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Name/Descri Give the When and Aim of the How did/do the Document

ption of the instructi where the routine students learn about

(If possible, take a
EPC 2903 ons that routine is this routine? Teaching Practice Booklet
the used? (what student How is the routine photo of the routine
routine behaviour it reinforced? as it is happening,
uses (e.g. at the end hopes to
of the school achieve) (e.g. mentoring; classroom or of any display
day etc.; or to signs; reminders by the related to the
guide teacher; use of peer
presentations interaction by the teacher routine)
after group to promote such behaviour
work) etc.)
Sing the days They sing The teacher This routine As I observed I think the
and months the songs uses this used to let teacher sing the song
song after the strategy at the students and let students to
teacher morning review and repeat after her. She
ask what before she learn the reinforced this routine
day is starts her days of the by do it in the carpet
today? lesson. And on week and time instead of the
How the carpet months of assembly morning.
many time while the year. Because when we
months shes let them started the practice
do we to sit and days they stopped doing
have in a welcoming the assembly morning.
year? them.
she says
let sing
the days
of the
week and
moths of
the year.
Line up and go When This routine is This routine The teacher when start
to wash hands teacher used after the aims to let says stop and go wash
for the meal.
EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet

After the Task - Reflection

Reflect on the routine of the classroom and how it is was effective with the students? Explain how
this routine will affect student learning in a KG class.

The classroom routines are daily habits that students do it every day or that learned to do it. It
has benefits for students to learn and manage their behavior. As I observed, my MST used
many routines with students such as: the months and day, going to the physical room, line up
for meal time and bus duty. The routines are good for KG students that let them to be more
organized and managing the students behavior.
EPC 2903
Teaching Practice Booklet

Class/Year Routine Routine Routine

Learning Objective of Sing the Write the Using
the routine/procedure months of the learning reward
(what it hopes to year and outcomes on system to
achieve) days of the the board. encourage
week. students
Anecdotal Evidence
(e.g. pictures of your
class during the
routine; posters of rules

Place in todays class Every In all classes All classes

(when will you perform morning on English, that include
the routine) the carpet math, activities or
time. science and class
Arabic. outdoor to
manage the
Importance to the Its a morning Its let It
smooth functioning of duty that let teacher encourages
todays class students to know what the
active and she planned students
learns the and organize and let
days and the ideas of them to
months. the lesson. participate
in the class.
students to
work and do
How well did this Its works well It works well It a good
routine work in todays every day because routine that
class because shows how manage the
students the teacher students
knows organized. behavior.
already this
routine have
EPC 2903
Teaching Practice Booklet

be done in
the morning.

If you had to teach this I will use this I will write I will use
class over, how would strategy my reward
you adjust this routine because it outcomes system
and why works and and in the because as
they will not end of the I used to do
forget it. lesson asks with
students and students
be sure that that let me
my to manage
outcomes the time
achieved. and

After the Task - Reflection

Choose 3 best practices you observed during your time in school.
Reflect on these and consider why you could implement these in a
UAE KG classroom in the future. Explain how these practices will
affect student learning in a KG class.

In the future I will use the reward system, transitions and hands
on activities. I chose the reward system to motivate students and
let them be more active during the lesson. For transitions I chose
that because let students to not be bored from the class routine
and manage the time. For last one, hands on activities that
developed the physical skills on the students and use techniques
that include learning by doing.
EPC 2903
Teaching Practice Booklet

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