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Kaitlyn Webb



1. How did the relationship between king and Parliament change during the early 18c? What
role did the prime minister play in this change?

2. Why was the period of the late 17c and early 18c called the "Era of Salutary Neglect?

3. How did British officials in the colonies carry out [or fail to carry out] their duties? What
was the effect of their activities?

4. What was the Albany Plan of Union? Why did it fail? What did it reveal about colonial

5. How extensive was France's American Empire by the early 1700s?


6. What did the French and the British have to offer Native Indians?

7. What were the causes of the "Great War for Empire" [the Seven Years' War or French and
Indian War]? Why was it given that name?
The English colonists had taken some of the French land, and the French wanted it back. It was called this because
after, the English had gained a lot of land, as well as the French and Indians paired up on the same side against the
Kaitlyn Webb

8. How did William Pitt transform the war effort in America beginning in 1757?
William Pitt transformed the war effort in that he propelled the war forward and was not afraid to fight. He also
included George Washington in the war effort as well as ended up taking Montreal.

9. What changes did Pitt make in managing the war in 1758? What were the results of these
William Pitt built up the navy and made alliances with other world powers in order to ensure a victory; however, after
Britain suffered defeats,

10. What role did Native Americans play in the French and Indian War?
They helped out on the French side as well as modeled tactics for the French army to follow.

11. List the terms of the Treaty of Paris of 1763.

The Treaty brought an end to the French and Indian War, as well as ceded all of Canada to Britain as well as everything
east of the Mississippi River. Everything west of the Mississippi River was given to Spain as well as some Caribbean
islands and some places in the West Indies.

12. What arguments were raised for and against the post-1763 "territorial
imperialism?" How did this new policy alter British attitudes toward the colonies?

After Britain gained so much land from the French, the colonists began to realize that they wanted more independence.
Britain realized that they needed to rule with a stronger fist, resulting in bad conditions for colonists.

13. What were some of George III's shortcomings? Why was he the wrong monarch at the
wrong time for England in regard to its North American colonial empire?
Some of his shortcomings include his bigotry and amount of violence, as well as his poor decision making, which
contributes to the poor timing of his reign in regard to Englands North American colonial empire.

14. How did Prime Minister George Grenville change British policy toward her colonies in
North America?
Prime Minister George Grenville changed British policy be adding many acts, including the Stamp Act and the Sugar
Act, all resulting in more taxation of the North American colonies.
Kaitlyn Webb

15. How did Grenville's policies antagonize: northern merchants? Settlers in the northern
backcountry? Southern planters? Urban professionals? Small farmers? Workers in
Grenvilles policies confined the merchants and stifled the planters, professionals, farmers, workers, and settlers, etc,
from working as usual. They were forced to pay taxes on just about everything.

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