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Project 2 - Peer Review

How well does the writing answer the assignment prompt?
She answered the prompt very well, she talked about the students in China which is the community and describe how their knowledge
about other things like what did she mention news in nowadays

Does the writer follow the role of a reporter?

Yes, she did, she mentioned how the students replied in her questions and what did she also asked.

Does the profile portray a specific perspective of community?

Somehow yes, in this point I think she could out some pictures about the students in China and I would like from her to talk about
them more.

Does the writing focus on a specific community?

Yes, she focused on students in China.
Research: (6-7)
Is information from research & interviews effectively integrated? Does research enhance the individuals perspective of their
She explained what does community means in terms of the community that she reported about, and she support her interview by
giving the questions that she asked in the interview.

Does primary and secondary research provide helpful information and unique insight into the community?
The primary yes it does where the secondary just explained what does community mean.

Does the information enhance the writing?

Yes it does, her information is about knowledge and research.
Context: (6-7)
Is there sufficient contextual information for this audience to understand the individuals community?
Yes, there is. She mentioned what is the community is and she gave examples.

Are the profile and community essay clearly related?

The community essay yes where the profile does not as I mentioned she need to talk more about the students in China.

Does the writing provide helpful, relevant context for readers to understand this community?
Yes, the context is very clear and understandable.

Is there a unique, clear connection between the community essay and the profile?

Yes, like the definition of the community.

Organization: (7-7)
Is information focused and organized?

Yes. In some point Its totally clear and organized.

Are the community essay and profile focused and developed in a logical, purposeful, and engaging way?

No, she need to edit the profile and make it more appropriate with the essay.

Is the organization suitable for the rhetorical situation?

Yes, I like that she uses a lot of formal words that would be suitable for the rhetorical situation.

Are there clear connections between all ideas?

Yes there is.

Conventions: (6-7)
Do the profile and community essay follow genre conventions?

The community essay yes it does but the profile its not.

Is writing revised to be clear and precise?


Are the conventions (point of view, formality, and layout/design) consistent and appropriate for the genre?

She missing some conventions like the page number and her name.
Is writing clear, cohesive, concise, and precise as a result of thorough proofreading?

Somehow yes her ideas are connected but in some points its not.

Citations: (6-7)
Is all information accurately cited?


Are all in-text citations present and formatted in correct MLA format where needed?

Is a Works Cited page present with all entries formatted correctly?

No. because she didnt do a works cited page.

Total Points: 37 /42

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