Snyder Rd, Hermitage, PA 16148
724.346.3838 Fax 724.346.4339

(Letter posted on the Internet to a mental health discussion group.)

Dear Friends,

Imagine a young man laying on the floor of your waiting room office curled
up in a foetal position. Abused and abandoned by family, always the black
sheep he often says he wants to kill himself, calls 9-1-1 on an almost daily
basis and has gone to jail because of this. Tossed around from mental
health centre to centre over thousands of miles, because no one could help
him, nor could anyone keep him out of hospital for more than a few days.
Some suggested that he was beyond help, an institutionalized person, never
to stand on his own two feet again.
Yesterday, he was helped with a Mace Session. The emotions he revealed
included hurt and anger. Asked how he felt before the session, he said
“angry” How did he feel after session? “Excellent!” He said with a smile. I
was not aware before, that he even knew what the word meant, since
before hand he had been so low functioning.

- 49 -
He came crawling into the office and walked out like a man. Thank you Dr
John Mace.

Regards Robert Roerich, M.D Research Psychiatrist.

- And this American Suicide Research Psychiatrist wrote after adopting the
“Mace Method”
'Australian Researcher Dr John Mace's “Mace Method” advances
the effective treatment of emotional illness and heralds a
breakthrough of such unparalleled importance to be worthy of a


I wish to express my gratitude for the change in my health and well being
since my session with you in early July. To give you a little background, I
had suffered with Post Natal Depression since my first child was born seven
years ago. After my second child was born two and a half years later I was
experiencing severe exhaustion, panic attacks and anxiety. I was so bad that
I was unable to cope with looking after the children and travelled from
Melbourne to Perth , for help, from family, for a month to try and pull
myself together. The depression, anxiety and panic attacks continued on
and off for the next four years. I have tried everything from psychology,
acupuncture, kinesiology and hypnotism to ease my anxiety. After my
session with you I felt more confident and calm within. A lot of my anxiety
was removed and I feel I can cope with any stressful situation over which I
would previously panic. I also notice that my physical health and wellbeing
has improved a great deal.
Sincerely, J.S.


I am writing to express my heartfelt thanks for my recent telephone session.

I am amazed at how my sense of absolute DESPAIR and DEPRESSION
has been completely lifted and removed after your telephone session. One
minute I was back in the very worst feelings in my life and half an hour later

- 50 -
I was watching TV with my wife and feeling completely normal. Incidentally
I had felt completely overwhelmed several days before I rang you and in
the blackest space imaginable, thank you so much, sincerely B.D. PERTH .

A lady suffering depression reported a year later after only one “MACE
METHOD SESSION” “I have not had the slightest return of depression
since and I do not need anti -depressants anymore” Thanks Rebecca QLD

I wish to thank you for the wonderful changes in my life since having that
session with you. Over my life I have suffered with depression and anxiety.
I've tried many modalities to heal and change this condition, which has
plagued me; counselling, regression, group therapy, attitudinal healing,
breath work, bodywork, psychology, John Bradshaw family therapy and
co–dependence. They all helped to some degree but the depression still
reared its ugly head. After one session with you the change is so profound
that I have decided to train with you and become a practitioner, as it is the
only modality that has completely eradicated my depression.
Thank you with all my heart.

Note: Good as her word this lady is now fully trained and is helping many

From a young mother who had lost a son and then a husband in tragic
circumstances, she had been on anti depressants for 6 years. She wrote
after a Mace Session “I feel like a new person, confident about who I am
now, the depression has been lifted I feel as though I can handle anything
that is out in front of me. I am a lot happier about life and living. G.L . QLD


A Policeman suffering post traumatic stress, who had not slept nightmare
free for 2 years, the result of a shooting incident at work, he had even put a
gun in his own mouth to end it all. He said on an International Website
“One session of the Mace Method achieved what a long list of anti-
psychotics and depressant drugs could not, I NOW SLEEP NIGHTMARE
FREE. I once said I would sell my soul for one good night of sleep, I don't

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have to sell anything, I will be eternally grateful THANKS To Dr John


A client comes to mind, she was a lady in her early sixties, she came to
handle an inability to make her mind up confidently, causing her to be
stuck in life. The upset we handled was a trauma, which happened when
she was an eleven-year-old, their house was burned down, her young
brother was burned to death, she carried his body out which was in a
terrible state, quite a shock, trauma and loss for an eleven- year-old or
anyone for that matter.
After her "Mace Method" session with all the negative feelings and negative
Identities eliminated she not only said she felt great and free of the loss for
the first time, but she realised she had always remained the eleven-year-old
when trying to make decisions. She said, "You know I don't think I ever
grew up" . This bears testimony to the fact that we can really become stuck
in a loss or shock and its confusion along with the negative feelings and
emotions long after the incident.
Prior to the session she had been agonizing over a decision whether to re-
marry or not as her husband had passed away six months before. She had
had a proposal from an old friend who had lost his wife. Straight after her
session she stood up and said "Of course I am going to marry him, I've
known him since my school days, I couldn't find a better man!" With all the
negative effects of the trauma/loss gone she confidently made the decision
easily. M. Taree

NOTE: This example proves every life problem has a “CAUSE” - handle
the cause with a Mace Session and the effects DISAPPEAR.


