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A fox Called Hope

The night was still young however this was a phrase she would never truly understand,
she just wanted it to be over. The sky was as black as fresh coal and the moon was
hanging like a neglected picture, nobody seemed to notice it anymore. It was a quiet,
calm night and the dead where surprisingly still, but the anger swirling around and
around inside Hettys stomach would never be silenced by the relaxed atmosphere.

She missed the birds soulful tune and the childrens gleeful laugh but now the children
were as dead as her father, her mother and her brother, but they still wondered around
every single day, their souls a loss to this world but their bodies still wondered around
every single day, they were hollow shells of what once were happy innocent people, with
hearts that were half full with blood and half full with love. Oh how Hetty hated this word
but they were In fact zombies and she knew it was her fault. Small drops fell from the
skies above. She sat on the bench, even though stained with blood. Her head lolled
back and she allowed the crystal blue rain drops to smother her, it fell towards her with
open arms of comfort and she embraced the solemn gesture. It released her , the
relaxation and the cold sensation of the water tiptoed down her neck trying to release
the frustration.

In the distance she heard footsteps, almost a growl. Was it the dead? No, the steps
were heavier. She broke from the comfort and jerked her head in every direction
possible, until she noticed what was interrupting her. Two beady, green eyes stared back
at her through the black bush. Hettys blue eyes blinked quickly, trying not to miss what
she was seeing, but the eyes had vanished from her sight. She began to walk faster,
slaughtering the dead that got in her way, occasionally stopping to stare at the dark red
blood that once made up an innocent person.

Hope , her grandma flashed in her mind resisting these words to her, You must have
hope Hettys head shook in frustration. She hated the word; it was just a word that
breads eternal misery. It was too late for hope; too late to hang on to that last bit of
reassurance, it meant nothing to her. She set on speedily down the crumbling path,
turning to enter a forest after a convenient amount of time. She tried her hardest to take
in the fresh flowers as it was now the beginning of summer, but it was to difficult to
appreciate the beauty in the dark. She couldnt help but fell the focus of a beats glare,
the stare burning her back. Hetty turned around, a little too fast and fell to the muddy
ground beneath her. She stroked the soft green grass and blinked in shock at her fall. It
was darker now and it would only get darker as the night went on. She stumbled back to
her feet and saw to beady green eyes staring at her from only a few centimetres away.
The monster was now in clear view. It was a wolf. Its eyes bright green and its mouth
was dripping with drool; clearly hungry. Hetty just stood for a minute, she knew that she
wanted to go, she knew that she wanted to give up, there was no hope left for her but
then why did she begin to run as the wold started to walk towards her.

She ran as fast as she could, dodging trees and jumping over fallen logs. Her heart was
beating in her mouth, the blood was circulating around her head, causing he to breathe
heavily in response to this sudden change in medium. Hetty looked back at the beast,
its white fur was laying heavily on its back and the split ends struggling to stay secure.
The wolf was gaining speed and lunged at Hetty. The monster plunged its claws into her
ankles causing her to shriek. She felt her pale skin split and dark red blood ooze from
the open wounds. The beast flipped her over onto her back and suddenly all was silent,
she was now face to face with the monster but the monster no longer had a drooling
mouth, no longer large and hungry, it no longer had white fur but beautiful red locks, that
laid perfectly on its sleek body.

The monster was not a monster at all but a creature that stared solemnly into Hettys
terrified eyes. The creature was a fox and its gentle ginger hair laid perfectly on its sleek
body gently, rest its head onto Hettys. In that moment she felt pure, not confused, they
were connected and in an instant they both closed their colourful eyes and drifted from
this ruined world called earth. The fox was called hope.

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