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SAP HANA Compression Techniques

World Population 6B
FirstName Varchar(30) 30 bytes = 30*8 = 240 bits

6,000,000,000 * 240 = 1, 440, 000,000,000 bits = 180 GB

First Name Varchar(30) 30 bytes = 30*8 = 240 bits

1 Column varchar(30) = 5,000,000 * 240 = 1, 200, 000,000 bits = 0.15 GB
2nd Column = integer = = 4 bytes = 4*8 = 32 bits * 6,000,000,000 =
192,000,000,000 = 24 GB

Total = 24 GB+ 0.15 = 24.15 GB general compression 7 times.

World Population - 6 Billion
Regular RDBMS storage technique in Disk.
First Name Varchar (30)

Space used in disk for single First name 30*8 = 240 bits
Total space used for 6b First Names 30*8*6,000,000,000 =
1,440,000,000,000 bits

1,440B bits = 180 GB of Disk

Every Column is divided into two columns
1st column will be same datatype and length with unique values
2nd Column will be of integer data type
As per research world unique first names are about 5 Millions
First Name Varchar(30)
1st column 30*8*5,000,000 = 1200,000,000 Bits = 0.15 GB
2nd Column 4*8*6,000,000,000 = 192,000,000,000 = 24GB

Total Space = 24.15 GB

7 times Compression

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