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Appendix II ANISOTROPIC MATERIAL 1. Anisotropic Elasticity Theory Anisotropic materials possess directionally dependent properties. Common engineering materials in which planes of symmetry exist are considered in this section. In order to present a generalised Hooke’s law for the various types of anisotropic material it is assumed that such materials are homogeneous; that is, the directional properties at a point in the material represent the directional properties of the whole element. Stress and strain are generally specified by second rank tensors. If such stresses are applied to an anisotropic body the resultant strain is such that all components of strain are linearly related to all components of the stresses. There are nine stress terms, namely Gxe+ Sys Ger Frys Gyr ees Sexy Gye» and oy. Referring to the x,y,z directions in terms of integers 1, 2.3, the generalized Hooke’ s Law may be written as: ey = Cyt bE = 12,3 a where C);., form a fourth rank tensor and are termed the material complianees, and ¢;; is the mathematical strain tensor. Similarly, the stress-strain tensor is given by: 6 = Ejutea hk T=1,2,3 2 where the E),,; are referred to as the material stiffness, or the terms of the modulus tensor. The tensors Ejjx; and Cjj,; contains 81 terms (3x3x3%3), and from the definitions of the components of the stress and strain tensors, the number of independent terms reduces to 36; that is: Cisne = Case + Cigns = Cries Contracted Matrix Notation The finite element theory given carlier is based upon matrix algebra and it is required to convert C,j,) from tensorial form to matrix notation. The tensorial relationship between stress and strain can be defined using matrices whereby the four suffices defining components of the stress tensors are abbreviated to two, observing the following scheme for redefining the pairs of suffices. A22 JE. Akin Tensor notation Il 22 33 23,32 31,13 12,21 Matrixnowtion 1 2 3 4 5 6 Also, factors of two are introduced to cater for the difference between the definitions of the tensorial and engineering shear strains : Cijtt = Cnn When m and n are 1,2 or 3 2Cija0 = Cnn Wheneither m or n are 4, 5 or 6 4Gijae = Cnn When both m and n are 4, 5 or 6 For example, the matrix component Cys would be equivalent to 4x Cy3,. The Cy matrix contains 36 terms, but due to the symmetry only 21 are independent; and because of Maxwell's reciprocal theorem this number reduces to nine independent terms. Thus, when contracted. the tensor equations reduce to a matrix and vector operation a G, (j= 36) 8 i and similarly a = Bye - a Note that in Eq. (3) and (4), the strains arc engineer's rather than mathematical. 3. Compliance Matrix Components Completely anisotropic materials are of little importance to the engineer, and the following section refers more closely to the field of composite materials. Such materials are often unwisely referred to as anisotropic which is a term embracing the most general case in which the principal material constants vary in magnitude and direction from point to point. In practice, materials usually exhibit planes of symmetry with principal constants not varying with position; these materials are more correctly termed orthotropic. It is normal to refer the Cj, matrix to the planes of material symmetry so that the components of Cj; refer to the principal directions of the material, also called the material symmetry aXeS Xp Yn» Zm (WHETE Xp, Yn Zn MAY also be defined as the 1, 2, and 3 axes). Here C” will denote C,, in the principal material symmetry axes, cr Ce Cy 8 08 0 ch ch 0 0 0 cy 0 0 0 ch 0 0 a ‘Symmetric cy 0 a The zero terms appear when the reference axes coincide with the material symmetry axes, otherwise some or all of these terms may be non-zero as a result of shear coupling effects. ‘This is the most general form of the strain-stress matrix when considering orthotropic materials. Simple relationships exist between the components of C” and the Finite Elemenis Ad3 clastic moduli of the material : Che W/E, R= = 1/Es3 = s1/E xy 6 Ch = 1/63 CH = 1/Gz3 where E), is Young’s modulus in the x, direction, Ey) is Young’s modulus in the y, direction, E33 is Young’s modulus in the z, direction, Gj, is the shear modulus associated with the %p_—Jq, plane, Gy is the shear modulus associated with the Xj, —Zjp plane, Gy is the shear modulus associated with the yy,—<, plane, viz etc. are Poisson's ratio values in the z direction for axial load in the y direction. The elastic ‘moduli of the material are normally determined experimentally. “The experimental values will have errors and must often be adjusted to make the determinant of beC” greater than zero So as to represent a physicall possible material. cas Generally Orthotropic Materials In the following discussion we shall say that a plane of material symmetry exists if the material structure is unaltered by a reflection across that plane. A generally orthotropic material is one which has three planes of symmetry and the compliance matrix reduces to nine independent constants given in Eq. (5). ‘Transyersely Isotropic Materials A wansversely isotropic material is an orthotropic material which is isotropic about one axis, e.g. a unidirectional composite. If this axis is the x,, axis (the ‘one’ axis), then} m0 me m Ca=C% C55 = Cos Chacha 2(CR ‘The compliance matrix retains its nine terms, but only five of these are independent : r m ci Ch Ch 0 o 0 aS 0 0 0 cH 0 o 0 n= cen : 21C3-CH) 0 0 ‘Symmetric cE 0 Ald I.E. Akin Square Symmetric Materials ‘A. square symmetric material is one in which there are equal amounts of reinforcement in one plane — in two mutually perpendicular directions. An example is a bi-directional tape laminate. If the reinforcement lies in the z, plane (the ‘three’ plane), then: ch=Ch, Ch=Cs. Cha CH. @) The compliance matrix retains its nine terms, but only six of these are independent : ch ch ch 0 0 0 ch Cy 0 0 0 ce 0 0 0 cts in Symmetric ch 0 0 cy oO Ces ‘The formulation of the expressions for the clement stiffness matrix, K, the stress- strain matrix D, and the initial thermal strain matrix eo are the only matrices affected by material anisotropy. To set up the D matrix for an orthotropic material, the elements of the compliance matrix C” are calculated since these are easily defined in terms of the material moduli and the respective Poisson’s ratios. Then C is numerically inverted to give the stress-strain matrix, D. Care is needed in defining the relationship between the structural (global) axis 1, , yz, Z, and the material symmetry axes %), Ys Zy- Ibis usual to relate the material x»), Jj, plane to the global x,,y, plane such that the principal ‘one’ direction and principal ‘two’ direction of the material (xp, Yq axes) lies in the x,. y, plane. The stress-strain matrix in the finite element stifiness expression is related to the stresses and strains in clement axes (xz, Yes ze)- When the material symmetry axes coincide with the element axes, the strain-stress equations in matrix form are Se oe By Sy Cpe : ) fe where the C,; are terms of C,, It is unlikely that the material symmetry axes coincide with the element axes for all elements in a given idealization. If the element axes are orientated at an angle 0 to the material symmetry axes, then the strain-stress matrix has to be transformed to give the modified compliances associated with the element axes. The transformation is given by e-TcT (10) where C* is the compliance matrix in clement axes and 7’ is the transformation matrix defined by the direction tensor relating the two axes systems. For example, ite Elements ALS m od H2mn 0 T nm? -2mn 0 —mn +n m?=n? 0 oO 0 0 1 where m = Cos 6, and n = Sin 6. The strain-stress equations then become : ee Ch Ch Cis Cis | [ ot S| _|eh ch c& ch] | os, ey Cio Cie Cos Cs | | ty ce Ch Ca Ce Ch} Lox where the C,; are components of C* 8. References [1] Hearmon, RFS., An Introduction 10 Applied Anisotropic Elasticity, Oxford University Press (1961). [2] Lekhnitskii, S.G., Theory of Elasticity of an Anisotropic Elastic Body, San Francisco: Holden Day (1963).

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