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Begin Watching Video at approximately: 5:36

1. According to the video, what is the purpose of the heart?

2. The heart pumps what kind of blood to the rest of the body?

3. The Left Ventricle has _____ pressure.

4. The Arteries carry blood ______ the heart.

5. Which part of the heart has the lowest pressure?

6. Which Vena Cava collects blood from the upper body?

7. Describe the pathway beginning from the Vena Cava. Include the Atriums,
Arteries, Aorta, Veins, and Ventricles.
8. Draw a Loopy model of this pathway. (
a. Email link with you answers

Make sure to email your answers in the following format:

Subject Line : HeartVideo
Attach the document with the answers: StudentFirstName.LastName.HeartAns.doc

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