'Thank you for helping me healing my addictions that have caused me so

much anguish for almost 15 years. The amazing thing is that I now have no
cravings. When you helped me to quit my smoking I was very skeptical that
I could ever truly not want them, but that's exactly what happened! Today I
don't want them anymore—and there is no struggle involved. I can also

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watch others smoke without feeling jealous or any other negative sensation.
My finances, health, self–esteem and general happiness have all improved
greatly and will continue to do so. I lead a more positive and productive life
now—something I have wanted for so long. Your unique method of
treatment has worked so rapidly for me and I am and will remain deeply
grateful. Thank you for helping me be more of myself.'
Love always, Lisa.

Note: Lisa's addictions had been marijuana and tobacco.


'I am writing to you to share with you the results of our sessions so far.
Firstly I am relieved of a more recent addiction, that of gambling. This
problem caused so many other stresses and upsets in my life and I could
never understand why I continued to do the very thing that was causing so
much financial hardship, guilt and grief. After only one session, that
problem has disappeared. Or should I say dis–created. Over the last month
so much of my life has improved enormously, I am happier, healthier and
enjoying all my relationships more and even seeing people through
different eyes. I realised the other day that I am even sleeping really well
now and have more energy to perform my tasks during the day and I wake
up with a great attitude. This technology is amazing, I am so glad that you
made it available to me.'
With love, A.M.


“I am an 87 year old woman who has harboured a guilt feeling over an

incident many years ago. After having this upsetting incident handled in a
nice way with a Mace Method Session, I can honestly say I am free of guilt
and can now think about the incident without pain. Also I am now sleeping
much better; this has given me much relief.” – T.V.T QLD

From another QLD Senior

“Just a small note to thank you, I have never felt so at peace in my whole
life - Thank you” - M.R. Brisbane

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'I came in with a big load, heavy and negative, dull lifeless, not knowing
how to deal with everything. I am going out a very positive loving person
who is going to stay positive and at peace. I can now take charge of my life.'
KS Coffs Harbour

“I feel I have come out of a shell allowing myself to be more open. I have
given myself permission to be me without hiding behind a facade. I have
expanded, I feel lighter, I am centred and much more self confident.”
C.P. Armidale


“Thank you so much for the phone session last night. I just can't believe that
something so simple can make such a difference in my own feelings towards
I have spent years and years going to one counsellor or another to
overcome the crisis's in my life and even becoming a counsellor myself.
Only this morning I got up and looked in the mirror and thought I looked
different and really liked the person I saw.
Thank you”


'Things are going really well at the moment. I don't believe I have ever felt
better in my life. I am a lot easier to get along with and don't seem to bother
about things that usually bother me and cause distress. I am being myself
and I am not so bad after all. Actually, people around me are laughing
more and everyone seems happier. This stuff is unbelievable. I would really
like to meet you properly one day and really let you know what this has
meant to my life. An old AA friend came to visit the other day and asked me

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why I don't go to meetings anymore. I answered, THERE IS ANOTHER
unfortunately she thinks that I am lost. I know that I am free. Well the proof
of the pudding is in the eating so to speak and my life will continue to show
more benefit and fruit than anyone who knew me before could ever
With love.

I am writing this letter to you to express my appreciation for helping me get
through a troubled time in my life. Prior to doing a process with you I was
very depressed, lacked confidence and was very lonely within myself.
Whether or not I chose to admit this at the time is a different story. This
process I did with you is about my usage of drugs. I really wanted to stop
using drugs but did not know how. You gave me a key for myself to get me
off drugs and since then I haven't had the urge for even a sniff of the stuff. I
just turned twenty and I had the most enjoyable birthday of my life with no
chemical intoxication whatsoever and I feel terrific. I haven't had any drugs
in twenty days and I now know with my confidence level as high as it is I
will never use chemicals again. Once again John I say thank you very much
for your help in my life.'

Note: Since writing this on 22.1.98 the person has not resorted to drugs.

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“When you are in a positive Vibration,

you attract positive things"
-Bob Proctor

Gold Coast Queensland Australia

Sherrie Hatfield – Advanced Practitioner / Cert. IV Trainer
Phone 07 5530 2861 (+61 7 5530 2861)
Mobil / Cell 0410 898 468 (+61 410 898 468)

Gold Coast Hinterland Queensland Australia

Nicole Vlug – Advanced Practitioner / Cert. IV Trainer
Phone 07 5545 2141 (+61 7 5545 2141)
Mobile / Cell 0403 055 330 (+ 61 403 055 330)

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